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No. 1668197
>>>/ot/1638502Discuss art and related topics such as:
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art
Articles about useful resources for improving one's art: and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix
>useful youtube channels>where to find art>other useful sites OF THESE BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE AS FREE PDF FILES ONLINE, GOOGLE AROUND.
also check e-hentai No. 1668296
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Really disliking this trend of talking about artwork like it wasn't made by another person, most of the qrts are completely braindead. No reading comprehension to be seen and someone even said that it's "odd" that they made the second one have Hitler's favorite colors or something when the hair is a reference to the show. And of course this has 4 times the likes of the op.
No. 1668304
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>>1668296i knew this would happen when they ''confirmed'' they were black…ninjas…that are also goddam turtles. They have been despicted as white/asian/black before, they are fucking turts. I wish these idiots would leave tmnt alone.
No. 1668325
>>1667782NTA but I'm bookmarking this, thank you nona!
>>1663202AYRT. It's up to you, chain block extension caps your block at 200 so I usually run on accounts with less followers than that. If someone raises so much redflags you wouldn't want their followers who obviously just their friends who enable their mentally ill behaviors. Chainblock has options to make exceptions of your followers and people you follow, so you will be fine.
>>1667713>>1667821To the latter anon: Your attitude is the reason why artists complained about entitled fans in this thread.
Now, this will be my last time explaining this since we're already on a new thread. Some people want to curate their timeline, notifications, the kind of people they interact with. If your asian artists haven't gatekept you yet, or even more friendly to you when you speak English to them: Good! I hope you stay in good terms.
And then there are artists who have tried everything: mute, turn off notification, turn off comments, block and private their account and they cant control how people interact with them. It can get really socially isolating when you turn off all your communication options too (eg, FOMO kicks in and you miss a notification from a mutual, or someone you wanted to impress) Unless you've done this yourself, you don't know what you're asking of others to do it.
TL;DR people can get overwhelmed, read people's profcard, don't spam engagements. There's a term called "Sorry for the silent follow" (無言フォロー失礼します) that's usually a signal that their fandom prefer discreet interactions.
Hopefully in the new thread I don't have to overexplain these basic things again. Have fun browsing arts and be nicer next time, art anons.
No. 1668383
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Have any clip studio nonnas switched over to PS to paint? CSP is pretty badly optimized for anything that requieres big brushes, so i wanted to switch over to PS for painting.
No. 1668384
>>1668296I have such a kneejerk reaction whenever I see the crying or skull emoji now kek
It immediately lets me know that person is going to say something pants on head retarded and/or be annoying
No. 1668397
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>>1668296Some of the replies are so stupid it's funny. Like this one. Why would the artist gaf?
No. 1668472
>>1668443They won’t know for sure, but to add, being ambiguous and letting people assume you’re a man also comes with its own issues.
I’ve been assumed to be a male, called a faggot/degenerate and judged as if I were a part of some weird male hierarchy for drawing “emasculating” content. As if I were doing it to be a subversive troll trying to upend the patriarchy.
I’m sure these same men would accuse me of being part of a feminist/lesbian conspiracy if they knew I was a woman, though.
No. 1668476
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I am going fucking insane trying to understand how the fuck figure drawing works. I know it takes time and practice but i have tried several times and i still freeze whenever i have to draw a figure because i struggle figuring out where to even start. I tried hampton and i cannot understand how to make his method work on models that arent contorted like a pretzel.
No. 1668511
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>>1668476Start with a line / circle and line anon!
No. 1668562
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>>1668432I feel you on this. And most of the female erotica artists either turn into gendies making t-dick yaoi or do "malegaze" works.
No. 1668574
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>>1668569I don't know but I'm gonna explode the next time i see vulva art labeled as tdick. In all honesty, erotica/drawn porn space is so misogynistic it's hard to not become a self hating female artist the longer you stay in it.
No. 1668575
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>>1668529I'd say it actually depends on who you hang out with, your hobbies, etc, rather than your sex. I'm
>>1668471 , I've never had many friends so my interests are more "organic" than people who have been or are part of social groups for most of their lives. If (for example) your social group is marvel obsessed neckbeards, you will end up with similar interests and your art will reflect that.
Its no different than women ending up with handwriting like pic related because back in their grade school days, all their friends or the girls they aspired to hang out with wrote like that. Women don't naturally write this way.
No. 1668622
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There are people who genuinely belie that larcyboy isn't a TIF
No. 1668632
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>>1668622She's interesting to me because she possesses the aesthetics of both modern and old-school fujos. She's modern because she's into many degen modern fetishes that are sadly common, but old-school in that her tops are classically attractive, usually fit and lean young men who aren't the usual faceless 7-feet-tall muscle beasts who only care about raping.
No. 1668745
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>>1668622is that art older or did she regress?
No. 1668751
>>1668622I know lacry’s gf and that’s a bi male, she’s
terf aligned/friends with rads. both are tranny critical so it wouldn’t make sense for him to be a troon lol
No. 1668755
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I hate how she's pornbrained and a gendie but I love the softness of her faces and bodies.
>>1668751Was this a parody then?
No. 1668763
>>1668752It wasn’t tranny related, that’s a femboy character. he deleted it because trannies took it over. I recall this art he made of a character bullying another and calling them “so ugly they look ftm”. This is still up on his account, im pretty sure.
>>1668757You can just look up the people the gf are following and not be annoying.
No. 1668778
>>1668771yeah, lacryboy's art is just way too feminine
>>1668745 and specially being a dano fangirl is so incredibly fembrained.
No. 1668789
>>1668781I think thinking of a binary gaze thing isn't helpful especially when "femgaze" isn't as distinct as malegaze. You can try analyzing what you like about "male gaze" aspect of your drawing and stripping it down to the bare essentials.
i.e: chikan -> forceful touch -> passionate and focused touch to the object. It's what I did trying to slowly decoomer my brain. Otherwise, know you're already a better person than a moid because an average moid wouldn't even have the guilt lol. You can also just do whatever you like as the nonas have said.
No. 1668814
>>1668325>FOMO kicks in and you miss a notification from a mutual, or someone you wanted to impressCraving this much validation yet
triggered by receiving too many likes, amazing.
They are no different to me than autistic teenagers with long DNI in their bio who get
triggered when they encounter someone who kins the same character as them. You are free to invent rules in your head and block half the internet based on your autism, but nobody is rude or lack basic "etiquette" for liking posts, get a grip. My original point still stands, twitter allows you to mute notifications from users who aren't mutuals, just pick who you want to follow and all this minor issues you mentioned are solved.
No. 1668905
>>1668843I even try to make frequent reels but sometimes its shown to 0 people, so not even showing up to my followes. My account isnt restricted at all so thats not the case.
I miss the deviantart days. I had more engagement then despite making way shitter art.
No. 1668910
>>1668715nta but man, i actually liked desikeera's art a lot aesthetic wise but i always felt weird for liking it because of her blatant columbine ocs.
i really like art with some modern obscure themes and gore but most of the artists i've found who fit that criteria are weird groupies obsessed with columbine or irl killers like dahmer. it sucks.
No. 1668965
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>cutting off communications = social isolationHolyshit, all you could get from that is somehow wanting some sort of interactions from people you want to interact with = autistic minors DNI list? At this point I think you just want to be rude. Weird projection or just bad reading comprehension at this point.
Now I feel like the rotoscope anon that had to respond to everyone's posts from the last thread now. I did like some of her explanation but some of you are just so close-minded and feel Oh so persecuted when someone, took their time, explain things you weren't familiar with.
Bye bye art thread, been fun giving anon advice here and there. These baits are now testing my nerves too. Peeeeace out.
No. 1669093
>>1668296i never got into tmnt but aren't they raised by a Japanese man(who turned into a rat) who migrated to America? plus they are ninjas which is a Japanese concept. I feel like if they are coded as anything it would be Japanese since so much of their imagery is rooted in Japanese culture. At the end of the day they are turtles so people can do what they want when humanizaing them.
I like these designs its shame that the artist is being called racist for them. The second one doesn't even look white he looks race ambiguous. This is obviously a case of people being jealous of the artist so they make up some stupid reason to cancel her
>Hitler's favorite colorsThe person who said that could easily just had made a regular accusation of ignorance but instead chose to imply that the artist was a nazi for drawing blond hair lol. what an odd thing to say
No. 1669143
>>1668824I feel that a bit sometimes. I think it's what
>>1668843 said but also I think insta is trying to make itself even more algorithm based. You might have noticed they shat up the hashtags by getting rid of inverse chronological order when searching hashtags. They're making it much harder, if not in some cases almost impossible, to look for stuff you want to see on your own. Insta wants to make people dependent on the app spoonfeeding them algorithmically selected content, so you basically have to hope that insta decides your art is reccomendable somehow.
Tumblr is currently the least fucked alternative. Aside from twitter and reddit I think the only other options are niche art sites like artfol (kinda dead because of the devs retarded decision to launch it first as a slow ass app) and inkblot, and really really small classic forums, like crimson dagger and wet canvas, or the rare surviving fandom forum (like the sailor moon forum). I can't vouch for any of these, though, and I don't think they're very viable to use in the same way as standard social media.
No. 1669321
>>1668569Because a lot of people are very very vulnerable to peer pressure and conformity. In women (generally urban, western women of all colors) it tends to be expressed in cliquey ways, and in men they tend to do things that are physically risky and focused on overtly one-upping each other. Women also try to 1-up each other but it's more subtle. Like, most of the time men are not aware that when a woman is upset by him "mansplaining" it's because he did something to damage her facade and make her look or feel incompetent, which lowers her status among her peer groups. Because appearances matter more than anything. Men by contrast are more likely to care about results. It's why impostor syndrome is so common among men - even if a man is getting results, he may struggle with feeling like any of it was his own effort.
A lot of the nonnas in these threads fit the bill too, fretting about "should i X?" because of caring about how others see them and getting the most/bestest support group while also worrying about getting people upset enough to cancel them.
A good deal of this comes from the infantilization of children. You know the whole thing about dads being overprotective of their daughters? At the extremes it results in very insecure, "bitch princess" types - you know who I am talking about there. That used to be excludive to girls, which was bad enough, but since the late 80s helicopter parenting became way more common so boys became raised in similar ways. And they ended up behaving similarly, though filtered through a male lens, like your average male vegan, but sometimes results in incels or the cringe men who want a wife to also act like their mom.
A lot of zoomers also had unrestricted internet access on top of this, cause genxers are tech illiterate as all hell.
Anyway this is all to explain that the stuff you see in this anon's post about handwriting
>>1668575 extends to other things like manner of speaking, art, music, and dress/aesthetics. The last of which is what a lot of gendie bullshit ultimately is. It takes a very strong will to resist when your friends start going "fuck capitalism fuck gender" because you need to be able to stand alone and find new friends in many cases when such things happen. And as I outlined, the way a lot of people were raised means they don't have the emotional maturity to stand alone - hence the plague of transtrenders. Among other annoying internet subscultures.
No. 1669393
>>1669143I thought wet canvas died
>>1669351Lol you think they know how to code ?
>>1669093Once you go black you can never go back because you’re a racist lmao according to Twitter. I didn’t even see Leo in that, just Ralph, two Mikes and Donnie.
No. 1669419
>>1669393OK, fair LOL they'd rather spam hot takes and start fights on Twitter than learn any kind of markup or even fuck with a WYSIWYG editor that would give them something start from.
Also, WetCanvas is very much alive. Looks like they're using a new skin. I may start lurking again because I've learned a lot of things from just lurking.
No. 1669431
>>1669351>>1669393Deviantart or pixiv are a compromise as well.
Complaining when people talk to you on twitter when you share art there is like bringing food to a party and then complaining when people talk to you about what you made. What the fuck do you expect from a microblogging site designed for people to shit out their thoughts impulsively??
No. 1669571
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>>1668397Blacktober is ending "because of the state of social media" (some people are big ol meanies) meanwhile these same people literally just harassed this tmnt artist out of the fandom. You can't write this
No. 1669627
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>>1669593reminds me of this.
No. 1669760
>>1669571Thank god its ending I hated that trend so much. So many people treat black people as
omg they must be protected and they're soooo rareee and most of the time they draw stereotypes it's so tiring atleast draw a original black character instead of projection on another character or are you saying black characters have no personality?(besides the obvious ones)
No. 1669770
>>1669760It'll still probably continue as a hashtag but not a big event helmed by a random on Twitter. So it might still exist but I'm hoping it won't be as obnoxious. It always felt restricting like you couldn't be a part of blacktober if you weren't only drawing black people or drawing race swapped fanart.
I think the issue with being outwardly a black artist is everyone just expects you to only draw black people or "your story". So I'm hoping it fades into obscurity.
No. 1670199
>>1670151What the fuck, I'm sorry that happened to you nona. Depending on how big your following is you can't argue back even if you want to because other people will get mad at you for sending your followers to harass them because followers = power in terminally online brains. And there's no winning with idiots like that, they'll say how stupid you are for caring so much and will feel like they won. The most you can do is screenshot, remove names and call her a hobbyless loser. Or express how sad it made you to get attacked baselessly
I'm the same in terms of socializing though. I found that the best way is to only reply to comments on your art and to mutuals and block anyone who annoys you. Personal posts should be kept to a minimum, unless you're okay with absolute freaks being able to read it
No. 1670391
>>1670151>I'm the type who just posts art and leavesThat's actually good for your account growth. If you retweet or chatter or like other things a lot then you get corralled into the pen of "normal users" that twitter is set up to drip-feed ads to. If you just act like a brand account by posting things and leaving regularly, and only ever replying to people who reply to you first, you get boosted. Well, that and be verified on top. And if you're doing business on twitter, blue is a writeoff.
>inb4 people mad at elonDon't use twitter if you don't like him that much and just post on a different site.
But you really wanna socialize off twitter, or using a personal account instead.
No. 1670467
>>1670151>is it some online lesbian thing to be overly hostile and act like you're better than everyone?I don't know how to exactly describe it but particularly in fandom art spaces there's been a growing trend of teenage girls and emotionally stunted adult women turning polilez and using lesbianism as an outlet for their rage and treating it as a cool independent girl club rather than a sexual orientation which is why they talk over more experienced lesbians all the time, very much like what happened in the 70's.
They're drama-addicts because both Tiktok and Twitter algorithms encourage such behavior and they have to be "on" at all times so they are always looking for reasons to start an internet fight as it's the only thing they can "contribute" to engage with the fandom, most of them don't draw or write or when they do it's actual kindergarten tier low value doodles. I've witnessed it happening on Lolcow a lot as well, you can just smell the k-pop PFP from a mile away. It sucks because everyone knows they'll start dating a moid later on and then try to wipe out all traces of their mean lesbian era.
No. 1670526
>>1669755This is neither here nor there, but when you're disembarking a plane, at the end of the flight sometimes the pilots stand at the door of the cockpit as you leave.So you do see them at some point.
Nonas, I wanna get my art channel on youtube rolling but I just hate the landscape of video right now. I'm inundated by hyper, over-edited dumb shit that I'm not sure if anyone will ever see my simple, mostly chill videos. I also am not interested in showing my face but i don't know how to get around that. I'm not trying to make a living off this but I do want to be seen. I don't wanna use shorts. What do you typically like out of an art channel that's not tutorials?
No. 1670576
>>1670526Most art channels I watch don’t show their face at all.
You should try and figure out what audience/market you’re trying to target. If you just want to make chill videos then you could draw while talking about your day, the piece, what inspired you etc or you could just put nice music with minimal commentary.
Most people in this thread probably watch art videos to learn from. Doesn’t have to be instructional (like Proko), they could be speed paints or “draw with me” type of videos.
There are other audiences that just play something to relax or focus like the “study with me” pomodoro timers.
Personally I love watching artists that talk about projects they’re working on, I assume it’s like a pseudo-portfolio or an ad.
No. 1670838
>>1670830Very wise,
nonnie. Maybe you're right.
No. 1671010
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I made up a xitter account to try to force myself to draw more. Wish me luck, I really wanna improve. Art is the only thing that keeps me on this earth and being mediocre at it makes me really depressed.
No. 1671596
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>>1671567how about something like this? i cannot understand how she choose the colors on it. I know color theory is a thing and i understand it, but i still cannot panthom the idea of how someone can come up with this color palette
No. 1671603
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>>1671596Just to clarify, I understand it's a ''triad''color scheme of orange/yellow/blue, but i am talking about the process behind mostly. It's hard to explain but i get the theory behind, just i dont understand how someone can execute it. Sorry if it sounds like insane rambles(they are) it just one of those days where i cant stop thinking '' i dont have the talent and no matter how much i grind i will never achieve my goals''
No. 1671678
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>>1671603I'm guessing that it's already just what she's used to, so she can pick these colors without thinking more about it. Study her and others work and try to incorporate more interesting colors into your own pieces bit by bit. Gradient maps can help a lot, you can use them once you've got local colors and then paint using that
No. 1671680
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>>1671678Doublepost. A lot of artists with these bright color pallets are basically reinventing the Hensche method
No. 1671761
>>1671759Now I'm just reminded of the nona who suggested a booru.
Nonny please tell me you're still thinking o doing it!
No. 1672093
>>1671812no one does, the thread is barren
>>1671850/ic/ is not terrible if you ignore the shitty bait threads and stick to the draw generals, at least you get honest opinions there
No. 1672135
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I know ''the grass always seems greener on the other side'' but i feel so jealous of Japanese art communities. They always look so comfy on their tables with cute doujins and charms and other cute stuff, and i love when they post the gifts they got from fans after the con. I also really love to watch old convention footage when i want something comfy and i am so jealous of when they visit the artist alley and all of them are 'normal' nerdy guys/gals that are super skilled and mostly sell original work, their tables actually look interesting instead of just being prints of the same 3 shitty popular animu with the same generic kawiwi moeblob artstyle, and not a single tranny/rainbow flag in sight. I dont know, i miss going to cons but its not the same anymore, in general its just not fun to be part of a fandom anymore thanks to trannies, grifters and zoomers sucking the fun out of everything.
No. 1672522
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>>1672135Western conventions are just peoples' celebration of their Favorite Brands. The only reason the Artist Alleys still exist is because removing them would make it blantantly obvious that the whole event is a massive advertisement.
I don't actually know how and why Comiket avoided this fate and is still so creator-focused.
>>1672285/ic/ is shit because it's filled with people using it as a place to anonymously dump their insecurities instead of drawing, and those retards also take bait really easily
No. 1672529
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>>1672135Literally every time I see pics of their booths I long to browse.
No. 1672555
>>1672522I guess the difference would be the mindset. I've noticed that especially Americans talk a lot about art being their job, how they draw flavor of the month shit for prints and how they are always making new trinkets or working on commissions and have no time for personal art because of it. Of course there's no possibility of making doujins when you live like that, those take a lot of time and dedication and it's not certain if it'll ever pay off. A lot of east-asian fandom creators do sell their stuff very cheaply in comparison and I've seen some companies outright state that they don't allow fans to make a profit off of their related products. It feels like the difference between a soulless job and being passionate about a hobby if that makes sense
>>1672546Maybe try artfol? But it won't bring in the same numbers as insta
No. 1672733
File: 1692706308678.jpg (Spoiler Image,133.39 KB, 1200x871, Fd4jvgraYAAJEQp.jpg)

