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No. 17099
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Pc all the way, but I do own a wii, DS,3-ds,Dreamcast,and a playstation.
Favorite games would be psychonauts, child of light, and ulala space channel 5.
No. 17105
>Do you play console or PC?
Console, although I do often emulate console games on pc bc I'm too lazy to leave my computer lol.
>If you play console, what consoles do you own?
nes, snes, n64, wii, nds lite, dsi, 3ds, sega dreamcast, xbox, xbox 360, ps2, ps3, psp.
>What is your favourite game title of all time?
I can't answer this one honestly, it's too hard to pick one. Some of my favorite games are Okage Shadow King, L.A. Noire, Persona 4, just about any Harvest Moon game, Earthworm Jim, and Donkey Kong Country 1-3.
>What genre of games do you like?
I like just about all genres.
I really love games with a story to them, anything weird/quirky, and anything aesthetically pleasing.
No. 17109
I recently bought an XBone (The Forza edition one. I love the color of it, tbh)… it's my first non-Nintendo system aside from the Sega Genesis I had when I was rly young. So in terms of consoles, I have that, the original gb, gbc, gba, gba sp, ds, dslite, wii, and 3ds.
Honestly, I've mainly played franchise games (like Pokemon, Zelda, SSB, MarioKart, etc) and am hoping to branch out more with this XBone move since I'm unfamiliar with a lot of games.
No. 17112
>>17098>Do you play console or PC?PC although I played more on consoles when I was younger.
>If you play console, what consoles do you own?magnavox odyssey, colecovision, telstar, famicom, atari flashback, atari flashback 2, sg 1000, sega genesis, game and watch, commodore 64, adventure vision, vectrex, intellivision, game pocket computer, microvision, atari 2600, lynx, arcadia 2001, select-a-game, color tv, game gear, intellivision, bally astrocade, atari 5200, atari 2600, nes, snes, turboexpress, neo-geo pocket, gbc, gba, gb, gbasp, pokemon pikachu, zodiac, gp32 adventure vision, gamecube, panasonic q, n64, ps1, ps2, ds, 3ds, ds lite, wii, and the first xbox (unfortunately). sorry if i listed any of those twice.
>What is your favourite game title of all time?the LoZ series will always have a special place in my heart. nothing will ever top it.
DayZ is my favorite pc game but i suck ass at it. however, the atmosphere is really calming.
>What genre of games do you like?rpg, adventure, simulation, and a few mmos. i can get into almost anything as long as the game itself is decent.
No. 17143
>>17141Not them, but of course she may have played the game before when she was younger. When I asked the question, I meant consoles you own rn.
I wouldn't bring up old consoles from my younger days, since I don't own them now.
No. 17154
>>17141I've played and owned the older games. I don't currently them now though.
All of this.
>>17143 No. 17321
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>>17102Yes it was my first game for the dreamcast.
Had to buy it on steam too.
No. 113515
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What are you playing atm?
I am playing Stardew Valley, can't stop growing the crops man
No. 113516
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videya only YOU have played
>Giants Citezen Kabuto
>Shiney entertainment's Sacrifice
>Toshinden battle arena
>Fantasy Star Online
>Aion (but only because it was so terrible
now your turn
No. 113527
>>113517I'm also a PS4 player but I know for sure the PC Overwatch community is a million times more cancerous.
At this point I can't even bother to get frustrated. I accepted a long time ago that everyone sucks and wants to "be the carry". It's like "oh, you think a third Genji will be helpful? k." That's just quick play. I totally know what you mean about competitive woes.
Anyway about a month ago I started playing Touken Ranbu and god… I'm so deep in the Touken Ranbu pit and I can't crawl out. I already made it to Era 7 and Sayo came back from kiwame training last night.
The RNG is brutal for this treasure event though. I hear that the event sword drops are like… less than one percent? And my luck is awful so I doubt I'll get any of the cute event tantou boys. I already made it to floor 71, no luck. At least I can get more kiwame items out of this event though. When Atsushi is done training, I'll send Gokotai next.
No. 113544
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>>113538 mah nigga
what class/race?
No. 118600
I have no ps4 sadly but I can watch a stream
No. 118722
>>17098>Do you play console or PC?pc
>If you play console, what consoles do you own?i wouldn't mind owning a ps4, but i don't have a home theater set up.
>What is your favourite game title of all time?a great mistake is to believe there's just one game, out of the bajillions, that is suitable for the discriminating gamer.
such as myself.
1. first of all a game has to work to begin with. it must run on my computer or console. i don't care about graphics, framerates, ambient occlusions, antialiases, as long as they agree to not try hurting my eyes, and i can see what i need to see. and my graphics card has to agree not to burn out my motherboard, my case, my house, and me and my cat.
