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No. 166320
>>166319Thank you anon. I was considering the alternate methods but knowing me I would burn a hole through my uterus, or something. I'm not regretting the idea of getting rid of it, I'm pretty firmly confident in not having a child, I just seem to have some angry, catholic grandmother in my head making me feel like a disgusting heathen for getting pregnant in the first place.
Thanks again. Needed acceptance cuz my brain wasn't giving it i guess.
No. 166321
>>166320No problem, just think of it like this if you start feeling guilty again- would you feel worse over aborting, or not being able to provide for your kids the way you wished you could? You can always wait and have kids when you're better off, you can't really undo a subpar childhood. Of course I'm doing a lot of assuming about your life and financial situation right now but statistically speaking, most young women who consider abortions do so because they can't emotionally or financially handle it yet.
The parsley infusion method is completely safe, but it's not guaranteed to work. I can't remember the success rate but I think it's around 80%? You can find it on google easily, and I'm sure there are other methods but if you have acces to the pill and a clinic with trained nurses then you should definitely go that route.
No. 166326
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I was in the same situation when I was 18. I live in a country with free healthcare, so the money was never an issue. I tried the medical abortion but it failed completely, so I had to go through dilation and curettage. That was probably the worst part of it all. I wish I could have gone through it at home. I did also struggle with feelings of guilt and depression for the longest time. Remember that if your situation isn't ideal for raising a child, you're putting another person with a poor start in life on this planet. There are enough people who resent their lives already. The child would eventually find out that you were unsure about having them. Even if you never tell them, they would figure it out through your attitude and behavior. Remember that you can always have children later and you won't have to worry about being ready for parenting. Make sure you have a lot of people around you, willing to help you cope with this choice. Consider going to therapy, if you can afford it. It isn't supposed to be an easy choice to make, but if you feel it's something you need to do at this moment in your life, you have no reason to have second thoughts. It's alright for you to feel sad or overwhelmed. Just don't blame yourself for this, it can happen to anyone regardless of how careful they are. I hope everything works out the best way it can, anon.
No. 166330
>>166329You're right, but people freak out about it and it's pushed as something horrible and sinful, murderous. It isn't though.
Anyway OP, relax, mistakes happen and you shouldn't feel bad about it. It's actually pretty common. Just imagine how worse everything would be if you went through with it, you have to do what is best for you.
No. 166331
>>166329I think about it like dodging a bullet. Your life is completely changed forever once you have a kid. You have a human being you need to raise and care for 18+ (let's face it, MORE than 18 years) and it's EXPENSIVE. I think more women should be encouraged not shamed for having abortions since it is the only choice for a lot of them. fuck the assholes who say "b-but adoption!"
Adoption is awful and the child welfare system is filled with creeps and pedos.
No. 166332
>>166331I want to clarify that I meant "putting up your child/baby for adoption is bad' not adoption in general. The system is corrupt and doesn't care about all the children who slip through the cracks. There are tons of unwanted children in this world who need good homes, especially teenagers.
no reason for women not to abort when this world is already overrunned.
No. 166334
>>166333You realize the only thing outlawing abortion will accomplish is make abortions unsafe and life-threatening, right? That's why Roe v Wade passed: women were dying of unsafe illegal abortions.
Jfc, stop fucking prioritizing non-sentient fetuses over actual women, and get your head out of your ass.
No. 166336
>>166334Shouldn't we then also legalize rape to make it safer ? Or legalize the underground trade in sex slaves to regulate and make it safer?
I dunno man
(same person) No. 166338
>>166335Pretty much this and it's garbage.I remember being 13 or 14 years old and being told by an older family member that the greatest joy in any woman's life is having children. I'm 31 now and still don't want children. I'm good. It's horrible how little girls are brainwashed from a young age with baby doll toys and other garbage.
I will always support a woman's life over a bundle of cells.
No. 166343
>>166342Thank you, sincerely. There were a lot of circumstances beyond my control like the rape and abusive boyfriend, but honestly even if those were not factors I'm sure I would still feel the same.