I hate when low-mediocre artist with little to no technique nor commitment to get better get famous only because their only gimmick is drawing teehee funny porny animu stuff.
For example, picrel. The artist has 300k followers.
No. 1672874
>>1672733>>1672733Question is, do you
want people who like this kind of shit to follow you and make you famous?
No. 1672916
>>1672889Anon the people who follow artists for this
>>1672733 kind of crap never had any taste and never will. They don't follow people for art.
No. 1672944
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>>1672916again, that's the point. People will only follow if you draw coom, regardless of skill or what you are trying to express with art. At least old school coomer art had some form of skill attached to it, now you only have to draw a vaguely anime resembling stick figure and attach tits and genitals to it.
No. 1672966
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>>1672944The only coomer artist with "taste" and tecnique (in my personal opinion) is cutesexyrobutts. When he's not drawing coom he can come up with beautiful pieces like pic rel.
No. 1672999
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>>1672874i'm that anon and wtf
nonnie, no, mainly because I don't draw coomershit and if I wanted coomers to follow me I'll just draw two nipples here and there, the problem is on the opposite side, when people who can barely draw dive deeply into porn because they know they wont get much traction with normal art nor they're interested in getting better.
Picrel is one of her most recent artworks, porn and troon shit always secure engagement. Why bother even getting better if a dick in lacy panties is all it takes? It's their mentality because I know the regular twitter user is pornbrained, otherwise they wouldn't be on twitter.
Also yes, she gets a lot of commissions but I guess from her fame, not because of skills, as if I'd pay 200usd to get a drawing with the skills of a middle schooler in his hormonal rush and I find it impossible that people unironically pay for this stuff.
No. 1673011
>>1673003Nonnieeeeee come onnnn comparison is a poison, there are 8
billion people on this planet, these accounts just get lucky. For every coomer artist with 300k there is a coomer artist with 15 followers, for every landscape artist with 15 followers there is a landscape artist with 300k. This thinking that you'll only be successful with porn is delusional, stop comparing yourself to others and just do art if it makes you happy. I have only 1k followers and I still sell out of my art. Keep your chin up.
No. 1673095
>>1672987it does though, ig numbers are more inflated but i see bad/mediocre male coomer artists with 40-50k twitter followers somewhat frequently. similar to op’s pic in skill, but drawn by a man instead of a woman. the difference between them and a good artist though is that they don’t make as much money. people love coom, ive seen skilled porn artists net 10k a month on patreon
>>1673067seems more like an influx of young/underage mediocre artists who desire efame and are jealous of other young mediocre artists.
No. 1673096
>>1673092Oh so you mean the original post I replied to back here?
>>1673003 Seriously I was just trying to cheer her up, of course I didn't think she was actually going to kill herself. God you're fucking rude.
No. 1673145
>>1672522I was at a convention last month and attended a panel on doujin culture and from what the panelist said it's not much better in Japan either. I wasn't exactly taking lecture notes so I don't remember details, but mass-produced commercialization versus soulful indie creators is happening within Comiket too. I think they introduced some kind of table division for this, though I could be remembering incorrectly. The panelist's conclusion was that basically we need to gatekeep more.
The complaint here is that the artists' commercialization in the West is reflected in their personally selling out and making FOTM stuff for bandwagon money and not out of honest fixation. I'd assume similar things happen in Comiket since it's so huge anyway, and we just can't perceive all the shitty things that happen because we aren't inside that community.
Culturual differences aside (I'm personally so fucking sick of the romanticized "clean and perfect East culture" versus "corrupt and selfish West culture". They both have fucking problems! But I digress) there's also logistical differences of Japan being much smaller and so it's easier and cheaper for a creator to travel to Comiket versus an artist traveling to various cons across America. Then there's other factors like tabling prices increasing and what making a living as an artist is like in each country- for some people, doing artist alley is their main source of income, so selling out is their way of paying rent.
At the end of the day it's all products of exacerbating capitalism overlapping with otaku culture. I also hate watching it manifest in hallways full of undesireable plastic merchandise and overinflated "zine" artbook projects, but it's not like it's impossible now to still find artists who draw out of love, even when they're not what capitalist systems favor.
No. 1673176
>>1673162Behave like an illiterate autistic retard, get treated as one. Simple as that
No. 1673243
>>1672135>Tabling pricesThis might have to do with how the conventions in the west have major major space taken up by big brand displays. Things like costume displays, statue dioramas and other high-dollar publicity stunts. Every pic I've seen of comiket (though it could be I haven't seen the right photos) lacks the massive commercial displays you see at say, SDCC, PAX or GenCon and is almost entirely tables. Maybe the issue is more that the western cons both started being "kitchen sink" amalgamations of media/nerd things, and also blurred the line between a "convention" and a "trade show"? Again I'm not sure as there's a cultural/language barrier in place, it may very well be as bad in JP but just aesthetically different.
You and
>>1672555 both also touched upon a weird thing I've noticed. A lot of western industry artists get very depressed and angsty over the fact they have to be working on other peoples' shows and such and might never get lead, while eastern artists seem fine with this arrangement…? Like even ones who have successfully gotten lead for a show or manga will continue to do "lesser" roles for other leads. I've also seen in some interviews and other material related to successful mangaka, that they tend to be continually trying to find stories that will work in a published environment until one sticks, not "get their pet project funded." It just seems like an entirely different relationship between job-work and personal-work to me. Like there's this "grind artist" mindset where they believe in the falsehood of "you have to give up all your artist soul to have enough money to live well." You see this a lot with coomer artists who suddenly delete all their work/accounts and then get re-found months later doing SFW stuff, because they thought they'd get cancelled and have no prospects at a job with all their past work. Inevitably they either realize nobody actually cared and they slowly go back to doing coomer art, or they become a hot take engine because they started hanging out with psychotic puritans, and the stress melts their IQ.
No. 1673253
>>1673145I'm someone who's into a thing that's treated as a cashcow grab bag with recognizable colorful designs and a huge fandom and I personally also know a lot of grifters who only draw fan merch of it to make money without ever having even touched in themselves, and it quite honestly just drives me away from their work. It's generic and soulless, it's clear they aren't really into it or know anything besides a few fandom memes they saw. There's no reflection of how they personally view the characters because they just want to use their likeness to create generic charms or prints to pull in revenue, and then end up burning out due to having to draw shit they actually don't care about or even like. I've visited Japanese doujinshi events and even the biggest ones have a very different vibe and you can see how they truly enjoy what they're doing because the Japanese fan culture is centered around doujinshis and fanfics and you can't really create actual stories around characters unless you actually know and like them.
And as for original stories, nobody wants to do them because they're not immediately popular and profitable even when they would be much happier creating their own and doing what they like. Capitalism and commercialization is poison to creative communities.
No. 1673286
>>1672733>>1672889>>1672944>>1672999>>1673162Have you considered that the artists who make this stuff just like it too, and by posting it they are just unwittingly curating their audience to people who also enjoy said things?
Complaints about price are stupid. Any artist should be charging what the market for their art will bear.
>>1673012Artists will get dedicated fans who genuinely like the art, for both the coomer and the "ah this is nice" reasons. They're cute but weird, and should be appreciated.
>>1673110I've seen people who are 25-39 who get ultra mad over those things because they never learned to take personal responsibility. Incidentally they also tend to be overly-controlling over their art and get very hostile and aggressive at the slightest things. Even seen some who were horrendously unappreciative of fanart of their OCs. Kind of comes across like they make their art an extension of their being or ego.
>>1673253The "commercialization" that's poison is not the artists trying to get income, it's the constant consoomeism that they get into coupled with them being retarded with money. I've seen soooooo many artists who don't record their comm income properly, don't record their expenses for writeoffs, don't keep money saved up in case they have a tech problem or other emergency, and yet are constantly buying boba tea, lattes, fast food or blowing money on gacha shit and [insert latest videogame]. And usually they live in like, seattle, portland, NYC, Vancouver, LA, London, Paris, or other expensive af city when they realistically can just do their internet art anywhere that's cheap with a decent connection, and be able to afford the fun stuff.
As an independent artist, you are most likely going to be an income level 1 or 2 steps below how you grew up. With hard work you can be equal to or better than that, but the advantage you gain in exhange is FREEDOM.
No. 1673312
>>1672999>>1672733This newgrounds scott-pilgrim rip-off art style is not worth $120. It's a good $30 max. Maybe $50 if they bothered to learn good anatomy.
>>1673308What kind of art are you trying to make or want to make? Traditional, digital, etc. Or what type of medium?
No. 1673314
>>1673243Eurofag and in my country it's due to a change in audience, there's a huge increase of new weebs and normies who don't really care to support artists and will buy something funny from an Aliexpress reseller instead, like some kind of souvenir from their trip to animeland. These resellers were also not a thing a few years ago. Conventions are being tourist-fied basically, and I'm seconding the tabling price issue.
>>1673253>And as for original stories, nobody wants to do them because they're not immediately popular and profitableNowadays the majority values the fandom lifestyle over the actual media. If they can't argue about it online they don't engage with it. But also I wish we had actual good platforms for webcomics/"western manga", and smarter decision-making from editorial houses when it comes to paper and marketing, i.e. some series aren't published in a practical format for their audiences and I wish pre-publication magazines weren't dead outside Japan.
No. 1673375
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How do you deal with the intrusive thoughts of not being good enough and possibly never reaching your skill goals? I draw every day, and I don't plan to stop anytime soon, but sometimes the thoughts win and it gets me demotivated.I see a lot of artists who have been drawing for years but are still barely above my skill level. Which makes me wonder if talent is real and if I hindered my progress forever by starting so late and being self-taught.
No. 1673425
>>1673312I'm honestly not sure, but I think I want to get into digital art. Traditional art can be so beautiful and really show off immense technical skill, but I don't feel much of a pull to make it (I do know art is more about discipline and practice than passion, but I think it helps to want to make art in a chosen medium). I mostly want to get ideas out of my head and into a visual manifestation of them, whether that's a background piece or comics. The tools and practices of digital seem to make that more accessible, and also I think easier to practice lighting and color grading without struggling with watercolor or paints.
The thing I'm most concerned about is getting around my handicaps. My parent signed me up for art classes when I was young (and proudly kept the 8 legged horse kek), but later discouraged me from pursuing art because I was very lacking in "hand-eye coordination" and "fine motor skills". I don't know; I can drive, cook, knit, sew, play multiple instruments, and work on small electronics. All of which I think require hand-eye coordination/fine motor skills. But on the other hand, my handwriting is so bad, even I have trouble reading it at times. My grip strength and pressure are also really off, to where my hand gets fatigued from gripping the pencil too tightly, and if there isn't a hard surface under my paper, whatever I write gets imprinted onto the next pages in my notebook. I'm nervous that doesn't bode well for me on a technical level. I was hoping that maybe anons knew of resources I'm not aware of that can help me. Or maybe a nonna is experiencing the same thing as me and was still able to make art and improve.
I don't know, I remember being really happy drawing and painting when I was a kid, and I miss that. And the urge to do it again surfaces often, but then I try and my extremely bad attempts make me crazy and feel like my parent was right and wanted to spare me the misery of trying and failing. I know the most obvious reason for that is because I haven't drawn in so many years and therefore never had a chance to improve, but I keep wondering if it's me specifically.
This is retarded, but I also feel incredibly put off and disconnected from myself when I see how badly something comes out, like my hands are intentionally doing something I don't want them to. Is that normal? I know all artists struggle with the end product "not looking like what they see in their head" until they die, but the level of repulsion is strange, even to friends I've mentioned it to. Am I just being an autist about it?
Sorry for longass sperg, nonnas. It's just something I've been thinking about so much over the past couple of months, but I don't have a community or anyone to talk with about this. I'd be happy if anynonna had opinions or advice.
No. 1673643
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Made me kek
No. 1673693
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>>1673543I wish fanart limitation in artist alleys was more common. I've seen sticker runs where tabling artists collab and if you buy OC merch from each table, you get a prize, though of course that isn't a single-handed solution to the greater problem at hand. Mad respect to artists who have the ability to sell OC stuff successfully. It's so braindead easy to sell shit where the only selling point is that it's a picture of an existing IP's character, not even if it's well-drawn or says anything about either the character or how the artist feels about them (besides considering them attractive).
No. 1673717
>>1673693I wished that was the case too, nona, I actively seek out original works I like. I want to support an artist who clearly has something fresh to bring to the table that they're passionate about. It's how i find a lot of my favorite artists and comics… I've seen artists bitch and moan over percentage rules about how much of their table needs to be original works because oops, they don't have any so they're fucking scrambling for ideas, and often settle on simple generic uwu blob cute shit. It's sad.
If there were more conventions that showcased strictly original work that weren't cost prohibitive small press/indie conventions, I feel like more artists would be inclined to try it and not fall back on the fan merch du jour. But of course that's not what most artist alley management is looking for. Solid props for the people who go for it, though.
No. 1673866
>>1673375i take breaks from art entirely or i work on things in other areas, i constantly hop between regular digital illustration, 3d modeling, traditional alla prima, traditional watercoloring, clay sculpting and designing stickers or anything else that seems interesting for any reason.
its nice because when you take breaks you can see your growth better when you come back, and also not staying in your lane 100% of the time makes it clearer what you would prefer to be doing with your time
No. 1674173
>>1673375I would say talent is real but not in a nebulous art way but rather someone will be better at observing and getting the right detail, someone will be better at intuitively picking which details to put and which to omit, someone will just have more discipline to start with and grind things out out of sheer will. I think in times like this it's important to just not get lost in comparing yourself to others. I think comparing skills is fine but you need to be in the right mindset for it.
>>1673425It might just be a matter of catching yourself sooner if you're gripping too hard? Art in all levels requires you to step back and look at the progress and reassess based on that. Have you tried hitting the w-ic-i? No. 1674177
>>1673543>>1673693>>1673717Merch in general is a pretty shitty use of your table space. It's primarily items that aren't useful, and people have limited real estate in their homes and bags and such. People wear FOTM media merch as fashion so when it's no longer 'in' they pack it away or get rid of it, even if it IS useful. This ensures a constant churn and thus income.
That means that you don't really get good customers from it, just people who impulse-buy, so you end up competing with other people who know how to prey on retards easier. It's not sustainable but people do it anyway cause it's perceived to be less work. But unless you're making it as fanart for a series that's LONG out of fashion, or it's one of your OCs, or you've made a weird niche variation on things or etc? You won't likely get a repeat customer and your crap is likely to be seen as cringe in 3-8 years meaning the person will never display or wear it again (or toss it)
No. 1674233
I recently started making my own merch and then I realized I don’t really buy other’s merch because I can either do it myself or it’s cringy, fandom joke or totally OOC characters, especially those coming from fandom you can easily ship two male characters with each other. Genshin stuff is absolutely a tornado of shit, there are so many characters and every Genshin merch artist looks like a rabid dog trying to call dibs or first on a merch drop when a new characters gets revealed and they do massive stocks that are either plain or weirdly, niche-y in fandom jokes that wont matter in a year or two and last year especially it was a Genshin fest all over, I had to search for merch that wasn’t it and not because I’m biased against Genshin it’s just that…I don’t like it at all, I tried getting into it, it wasn’t my thing, I moved on but then it became more difficult to find an artist that wasn’t Genshin-centric and I instinctively walked away because I thought “Oh yeah they make Genshin, moving on the next table.”
My fault, yeah, but at a con I don’t have that much time nor I’m not willing to waste any trying to search for something original.
I tend to buy OC characters that I find aesthetically pleasing or OC designs of merch that I can actually use/look at (for ex. Artbooks, I especially love OC artbooks/zines).
Most merch artists and buyers forget they aren’t online when they buy merch. Sure, a fujo (example) can buy a pin that says some shit like “Get him pregnant!! Tehee!!” But I’ve yet to see them wearing it outside the con, unless they’re very degenerate or early-stage fujo with a cringy ita bag that will get tossed in year.
No. 1674509
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>>1674188i think its only for shit like bookbags and suitcases
nonnie. thats where i see people putting pins like this the most at least.
No. 1674522
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>>1673693i hate OCs and i dont understand why anyone who would buy OC shit, unless you mean ''original cration'' and not ''my they/them transmac cinnamonroll baby uwu''. I am all for artists selling original content though. When i was a kid i was jealous of Chilean artists because they had so many artists like crisalys selling cool original prints instead of shitty fanart. To this day i think she's an example to follow respecting being a freelance internet artist, she recently got a sofubi toy release.
No. 1674592
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>>1674535"OC" means it's fanfic, aka not real media, and boring nonsense to everyone except the person who drew it one-handed.
No. 1674597
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>>1674533>>1674535some of you are so dense. pic rel difference between original character and oc. On the left its some green bunny thing the artist likes to draw sometimes, on the right some autistic oc with bullshit lore about a star alien goddes tehmbie or someshit like that, i do not give a shit about the latter. If you are not going to make a story out of your ''ocs'' then dont bother to give them 'lore' because its just stupid and lazy, and also repelling for new people that arent interested in reading 500 spergy rants about your shitty donut steel. I dont see eastern artists doing this a lot, it's mostly westerners for some reason. It's so annoying, specially since all of them are incredibly boring self inserts or coombait.
No. 1674615
>>1674597Except original character and oc are literally the same thing. "Oc" literally means "original character. If a character sometimes draws a characters that's original but has no lore, it's an oc. If the character crafted a character that's original with lore, it's an oc. You sound like you've been around or oc twitter for too long and now you think all ocs must be some pastel colored god-angel with wolf tail thembie then ocs can be literally anything.
>If you are not going to make a story out of your ''ocs'' then dont bother to give them 'lore' because its just stupid and lazy…you do know that in order to have lore, the oc needs a story? Just because the artist isn't publishing a novel about their ocs doesn't mean they don't have any story. Honestly you just sound mad salty and angry over nothing.
No. 1674634
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imagine taking weak ass bait time and time again imagine
No. 1674640
>>1674522OCs often get you more "Genuine Fans" than fanart, because they are attracted based on the design and art first, not the character. Thus they often enjoy the art of the artist regardless of the specific thing being drawn.
Sometimes people draw fanart in ways that give the same vibe, where the character is in situations and such that are uniquely associated with the artist, but in general this is easier to do with OCs and you get less people who are only there because it's their favorite character of the season.
Pantsahat's stopmotion videos are an example of the latter, where none of the characters fit in their original series anymore. People get initially attracted based on it being characters they know, but stay for the wacky stuff. Again though, this is rare.
No. 1674641
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>>1674632i like's ibu's moetrash though, probably ebcause its trad and therefore more high effort that digital moeshit. But yeah her stuff is pretty boring, which makes her giving her ocs so much uneccesary lore worse. Why give this blue generic thing so much lore if all you are going to draw with it it's the thing standing in the white void?
No. 1674645
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>>1674640>PantsahatSo coomer jokes are now wacky?…are you for real right now ? Either you're a moid or just plain brain dead
No. 1674648
>>1674632That's not a flaw of "anime art." There's a lot of artists who are Afraid Of The Dark and don't add dark shadows at all. Combine that with the soft hipster boba tea sailor moon kirby SU pastel uwu trend and you get very narrow ranges of both value AND hue.
Specific to that image, in trad mediums you work light->dark so there's an extra compounding factor of people being afraid of fucking up the picture.
No. 1674662
>>1674647BOOTH and DLsite both allow westerners to sell downloads. afaik DLsite requires much more strict censoring if you are selling hentai
If you want to sell physical doujins you need to contact a print shop for that first as I don't know of any POD services that allow NSFW. It requires investing the money in a bunch of copies, and then you can use something like clickbank to sell it if you really want minimal restrictions. The fees are stupidly high though.
>>1674657It's either bait OR (speculation here)
someone with a pessimistic as fuck view, who only sees the value of media as being something you can egregore around for a tribal identity. Individual OCs fail to give them that direct identification of self or others and waste their time, so they have lumped all OCs into one basket to oppose.
No. 1674683
>>1674670You're the one blowing something as simple as a differing opinion way out of proportion and trying to make it a matter of morality. If anything,
nonnie, you're the one getting worked up and sperging. Go back to twitter, please.
No. 1674684
>>1674679This reads like a chatgpt reply, I'm starting to suspect
>>1674499 was right
>>1674683How is it about morality? It's just calling such behavior retarded and immature. It's not interesting to read someone seething over a nothing burger because it's hurting their personal feelings.
No. 1674785
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>>1674755i dont know if this is exactly what you are talking about, but i hate the
>extremely detailed face>body is a blob No. 1674848
>>1674173Thanks for the response, nonna. I saw the infight just now and thought nobody responded to my dumbass post kek.
I was nervous the handwriting and grip/pressure stuff was some autist shit that I couldn't help, especially after someone joked I'd break a tablet if I ever got into art. I will continue trying to be mindful of it and see if it improves.
Thanks for the pointer. I see the link you included is also in the thread op, will definitely go through the other resources when I can.
No. 1674923
>>1674533>What did you even think it means? Ominous cocksucking?Topkek
>>1674632I don't like animu "art" either, anon, but for me it's less about composition and more about style. I think it's just uninspired, like corporate Alegria junk; the main issue is that those people don't really add their own character to it, rather they follow a recipe of generic anime crap. There are a few anime artists who reject this behavior, and that is why (for me at least) their creations are so refreshing—Hayao Miyazaki comes to mind. Everyone can recognize his pieces (i.e. Studio Ghibli) and distinguish them from others and that's because he adds an identifiable style to claim his work as his own. There are other examples, of course, but I do not know these artists by name (like whatever style Attack on Titan and early-mid 2010s KyoAni animations employed, I think they are also fairly novel [for their time] and recognizable). It's not enough to simply trace/duplicate another artist, but a good artist requires the capacity for ingenuity and imagination. Unfortunately, many of these fast food "artists" just want to churn out whatever is most conventional and keep it pushing.
Not to say that this has never occurred in the past, as it always has. Even my favorite artist Norman Rockwell was seen in this light throughout his career. It's a good thing you can simply ignore their existences and continue making fine art, as I mostly do except for this thread. No. 1674933
>>1674923Anime artists have always had a somewhat generic style because they're usually more focused on mimicking anime styles than on creating their own through mix and mash, but nowadays it has definitely gotten worse because of the "generification" of anime.
Modern anime looks the same, just look at seasonal anime lists and you'll see how nearly all of them got the same moeblob noseless garbage look filled to the brim with post-processing effects and gradients to make up for lack of artistic value or animation quality. Another aggravant is Genshin Impact or whatever newest garbage Mihoyo has released recently, the Mihoyo style is to me the peak of shit modern anime style that those artists love to copy. Extremely boring-looking, way too reliant on gradients and effects and cluttered accessory-heavy designs to stand out.
No. 1675155
>>1674665You are supremely stupid then if you're serious, because any character is someone's OC. Mickey Mouse is Walt Disney's OC. Corporate characters have zero difference in core essence, the only REAL difference is that you have multiple people constantly rewriting and redesinging them, sometimes as committee and sometimes given more individual freedom.
>>1674679>>1674683>>1674686If your opinion is ill-informed and retarded? then you're just as much a cow as some of the people made fun of here.
>>1674755It's extremely common now.
>>1674773 is correct that it's not bad in and of itself, but lots of people are missing fundies and focus too much on polishing a turd.
Granted 10-20 years ago (I am old) there were people missing fundies too, but their art was just not taken as seriously and having 1000 followers was massive.
>>1674785>extremely detailed face>body is a blobThat's a painting technique. Not saying you're wrong to dislike it, just saying where it usually is seen (and less visible).
>>1674933there's actually been a lot of trash anime over the years, most of them people just forget about. Like most of what studio DEEN animated in the 90s-2000s was garbage, The Perfect Insider from like 2014ish? had a nauseatingly bad choice to use different framerates for their 3dcgi and 2d portions in the same shot.
Some decent ones with interesting stylization also got forgotten because of other issues, such as "GANGSTA." which was cool but Manglobe (Samurai Champloo, deadman wonderland, hayato…) went bankrupt so it only had 1 season and no advertising/etc keeping it in the public consciousness.
No. 1675176
>>1675155OC is a term that comes from fanfic. to designate charcters added by the fan that aren't in the source material. "original" to distinguish them from "canon" characters. it's that simple
artists now use the term to talk about their characters but it's not what that was supposed to mean
No. 1675225
>>1675167I really want to see future or even current sociological analyses of otaku culture, its entrance into mainstream, and how it overlaps with trannies. After all they're both groups considered outsiders to normal society (though recently less so for anime), associated with sexual deviancy, and encourage consumerism and Peter Pan syndrome. It's well accepted that TIMs will often have anime girl pfps. Something like the strong correlation between being gay and furry, but it's harder to say with anime because it's so broad and has many facets of coom and degeneracy. I'm curious about how not only the latent natures of weebshit and trannyshit create such an intersection between the two but also how greater societal trends or events (e.g. Peter Pan syndrome also manifesting elsewhere like Disney adults) influenced each community's growth, ideally with more specificity than "the internet".
>>1674755I think it's just the average age online going down and symbol-drawing childrens' art styles inbreeding with each other.
No. 1675309
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Are there any ressources for creating these insanely cluttered, almost gacha-like looks or is it all personal taste and visual library? Everything I draw turns out too simple, so I'm trying to expand but I freeze up and don't know how to proceed without clear reference which is difficult for these looks since they are so imaginative. Like Genshin designs are bad, but I'd never be able to come up with that shit and I want to change that
No. 1675417
>>1673243>you have to give up all your artist soul to have enough money to live wellcost of living in japan vs the us is so drastically different though. A lot of doujin artists can live off freeter jobs+free time to make oc or doujin content.
i think about this a lot though, because i agree with you. i wish US cons were more like Japan, but the rise&grind western culture fucks the scene into profits(which im guilty of). but on the other hand, even if you wanted to make original content, us based manga companies dont have their shit together still and getting picked up is difficult. its not like japan where you have an editor to help guide you. us companies expect a work done without any help or guidance. ofc there are people who do it easily but thats due to popularity(lore olympus etc)
No. 1675460
>>1675176And that doesn't matter anymore because humans realized corporations are not special and not "the default."
>>1675417Cost of living in japan is not lower, it's generally on par if you want the same lifestyle. It's just that if you live in a city there, the main things you need to live like basic foods and rents are lower. Everything else is fucking expensive, so people below a certain invome there have a limited number of hobbies that they focus on. There's also a lot of reuse culture and so on, that has counterpressure on the amount of single-serving/vending machine wasteful shit their markets have (and that's mostly for people making enoguh money anyway). In the west you have to leave a city because the basic costs of living are relatively high, but the culture is also such that there's a lot of pressure to constantly buy new things, pay for services and consume a bunch of crap.
>>1675455On twitter/etc those sorts are a little tough to find from the lack of tagging, and many avoid listing certain things because it's a drama magnet for 14 year old crusaders. Try pixiv (disable the R-18G filter) or cruise around general art discord servers and peek people's profiles for their linked galleries when they have a style you like, you may find some connections. There's also some boorus that cater to it with sauce linked. A lot of teenagers (and mentally-teenagers) are really into gore or other taboo things to be edgy though, which is where the candygore and groupies come from mostly.
No. 1675461
>>1675455A lot of gore artists tend to follow each other and reblog/share each other on their stories, which can always expose you to new artists.
Some artists that come to mind are svvshi, c0rpsed/c7ff02two, k01b.0, dan.a.peacock, and marion.ato
No. 1675522
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I've been watching Michie/Twisted Disaster's latest streams and with the exception of one, they've been surprising pretty good since her retarded ass troon/gendie friends haven't been in them for the most part. In the last thread it was mentioned how whenever her friends are in them, the conversations are so unfocused and annoying with how much they cut each other off or how her friends don't really interact with the admittedly interesting topics that Michie presents sometimes. So these last few streams have been pretty chill even though she still can occasionally say some retarded shit.
However one thing I have noticed is once again, how lazy she really is when it comes to commissions. I know it's been established that she has a horrible work ethic but you'd think she would try to be better. In these recent streams she has admitted once again that she is very behind on commission work but she thinks that by acknowledging this, that should excuse her for when she decides to slack off and not get them done.
For example in one of the recent streams, she said that she feels guilty for wanting to work on personal art when she knows that she has commissions that need to be worked on and finished and she justifies herself by saying "I just need a "me" day" when it's like her second or third "me" day in the span of a week. She's essentially doing the whole "Oh I'm so bad, but at least I know I'm bad so that's good right?"
She's just very lucky that the bulk of her commissions are from teenagers and not adults because the latter would've demanded refunds by now. This all made curious what y'all think is an acceptable amount of time to wait on a commission? Personally I think two months is long enough, especially for an artist like Michie who's style is so simplistic. If it was someone like Lucas Peinador, Proko, or SamDoesArts, I could understand a longer wait time but for a style like Michie's? Absolutely not. But that's just me, what do you guy's think?
No. 1675535
File: 1692860251138.png (727.22 KB, 741x1134, mcfvdffg97eirvgkh.PNG)

