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No. 170730
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This is my kind of thread
No. 170737
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emptied my bag and was reminded to restock up on tampons.
not going to upload my bag because it's actually an ugly backpack.
No. 170739
>>170737Shit nigga dats kawaii.
I'm always struggling not to accumulate small cute things since I'm trying to be more of a boring grown-up, but this is tempting me, esp the Tonymoly hand cream.
No. 170740
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The purse has a wallet front flap so all my ID and credit cards are in there.
No. 170741
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I normally carry small bags because Idon't like the big bag look
I carry a perfume from the body shop
Concealer and two lipsticks for touch ups
And a mirror
And ofc money and cards
Sorry for over highlighting I just don't have Instagram and always wanted to do these cute fun youtber things
No. 170743
>>170742Thanks I got it from but it doesn't seem like they sell the pusheen coin-purse anymore, unfortunately
No. 170744
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Black wide toothed comb
Nina Ricci: Nina L'Eau
Spikey anti-spike bottle cover
Palmer's Cocoa Butter tinted SPF15 lip balm
Eye drops
Condom :^)
Hair band
Extra peppermint chewing gum
H&M purse
Gun lighter
Green milk portable energy bank
I actually usually carry an entire pharmacy in my bag… Xanax, Codeine, Tramadol, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Benzocaine, clove oil etc.
I'm very paranoid about sudden pain and I like being able to help people around me when they become sick.
No. 170746
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>>170744This is my favourite item in my bag though. It's a 10000mAh/3.7v power bank with an LED on the front. You shake the bank and the LED will light up showing you how much energy is left.
No. 170747
>>170740You carry your passport with you?
Aren't you afraid of losing it?
No. 170748
>>170744> carry an entire pharmacywhere do you get them
tbh if you were my friend, you would be my pharmacy of choice
No. 170749
>>170748The Xanax I buy from a "friend", my mother has pretty bad back problems so she gets a shit load of Tramadol and Codeine on prescription and she always has boxes lying around. Whenever I run low she hooks me up (best mum).
I don't really abuse them since I'm kind of a health freak, just I have ovarian cysts and was getting chronic infections in some impacted wisdom teeth before they were extracted, so I required some pretty heavy-duty meds.
And yeah I make a lot of friends this way. In fact the last good friend I made after I hooked her up with some Methylphenidate/Ritalin when she was having problems studying over the exam period :^)
No. 170753
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Oh man, sorry if the sparkly filter is too much.This is all the crap I keep in my smaller purse, I know some of it is a bit childish I guess? But I just really like cute shit
-Rilakkuma contacts case
-Badtz Maru wallet
-oil blotting sheets
-foldable comb
-multicolored bear pen
>>170740Ahh the pusheen is cute and so is your cat! What's it's name?
No. 170754
>>170753Her name is pompom, she was born with an umbilical hernia, but she's healthy now! Thanks! I love your sunglasses btw, what brand?
>>170747Actually I've carried my passport around for years as ID, never really thought about it much… My other has been expired and I'm so lazy to renew it, so i just use my passport hah
No. 170756
No. 170757
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Basics, I left out my house/work/car keys:
>Pencil bag>Planner/Notebook>Passport>Glasses>Lip balm>Portable battery>Headphones>Wallet>Phone>>170747I carry mine around too, force of habit from when my id expired and I had been pushing back my DMV appointment for months
No. 170763
>>170762Will you
please refrain from shitting everywhere for once this is literally just a cute fun thread.
No. 170766
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>>170756>>170754Awww, that's good to hear! Pompom is such a cute name omg
My sunglasses are from Charlotte Russe! they're nice and comfortable
>>170755Are you from the US? I live in California, so I get a lot of my kawaii stuff from Daiso,Marukai and the sanrio stores they have here. As far as online goes, Sanrio has an online store,Tokyo otaku mode and you can get some really cute stuff from japanese sellers on ebay you just really have to dig(it helps if you have a specific character or brand in mind.)
>>170757Your keyboard,wallet and Marie phone case are so cute!
No. 170769
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>>170762Sorry anon, this is what is removed. I've amended my ways
>>170761>>170766Thanks, it's a Filco. It was limited release about half a year ago so if you go searching for it, there's a chance you might get some scalper price, so be wary!
No. 170771
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>>170764idk I'm kind of more interested to see what other girls really keep in their bags, not the stuff they want to pretend that they keep in their bags. If I wanted to see that I'd make a Vogue subscription.
