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No. 165596
>>165587I don't think it's too cute, these cases are starting to be normalfag stuff
I'm a sucker for cute stuff (huge pink fluffy keyring, cute phone dongle thing, cute USB stick, phone case etc.) and all my mature, even older (30s) friends love this stuff. They don't think it's childish at all. I think it's pretty socially acceptable for women to have some girly cute stuff, as long as you don't go overboard with it.
If you dress business for work, have a mature handbag and shoes, a normal hair colour and work hard, it's fine to have a cute phone case and such. It shows a bit of your personality.
No. 165598
>>165590My office has an equal female-to-male ratio with both young people like me in their 20s and middle aged people. I work in a place full of people from finance and human resources and IT. Also I'll be meeting with shareholders so it's preeetty serious.
>>165593I'm a graphic designer so I wanna look more Steve Jobs than Pixyteri.
No. 165599
>>165594I just started my job this week, I want to make a good impression. I don't wanna become the Hello Kitty person pls. Not after high school. Not after uni. Never again.
>>165595You got a point. The indents for the strawberry seeds will probably make it look like a sea sponge.
>>165587Yeah, I'm heavily conflicted now of how much of the cutesy stuff I can hold onto. I don't want to just blindly follow the crowd and just have what everyone else has. I'm still pretty young and I feel like I only have a few more years of being able to get away with cutesy stuff.
No. 165600
>>165598Well not looking like Pixy is easy. Wear clothes that fit and don't think you can look like a 10 year old when you have the face of a 40 year old.
But really, if you're in a creative field, even in a stuffy traditional office, they expect you to be a bit quirky. Get the phone case, it's not too cutesy and I don't think you'll get horrifically judged for it. It doesn't scream toddler or anything so you'll be okay and not Pixy-like at all.
No. 165603
>>165602No offense anon but those are jobs that no one WOULD care. They're not professional jobs.
I'm assuming OP is
>>165598 going by how she replied to things, and a professional job where you will be meeting with clients and want to be taken seriously as a designer is not somewhere where you should have a cutesy taobao phone case. You can maybe earn that "right" once you've proven your worth but no, not as a new hire.
No. 165604
>>165587My phone case is one with pressed flowers I got from etsy, I don't think it looks too cutesy but it's also feminine.
You could always go with a solid black leather case, it looks pretty professional.
No. 165605
Y'all are a bunch of salty crusty old bitches, it's showing. OP, you can get something cute or pretty or whatever, just avoid anything CHILDISH.
I'm not surprised that everyone in this thread has a hard time separating cute from weeb desu desu horseshit. I feel like everyone here is talking about abandoning their embarrassing aidoru dreams instead of, you know, regular cute feminine adult shit.
Get a simple, but pretty colored phone case. Why are you gonna have it out at work anyway? Take it off if you're meeting a client and they need to see you phone for whatever reason. Wear cute earrings, add a cute coloured scarf or wear a pink button up under your skirt suit. Get a floral hair pin.
It's not impossible to be totally professional and adult, but also show a hint of cuteness. As long you talk with confidence, don't act like a doormat, and do your job, that baby impression is never gonna reach you. Act and show you're reliable and your subtle cuteness can become a charm point, instead of ammunition used against you when your shit at your job.
No. 165606
>>165603I understand what you're saying, so I don't completely disagree with you (though to call teaching and nursing unprofessional is a stretch imo). However, the point of my mentioning those jobs is that there is still some level of decorum required no matter what position you're in. We all know it's important for people to present themselves in the way their titles demand them to, but even I had to dress formally at each of those jobs, including the mediocre retail one, to be treated respectfully.
Having a phone case with Hello Kitty logos all over it could have been looked down on at my teaching jobs, specifically because of my age. I was already young, which made getting respect from students and veteran teachers difficult initially. To have them see me with a childish case
could have exacerbated the situation. It could be the same for anon, there are multiple factors at hand.
Anyway, phone cases are not a direct representation of a persons work ethic, abilities or even personality. The case is something she likes and she should be able to get it, it's an accessory, and unless she constantly had her phone out to play around with the case, I can't see how it would negatively affect her image.
No. 165612
>>165611Honestly, get off your high horse with this shit. It's pretty easy to see the age divide from thread to thread, older adults tend to be situated more in threads with people who they have been following the presence of online for years and general /b/ and /g/ threads, not ED and Berry threads. And even if they weren't, who fucking cares? It's natural to gossip and you don't stop caring about shit just because you get older. If you love/hate internet culture and internet celebrities you're going to talk about them just like any other celebrities.
Sage for off topic.
No. 165615
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OP here again, I've just had my first week of work and it's been really great. I've met the other members of my team and they seem to encourage individuality and don't mind everyone having their individual quirks so I could probably get away with a berry phone case. But I've decided against it since I want to try having a cohesive aesthetic with the rest of my clothes. I've been looking at eBay and found a few cases that are more mature but are still ones that I genuinely like. Anyway, this is my first real job and I wanna celebrate it by trying to be as adult as I can be and then maybe find a middle ground between youthful and mature that I'm comfortable being in.
I'll still maintain my appreciation of cutesy stuff for however long I want but I'll express it in other ways like through the shows I watch and other stuff I look at in my down time.
No. 165616
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Apologies for the samefagging, I also like this one too. Probably in either black or white.
No. 165618
>>165615This one is my favorite of the two, if you were looking for opinions.
I like this one
>>165616 only if you get white or black, yeah. Like, if your phone is white, get a white one, or black, get a black one. I think the texture would be cool. But that's just me.
No. 165619
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>>165617>>165618T-thanks anons. I just realised the metallic one is only for iPhone 6 so I'll probably go with the birds nest one or just a plain silicon one.
Going through the phone cases on eBay brought me great nostalgia about my weeb days. I'm kinda glad I'm over it. Pic related. I think it's cute but all kinds of impractical for someone old enough to have a smart phone at least.