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No. 170219
File: 1454790017439.png (196.09 KB, 344x555, X2-rikku-a.png)

I'm going to sound like a total weeb, but blah.
I think rikku from ffx2 has the best bod. I'm slimming down a lot, but I work out too so I'm not going to be a stick like her and I don't have the same frame, at least not on the legs and ass, but waist will be pretty close. I'm also planning to get fake boobs in the future.
No. 170220
File: 1454790069040.jpg (45.57 KB, 600x600, 1445803120449.jpg)

This bod is cool too, but maybe slimmer and with a smaller waist and bigger boobs
No. 170221
File: 1454790399447.jpg (214.14 KB, 900x1200, Adriana-Lima---Victorias-Secre…)

I wish I was a little more lithe and slender with a narrower frame. I'm tall and I think it would suit my height better.
Right now I'm a pear shape and this sounds like a humble brag but I don't like the difference between my hips and waist (partly because nothing fits, partly because I don't have tits big enough to match my hips and partly because I look like a bowling pin). I'd like narrower hips and thighs.
I'm not entirely sure how to get that though. I work out almost every day and I eat clean. Unfortunately exercises that tone my butt make it plumper and make my bottom half rounder and larger but I have to do them to avoid a sad-looking butt. I've yet to find upper body exercises that will make my upper body bigger to match. I tried doing exercises that would work the muscles in my torso to pad out my waist a bit but that made things worse. When I lose weight, my upper body looks ana and digusting but my lower half stays the same.
I know people make fun of Adriana Lima's boxy shape but that would be ideal for me. I love how in proportion and normal it all looks. Her whole body makes me so jealous tbh, I'd love to look like her.
No. 170223
File: 1454792185382.jpg (20.12 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg)

>>170221A tiny waist looks great. I know what you mean though, I have a tiny waist and I have a friend that literally thought I wear corsets on a day to day basis wtf
Apart from people poking at your belly, it shouldn't bother you though. You could fill it in by bodybuilding, but you don't need to because it's super feminine. Embrace your femininity!
Other than that, baggy tops and such.
No. 170226
>>170225Who are you kidding? Even if this thread was posted on /g/, those people
>>170222 mentioned would still post. They are all over lolcow.
No. 170228
File: 1454814643700.jpg (78.84 KB, 640x640, image.jpg)

Tbh I want a model body but I'm too short.
165cm/50kg :(
No. 170229
File: 1454815526735.jpg (59.52 KB, 540x809, tumblr_nwf1alZQYM1uqdx7jo1_540…)

>>170218i have no boobs so i might as well go for the thin/loli look. i think it has it's charms though. thick and curvy girls are beautiful but i like being small and thin since guys have the instinct to protect me and spoil me like a bratty little girl. i need to tone up but asian girls are my ideal.. i never thought they were special until i started going on forums tho
No. 170235
File: 1454826940858.jpg (44.2 KB, 620x413, 111015002_cycling_323774c.jpg)

>>170234And models are ugly stick insects that starve themselves way too much
I much rather date someone fit and healthy
No. 170237
File: 1454830142431.jpg (73.16 KB, 500x634, soft.jpg)

>>170223isn't this girl photoshoped to hell and back?
>>170221I feel you, I have a pear shapped body and I wish i had a tiny frame with narrow hips, it's just so much more elegant and delicate. I'm trying to learn to love my body the way it is and I think a soft rond butt and nice fit tight can be very cute too.
I also have violin hips so fuck me.
I don't like girl with really explicit muscle definition, I think soft body are more girlish and beautifuls.
No. 170239
File: 1454832863206.jpeg (193 KB, 882x1227, image.jpeg)

>>170238Aaand fucking dropped the pic.
No. 170240
>>170238You had terrible thinspo lol.
Her body is cute as hell.
No. 170241
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No. 170244
File: 1454857508760.png (271.42 KB, 344x500, lemmy-small-waist.png)

>>170237I don't know sorry, but some people do have very small waists naturally.
looks more extreme with big hips
No. 170246
>>170244do you really think that picture is legit as well?
man, no wonder so many people have depression over their skewed standards. tons of photoshopped bodies and a literal anime character in this thread.
No. 170247
File: 1454863499575.jpg (11.33 KB, 250x333, no8-1.jpg)

>>170246tbh I have no idea, so much shooping these days it could very well be fake. It's annoying how everyone and their aunt seems to shoop themselves skinny with big tits and a big ass.
it's weird that people act weird in RL when people do have these proportions though. Fake tits are also a thing, you don't need to shoop da whoop to have that bod, just be a skinny girl with a naturally extreme pear shape and maybe some fake titties.
No. 170248
>>170247The pic in this post is 100% more realistic and believable than
>>170244I don't doubt she has a small waist, but that is totally photoshopped.
No. 170249
File: 1454868127821.jpg (91.25 KB, 484x700, twiggy.jpg)

1960's Twiggy. The original thinspo! But seriously, I love her body. She super thin, without looking like a skelelord.
No. 170250
File: 1454881987189.jpg (2.8 MB, 4200x2802, 1449860401376.jpg)

>>170249the sad thing is, she wouldn't be able to model today because of the bullshit fat cunt restrictions
No. 170251
File: 1454882685850.gif (1.89 MB, 320x180, deltss.gif)

A tall, slim and toned body with arms like pic related would be my dream. I really want that dip between the delts and biceps.
No. 170252
I wanna look like
>>170229 but I also wanna be athletic looking with muscle tone and abs. It's probably easier for me to go with athletic since I don't have a very loli body to begin with.
No. 170255
File: 1454888938119.jpg (139.03 KB, 1066x653, 1453485644284.jpg)

A overall smaller version of this, please
No. 170256
File: 1454891236293.png (411.52 KB, 476x591, SaraXMills.PNG)

No. 170257
File: 1454894300469.jpg (1.02 MB, 1920x1080, Kyary-Pamyu-Pamyu-Photoshoot.j…)

>>170253models under BMI 18 have been banned in france, you've been out of the loop I guess
No. 170258
File: 1454901290623.jpg (49.19 KB, 700x511, image.jpg)

