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No. 165948
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>>165947Imo the pain is completely different. I do brazilian waxes regularly but feel like dying getting an epilator close to that area.
No. 165950
>>165943I've tried vax, sugaring, laser and razor.
For me, razor is the best.
Laser takes waaay too long time to work - you need at least 6 treatment to make it somewhat permanent, between each treatment you need 2 months pause, it's painful, it's bloody expensive… It's not worth.
Sugaring is much more painful that ppl promote, and to me it is always leaving red lush from pulling skin, and since sugaring makes haif softer because it's pulling root, once my hair starts go grow again, some of it can't break the skin so that hair grows under my skin - it's painful and it's ugly, and I have to take shatp scissors to cut my skin a bit to take that fricking hair. The cutting is less than 1 mm big, it doesn't leave scars or anything but still… What a hell, I don't want to do that effort.
Vax is faster than sugaring and I don't get lush from it, since it's faster so it's not that abusive to my skin; but still sometimes hair grow in after it.
Razors - I love them. I only use those for men (Gillete Fusion is my fav so far) because it's very hard to cut myself with it. It's safer if there are multiple razors (Gillete Fusion has 4 or 5).
No. 165952
>>165950Op here. Thanks for all the information!
I don't have a steady hand so when i shave I get cut alot Lmao. I guess I will give epilation a try
No. 165953
>>165952Epilation is good.
At first it seems like it really hurts, but by the 3rd time it's like… nothing.
It's weird how fast your body gets used to it. I was shocked.
No. 165954
>>165953Also vouching for epilating. It hurts the most when you're starting. I did it very infrequently (like once a year) but after my last try I noticed the hair barely coming back and thinner. The hair's been growing back randomly so I just epilate every few days when it gets long and it's completely painless now that it's picking up one or two hairs per area rather than everything at once.
After the first 15 seconds or so of pain from the first go I found it to be relaxing and kind of fun. Absolute godsend for me since I refused to wear anything showing leg due to dark stubble but am too pussy for waxing.
Armpits are still pretty unpleasant though I must admit.
No. 165956
>>165954Epilating my armpits is the part I look forward to the most.
idk if it's the same for you but I do it so regularly that I really don't feel much any more. the sensation of the hairs sliding out of my skin is actually kind of cathartic.
No. 165959
>>165958I don't but I know that epilating actually makes hair grow back finer and more wispier over time.
Maybe waxing would be better for you.
No. 165960
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>>165958K' so I just whipped out my epilator and tried it out on my arms, which are the extremely thin, baby-blonde type, and my arms are now as smooth as a dolphin. I think it must just be your epilator.
I use the Braun Silk-épil 5 but it's the only epilator I've ever had so I can't compare to others.
Even so I super recommend it. It has a light on the underside so that when you're epilating it illuminates any remaining hair, 40 tweezers and two different speeds that vary between "shit this is fast" and "so fast it'll likely open a black hole given extended usage".
It isn't chargeable but the cord is so long it's never been a problem for me.
No. 165966
Okay, so after reading this thread, I learned that epilating around your vagina is a crazy thing to do, but I have been doing it for a year. I do get my lips stuck and pinched sometimes, but its better than using a razor imo, you might cut yourself with a razor. Epilating hurts, but I find those numbing creams to be VERY helpful. Also, if you have the money, get laser epilations monthly. They are expensive but after a year or two, you get hairless just like a baby. It hurts less than epilators, kinda feels like getting a tattoo honestly. But you have to use a lot of numbing creams, otherwise its unbearable.
No. 165969
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Does anyone else get "strawberry legs" after shaving? I can't seem to get rid of them. It's such a pain.
No. 165970
>>165969Yeah and I thought maybe it was a "white" thing but you look pretty tan so this has relieved my racial concerns.
I can never seem to achieve that shiny, silky smooth appearance some girls have. Maybe it's all filters and they all have the thing thing idk.
No. 165971
>>165970no, sorry, it's not all filters, it’s real. my mother has smooth shiny calfs and my skin looks like
Thanks dad.
No. 165976
>>165974I've heard tale that exfoliating is the only way to get rid of them, I have them too. Italy towels after soaking in a hot bath work pretty well, it seems to be something to keep up with though.
I'll add that if anyone else has had success, please share ~
No. 165977
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I was wondering… how do pornstars get rid of their ass hair?
No. 165978
>>165976Funny that you mention the Italy towel. I started using one a few weeks ago and it's done a good job at getting rid of that "strawberry skin" thing you guys are talking about.
Not only that, but I've struggled with uneven skin tone, ashy skin, dry skin, bad circulation, and keratosis pilaris (arms + legs) since I was a kid. Just one rub down with an Italy towel has made a massive difference. My skin tone is a whole shade lighter. It's also more even. Like, my face, hands, torso, and neck are the same color for the first time in my life. No ashy or purplish cast anymore. Keratosis on my arms is in progress but looks 100x better.
I scrub with it once a week now to maintain. I'd really recommend trying an Italy towel at least once. The mitts are cheap and reusable. Just be sure to read up on how to use them.