No. 170772
>>170769Oooohhh yeah, das what I wanna see.
Ka-kawaii junk desu ( ~' w'~)
No. 170774
>>170769This junk is still cute!
かわいい でね!~~~wwww!!!
No. 170775
>>170773P sure it was implying that anon is from /r9k/
This thread inspires me to clean out my purse. It's ADHD hell in there.
No. 170779
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Not much junk since I keep most little bits of crap in my coat pockets.
>hand cream and hand sanitizer
>etude house oil control pact
>post office receipt
>pouch with bc and painkillers
No. 170780
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Usually I have a few receipts and a few coins, but I just cleaned it out last week (and uh yeah bobby pins).
Used phone to take pic cus i don't own a camera.
I try not to keep too much crap but:
> headphones
> tissues
> nail scissors
> those things to put on blisters, I have just had it in my bag since last summer tbh, good if you got new shoes though
> hairbrush + comb
> painkillers + birth control
> Red bag keeps my make up and mirror, usually hoard lip glosses and have a eyeliner on me the days I wear make up
> hand cream - hand sanitizer but I'm out atm
> wallet w cards and most of my coins
> green thing is hair wax to keep it in place
Not very interesting haha, but whatever.
So may girls here have like the cutest shit I'm crying tbh.
No. 170782
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Thought I was on cgl in 2010 again, haha.
Here's my purse. I forgot my sunblock and a hand mirror a friend gave to me a long time ago because they were in one of the pockets. Durr. Also mirin' your cute wallets!
>keys, headphones
>bus pass, pen, pocket knife, lighter, Chapstick
>everything else goes in the swimmer bag: lipgloss, liptint, powder, lotion, another chapstick, tissues, hand sanitizer, blotting sheets, hairbrush
I find it a lot easier to put all of my little things in separate bags, it makes my purse less messy.
Cute setups everyone!
No. 170784
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I don't carry much just my phone which is not pictured car keys wallet two coin purses and my sunglasses sometimes I'll carry perfume and lipsticks or Chapstick I hate the bag I have currently looking for a new one and also a new puff for my car keys
No. 170788
>>170786In the UK it's basically illegal to defend yourself.
Say you get mugged or attacked or whatever and your attacker becomes injured as a result of a "weapon" you were carrying, your attacker then has legal licence to sue you, and in many cases in the UK they win. A lot of girls here has resorting to using their heels to try and go for the eyes when they're attacked.
No. 170789
>>170787i honestly couldnt tell you because ive never been assaulted by anyone i have it just incase someone tries to hurt me but if anything id try to hit them in the eyes with it
>>170788thats honestly so terrible?? i dont know the laws in the uk but wow how can someone not have any means to defend themselves
No. 170791
>>170789The idea behind it is that if you ban all weapons in the UK, then nobody will have any weapons with which to assault each other with, but the reality of it is is that all it means is that criminals will carry that shit around with them anyway without fear of prosecution because our sentencing is RIDICULOUS, whilst the normal, law-abiding people are shit out of luck. Even mace is banned here, and tasers, and SAP gloves…
If you want any indication of just how fucking bad it is here, read up on this page:;DR:
>farmer keeps having his property burgled repeatedly by a gang of Irish "travellers">is losing thousands of pounds of equipment and furniture after each raid>they return one night for what was now the 11th burglary of his home, break in and proceed ransacking the place>farmer wakes up, grabs his rifle>he shoots at them whilst they're in his stairwell>one dies>the burglar that got away with gunshot injuries sues>the farmer is jailed for murder No. 170793
>>170791i was considering moving to the UK in the future i might think twice about it
>>170792i ordered mine off of ebay
No. 170794
>i was considering moving to the UK in the future i might think twice about itDon't. It's not good here.
The South is very expensive to live in and the North is beautiful but entirely forgotten about by the rest of England. Vast majority of money generated in the UK circulates primarily within London which is overpopulated, crime-ridden shithole. We're experiencing a booming population which we're losing our green spaces to, immigration problems, dramatically increased crime rates (mostly connection to the explosion in immigration from countries such as Poland and Romania), deforestation etc.
We have a HUGE housing crisis, a corrupt government and a shit load of drama going on right now because our cunt conservative/republican prime minister got caught lying about offshore funds and subsequently "legal" tax evasion ("don't worry guys, we're all in it together", all the whilst anybody that isn't upper or upper-middle class is suffering because of the recession and cuts, cuts, cuts. Standard of living is going up? Cool, let's raise the pricing of property, renting, foodstuffs, toiletries etc.