I have the same body shape as her, I'm just not fit. I wish I knew how to into being that muscular but I'm retarded when it comes to fitness ;_;
No. 170259
>>170257Wait what? That's crazy
This sounds similar to Australia and their small boobs policy. It's tumblr tards pushing it, but it really is extremely sexist. Pretty much taking the whole "real womyn have curves" thing and then in the same breath saying if you're petite then you're not a real woman
No. 170261
File: 1454902906538.jpg (168.44 KB, 1446x1995, 1448918199501.jpg)

>>170260Don't be silly. Being under 18 doesn't make you magically unhealthy if you have a very small frame, just like being a bit over 25 doesn't make you unhealthy.
Besides, if they really cared about health they'd ban obese models like tess.
No. 170262
>>170260Theres a big difference between petite and anorexic. Will you at least admit the Australia legislation about small breasts is retarded?
My sister is 18 bmi on the dot and she's just a small girl. It's not ridiculous anorexic at that point from what I can tell. I thought that was around 14 or 15 bmi
No. 170265
>>170261That wasn't what I said though. I'm saying that in general, having a BMI under 18 is bad for you and you'll be encouraged to gain weight. Also, it's no secret that a lot of models use unhealthy tactics to stay dangerously underweight.
BMI is a crock of shit in many ways anyway, since it doesn't take things like muscle vs. fat content into account. You can be all muscle and have a BMI that puts you into the overweight category, which makes no sense but is how the system works. However, the logic behind models needing at least a BMI of 18 seems alright. You're not really going to see many petite models considering how tall they're supposed to be, so there's no reason why wanting them to be at a healthy body weight is unreasonable.
>>170262Never said that it wasn't. In fact, I never said anything about it at all because the breasts thing has nothing to do with BMI or modeling in general.
I agree that it's a bad idea and I don't know where you got the idea that I thought otherwise.
No. 170266
>>170263From what I've read, there's some new legislation that bans underaged-looking women from appearing in porn in order to cut out the weird line between jailbait and legal aged actors. It has to do with overall appearance but breast size is being targeted the most since that's what makes a lot of porn stars look younger.
They're going about it super wrong but imo it's not the worst idea to cut out underaged looking girls from porn.
No. 170267
File: 1454906151185.jpeg (92.76 KB, 600x750, image.jpeg)

Regardless of how you feel about Ariana Grande as a person or in terms of talent, you gotta admit she has a cute body. I like her body today and I'm working on trying to get it like that, but right now my body is like Ariana Grande during the first season of Victorious (idk if any of you watched it, but it was in the era when her hair was very red)
No. 170269
File: 1454907611104.gif (998.03 KB, 160x340, image.gif)

>>170268I like her body because I'm short and flat-chested like her, but I'd definitely want a smaller waist. I'm fine with my butt. And I agree with the legs looking nice. if I can find a picture of someone else with a similar body, but with a smaller waist then I will definitely post it.
Pic somewhat related, she was never actually fat, but she wasn't always as skinny as she is today.
No. 170270
File: 1454907707677.jpg (117.46 KB, 600x924, arianagrande.vmagazine1.jpg)

>>170267I loooove Ariana's body. She's super qt and petite. She looks younger because of her smaller proportions and round eyes.
No. 170272
>>170261It depends on the person. You're forgetting that models are usually super tall. At 5'7, the bare minimum height for being a model, a BMI of 18 starts at 115 pounds. For someone 5'10, that starts at 126 pounds. That is really thin.
But you're right, having a BMI a little under 18 doesn't mean someone is unhealthy.
No. 170273
File: 1454917795732.gif (834.25 KB, 500x368, tinkerbell.gif)

>>170272>mfw when i'm 5'7 and 115 pounds.I don't have a model material body at all.
No. 170275
>>170274I just wanted to point out that the same height and weight can show very differently depending on a person's body type, muscular mass, etc.
By the way Cara is quite different from a traditional model considering she got in the industry mainly because of her connexions.
Just like Kendall Jenner of Gigi Hadid they can rock a body quite "pudgy" in comparison to other models. Just because they can get away with it.
No. 170280
>>170278Is that because studies have shown that women prefer to see ads in which women have at least B or C cups? I remember an interview where Keira Knightley got pissed because they kept photoshopping her with bigger tits in advertisements for her movies.
Or is it just straight up banned?
No. 170281
>>170278>>170279That's insane, wtf. So gay porn, scat porn, fat porn, midget porn is ok, but skinny/boobless women aren't allowed to even EXIST? Wtf why aren't SJWs on australia's case on this
maybe because the women affected aren't fat
No. 170282
>>170281I mean A cup women TECHNICALLY have less rights in australia. They're legally oppressed and discriminated against in certain industries wtf
and they do realise pedos are attracted to kids not necessarily because of the body shape (though that's part of it) but BECAUSE THE KIDS ARE ACTUALLY UNDERAGE. Not fake underage, but real underage is what gets the pedos off. They want an actual 8 year old, with an 8 year old's mind and face, not some 'jailbait' 25 year old with a flat chest that looks kinda like a teen if you put her hair in pigtails.
No. 170287
File: 1454980407688.png (654.13 KB, 480x623, bobbers.PNG)

Would love a small waist with nice sized boobs and hips
No. 170291
>>170278>>170279That's so shitty. Not everyone with Acups looks like a loli-child. that's like saying 'only real womynz have C and above'
that's backwards thinking and shaming women.
No. 170297
>>170288Chest piece, one sleeve one half sleeve, and starting work on my legs.
Its glorious.
No. 170299
File: 1456356732081.jpg (70.61 KB, 640x640, pBknm1U.jpg)