No. 165984
>>165960I have the same one as pic related.
Works well, reasonably priced. You have to let the hairs get quite long before it works.
I rarely use it, pretty much only if I'm going on vacation and don't want to get stuck shaving in some weird foreign country with diseased water.
I prefer shaving. Epilating makes me bleed more than shaving ever did.
No. 165986
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Anyone tried IPL?
No. 165987
>>165984You bleed after epilating? That's very strange. I have the same one and I've never had that problem, and that one picks up my hairs even when they're really short. After my armpit hair starts to come in after 2-3 days of growth I can remove it all over again.
>>165986No but I want to, but I've heard things about people experiencing scarring because of this.
No. 165989
>>165986I don't know if it's similar but I tried the tria (pale skin dark hair so I should've been an 'ideal' candidate') and it was a total bust
Wish I'd returned it for a refund but everyone said you had to keep going to get results so I kept it being hopeful. Nope
My experience with any laser/laseresque at home treatment is to get it professionally done
Really pisses me off there's no better perm hair removal. I get some chest hair and a 5 o'clock shadow (hormone issues that have since been sorted out but the hair doesn't go) and NOTHING keeps it permanently away
I'm so insecure about it. I just want to be able to not wear make up. I'm so insecure about it I even cake on the cover up for bed to keep it hidden
Prof. Laser has worked the best so far, but nothing I've found is actually permanent which sucks
No. 165991
>>165986Yes I'm using ipl right now after I had 5 times of professional laser treatment because it's a LOT cheaper. I recommend it when you already had like 3 treatments because the IPL laser is much weaker. It's perfect for the face tho. And for scars and pain: professional treatment to me hurt so much. I have very dark and thick hair and I experienced that the thicker the hair is the more it hurts. At the spa I listened to music and chewed bubble gum to distract myself. My skin got really read and I had some scars where the hair was thick. They say you should stay in the sun or bath the places with soap after treatment because it hurts. After two days the scars were already gone. From IPL I don't get any scars but when I accidentally laser a place twice it can scar. Nothing permanent.
I'm always surprised when people say that they don't feel any pain from laser everyone's pain endurance is very different. For me it especially hurts under the arms :/
No. 165993
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I use hair removal cream on my legs and bikini line(it says to not use it on the actual labia etc area).
I shave my underarms because they've never had any pain from it but my legs get really irritated when I shave no matter how careful I am.
I was waxed on the bikini line once and it was horrible. I jumped which made my skin less taught and I ended up with lots of bruising. I've never been since.
Hair removal cream is great, there's never any pain and you can do it again in 72hours.
No. 165998
>>165997protip: don't
higher percentage of ingrown hairs
No. 165999
>>165998Well fuck.
I hate shaving down there, period. But I'm not going to put my coochie in a strangers face. I do fine at exfoliating enough and preventing ingrown hairs so I don't really have that issue. I just want to manage the pain, find the best type of epilator for that area, etc.
No. 166001
So I've always been very hairy and my body hair is thick and dark, which has made me really insecure. I've taken birth control pills for the past half year and it's really helped a lot, the time it takes for my hair to grow back after I've shaved it is a lot less now and my body hair isn't that excessive anymore and has become a bit lighter in color.
My armpit hair still grows back really fast though, so I have to shave it about every 2-4 days and I have a lot of ingrown hairs and razor bumps. Is it possible to use hair removal cream on the armpit? I've tried waxing multiple times, both professionally and at home, and it gives me really bad rashes and in general just isn't for me. Also how well does hair removal cream work on the legs? How long does it last and does it remove all of the hairs? I can get away with bleaching my arm hair as it isn't that bad, but having hair on my hands, knuckles and toes makes me feel really gross and unfeminine, so I'm wondering if it's possible to use hair removal cream on those areas as well and on the face, as I don't like having stubble.
I also have quite a lot of hair on my lower back, and I'm not sure what to do about it. It's a little less excessive and lighter in color after I've taken birth control pills, but when I look at it, it's still very visible to me and it makes me feel really insecure. I've tried shaving it multiple times before, but it didn't end up very well. Would it be possible to use a hair removal cream on the lower back?
No. 166008
>>166007I think you should try to epilate/wax/shave the area and then rub stridex in the red box over it. let it dry for 10 minutes then use unscented lotion if you must. make sure you rub stridex on it everyday after that (every day) 1-2 times a day. You can also add a sugar scrub 3x a week to that area or more if you can handle it (I also do this)
I used to get the same reaction as you in between breasts and bikini line, since I've been doing this it's been going perfect since ive been using this method. Good luck.
No. 166023
>>166022Thank you, anon
I couldn't bring myself to do the entire area (ass area and outer labia were just too painful) so I kind of have a weird, slightly lopsided landing strip now
No. 166026
>>166021High five, I just tackled that mission as well. But like you I wimped out halfway. Sometimes I can suck it up and finish the job but wasn't feeling up for it today.
