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No. 168102
>>168101I'll start if you like… my favourite soundtrack ever is the Resident Evil 2 tine in the whole police station.
That little bit of time to get yourself together.
No. 168103
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My favorite game is the Elder Scrolls IV. Still in love with it even though I know it's outdated and I've beat it a hundred times. I just really love all the weird side quests and glitches and mysterious places.
I also like Morrowind and Skyrim to an extent, but I have a very special place in my heart for Oblivion. Especially the Shivering Isles expansion.
I also really like Ocarina of Time for the N64. I'm actually playing through that again now, ha.
No. 168104
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P3P is still one of my favorite games to date. I'm actually revisiting it now (It's much easier now that I'm not making the same mistakes I did as a kid).
I also really like the Harvest Moon and Rune Factory games.
And Hatoful Boyfriend will always have a special place in my heat. I remember playing it when there was only a fan English patch. Seeing how far it's come now makes me so happy for Moa.
No. 168105
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The Witcher 3 has been by far the best game I've played in the last few years. While I wait for the next expansion I'm playing Diablo and a bunch of Zelda games, since I'll always have a soft spot for LoZ since childhood and it's one of my most enjoyed series.
No. 168106
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>>168103Marry me. This is my favorite game of all time too. My friend and I cried when
Martin became that big dragon and basically died. I never got that same feel from Skyrim. I've been playing Morrowind for months and I really respect it for being realistic and "classic RPG" in its gameplay, but because of that I can't really sink into it like I could with Oblivion.
The fan-community was awesome, and even though it was so spread out (dA, youtube, tumblr, myspace, etc.) there was always something new, and you always felt like you were among friends.
I've had crushes on video game characters all my life, but I feel like I really grew to love Martin. Even if I made fun of him half the time. Or punched him. Or pickpocketed him.
Lucien Lachance too, but in a different way.
No. 168107
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>>168104persona is amazing. it's so real dude. i found myself like really concerned about my relationships on there even when i wasn't playing. god i need a life. also harvest moon is good too.
No. 168108
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I have a huge boner for nearly every single LoZ game in existence. Particularly The Wind Waker for nostalgic reasons and coziness. There's something ethereal about the atmosphere, lore, music, and characters in each game that I can never get over.
Exploring the maps and solving challenging puzzles and side quests feels extremely satisfying and it's the only game I've ever felt truly immersed in.
No. 168109
>>168108Yess I second this. I love Zelda. I'm still pissed that I lost skyward sword though, I was on literally the last boss.
>>168101and is the OP picture clocktower?
No. 168110
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>>168109Not OP, Resident Evil 2 Sherry Birkin.
I love the Clocktower series though, pretty underrated in my opinion.
No. 168111
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>>168110OP, marry me!
Clock Tower 2 is SUCH an underrated game. In general, 1 and 2 are my favorite, including the original for SNES that was never released outside Japan. The third Clocktower game felt…really meh and left the point and click formula behind entirely, which turned me off.
No. 168112
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One of my favourite games has to be Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (2004). I know, I know, it's an awfully buggy game and the combat system is mediocre, but the story, visuals, dialogue and characters make up for it IMO. I'm in love with the L.A. setting too! Besides, the various patches made my dedicated fans erase almost all those pesky bugs. Is there anyone else here who likes this game as much as I do?
No. 168114
>>168112You're in my head right now anon, I feel the same way! I really wish they just made CT3 a stand alone game instead of tying it in with the franchise, it just had a completely different feel.
>>168111You're definitely not alone. I'm so grateful that the fanbase is fantastic and added all those great mods and patches to make the game playable. I squealed with joy when it was on sale on Steam. I may go off and play newer, shinier games but always return to VTMB every once in a while. It's just too much fun and nostalgic.
No. 168115
>>168110I thought so! I knew it was either RE or Clocktower and I couldn't tell which one it was lol
and I still haven't played the CT series yet, I've been trying to find it online for not 60$ lol I seen a couple of game plays of it and I really want to try it
No. 168122
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>>168112As a kid I thought Therese was really hot and no one agreed with me. lol
No. 168123
>>168104P3P and P4 were so good. I'm glad my friend let me borrow her PSP to play for a while.