I was on the pill when this all happened. All I can say is unplanned pregnancies are fucking awful.
No. 166344
>>166340That's horrible, I'm sorry.
And it brings up another point: even ignoring all the issues with adoption that have already been pointed out, pregnancy can really fuck up your body (if not end up fatal) and something like that will always be an emotional burden. There's also the issue of the kid tracking you down and wanting questions answered, which is another big can of worms.
No. 166346
>>166340I'm really sorry anon. You are not a terrible person, and I have the same awful mantra going through my head.
This is OP again saying thanks for all the supportive stories and replies.
I have a supportive mother who was floored, but supportive. I've quit my meds and she has offered to pay what insurance doesn't cover. (She doesn't know that it's a loan that I will be paying her back.) I've contacted my previous job to work while I'm in school.. It sounds ridiculous, because this entire post reeks of the privilege and opportunity I had, can luckily use, and still managed to make a stupid mistake that the same women have had to deal with having no support. A lot of the shame comes from my mom paying for my stupid mistake, her being aware of my stupid mistakes, and being soul-crushingly aware of my status as a societal leech.
Maybe I'm just going off the deep end again, or being really emo. It'll be better once it's over but it's so far from over I'm just sitting on it. God.
No. 166348
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Has anyone seen the season 2 episode of 'Halt and Catch Fire' where Gordon Clark's wife, Donna, gets an abortion? It was sort of poorly written with the Planned Parenthood location in focus, but it got the point across to the audience.
I felt bad for her. She was juggling a struggling tech startup and two kids. Then Gordon makes a comment about having another child in the season finale and Donna starts bawwing in the lavatory.
No. 166354
>>166333I agree that it is murder, but it's sort of a necessary evil. Most aborted fetuses are of lower-class, single women without a mothering instinct in their body. Also, adoption agencies are awful and foster care puts kids at risk for all kinds of unsavory conduct. Not to mention sometimes they just 'lose' kids. Gods knows where they end up.
I still find abortion to be morally reprehensible and it's disturbing that girls my age think of it as no big deal, just like they think sex is no big deal. It sucks being a traditionalist in this amoral hedonistic society.
No. 166356
>>166354Seriously? You basically just re-worded the same guilt tripping bullshit that other person was banned for.
Most logical people don't feel guilty over terminating something that isn't even sentient yet or aware of its own existence.
I mean, how do you cope with killing bugs or plants?
Also, I believe you're over exaggerating how much "girls your age" think of it as no big deal. I don't think they're swapping out birth control for abortion if that's what you're trying to claim. But if you're suggesting that every girl who gets an abortion be overwhelmed by guilt that sends her into a severe depression, I honestly question your sanity. I mean, you just listed yourself a ton of reasons that abortion is often necessary and the only logical option, yet you continue to find it "morally reprehensible." I will never understand this sort of thinking.
No. 166359
>>166354i think abortion is evil but honestly most of the women who aborted were either sluts or trash so they would fuck up their child if they wouldnt or couldnt abort.
theres too many bad parents nowadays
No. 166360
>>166354feminism encourages women to be irresponsible of their choice and to sleep with everyone.
just don't hang out with teen girls or feminists and you'Ll be fine honestly
No. 166369
>>166356I live peacefully among my house spiders. Only bugs I kill are ants, fleas and mosquitos. Commies and parasites.
I find it rather crass of you to compare an unborn child (lol bundle of cells) to plants or bugs. I said it's necessary, I know that it is, but I still don't agree with the idea of it. It's like war or slaughterhouses, children starving in third-world countries; just because I can't do anything about it doesn't mean I have to approve of it.
Terminating a pregnancy should feel bad; I question your sanity if you think women should feel nothing at all for it.
No. 166370
>>166366I only posted
>>166354I am neither baiting, nor a robot.
Why is it crazy for a female to go against today's popular opinion and to believe in traditional values?
If you have sex, (Hopefully, in a monogamous relationship) a potential consequence of that is pregnancy. If you are not ready for kids then don't have sex. I know people can't exactly control themselves, so at very least be on BC, use a condom, pull out, frottage.