>>1675522People are super lenient with artists, especially when they like their work. Reminded me of the recent Rev stuff, apparently this isn't even anything new for him. He's always talking about his difficult circumstances, accepting like 25 commissions at a time, reopening before finishing the previous batch, leaving twitter for months and ignoring dms all while being active on his side account and drawing personal art. His style is simple and he's super quick because he's so skilled so the high price makes sense, but I guess at those numbers you'd expect more professionalism
No. 1675551
>>1675535I think the leniency with artist also stems from the popularity of the myth of the tortured genius. Where artists can afford to be assholes, be
toxic, be late, be unprofessional because they have to be weird to make good art or whatever.
No. 1675601
>>1675535That's fair. Ultimately it will just depend on the person. I just feel that especially teenagers who are buying commissions won't be as prodding with the progress of a commission as opposed to an adult.
>>1675551That's true I guess. Like I mentioned though, Michie is just lucky her clientele are a bunch of kids and well, why rock the boat when you can get away with it I guess. I guess I'm projecting because my biggest fear is taking on too much work to the point I have a huge backlog and am stressing out over finishing them and not angering clients.
No. 1675702
>>1675535people can be too forgiving when it comes to commissions. The person who did this callout didn't even quote tweet or comment in the actual tweet. Luckily other people referred to this callout on the artist's account.
Sometimes the online art community annoys me. They preach about how being an artist is a real job but then they lack professionalism or they keep making excuses for artists with bad work ethics. Twitter in particular is frustrating. If people don't like youre art they have no problem with qt it to call it ugly but if you scam someone then people will hesitate to call you out because they "don't want to be an annoying costumer".
No. 1675850
>>1675535I used to be a huge fan of rev, I loved his style and designs and I also loved his UTAU covers. But then I saw some of his controversies and particularly how he'd keep complaining on his account about how hard his life is as well as complain about commissions, at first it didn't bother me too much because I only followed his side-account but and I saw a consistent stream of personal art so I thought "maybe he has bad customers".
Then I saw his "main" account and how he'd take on a ridiculous number of commission slots and never seemed to finish all of them all while posting a fuckton of personal and fetish art on the side. I got pretty disappointed.
No. 1675931
>>1675664>at some point it's better to waitlist people instead of having them pay upfront and wait for months.Yea I really take payment just before I start. Lots of bad circumstances can have happened but that way I only have a small number of customers stuck waiting instead of a whole list.
>>1675551maybe also the "starving artist" stereotype? Most people can empathize with how having little money feels. It's why when you see an artist opening for "emergency commissions" after they just bought like 3 gunpla or a game console it makes people more mad than waiting.
>>1675875tbh that just means you need to charge more to ward off parasites and also post more personal art you enjoy that will filter people to those who actually pay you to draw what you like because they… also like what you like. I promise it gets easier when you're being paid double or triple minimum wage for the working hours (including dealing with clients)
No. 1676169
File: 1692909911358.jpeg (406.19 KB, 2048x1147, 1676400022741.jpeg)

Is it true that painting is easier than drawing? I often see pretty average artists skill-wise salvaging their pieces by''rendermaxxing'' . Pic rel for example, the anatomy is pretty wonky and stiff, but the rendering is really nice. I feel so retarded because I cannot paint no matter what. Anyone else struggles with this?
No. 1676189
>>1676169Sorry to break it to you
nonnie, but with the exception the of the hair and maybe those transformer legs that's just run of the mill cell shading and gradients set to multiply.
No. 1676191
>>1675931AYRT about Michie. I also tend to take payment up front when I do commissions after having been burned in the past by people refusing to give full payment when the work is finished or they want a full refund after the lineart is finished. I just got no time for that foolishness but it's also why I only open for fewer slots so I'm not overwhelmed.
>>1675869>Full Body CommissionsBut see Michie hardly does full-body commissions, a lot of them are either busts or if they are full-bodies, they are chibis so I mean… It does seem lazy to not even get the most simplest thing done.
>>1675850>Then I saw his "main" account and how he'd take on a ridiculous number of commission slots and never seemed to finish all of them all while posting a fuckton of personal and fetish art on the side. I got pretty disappointed.But see that's exactly how Michie is as well. She tends to take on even more "emergency commissions" on top of her already sizeable backlog. Then complains and moans about how behind she is meanwhile she's taking personal days because she doesn't feel well or she just needs "me vibes". That's more or less why she's ridiculous. And the cycle tends to repeat where she will then open for more emergency commissions again on top of her previous log of emergency commissions + her regular commissions.
>>1675956I can sort of understand. I currently do the whole part-time job with art on the side but before I got the job, I was a full-time freelancer and there were some times where I just wasn't motivated doing commission work even though I pushed myself to get them done. So I get the middle-line to just outright not doing commissions at all and only drawing for yourself.
No. 1676198
File: 1692913032293.jpg (209.04 KB, 850x1200, 1675859917405.jpg)

>>1676189it's pretty good for her overall drawing level though. I know many people who cant paint like that(me included) even if we grind our fundamentals. The cognitive dissonance between well rendered pieces compared to the drawing skills always makes me a lil depressed.
No. 1676342
File: 1692924245583.jpg (928.1 KB, 1080x2013, Screenshot_20230825_014329_Ins…)

>>1676341Same fag dropped pic
No. 1676437
>>1676169Painting is easier than drawing for dyslexic people because their brains have some kind of spastic fit when it comes to lines of any type, both written and pictoral.
I personally hate painting and only do it once in a blue moon to either prove a point to someone or get a complex idea out of my head. Pixel art I enjoy much more despite it being very similar to painting in concept though, not sure why. Maybe the hard edges speak to me.
No. 1676452
File: 1692930766177.jpg (653.33 KB, 3456x2291, 1681223735598.jpg)

>>1676342kinda reminds me of this guy lmao. If only his faces weren't so uncomfortable looking.
No. 1676505
File: 1692937600731.jpg (305.55 KB, 1547x2048, micodraw-1683276459199315968-2…)

>>1676481it's such a fucking shame because they are really talented and their rendering style is very attractive. Also his faces somehow keep getting worse.
No. 1677172
File: 1692996216017.jpeg (172.32 KB, 736x976, IMG_7741.jpeg)

Nonnitas I need help…I actively despise everything I draw to the point I believe it will eventually turn me off art forever though it’s the only thing I somewhat like oddly enough. Whenever I sketch something and it looks anything short of perfect the rest of my day is ruined and I can’t muster to pick up the pencil for the next few days, I don’t even enjoy the process anymore because I’m too anxious that the finished product will look like shit…Full disclosure I’m severely depressed too lol but… how do I find it in me to keep going, I know I want to..
No. 1677181
File: 1692998003900.jpg (88.34 KB, 1062x1037, 1682699287072778.jpg)

>>1677172what do you like to draw? i share the sentiment, everything i make is shit and seeing artists with same/worse skill than me make more interesting stuff depresses me. What keeps me going is being the only person into what i like to draw.
No. 1677202
>>1676481>>1676452>>1676505Those faces are less a case of not
knowing anatomy and more a case of an artist wanting to forcefully a super duper original muh artstyle
No. 1677212
File: 1693000875658.jpg (801.94 KB, 1547x2048, micodraw-1490656634724511745-2…)

>>1677202yeah, his faces were always alien-like but nowadays they are outright hideous
No. 1677236
>>1677207I feel the same nonna. Drawing on glass is not exciting and it makes me take longer to complete projects because I can overwork thanks to tech. I also like the sensation and interaction with physical media and how to solve the problems that ctrl-z can’t.
>>1676437I like anime but lineart felt like pulling teeth. When I don’t have to line I feel a lot better. I’m impressed with artists who can line, ink and do it well.
>>1676342That top middle looks porny but that could be my expectation online for art like this
>>1676452Wtf lol
No. 1677240
>>1677030 some blurring for some things but it's not worth worrying about adding multiple techniques. as a side note, youtube art is really trash now huh? I looked up speedpainting and got things nothing near this when it's the most common type of technique lol
>>1677202>>1677212my guess is either his taste falling apart (maybe from social parasites in his life) or intentionally trolling the audience?
No. 1677243
File: 1693003430195.png (387.23 KB, 567x747, jjg20.png)

>>1677212Ok put me in the shame box but I actually like this. It tickles my brain for some reason. At least this image, not fentanyl head
>>1676505 over here. The rendering is funky (in a good way) and makes me think of chocolate bunnies like picrel. It looks like a yaoi print my BL connoisseur friend would buy and put above her toilet, lol
No. 1677250
File: 1693004142778.jpeg (77.41 KB, 640x480, ' unnamed.jpeg)

>>1677249No, silly nonna, like molding chocolate! Basically i wanna take a big CRONCH out of this picture. i bet it's white chocolate
No. 1677257
>>1677250NTA but I know what you mean. His work like this
>>1677212 has a very campy and self-aware kitschy charm to it that makes it look like candy. The rest have those faces that ruin everything. I don't understand.
No. 1677432
File: 1693014495449.jpg (75.34 KB, 866x1390, two-small-bars-of-nestle-milky…)

>>1677250I get you, because the characters look like they're separate from/hovering above the background it looks like picrel.
No. 1677473
File: 1693018135948.jpg (57.55 KB, 1024x363, EbgmTMyUEAA9b2M.jpg)

>>1677454Not at all, don't allow yourself to get locked into one thing just because you feel like you have to be consistent for whatever reason. The best artists don't focus on only one thing and maybe you can't see it right now, but there will be similarities between the things you draw regardless of stylistic choice
No. 1677479
File: 1693019056915.png (390.43 KB, 650x365, Dr-Stone-4.png)

>>1677476What difference does that make? Draw them both however you like, your style is anything YOU draw. It can be like a genderswapped version of Boichi kek no one is going to complain. Do what you enjoy for as long as you enjoy it
>>1677475It's from 82PIGEON, her studies and art in general are insane. They are all highly detailed but it takes her basically no time to finish
No. 1677552
>>1677250Chocolate has that sheen because of the cocoa butter. It quite literally is greasy
>>1677454Style is just controlled mistakes. Being able to draw in many styles is a strength in the long run, even if in the shortrun you might feel like it hard to keep certain people interested cause of the constant shifts
No. 1677706
File: 1693039559624.jpg (1.45 MB, 2400x6000, Tracing is okay.jpg)

Do you agree?
No. 1677734
File: 1693042270500.jpeg (21.63 KB, 440x221, IMG_0157.jpeg)

>>1668296I hate this thing that twitterfags do where they QRT a post they have one tiny issue with rather than politely DM-ing or replying directly to the artist on THEIR original tweet. I know the website is designed this way deliberately to incite rage but by god I want to slap these people who look like entitled pricks by bypassing the person they’re talking about and turning around to an audience to spew their shit and rude ass opinions like the artist won’t hear it or something (or even worse, they know the artist will and still act stuck up anyway).
No. 1678205
Nonas how do I get out of this cycle
>Grinding fundamentals but to make it less boring I break it up with drawing stuff I like>turns out I hate drawing the stuff I like bc my brain now knows stuff my hand can't do yet, and all I can see are the mistakes>So I grind more, but that becomes boring without breaking it up>rinse and repeat>>1678195>there's a limit of how many DMs you can sent on a dayBruh
No. 1678221
>>1678205Idk if you've tried this yet, if not, tie your fundamentals grinding with the stuff you like to draw
So imagine tomorrow the "stuff I like to draw" segment of your day is drawings faces
Start by grinding faces fundamentals - proportions, shading, anatomy, perspective, face planes etc - then take a short break, 10-15 min - and do the "stuff I like to draw" part applying what you've grinded with your own characters, fanart, portraits of people, whatever.
When you feel yourself hitting a mental block/frustration point, take another break and go back to doing a bit of grinding. Rinse and repeat.
And you can set it like
- I want to study faces so after I will draw faces I like
Or the other way around
- I want to make personal project featuring faces so I will first take time to study them
Since the subject of your drawings during "fun hours" are fresher, it might help break the cycle.
No. 1678807
File: 1693114889140.png (2.31 MB, 1547x2048, hmmmmmm.png)

pretty sure shes?he?s doing this for clickbait the gendies art popped off due to the big fucking furby eyes,the funny thing is that this is a white artist drawing primarily black characters like this
No. 1678810
>>1676505samefag this was supposed to be a reply to this
>>1678807im a retard and forgot
No. 1679095
File: 1693132047925.jpeg (199.6 KB, 1625x1574, IMG_9360.jpeg)

>>1678205I’m actually stuck in this cycle too, lmao. I’ve been studying Kim Jung Gi and Tomfoxdraws and I’ve been improving so much and having fun then I try to draw a Genshin pretty boy (which I usually adore making art of) then boom. Flat and boring. I think one way to fix the problem (if you’re in a similar boat) is to reframe the subject material in a way that will fit the fundamentals you’re working on. For example, 2D anime men don’t translate well to a style focused on anatomy in perspective. But if I take the time to reimagine these characters that I’m passionate about as real people with real features, then it easier to translate and therefore feed my interests into my improvement. Does this make any sense? It’s also how I believe you get this really cool intersection of artists who fuse anime-adjacent styles with realism (of whom my all time favourite artists tend to spawn!) because they’re able to reimagine the source as something much grittier or realistic and translate it to paper. Also, fandoms secretly adore these types of artists (you can tell by their high comment to like ratio on Twitter) even if they’re too stupid to realise why it looks so good and refreshing on the eye.
No. 1679137
File: 1693136451146.jpeg (233.55 KB, 1274x1520, 4494A656-896F-4DC9-B02B-D60C90…)

>>1678807She would draw bratz dolls really well
No. 1679221
>>1679095Ayrt lol it's pretty 2D anime women and men for me too, that's why I said here
>>1678355 what I want to draw doesn't neatly fit what I learned. But making it fit by combining the two makes sense, thank you, though easier said than done which is maybe why I didn't think it even though it sounds obvious. Do you have any specific artist examples?
No. 1679251
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>>1679221Oh, it’s definitely easier said than done, but that’s actually a really neat advantage the more you think about it! To be able to translate 2D to a semi-realist style laden with strong fundamentals is actually a step harder than just learning those fundamentals alone, because your brain is constantly critically engaging to find the best way to communicate 2D information to 3D-ish while ALSO making it look appealing. It’s like reading a textbook, versus reading a textbook in Spanish and translating it into English as you go along. It’s high intensity but it’s two skills for the price of one. I mean, if we can stick this out anon, just imagine what heights we’ll become capable of art wise…
As for example artists, I, er. May have deleted my twitter yesterday. But off the top of my head, if you dig up some of Rei_17’s old jojo sketches off Pixiv (to see the foundations beneath all that colour splurging), you can see that she’s pretty good at marrying her obvious classical understanding of anatomy with Araki’s ridiculous character designs. So that’s just one example. I’m sure there are better but I just can’t be arsed right now.
No. 1679425
File: 1693156668310.jpg (1.35 MB, 1880x2367, 웍맨.jpg)

>>1675309I love rinotuna's characters but fuck some of the faces he draws are atrocious imo
No. 1679555
File: 1693165240380.jpeg (755.92 KB, 2753x3540, Ettr2SGXAAEfiRT.jpeg)

>>1679251>t's easier said than done and it’s high intensity but it’s two skills for the price of one. I mean, if we can stick this out anon, just imagine what heights we’ll become capable of art wise…Yeah it definitely seems beneficial, I really want to try it now. Hopefully we can both eventually get a good footing with it, good luck to you!
>I deleted twitterCan't blame you
>Rei_17Googled it and I see what you mean, the anatomy and perspective are pretty dynamic. I also looked through who I follow on Instagram to see if anyone fits the bill, could Columbo be considered another example, picrel?
No. 1679557
>>1679555>Yeah it definitely seems beneficialSamefag to add that I also get what you mean about the difficulty being beneficial in this instance, finally something to get even my
lazy ass on board
No. 1679592
File: 1693168223482.jpg (367.65 KB, 1547x2048, micodraw-1534139603526897665-2…)

>>1677733It's a man and pushing it that far is definetly ugly as fuck. Pic rel was a perfect mix of style-realism, but he's a gendie sperg that had to be not like other artists. It's just realistic steven universe tumblr face, and it's quite repugnant to look at.
No. 1679627
File: 1693170146819.png (1.13 MB, 949x701, vore artist btw.png)

