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No. 166637
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I concealed carry a 9mm XDs (pic related) every time I leave the house. Feels good to live in a state that requires no permits, licenses, or anything.
No. 166640
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Right now I just carry mini deodorant with me as a cheap pepper spray alternative, but I think about asking my local dealer about selling me some brass knuckles. We got a shit ton of foreigners and I go home alone at night, so I'm pretty fucking scared
No. 166644
>>166640>deodorant sprayThis won't help much. Real pepper spray, isn't just annoying: it's immediately incapacitating. Imagine someone grinding up a pepper way hotter than a jalapeño, turning it into a liquid, and spraying it in your eyes.
You should get real spray. An ineffective weapon is worse than no weapon.
No. 166647
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>>166646I'm not the person you're replying to but I have one of these keychains and they're perfectly legal in most states. I've never had to use it, I have no idea how effective it'd actually be, but it's cute and makes me feel safer.
No. 166648
>>166646Brass knuckles will not break your fingers after you punch someone with them. Their legality varies from place to place.
They're very effective, I still have 4 lumps of scar tissue many years after being kidney punched by someone with them. Problem is you'd need a lot of force behind the punch and/or put it in the right area to stop an attacker.
No. 166650
>>166643>Also have a XDs!Where do you carry?
I know most men carry around 4'o clock, but I hear that's dangerous for women since baddies may ambush us from behind. I'm debating appendix vs cross draw.
>>166649Are you worried about purse snatchers?
No. 166651
>>166647Ayy i got one of these too. I was thinking about buying pepper spray but for now i have the pink cat keychain and a gorgeous mermaid pocket knife.
Pocket knifes are illegal in my state but everyone seems to carry them anyway.
No. 166652
>>166650>Where do you carry?Depends on the outfit and the day (i.e. what I'm doing, etc.) Usually 11 'o clock (I'm a lefty), or 8 'o clock.
If doing outdoors stuff (in non-populous areas) I just OC at 9'o clock, usually with a full size XD in 9mm.
Appendix carry works well as long as you're comfortable enough sitting down and all that. Works fine for me, others have difficulty though. Thankfully the XDs is pretty small so you shouldn't have much difficulty at all.
Cross draw is frowned upon by many simply because you have to reach farther to get it, but if it works for you, do it. I don't think it really matters carrying 4'o clock for women, because I think anyone would be pretty fucked if ambushed from behind, regardless of where their gun is. Just carry wherever is most comfortable/concealable for you, and try to maintain awareness of your surroundings, i.e. listen for people walking behind you, and such things.
No. 166656
>>166655Shiiiet you're in Germany?
Is it really as bad as it seems over there?
What's the general populace's consensus on Merkel at the moment?
No. 166657
>>166650No, I use purses that I can keep close to my body.
Also has anyone used the safetrek app?
No. 166666
>>166665A quick google shows it to be a helpful app to quickly notify the police that you are in trouble.
>So they can show up 15 minutes later and find you bleeding and comatose on the groundIt's still simpler than calling 911 I guess
No. 166671
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>How do you guys protect yourself when you go out alone at night?
By not going out alone at night tbh
No. 166674
>>166643What if there's not just one opponent. What if the aggressor has got a partner right behind you.
Carrying a weapon could easily turn against you, unless you're effectively trained and strong.
Btw ayyy in my state even pepper spray's illegal, but I fucking don't care and carry it around anyway. I'd rather be fined than be raped
No. 166675
>>166655it is possible to order them online?
stay safe m8
No. 166676
>carrying a weapon could easily turn against you, unless you're effectively trained and strongI really hate this argument because at the end of the day even if their were two-men about to tag-team me I'd still fare better escaping from such a situation with a weapon as opposed to without. I'd rather take that chance.
At any rate, these kind of low-life criminals are usually complete cowards.
If they attack you and you pull out a knife and manage to filet his mate he's not going to want to stick around and attack you further or stay and try to help his friend. The first thing on their mind is escaping capture so they're going to scramble and fast. They're not going to try and continue to mug/rape you whilst their accomplice is on the floor wailing and bleeding out.