I saw this picture the other day, this is what I want.
I've since found out she's some fit freak on insta, has a man face in most of her photos, and also too muscular for me, but in this photo, this is what I want to look like.
No. 170302
>>170299you need to be somewhat of a 'fit freak' to get this body though. nice toned legs and a round perky butt is not gonna come with doing nothing and hoping you get "curvy".
but i agree, i'd want the same except my legs a little thinner. squat with me anon and we will achieve the butt
No. 170303
>>170298A feather like Dave grohls, a piece of poetry with dagger and roses, liliths face from NGE, an Alice in wonderland engraving where she's holding the pig from pig and pepper, some florals, the names of my siblings children, and a stylized memorial portrait of my grandmother with some watercolor brushed.
All in traditional western style for cohesion, except Alice and pig on my leg.
I'm still planning the rest of my legs and back,and I'm saving room on my arm for my own children.
Ill probably do my hands and feet if I get into a good job where its acceptable.
No. 170309
>>170306Um, nah.
Everything but the alice one I drew myself so they're kind of identifiable.
Jfc why do people insist they need to see them all?
No. 170321
>>170320I agree most of the time it's pretty fucked up, I'm not going to lie and say I haven't seen 15-17 year olds I find attractive though.
The problem is more the men who actively target those sorts of girls. I read a story the other day about men who specifically target girls at shelters for vulnerable young girls.
No. 170330
>>170325There's no sterilizing him. He got aids from the last girl he was with and honestly no one feels bad for him.
No. 170331
Its creepy, predatory, and if you fuck them its statutory rape.
Get thee to a therapist.
No. 170332
>>170330I know it's your brother, but reading that made me laugh out loud. That's great.
And in general, our age-consent laws tend to have romeo and julliet laws to allow teens to explore their sexuality. Just, over the age of 18, your maturity and growth is wildly different than a 16 year olds, and it only gets more exaggerated. I'm living with a 20 year old who is like a child to me and I'm only 26 - I honestly don't know how these guys justify what they do.
No. 170333
File: 1456442558261.jpg (63.16 KB, 500x750, 1.jpg)

my ideal body is Victoria Song from f(x). I've seen her in real life and her body looks even better. Not too thin, not too bulky. she is a dancer from a young age though, no wonder she has that build. I also start dancing K-Pop by myself because of her and it was a lot of fun! unfortunately i don't have the same type of body as her, so i can't have that body *cries , but i can feel i'm getting healthier though since i start dancing. my body feel lighter and i feel full of energy everyday.
No. 170336
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>>170334Legs too big? What is your idea of thin legs?
No. 170338
File: 1456484671658.jpg (32.96 KB, 400x400, unnamed-7-400x400.jpg)

I'm working on waist training. I've been into tight lacing for a couple of years, but I'm not consistent with wearing my corsets for dramatic results when unlaced. This girl has thinner thighs than are my ideal, but I have a really hard time keeping weight on. I also have a short torso that can't be fixed.
No. 170340
File: 1456491541975.jpg (33.04 KB, 500x623, rohrbach-022416-_3.jpg)

Kelly Rohrbach
No. 170342
File: 1456577813719.jpeg (99.51 KB, 750x919, image.jpeg)

She looks fat but if you look at her other photos she actually is very thin but with a big butt. Idk if its real but if it is me likey lel
No. 170344
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My ideal body type is p average I have to say. I call it 'Sorority Girl' because it's what I imagine when I think of it.
It's basically just a petite cute body, small frame, flat tummy, toned but basically just where you're thin and you still look a bit soft everywhere.
It's definitely attainable but I just don't have the frame for it at all, I have extremely broad shoulders and a wide rib cage and thick thighs from sports so I can never really pull off the look. I just think it's so quintessentially feminine and appealing.
I basically have the perfect body for a fitmode girl but I want to be anything but.>>66650
No. 170347
>>170346No not skinnyfat. Like the actual thin ones, I guess cardiobunnies is the correct word? Like where they're toned and tiny and petite. This photo also works but just in a bit of a smaller frame shoulders wise.
I guess Ariana Grande would fit into it as well?
No. 170348
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>>170347Fugg dropped my pic
No. 170352
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No. 170353
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Saw this on reddit yesterday, this is pretty much ideal while still being realistic. I have a flat butt and small boobs so I'll never have a dream curvy body.
>>170350Maybe if you're tall. I'm 5'2 and 113 and pudgy. I have to really make a lot of effort to work towards a look like that.
No. 170358
>>170356It's actually really black. On pornhubs survey all of Africa preferred asses while all of Europe and Russia preferred breasts.
That's why I said very few white guys are into the fat ass stuff.
No. 170359
>>170350Eh no, you'd still need to train your abs somehow. Just not eating too much won't give you a body like that.
I'm underweight, but because I haven't done any ab exercises, I still have a pouch on my stomach, as an anecdote example.
Also you'd have to have a fairly small ribcage, shoulders and a long torso to even be able to look like that girl.
No. 170363
File: 1457871697636.jpg (71.49 KB, 400x600, paris.jpg)

My ideal body is definitely heroin chic, but more so 00s? Kind of like Paris Hilton around 2002. I'm currently 139, and I'm 5'7. I've lost 11 pounds by eating nothing but basically fruits, vitamins, and homemade chicken wraps. I would be losing more weight faster, but I eat fatty foods when I get super stressed out or super depressed. Which has happened WAY too much as of late. Does anyone here know any good alts for when you start craving shit like pizza or a burger? More-so when you're in a rut?
No. 170364
>>170362Slim, skinny fat and not toned sounds like my ideal honestly, since I'm a fat girl losing weight and always thought the "girl next door"/"average" looking girls were adorable. So just remember some fatty out there is working her ass off to look like you lol <3
And to whoever it was saying average girls are skinny fat so it's nothing special, isn't the real average pants size in america 14 now? So my big ass is truly average I think haha.
No. 170366
File: 1457987803758.jpg (70.95 KB, 454x508, 1457976785563.jpg)

Pretty much this
No. 170367
File: 1457990300132.jpg (27.5 KB, 399x600, pear.jpg)

Pretty much like this. She has thick thighs and a slim upper body but still looks in shape.
I'm very obviously pear-shaped and love it, but right now I'm kind of skinnyfat. I've been working out and eating better and have already lost some weight, but I just hope I don't end up with a thigh gap. I just want a slimmer waist and more muscle tone, especially in my legs.
No. 170368
File: 1457999257395.jpg (45.72 KB, 637x782, 1439106254196.jpg)

