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No. 168082
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Anyone who says you can have a sugar daddy without fucking him is lying. Unless they're just lonely as fuck or have something wrong with their dick, they will at some point pressure you to have sex. That's part of the "job" description.
Sugar babies like to talk about how empowering it is to use men, make lots of money by practically "doing nothing", and talk about how great it is, but every sugar baby I've ever met was fucked up in some way; mostly ED's, daddy issues, past childhood trauma, etc.
No. 168084
wow! ANOTHER SUGAR DADDY THREAD! just what we needed!!!
>>168079 No. 168085
>>168078When I was a stupid broke 17 year old who had a boyfriend with a coke addiction I had sex with a 39 year old for $300. I found him on craigslist, played around with the idea for 2 weeks, agreed to meet him b/c "I'll pay you just to have a look at you, I don't want to have sex yet, just get to know you!" He coerced me into it, I left with a stack of bills I wanted to burn, and 4 years later I am still facing horrible mental and physical repercussions.
>>168079 and
>>168082 are 100% right, now delete this thread and find a new obsession on tumblr :3
No. 168092
>>168091>>168089That's not an actual sugar daddy arrangement, but a male celebrity way too old dating a girl way too young. They've been going steady for almost two years
I heard her mom eventually came around to it, but her dad (ten years younger than him) was utterly crushed
No. 168093
>>168082It's rare as hell, but there is a breed of sugardaddy that genuinely doesn't want to fuck his sugarbaby. It's a dom/sub relationship, with the daddy being the sub.
>baby is a snotty bitch at all times>baby demands money>daddy provides money>baby buys superfluous, expensive things>baby shows what she bought to daddy>baby doesn't show the slightest bit of gratitude>daddy gets off on itI've only seen it a few times, and it was never a longterm thing.
>every sugar baby I've ever met was fucked up in some way; mostly ED's, daddy issues, past childhood trauma, etc.I've met a few that are seemingly high-functioning psychopaths that just naturally like hurting people. As for the rest, I've got to agree with you.
No. 168094
I'm gonna play Devil's Advocate here, please hear me out.
I look at sugaring the way I look at abortions: despite whatever moral or political opinions people have about it, there will always be women who want to do it anyway, so the best option is to provide a safe place where they can get information about how to do it safely in a way that causes the least amount of damage to the woman and the least amount of risk to anyone else (re: privacy/disclosure). With te economy and the work force being the utter pile of shit that it is, many young women are under extreme financial stress and don't know how they'll be able to make a living in this economy or pay for college. Lonely old men with money who, more than often want to help such young women (in exchange for their time, ofc) may seem like a great idea to them. And why not? Not everyone saw this economic collapse coming, and not everyone is from a well off upper middle class family that can make it easier for their now-adult children to get well paying jobs/careers. The tech boom left an entire generation in this gap between "work hard and you'll succeed" and "technology is everything, learn it or die" where kids these days are learning shit in middle and high school that most people 10 years ago went to college to learn. And thank to Obamacare forcing employers to offer medical insurance almost all entry level employers won't hire full timers. So what else is there for you if your education is outdated, you can't get a decent job and you can't afford school? Just give up and settle for lifelong struggle and poverty?
TL;DR I think it's important that there is easy to find information on how to go about sugar in safety, legally, and what to realistically expect from it (I.E. no "I just want a rich guy I don't have to have sex with or be seen with too often feeding me money for nothing OR $25,000 a month allowance).