We have some of the most expensive and rail fares in the world, that operate at some of the worst levels (everything's always late, or so packed you have to stand for your journey). Also our university tuition fees are now the highest in the world. Forget about any prospects for your children here, especially if they live outside of the South because of the centralisation issues.
Sentencing is a fucking joke. Have a family member that's murdered in the UK? Their murderer can get 6 years, out in 3 on good behavior.
The UK is actually experiencing massive levels of emigration right now specifically because those that can afford it are desperate to get away. Everybody I know wants to leave, including myself. You are not valued as a citizen here, only a walking ATM.
No. 170796
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I have a whole lot of shit in my bag lol, can you tell i'm a server?
No. 170797
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>travel light, avoid a fight
>I just realised taking this photo that ive misplaced my wallet now im in panic mode.
>a good book
>something to write in/with
>sniffgood paraphernalia (perfume I've worn for years, nothin else will do)
>two lighters
>ganstagansta sunglasses bc eyes are the windows to the soul and no one looking in here with out my knowlage of such.
>spearmint chewing gum
>gluten free, fruit free nut bar, always just in case.
>a blade daddy got me before he up and left
>tiny screw drivers, phillips and flathead….one day they might save my life idk lmao
>super happy colorful stickers to spread joy and rainbows to the disenchanted masses.
No. 170798
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Every time I try to took a photo from my iPad it turns terrible, but whatever
I always bring tons of trash everywhere I go, mostly because I spend almost everyday at uni and I carry sometimes an extra bag of books and lab coat. Also, I can’t help myself to buy cute purse things.
-Coin purse and wallet
-Medicines, mints, lip gloss and mirror
-Notebook and pencil case
-cellphone, phones, iPod and Ipad.
-Umbrella, foldable water bottle and some cancer.
No. 170801
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I'm a college student so nothing really interesting in my bag.just notebooks for class and pens and school supplies. Blue bag has money and pads and a stain remover pen and other emergency shit like that. Keys, ID, dry shampoo, glasses, goggles for lab, earbuds, etc. I keep all my meds on me because i like knowing i have them with me. They're split up into different containers so even if someone takes my pill case they won't get all of it. I also have a bunch of stupid ~aesthetic~ kitschy shit in the front pocket of my backpack because it's a clear one.
No. 170809
>>170803Thanks! I do like pastel color stuff more than I should.
The main advantage of kipling bags in my opinion is the fact they are durable as hell and awesome for everyday use. I have one from my early teens and it looks almost like when I bought it. It's expensive, but cute as hell. I love their silly monkey too.
No. 170811
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>>170798>minkgirl I see u
(your stuff is super cute!!)
>>170801Your backpack is cute anon, but it doesn't bother you that people can see all your stuff?
I don't know why but I love looking at people's school bags so much, makes me want to post mine but it's just more kawaii crap. Anyone else like watching those what's in my school bag videos?
No. 170812
>>170808>>170810So does that mean it sucks to live anywhere. Because I wanted to move to Scotland because theres a company there I would love to be at eventually, but since anon up there said there are problems over in the UK idk anymore.
Again I still hate how pricey Vancouver is. I also forgot to mention that if you want to find a place for just yourself and a pet good luck. Unless you buy a house (which will take you many many years) you're going to have a hard time finding a place that allows pets.
No. 170815
>>170811 Gotta carry my yaoi husbando on my cellphone as the good shitty fujo I am.
Post your bag too, anon! I think is very inspiring to look for those photos and videos.
>>170813I think I kept my phone on the photo just for easter egg reasons.
It's very funny cuz I get so many compliments using it. Recently, my boss said it was cute and ask me what character was. I almost choked as I said it was a character from an animu without getting in details.
No. 170819
>>170817A-fucking-men to that
I want to do this but I have a jungletribe bag and there isn't much in it :c
No. 170820
>>170817I honestly have 3 different lipbalms in my bag right now. No regrets.
Also, does anyone use a Longchamp le pliage as their EDC bag? I know it's basic bitch-y but I like it. I'm just concerned about how durable it is, because I have to carry books/a laptop.
No. 170825
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Here's my bag. I have a smaller bag inside the big bag to keep my lipsticks, tweezers, eyeliner, eyedrops, vape, and perfume together. Everything else rolls around loose. All the trash is in the upper corner (throwing away after this) My scarf is attached to my bag, and phone not pictured bc I used it to take the pic.