I've loved Zelda games since childhood, same with Pokemon. One of my other favorites ever is Okami.
No. 168126
>>168120Well, I sorta know that he's meant to be a dislikable character (so I keep being told) but it's just the fact how he treated his wife and stripper wife twin, and his own self-hatred for being a nasty pervert.
By the end of the game, I just felt really icky because I was playing as him.
No. 168128
>>168127I totally get the whole psychological horror game it played back on the player as James, and I only picked up on the more subtle cues of perversion to begin with.
It wasn't until I started reading the making-of-the-game articles, ect… until I was completely squicked out by it all.
"Table-Daddy" really?!
I did enjoy playing Silent Hill: Downpour, funnily enough… I liked the branching off side-story akin to SH2, but the protagonist wasn't as cringeworthy and it was fun enough in it's overall gameplay.
I've not played Homecoming yet, but I don't know if I should bother… I've only watched a playthrough of Shattered Memories, but it looks pretty repetitive and lame, there's no real monsters outside of two typical types.
No. 168129
>>168128Oh jeez I haven't played SH2 in a while and completely forgot about that table monster. Ech. ECH.
I've only played 2 and 3 to be honest, although I have the first one and I'm just waiting till I have the time to play through it. I might check out Downpour. Shattered Memories has some cool ideas and I'm always a sucker for psychology events and gimmicky Wii Remote stuff, but I agree that it seems repetitive with all the sprinting around in the dark.
No. 168130
>>168129I did end up spoiling it for myself through watching the playthough, but yes! I think you would enjoy SM cos the game tailors itself to whatever psyche analysis you got, and of course you get to play around with an in-game smartphone that wields some spooky outcomes.
I just didn't like the whole "Ice World" replacement for "Otherworld" and the ice-zombie crowd that repeatedly chase you, but if you can look past that, I think you'll enjoy it.
Downpour has a few jump-scares in comparison to the previous games, but the puzzle side-quests are pretty interesting, very Resident Evil like but with a story behind each one.
It was well worth the price I got it for though as it's quite old now and easy to find pre-owned.
No. 168133
>>168132 here.
In hindsight, that sounded a bit dickish from me which wasn't my intention, I guess what I mean to say is; if you can suggest a game we can all play that isn't related to those two, I'd be up for playing.
But if you and anyone else wants to play those two, go right ahead.
No. 168134
>>168131It's been years since I played one. I really miss the camaraderie you get from having a group of people just enjoying the same vidya as you. I'm inclined to agree with
>>168133 as far as the game though. Wow and LoL are too saturated and don't have the same spirit they used to.
No. 168137
>>168131 here. I don't like WoW or LoL either, so that's no problem for me.
>>168135>>168136We could try to get a group going in both. Eventually we'll see what works out.
I've been playing a bit of Blade and Soul recently. The combat is pretty nice, but the story is horribly bad. If any of you wanna try playing it together anyway, we can agree on a server. I'm on the Gunma server right now. I've also just finished installing Dragon Nest Europe, so that's an option. Can't say if it's any good yet, though.
No. 168139
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Does any anon have STEAM accounts?maybe we can get together and do Garry's mod stuff or other multiplayer games.
No. 168141
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It's nice to see other horror fans. I already talked about Pathologic in the previous thread, but another not-so-well-known horror game that holds a special place in my heart is Rule of Rose. I'm a sucker for a good dark atmosphere.
No. 168142
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>>168141Rule of Rose is such a good game (even if the controls are awful) that got overlooked because 'muh pedophilia'
I hate that the game implies pedo stuff but you never see it happen, and yet europe went insane and banned the game so a lot of people never got to play it. It really sucks since copies go as high as $200 now. I got lucky and got mine back in 2011 or so for $5 from a friend who didn't like horror games and knew I collected them.
I love the story and dark fantasy elements. I also love that it's mainly an all female cast.
Duchess Diana is my favorite. Her red hair and freckles are so cute. I love her attitude. No. 168143
>>168139Where can I find these two games and what's the gameplay like?