I wish I had super thin arms, a tiny, tiny waist, firm bubble butt, firm, small, perky tits with small nipples, super pale, no freckles/blemishes, small soft hands, long slender legs, and overall super petite and thin.
I'm crazy about Audrey Hepburn's body.
But in real life I'm just fucking trash.
No. 170370
>>170368I loved AH body too, she has that grace about her and those shoulders. She had bad health though due to the war as a little girl so it fucked her up. Plus she did start out as a ballet dancer at the beginning but she was sick and suited acting better which lead to other things.
The beauty of her is her lean frame, height, smile and big feet! All of these things at the time in that Hollywood period was weird and not the norm. Not the curvy, big breasted and blonde body they preferred. Audrey was this petite, lanky woman with a doll face. God… she was a beauty!
No. 170375
File: 1458001790837.jpg (362.56 KB, 891x1200, audrey_hepburn__el_icono_vogue…)

>>170370>>170372I'm so happy other people share my adoration for Audrey! She was so beautiful. I wish I could embody even 1/10th of the grace and loveliness of AH.
No. 170378
File: 1458130274311.jpeg (69.22 KB, 493x750, image.jpeg)

>>170368I have this with Elizabeth Taylor. Their bodies are identical though but I still fangirl for Taylor's face and movies more… I think they both used a waisttrainer/corset so there's still hope for us! Btw I'm sure you look good in real life, freckles are cute. Remember that they wore pancake makeup so any blemish that they had is covered. And not that its bad but I already see on the pics that both taylor and hepburn had a couple moles on their body…so its pretty normal!
No. 170380
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>>170379I hope thats just her pants…but she had a nice body and didnt need to do that imo
No. 170384
File: 1458146142586.jpeg (1.07 MB, 2600x3275, image.jpeg)

>>170383I-i-i-is it really?
triggered No. 170389
File: 1458293401345.png (293.55 KB, 500x498, tumblr_nrop42aBgA1t5wbego1_500…)

Almost there. Will probably be here in about 1 & half months?
No. 170391
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>>170218I have to drop weight to look like this guh
No. 170393
File: 1458297415384.jpg (121.94 KB, 1920x1080, image.jpg)

Something like this but i'll never get my waist that small.
No. 170399
File: 1458306184494.jpeg (66.35 KB, 376x700, image.jpeg)

>>170398Even though she is sick, suffering from sun damage, fat and old she looks like a lovely nana.
Would bake cookies with/10
No. 170401
File: 1458307817914.png (790.45 KB, 557x720, ari.png)

I love 2012-2013 Ariana Grande's body so much, before she got chubbier and her thighs got thicker.
If she had more of a defined waist and bigger boobs, she'd have the perfect body.
No. 170402
File: 1458311303597.jpg (188.05 KB, 1012x676, ArianaGrandeTeenChoiceAwards20…)

>>170401Ariana's body is goals. Her face is so cute too.
No. 170404
File: 1458312302575.jpeg (75.24 KB, 630x345, 5654b7aa2100004a005ab907.jpeg)

>>170402I'm trying hard to not sperg but she's one of my favorite celebrities haha. It's crazy how she can look so cute and so hot at the same time.
It's ridiculous how many pop stars are fat now, like Meghan Trainor and Demi Lovato. They're supposed to be role models for young girls and America's sweethearts but they live such unhealthy lifestyles idk.
No. 170406
File: 1458316797950.jpg (776.17 KB, 3000x2000, ariana_2.0.jpg)

>>170404She always looks high
"dat sum dank shit… damn"
No. 170407
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>>170406I don't think her face is basic, she's pretty cute imo. But, don't know if the cosmetic surgery rumors are true, I like her 'before' face better, she seems friendlier and approachable.
As for her body, personally she's a hit or miss. In some clothes she can look very sexy, but in other clothes, she looks like a kid, like in Jimmy Fallon's "Ew!" skit : kind of outfit just didn't do her body justice.
No. 170409
>>170407I hate her current eyebrows so much
they remind me of the eyebrows those white weaboo instagram girls have
they're so far apart
No. 170411
>>170407>But, don't know if the cosmetic surgery rumors are trueYou can see in the photo right there that the tip of her nose is different. It looks tinier now, so yeah, she probably got a nose job.
The rest I assume are makeup/common Hollywood trickery
>Hair weave>Plucked eyebrows/makeup to make them look higher up>Overlining the top lip to make them look fuller (you can see where her real upper lip starts if you zoom into that photo)>Spray tanning No. 170412
>>170411Exactly, she looks like a very average very basic girl doing her utmost to look "hot"
which is cool, good for her, but it makes her looks a little fake, kinda like kim kardashian
No. 170422
File: 1458406346309.jpg (109.92 KB, 600x900, 11.jpg)

I've always been envious of Krystal Jung's body.
Her stomach is so perfectly flat and I dunno what it is about those lines that drive me crazy.
Her waist is tiny too. Probably too tiny for most. Any smaller and it would look too weird for me.
No. 170423
File: 1459811602526.jpg (45.14 KB, 633x950, temp.jpg)

I've always admires Yolandi's body from Die Antwoord.
No. 170424
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>>170423I wouldn't mind having her face either.
No. 170429
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No. 170430
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No. 170431
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No. 170432
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No. 170433
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No. 170434
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No. 170435
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No. 170436
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No. 170437
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No. 170438
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She was a ballerina before the drugs.
No. 170440
File: 1459819709220.jpg (38.97 KB, 423x750, AX2zDVK0Usk.jpg)

>>170439Speed, coke, even dope, and yeah, she got ran off Tumblr after admitting it casually.
She had a big following because of her 'meth aesthetic'.
No. 170443
File: 1459822719137.jpg (100.97 KB, 640x425, samantha-wright.jpg)

>>170442Samantha Wright and yeah she is popular online for being a pretty cute female competitive weightlifter
No. 170445
File: 1459979776615.jpg (228.08 KB, 960x758, 10641141_10154685877340243_102…)

