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No. 166494
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>>166493that might have been a little harsh but im so tired of the baby grl nymphet lolita tumblr shit.
No. 166495
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>>166494o-mighty has disgusting clothes that i'd never wear but i love that stupid site. kind of wanted those ugly jean sandals just to gross people out and make everyone repulsed but ofc i didnt have the balls to get them.
No. 166496
None of those brands are alternative. Just overpriced and tacky Tumblr wear.
>>166495You can probably just DIY that shit. Not worth the 70-100 dollars they charge for their cheap-looking shoes.
And honestly, buying ugly shoes just to repulse everyone seems dumb as fuck. Buy actual nice shoes, instead of wasting money on ugly shit just in hopes of getting a reaction from others.
No. 166497
>>166489Ive opted for an open and active consciousness with my mortal vessel.
The act of covering our humanity with materialistic materials distracts us from immersing ourselves in the blinding joy of life and selflessly preforming our duties as servants to mother nature.
Only by realizing the truly oppressive and capitalist nature of fashion and choosing to guide my inner soul child onward from such temptations have I truly become free, my heart now soars high with the hawks and swims deep into the deep ocean with the orcas.
On the day when my inner soul child is released the golem shall once again sleep and my consciousness shall fly free in the arms of Our Great Mother.
Bless be peace on you.
No. 166504
>>166503ebay: i usually type 'harajuku' or 'punk' then look at related items.
stuff like 'harajuku' 'unif' 'american apparel' 'omighty' 'laser' 'punk' 'goth''platform' 'grunge''printing'
you can also type in keywords such as 'winter 2015' or 'fall 2015' to find trends from that year/season. most stuff on aliexpress will be titled like 'new 2015 winter harajuku womens laser printing bag goth grunge'
the store 'YOUR FOCUS' has a lot of knock offs: No. 166506
>>166505the worst part is that young girls want to be trendy, and with this nymphet trend going on i have seen many underage girls pick up that behavior. ive seen 14 year old girls who think it is the coolest shit to fuck grown men. this occurs in feminist spaces as well and as soon as someone say anything its kinkshaming.
grown women who want to pretend to be kids? fine whatever, but making it a trend is harmful in so many ways.
No. 166509
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I think the only sensible way to describe true alternative fashion would be to go beyond what the mainstream considers alt fashion, and go into the really bizzare shit, like rockabilly or raver/goth fashion
Hell, I was just in this store today in Rotterdam and was more impressed and interested with the items in there than the usual boring """alt tumblr""" fashion: No. 166510
>>166509>petticoats>bustiers>slogan teesall i can see is a more expensive version of hot topic back in its heyday.
i remember i actually used to be nervous going in there as a kid.
No. 166511
>>166509> looks like garbage.
>rockabilly and raver/goth>bizzareIt's like I'm really in 2006.
No. 166513
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I enjoy things like pic related. I really like black layering and I feel like I dress fairly close to this, but I can never seem to find pieces in stores to help me achieve this style. I also don't really know what this would be called…so I'm having trouble finding outfit inspo pics. Does anyone know where I can find black clothing with interesting fabrics and cuts?
No. 166518
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I love shit like this. The official brands (W.I.A., New Jurk, Dog etc.) are way too expensive for me so I'm looking into cheap stuff that gives off the same vibe.
If anyone knows a store that sells stuff similar to this, I'll love you forever.
No. 166520
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>>166497i love you
and op you can make this stuff for so cheap yo
No. 166521
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My roommate just made an order from Killstar.
One of the shirts came in way too small for her, so she gave it to me. Normally I love gothy/witchy stuff, but…man. I don't know what to do with this thing, I feel like a total edgelord with all of the occult gibberish that's on it. Pic related, I've got the short-sleeve t-shirt version of this.
Is this what goth is coming to nowadays? or is this just tubblr influence?
how do I wear this in a way that's not totally off-putting? is it even possible? maybe that's the point.
No. 166522
>>166521Most of these brands have blogs on tumblr so yes
I hate how they are trying to make their clothes as edgy as possible and overprice them
tbh I'd just wear it on a pair of black leggins, but then again I got no real sense for style and everything I own is black/grey lol
No. 166526
>>166509How old are you? Not to to be a bitch, but you can't possibly be older than eighteen. You seem to believe that tumblr fashion is what people consider alt fashion when it really isn't, tumblr is not normalfag but it's pretty mainstream.
What you posted IS what the mainstream considers alt fashion, and none of it is new or especially bizarre. Fashion is not like music or literature where you need to dig reaaaally deep and in order to know the ~tru obscure~ stuff.
Actualy, lolita remains to this day as the most bizarre style I've encountered. It's not obscure but it's so fucking outrageous, and to add to that, some people actually wear it on a semi-daily basis…
No. 166527
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>>166526I agree. What they described as 'truly bizarre' just reminds me of the stereotypical cheesy 'goffic gurlll' stuff.
>>166521Then we've got this. The use of occult symbols for no apparent reason other than to be 3edgy5me is incredibly annoying. Why is this popular?
Is satanism trendy now? Why is satanism trendy? I see all these girls walking around with Baphomet necklaces and Leviathan crosses on their shirts. Most of these girls are definitely not satanic and if you asked them about it they wouldn't know the difference between LeVeyanism and Anti-Cosmic Luciferianism. I asked a girl a few days ago if she was a satanist (she was wearing a shirt with a large baphomet on it) and she quickly denied it. "No I just thought this looked really edgy and cool" …..? why? I don't get it.
But anyways…
Why is it popular?
I wish we would see more things like pic related and
>>166515 instead of the edgy tryhard 'I'm so spooky and different' clothing. It's less juvenile. In ten years
>>166513 isn't going to be embarrassed by her style.
No. 166528
>>166527>I just thought this looked really edgy and coolDo people seriously, unironically say something is edgy as though that's a good thing? I'm not a native english speaker.
And, well, it's popular for the same reason spikes and studs are (were?) popular. It's threatening, hardcore, and edgy because you know OMG DEMONS R SO COOL.