I've tried games like Amnesia, The Forest, Five Nights at Freddies and SOMA but to be honest, the jump scare and run-and-hide games that have been flooding the market for the past few years have left me feeling unfulfilled.
My very, very favourite horror game is Resident Evil: REmake - the whole Lisa Trevor story made my jaw drop and has stuck in my mind even to today.
No. 168144
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>>168122I liked her too! But I think my favourite was Damsel, what can I say? I like revolutionary girls, haha.
I really enjoyed playing in the Malkavian asylum/mansion part, that was so neat… I also always seemed to end up as a Gangrel whenever I took the personality quiz thingy at the beginning.
No. 168145
>>168137We all seem to have some decent suggestions now, (including yours obviously) and also another anon
>>168139 has suggested we can always play games through Steam too.
Hmmmmm, maybe we can create a group on there we can join together, that would give us the freedom to be available to play whenever we can or want to.
I'm only really available on weekends (Sundays preferably) to play online games as I barely get any time to myself otherwise, and considering I normally have high-anxiety when it comes to playing with strangers, this might be a good learning experience for me to open out and enjoy multiplayer games - especially considering you're not all 12 year old idiots with tourettes!
No. 168146
>>168141>>168142I love you both so much right now. Rule of Rose is such a brilliant game, for all of it's flaws. The story and design make it so unique and interesting I can look past the frustrating combat.
>>168144Grout's Mansion is one of my favorite levels in the game. When I took the test I usually got Toreador, which I actually didn't like playing much. My favorite clan to play is Malkavian, the dialogue alone makes it worth it.
No. 168148
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>>168112THIS. VtM:B is hands down my favourite game to this day. Despite all the bugs, it's probably the most immersive RPG I've ever played. Words cannot express my love this masterpiece.
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura by the same developer (Troika) is another one of my favourites. It's a shame they only got to make three games before Activision screwed them over.
No. 168150
>>168142>>168141i love you
how do you feel about fromsoftware games and deadly premonition…
No. 168151
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>>168150I love Deadly Premonition! It's such a nice shout out to Twin Peaks.
No. 168152
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>>168151it's so shitty but i love it so much
No. 168153
>>168152How do you into this game? I tried playing it and the objectives and time system is so shit, as well as the map navigation and side missions. Online says some side missions are vital to the main story, but I can never get to the fuckers houses while they're in at a decent hour. Also the horrible weapons system and shitty repetitive zombie voices and effects.
Maybe I should just give up and watch some youtubers play it.
No. 168154
>>168153yeah i agree that the gameplay is complete shit
you'll probably need to repeat certain chapters to do the cooking quests with emily, also smoking will allow a few hours to pass. i normally just look for bones while waiting
i finished the game before getting around to those quests though, bc driving is too time consuming
the plot really makes everything worth it
No. 168156
>>168155only if you feel like it
it takes a lot of inspiration from the pilot, but it eventually becomes its own thing
No. 168160
>>168117Clock tower is very special game to emulate, i have tried that myself and it was PAIN for me to set emulator play the game properly.
However, if you got CD drive you may just burn the game by youself and play it right on console.
>emulation fan since 2007>>168124After i played Koudelka i couldn't stand shadow hearts, because i expected it to be better, not worse. (no voice acting, primitive animation, simplistic combat)
>>168159Well, it is TUMBLR THE GAME. Some people on /v/ had dug up something about this game being another SJW attempt to brainwash people through gaming.
No. 168163
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>>168152The combat system is awful and some of the dialogue is questionable, however I can't help but love its cheesy goodness.
No. 168165
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My fiance played it to the end and she said "It's okay, but why is it so hyped?" So she enjoyed it, but basically doesn't get the overhype either. We both attended MAGfest last week (A gaming con) and there was a huge Undertale gathering and just weeby Undertale cosplayers everywhere. It was a usual chill event made stressful by these idiots. I will never like that game. It's like everyone who liked Homestuck moved onto it.