This woman used to be my hair stylist and her body was just, wow.
No. 170446
>>170443Didn't she spill humblebrag feminist spaghetti about how she's not cute and a bloo bloo so
triggered by being called cute?
No. 170447
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No. 170453
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No. 170454
>>170358Breasts are still fat. A woman can still be curvy with big breasts, anon.
>>170354A woman can be slim and curvy. Just admit you're a gay faggot.
No. 170455
File: 1461210073411.jpg (93.11 KB, 470x612, tumblr_o5mc9q4XeL1rj6k3yo1_500…)

>>170454Good job replying to month old bait posts, moron.
No. 170456
File: 1461219895571.jpg (58.09 KB, 374x800, demi-bikini-3.jpg)

>>170404>Demi Lovato>Fat>"Ugh such an unhealthy lifestyle!!!"I would agree if you only mentioned Meghan Trainor, but uh..
No. 170457
File: 1461233538365.jpg (79.18 KB, 640x640, f4c40c193e0341098f012289e6705a…)

No. 170458
>>170455Just because it's a month old doesn't mean his comment suddenly disappears, moron
Disgusting beast you posted btw
No. 170461
>>170460im going back to 4chan. this is gettin too much
not even robots are this delusional and catty.
No. 170462
File: 1461237747797.jpg (199.12 KB, 683x1024, turkey.jpg)

>>170456I think anon was refering to her more recent body, this was in 2011. She had big hips but she was very decent, now she has a strong case of mommy arms and thunder thigs.
No. 170463
>>170462Considering she went through depression causing her to cut and then developed anorexia, her current bod is pretty cute since her super slimmed body was a bit scary given that it happen in less then a year. If you look before that time (Camp Rock and Princess Protection Program which was around 2008, and even Sunny With a Chance S1 a few years later) she was always on the chubbier/plushy side.
Sage for dumb Demi knowledge.
No. 170464
File: 1461248240851.jpg (51.89 KB, 518x640, CgcuUeeXIAQgMj1.jpg)

>>170463I thought the 'anorexia' was actually just all the drugs she was doing at the time. Also, seeing her looking like this right now is
not inspiring others to 'recover', she's literally their worst fears realized: a former ana-chan that gains it all back +some when she starts eating again. pic related, soccer mom mode.
it really irks me how she tries to tout herself as a role model for young women when she has absolutely nothing to offer them besides insipid pop music.
One of my aunts got me her 'book' for Christmas, which is literally an intro whinging about how hard her life has been and how much of a ~survivor~ she is, and then about 200 pages of OTHER PEOPLE'S QUOTES with Demi's little post-script 'inspirational messages' tacked on like, 'I like reading this quote when I feel sad! Because it makes me feel better! And then I think about how BLESSED I am and how important these Christian values are to me.'
She's just a B-list celebrity trying to look more important than she is by bandwagoning onto whatever 'social issues' come her way.
No. 170466
>>170464>>170462Her body looks fine. Big thighs are not a sign of poor health.
You are mental. Holy fuck.
No. 170472
>>170471>to anyone in the grips on a eating disorder, her body looks horrifyingI have an eating disorder. She looks normal. Stop posting and get help.
>completely stop taking care of herself ?????
No. 170475
File: 1461265591208.jpg (115.18 KB, 540x540, upperbod.jpg)

Upper body goal for me, so delicate. Too bad I have gigantic bones and will look borderline spoopy at that thinness.
No. 170477
File: 1461270853237.jpg (126.51 KB, 1200x1600, 004.JPG)

>>170476Sorry I'll make sure to only post pics of dumpy skinnyfats so you don't feel bad about yourself.
No. 170482
File: 1461304401795.jpg (37.3 KB, 570x306, ssbbw.jpg)

>>170476Honnestly, who care what men like? It's widely regarded that men will smash close to anything, you might as well try to get the body you like.
Pic related ssbbw with her decent husband.
No. 170483
>>170474It's impossible for anyone on this image board to attest to her eating habits, but her rapid weight regain and total lack of muscle definition don't suggest 'healthy' to me.
If she was actually interested in convincing others to 'recover! love ur body!!' then you'd think she'd actually practice what she preaches and treat her own fleshsack with a little more thoughtfulness. But no, it's much easier to pander to the same audience as Megan Trainor and regurgitate the same tired old 'luv ur curves! real women! thicc booties!' schtick….
No. 170484
>>170483You keep comparing her to Meghan Trainor. If you think their bodies are anywhere near similar in size, you need to get help.
It's better to be on the safe side of mildly pudgy and have a sense of self-worth than to go skeleton-mode and hate yourself. It doesn't have to be one or the other, obviously, but your post just makes you sound butthurt about the fact that you personally don't like her body (you admit to knowing nothing about her health or eating habits), despite the fact that she recovered from a fucked up disease.
No. 170485
>>170484This is the first time I've even mentioned Megan Trainor, but you seem to have missed the point. It's not about physical resemblance, it's about schilling the same exact 'body confidence' sjw routine that made Trainor famous.
I admit that I don't know her diet or exercise regime because it is literally impossible for any of us, as total strangers, to monitor her caloric/nutritional intake or exercise program. Just like I can't say, 'she probably eats like shit and never works out' you can't pretend like she's living off raw veggies and protein shakes. But by all means, keep acting as though she is some kind of brave, radical new SJW hero and paragon of fitness because she stopped using party pills and coke to maintain her low weight. Abd that
is something that we have eyewitness accounts of, unlike her diet.
Demi's form of 'body positivity' doesn't help anyone, especially not her supposed audience of anorexics. It's unusual to see an 'average' body in Hollywood, but you can't pretend having thighs that touch is some kind of earth-shattering act of revolution which will
inspire girls with already severely warped body images and beauty standards to fix their disordered behavior. And that's all she's fucking done, but she wants to be perceived as a saint for it.
No. 170490
>>170244this girl is notorious for editing her pictures btw.
she was blasted off of twitter for a while because people started posting what she really looked like and then she remade her instagram (and has since made a new Twitter). she edited her waist hella small and her hips extremely big. sometimes you can still see her fails if you look closely.
all in all anon, you need better inspo.
No. 170493
>>170492So left body is not real? I do notice that curvy women irl do not look really as curvy as on their instagram photos though
(Cury=not fat i mean actually curvy)
No. 170496
>>170495maybe by moving the fat somwhere else or something
but it surprises me how often people think stuff lile this is real. Im sure you can create the illusion of a smaller waist, but anatomy/biology wise, her organs would have to be super tiny to fit in
No. 170497
>>170492Fuck, this chick is 16?
I would have freaked if my kid posted pictures like these on the internet.
No. 170498
>>170496yeah, you'd have to be really young to think that sort of shape is possible tbh. I don't even think a corset would give you that sort of shape without serious health effects.
when lemy photoshop herself like that it's a bit scary.
No. 170499
File: 1461542917787.jpg (363.79 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nqslczjDzD1tartm3o2_128…)

