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No. 168495
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No. 168500
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My ideal "me":
>long, blonde hair down to my tailbone
>clear, bright, pale skin
>cute small nose and youthful features
>white teeth
>thin but also muscular, knows self-defense
>really cute otome/mori/90s wardrobe
>great at uni, never misses a class, well-liked by my professors
>good friend and family member
>part-time job on the weekends that doesn't stress me out
>constantly drawing and creating cool things
>knows how to play the keyboard
>runs a sick d&d group
Yup, that's my self-insert Mary Sue right there. To be fair, I'm working really hard on achieving all these things. I know I have a long way to go. But I also think that the only things that aren't achievable are the things that require surgery, just because I'm not sure if I want to go under the knife.
I wish everyone the best in making themselves the best person they can be.
No. 168505
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>healthy looking skin and hair
>decently fit body
>emotionally stable
>has own place
>has dental insurance
>has an ok, minimal stress, not-illegal job
>can balance work, school, and creating personal work
>has consistent social media content people want to see
It all boils down to health, really, and being consistent with it. While I can see myself doing most of these things, if not all if them, it will take a few years time. For now, I've been tackling my tendency for eating mostly garbage sugary, over processed snacks. Also, being more mindful when eating, so I don't carelessly overeat. One day at a time.
No. 168507
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I want to be dead.
No. 168508
A fairly realistic "ideal me" (in that it's technically attainable).
>undergrad degree in chem engineering from the state uni I'm currently going to
>boyfriend who cleans up nice and listens to music with me and supports my goals
>5'5" 125 lbs, muscle tone
>good study habits
>clear skin
>a wide circle of acquaintances and a small circle of close friends
>finally figured out a makeup look that works for me
Things I wish I could change but am unwilling to get surgery for
>fix teeth (they're straight but shorter on the right side, making my whole smile crooked, and not in a cute way)
>shrink nose, or at least shave the bridge down
>get wider hips and a narrower waist (would like to be pear).
>more interesting colored eyes, like hazel or dark green
>symmetrical jaw
>wavy dark brown hair (I love my hair at least)
>dark brown eyes
>olive/tan skin
>no boyfriend ever
>struggling in school bc poor study habits
>oily skin (getting better at regulating it though)
>handful of close friends and handful of acquaintances, only feel lonely most days as opposed to every day
>barely do makeup because too insecure about it (fill patchy spots in eyebrows, conceal active zits, done)
>average sized but pretty cute boobs (30DDD)
>really asymmetrical jawline
All in all I'm not too unhappy with my appearance. I just don't get validated enough, I guess, which I know shouldn't mean that much to me but it does.
No. 168511
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>>168510>5'11-6'2 twink, perfect genderless alien-flat >chest >no more than 120lbs, lean af>super pale pink undertone>SUPER ANGULAR all overLiterally what I like, anon. Yum
No. 168519
>>168494Ideal self:
>waist-length curly hair>Better teeth, no under bite>smaller nose>freckles>curvy, with strong build underneath>long and pretty fingernails>not mentally ill>same level of social interaction as now(light time with friends and SO but mostly keep to myself), but more likable so it's more acceptable to do this>well-rounded skills in all sorts of arts and crafts (music, singing, sewing, drawing/painting, and writing)>have my PhD and make a good living studying neuroscience>hair, makeup, and wardrobe all consistently look nice>happily marriedI'm working on it and am making progress toward some of those things, while others aren't really attainable due to genetics and lack of resources to work on them. One day I hope I can at least have all of the non genetic based ones going on.
No. 168521
Adorable, short (like 5'0" or under), petite, skinny, decent sized butt, small feet, flat chest, very long hair, pale skin, confident, and happy.
I'll settle for confident and happy, considering I'm tall and curvy, but we'll see if that ever comes. Yay mental illness
No. 168522
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>huge boobs
>average waist (if i suck it in)
>love handles & thick thighs
>oily, porous skin
>polish af nose
>ratty ass blonde hair that never stops growing and doesn't hold style
>clean, soft skin
>androgynous face
>flat chest
>small round butt
>lithe, active body
>short, healthy hair
>an inch or two taller
I guess I only really like my hands, eyes and feet. I am working on getting healthier via diet & exercise, but unless I get surgery I'll never escape my "feminine" figure. I've had boobs since I was 10.