Are you capable of enjoying someone's art past the subject matter? I find most professional artist's art kinda…boring. I understand it's because they have to adhere to company standars and schedules, so i try not to judge them too much, but that led me to enjoy indie artists more, the problem is that all of the ones i want to emulate are fucking degenerates. I grew up on the Internet so at this point i am vastly desensitized, but I wanna know your opinion on the matter.
No. 1679642
>I find most professional artist's art kinda…boring.Same. Honestly every professional illustrator I know draws the exact same way to the point I made a checklist. It's almost always an artstation or an instagram filled with concept art and illustrations with that typical "League of Legends" or "Overwatch" digital painting look, almost always either with cyberpunk themes or boring medieval/fantasy. It always features at least one generic looking green goblin, one big bearded viking-looking man, a hot pinup girl and then a multitude of fantasy RPG-like items in a gray or black canvas. Maybe a generic looking knight/warrior or a dragon here and there. Almost no pieces featuring some kind of atmosphere or lively scene or characters interacting, almost everything looks like its straight out of a static Magic the Gathering card.
I find myself much more drawn to indie artists because of the variety in themes and style and execution. Almost all professional artists draw the fucking same and I hate it.
No. 1679692
File: 1693174437906.jpg (1.73 MB, 2054x2047, Roku6enashi-127145327812391731…)

How do you give this grainy effect to your art? is it a filter or are there brushes that leave that texture?
No. 1679697
>>1677706100% true. The people who get assblasted and accuse people of tracing as if it's a mortal sin (especially when it's simply referencing and and overlay proves it) 9/10 are insecure as all hell and likely believe that art HAS to be suffering. So by making decent (doesn't even have to be good, just alright) art and utilizing something to "cheat" you are, to such a person, circumventing the suffering tax and not simply "cheating to make a drawing" but "cheating at the long game of art."
They're idiots, and this idiocy often infects their ability to produce work. Lots of these types will delete their accounts if they feel just slightly worse than their normal unstable self.
>>1678205>>1679095In addition to what
>>1678221 said, you should also keep in mind that anything you draw can always be redone later. Getting your ideas down in some tangible form is good, because you won't be burning brain CPU cycles keeping it in your head. So even if the drawing isn't as you'd like, it still is a stress relief since future you can always go back and redo what "novice past you" did.
You do not "burn" the idea by using it. Ideas are infinitely replicable for near-zero cost.
On top of this if you want to be drawing animu, looking at videos of how actually-skilled mangaka work can be a godsend as to how to look at things in ways that allow you to focus.
>>1679627>>1679642A lot of "artstation style professionals" ripped out any passion they had and subsubmed their art styles into a tight range that companies like for the sheer reason that it allows said corpos to replace people at will without drastically affecting their brand's appearance.
>>1679656>Not to be pedantic but if an independent artist is making a living off of it I would say they are professionals.Real and true. There's quite a few artists with both credits in major productions and furaffinity accounts full of degen porn lmao
Also a ton of smaller professionals have no web presence and are just entirely in-person because they design stuff for local boomers or sell at flea markets, faires, etc.
>>1679659Your category of "professional artist" doesn't carry any respect. Someone is not respectable just because a big company that makes mass-produced slop decided to hire them, they are respectable if they meaningfully contribute to your life or do something impressive. And if you consider "getting hired by a big company" to be impressive then you probably want to rethink your priorities in life.
No. 1679712
File: 1693175225536.jpg (751.06 KB, 1988x2560, eD4kqmY.jpg)

>>1679692To me it looks like some kind of filter. It could have been achieved using a brush provided that another layer was created on top of the others and then changing the opacity.
>>1679627>>1679642"Professional" artists are more than just the ArtStation users—plenty of traditional artists out there who do not make "Overwatch"-type art. Picrel is called "How to Be Brave" by Graham Francoise
No. 1679718
File: 1693175566168.jpeg (2.33 MB, 1170x2532, mintandapple.jpeg)

>decently successful generic kawaii weeb artist who sells in the US, based out of NYC and had enough money to rent an apartment in Brooklyn and a small office/studio space in Times Square
>decides to move to the Netherlands with her husband, cites "bike friendly" culture/walkable city as the reason as one of the reason
>… despite coming from NYC, one of the few walkable cities in the US with an extensive metro system
>still flies back to the US for multiple cons a year
>complains that her stuff doesn't sell as well in the EU
>most of her shop traffic comes from cons, meaning now most of her traffic is from EU based customers as opposed to American customers
>warehouse is based in NJ, so most EU customers aren't willing to pay the shipping and import taxes
>complains about how hard it is to be an immigrant despite renting a nice townhouse home with just her and her husband and her pet rabbits… as if she didn't just come from NYC where hundreds of thousands of people are going through the same experience but are legitimately worse off
She wants to roleplay as an oppressed immigrant starving artist so bad. Her art is garbage and hasn't gotten better despite tabling at cons for over a decade (and attending SVA for a short time before transferring to FIT) and now she keeps making shit decision after shit decision.
No. 1679734
File: 1693176253553.jpeg (2.41 MB, 1170x2532, arteest.jpeg)

>>1679725Bonus: she's fat kek.
I heard her husband had a car and they drove everywhere anyway. NYC definitely isn't as bike friendly compared to NL, but it's not impossible to get around by bike there.
No. 1679739
File: 1693176393320.png (1010.46 KB, 1028x892, mintandapple merch.png)

>>1679718Small example of her shitty merch. I think she does produce some cute and decent items but it feels like her shit is going downhill fast. 2021 on the left vs 2023 on the right.
No. 1679761
>>1679757Nonna most artist merch is made by chink labor (possibly Uyghur slavelabor) contacted via aliexpress or some of the various shitheads on etsy. If the artist isn't advertising where it's made and you don't get a response from asking you can assume you're actually buying chinkshit with a brand slapped on.
When I actually get around to having enough presence I plan on having things made that are more "I want this high quality item myself and I can justify ordering 100-500 pcs with my art flourish engraved/etc in it and the colors as I like, keeping a few for myself and as gifts, then selling the others."
No. 1679763
File: 1693178864038.jpg (667.97 KB, 800x1001, DaniMoleskin.jpg)

>>1679756Maybe you'd have more luck looking into fine artists. Nicolas uribe comes to mind. I also like artists like Gary Kelley but he's far more stylized so probably not what you're after.
No. 1679768
File: 1693179174546.jpg (110.76 KB, 599x600, R-3395907-1656562425-5739.jpg)

>>1679763Dropping an image of Gary Kelley's stuff too since I love the diva portraits he did for album covers. Not sure if nonas are interested in this sort of style but I find it compelling
No. 1679770
File: 1693179365477.jpeg (935.91 KB, 1170x2532, bike bag.jpeg)

>>1679757Bonus: she's on an entrepenuer visa to stay in the Netherlands and this is her business plan: kawaii bike bags
No. 1679797
File: 1693183425649.jpg (44.59 KB, 1170x1157, b3bb4470dfe022fd7b371fe34867a9…)

I want to make an Instagram art account again because i deleted the last one after getting bored but ig wont fucking let meeeee.
Would a vpn with a different mail work anons?
No. 1679811
File: 1693184905246.jpg (14.57 KB, 306x338, 65b011572ed208305209a1b670b1c8…)

>>1679800Any alternatives
No. 1679829
File: 1693186662203.jpg (49.36 KB, 750x748, eaadb8150bce71c151d38a37bb82f5…)

>>1679816I didn't like the new layout for tumblr but i guess i'll try to get used to it
And mastodon seems to have a smaller reach/audience
I thought Instagram seemed more friendly for commissions since i've seen a lot of artists (with already built audiences ofc) getting comms and interacting with followers
Still appreciate your answer anon i will keep on using tumblr to see if i can build something there
No. 1679846
>>1679829Why does it look like snooki snickers the fuckk
Anyways, good luck anon. I hear Tumblr is enjoyable nowadays with the banishment of degenerates.
No. 1679861
>>1679844yeah my point it's that it's often used to create rage bait. Like Marvel constantly making x undesirable trait spiderman or whatever just so someone talks about their dying comics. It feels like nowadays more than ever it's hard to find art with undesirable traits that feels genuine, it's either some quirky gendie like
>>1676505 or some coomer for uneven tits and hairy pits. I hate it.
No. 1679887
File: 1693190326670.jpeg (850.03 KB, 1500x885, 0ADFAAB3-9069-4555-99D4-B3F98C…)

This Korean artist’s stuff looks so similar to AI, even down to the random metal pieces, but they’ve been doing it since before AI art. It’s weirding me out
No. 1679943
>>1679844>The idea that drawing average everyday people is some form of activism and not just a reflection of reality as art often annoys me. It's cause they got roped into cultural trends that are rooted in insane marxist thought, specifically Antonio Gramsci's batshit theory that leisure time acts as a pressure release on capitalism and to push the revolution forward every aspect of leisure has to be invaded and turned contentious. Hence the "all art is political" stance, it keeps people from getting a chance to have a break.
Not that many are aware of this, they mostly just parrot the "all art is political" line and similar slogans as if they're reciting lines from a holy book.
>>1679861If you want that kind of authentic art you may find things by looking into street photographers, finding some who do average people, and then seeing what artists and such they follow or reshare the art of.
Or look for artists that draw cute old people feeding birds and such, you know cozy ghibli-esque moods (even if the style is not anime, or just different.)
>>1679887This doesn't look like AI at all. The patterns are too logical, none of the wild strands loop back into each other, there's good object permanence and consistency of 3-dimensional forms. Like the coins in the corner all rotate accurately. AI wouldn't do that, it'd like put them all at the same rough angle.
No. 1680122
File: 1693208779377.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.67 MB, 2319x1716, 87872644_p0.jpg)

>>1679627I'm stealing (read: studying) their styles exactly so I won't have the need to see their cringe and degeneration. I found an ornament heavy illustrative artist and enjoy the candy-gore aesthetics but most of their works reek of terminally online pedo misogyny.
No. 1680132
File: 1693209019437.png (Spoiler Image,1.43 MB, 1280x894, chantal and salad.png)

>>1680103bigbig. He fascinates me, he's been drawing vore and only vore for like 10 years now, i fucking admire how skilled he is. I really like how he renders skin, backgrounds, and his stylization of faces. However, I cannot save any of his shit because it's all repulsive. He drew
billie ellish vore with an uncanny resemblance. I always though this type of fetish steemed from low IQ, so i am as bewildered as you that one of them can draw above mspaint scribble level.
No. 1680156
File: 1693209972362.png (610.12 KB, 708x520, image_2023-08-28_180814118.png)

>>1680122Nonnie she's just a edgy Russian, kek.
No. 1680174
File: 1693212397433.jpg (206.92 KB, 2048x1007, FEKgcTvagAE3aS7.jpg)

>>1679419>>1680159The exercise is about using different degrees of rendering and between these the first is the most realistic, although the figure itself is strongly stylized. I doubt the goal was to create something actually photorealistic
No. 1680247
>>1680171Samefag but I found the post that I was referring to
>>1640597Wishing death on an illustrator just because her style is weird and you don't find it generically beautiful is some unhinged shit.
>>1668432Days old but what this nonna said
>>1669116 Straight femgaze stuff is so fucking uncommon that people (retarded moids, gendies, pickmes) don't even know how to identify it when they find that kind of content. They fail to realize it's by and for women, not for scrotes. They think the only content that exists for us is gay male shit. If it were as well-known as fujo stuff maybe those people would stop being so annoying.
No. 1680249
File: 1693221579811.jpeg (35.92 KB, 574x657, IMG_6311.jpeg)

>>1680132Holy shit that IS good art… minus the subject matter. I stand corrected. At the risk of sounding like a self righteous ‘anti’ on Twitter, could someone PLEASE confiscate his art style until he chooses more sane material to work with, thankyou.
(newfag) No. 1680264
File: 1693222371541.png (Spoiler Image,1.38 MB, 1200x1200, image_2023-08-28_213406746.png)

>>1680132Unrelated but I tried looking him up and one of the first things that came up was the Patricia Piccinini Skywhales kekkk
No. 1680375
>>1680132A lot of fetish artists draw poorly because they're autistic, which interferes in their ability to actually gain assistance with improving their art.
Autists turn into cows a lot of the time in some big ways due to their parents being crappy. You know the usual narcissistic BS that you commonly see controlling parents have? The kind that just results in a normal person having some form of small trauma, or getting motivated to move out when they're a teenager? Autists end up wearing the parents down and so either they go full lockdown and don't allow the autist to do things, or they go full neglect and let the autist rot in his/her NEET cave so the parents can have control over the rest of the house. An extreme version of the latter is what happened to CWC, and you can pattern match this to many others.
You basically have a person whose social skills stunted down somewhere around when they were 12-16. So combine a lack of inperson social interaction, the ability to curate their online experience heavily to the immature sensibilities of a teenager that they have, and the ease which people online will disengage over sensing "there's something wrong with this person."
Returning to the art portion, SOME improve despite this. Their social problems are big enough and their art is such a hyperfixation over other things that they just spend hours grinding. Others are only drawing to get ideas out between their obsessions and they lack the sense to know "this is not very good." And still others know they suck and throw fits over it but are too emotionally and socially immature to do more than cause problems. A lot of this shit can be fixed by a mentor, but it takes a ridiculously long time and a huge amount of effort to help untangle someone's retardation for… very little payoff. Some of them lock up and then block the person who was helping them after a long time because it's what they can control the stress of. Some of them keep returning to bad habits. Some continue to run up against their parents' distrust of their own ability to take care of themselves and thus struggle against controlling BS, or they have other environmental issues that can't be fixed without a physical intervention. Some get better, but then get eaten up by cultish groups (like gendie crazies) and reject the people who helped them. Others just are so broken that they an hero after months or years of improvements. It's a huge time risk on the scale that pretty much only other NEETs can help them, because of it being literal years of psychological milestones that they missed.
Shit is so fucked. Take care of your kids if they turn out to be not quite right, assuming any nonnies here ever find someone to settle down with.
>>1680370This isn't a capitalism thing, this is just a lemming thing, like when a bunch of rainbow-puke gendie furries all go and start changing their fursona to some flavor of the month species. You see all these mediocre artists offering things for sale, but unless you can get numbers for how many are actually selling they may be in the red over it (or are using a POD service so it's really crappy). Etsy will show how few sales these people are making, but a lot of other sites people use don't.
Plus a lot of etsy sellers are literally just aliexpress vendors, dropshippers, or similar. They don't have the same risk as an independent artist. The site is so flooded with garbage compared to even 5 years ago it's unreal. Back then I bought a cute, very high quality fanart poster of a series I deeply care about. I just looked for it again, and the only reason it showed up is cause there's few people selling things for the series as it is OLD. The shop only has 1200 sales too, and their first review was from 2007.
That's under 7 sales a month for 16 years. For items that are all sub-$20 and actually really nice.
No. 1680542
>>1680534Nonna, no. Plenty of artists know how to hold a conversation. I have seen artists who are so autistic that if they didn't live in a country with robust welfare systems and the internet they would be dead decades ago, because they can't hold extended conversations and can't manage their own money, despite posting their work for 15+ years online. A bunch are pushing 50 by this point.
Like, imagine one of those deviantart MSPaint lolcows with 4000 images, but they can pay attention enough to actually have improvement over time. THAT is not most artists.
No. 1680563
File: 1693246636416.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.18 MB, 1165x1400, F4VWcblXIAA4YLV.jpg)

>>1672966Got a laugh out of me anon. His shit is mediocre at its best and always riddled with serious anatomy errors. The head you posted in that picture is fucked. The composition is boring and generic. Hope to see you grow past your 'rendering smooth = good art' mindset
No. 1680701
File: 1693258151096.jpg (228.43 KB, 540x768, 244810.jpg)

>>1680563he also copies the rendering style of nishimura kinu. Nothing about him is original or interesting.
No. 1680753
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>>1680563>>1680701The interesting part is his work ethic. He has been posting for years with extreme regularity and consistency without burnout or stopping, and doesn't for the most part put drama on his page or anything. The only exception was the shexyo incident.
No. 1680782
File: 1693264007939.jpg (141.02 KB, 800x998, rinotuna-.jpg)

>>1679425I think some of it is really cute and I love the prompt idea of a Walkman like who thinks of that.
No. 1680784
>>1680779surprisingly coomer artists are the least replaceable because most of the time they don't even have to be that skilled, it's all about the execution and the personality they inject. Repeat cutomers are common.
Also coom is the foundation of the internet art scene. Zoomers would have anyeurisms if they went back in time to the slash fiction days.
No. 1680788
File: 1693264545198.jpg (80.46 KB, 1600x900, cover1.jpg)

>>1680786The demand for coom is near-infinite
No. 1680845
File: 1693269006558.jpg (123.36 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile.jpg)

So what are y'all's thoughts on Wolfychu and her content? I myself am a HUGE fan of her works! :3(:3)
No. 1680892
File: 1693271683936.png (Spoiler Image,2.36 MB, 1280x1793, i hope hes getting anally rape…)

>>1680848>teikokukizokusame, i wanna say what i think of him but it will count as a-logging. I am just happy that fucker is rotting in prison, he's what definetly blackpilled me about men. The fact that this fucker was allowed to sell artbooks of his gross nasty paintings of women getting raped and mutilated in horrible ways while moids whine about the barbie movie and
>>1680696 being ''misandrist'' is what made me decide to die a virgin.
No. 1680895
File: 1693272097393.jpg (170.63 KB, 1080x1194, Screenshot_20230829_021701_Ope…)

>>1680696They're saying it's racist and objectifying because the enslaved sub is black, though I wonder if they actually care about that or if they'll leave alone all the dom sub slave comic stuff made for and by moids where the sub slave is a
poc, and are only comfortable going after this one. Judging by pick me comments like this, picrel, I think I know the answer.
No. 1680901
File: 1693272454518.jpg (Spoiler Image,101.83 KB, 597x1000, 7ihSgxSAF2wzF7iYFX5iC4OUDEPMFf…)

>>1680892Hadn't heard of this artist so I googled just now, and yeah I hope he's dropping the soap too.
>>1680896For an idea of what he draws, this is one of the "tamer" stuff because he left some of the women all in one piece, he's drawn so many others where
their limbs are removed so they're like living sex dolls No. 1680910
>>1680900>>1680901>>1680904I like how earlier in the thread 1
nonnie was asking how to make friends with guro artists, and now that the subject shifted to an actual guro artist (moid) that got unjustly censored by China, the way he's getting publicly shat on itt makes it obvious why niche/taboo artists can be wary of too much attention from people outside their subcultures.
No. 1680914
>>1680910Please tell me you're not caping for a moid who fetishises
amputation, torture and experimentation, dog imagery, disfigurement and injury to women
>>1680911Yeah not in the bg, I said some of the women
No. 1680918
>>1680914Legit why give a fuck what anyone fetishizes in fiction?
>>1680913>she doesn't know what guro isThis website is 18+
No. 1680937
File: 1693274140277.jpg (Spoiler Image,479.56 KB, 1088x1500, 5.jpg)

>>1680910People can shit on whatever art they want, the same as people can make or be a fan of whatever art. I like guro art because imo it can express stuff other types of art can't always and can just look cool, doesn't stop me from shitting on someone else who clearly likes guro because they're a retarded male who get off to women being hurt picrel (fyi before you click it's more graphic than
>>1680918>Legit why give a fuck what anyone fetishizes in fiction?This is a whole debate, I'll just say that "uwu just let people enjoy things" can devolve into a lame deflection depending on what you're trying to defend, do you not want to think crticiially at all? I just hope it's sometimesntrue that not everyone re-enacts the stuff they like in fiction, but that can also be a deflection/excuse the XY use to justify beating it to cp.
No. 1680948
>>1680937>do you not want to think crticiially at all?All you need is to have hard firm principles that apply at all times without contradictions. That IS thinking critically, because you're not just relying on your disgust response or social pressure.
It does not matter the content - all fiction is fine as long as nobody was harmed in the creation of it. If an actress was coerced into sucking off an exec for her job on daytime TV, that's worse than someone drawing loli or shota torture porn because someone was ACTUALLY HARMED.
No. 1680954
>>1680949Why the fuck would someone who openly advocates for principled artistic freedom have something to hide? It literally draws attention from puritan shitheads?
The moids who crusade against that shit are the most likely to be abusers btw (but it's not smoking gun evidence.) They go overboard in trying to keep heat off themselves because they don't wanna lose all their social connections, and they avoid going to therapy because if word got out that's why they went they also lose all their social support. Sometimes people just do it for social point scoring though cause they have literally nothing else to do.
>>1680950The fact you aren't more disgusted by the CCP oppressing people is telling
No. 1680956
>>1680933>ok fine cp harms children and is disgusting, BUT in 2d form it's completely fine based on the technicality that it doesnt harm any irl children, so naysayers are just meanies who hate mere cartoons!This male probably believes every word he's saying but nona if you're female you're missing the forest for the trees here about why drawn cp is still gross, and-
Oh just as I was typing this you said
>>1680948>if an irl woman is sexually coerced into doing stuff yeah that's bad but a drawing about the exact same thing is fine cos no irl women were harmedSo you also believe every word of that screenshot. Perhaps you're not female, or perhaps you hope a moid like this will pick you cos you're totes cool with cp you're one of the guys and you're so edgy. Respect yourself a little more, ok?
(bait) No. 1680964
>>1680956I bet you believe in the jaws effect too lol
>>1680961I don't even like the art, it looks gross to me. i just have principles
No. 1681031
>>1680974>>1681000Don't argue with him. He's one of those people who'll defend anything in fiction so long as it makes his dick hard. The cognitive dissonance these people have under the guise of "but it's not real" is so out of touch.
>>1680990Works of art do not exist within a vacuum. Take an art history class at least once.
No. 1681084
>>1681081You must unironically be exactly that if you're jumping through these hoops to deduce something so asinine and unrelated
>tims say 2d cp is badOkay?
No. 1681120
File: 1693279878326.jpg (148.65 KB, 1024x566, 1660997449733546.jpg)