>>170492I went through that blog and holy fuck? No one believes this is real, right?
No. 170503
File: 1462276206978.jpg (226.53 KB, 1024x720, Inner_Senshi_Cover_4_Artbook_2…)

>>170502Nope. With decent phone apps you can easily shoop yourself to look like that now. A Youtuber I watched actually did a video on it, first explaining the color correcting she does and then explained how easy it is to pinch in a waist and poof out a butt. All on her iPhone.
Problem is that that body type is technically possible, just super, super rare. Her's looks too much like the BSSM manga however.
No. 170504
File: 1462277797874.png (323.32 KB, 600x603, CMF6miTUMAAHvoH.png)

Pumpkinspice from mfc, her proportions and how delicate she looks are A+ skelly goals
No. 170505
>>170504I mean, this is true of pretty much everyone, but if that girl weren't posing so hard she would look pretty meh.
I've creeped her instagram with some serious body envy but finally started noticing how much she has to stretch her back or bend her limbs.
She is petite for sure though, an average sized lazy won't be able to look like that.
No. 170506
>>170423>>170422I'm sure this is an idiot question, but how do you get the vertical ab lines?
Maybe I'm just too low body fat, but when I tred ab stuff I ended up with a full 6-pack (okay, exaggeration) which is not what I want for myself at all.
No. 170508
>>170506I think it might also be genetics? I'm skinny fat and don't do any strength training but I have these vertical lines. Get asked if I do sit-ups quite often so it’s not just in my head (not a diary or humble-brag post, the rest of my body is pretty meh).
So idk if it's possible to
only get these vertical lines if you don't have them by default.
No. 170509
>>170507I'm already low body fat.
>>170508this makes me think I need to gain. I have them in flattering light, but not all the time. I probably need to do some abs but gain weight so I don't have such visible horizontal lines.
I like the softer look anyway, especially on petite bodies
No. 170510
>>170229so, I don't want to humble brag here because I absolutely adore the pear shapes that people here have and seem to be sad about, but I have the perfect loli body.
How do I go about emphasizing it/enhancing it?
I mean, I don't think I can really just go out in tight leggings and tank tops all the time.
Also, I know it's vain, but how can I make it more obvious on my instagram or in selfies?
I feel like people IRL notice my size but I don't really dress very cute. I'd like to have it both way.
No. 170513
File: 1462336804582.jpg (84.59 KB, 934x1200, tumblr_ne2jkdNTVT1rw0wmho1_128…)

honestly just give me that soft butch look
i don't want huge tits or anything i just don't want to be a fat whale anymore smh
No. 170514
>>170513I've pretty much achieved the soft butch aesthetic, it's pretty easy to pull off. You don't have to be super muscular or anything, but being toned looks nice.
You can lose weight, anon, it's not that hard. Just stay under your calorie limit and you're good, bonus points for exercising.
No. 170517
File: 1462384210667.jpg (39.5 KB, 474x685, z.jpg)

girl on the right is ideal, tight stomach/lean, a little andro
No. 170518
>>170517When you lean back, your abs look perfect, believe me, when she stands straight her belly is nothing special.
Guys do that to make their abd look more ripped, it's male version of FGAS.
No. 170519
File: 1462399483744.jpg (49.83 KB, 600x900, B0cjT-oCMAAgWOg.jpg)

>>170504I looked her up after you posted this and I'm now obsessed with her body. I wonder how tall she is and what she weighs.
No. 170522
File: 1464627336632.jpg (Spoiler Image,405.75 KB, 1918x1226, tumblr_o7ks9wV3d41v2c9owo1_128…)

I follow this girl on Tumblr and her body is spectacular.
No. 170528
>>170527Oh Christ, shut the fuck
Anon likes her body, get over it. I'm sure your salty ass looks like a busted tub of biscuits.
No. 170529
>>170528CHill your tits, I didn't even mean to attack you.
Never said her body was ugly, just said that it's pretty average.
There's not a lot of work behind getting a body like this and you probably could look really similar if you watch what you eat and work out 3 times a week or even less
No. 170530
>>170529Attack me? I'm just a random observer and honestly you have no idea how life works.
>there's not a lot of work behind getting a body like thisOh you know, besides genetics, body types, anatomy, bone structure…you know, everything that makes us look different and sets us apart from each other? I s2g I'm tired of all the delusion I've been reading lately. Go outside. Stop pretending to be casual oh-they-are-so-average-yawn and argumentative about other people that look good.
No. 170531
>>170530>genetics, body types, anatomy, bone structureThose are things you are born with anon, they don't take
work to achieve. She (probably you tbh) has an average skinnyfat body that happens to have big tits. You too can look like her if you get breast implants and sit at your computer all day
No. 170533
>>170530Dude all the things you just said are genetic. You literally can't work to get them.
You either have them or not. Stop getting so butthurt over an harmless comment.
No. 170534
>>170533Her point was that it's not average. Even if you're 'just born with it' it's not average, because many average women don't and never will look like that. A lot of people say the average US woman is a size 12 (wouldn't know for sure, am not American) and that's far from a size 12.
She doesn't have abs but she's still not 'average', you've
got to have eyes on your ass instead of your head to not see that. Most women will never have a body like that, so no, it's not average.
No. 170535
>>170534Most women in their twenties look like this, seriously where do you life that this is seen as above average?
Anyway, this is getting nowhere so we should probably just end the discussion before it drives off into obscurity
No. 170537
File: 1464640492221.png (302.62 KB, 580x450, do_want_would_you_have_sex_wit…)