No. 170826
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>>170813Same, I just might get one of Noiz because he is my favorite piece of garbage
>>170815Yeah man, you're brave carrying around your cinnamon yaoi husbando! I'd like to do that but wouldn't want someone coming up to me and going "HEY ISNT THAT CHARACTER FROM A GAY HENTAI ANIME GAME" in public.(I do however keep my favorite gay planets on my phone)
Fujo shit aside, here's my school backpack! missing some stuff like my keys but this is most of it. (Already posted my wallet and stuff here
No. 170827
>>170826So cuuute!
>>170825I love your stuff
No. 170828
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My trusty fjällräven backpack said bye bye a while ago so I'm currently using a small crossbody bag for essentials and a tote bag for everything else. I have my wallet, keys, passport (as ID), portable charger, few lipsticks and a foundation in the smaller bag and study materials, make up bag and usually a scarf etc. in the tote. I used to carry so much more useless shit in my backpack but now I'm forced to be more ~minimalistic~.
No. 170830
>>170826This thread is inspiring me to get cute shit for my bag.
>>170825I love that star keyring holder so much.
No. 170831
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I realise I carry light compared to other people but I don't leave the house much so!
No. 170840
>>170826hnnnng your pic makes me want more rilakkuma stuff
I fucking love mini plush key chains.
No. 170843
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I'm extremely basic tbh
No. 170848
>>170847>>170844awh thanks guys :')
I have it in black too but the pink one makes me feel more qt
No. 170850
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My EDC is usually in a plain black High Sierra backpack with my school stuff, but when I do have my purse/bag/thing I usually have all this stuff in it.
>Rite in the Rain field notebook
>Moleskine notebook (for sketching mainly)
>old af Mary Kay mesh bag with tampons, hair ties, and bobby pins
>bunch of old punch cards and receipts
>sad, non-kawaii wallet
>ibuprofen because chronic headache-chan
>compact mirror
>eyeglasses cleaning cloth
>usually 1-3 half-sticks of gum because I rip them in half to make the packs last longer kek
>guitar pick, as though I might come across a guitar in the wild on the way to the convenience store
>Elf concealer pallet
>pink blob is my room key (dorm) and school id, usually floating around independently of my wallet
>more chapstick than a person could reasonably need in their day to day life
>mini-messenger-bag-type purse thing.
I would usually have my iPod as well, but I was using it to take the picture. I'm probably gonna buy more cute things after seeing everyone else's EDC.
No. 170852
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Ooooh I love these!
- Marc Jacobs bag. It's old af and I'm kinda embarrassed bc it's pleb tier but honestly ita the best bag I've ever owned, even over my other really expensive ones. It holds a shit ton of stuff, is really durable and well made, and the leather is still great. I always go back to it.
- one of those ecosilk bags (red thing) for when I buy stuff, if I can remember to use it
- wallet, due for a new one. Any recs?
- a heap of cash that I didn't even know I had!! Hidden in one of the many pockets, if I hadn't done this idk when I would have found it lol
- valium/painkillers/eye drops/tampon/nail stuff/gum/floss/lipbalm etc, the everyday stuff. You know.
- my mom's pen from the hospital she worked at. Been carrying it around since 2008 when she died. It still works. I will cry if I ever lose it
- philosophy stick perfume in pure grace. It's running out so I bought the spray version but it doesn't smell the same so kinda regretting it. Oh well.
- hand cream
I usually carry sunscreen as well but idk where that went
Also phone is taking the pic.
Probably went into too much detail that nobody cares about but I had fun !
No. 170853
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I used to take a bag but I don't anymore. So here is the crap I keep in my coat's pocket.
Let's say I don't go out much.
No. 170856
>>170852>plastic colour money>thank you. hand sanitiserHello fellow Australian! No shame in your Marc Jacobs game, his bags are seriously so great, and a lot better than those Michael Kors totes every other girl is carrying. His wallets are pretty good too, I had mine for a while.
My condolences about your loss, sending you many virtual hugs.
>>170853Is that a pedobear keychain?
No. 170858
i'm actually american but i've been in aus for 3 years now and i love it, even your weird plastic colored money. MJ bags really are great, yeah I see soo many girls with MK or even the kardashian kollection bags (why are they so popular here??? i do not understand) so i guess it's not so bad.