I've thought about getting a nose job or breast reduction in the future, but unless I face some kind of complication it's hard for me to justify it to myself. Plus I feel like it would be so alien to me, seeing a visibly different feature in the mirror for the rest of my life.
No. 168525
>flat chested, but puffy nipples so it looks very weird>way too big butt>blue green eyes that look like a fucking public swimming pool that children pissed into>hairy af>slightly crooked nose>pale because of anemia and gets bruises and scares super easily >body acne even though I eat cleanIdeal:
>medium sized boobs with normal nipples >cute, perky butt>tanned, but not in a trashy white girl way>gold brown eyes>no body hair>no freaking body acne>normal, straight nose No. 168527
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>clear complexion
>shorter (~5'2")
>thin but in shape
>thinner nose
>no glasses
>long black hair with bangs
>long, well manicured nails
>nice wardrobe and makeup
>less body hair
>better shaped boobs
>emotionally stable/put together
>well paying job that I like
>good handful of close friends
I'm basically the complete opposite of all of this. I'm very slowly working on improving myself, but it's hard to do when you're a NEET poorfag with crippling depression and anxiety.
Good luck to everyone who is working hard to achieve their goals!
No. 168529
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2d moeblob
No. 168531
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No. 168532
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No. 168534
Me: 5'4, thickish hair(birth control and veganism fucked that shit up) kinda skinnyfat, shitty diet, fashion noob, pathetic slob
Ideal me: A bit taller 5'5-5'6, longer healthier thicker hair, better skin, better diet, more muscle, bigger boobs and ass, better fashion, happier.
No. 168536
Actual me: 5'4 fucking thin hair with no volume, hairy af tho, saggish goons, bad acne, no fashion sense, run away from hard situations, shy and passive.
Ideal me: 5"5 hairless, no acne, good fat distribution, cute lips that actually show when I smile, assertive and smart, talented at my craft, outgoing and empathic, smaller nose, have a job that gives me money, stop giving up or running away when things get hard. Lives in the present, doesn't feel about upset about adulting and stops remembering how great things were when you were a child.
No. 168537
Whiter teeth, my gaps closed in (but i like the main one)
The tip of my nose defined and smaller
Shoulders a little less broad.
Naturally arched eyebrows like marilyn monroe's
2 dress sizes smaller (roughly 25 lbs lighter)
Breasts down a cup size or even 2. (i'm a 34 D but a petite frame)
Longer lashes
Evened out skin color, i have discoloration under my arms and lots of childhood tomboy scars on my legs. My ass is darker than the rest of me too.
Flat stomach, perkier butt, toned upper body.
5'7" and/or longer legs. But it's not a dire need.
Almond shaped eyes, perhaps eye color 2 shades lighter. If I really wanted to customize myself.
Thankfully though I've accepted most of what I can't change. Invisiline, diet and exercise, makeup and a minor nose job can handle the rest.
Oh and my ears were tragically torn as a teenager so I'd get them fixed so I can wear earrings again :((It's an expensive procedure though.
My personality is fine, I just wish I could communicate the thoughts in my head better. I can be charismatic but lately my speech is super erratic. I want to exude confidence and sex appeal. But I look like I'm 12.
OH, hair down to the small of my back. Preferably wavy but again, "things I can't not change". I want the length in any regard though. So saving up for decent extensions since I've tried every hair care routine in the book.
Also rich. Much more rich. With a finished degree. a career and a sense of direction.
(I secretly wish I possessed an acting ability as well. Or a voice that made babies cry from joy.)
Fluent in french and russian.
No. 168538
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>can't wear makeup because of eczema
>Korean, fairly light skin
>thick, black, messy hair which I always tie up
>ugly ugly ugly voice
>nonexistent nose
>narrow eyes with parallel creases
>skinnyfat, so I wear plain loose clothes
>lazy, unmotivated
>negative, don't want to live most of the time
>bad at socializing, avoids social events
>a bit taller, like 165cm
>no eczema. It makes life so much harder and depressing and is the bane of my existence
>able to wear makeup (this so bad.. sigh. I only know how I look with makeup using that youcam app..)