>>170524>>170523>>170522She is sucking in hardcore and has a little bit of a muffin top going on.
Her tits are nice tho
No. 170540
File: 1464640749184.png (779.92 KB, 1080x1039, Screenshot_2016-05-30-22-37-59…)

The real deal
No. 170544
>>170538Sorry that people weren't impressed by your flabby gut anon.
You do have big tits so don't worry, guys will still fuck you.
No. 170547
>>170519she's like 5'1"-5'2" and shes under 80 lbs, around 75. her weight fluctuates a lot.
she is bulimic though. she constantly eats on cam and makes a big show of it, then disappears to the bathroom afterwards for 10-15 minutes.
No. 170548
>>170527That's nice. I still like her.
>>170532Flat enough, I like me a small bump :>
>>170539>>170540Isn't that Braces from /r9k/soc/?
No. 170552
File: 1464670791173.jpg (40.13 KB, 564x564, m7IHp5B.jpg)

Unfortunately my ass is 95% cottage cheese, but the upper half of my body is kind of close in the right lighting if you squint. I'm working on losing weight and seem to be slowly making progress towards this, but I lose most of my weight in my face, ribs/back, and lower arms. It's fuckin weird, yo.
No. 170553
>>170291I talked to my australian bud about this and he said the "ban" was less about just women with small boobs, and more about looking under 18 in general, and also clothing + context.
So like, a petite woman with small breasts alone wouldn't be an issue, but a petite woman with small breasts + pigtails + teddybear + lollipop + diaper, that would be an issue. nahwhatImean?
No. 170556
>>170555I'm not being salty, her body is no doubt beautiful, I'm just pointing out another deceptive thing that I see a lot of women do.
It's like IRL photoshop.
No. 170557
File: 1464672402456.jpg (195.27 KB, 620x827, 1457295634245.jpg)

>>170556Dude that's like coming in and yelling "HEY, SHE'S WEARING EYELINER, HER EYES AREN'T THAT SLANTED NATURALLY".
Everybody already knows these images are manipulated one or another, but we're here to look at the beautiful result. You don't need to point this shit out, we already know and no1 curr.
No. 170559
File: 1464673291724.jpg (Spoiler Image,86.73 KB, 568x642, 1350164076384.jpg)

>>170558Don't be amicable with me u shit it makes feel bad about being aggressive.
No. 170560
File: 1464673751310.jpg (76.35 KB, 540x720, 1464672868567.jpg)

Got this from the /snow thread but idc, this body is my absolute goal.
No. 170567
File: 1464728133879.jpg (48.28 KB, 640x788, Betty Brosmer (12).jpg)

I wish I was a curvy goddess like Betty Brosmer
No. 170574
>>170573The vag itself is really blurry and if that much is already showing even when she's just standing there she's probably not an innie. I pretty much look like the "perfect" innie standing exactly like that but I look almost "roastie" tier when it's spread. If it would sorta overlap on the bottom or at least not be so wide it'd probably be legit, but it's just open and hanging out.
t. vag expert
No. 170575
File: 1465588476096.jpg (22.58 KB, 461x469, 1705-1.jpg)

5'8", 120 lbs, noice
No. 170579
>>170578Yeah fatty,
you will take yourself back to that. If you want to and work hard.
No. 170583
File: 1465670260375.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1082x1500, image.jpeg)

unfortunately, I have to have pro-ana aesthetic because I have a block body and anything but ana mode looks dumpy as fuck.
No. 170587
>>170586Samefag but really regret exaggerating by saying ana and it's confusing and inviting trolls and shit.
I think box bodies only look good at extremely low weights (right side). But the girl isn't anorexic and my point is I think her weight is perfect for her box body in the after pictures. I also think pears and hourglasses would look terrible at her weight.
No. 170588
File: 1465687805936.jpg (192.22 KB, 500x750, tumblr_np9v5p7ave1uqxxfbo1_500…)

>>170583>>170587I'm pear shaped and I have the same problem. Being short (4'11) with a short not very defined torso and 100% flat chested means you only look good at maybe 90 at absolute max with 70-80 being ideal. Odette is one of the only people I found that I can look up to for inspiration. Everyone else is too tall or too busty.
inb4 ana-chan, Odette is 80 pounds
No. 170589
File: 1465688207085.jpg (Spoiler Image,81.78 KB, 500x735, tumblr_nteqgdv3OJ1tlt6reo1_500…)

>>170588This girl is pretty good too, but idk her name.
No. 170593
File: 1465692702980.jpeg (38.68 KB, 400x258, image.jpeg)

>>170588>>170589These girls are both rectangles though?
But I agree they are the right weight for their body type.
No. 170595
File: 1465693751593.jpeg (100.88 KB, 500x338, image.jpeg)

>>170594Pears have wide hips. What I mean by pear is bone structure.
Pears will always be pears unless they are super obese.
No. 170598
>>170588I'm the same height / body type and what the fuck are you talking about. I look sickly / skelly mode at 70-80
90-95 would be ideal as long you keep a bit toned
No. 170600
File: 1465711346837.jpeg (80.1 KB, 500x667, image.jpeg)