I was around this area trying to get a coffee when this bullshit happened No. 168167
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>>168101the walking dead games
like, i didn't care for the characters in the actual show half as much as i did with the game characters.
and i'm one of the few people who didn't hate ben
No. 168168
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i feel sometimes like i'm the only one that liked lolipop chainsaw
it seems like nobody can look past the "omg shameful clothing misogynistic craap"
but really, the characters in it are really engaging and fun, and the girl even saves the guy. People really need to look past what the character looks like and look at the character overall
No. 168169
>>168168i love the fuck out of this game
got it for my best friend for valentines one year and i beat it at least three times over it's so silly and fun
No. 168170
>>168167Oh god, me too. I cried at the end of "season" one, but two had me bawling like a bitch, even the "good" endings got me in the feels. And while I never really liked Ben, I didn't hate him as much as most people seem to. The kid is a wimpy teenager in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, I wasn't expecting him to be a hero or some shit.
>>168168I really need to get around to playing this, it looks like a lot of fun.
Anyone else enjoy Bayonetta and Shadows of the Damned? I got both as gifts and fucking loved them. Bayonetta I replay a lot because I like the soundtrack and the controls feel really smooth to me, I'm hoping to get a WiiU just to play the second one. Shadows of the Damned was enjoyable, though one level was a pain in the ass to the point I got sick of the boner jokes, which were subtle enough at first that I enjoyed them, and I liked that the ending wasn't quite what I expected.
No. 168171
>>168168I loved this game! And I'm a feminist (in the "equalism" sense).
I thought it was a well done game. People will nitpick anything. It was fun. I agree with you.
No. 168172
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Picture plus:
Warcraft 2
and Animal Crossing New Leaf
those are mine
No. 168174
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I was told Life is Strange was "Tumblr the game", so I started playing it expecting an awful game.
Ended up liking it instead. It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it.
And I will never not cry listening to Spanish Sahara by Foals btw
No. 168177
>>168176probably because of the peech used in game, Max is an artist, Chloe is a tattooed badass that doesnt give a shit about anything etc.
Thats the only connections with tumblr I can see, but otherwise, no.
The game itself was great but the ending was really predictble and sort of meh, imo.
>>168175Not that anon but why would you hate Duck? I mean, I can see why but he was just a dumb kid.
I only disliked Kenny…or, well, his fanbase more so.
No. 168179
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>>168178Honestly, I absolutely love Her Interactive's Nancy Drew games.
Some of my personal favourites off the top of my head are The Haunted Carousel, Silent Spy, Treasure in the Royal Tower, Sea of Darkness, White Wolf of Icicle Creek, and Ghost of Thorton Hall.
Perhaps you've already played them, but if not they're great if you like puzzles and problem solving. person has a pretty good list if you want a general idea of each game and which ones are worth skipping. (Because most are good, but a few are pretty hit-and-miss)
No. 168180
>>168174It was so overhyped though. Chloe is one of the most unlikable characters and Max is bland as white bread (personality wise)
>>168176The dialogue is AWFUL. They throw out a lot of unused terms since 2004/2005 and it's very tryhard.
No. 168185
>>168165It's basically just an RPG Maker/Earthbound mod, I laughed in a friend's face when they told me it should've won a game-of-the-year award.
A lot of Homestuck faggots are into it as well as the creator contributes music to HS and is well known through that, so it explains the huge fanbase it has.
No. 168189
>>168180True, Chloe is always throwing tantrums like a little kid, and when I got to the scene where she gets pissed of if you answer the phone when Kate, your suicidal friend Kate, calls you I wanted to slap her face so bad. But despite this, in the end I became affectionate and
I chose to save Arcadia Bay, then I went back and chose again and saved Chloe. The "save Bay" ending was really well made and touching I have to admit though, while the "save Chloe" one was quite unsatisfying, like they made it in a hurry. Which is true: Dontnod said that "you should save the city" blah blah, which was a stupid move because you shouldn't tell players how to play your game. They should've made three ending imho, the actual ones with a good ending in which everyone is safe, and make endings depend on the choices made during the game, not with your choice in the end.Do you wanna know of an awesome and incredibly underrated game? Silent Hill Shattered Memories. Psychological, the game
compiles your psychological profile through aptitude tests, your choices can change everything starting with the characters' appearance, amazing plot (it took the main elements from the first Silent Hill, but changed many things), amazing OST, in some places the visual gets blurry and you have to take pictures with your smartphone and when you see the pic there are creepy things hidden, then suddenly ice coming from nowhere covers everything and then it's when the monsters come. You can't kill them, the main character is just a family dad,
you can just shove them off youYeah I played it when it came out and I remember every bit of it, do yourself a favor and play it
No. 168191
>>168190It does get harder the more you progress into the story and it ultimately relies on combos in the end because of this. This can get really tricky if you don't get used to it, think Street Fighter combos.