>>1681115my motivation to getting gud is drawing male ryona, i will get there someday nonnies i promise
No. 1681430
>>1681427guro is sexual
>>1681428its just gore, gore=/=guro
No. 1681441
>>1681430guro is anime/weeby gore
eroguro is sexual anime/weeby gore
gore is real life/non-anime/non-weeby gore
No. 1681587
File: 1693319414762.jpg (26.71 KB, 365x500, 1681983745.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_SX50…)

>>1681553Morpho: Anatomy for artists and Hampton's figure drawing book
No. 1681599
>>1681591No offense to you
nonnie because I'm sure someone made you feel insecure but that is the stupidest question I ever heard, is art shit/cringe as a hobby. That's just childish. Why are you basing your hobbies around what other people might think of them? Not even your level of skill, but just the fact that you partake in the hobby? Just do what you enjoy
nonnie, it doesn't matter what anyone's opinion is on
any aspect of it. It's cringe to ask this question kek
No. 1681681
>>1681480IME men seem to be socialized among other men to where they speak in firm statements, not suggestions, if that makes sense? Like, they tend to really only focus on a specific problem and ignore other context that could be influencing why a woman may be struggling. I think that's kind of why the (debunked) theory that autism was just "extreme male brain syndrome" was taken seriously for a few years. I feel like there's just some kind of big cultural barrier between women & men, and that could be where many misogynistic stereotypes come from (or why some men stupidly think they're
valid.) It really feels similar to how ethnic stereotypes form: a man misunderstands what a woman is saying and communicating to him, and ignorantly dismisses it as "a woman thing" instead of thinking about what he might be missing. But I have also noticed that other women rarely give mercy to the occassional man who seems to genuinely back up and try to learn after he crosses a woman's line he didn't see.
It might be the artist circle(s) you like accidentally let in some sociopathic "ladder climber" men in them. Like the kind of moids that are too stupid to be CEOs but have similar personality traits. While I have seen psycho women too, they tend to be way less overtly demeaning (unless they have severe BPD, like Frosk is a huge trainwreck example there). I remember being on the sidelines when one of my friends' FF14 FCs was ruined by a crazy woman who slowly turned half the FC's opinion against the leader using gossip and gaslighting, then dragged them all off to make a new one with her (I think) tim e-fuckbuddy.
I feel the struggle with finding stable peer groups that are supportive and inocculated against shitheads.
No. 1682225
>>1681480lmao when i have to deal with talking to men about art feedback i just get on their level. if they get rough with me, i play their game and talk rough to them too. if there's one thing i've learned in my life interacting with boys and men is that you gotta play their game aka play rough otherwise not only you'll hurt yourself but there are bigger chances that they'll notice you're feeling hurt and then shit even more on you for it because they're dumbasses.
one thing though is that men do relay feedback in a different way and you pretty much have to "decode" it. they usually don't explain themselves very clearly so you gotta do some of the "translating" work yourself. sometimes the guy genuinely wants to give you feedback but he's just shit at explaining himself because of what
>>1681681 said, aka men are usually taught from a young age to act and talk a certain direct and blunt way.
by best advice is: if you're not willing to put on the boy mask and butt heads back, don't go to men for art feedback if you're able to.
No. 1682523
>>1682443yeah it happened the same to me. with women it was like:
>hey, can you please critic my art? i feel like something is off.>oh but it's already good! you don't need to change anything!and with men it was like:
>hey, can you please critic my art? i feel like something is off.>yeah the anatomy sucks and the figure is stiff, also the lineart is inconsistent.and then they would give me a red line of my sketch where I could actually see the mistakes. believe it or not this helped me a lot to improve my art. apparently women are afraid of hurting your feelings or being mean, but in reality that only slows you down in your artistic progress because you never know where you're failing.
No. 1682540
>>1681553Hampton's anatomy course/book
Steve Huston's head course
Proko's figure drawing course
Draw A Box
Dynamic Sketching, helped a lot with my line art
I know this is very /beg/ tier but they helped me a lot.
But I also feel like they contributed to some kind of stagnation especially Hampton since he's so sketchy and it encourages my chicken scratches
No. 1682546
File: 1693406116979.png (167.3 KB, 633x803, Screenshot 2023-08-30 173613.p…)

Has anyone been following what's going on with OCC? From what I understand the admins have started promoting a website called Group-Buy.Club where people pool in their money to buy courses (mainly Coloso, which is very hard because it puts the users/students IP on each frame of the video or something like that)
There's been this back and forth nagging about how unfair the group buy is because the people who pay have access to the course but it's not available on OCC.
It's been kind of funny trying to decipher what's going on but the broken English makes it hard.
I really hope whatever bs is going on doesn't take the website down, it's invaluable and has many useful courses. /ic/ can't be trusted since one of the jannies deleted the main torrent one day because of transphobia on the board iirc.
No. 1682727
>>1682546Sorry anon I don’t know what this is about. Is it a site or discord with art resources?
>>1682523Yes lmao I’ve had that experience. Like I’m not working on a coloring page with my pretty markers for social. I need crit because something looks off and I can’t see it.
>>1682540Also has anyone had success with the Reilly method? Proko was taught it and touched on it in a few videos but he seems to have moved to Loomis or ended up combining the two, it’s hard for me to tell. I like Reilly in some ways better but I feel like I have stupid fingers when I try to practice.
No. 1682764
File: 1693421320032.jpeg (197.09 KB, 1500x1000, IMG_0753.jpeg)

Love this artist’s style and love buff ladies as much as the next girl but apparently this OC is a she/her.
Sure, bucko.
No. 1682765
File: 1693421354290.jpeg (620.13 KB, 1638x2048, IMG_0752.jpeg)

>>1682764(Some more artwork)
No. 1682847
File: 1693426841990.png (1.51 MB, 1156x1255, differnce.png)

>>1682765some women can be bulky especially the women you see in CrossFit but even then there are differences how women muscle looks and male…the artist just drew a literal man and called it a woman
No. 1682861
>>1682727OCC is a website that uploads paid courses for free, mostly art courses. The screenshot I uploaded is from their telegram group chat.
>>1682703I remember reading an article about how in Japan there's a trend of younger gen abandoning their family business in pursuit of working at a company. I don't think that would happen in the West would it?
>>1682773You could dedicate one month for specific topics.
I came across an art guide called the "solo artist curriculum " and it's supposed to last for 2 years according to the creator but I think it's a bit unrealistic. The best thing about it is it provides a list of books and courses you could follow.
Alternatively you could make a theme for every month on what topics you want to improve on eg: figure drawing, environment art, composition, colour, perspective etc
No. 1683078
File: 1693449701216.jpg (144.64 KB, 847x1200, F3GvSpTXoBc73Go.jpg)

I would hardly call this salt but I unironically love when an artist posts commissions and its something like this […]
No. 1683079
File: 1693449754753.jpg (Spoiler Image,104.19 KB, 1200x1094, F3yPGnSW8AAsEoy.jpg)

>>1683078While their personal art looks like this. We love a multifaceted artist. It's so funny
No. 1683208
>>1682977What do you specifically want to start with?
Domestika’s courses depends a lot more on the artist so don’t just shop around for a “figure drawing” course. And like
>>1682989 said, pirate the course and see before paying.
No. 1683507
>>1683336>so many men draw loli traps that this should be more common just to piss moids off.I noticed this too but thought I was just being a paranoid pedo hunter. So many traps are identical to lolis with bulges and it's
sus how none of these scrotes are openly into shota unless it's straight.
No. 1683978
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>>1683976That wouldn't bother me at all, I claim no ownership over any man fictitious or 3D.
No. 1683980
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>>1683978I do, and i wont let any gendie disrepct him
No. 1684130
File: 1693550533247.jpeg (31.22 KB, 275x273, IMG_0694.jpeg)

>>1683910Saged, ik there’s a fine line between troon stuff where cuntboy artworks are made by TIFs to project onto but am I the only one who finds the concept alone hot? Not a TIF but a genuinely male character who was hit by a spell or smth and now has female genitalia I can’t be the only person here who finds it saucy despite the fact that afab fandom so often uses it as self-insert (I usually just ignore the scars on artwork) (also I’m not talking about gender swap stuff that’s different I don’t want to fuck a girl version of my favourite male character) (yes I am fujo trash grow up)
(newfag) No. 1684133
File: 1693551027453.png (46.01 KB, 144x357, bananers.png)

>want to make femdom and female-gaze art
>realize most women are into maledom and webtoon-tier romance with kpoop sexdoll looking female self inserts or cutesy kind do no wrong uwu fem self insert
>most than likely i will get cancelled by other women for it
i dont want men jacking off to my art, but at this point i have accepted i am the only weirdo who likes to see big fat women raping young men and therefore it's my duty to make the internet worse by unleashing it
No. 1684135
File: 1693551380514.gif (169.71 KB, 220x220, k.gif)

>>1684130>afab fandomare you calling being a woman a fandom?
No. 1684334
File: 1693577893365.webm (4.06 MB, 1080x720, ssstwitter.com_1693577721878.w…)

ive seen this mostly on jap ai art twitter but it seems that ai animation is getting better..what are your views on this nonnies? sure you can retouch some frames to make it look better but strangely i think in this aspect ai is helpful to animators more like a tool if they based it off their own models (although im sure their pay is going to get worse now..)
No. 1684597
>>1684585She's not being misogynistic, she's talking about what she's in the mood to see. You're being a little antagonistic, anon.
>>1684558In my experience, women and girls troon out from yaoi + TRA bullshit via tumblr exposure, they only start drawing cuntboys post-pronouns because they now view it as "rep" rather than a fetish fantasy. Strangely, I see men posting about cuntboys more often than tifs, and tifs tried to retroactively make it about activism.
No. 1684640
>>1684597>men posting more cuntboy than women and tifKeeek that's a lie, surely those "men" are really tifs, because men would rather masturbate whit trap and futanari than that. In general women and tif are who more like cuntboy
If back in the day cb shit happened after girls turned into tifs, now there is so much art of it that girls prefer to consume it before yaoi.
(derailing) No. 1684703
>>1684670bi. if they were only into real tim porn that'd be one thing but seeking out cartoon girls with dicks is another. the tiny percentage of women I've seen who like it like it in lesbian shipping.
>>1684649I think they men are bi too, I've seen too many cuckchan vent posts where a guy fucks a "trap" irl and feels disgusted during and after because of how obviously male he is. they'd only be into little boys irl whether they admit it or not.
>>1684676now who said that ? I only like it when it's on the guy a feeble minded plebian might assume to be the top
No. 1684816
File: 1693612534109.jpg (13.56 KB, 324x324, my disgust.jpg)

>>1684649i really hate the rise of cuntboy art, we literally cant even have men anymore, everything has to be force-feminized to catter to men or masochistic women. Happened to cute anime boys like link being turned into ''femboys'' to appease moids without them feeling ''gay'', then tumblirinas transwashing every male character they came across, and now tifs and insecure ''totally not bi guyzz haha'' closseted women taking men, normally from franchises that are supposed to pander to straight women like genshin, and giving them vaginas to be penetrated, because women cant be voyouristic like men and enjoy cute men jacking off or being penetrated by other cute boys, or even enjoy a woman in a dominant position over a man, we always have to be the penetrated ones, the ones being looked and judged. The worst part is that most of them dont even tag their shit, i have seen a lot even complain that cuntboy is a misogynistic transphobic whateverphobic term and refuse to tag their shit, because they are genuinely mentally ill and think those are ''men'' and therefore straight women want to see it. Meanwhile women who make art with slight femdom or female power fantasy tones get shit-on and nitpicked left and right for not even a quarter of what men do. We fucking cant have shit, we are forced to be oogled irl, in normal art, and now art that's supposed to be for women.
(cuntboy sperging) No. 1684921
I worry this conversation will cause the thread to derail. Most of lolcow is not to be trusted with it kek.
>>1684334Cool and all but how is it going to stick to a character design? Though experemental AI animation has its uses, Vulvine queen of ecstasy fwatured a segment with it.
No. 1684955
>>1684951Genuinely, just ignore them. Recently there's been a wave of people coming from Twitter, all with porn-sickness, in a bunch of threads trying to defend their coomer-antics.
>>1684334AI art will never be able to animate and track individual shapes, so it will always look weird. They jitter and the art style/face changes with each frame. Maybe in 5 years, it will rival humans, but at this point, it's only good for still imagery
No. 1684960
>>1684133>want to make a dominant female protag that's the opposite of the typical virtuous, pure and chaste pretty girl>my tastes in 2d males are unconventional to say the leastpain
but you should do it anyway nona, infact, I should do it too. The more women do what they please in art, the more normalized it will be, more women will be encouraged to do the same, and thus less likely to get criticized by virtue-signallers.
No. 1684980
>>1684968>you should be ok with tranny art because it pisses men offI want whatever brainwashing you have. I can't tell if it's TiFs projecting or lesbians in the closet. Maybe women who can only imagine erotica that includes female genitalia due to non-women-catering porn dominating media. I personally don't care about cuntboys, but I also think they're cringe.
>>1684958You're right, the only "good" ones I've seen have been touched up by humans. It'll never be good on its own.
No. 1685086
File: 1693636510818.jpg (Spoiler Image,918.88 KB, 1472x1726, liefeldface.jpg)

>>1684319Maybe ot but kind of a weird coincidence, it really hit me the other day just how much Rob Liefeld has never had a thought like this in his life. Everyone gets his face or at least part of it, even women. The reason he draws eyes so tiny and far apart is because he has small, widely-spaced eyes. Everyone has that shape of mouth because he has that shape of mouth. The eyebrows, as well.
This is probably exactly what you're trying to avoid but I'm just saying, give everyone your knock knees just to get the pose down if you want, remember you can always redraw it later too if it bothers you.
No. 1685371
>>1684133I love femdom, not into the 'big fat' part, but I'm all for women making more femdom that they want to see. I love seeing women happy. If it makes the moids and handmaidens cry, you double down and become a master at that shit.
There will be other women who want to see your work. I am seriously convinced that a large portion of women, at the very least, enjoy FLR and/or femdom more than they like to admit. They're too scared to embrace because they want that sweet male approval. Women are naturally more dominant, it's just stifled by society.
No. 1685386
File: 1693671277857.jpg (227.12 KB, 683x1024, 20220802-0D0A5118-683x1024.jpg)

>>1684145Might be best to just curate your own using a basic gallery app or just nested folders. That's what I've had to resort to.
>>1684319>>1684377I also have hitchhiker's thumb, in both hands, no less. Since it's so minor, I've adopted it as a signature feature for whenever the hands are visible.
>>1684962I like using Muscle Plus ( since they have the body type ranges in men that I like to draw. They're fit but still slender.
The scenarios are silly and cute, but the guys are nice-looking. Might not be your type, but it might help others. Picrel.
No. 1685395
File: 1693672529789.jpg (126.81 KB, 1024x768, 20210214-DSC05142-1024x768.jpg)

>>1684133God yes anon please make your art. We need more of that in this world.
>>1685386Nta but thanks for this link anon!
No. 1685402
File: 1693672917883.jpg (Spoiler Image,99.9 KB, 500x633, 191573443.jpg)

>>1685386they look too roided up for my taste, i wanted the app to make timed figures. I will ask on ic, i hope it does exist because i am so tired of uggo men. I really love this type of physique but it seems extinct nowadays, i hate when i can see the veins in the moid its so repulsive.
No. 1685449
>>1685401I hope it goes better than expected, nona. People can't fault you for your your dad's behavior.
>>1685402A couple of the website's models have that kind of physique, but that it's obvious some of them do that dehydration thing before the photoshoots, hence the veins. I just stick to the contours.
Looks like you want something along the lines of a swimmer's physique.
No. 1685530
>>1685509NTA but until money is exchanged there's no obligation on either end so backing out is totally fine and in your right. People browse, ask questions and examine merchandise before just leaving in any business.
And on the other end artists should never do work for a client in any way that is "serviceable as-is" before taking payment due to how difficult it is to tell a genuine quiet-client apart from a burner/scammer, and how mentally and emotionally exhausting dealing with the fallout from it can be if you guess wrong.
No. 1685568
>>1685533I feel like you can make your point better. To me it right now doesn't read like a good example because there's a culture-warrior subculture where both sexes will try to call media
problematic (racist/sexist/etc) for social approval. And from what I've seen, fetishy or porny content is really easy to leverage the puritan mindsets onto for extra pressure because it turns it from not just an accusation of racism, but since the racism becomes "assumed true" it turns into an accusation of FETISHIZING racism. Then when someone - female or male, but even other women generally assume the person they're piling on is male even if the content of discussion is for women - tries to take apart the accusation of racism a mob of idiots will adhom them with pervert accusations.
No. 1685586
>>1685502I'll keep that in mind. I'm trying to collect a wider range of good looking male body types.
>>1685523 >>1685568ayrt from
>>1685371and there's a difference between what you're thinking and what we're discussing.
>>1685533 highlighted the case in reference. There has always been a culture-warrior thing when it comes to women's works whether or not eroticism were present. In SFW works, you would get opinions changing for the negative when they found out that the creator was a woman. It's why female authors often wrote under a masculine or androgynous nom-de-plume, including JK Rowling.
With erotica, it's harder for the often male ringleader to compartmentalize, which adds another layer to his aggression (how dare a woman make this!!??!11).
The way it's handled shifts over time. Men going after women's creations always created a chilling effect with other women who speak up and remind everyone that They're Not Like That Woman.
No. 1685663
>>1685386I’m so glad someone bought this up because I wanted to ask.
This is somewhat related, where can I find references for erotic and affectionate scenes or pictures without going to porn. I know Pinterest is good but not for nsfw references
No. 1685730
>>1685364I remember some youtuber did a video on him and he said that it was a combo of being in the right place at the right time (he showed his work/finished comics at a convention where Marvel was looking to hire new artists) also being extremely innovative in the comics scene at the time, he would do like crazy compositions/edgier designs and concepts that weren't common in the 80s-90s.
I also don't really like his art but the way modern comics are colored doesn't do him any favors. It looks way less offensive when it's cel shaded/solid colors. Sometimes less is more.
No. 1686068
File: 1693730951819.jpeg (27.13 KB, 375x365, IMG_0708.jpeg)

>>1684597Hey so I’m the anon who kicked off this discussion; I’m an ex-troon and I actually never started liking or being interested in cuntboy (drawn, not irl) porn until way after I became comfortable with my womanhood again. I think you guys are blowing this way out of proportion, 1) No, I’m not going to become a TIF again, 2) It’s not inherently degrading to bottom and y’all are weird (and slightly misogynistic) for implying that it’s inherently degrading for a straight women to bottom to a guy and 3) It’s just hot. Not everything has to be political/rationalised, I’m just horny fujo trash.
No. 1686329
>>1686239What works for me is having paper cases and folders to keep things in neatly and separated (I do trad art) as well as plenty of places to put all my tools.
I also keep a schedule in a spreadsheet and color each box differently depending on what type of thing it is. I include my normal things like… eating and sleeping so I don't forget stuff, and am aware just how much time I have to properly get things done without feeling like a mess. I can drag things around the spread sheet to reorganize stuff if I end up not having time to get to something too. I guess there's magnetic schedules and white boards you could also use for the same functionality?
The other thing is that if you feel you're taking too long to get stuff done you may need to time things and see where you spend the most amount of time on a piece. Normally it seems grinding fundies for sketching is the best, since if you can get a sketch for a pic or page mostly-laid-out in 10-15 min then all the subsequent processing (lines, painting, or otherwise) has more time and can be done with more confidence.
There's people who do weird minimal sketches but they tend to be either highly skilled already, have great confidence, or dislike the feeling of a detailed sketch turning into a very different lineart.
No. 1686430
File: 1693761245147.jpg (Spoiler Image,131.76 KB, 850x468, sample_42e4636cc1252e276e19fb5…)

The femdom male ryona talk has made me want to get into drawing it more, but I'm not good at drawing NSFW scenes so can I ask for advice? I found this pose that I like except one of the women looks like she'd fall off if this was real like she's sitting on an invisible chair, how could I fix that? Repost forgot to spoiler img
No. 1686468
File: 1693763352987.jpg (56.15 KB, 564x560, 7f080adadf3a76cdbbeffcfcd557d9…)

>>1684962Look up athletes instead of models. There's a wealth of sports photography to look at, and athletes have way more dynamic and interesting poses to study from.
No. 1686722
>>1684133Something about your post is making me angry, probably the fact that you're giving up based on what the
MASSES want and not what us niche based femdom enjoyers want. Stop making us suffer, but please don't make all the rapists fat women otherwise I can't self-insert.
No. 1686775
>>1686412This is good advice, thank you.
>>1686523Honestly, I suspect the opposite is true when I do this. My brain thinks something like “I already got the validation and positive response from the WIP, why should I continue? I should post another lower effort drawing for more.” If I want critique I’ll usually send it to a friend too, people in replies or comments generally don’t offer helpful critique even when i ask for it. I know the solution is to just cut out social media entirely and only log in every few months to post art but everyone irl in my generation communicates through Instagram generally.
No. 1687191
File: 1693820333928.jpg (249.9 KB, 1600x1200, s-l1600.jpg)

Has anyone studied from the Famous Artists' Course textbook?
Albert Dorne and Norman Rockwell wrote it and it's supposed to be good but I just skimmed the book and there are no actual exercises and not sure how to use it, I suppose I should just make up my own based on their curriculum?
No. 1688029
File: 1693891244160.jpg (226.71 KB, 712x1123, fantasy_reader_by_barry_blair.…)