>very pale skin
>long, straight black hair
>defined, cute nose
>bigger eyes with tapered crease
>cute, pretty voice, especially when singing
>fashionable (I really like mori but I'm too shy to wear fashionable things in public)
>can play piano or violin.. i dropped both of these
>plumper lips, especially my upper one
>positive, have lots of friends, sociable and easy to like
>motivated, passionate about life
>happy to live
Things I like
>fairly smart; even if I don't try I manage to get B or A in courses
>overall, face is cute
>face is clear of eczema, thank God
>trying to change my lifestyle recently. starting out by losing weight, it's going well so far!
>blessed with a loving family who i'm close with. i still feel really lonely without much friends and sometimes feel like a failure haha
>slender hands
No. 168543
>useless and my brain goes haywire without adderall >1/4th of an inch away from 5'4, but stopped growing in middle school>disgusting skinnyfat pear shaped body with thunder thighs but also chest bones sticking out (too busy/too lazy to exercise)>old lady hands >depressed but too wimpy to kill myself>boyfriend is immature as hell, has a massive inferiority complex and paranoia issues from his exes and a hair-trigger temper >no friends because i cannot socialize>mad anxiety >disappointment of the family because i got into an okay state school and my cousins got into stanford and cornell>everything i write/say sounds pretentious and i have delusions of grandeur>vain perfectionist despite being ugly and incompetent >teeth are fucked from eating disorder>recovered but find myself slipping back into shitty disordered habits whenever i get stressed out (which is happening more and more frequently)>dark undereye circles>pointy chin and 5head because fucking heart-shaped face>fucked up eyebrows because i shaved them as a dumb high schooler and they grew back wonky>embarrassing self-harm scars all over my thighs ugh>no assIdeal me:
>symmetrical double eyelids>paler, not so fucking tan>larger eyes that are lighter brown >longer hair>higher nose >musical voice, not fucking tone deaf>mentally stable>5'5, and weigh a bit less, or have fat more evenly distributed around my body>can eat without having to consciously remember to suppress the desire to purge or restrict>less cynical, more likable>motivation to do something, anything>straight, undamaged teeth>bubble butt and toned legs No. 168544
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The Ideal Me
>Has healthy Skin and better make up products
>Is fit and eating healthy and yummy meals
>Has Healthier natural Hair
>Is Employed
>Has a qt Boyfriend that can fuck me good
>Has a Job
>Has an apartment and a qt cat
>Owns a lot of Cute clothes
The Real Me
>Has okay skin
>Is super skinny but nowhere near fit and eating healthy
>Has a nappy ass fro
>Is unemployed but looking for a part time job
>Is lonely and single and listens to a lot of weeby drama CDs to get me thru the night
>Lives with my mom
>Has cheap ebay clothes that sub for my future wardrobe
No. 168551
>>168549Yeah I use eyelid tape every day. Contemplating surgery eventually because I've watched my grandma putting tape on her eyelids every day and it is a hassle. But I don't know.
I should probably get braces too. I'm just a wuss about it because I hear it hurts but you're right that I need to do something about that or stop whining.
My hair is already chest-length, but I want to have like really long hair, like down to my butt. (I'm aware of how stupid that sounds, and it'll probably be such a pain when it does get that long.)
I don't not socialize because of the lack of attractiveness/confidence thing though. I just feel intensely uncomfortable and anxious around too many people and I want to go back to my dorm and do my homework. I can carry on a conversation fine, just feels like shit I have a test to study for/not interested/mind is blank and on super-driven Adderall mode.
My face is pretty average on the whole. Just my body is gross. But yeah, that's my own fault for not eating very well and not working out.