Otherwise, it's really campy fun… I'd say get it pre-owned or cheaper, it's not something I would pay full price for even if I could've afforded it on release, would 7/10 be a reasonable score? I'd give it that.
No. 168192
>>168184Have you played the Broken Sword games? If you love P'n'C adventures, I really recommend them, great storylines, nice puzzles.
They're all based on the history of the Templar Knights and secret societies, my favourite is the second game, you travel to places like Paris and Barcelona trying to figure out an unsolved murder that eventually takes you further down the rabbit hole.
No. 168197
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Is this any good?
No. 168199
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>>168194I liked Shattered memories over Origins and Homecoming. At least Shattered memories tried to piece together a story. (Plus the UFO ending was my favorite in the series.)
Origins was a fucking mess with a literally incomplete game design because Konami rushed the company to finish the game in under a year. Homecoming was just a piece of shit.
I honestly look like at Shattered memories as non-canon and AU. I like the idea, but it's definitely not canon. I mean, Dahlia and Harry being a married couple? Adult Cheryl is really cute though and I like the plot twist at the end. Shocked me the first time. I got the 'dad' ending.
The environments were eerie, which I missed a lot in Silent hill since part 3 and the story was well written imo.
>>168197Really good! But pretty depressing.
No. 168203
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Has anyone played Lisa? I feel like, story-wise, this is what Undertale should have been. I watched a playthrough of it, and it seems tedious but in a good way. Once I scrap enough cash I'll be buying it.
Anyways, I love horror games in general, I'm playing through Rule of Rose and loving it, the game is beautiful.
No. 168204
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No. 168206
>>168201I just recently finished Life is Strange as well and I have to agree with you regarding the last two episodes. It just didn't really seem to matter too much what you did because you were always going to end up in that situation. All the important choices I thought I was making would've changed certain dialogues but it all still came down to
save Chloe or save the town. I went with
saving the town because I really didn't like
Chloe all that much. Also, why is there so much hate on Warren? Anyways, I enjoyed the journey but was disappointed with the ending.
After that I reinstalled VTMB and am having fun running around as a Nosferatu. It's my first time playing one and I'm not sure why I waited so long. The dialogue is pretty hilarious, only Malkavians probably have better options.
No. 168207
>>168206It's a damn shame isn't it? You're pulled into these storybook games and by the end it ends up so lineare as heck.
I'm currently playing FF13 and lineare isn't the right word for it, I'm enjoying the battles a lot though.
No. 168215
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>>168203I am loving Lisa so far. I got distracted and started playing Deadly Premonition, but I need to go back to it. I think i dropped it cuz I got lost.
RoR is one of my favorite horror games of all time. Super underrated. Diana is and will always be my favorite next to Wendy and Jennifer.
No. 168216
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>>168199I don't bash on Origins as hard I used to, mainly because when you read about Konami really fucked up the base and only game Team Climax under a year to make a game pretty much from scratch, it's forgivable.
What's not forgivable are Homecoming and Downpour. Fuck those games. They are utterly irredeemable. At least Origins felt like a Silent Hill game, even if Travis was as interesting as boiled broccoli.
I also view Shattered memories as a non-canon AU. It's super fun. i replayed it at least 3-4 times to get all the endings.
No. 168217
>>168214Malks are best race!
Not sure. What is g2a? Pardon my ignorance.
No. 168218
>>168197I just played this recently, won my first play through at like 42 days I think. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Definitely hits you in feels.
>the old couple in the Quiet House if you steal from themFUCK.