So there was a discussion on comic artist and pedo Barry Blair in the western animation Industry thread. Like hindsight is 20/20, but just looking at his art style, you could tell that this guy is probably a paedophile. What are some art styles where you can automatically assume that the person drawing this is a pervert?
No. 1688039
>>1688029Anything with nude children or loli/shota,even clothed. If all they draw is kids, that's usually an indication too. A lot of these people refuse the idea they are pedos because they don't have cp or they don't act on it, but when you find an artist who specializes in only drawing children in innuendo situations, it's usually because they have an irl sexual interest. This goes for all artists. Youcan tell someones fetish or kink based on what's repeated in their work. Someone most likely isn't into beastiality just from watch werewolf porn and horse sfms (only talking drawn/animated) but if they also part take in drawing it or dressing up,they most likely have some sort of irl interest kink/fetish wise.
Heres a good example: not all lolicons/shotacons are MAPs but all MAPS are shotacons/lolicons. Does this make sense?
No. 1688166
File: 1693906462797.jpeg (3.17 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_2861.jpeg)

Anons, how do I achieve a cute anime style that people like and want to purchase? I always end up making it too generic or not cute enough.
Pic rel, this artist has 30k followers, charges $120+ for adopts and commissions and essentially draws the same pose over and over, but people absolutely eat that shit up.
No. 1688247
>>1688170>>1688173>>1688177Thank you all for the advice! I built the following I do have off of fanart and generally my original stuff does terrible in comparison, so I know it’s a style/skill issue on my end
Also nothing against the artist I posted, Im just jealous lol
No. 1688291
>>1688039>>1688029The naked stuff is a dead giveaway. It's just like any other kind of fanservice. If it's not servicing the story then it's there for titillation. I'm anti-censorship for the most part but there are ways to express ideas and tell stories without having the camera pointed directly up a child character's ass.
I also get pedo vibes from artists who draw suspiciously wholesome stuff exclusively featuring children. The covers from Comic LO look like something out of a squeaky-clean slice-of-life story despite being purely for pedophiles. I can see how opportunistic moids or mindbroken gooners can develop a thing for the hypersexual violent lolishit but the pseudo-wholesome ~we're just kids doing what kids do~ stuff with soft colors and cute scenes feels equally nefarious. I feel like the scrotes who enjoy that would actually try to groom a child close to them rather than fantasize about snatching one off the street.
No. 1688521
File: 1693934736077.png (141.18 KB, 365x273, Peanuts_gang.png)

>>1688291>>1688291Depends on how they draw kids as well, like there's a big difference in both art-style and intention between loli/shota art-styles and something like peanuts
No. 1688749
File: 1693953742706.jpg (Spoiler Image,635.05 KB, 897x900, sabs_art-1697265035142369460-2…)

Sabu is one of my favourite artists skill-wise, but jesus christ his faces keep getting worse and worse, its like all of his femboys are going through some heavy peanut allergy reaction.
No. 1689076
File: 1693986939704.jpg (35.15 KB, 640x510, 1555389190328.jpg)

How do people get a following on fanart? I feel like I barely have the inspo or the drive to sit and continuously draw for a piece of media. This isn't a "i'm too good for these crappy shows!" post, what happens 90% of the time for me is that I'll go wow that's really cool and consume all the fanart and then move on. I think I might have a consumer mindset and not a creator mindset?
No. 1689092
>>1688903Yes. This is a moid trying to bait anons into looking at violent coomer art of women being subjugated and publicly, violently raped.
The artist was brought up in the last thread because of his FAQ
>>1688909 mentioned. He openly calls his art of women "violent". (Screenshot in post)
>>>/ot/1651742I have a strong stomach and easily detach from drawn pictures, so I went to his website to confirm: he does draw women in extremely violent and publicly humiliating rape scenes, including implied snuff scenes and mild gore. He makes art of any female that has appeared in any popular media (Alice in Wonderland, Overwatch, multiple kids' cartoons, etc). His kinks involve the mass institution of sexual slavery for women, and his art reflects that.
Conversely, he draws "femboys" as women with flat chests and hidden penises, getting gently gangbanged by moids who worship them as some divine ultimate other gender, because they look female but they aren't actually females kek
He's definitely a deranged faggot who refuses to admit he wants to fuck another man in the ass and has extremely violent urges towards women.
>>1688924I never saw the dismembered women portfolio, but I believe it from some of the "sex stories" he has on his website.
>>1689074"She" likes the fact that he's a nasty misogynistic coomer kek
No. 1689144
File: 1693997156266.jpg (Spoiler Image,480.53 KB, 637x1000, sabudengo.jpg)

>>1689074he can draw very well when he wants to, pic rel. Also one of the very few artists that can do twink anatomy right. I wish i could render like him, i really like how he paints skin. It's just that lately he's been devolving and drawing uglier and uglier twinks.
>>1689092he draws his femboyshit separated from his rape stuff, also it's not my fault he's the only artist that draws male anatomy the way i like it. So annoying when anons accuse you of being a man for the most retarded shit, as if the art scene wasnt woman-hating as a whole.
No. 1689147
File: 1693998039251.png (87.53 KB, 677x768, 1693384178409.png)

>>1689145yes, i am a coomer(female though) and i like cute men, and sadly sabu's femboy shit is the closest thing to that. Being into fem-gaze art is already painful enough because there is barely any of it and when its done its some ugly webtoon tier shit with a jiafei female protagonist and ape-looking male love interest. Unless you can recommend me artists with a similar style that are women and draw cute twinks dont even bother to respond to me again.
No. 1689150
>>1689148i said i liked his rendering, it doesnt feel plastic like sakimichan. His stuff actually looks better on grey-scale.
>even if he was talented it's not worth defending degenerate moids who coom to women being tortured.i am not defending him though, i just want to draw cute men and sadly there is no alternative to what artists i can reference/get inspired by. I cant meme myself into dilfs or ''man booba'' sadly, so i am stuck with sabu's femboys for the foreseeable future until i am good enough at drawing my twinks. There is a very limited set of artists who draw men, and most are coomer scrotes. I can either swallow my pride and copy from them or keep drawing aimlessly and getting nowhere, meanwhile these scrotes will keep pumping female-hating content. So idk, might as-well take one for the team.
No. 1689154
>>1689144I am usually the last person to claim twinks look like children and call someone who likes twinks a pedo (I like twinks) but that's a child. Especially considering the context seems to be ancient greece that's 100% pederasty. It's drawn by a male though, so go figure.
>>1689150I'd say if you want to draw cute men, just use your imagination or use references of irl twinks, you don't need to take inspiration from whoever that man's is' pederasty fanart. Besides, it's very uncanny valley. I guess if you like the rendering specifically, go for it, but as others said the anatomy is bad (look at where his ass and torso meet, it's two different angles entirely you shouldn't be able to see both cheeks technically, but since it's porn you now can). Also the boy's face looks retarded. So does the flower crown. I don't know, it looks bad and somehow the pederast is drawn much better in my opinion. Also why are you so hostile? Twink withdrawal and being forced to see ugly males in art? I understand this pain. If I could draw digitally I would only be drawing cute twinks and I'd draw them being tortured and I'd do it for you and all the based women in the world, but alas.
No. 1689164
>>1689154he uses irl twink refs though, kek. It's easier said than done, i can use my imagination and get fucking nowhere or steal from some coomer scrote and get there faster. The anatomy is good, as in, it's attractive and looks indinstinguishable male and not ''draw a girl call it a boy''. Also, it's definetly not underage otherwise he would have been told to fuck off out of patreon considering how anal they are about loli/shota.
>If I could draw digitally I would only be drawing cute twinks and I'd draw them being tortured and I'd do it for you and all the based women in the world, but alas.ah, the typical ''i would draw that but…'' some of you would probably be cowards and bend the knee at the first themlet on twitter calling you out for drawing the same shit men do but with the genders reversed. You are already calling some twink who looks at best 19 ''underage'', just because you are used to men only being drawn fat and old. Some of you wouldnt have the ovaries required to draw truly heinous shit even though you want to larp as le based man-haters. No one draws the shit i like, and at this point i have accepted most women are too brainwashed to draw genuinely attractive men and not fat old moids or fat moids with ''man tits''. Some of you are so fucking annoying and probably don't draw anyways. This is why we will never be as bad as men, lots of larping, very little actually doing.
No. 1689166
>>1689164>irl twink refsYou need to do the same. I like to save people's art or look at certain art-styles as inspiration, but the best is to take it straight from the source. If possible, find his real references. Also whether or not a depiction is "underage" is arbitrary, I don't think patreon itself is scanning every image anyway. Also I don't know why you're so hostile, I draw twinks on pencil and paper for myself as a hobby. That drawing doesn't look 19 at all. It's an ancient greek femboy, they were all 13. I don't care, I'm just sayin'. You need to calm down a little, I get you are frustrated because you think you can't draw but copying someone else's bad anatomy isn't going to help you. Find out what refs he is using and go from there. Go on /ic/ even, if you aren't already. I already draw violent shit, I just do it on paper because that's my hobby. If you want to get famous I'd say don't go on Twitter at first, you should post your work here and on /ic/'s cute male thread and gain your baseline of fans that way. Post your work on /g/ in the appropriate threads, I will follow you and I am sure others will. We've all been waiting for dedicated female twink artists. Stop being so hostile first, you're just assuming things. Take a deep breath and go shlick to twink destroyed porn and then come back.
No. 1689173
>>1689166you clearly dont draw if you dont understand people can both use irl refs and reference artists they like. It's annoying you are trying to pretend and tell me whats the best for my art when you dont even draw on digital.
>>1689167care to rec some? most animu artists draw bishie crap while eastern ones mostly draw ugly old fat men. The only one i can think off was that girl that was a copy of amane, but her anatomy was probably worse than sabu's.
No. 1689184
>>1689174Bait or twitterfags having a snitfit? They always turn it into an aggro meltdown and accuse other people of not being "tru artists" kek. I can't imagine the posts not being bait because why would actual twitterfags come to a thread where people don't like them? Wouldn't they rather get feedback from people who share their tastes? And the arguments are so incoherent, too.
>u don't understand, he's not like anybody else bc he uses irl refs!!>no u stupid fake artist, i can't just use irl refs bc real artists take inspiration from men who coom to violent rape drawings!It never ends kek. I know baiting is the point but I wish they'd knock it off already.
No. 1689192
>>1689175hell no, stick to pen and paper
you could learn vectoring, i suggest inkscape since it's way easier to vector than in illustrator
draw on paper, then take picture of drawing, put it in inkscape and vector the outlines and then you can fill with color and gradients
No. 1689254
File: 1694008603484.jpeg (1.11 MB, 3072x4096, E33166C3-93BF-47ED-9E70-F26215…)

If anon seriously thinks there are a lack of 神絵師 drawing femgaze twinks you need to get out of your western bubble. Look through Chinese artist’s following and likes for a start.
No. 1689277
>>1689201Everyone is shitting on you and it's not productive.
Getting back to your original point, nona, I initially found Sabu through the femboy stuff, and yeah, it did used to look better. After finding his fem gore shit, it put me off from fully following his work, and it's just as well since his faces are starting to look fugly anyway. He uses a lot of 3D modeling now too and when they have faces they can start to look really uncanny.
I'm not really interested in following a brazilian moid that far into the depths. I hope you find better references for twinks and that you improve past the point you'll need references like Sabs. I wished I had other artists on hand for you to reference but I don't.
No. 1689296
File: 1694014178140.jpg (1.22 MB, 1523x1120, miura.jpg)

>>1688029> What are some art styles where you can automatically assume that the person drawing this is a pervert?When they're honest about it.
No. 1689636
>>1689552it's very meh
nonnie, the face is hideous kpoopie shit and the anatomy is atrocious, look at those shoulders. It's not bad, but it's not study-worthy either. It's just generic overendered chinese kpop/anime guy. They are dime a dozen and they are all white-noise.
No. 1689742
>>1689636that's completely fair to say tbh, but there's a huge difference between "ew it's complete dogshit" and "whatever". op is still right though- there's no shortage of women drawing femgaze art.
>>1689730if the doodle threads are anything to go off of, i don't think it's wrong to say there salty artanons coping in these threads
No. 1689781
>>1688039>>1688029i think most scrotes who draw children or teenagers to an almost obsessive degree (especially if they draw mostly girls) at least have pedo tendencies. but it's probably not that obvious because people just don't want to face the reality that way more males than we think are pedophiles/degenerates, so they, as well as misogynistic scrotes like
>>1688749 and other degenerates like zoophiles, are able to hide in plain sight because it's so hard to believe.
a really big tell is in the extremely detail and shading they put on the bodies and faces of those children, particularly the parts that are often sexualized in general. they want to make them look as real as possible without the 'ugly' parts that a coomer wouldn't find attractive (this applies to any kind of coomer art tbh). in
>>1688029 we see a clear example of this, i don't even want to point out what's wrong with it kek it's repulsive.
No. 1690025
File: 1694090756144.jpg (Spoiler Image,68.42 KB, 1080x1239, .jpg)

Where do anons store references for art? I got my pinterest account suspended for nudity for still life reference images lel
No. 1690032
File: 1694092464835.jpeg (38.44 KB, 720x480, IMG_5773.jpeg)

>>1689296Am I wrong for agreeing with this freak? I hate lolicon and shotacon but if there’s always going to be paedophiles in society (which there objectively will) then why not let them chew on pixels instead of real children? I’m sure some will fairly argue ‘well, what if lolicon media makes more paedophiles, huh?’ but I don’t think that’s the case. You don’t just BECOME a pedo, you either are or you aren’t. And if you are it’ll come out sooner or later. So when it does, I’d rather an anime character take the burden then a poor
victim who would carry that trauma for the rest of their life. But I guess I’m just playing devil’s advocate.
No. 1690049
>>1690025Uh so I'm not the only one.
I got suspended one of my Pinterest accounts because I saved images that are against the Pinterest tos or some shit. How should I know that an image I'm seeing it's against something? Why don't they ban the uploader instead of people who innocently save a pic of a semi naked dude?
No. 1690055
>>1690039>>1690032I seriously hate these types of arguments. The issue is that when it comes to sex, moids and brainwashed pickmes will do anything to live their fantasies.
Killing a person and committing a crime like robbery isn’t something your average joe and jane can’t just wake up one day and do it without getting caught and killed on the spot.
There are many copycats anyways, people trying to be like their favorite true crime protagonists.
When it comes to sexual fantasies, it’s not just “oh, he likes to think of having sex with this anime girl who looks and acts like a toddler, nothing to see here!!!” It’s not just like that, sadly, lots of those moids have other paraphilias and they want to fuck their family members, or students, or they’re into animals, into insects and the sorts.
And what happens when they fry their brains with porn that tells them “this anime toddler is totally obsessed with you and wants to fuck you!” They start believing that maybe toddlers playing a silly game are actually seducing them.
And then you see in the news how there’s always at least one pedophile getting caught for molesting a child or committing rape.
And everyone wonders “but why??” And then the police tells us that it was because pedophile-kun would watch child porn because drawings weren’t enough.
It’s so easy to not draw children in sexual situations, plus, why would anyone do that anyways? Like, think about it, why would anyone wake up one day and say “children are sexy and I want to draw a baby getting fucked today because reasons”? It has to be someone with a very fucked up brain tbh.
No. 1690073
>>1690057Idk, anon, some freaks into furry porn and gore do fuck animals and molest animal corpses. If you masturbate to shit like that, and you have zero self-control and zero self-reflection as to why you consume that content, then I guess you could be part of some statistics at some point in your life.
The issue with shotacon and lolicon is also that the people consooming that shit never sit down to think about the things they do, they just seek for more and more stimuli until they seek for real life stuff.
No. 1690090
>>1690078>By this logic, you would need to censor anything, literally ANYTHING, because someone Will fap to it anyway.No. If you fap to things that aren't sexual by nature, like gore, that makes you a degenerate freak, but the gore itself is not sexual. Pedo content on the other hand is ALWAYS sexual, and always leads to degeneracy. Do you understand the argument that some things should not be sexualized, like children, because human monkey brains will be conditioned to see it as ok after every orgasm?? There is a difference, and it's not puritanical thinking when there's stats to back up the criminal activity.
No. 1690143
>>1690090Lol this is such a dumb puritan take. Again, tell me, why the "monkey brain" will link a fictional artwork to real sex…. But apparently will NOT link fictional violence to real violence? Because, like a true puritan American, you are afraid of sex but not of violence.
Also, I can't tell if your opinion of people is so low you think they can't separate fiction from reality, or if you yourself can't separate fiction from reality and therefore believe people are normally like that.
No. 1690145
>>1690090NTA, but the same logic behind desensitizaton and orgasm rewards do apply to violence when sexualized. Gore can definitely be sexualized, and often is. People draw "guro" content to get themselves and other degenerates off all the time. Slasher horror movies are literally recognized as weird sexual innuendos for directors when it comes to film analysis.
What separates the budding serial killer/liveleak gooner who thinks abuse and murder are actually good and should be enacted IRL from someone who just likes scary movies or "
problematic" fiction is having basic human decency and a respect for social norms/boundaries. Predators lack that.
No. 1690193
File: 1694100760835.png (Spoiler Image,610.04 KB, 1280x1067, 26e2fa0add2ef503f29ea9d55ae4d1…)

>>1690032>>1690039>>1690057>>1690078Oh, to see the day when lolcow would defend furries, lolicons, and gore rather than consider it cow behavior. You would've all hated the Tearzah days
>>1690185They can't, they've infiltrated somehow kek you can find them in so many threads
No. 1690249
>>1690179That’s part of my issue with the retards defending drawn CP, gore and furry shit. Because moids will always fry their brains, they won’t think properly about the shit they consoom, same as the idiotic pickmes that defend such behavior.
They think that a moid masturbating to toddler step sister porn, won’t go for the child that lives next door. When the problem with pedophiles and other moids is that they also seek for shit that’s close to them. That’s why there’s so many moids into step-mom and step-sister shit, or cousins, or school girls.
If there wasn’t any content made like that, they would probably get caught quicker, or maybe they wouldn’t even rot their brains with that shit and fuck toasters in a bathtub instead.
And no, I’m not talking about drawing a naked doll for your coquette-core bullshit mood board, I’m talking about lolicon and shotacon porn, made by degenerates for degenerates, which is what anon was defending before in:
>>1690032>why not let them chew on pixels instead of real children? No. 1690450
>>1690418>>1690427If you keep saying sexism, you will summon the fairy of sexism.
Anyways, it’s okay if you’re a degenerate and you daydream of having sex with children because you decided to go down that road, and totally not because that makes the predditor and discord failmales say that you’re “based”.
I’m just saying that if people stopped creating porn depicting children in sexual situations, maybe things would be better.
No. 1690557
File: 1694117754561.jpg (57.49 KB, 640x438, moids when they touch the inte…)

