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No. 170055
>>170051This is why I started coming to lolcow desu.
I've browsed /r9k/ and a few other boards for years and happened to see a post about lolcow and I personally think it's much better. It's like a nice group of cool female friends.
The only thing I haven't gotten used to is how slow it is compared to some of the boards on 4chan, but it's definitely not as shit cluttered
No. 170056
>>170053I can relate, anon. I seem like I'm one of those "not like the other girls" types but I'm really not, and this ends up confusing (insecure, aggressive) girls who attempt to stereotype me like that just because I have brothers and am in a male-dominated major. When they see me being friendly with other girls, they're genuinely confused haha.
No honey, it's not that I don't like other girls. It's that I don't like
No. 170059
>>170057I don't really hate them, but I've had a hard time bonding with girls and trusting girls, since I was very young, no idea why.
I've only had two girl friends in my life, each time it was a very strong friendship. I wish I knew how to approach girls better, they are kinda intimidating to me.
No. 170060
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In general, I'm very introverted. Being friends with guys is easier for me because there's less pressure in a platonic relationship with them. They don't constantly want me to hang out when I don't feel like it, they don't "compete" with me as far as looks and clothes go. Like, I can be my slob self around them. When I'm around girls, I feel judged constantly.
No. 170062
>>170059Girls are "intimidating" because you actually have to be a likeable person for other girls to bother being friends with you, and that's hard if you haven't developed your personality enough. You can't just giggle and simply exist while getting attention and favors like you can with guys. Girls don't give a fuck lol.
And eventually, those guys will all fade away as they get gfs/wives, or you stop dating their friend, or you get a serious bf. So male friends may be very low investment and low effort, but they rarely last like a good female friendship will.
It's okay though, most women realize this by their mid-20s, and by their late-20s, most women are a lot more tolerable as friends anyway.
No. 170064
>>170048Recently I've been chatting to this girl from dumblr for ages. She's ite' from my town, never met her. She's polish and something is off about her. Besides her saying how awful British people are.
She tells me about her days at work. How she gets on better with guys "less drama" and how she wants a boyfriend cos the last one was "too girly, i need a real man".
She has this new drama about this handsome* guy at her workplace who has crushed on her for agessss and he had a girlfriend of 10 years. But apparently all the guys like her because she "wears no make up apart from eye liner, she has a nice ass in her leggings" and she's just amazing.
But the handsome* guy likes her, he sent her a vday card and didn't break up with his gf. The girlfriend got pissed off because he was all dreamy over her and they split. But she had a feeling he liked her.
She brags on and on about me how much he likes her and "i pretend not to play along and care but i do rly".
Now the gf ex gf is going ape shit because she hacked the guy's fb account and found the convo of them flirting.
Girl doesn't even care about the ex gf's feelings, she's like "well shes getting obsessive and she's a crazy bitch and he likes meeee"
But it's sorta annoying because he should have broke up with that girl first instead of sending her cards and they have been together years so obv she loved him.
But she's so smug about it.
"All guys like meee I prefer guy frienddds"
It's not always a good thing.
It turns you into a cunt.
No. 170066
>>170062you seem
triggered, anon.
No. 170074
They settle for subpar company to fill time and then try to make it seem like it's not only out of desperation. Normal people aren't gonna spout that "friends with the guys" shit, they're just gonna consider having normal friendships with whoever they get along with, without thinking about it from a gender perspective. If they care so much that they're "friends with guys", these are probably only shallow friendships wherein the guys act like doormats in hope she will eventually end up putting out. And drop her when she doesn't. I'm friendless though, so fuck if I even have a right to talk.
>>170060kekking at your picture
No. 170079
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As a kid I always found myself having an equal amount of boy and girl friends, but I was a tomboy and had more "boyish" interests. That sort of persisted as I got a bit older, but once I hit 15 I started having more female friends because the guys I tended to hang out with/attract had awful personalities and were generally the unpopular geeks. Now I still talk to like, one or two guys but the friends I hang out with the most are female
The thing about girls is that you can pretty quickly judge one of them and see if they're fake or not. I have no beef or resentment towards the female gender as a whole but that's been my experience, at least