Protip: Really make sure you disinfect the area well and wear light clothing for a couple days. I'm super prone to getting pimples the next day in every empty hair follicle down there and as you can imagine it's not the greatest feeling.
No. 166027
>>166000I don't understand how people can just not get any ingrown hairs when they shave down there.
When I shave my pubic area, I 1) Exfoliate 2) Always use a brand new razor 3) Use shaving cream 4) only go over the skin one time 5) Use non-scented lotion or coconut oil afterward.
However, without fucking fail, I get the gnarliest irritation and ingrown hairs. It's always been this way and I have no idea why. I'm scared because I think my bf prefers shaved pussy but I think that having a pussy full of ingrown hairs is worse than a neatly trimmed hairy one.
Thoughts? Experience? Would epilating help? Am I doomed?
No. 166031
>>166027The only exfoliation you do before shaving should be with something soft, like a loofah as you apply shaving foam. Scrubs can be too harsh, especially those where the particles don't dissolve.
The more serious exfoliation should be done seperately from the shaving. Otherwise you're just irritating your skin and making existing irritation worse. Plus, doing it straight after or before shaving isn't enough since it's when the hair starts growing back that you get ingrowns.
Gently dry brush a few times a week in a circular motion. You can get creams specifically for ingrown hairs that contain things like glycolic acid, but it depends on where you get the ingrowns because you don't want to use it anywhere too sensitive.
Also, which direction do you shave in? Try different directions to see what lessens the ingrowns.
>>166028Sometimes it's just shaving technique, but it's partly genetics. Hair type has a massive effect. People with straight, thin or fine hair are less likely to get them. People with thick or curly hair are more likely to get them. Some people just get them for seemingly no reason at all.
No. 166034
>skin got darker for some reasonugh
No. 166035
>>165943I do laser. Totally worth it.
I used to "wax". I'd get wax on my index and thumb after pulling a wax strip out and pull hair in groups. I couldn't do it close to the clit because it hurt heaps though.
No. 166037
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>>166036I don't shave, I use this. Lasts longer.
No. 166043
>>166042oh dear
didn't you do a patch test first?
I like waxing because it's fast. Ingrown hairs though, fuck those things.
No. 166045
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I got an epilator because a lot of you guys recommended them and I've never been so smooth and hairless for such long periods of time. My hair is coarse and black, so the blunt edge caused by shaving left me with really prickly, noticeable stubble after only 1-2 days. Now I can go a week without doing anything to my legs or armpits and touch-ups are quick and easy. I was hesitant to get one because I've read it's agonizingly painful, and honestly the first time is pretty bad, but after that maintenance is no big deal whatsoever.
No. 166046
>>166045Another Remingtonfag here. Epilators were the scariest thing before I tried it.
Surprisingly, I find it only tickles on the butt so you can always have a nice smooth butt. (It's much kinder for ingrowns after)
No. 166047
>>166046>>166045those look scary and terrible.
anyways, i shave normally, because plucking or waxing can cause dormant hairs to grow.
i'm slowly working on electrolysis for areas i never want hair. later on i will laser spots like my armpits and bikini area.
electrolysis is amazing, but your first few sessions are insanely painful. it can be pricey but after the section you want is clear its cheaper then going to the salon to get your hair done.
it's totally worth it and will save you money in the long run. also doesn't scar like laser.
No. 166053
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All right guys, your epilator talk has intrigued me and now I want one. Any recommendations? I'm willing to spend $40 because I want quality but I'm still kind of a cheapass. My body hair is pretty normal/thick, so that won't be an issue.
No. 166056
>long story short, I live with my parents and they're so greedy they don't want me or my siblings to take more than 2 showers a weekGood lord, what kind of shit is this? Don't you have any friends who'd let you bathe more often at their houses?
>more important question: how do I get rid of ingrowths? might have to pull them out
No. 166058
>>166057Cool thing about armpits (and pubes too, should you dare)
After doing the first hell session, upkeep is a breeze. All the hair should grow back at different times, plus it should be a little thinner, so at least for me it didn't hurt at all. Been a few months of upkeep and I never had another "oh fuck oh shit" experience as I did on the first day.
No. 166059
>>166054> long story short, I live with my parents and they're so greedy they don't want me or my siblings to take more than 2 showers a weekHoly fucking shit. What about asking if you can take a cold shower since it only costs money to heat it?
>>166055Not this anon but second this question.
Anybody tried laser for pubic hair? Was it worth it?
No. 166062
>>166058You weren't kidding.
Just went over my pits again, since there were some stray hairs and from another cycle, and I'm amazed at how quick the body can adapt to the pain.
Did most of my bikini line, but I'm struggling with keeping the skin taut, especially on the area close to the inner labia, so I just shaved that part.
Anyone got tips?
No. 166064
>>166060>small thin baby hairsI have none of those. My pubic has is all coarse and thick.
>They also don't laser every single area down thereMy pubic hair starts growing back within a couple hours if I shave and like this anon
>>166062 I get ingrowns when I epilate. I'd be happy if I didn't get 5 o'clock shadow in a few hours.