For me being raped is the kind of thing that would ruin my life and likely end up with me in prison though. I'm so prideful a person that if that happened to me I would never be able to let it go, I'd live the rest of my seeking revenge in the most heinous way possible, legit keeping my attacker chained to the floor in a basement and coming down every morning to remove a fingernail, tooth or a strip of flesh-tier revenge, beginning with his castration.
I wouldn't be able to control myself, it would totally consume me. I would rather chance this kind of situation with a knife because it wouldn't be the rape that ultimately fuck me up, it'd be my actions following it.
No. 166677
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>>166674The point is you're even more screwed if you're unarmed. Being armed means you have a chance to escape
>>166676Good thing about a gun is even if you're small and petite, you can still make a massive 200lb rapist play catch with bullets
No. 166678
>>166676>>166677Thing is, if an unarmed man attacks you and you pull out a knife, and he's stronger than you and manages to take the knife from your hands, he'll be mad as hell because you tried to kill him. So he would not only rape you, but even kill you. I know that it's unfair and you can feel more safe with a weapon, but I was just pointing out that in real life it could turn against you.
A gun is better though, as long as you know how to use it and keep it hidden.
No. 166679
>>166678If an unarmed man attacks me, chances are, especially in the UK, he's not going to expect a 5'7", well-dressed woman in her mid-20's to be carrying a fuck-off huge knife and he's likely gonna end up full of holes.
Adrenaline really is a marvel, and when engaged it really doesn't take that all that much force to slide a blade through the skin, the fat and the muscular wall and, if you drive deep enough, potentially exposing the organs. Even if you're unable to position yourself so that you can inflict this, even getting through the skin you're bound to hit a few veins/nerves enough to produce shock in your attacker.
A wound like that can be made quickly and succinctly proving you have the hilt of the weapon in a position on your body that renders it easily accessible to you when in the process of being restrained. A leg holster is always a good idea, especially if you wear skirts/dresses.
A gun is also better, but again, UK.
No. 166680
>>166679Okay what's the deal with the UK and guns?
I think we're way to lax in the states, but I can't help but think that someone using a gun for self defense is less dangerous than a thug with a knife. Maybe I watch to much ID but all those cases where people use a knife as murder weapon
shudder there was one case where a woman killed her husband with a cheese knife. Poor bastard. I think if gun laws were stricter and people didn't cut corners there wouldn't be an issue.
No. 166681
>>166680We're a nation of historically and culturally repressed peoples so it would make sense that our government would take drastic measures to repress the peoples from potential uprising by restricting such weaponry, which forgive me if I'm mistaken, but is effectively the entire basis for the 2nd amendment in the US constitution?
That being said I don't think that the restriction on firearms in the UK is that bad a thing as it means as citizens we're free to wander as we please without the fear of a bullet suddenly severing your spinal column out of nowhere, but the restriction on literally ALL means of self preservation are retarded and nonsensical as it means that the only ones who are inevitably going to carry things like knives on their persons are people you'd least likely want to encounter with a knife, i.e. criminals and degenerates.
No. 166685
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If you get an opportunity be so, would you want to be /k/awaii? No. 166688
>>166687You guys fucking scare me
I blame the popularity of American culture for why London gangs are so desperate guns as status symbols, no thank you
No. 166689
>>166688>live in an area with 70% gun ownership>0 mass shootings everYeah, be very afraid!!! The spooky gun boogeyman might get you!
Weapons have been a status symbol for thousands upon thousands of years. They are a tool of self-sovereignty and, when applicable, sovereignty over others. In a society like the one in which I live, it's a non-issue. People aren't going crazy with gun crime just because they have easy access to weaponry, in fact we have less gun crime than many parts of Europe, even with vastly more guns.
Those criminals in the UK have guns, even though they are illegal. You have no guns (i.e. useful ones for self-defense purposes). Really all they've done is disarm the populace and make you more susceptible to criminal activity, which is more of a side-effect of them making sure the populace will not be able to do anything about a corrupt, tyrannical government.