>>1690032>You don’t just BECOME a pedoNonny, the issue is that moids
do literally meme themselves into developping fetishes.
No. 1690897
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I'm salty because i don't belong to any big fandoms to get clout from fanart
But i'm kind of glad because they seem so fucking annoying and some popular media seems ass tbh
No. 1690947
>>1690032I'll admit I don't know how the inner workings of a pedophilic mind works, but from personal experience dealing with a map and observation on social media of anti-loli/shotacons, etc. that have ended up grooming or being predatory towards kids is higher than the people i've seen being open loli/shotacons being predatory towards kids.
Example, edp445 has been confronted and called out for being predatory towards minors but made a video talking about how lolicons are bad and dangerous to children, Twitter user
HEXUMFIEND who was one of those "proship-DNI" people (because to them proship is pedophilia) and others that don't come directly to mind.
There's no doubt overlap like with any damn thing else but overlaps have similar behaviors and warning signs as opposed to people that recognize what they like is purely fictional and have no interest in going after it IRL.
No. 1691047
>>1690947I agree 100%. That's the point: usually, people who openly show they like loli, or gore, or whatever, do so because they know they have nothing to hide so they aren't afraid. On the other hand, people who are even too vocal against it, usually are hiding something. It's the same logic that many men who loudly call themselves feminists end up being abusers or harassers.
(I disagree with calling pedophiles "map". They are filthy pedophiles and that's how they must be called. Calling them map is a way to make it seem less serious, kinda like referring to hoes as sex workers.)
No. 1691059
>>1691048I'm not any of the other anons in the arguement, but are you a fucking retard? I can link medical studies on how desensitisation to certain media and subject can fuck someone over, for example people with gore addictions can be comparable to people who've worked in abattoir with Perpetration-Induced Traumatic Stress.
inb4 "wahhh puritan!!" I used to have a gore addiction, I fucking know how fucked it is for you mentally. Ffs we have multiple cows on here that have fallen down the hole
No. 1691113
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Idk if this counts as art salt but I’ve noticed that the more advanced I get as an artist, the more I realise that it’s actually much harder to nail thinner bodies than fat or muscled ones. Hear me out. When you start out, thin bodies are easier because you can just draw people like tubes right? Whereas other more defined body types are harder to learn and require intense anatomy training. But once you’re out the other side, you realise that muscles/fat are distinctive and have a very obvious blueprint as to where things should go: delts look like this, hip dips look like that, calves look like this, etc. But drawing appealing thin bodies for advanced artists requires not only that aforementioned anatomy training, but an ability to be very delicate and subtle with your lines that hints at the correct anatomy without going overboard. Picrel is a good example; the gentle slopes of her arm look simple to a beginner, but as someone who’s spent a hours and hours studying Morpho I can recognise each curve as an intentional representation of muscle and fat. Just something I’ve grown to appreciate these days (and god forbid I post this on Twitter lest someone misinterpret my words as fatphobic, sigh).
No. 1691137
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>>1690049>I got suspended one of my Pinterest accounts because I saved images that are against the Pinterest tos or some shitAyrt, I actually got deactivated lel not suspended (whatever the difference is). I'm almost certain mine was from benign semi-nude resaved figure drawing references with some mild boobery and an actual vulva (admittedly) lol. Medical images for use in art are flagged apparently as hardcore porn. They give you 3 strikes than you're out. I'm not sure I'm getting my thousands of saved references back so I am sufficiently salty. In retrospect I should have known better but obviously I keep everything "inappropriate" hidden and private, I thought this would be enough. A google search gives mixed results with some saying its possible to undo deactivation after 2 weeks it should become accessible again automatically or you can beg customer service to reactivate. Not sure if suspension is worse than deactivation or if they're the same shit lel.
>>1690032>but if there’s always going to be paedophiles in society (which there objectively will) then why not let them chew on pixels instead of real children?This tired excuse for an argument from pedo defenders comes up every art thread.
>but I don’t think that’s the case. You don’t just BECOME a pedo, you either are or you aren’t.And you retards are wrong; pedophilia is not an accepted "sexual orientation" just as fucking animals isn't and any other multitude of deplorable male paraphernalia. I don't want to a-log but this tired shit sickens me. This irrelevant inhuman shit comes up in art circles no less from other women commonly. This is what genuinely terrifies me about retards spewing "everything is art". Everything isn't art. Child pornography is not art. Art doesn't exist in a vacuum.
>But I guess I’m just playing devil’s advocate.No you're not. This opinion literally is mainstream thought and is perpetuated in most media, it is a semi-common argument of males and pedophilic defending women. "Playing devils advocate" generally means being contrarian for the sake of an argument. This deplorable position is the mainstream of male and female pedo-defender society.
>>1691048False comparison, please don't defend child pornography. As a woman you are presumably human.
No. 1691243
>>1691059You can also find studies about how transgender surgery is "life saving", so what point are you making there?
If you're deranged and are fucked up mentally, don't blame it on the gore addiction.
As for me, I like gore art and I can't stand real violence. In fact, I even think I like gore art because it allows me to face my fears and control them. So how about you shut the fuck up.
Goddammit I hate moralfag inquisitions.
No. 1691259
>>1691243Anon, I’m sure you know what’s wrong with you. I don’t give a fuck if you fry your brain with gore everyday because you think that’s totally deep and whatever.
I just, again, say that maybe life would be better if people stopped trying to make art depicting children in sexual situations, specially when it’s done with the goal of making moids and retards cum to the idea of children having sex.
Plus I can’t believe you use people’s corpses as a way to make yourself stop being afraid of death or whatever, it’s honestly disrespectful of you to gawk at the remains of a dead person that probably suffered a very horrid accident or was tortured and then murdered.
No. 1691269
>>1691259>Plus I can’t believe you use people’s corpses as a way to make yourself stop being afraid of death or whatever, it’s honestly disrespectful of you to gawk at the remains of a dead person that probably suffered a very horrid accident or was tortured and then murdered.She said
art, as in drawings
No. 1691385
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>>1691128If you want to draw moid approved bimbo faces that’s on you. There’s more to rendering than stiff realism and if you can’t see the merit of other styles you need to get taste.
No. 1691399
>>1691319Get over your persecution fetish,
(infighting) No. 1691431
File: 1694201158146.jpg (28.66 KB, 620x400, 819.jpg)

>>1689144is no one gonna talk about how pedophilic this looks, like I'm gonna have to moralfag but this is literally just a young boy getting raped by an adult man and however drew this would undeniably rape a child ILR as well.
No. 1691498
File: 1694204153617.jpg (Spoiler Image,107.44 KB, 1024x682, 1 (4).jpg)

>>1691492>It's fine if you like it anon but twinks do not look like that.i dont think you know what a twink is, lmao. Here, since everyone told me to use 3DPD i went and searched for 3DPD twinks, and woah, guess what, they look young! almost as if twinks are supposed to look young and cutesy and not like cryptids.
No. 1691528
>>1691525lmao i already drew all the ugly fat scrotes from line of action/nma, i actually want to draw attractive men not decrepit old men
>>1691526ok then link me to where i can find pictures of twinks to study from? literally all figure drawing scrotes look like this.
No. 1691533
File: 1694206735961.png (849.43 KB, 1170x1116, EE06D1CE-CD18-4CA9-83A7-F78C17…)

Which one of you shotacon freakazoids storyboarded this? Fuck you
No. 1691572
File: 1694208446408.jpg (1.02 MB, 1060x1500, FQ4FOYYUUAEQzSO.jpg)

>>1689147>Unless you can recommend me artists with a similar style that are women and draw cute twinks dont even bother to respond to me again.natthelich (picrel) + iniro are my personal favorites. and i don't know if they're a woman, but there's also matemi…i guess lacryboy counts as well, but that's a tif.
No. 1691585
>>1691572nat is great, the rest are awful though, specially lacryboy. You cannot tell me sabu's art is terrible and scroteish and then recommend lacryboy, the feminization timeline tif.
>>1691574because you are just nitpicking for the sake of it, when i posted some 3dpd twink they started nitpicking the shit out of it and the argument went from ''why dont you tust use irl twinks refs'' to ''umh ackshually no, that ref is wrong how about you use bl instead??'' to ''umm how about you dont draw what you like and instead draw ugly scrotes??? skill issue'' there is no fucking way to please any of you
>>1691575because this always happens to women, men get away with heinous shit but women cant even say they like some scrote's art without getting dogpilled for it.
No. 1691607
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>>1691605>lacryboy actually knows how to draw a cute facelol, lmao even
No. 1691608
>>1691585>men get away with heinous shit but women cant even say they like some scrote's art without getting dogpilled for it.well this is lolcow
nonnie you can't expect farmers to be cool with a male artist that draws violent porn of women. even regular vanilla coom artists get massive shit.
i'm saying this as someone that enjoys sabu's art lol, but i'd really never post him here because of his views in the same way i'd never post the weird h-manga i read sometimes. know your audience etc. etc. No. 1691613
The thread goes silent. Poster
>>1691611 descends from Mount Sinai, bearing the word of God carved in stone.
No. 1692362
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>>1691619I mean, lots of nonnies here were already trying to be helpful and you keep acting like there's nothing between "child face on a more adult body" femboys and bara stuff and ugly men. I think your tastes just align more with those of men who kink on feminization which is fine, it's just niche and the issue isn't that all other women are brainwashed. Well, I won't rec you any contemporary artists since I think our twink tastes don't align. But for nude reference recs I'll second what others have said: if you're into the whole greek pederasty thing and want idealized study material, look at greek sculpture and artforms derived from that like renaissance art. Definitely check out classicist art since it has lots of rendered paintings and I've seen plenty of images of young pretty boys with flowers in their hair and with a somewhat chubbier body type. For photographic refs I've always found themalenudestock on dA pretty good. It's photographs form a gay male artists photographing only homoerotic constellations and the models aren't actual teenagers but some are on the slim and twinky side. If you like a more hardcore BDSM caravaggio-esque "suffering saints" aesthetic I can rec horszone on tumblr (it's also all gay content), some of the models are pretty cute imo.
No. 1692423
File: 1694277595270.jpg (958.84 KB, 1134x837, Pigma-Micron-Packaging.jpg)

When the fuck are you supposed to line your painting? Maybe my watercolors are just shitty but it feels like I'm doing something wrong. If I line before I paint, the lines get obscured by pigment and look faded and shitty. If I do it afterwards, my pens kick up dried pigment and get clogged/dry out quickly. I could go lineless and focus on shading but it's just not my style, I like hard dark lines.
No. 1692445
>>1691585In all honesty this place is just a bucket of crabs. No matter what you do, or what artist you post, someone will find a way to say their anatomy is shit, their rendering is shit, call you a scrote, or whatever.
anons are so much nitpickier and bitchier and wonder why the art salt has gone downhill over the years kek
No. 1692447
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>>1692435I didn't bring this artist up but can confirm the thighs look ridiculous.
No. 1692680
File: 1694295744120.jpg (1.14 MB, 1000x747, chagall.jpg)

>>1692640Plenty of famous artists didn't start until well into their adult years. Only you can create what you do, your own vision is worthy of existing too. You have life experiences they don't and you can use that in your art to make i unique and special.
Idk what kind of art you make, but for me it helped to look at "unconventional" art that I love. For example, this painting by Chagall is loved by people all over the world - yet the person depicted looks like a kid drew it. And I LOVE silly little doodles or simple art, often more than I love something that's perfectly painted and flawless. If you think good art is just about technique and skill then there's no reason to do art at all.
No. 1692698
>>1692641I have no issue if the artist is older than me, partially because I can cope and say that I will get to their level when I'm older. But when I see artists better than me AND younger, I no longer have that cope lol. I'm not the envious type when it comes to art usually, I can find inspiration in people more skilled than I am. But when I see these young progidies, I lament not focusing on fundamentals at a younger age.
>>1692691Yea I'm referring to younger portrait and landscape artists, nothing anime related lol.
No. 1692939
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Can someone please red line this for me? I'm trying to draw my character in a similar pose.
No. 1692958
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>>1692452kuretaki watercolor are for rice paper paintings, they're supposed to be used first and then add ink details. If you use white nights, daniel smith, mijello or holbein the inks will show up just fine! As anons said it depends what kind of paint you use, cheap ones are often chalky and cover up inks.
No. 1692987
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>>1692640In time, you'll learn how to let it go, I know because it used to plague me for a very, very long time and only now I've started seeing the way how to move on from it. No one at all cares for age in the art industry except for these young people, and it's them sounding immature when they brag about how young they are.
I really like the example other anon gave of Chagall because I have similar interest, after ages of feeling inadequate and comparing myself to people with ages of practice and high technical skill I've started becoming more and more interested in naive art (art brut) genre, with most of these creators being oblivious to art scene whatsoever and just following their pure passion and desire to create often without any knowledge whatsoever. I found their drive and confidence far more inspiring and motivating than any carefully curated professional art portfolio (though I still admire these of course). You can also look into any local art collectives, you'd find people of various skills there that motivate and push each other without silly comparisons and downplaying others skills.
Recently I've visited an art gallery and a former art squat in the center of Paris (59 Rivoli if you want to look it up); a lot of people there were selling their artworks and drawing live while crowds of people were passing by and looking, something I can't imagine my insecurity ever let me do. Most of them objectively had less skill than me, but they were still happily showing themselves to the world, have their work appreciated and bought. It's far more productive to look up to artists like that than beating yourself up over some online youngsters; no matter what kind of art you create yourself.
No. 1693005
>>1692423I use a waterproof ink(Kuretake is a good starting point) and a dip pen to line before color. I had better results with that instead of any regular micron personally. Just be sure the ink and paper are appropriate, toothier paper will wear out the nib way faster or it can damage the paper. Glass pens are more uniform but need more maintenance. I use Daniel Smith paint and its fine on top of the lines but I use thinner layers.
>>1692640This is a very bad mindset and I really hope you get out of it, I held myself back for years by comparing myself instead of just drawing and leveling up. Just drawing/painting often really works. You will be better off just ignoring artist ages and focusing on getting better.
No. 1693296
File: 1694355391512.png (Spoiler Image,7.55 MB, 3360x2416, mk87692884 art.png)

>think back to a lesbian artist who made a lot of sweet romantic art (left)
>find out all her current content is like this (right)
Somehow I'm not even shocked (used to seeing artists' fetishes taking over their art and lolicons are rampant), but man. Can't say I'm not sad about it
Also it was hilarious seeing twitterfags, including a self-proclaimed anti-loli/pedo lesbian, argue that the blonde girl totally isn't a kid, "she's just short!!!" while the artist literally used the lolicon and loli/older woman tags on pixiv lmao.
No. 1693810
>>1693296crazy how they went from generic wholesome lgbtia+ blob shit to standard tranny coomer art
this is what happens when you try too hard to appeal to other people i think
No. 1693854
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>>1693822>Are you sure it isn't two different people with the same username or something?It's the same person, this is her pixiv page. Artist is m k/@mk87692884. I knew her for the 'happy married wives' phase(2017-2022), after that you can kind of see her art becoming more coomery and schoolgirl-focused. I'm all for lesbian artists being more self-indulgent but the lolishit just no. She must have been seriously repressed to start doing constant r-18 loli for months now.
No. 1693942
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newest twitter drama involving vickisigh
No. 1693967
>>1693942I've seen this gimmie_your_dollar person's twit at least once before in an artist salt thread or on lolcow and they're always starting shit
Newsflash, most people who draw in an incredibly cute, moe-blob, anime/western/Disney, simplified mashup style simplify features down to the very basics of what is necessary to convey the character and simply put, not everyone stylizes the same characters in the same way you do build a bridge and get over it
No. 1693973
File: 1694396048474.jpg (29.34 KB, 368x368, F5rUphjWgAAKp0e.jpg)

>>1693942Seems like this was the reference the artist used.
To me its more or less spot on.
No. 1694029
>>1693972I agree with you for the most part but not your example about the OCs. Some people just probably don’t want their name on social media? I get annoyed when I’m in a small discord server just for my friends and they post about it publicly with my handle attached personally, let our silly little server remain untainted and unknown to shithole sites like Twitter. But back to your other parts yeah man I’ll find someone posting really cute art and they’re always a they/he with a DNI list of retarded shit. Even older artists are like this so i’m not even safe enough to find an artist like 5-10 years older to me. Millennials and zoomers are just doomed I guess. There’s also retarded zoomies who will accuse YOU of gatekeeping if you don’t answer their question in ten seconds, and it’s always on how to learn something as easy to find as the loomis method or what program you’re using.
>>1693942The ginger girls features are stylized too but I don’t see any complaints about it how interesting.
No. 1694053
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>>1694029>The ginger girls features are stylized too but I don’t see any complaints about it how interesting.Not trying to defend these people but just want to add that they complained about her too. Mainly her eye shape, hair color, and skintone(kek).
No. 1694100
>>1694053I know this tends to end with the artist just writing some random apology because a bunch of faggots are too used to seeing racist caricatures as 100%
valid representation.
But at this point, why even publish your art at all? It’s so idiotic how everyone has to walk on eggshells on the internet.
No. 1694206
>>1693942What I don't understand about situations like this is why everyone needs to make a tweet about it. The qrts are all saying the exact same things and a lot of them have obviously no idea about the source, so why weigh in on it as well if you're just repeating what others say?
>>1693967True, but she only has 5k followers so I'm guessing her art isn't all that amazing. Or the constant discourse gets too exhausting for normal people
No. 1694491
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>>1693989Reminds me of this shit ass take from earlier today
No. 1694511
>>1694491If someone ever says this to me
" that i have to draw this and that or I'm not an actual artist " , I'll deliberately make the art as ugly as possible.
Don't get me wrong , I don't mind drawing people of different races/disabilities/etc but don't act as if I have to do so because then I'll just end up being petty as hell in response and than no one's going to be happy.
No. 1694512
File: 1694446506381.png (243.27 KB, 529x420, image.png)

>>1694491I miss when people like this used to be mocked and called thought nazis, now they get 32k people agreeing with them. It feels like i am living on some insane bizarro universe when things just flip-floped out of nowhere.
No. 1694604
File: 1694455861720.jpeg (910.67 KB, 1170x1159, IMG_5166.jpeg)

Ok cool big art accounts praising open misogynists now. I know it’s twitter but still.
No. 1694643
>>1694206because they're all shit artists capitalizing on something viral in order to gain clout for their own twitter art accounts so they can beg for donations or commissions
>>1693942the call out account who made the post does this all the time. while her stuff isn't a total grotesque racial caricature as some of the other call out accounts' art, her stuff is definitely more unpolished and her actual art output (vs reaction gifs) is much slower/poorer despite the already lazy results. especially compared against the accounts she rails against.
No. 1694701
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>>1693942Do they want anime artists to draw specifically black women differently to everyone else in the world like this or?
No. 1694703
File: 1694464309438.jpg (1017.27 KB, 1080x2190, Screenshot_20230911_212510_Ins…)

What do nonas think of hyper realistic art? Even though I'd rather take a photograph and would never draw it myself I still really admire the understanding of light/shadow and colour.
No. 1694756
>>1694703good technical skill is certainly impressive and should be commended. however, I don't really like hyperrealist painters unless the artist is able to pair it up with interesting composition. ie draw something besides beautiful young women with wet hair stepping out of water
hyperrealist sculptures are cool tho. particularly since their subjects aren't as generic
No. 1694759
What is the best site for a portfolio? I have an Artstation page right know, but I'm seeing a few people doing a neocities page for their art. Thoughts?
>>1694703I admire the talent, but it's always a guy drawing a girl wet lmao
No. 1694764
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>>1694703why is it that photorealistic artists skill's never transfer to imagination drawing? Proko is a clear example of that and i find it both tragic and hilarious.
No. 1694780
File: 1694471024018.jpeg (32.84 KB, 346x432, A6C50DE9-8379-4BF2-909C-0CFCBF…)

>>1694764Technical skills and creativity are two very different skills. It’s rare to see an artist without both but it does happen more than you’d think. There was this girl being touted as a future art revolutionary a decade ago and while she’s still technically really good all she paints is Jesus kek.
No. 1694784
>>1694703Like other nonas have said, the skill is admirable but personally I have no interest in painting "a photo". I'd just take a photo in that case.
Especially since they usually literally use a photo they copy without changing much/anything. The photo was already art in of itself, just copying it is super boring to me.
No. 1694787
File: 1694471757918.jpg (214.15 KB, 1270x724, 1690932354985935.jpg)

>>1694780he cant draw a tictac with googly eyes or kangaroo anon, its beyond just him not being creative, he actually sucks at drawing. It's fascinating to me how someone can have so much knowledge of anatomy and construction and then not be able to draw a fucking minion, kek.
No. 1694807
File: 1694473855318.jpg (132.13 KB, 640x978, ymeih5ini6g81.jpg)

>>1694703I don't mind it, but the photorealistic artists who use a bit of stylization are the memorable ones, like Glen Fabry (picrel) and Alex Ross. They are photorealistic, but it's more interesting because of the spin they put on it
No. 1694868
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>>1694807All I see is Bill Paxton because he 100% copied that from Near Dark
No. 1694873
File: 1694480460811.jpg (40.2 KB, 930x584, femartist.JPG)

>>1694531I don't know if this is exactly what you're looking for or you already know them, but these two mainly come to my mind:
Lehanan Aida (does mainly yaoi). JUHiHUJi (selfshipping heterosexual content)
I'm the same as your nonna, I also want to meet female artists who make erotic content without the troon shit. Although I believe that many Asian artists (mainly in yaoi) are women but they always hide it or have a fetish cb
No. 1694893
File: 1694483480008.jpeg (63.11 KB, 528x800, Preacher #12.jpeg)

>>1694868Fabry always seemed to be a horror/thriller guy. Also that movie looks, cool, I'll check it out later
No. 1695040
File: 1694502329719.jpg (183.44 KB, 768x991, Balboa-Park-768x991.jpg)

>>1694764That's a bit unfair to proko, he's actually pretty good at explaining the technical basics - a lot of good artists are not - and his paintings while not creative are still nice to look at, with interesting brushwork and great understanding of color. Most of the famous artists we see in museums were not "creative", just painted what they saw in the nature / studio.
No. 1695150
No. 1695176
File: 1694520234333.jpeg (926.95 KB, 1170x1520, IMG_1362.jpeg)

>>1693942You can’t tell me this artist didn’t know what they were doing posting this a day later. Riding the twitter hate wave for clout I see kek you ain’t fooling anyone
No. 1695178
File: 1694520305959.jpeg (690.68 KB, 1170x1636, IMG_1363.jpeg)

>>1695176Yup, called it. (For context the meme is used to imply that someone did the same thing as another person but better)
No. 1695182
File: 1694521122054.jpg (48.08 KB, 750x563, ayo-edebri-1-29d24e5713c344fea…)

>>1695176When you try and dunk on someone by redrawing their art but it looks worse, how embarrassing kek. They also made Ayo Edebiri's skin darker than it actually is as some sort of gotcha. Some people won't be satisfied unless art of a black person looks like a racist caricature honestly
No. 1695189
File: 1694521754861.jpg (85.64 KB, 720x838, 1670133096862.jpg)

>>1695176>>1693942I just don't get why some people get all worked up about drawing specific races in a certain way. I mean, unless someone is going for a super realistic look, most 2D characters don't exactly resemble real people, Especially those drawn anime art style, where the skull shapes are more cat-like than human. But we are able to suspend our disbelief and accept that these characters on the screen are human, right? So, one can totally portray a black person without resorting to drawing big lips and focusing on specific racial features.
No. 1695218
>>1695189I guess the issue was that the characters are actually real people in this case. I don't think anyone would have complained if she had just chosen a darker tone that's closer to both actors skin colors, drawn the left ones hair more accurately and made the nose anything but a small dot. It's insane that people are acting like this is some huge deal though
>>1695176I wonder if she even saw the movie kek this is so petty
No. 1695553
>>1695189I agree, but "catlike" what exactly is catlike about a line for a mouth? kek.
Of course it's racist to expect a racist caricature of a fictional character according to their race but this is a clash of a samey art style with real life approximations, exceptionalism and racism. The reason why anime art lacks identity is Mukokuseki not trying to make fictional human characters look "cat-like". I suppose you can call it suspension of disbelief but it's absolutely deliberate in its factory-made sameface.
No. 1695574
File: 1694540740762.png (445.85 KB, 614x860, Okay.png)

maybe she should focus on writting a more engaging story than westerner twittertranny cocksucking
No. 1695656
File: 1694543437071.jpg (47.7 KB, 800x410, example.jpg)