No. 168219
>>168217Dont worry! It's a website where people buy bulk steam keys for games and then sell them off for cheap. It has an insurance option for like less than a pound or something so you don't get ripped off. I use it for all my steam games! If you say you're a "European business" or something at checkout you also don't get charged tax. The game basically goes straight into your steam account.
I really wish a company would remaster the game and rerelease it. It's such a gem. I love how as a malk your tv and radio would say different things to you.
No. 168221
>>168220nines Rodriguez is lowkey my husbando from that game.
sucks I need mods to actually play tho
No. 168223
>>168222That smug little shit is pretty attractive. I just want to bully Sebastian and make him submit to me. Though I've got a thing for Beckett myself.
Anyone ever play VTM Redemption? I grabbed it on GOG because it was on sale, along with Dungeon Keeper 2.
No. 168229
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Currently playing through yakuza 5 and loving it! It's a pretty big improvement over 4, and that one was pretty fanastic already tbh
Though i wish sega finally localized Yakuza Kenzan to EU/US too since 5 seemed to sell pretty well.
No. 168230
>>168229God me too! I wish they would do the other previous Meiji era one but it seems they never will.
I love Yakuza though. Absolutely adore Majima.
No. 168233
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>>168232I'm trying hard not to buy that game and wait for the summer sale but the memories make me want to replay it so bad!
No. 168234
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>>168233PC games are all free, did't you know?
No. 168235
>>168234I used to pirate everything but I'm trying not to do that anymore. Not only do I feel guilty about not supporting devs, I also get overwhelmed with too many games to play and not enough time.
The first time I played FFX was on an emulator so I wouldn't be buying it twice.
No. 168238
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>>168237I meant it would be my first time buying it because last time I pirated it.
>>168236I know, its really tempting.
But I'm a broke college student.
Agh! I think I'm gonna do it.
No. 168242
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>>168103>>168103Honestly i didn't really liked the game overall, but that painted troll quest was probably one of the best quest i've done. It was just so abstract.
>>168139Please play dota2. I also have wakfu. Here's my steam "Windows XP (Service Pack 2)". I'd love to play some games with girls, i'm just tired to play with dirty penises holders all the time.
No. 168244
>>168243I think the best way to go about it is probably create a closed Steam group and post the link on here to join, that way noones usernames can be found by any tom, dick and harry on this board.
I'd join, but I'm a really reclusive gamer; I just don't enjoy multiplayer games, I'm okay with co-op games, but yeah…
No. 168245
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>>168232On steam??? Is that the most recent ps4 HD (not the ps3 one )?
Damn I'm behind. I'll get it if it's something different. I've been playing ffx and x2 HD for the ps3 like a completionist autist for a while now, got all the celestial weapons etc. In ffx2 trying to unlock all dresspheres, items etc
It's nice how they added the little festival dresssphere. This and the ff7 remake to look forward to…Life is truly good. It makes me want to live.
The last time I played ffx2 on tje ps2 I was really spooked by the animations, the characters looked like soulless puppets when they spoke so it's nice that they fixed that. The differences are stunning to me
No. 168246
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>>168232make sure you get all the destruction sphere treasure chests in every temple otherwise you can't unlock anima and the sisters. Saves you having to go back and kill dark aeons which is a chore
No. 168247
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No. 168249
>>168236I'm sure they'll have a "final fantasy sale" for the ff7 remake release. Or so I hope.
>>168247Is final hallway any good? Lightning models for louis vuitton, that's all I know about it.
No. 168251
>>168249It fails in every department, but it's more 'meh' than 'OMG THIS IS TERRIBLE' like a lot of people say.
The biggest problem is it gets too boring
No. 168253
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>>168250Kek. I think ff9 is a lot better than people give it credit for. I'd say close to my favs. Too bad it aged like milk.
>>168251>>168252It's probably worth playing just for that lightning girl, she's a cutie. Looks a lot like cloud from advent children tho.
No. 168254
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screams intensify
No. 168255
File: 1463369489206.png (196.35 KB, 256x363, Rune_Factory_Frontier_Coverart…)

Imo Rune Factory Frontier is one of the most underrated games ever. Farm sims are NOT for everyone, but this also incorporates RPG elements and it's just perfection. The characters are all so fucking cute and I love how well developed they are.