>>170599>>170596Same autistic anon but don't you still look like a rectangle from the front? I also only put weight on my ass and thighs (26-25-38) but none of the fat sticks out on the side so I still am a rectangle. You can only see my ass from the side (or behind).
No. 170601
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>>170600Growing your quads can help with that a bit iirc
pic somewhat related
No. 170602
>>170598Maybe you have a bigger frame then. My grandmother and I have pretty much the exact same height and body shape (except she actually had breasts) and she looked a lot pudgier than odette at 90 pounds. Like the left on
>>170593 almost.
>>170600I get fat on my hips too. Not a huge amount, but the end result is that I look very bottom heavy. My hips aren't that narrow right now in proportion to my body, but I guess they're technically narrow compared to other people's if you don't account for scale.
>>170601Even in that pic when she stands straight on you can see her hips aren't very big. There's very little you can do tbh. Maybe someday adding fat to hips will be a thing like boobjobs and butt implants.
No. 170603
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i'm 5'2" and feel comfortable at 100lbs MAX
No. 170606
File: 1465979874056.jpeg (303.89 KB, 1536x1536, image.jpeg)

this girls proportions are bizarre
from the side shes extremely curvy with her huge tits and ass
but from the front she's actually pretty boxy and looks as though she'd have average measurements
No. 170607
File: 1465980867863.png (786.34 KB, 943x605, Capture d’écran 2016-06-15 à…)

>>170606I think she ps herself. I doubt somebody with such tiny thighs could have a massive ass like that.
In many "candid" like pic related you can see that she have a regular cute butt. I think it suit her better than the bubble butt she is faking.
No. 170608
>>170606she also have breast implant.
You can see how inconsistent her body is in this video.
No. 170612
>>170606>>170607Are there any more candid pics of her?
I don't think anyone has really bothered to look if she actually uses ps or not.
She also says she doesn't work out iirc, she must be in pain with these gigantic fake tits and basically no muscle?
No. 170613
File: 1465992170874.png (744.54 KB, 938x602, Capture d’écran 2016-06-15 à…)

>>170612there is this pic where her bf is touching her butt and it look like it has little to no volume.
you also get a quick close up shot of her butt in this photoshoot video. look normal.
No. 170614
>>170608What is that accent? Does she have a lisp? Wha?
Also, it's clear she poses to emphasis her butt and tense it.
No. 170615
File: 1465999774587.jpg (Spoiler Image,254.86 KB, 806x1200, 1465999586919.jpg)

No. 170616
>>170615How is that even possible? Genetics?
Even if a girl had a good body close to that, her face would probably be unremarkable.
Hence, a butterface
No. 170618
>>170617Probably looks like a fat weirdo in normal clothes. The burden of being a FERTILITY GODDESS~
That's just a meme though really. 4foot scrawny chinese women pop out twenty kids each, proportions don't really matter
No. 170623
File: 1466108799320.jpg (30.16 KB, 490x640, cl.jpg)

I love Casey Leglar's body and height (6'2) and if she was just a little bit more muscular, she'd have my ideal body.
I just want to be perfectly androgynous but unfortunately, I have big breasts, wide hips, thick thighs, and a big butt. I know some girls would love to have my body but I hate it.
(And yeah, I'm muscular currently but I'm still obviously female so please don't suggest that I just work out.)
No. 170624
>>170623That's like, beyond androgynous…
Go on hormones
No. 170626
File: 1466138164509.jpg (98.67 KB, 600x800, 1770439.jpg)

>>170624Thought about it but the cons outweigh the pros.
>>170625Whatever, I guess I want to be 'outright masculine' then lol. I'm not trans either, I just like that body type and male fashion.
No. 170628
>>170626I'm the same. There's nothing I can do about it, I can't change my skeleton.
Sometimes when I see a tall, muscular guy with slender hips and a firm little butt I get really pissed off at life. And also turned on.
No. 170629
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No. 170633
File: 1466666248302.jpeg (56.74 KB, 571x579, image.jpeg)

Body goals af
No. 170637
>>170635Different anon - I have no hate if that's what anon wants to work towards, but
>>170633 is still clearly fat. There's really no denying it.
No. 170640
>>170639Because some people can't understand that concept. To some of them you aren't a woman if you don't fit into the female stereotype and god forbid there's anything "masculine" about you. don't mean the person you replied to, just generally speaking)
No. 170642
File: 1466715485871.gif (194.45 KB, 477x456, villager-mad.gif)

>>170640You're fine, anon.
It just pisses me off because before the entire tumblr generation of idiots born after 2000, we never had this 'if you're a manly looking woman, you MUST BE TRANS' garbage agenda. I don't wear makeup or dresses and have a shorter haircut, but I am definitely 100% a woman and never felt like I was trans because i was into comics and videogames and other 'male hobbies.' Tumblrinas are idiots and just disrespectful to anyone who isn't a complete caricature of themselves.
No. 170645
>>170644Her arms and face aren't even a little bit fat, and her stomach doesn't look flabby. Legs I'll concede on, mostly because she's short and just has a large lower body in general.
You sound pretty delusional.
No. 170646
>>170642Thank you! Hear, hear.
It makes me so sad to see girls who are like 'Well, I'm not girly so that must mean I'm a man' and then decide they're trans and do hormones and other sickly shit to their body like binders. Like, who said you had to be girly to be a girl?
I'm certainly girly and happy with that, but there's all types of women out there. Nobody said there was a correct way to be one. Ughhhh. But yeah. I feel you.
No. 170648
File: 1466836804467.jpg (52.27 KB, 500x624, large (1).jpg)

Ashe Maree from MFC.I guess I'm a little biased because I look a lot like her except I have a slightly smaller chin and bigger lips.
No. 170654
File: 1466889718962.jpg (80.67 KB, 500x500, 8e40db22980b4e5c244090eb67cb40…)

This would be my ideal body type really… toned, curvy (would rather be more curvy than this), defined muscles. Right now I'm about 90 something lbs of weakling.
No. 170659
>>170654Or less than that with steroids. It's amazing that girls in general should not do them but just because of wanting a butt and abs with never really spent a real month at the gym want to fuck their health with that shit.
It's. Illegal. It's. A crime. don't do them.
Hard work takes time but will pay off. Trust me in this.
I had a stupid bitch asking me if I took shit and she was only at the gym for 2 days because she wanted abs and butt.
I brought her to the floor and and taught some abs and glutes exercises then lectured her about that shit. Her face was epic when I mentioned enlarged clitoris and facial hair lol
No. 170660
File: 1467020582831.jpg (53.21 KB, 500x647, 1439909259699.jpg)

Sorry not sorry.
No. 170661
File: 1467210107482.jpg (71.22 KB, 800x1057, MSPcoV1.jpg)