>>1695189I get where this user is coming from though. They could have at least gave him a different hair style or something, not straight hair. That character could arguably be south asian. Though I get anime isn't supposed to be realistic, but you can portray black people in many different ways because they are not a monolith. Certain animes, are able to have black characters in it that fit with their art style, which is all black people are really after. I feel like when people bring up their desire for others to capture black features in a successful way, it always comes off as aggressive or hateful to outsiders. The best take I've seen from this discourse is that no one is saying or holding you at gun point to draw a fat black trans disabled woman, but they're saying that having the ability to diversify your designs and art gains you more merit in the industry.
No. 1695688
>>1695656Their protests would have more merit if they didn't act like massive bitches claiming that "IF YOU CANT DRAW A MONGOLIAN AFRO-THAI DISABLED SIZE XXL TRANSFEM MALE PRESENTING WITH A PROSTHETIC LEG AND ETHNIC FEATURES YOURE NOT AN ARTIST AND YOURE (insert random -ist/-ic insult title here)". I can get behind wanting to get people to make their styles more flexible in order for them to portray people in different stylized ways but those people are 1. never satisfied 2. literally willing to attack you and your image over drawing a nose "wrong".
In the end, it made me simply not want to draw black people anymore. Or at least, when I do draw them I keep the pieces to myself and my friends in our shared server instead of posting it online. I don't want to risk attracting those people to me just because some random delusional dipshit thought I drew it "incorrectly" because it didn't fit their personal standards of stylization.
No. 1695725
File: 1694544748276.jpg (26.01 KB, 500x354, 71e2f39657af21c77ebcc3b529ffaa…)

>>1695553Its literally from Japan, catlike skull and features is how many anime characters are designed.
No. 1695827
File: 1694548933074.jpg (481.84 KB, 1812x2048, FcJBKz2WQAAYzI9.jpg)

>>1695762NTA but aren't Yoruichi and Tousen meant to be black? Yoruichi was portrayed with an afro in one of the endings. Not trying to infight btw.
No. 1695832
File: 1694549392148.jpg (722 KB, 4096x2446, FnYLB_KaAAEEsID.jpg)

>>1695688I get being fearful that someone will call you out because yes, if you get called out people will become insane about it and harass you like crazy, but that shouldn't deter you from posting or drawing black people. You don't have to if you don't want to, but it's easier to just say that than to say you live in fear of posting a black person on social media. You can avoid all of these issues by learning how to draw them well. The only thing persistent in all callouts is the fact that they draw noses too thin or lips too small. Just make them slightly bigger if that's a problem. One of my favorite artists is Chinese (named CreamyGhost on Twitter) and is praised by black people because she knows how to draw them well. It's just a learning and studying process
No. 1695840
>You can avoid all of these issues by learning how to draw them well.NTA but while your example and your point are both good and solid it's not that easy sadly. nona from
>>1695688 said it herself, the issue with those people is that their standards for what is "correct" in drawing a black person is extremely vague particularly if your drawings are very stylized and they don't care what your perception of what a stylized facual feature/ethnic hair is like. the artist you showcased is really good but her style is semi-realistic, so she does have something to "lean on" aka real proportions and shapes. artists with more anime/cartoon/overall stylized art are essentially playing russian roulette when they have to draw a black character because 50/50 there's a chance they'll draw it "wrong" without knowing and be crucified for it.
i really wish it were just that easy to draw and post art of black characters, to just "learn how to draw them right" and boom, but if the concept of what's "right" is almost entirely subjective on the people's eyes and my own vision is condemned to always have a 50/50 chance of being considered "wrong" and therefore invising people to call me racist or say i'm not an artist, then i agree with nona and i'd rather simply not even take the risk in posting the drawing.
source: me, an actual black artist, who got shit on and called "racist" more than once because according to some twitter people i drew space buns in a way that looked "offensive" even though it was the way i envision the haircut because i fucking wear that haircut and that made me gave up on posting my art (at least under my own username/not as anonymous) for a couple of years.
No. 1695841
File: 1694550523895.jpeg (94.96 KB, 720x711, 6411a64d07242.jpeg)

>>1695553She probably meant the characters' profiles, there are lots of memes and such comparing them to baby cats/dogs due to their shape.
No. 1695877
>>1695840>according to some twitter people i drew space buns in a way that looked "offensive" even though it was the way i envision the haircut because i fucking wear that haircutTheir empty clownish virtue signalling behaviour shows itself the most when they step over and silence the very people they claim to be defending, sorry to hear they did that
>>1695841I've heard of drawing cartoons as "cat-like" before and I've seen it compared to western cartoons too vidrel at like 0:44
No. 1695895
File: 1694553256338.jpeg (991.2 KB, 1170x1835, IMG_5171.jpeg)

spoonfeed but can anyone tell me what the drawing program in picrel is. soon to be ipadfag.
No. 1695983
>>1695840ayrt, I'm black as well, and I agree somewhat, but I mostly disagree. There's plenty of ways to stylize black people, even in cartoony styles, and if people feel like the way they're stylizing black people is racist or offensive, then they should take the criticism. I understand why they'd want to be stubborn and stick by their guns if they're being harassed, but to double down and become "afraid" of posting black people afterwards is hindering them from growing as an artist. I'm sorry that you got attacked for posting your drawing and I almost wish I could ask to see it because it's shocking to me that they would come after you for no reason if you are publically a black artist. I put my race in my bio and have drawn black characters in an anime style (no defineable features and with straight hair) before and have not gotten attacked, even by zoomer audiences because I make it known that I am black.
No. 1695998
>>1695895Oops, I'm samefag as
>>1695983 the other anon is right. But I heard ibispaint is pretty good and free.
No. 1696185
>>1695969the artist for
>>1693942 is being harassed right now because she gave the characters an anime nose instead of a defined, "ethnic" nose
her skin tones are fine considering both characters skins are flattened in a clearly stylized way, the hair could be a little more accurate but it's again stylized in a very consistent way for both characters
>>1695176she needs to clout chase since her drawing shows she has neither skill nor diligence to make it on her own
No. 1696523
>>1696185>the artist for >>1693942 is being harassed right now because she gave the characters an anime nose instead of a defined, "ethnic" noseI think people jumped on this because of the inaccurate hair. She didn't draw the black girl's hair correctly, and she's blushing bright red (people with dark skin blush in dark red with a purple tone) The other girl's hair is also inaccurate, she looks like a redhead instead of a brunette. Her skin could also use some color. I am pointing this out not because I'm offended and these things should change, but if they were accurate to the irl actresses, I don't think this art would have stuck out as "wrong". These zoomer morons consume anime, they know anime styles don't have noses. The art that "fixes" this like
>>1695176 has a cartoony nose too.
No. 1697604
File: 1694665577300.png (157.69 KB, 612x680, 1694162516737124.png)

some scrote lewded an artist's self insert even though she explicitly said she didnt feel comfortable with it, opinions?
No. 1697605
File: 1694665634565.jpg (286.06 KB, 1487x2614, 1694106825244444.jpg)

>>1697604here's the scrote drawing, holy shit what a fucking repulsive ugly uninspired style
No. 1697636
File: 1694669684461.jpg (309.63 KB, 1123x1524, Fv89E0eaYAAihzI.jpg)

>>1697613i really like his (sfw) art but i cant with all the big anime titty coomshit, i had to unfollow him because of that. kinda wish he'd keep it in a separate account or something.
No. 1697697
>>1697669i also own the course! people have reviewed him very well! i own rinotunas aswell..but his teaching method is very convoluted. how much did it improve
nonnie? (
if you want to share that is)
No. 1698161
File: 1694718540611.jpeg (237.46 KB, 1046x2048, IMG_1449.jpeg)

Got this screen cap of twitter but my god the detrimental effect Kooleen has had on hundreds of developing artist’s style in a mere two or so years should be studied
No. 1698162
>>1697697Ah I wish I could share my art while staying anonymous but so far I like his method of approaching art and his mentality while planning is exactly what I needed to start slowing down and really think about my choices instead of rushing through pieces and because of that the quality has skyrocketed with only a few weeks so far
>>1698086>>1698061I snagged it for free nonas, just find the DMCA claim and follow the websites listed KEK
No. 1698367
Something that is genuinely pissing me off is when people, probably even friends, without any art skills tell you that they could have drawn something you or other artists worked 20h for as well.
I don't want or need praise from those who are not interested in art, this is fine, the same way that I cannot praise technically good songs if I am not into that genre, but this mindset annoys me. I am drawing for 30 years now, still improving and needing ages for some pics, always redrawing and changing and then sometimes people that cannot even draw stick figures claim (but not show) that they could easily do this type of artwork but just don't want to do it because they don't like it.
I don't know if it's done out of spite or because they actually believe it and don't know what's worse, especially if it's someone I consider a friend.
Not saying I am a savant here, billions of twitter artists that are better than me, it's just that I have some experience and I am so strict to myself that I redraw and rearrange pics over and over again and change single pixels till I can finally accept as good so some "I actually can do the same in no time" from someone I know is never drawing is probably pissing me off more than it should.
That said, the general beliefs about art from non-artists are weird as hell. Like the belief that it was as easy and quickly done as printing a picture, so people will casually ask you whether you could draw a detailed artwork or a whole damn comic for them (for free of course).
No. 1698377
>>16926401. There are hundreds of styles and you can improve endlessly. Even if you would be perfect at drawing one of them every artist who is used to another style is better than you in that regard and vice versa. There is no single "art", but billions of types of art. You might be better with a type that the others cannot draw.
I would say that I am a rather good artist for comic/mangalike styles by now, but no matter how hard I try I cannot come up with anything abstract or any sort of pattern for example, and many of my favorite artworks have abstract backgrounds, patterns and crazy color schemes.
2. Experience is more important than talent. Maybe some younger people simply draw way more than both of us together. Instead of being sad about this, see this as motivation to draw more often and go out of your comfort zone sometimes, this is how you gain the most exp.
3. Be happy about great art from others, not sad. If you see some 17 year old doing batshit insane pics it only tells you that stuff like this is actually possible. This is a good thing! I learned almost everything from artists whom I considered better than me. Let yourself be inspired by it instead of seeing as negative thing, it shows you how many possibilities there are.
4. It's important what you do and enjoy doing. Don't view anything art related as competition. Plus, success doesn't always equal skill. You might simply get less followers because the characters or motifs you love are less mainstreamy, and this is fine (and probably more soulfull).
5. You are literally comparing yourself with the best of the world. Many of the pics that go viral or that people you adore and follow draw are the absolute elite you can find on this planet, even if the people themselves are just hobby artists.
Be aware of the scales here. You could literally be the most talented artist of your city or even your federate state but not be aware of this because you mostly look at art from the top 100 savants of China, the US and India.
6. A sketchy or rather amateurish pic with a good idea, motif, joke or character that I like will most likely make me and others happy, but the best skill in the world won't get me interested if the motif is bland or something I don't care about. Skill isn't everything, personality and preferences matter more than this.
7. Nobody cares about age. People that find your art will enjoy it. They won't know and would never care about your age, nor would the age make it less enjoyable to them.
No. 1698959
File: 1694800232324.jpg (Spoiler Image,4.21 MB, 720x10464, baraag.net_@cannibalism.jpg)

>>1697604he's a pedophile
No. 1699034
File: 1694805823264.png (244.14 KB, 587x860, oifsw.png)

>>1697604>>1697605I can't find that specific drawing on his account, but I did find this. Seems she approved him drawing "lewd"/ecchi content because she likes his style, but not actual porn.
No. 1699047
>>1698959i thought so theres always a art style to these fuckers i hope he rots
>no pedophilia>full of it fuck this guy i want alog so bad
No. 1699143
>>1698658Sadly they are over 30 too. You are right though, I should have never shown anything to begin with. It's just that sometimes I would love some feedback or ask which version of a pic was better when I stared too long at it to make any good choices anymore. Non-artists are often good with that, since a pic should be easy on the eye and easy to recognize for everybody. I have nobody else I could talk to in real life.
Maybe I should just post shit on 4chan or one of the threads here in the future. Can't be worse than getting whining and "I am better" as replies instead of actual answers.
No. 1699655
>>1699645And you know, that's fine. My issue would be if someone assumes I wanna fuck dogs because I draw sexy werewolves, or something.
I admit that artwork of those two little girls sold as slaves is really creepy, but I will not judge.
No. 1699683
File: 1694880475079.png (3.7 MB, 3264x2448, moss.png)

>>1699433>>1699627>>1699672He's shown his face quite a few times can't tell if he's just slow or doesn't care
No. 1699710
>>1699655Furry porn is not the same as beastiality porn. If you were drawing humans fucking realistic looking dogs, yeah, I'd assume you get off to that. Just like it's safe to assume
>>1698959 is a pedo. Hope he gets arrested.
No. 1699721
>>1699713i would say start over
nonnie itll be hard but it'll be worth it get out of the coom rot as soon as possible itll only ruin you, moids will never change or if you have to slowly start making non coomer art to drive away the coomers
No. 1699849
File: 1694896267286.jpg (Spoiler Image,4.24 MB, 720x13164, baraag.net_@wysteria.jpg)

>>1699673not surprised, just by looking at his posts you realize that some are heavily referenced in photographs of real girls.
No. 1699990
File: 1694909207577.jpg (1.26 MB, 1284x1859, 1691214364341.jpg)

>>1699874go back to twitter, faggot. Men commit irl crimes, women dont. Also, women get moralfagged for less, like not drawing brown characters instantly turns you into a target, meanwhile mossa is a well-known pedophile and he's still really popular and respected on twitter art cycles. I can draw a woman kidnapping, raping and then murdering a man and there isn't a single irl example to compare it to, because women dont do that shit. Saying it's ''sexist double standars!!!'' imply women are somehow as bad as men, and if you think that you are a retarded handmaiden pickme.
No. 1700012
File: 1694910969040.jpg (424.77 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230916_172449_Tum…)

Drama in my circle, a ficwriter and fanartist has been accused of using AI. In the past month or so she has been pumping out really high quality fanart. She's been the subject of attacks in the past but I don't know all the tea on it. I also thought it looked AI but honestly I'm not mad about it because the results are pleasant. The style and ability level jump around a lot.
No. 1700017
File: 1694911243560.jpg (324.13 KB, 1024x1024, Tumblr_l_305326067279615.jpg)

>>1700014Art by her, all recent
No. 1700019
File: 1694911305426.jpg (143.64 KB, 1023x883, Tumblr_l_305329623552999.jpg)

>>1700017This one looks way lower in skill than the others
No. 1700024
File: 1694911470183.png (62.71 KB, 215x191, ai hand.png)

>>1700017you can tell this is some zoomie discord drama because they dont have the attention span to look at a picture for more than 2 seconds and find the obvious AI hand
No. 1700036
File: 1694912273668.jpg (54.93 KB, 579x677, glass.jpg)

>>1700031Yes. She has more art on her page but I don't want to flood the thread.
>>1700024Yeah, there are obvious issues. I wish she cleaned it up better, the results are good otherwise, but things like this take me out of it. I feel like she'd be better off just tagging it as AI.
No. 1700050
File: 1694914531667.jpg (40.89 KB, 749x709, 3637887.JPG)

>>1700017>>1700029This reminds me of a funny memory about a bad artist. I cannot link the art because the forum died in 2009 (and I was banned before that).
There was once an annoying compulsive liar in an anime forum I used. Drew very shitty art of his billions of OCs that looked all the same. Faces always shown from the same angle and only upper bodies since he couldn't draw poses. Despite this he always bragged about his soon to be released surely super successful comic epic that he is making and his "200 OCs", as if this was a sign of quality.
Anyway, he had this very particular amateurish style that everybody knew. One day a new (or dumb) user asked him who the artist of his signature was and having the urge to lie again he said "I drew it", earning praise.
Thing is, the signature was professionally drawn and highly detailed, zero similarity with his own shit. I pointed that out and was badmouthed. So I took the hints from the pic I could get and googled. Took hours, but I found it. A popular artwork from pixiv. The artist was Japanese, talking in Japanese when they posted this artwork. The forum guy is German/Vietnamese. I linked it and hell broke lose.
The rest was very funny and almost sad to see. He couldn't admit it or lie about having misunderstood the question and instead suddenly pretended to have learned Japanese despite whining about slow fantranslations of manga a week ago. Proof for his Japanaese skills were copypasted generic phrases that he googled. When I mentioned the other artworks this artist has uploaded that he pretends to be he suddenly claimed it wasn't him after all and someone that stole this particular pic from him, even though the other pics have the same style lol
At one point he fucking printed that signature artwork and TRACED it with lead pencil to prove that this was his 100% real sketch before he had scanned it and finished it in photoshop. He allegedly lost his photoshop file of course and the outlines were so bad they looked nothing like sketches but insecure outlining. He never recovered I guess, don't tell pants on head retarded lies, kids.
Anyway it was one of the three reasons that got me banned and exiled to /a/ after making 1200 (mostly valuable) posts in that forum. But totally worth it.
No. 1700081
>>1700052Now that you point it out, yeah. It was clear who was right and who was wrong, unless he could manage to prove that I was talking shit. The lines were clear because proof meant something. Simple times.
Now users accuses others of literal crimes without even posting any hint but the followers believe it nonetheless. Or it's accusations about semantics and mindsets that boil down to sheer personal interpretations of statements, like when someone accuses others of being whateverphobic for not liking a woke story or OC because they are simply badly written or drawn.
No. 1700146
File: 1694928080541.png (270.55 KB, 576x432, sick of everything.png)

holy shit painting is so fucking hard, anyone has tips? I have been doing daily value studies(got 7 so far) and i have no idea what i am doing wrong, i now all the basics, i have watched the videos, read the books, but they still suck so fucking bad. Also my brain cannot comprehend how to use the fucking HRB. Art has to be the fucking hardest skill to master, no wonder so many artists end up as cows.
No. 1700163
File: 1694931706568.jpg (45.26 KB, 632x800, a4e6357525708d27d0248cd9f1b96c…)

i hate pickme artists who draw lewd of themselves so much, it's so painfully cringy
No. 1700383
>>1700372Degenerate. Doesn't matter if women don't offend as much as men. Anyone sharing their attraction toward minors is
problematic, it's reinforcing and encouraging sexualization of minors overall which could lead to endangering real children. We don't exist in a vacuum, art has an impact on people, especially porn.
No. 1700441
File: 1694967829600.png (4.01 MB, 1304x1740, tfw youre a popsicle in summer…)

Stumbled upon this old drama because someone was talking about suspecting an artist with the username spqve of being another called mausuya and how disappointed they would be if it was. Turns out there was a huge cancellation in April that I never heard anything about because it was all happening on tiktok. Mausuya had 200k+ followers on there and was called out for grooming (she was 21 and flirting with a 14 year old) and being homophobic (she's muslim but could've just kept her mouth shut about it). She has a 12-page apology pinned on her twitter, but the actual callout stuff is impossible to properly compile because it's all on tiktok. Though it seems like she was already getting a bit of hate before that anyway because she adds these huge beads of sweat to literally all her characters and she kept victimizing herself every time someone asked her why. There was also mention of her copying ruii__10's style, which seems like a bit of a reach considering they're both just drawing generic genshit girls with sanrio thrown in.
All in all just another case of discord degeneracy, but people talking about how they don't want her to ever come back made me wonder; should there really only be one chance online for artists? I want to know if you nonas have any thoughts about it. In the first place situations like this should be easy enough to avoid if you're not mentally unstable and need constant validation, which only minors with no responsibilities of their own can provide, but if it's generic art like this the majority of people won't even care what the person does or did, even if people keep bringing it up again
No. 1700529
File: 1694981574285.jpg (Spoiler Image,114.7 KB, 914x719, nojuro654.jpg)

>find good twitter artist (picrel)>look through account>hm ok she draws a suspicious amount of little boys>find out shes a tif>find out she likes shota incestWhat causes women to be like this
>>1700492There's been a push recently to try and accept lolisho in art spaces. It feels like people mimicking "MAP" speak by going "they're not hurting real kids so its ok".
No. 1700569
>>1700441>artist>tiktokHow does that even work? Don't tell me people's brains were already rewritten to the point at which they consume artworks in form of fucking videos instead of actual artworks aka stills, that you can look at in peace and save to your HDD
> should there really only be one chance online for artists? Tbh there are so many call outs that if I see one the first thing I assume is that it's lies. On the other hand I don't care about gossip and e-celebs either so I don't check what could be true so I am rather neutral here. Even grooming means nothing anymore, maybe that person actually wanted to fuck some underage, maybe she just chatted with him about their fandom in a discord, no idea and too lazy to research and care.
In general though I avoid saying anything on socmedia at all. The only texts I ever post are short comments for my fanart and sometimes replies where I thank people who comment on them.
If I post nsfw I do it with another account and name and only on pixiv since most twitter and tumblr tards are avoiding that place.
No. 1700628
File: 1694991446581.jpg (1.78 MB, 1440x2140, Screenshot_20230918_020021_Sam…)

>>1700599I guess "slide show" was the wrong phrase, it's more like picrel where you can swipe to view different images. Tiktok has that but idk what it's called, sorry.
No. 1701023
>>1700372I'm from a country that sees loli the exact same as CSEM in terms of illegality because of people like Peter Scully (which there were a lot of here), and all the retarded shotafags trying to defend their pedo art makes me so glad that free speech is not protected here.
Yes, men do meme themselves into becoming pedos far, far more often than women do, however stop to think that MEN are also going to be wacking it your shota incest art and writing regardless of how well to try to keep it to a female only audience (which most of you retards don't), and that becoming that coom brained might led some women into fetishing relationships with children, becoming auto-pedophilic or standing by when their husband or boyfriend or family member diddle their kids.
>>inb4 "pickme wahh" if you think I am not disgusted by the Y chromosome from the above, then holy shit your reading comprehension is as bad as a zoomie's