No. 168554
>>168551Monolids might not be permanent, depending on your family background. Most asians fall in some spectrum between monolid and double. regularly and reducing stress might help you get natural double lids. My entire family has double eyelids, but my sister would go 'mono' whenever she stays up late and becomes tired
No. 168556
>>168554Wow this is fucking weird, the author of that article went to my alma mater plus lives in the same city.
I can vouch it's true that many Asians born with monolids end up developing double eyelids by adulthood.
No. 168558
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>smooth, clear, even skin all over
>really long thick hair, bouncy, 3A (pic related)
>small forehead/low hairline
>completely flat stomach (no abs just a flat stomach)
>full eyebrows
>have good ideas for stories and write on a semi-regular basis
>mental stability (aka not start crying at work while listening to an episode of This American Life about abusive parents)
>not be so shy
>have a small frame, slender shoulders, measurements small enough to fit into victorian maiden, basically.
>have a masters in English
>really small breasts, perky, small areola
>slender legs
>a good job related to my degree that makes me happy and challenges me
>keratosis pilaris, stretch marks, bacne scars, lose skin all over ass from all my weight loss so far
>hair is pretty healthy but it's low density and I get a lot of shrinkage, and when it's dry it reaches my earlobes. It's 3C
>huge forehead
>cow tits, comically large areola, saggy, tube shaped
>over-plucked my eyebrows because that was hip in the early 2000s and they haven't grown back properly since
>wide frame, wide shoulders
>I'm 5'7" and 126 (almost at my goal of 105) and I still have a protruding gut for some reason.
>huge calves and thighs
>diagnosed with severe anxiety
>haven't written an original story in years, never have any ideas
>quite well paying but mindless job that I'm afraid I will be stuck in forever because no one else will ever pay me this kind of money
No. 168565
>>168559Thanks anon :) I hope soon I'll be somewhat happy with myself. I'm almost at my goal weight. I've been doing a lactic acid treatment for my KP and I hope I can start seeing results soon.
>>168563>>168560Come on, guys. I'm not thin, but I'm not huge either.
No. 168567
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Pretty happy with how I look tbh aside from my fucking skin. Dat fucking late onset adult acne is kicking my ass/self esteem. That and the neverending battle with unwanted body hair
>want to be clear skin dolphin smooth goddess
>tfw pale as a ghost with red blotches and dark features
No. 168570
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No. 168574
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I would sell my soul to look like ~2008 era Emily Browning.
I love all of the features she has.
>Small, petite, flat chested, ect
>Doe eyes, full lips, soft face, clear skin, small nose
>Honestly so pleasing to look at
>Soft, gentle, girlish looking
Overall, I wish I could look small, pure, and doll like. It's unattainable for me because all of my features are the oppisite and even with plastic surgery I would still look awful.
No. 168579
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I just wanna look exactly like her
No. 168580
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>>168579She's very beautiful, but god she's a total SJW cuck.
No. 168591
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>>168589They might seem small to you, but they're not really flat.
No. 168593
>>168589>>168590>>168591Depending on back size, b cups are certainly flat and c cups are like little egg yolks that haven't been broke. D is where they resemble boobs, atleast in my case anyway but I'm still pretty flat chested.
Not literally ironing board flat but not far off it. 32D is in my experience where boobies start at a small back size, idk if it's different for other anons.
No. 168605
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i want karl lagerfield to accept me
No. 168606
>>168575i have salami nips too girl
30d / 30dd if I'm on my period and 1/3 is nipple
No. 168625
>>168621OT and possibly unwarrented health advice but have you had your blood checked recently? I only ask because I've been in that always sleeping constantly exhausted state for years and eventually found out it's because I have a really low vitamin B12 count. Might be worth a look if you can afford it anon.
Sage for OT
No. 168631
>>168625Thank you for the advice! It's not a vitamin deficiency though (I actually had a bunch of bloodwork done a few months ago). It's regular ol' depression on top of a depressed episode from my bipolar disorder. I've been dealing with this shit for 2/3 of my life. Unless I'm manic, I expect to sleep for about 12 hours at a time and have very little energy when I'm awake. It's just
really bad right now because of the depression + depressed episode bullshit.
>>168618TIL Deanna Troi uses lolcow.