At the end of the day, sex is ultimately for reproduction, not fun.
No. 166371
>at the end of the day, sex is ultimately for reproduction, not funWithin the confines of evolutionary physiology that's actually an exceptionally debatable statement.
Were sex exclusively for reproduction, the existence of the female orgasm should by all rights entirely unnecessary, and yet there it is.
No. 166373
>>166371Female animals can also have orgasms. Maybe it's more of an incentive to reproduce. Women can orgasm without having sex as well and when it comes to human females, most are unable to orgasm from penetrative sex alone.
In my opinion, regardless of orgasm, sex is a way of feeling closer to one's partner.
No. 166379
>it's the potential for a human beingAnd what exactly is so special about that?
Do you realise today there are already more than 7 billion of us on this planet?
We're destroying our planet at an unparalleled rate with our very existence and inflicting untold horrors and agonies upon the rest of the lifeforms that exist here and you want MORE of us?
What the actual fuck is wrong with you?
No. 166383
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- Generally repulsed by own body
- I've basically had to wait 2 weeks before going to PP and getting the two part pill abortion. I'm going this Saturday.
Anybody have to "wait" to get one and go crazy?
No. 166384
>>166383Honestly being impregnated is like my worst nightmare, not because I wouldn't hesitate to gas the fucker immediately, but because the notion of having something growing within my abdomen strikes into me some real chestburster-tier terror man.
Anyway, isn't that pill supposed to make you sick as a dog a while after taking it.
No. 166385
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>>166382I'm already here, might as well make the best of it while I am, if only because my suicide wouldn't just affect me. It would effect my boyfriend and animals. Suicide would be an ultimately selfish move.
>Inb4 you can't be depressed if people care about you mental illness doesn't work that way.
Not going to lie though, if I had no ties I would just go off somewhere quiet and cease to exist.
No. 166388
>>166385Nah anon I know how you feel. I've struggled with being bitter about being born for as long as that thought formed in my head.
I've come to terms now that I've googled the fuck out of suicide methods and am pretty confident that if shit hits the fan I have a comfortable way out. Surprisingly, making that step towards actually having a plan has made me feel less inclined to do it. It's a comfort and calms me down when I'm going through tough times.
For now I'm making the best of my life. I'm chock-full of depression but every day I say fuck that and do what I can to make the people who love me happy and proud of me. But like you said, if the three people (and my pets) who would be devastated by my death suddenly weren't around anymore I'd be the fuck out of here.
No. 166390
I personally haven't had an abortion but two of my friends have. One because apparently abusive rapey boyfriend. She's hard as nails though and while odd, doesn't seem to care.
The second is heart breaking though. She was raped at her private school and thus left it to come to our normal non-paid school. She was in and out of psychiatric care after that; self harm, psychosis, the works. Not sure if it was related but she was pretty young (year 10/11 UK school wise?) and has always been meek, mild and sensitive. Poor girl. So from those two I know of, it can go two ways.
My boyfriend has a child by his ex. They put it up for adoption as it was too far gone for them to get an abortion. Her epilep meds interfered with her pill and they didn't use condoms one time. Pregnancy test showed negative, even her first doctors test showed negative. They met on a depression forum, so you can imagine the clusterfuck that resulted. They broke up about a month after the little boy was born and don't talk due to her being a complete psycho.
Boyf still gets updates from the adoptive parents (although he only knows first names and no location). Pictures of days out, what he's learning etc. He gets so sad about it sometimes it breaks my heart. He spent about 24hrs with it and named him.
So basc, while some adoptions work out lovely, it still has mental repercussions years later, as abortion can also do. Imho, getting rid of it before 'sentience'/viability/formation of nervous system is the best option.
I hope you feel better about it soon. Good luck.
No. 166391
>>166386Bad idea to play russian roulette and count on the off chance that the mother will be overtaken by hormones. If a person doesn't want to have children it's better to leave them the fuck alone.
Not aimed at you in particular, anon, as you didn't /actually/ say anything of the sort, but it's so strange (and annoying) how people get offended when you tell them you don't want kids.