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No. 166165
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Definitely not this.
This is like a Japanese girl seeing an advert for butt implants in the West and assuming that's the nationwide standard.
The standard body aesthetic in Japan is typically slender and feminine but with enough chub to remain soft and youthful looking, but there are of course exceptions for every standard.
Also was it really necessary to create a whole new thread just to ask this?
No. 166173
It's not normal nor healthy at all.
being too skinny is ugly and unhealthy
No. 166176
>>166174Not from USA or even close to it. Please anon tell me any country where people would consider someone with this height and weight chubby.
>>166173170cm and 55kg is not underweight.
No. 166184
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They don't care as much as you think they do. The Japanese are too polite to say anything out loud, and unless you are telepathic, you won't know if they think you're chubby.
Japan isn't a magical land of super thin kawaii models. It is true that the Japanese are smaller on average than Americans, there are skinnyfat/chubby/fat Japanese people.
No. 166186
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>>166185Just by looking at those girls they look like UK size 10's
No. 166188
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>>166187but apparently this is the reality
No. 166190
>>166189Yeah, I heard that too. But tbh though when you think about it… weight is just weight? It can be lost, fat is fat. It's just fat! Doesn't define you really, just your size.
Life goes on
No. 166191
>>166190Tru dat. I guess it's us westerners that feel so bad about weight comments (and with all the body shaming that goes on, that's no wonder).
But it's def right, weight doesn't refine your persona.
No. 166195
>>166187with makeup and a wig, she could be very kawaii
(you know, double eyelid tape, fake eyelashes, heavy gyaru makeup)
No. 166196
>>166193There should be more body-shaming in USA.
Not to sound like a bitch but people here are so fucking lazy and sensitive they cry if you tell them they're weight and it's unhealthy.
You know your body is unhealthy, stop being a lazy lard and go lose weight or gain weight if you're a twig
No. 166197
>>166196*their weight is unhealthy
which if you wanna be confident being ultra fat or skinny, be my guest but don't cry when you realize most people arent attracted to you
No. 166203
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Asians and Westerners typically have different bone mass.
The girl on the far right is 161cm, 39.8kg and her face lost a lot of chubbiness for sure, and her hip and shoulder bones don't even protrude.
No. 166204
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While if a 161cm western girl with larger bones was 39.8kg, they could even look skeletal.
(Best pic I could find)
No. 166205
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>>166190>fat is fat. It's just fat!You go gurl!
No. 166206
>>166204Yeah I don't think there's anything wrong with acknowledging your own underlying structure. Some girls, regardless of ethnicity, can get away with being super thin and not look emaciated. I'm not one of them and I'm very short, so I quickly look childish (and am treated as such at work, not cool).
Finding what works for your body/comfort is a strange process. 5 years ago I would be flipping out if I saw this weight on the scale, but I know it's mostly muscle, I'm way more active. I've noticed my tastes in figures has changed too, I used to want to be as thin-but-not-sick as I could be. Now I'm liking the slim-fit look, which is more reasonable to me to admire.
Just gotta watch out for the health nuts…
No. 450343
I'm not a westerner but the place in China I'm from has a BMI standard of 18.5-25 according to the board of health. Also, 170 cm is normal where im from too. The southern areas have a different BMI standard.
Of course I'm pro skinny so I prefer to stay under 15.5 personally. But the majority of people where I'm from aren't thin.
Of course Asians and Westerners have different BMI standards but I don't think its that extreme of a difference.
No. 450386
The Japanese find smaller weights compared to Westerners fat not because theyre healthier or whatever delusional B.S Pro Japan people like to push but because East Asians have lower muscle mass than Western people, therefore giving them a lower threshold of BMI to be considered overweight (for them its 23). Indians have it even lower than Westerners, since its around 21 to 22 for them.
Notice how Asian cultures like very skinny women, but they also dislike athletic and fit women very much too? Ive seen more Japanese anime and models representing women on the chubbier side than athletic women at all. Its all related.
>>450343I can tell by you having to stay under 15.5 that you have extremely low muscle mass and a body that gains weight in the midsection area.
No. 450426
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>>450386Check out Ruka Tensho, she's a model who went from super skinny to obese and is now chubby but athletic.
No. 450462
>>450426Wow, she's completely unrecognizable from the left picture. Even her features look different.
As for this thread, jesus christ. Every time a 3 year old thread gets necro'd, I'm reminded of how demented LC used to be. We've really changed for the better.
No. 585243
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>>585214Bone density (what I'm assuming this anon meant) is generally lower in Asians but that doesn't have anything to do with how much your bones protrude/how visible they are. BMD is how strong your bones are, low density makes you more susceptible to osteoporosis and fracturing. Asians do tend to have a smaller skeletal structure in general though.