2. second, it doesn't matter whether i'm playing with a controller, keyboard, trackball, or any human interface device. i must be able to control the game sufficiently, without it trying to give me an RSI, or something so stupid it makes me waste energy without the benefit of improving my muscles. this may sound unusual to many of you, but i think of myself as outside my body, so it was a revelation to me when a pro quake player i know suggested i look at my crosshair to aim better.
3. a game must respect my intellect. if it throws patterns, situations, puzzle types i have already mastered in other games, it runs the risk of not being stimulating. if it's throwing things at me more complex than i can comprehend, it's going to quickly get frustrating, i'll feel defiant, then i'll lapse into depression, and then hours later, i'll start to get it. the best games are those that can get me from normie ignorance to supreme mastery with minimal effort.
4. if you're going to bother with story, first show me some fucking respect and don't try to meme at me about gender politics, race, et cetera. don't tell me i'm a bad person and should feel ashamed, or pat my dick and tell me what a good boy i am when i haven't DONE anything. you can have a "codex" and "muh lore", but it needs to comment on humanity in a way that broadens my perspective, like how watchmen makes you think about justice, nihilism, power dynamics and so forth. if your "lore" is simply event after event on a timeline using epic words, you are literally an autist and god is laughing at you.
5. if by this point the game hasn't become a total faggot, we can enter a zen/flow/neurosomatic state. the game runs, controls well, challenges you, and tells a satisfying story that feels like eating warm, wholesome bread. in this state, we are in a trance, aren't caught up on framerates, controls, numbers, and we haven't thrown something out the window because we're mad about the politics it's trying to shove down our throats. this is a discharge state, so you don't have to do anything to get here. if you find yourself here, the game is doing something very correct, and you can certainly say it's one of the greats.
>What genre of games do you like?any.
No. 120335
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Anyone else hyped for anything? Death Stranding is leagues away from being near done, but the little details in the trailers are so interesting.
No. 120337
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>>120335I am SO FUCKING HYPED for it, and by 'it' I mean Mads Mikkelsen.
I mean, I've never even played MGS but I'd buy a PS4 just to see Mads in a video game.
No. 120346
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>>120337I haven't played any MGS games either (though I have watched friends play them), but that's mostly because I'm horrible in stealth games. I much prefer taking enemies head on. Speaking of which, I'm definitely looking forward to the next God of War. It's interesting that they're moving on to Norse mythology and I'm eager to see their take on it.
>>120345As blasphemous as it seems, I haven't played any games from the series. I have appreciated them from afar and plan to get around to them eventually.
No. 120355
>>120337>>120346damn guys get on that shit, it's a fujoshi's dream game tbh. Snake Eater is absolutely my favorite video game ever, the first one i went through with a fine toothed comb to get all of the special secrets and bonus shit. its amazing. mgs2 is also really fun, its the first one i played.
i am a fan of so much going into death stranding that its like the game is literally being made for me. guillermo del toro is involved, its a kojima game, mads fucking mikkelsen is totally my husbando, plus its CLEARLY influenced by lovecraft (del toro is a huge lovecraft fan and has been trying for ages to get hollywood to let him make a lovecraft movie, but he refuses to make it unless he's allowed to make it rated R.) also, supposedly junji ito was somewhat involved with PT, and i feel like he might also be involved with death stranding, due to the gyo-esque organic tank things, though that could just be more lovecraft influence with the whole fish/marine life theme.
No. 120360
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I finally have a gaming PC after owning nothing but laptops since WinXP and would love suggestions of games to play that I've missed out on.
Right now I'm playing Skyrim and Portal 2 to tide me over until the Steam Christmas sale. I'm up for recs from any genre.
No. 120375
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>>120372Uh what? I literally just posted it because I've been enjoying Skyrim a lot. There was something "tehe I'm such a gamer XD" about it. You've never put off going to bed because you're having fun doing something?
No. 120377
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>>120372>implying girls only play games to appeal to menwhy won't you incels stay on reddit?
No. 120400
>>120360Play dark souls. dark souls 3 is the latest and sadly, last one in the series. But after playing it you wont feel the need to play skyrim ever again. I got my gaming computer 2 years ago after a few years of pause so I know how you feel. I'm currently pondering whether to buy a ps4 or ps4 (last had ps2), and trying to convince myself that I won't be wasting money since I have to buy tv too. I'm quite stingy like that.
Also, it would be helpful to know which genre you are into? Aside from dark souls 3 I really liked SOMA, it's supposedly a horror game but it's more tense than scary with a good story. Then if you like open world rpg, go for dragon's dogma. What else… oh you might like Life is Strange, too many feels where had. Definitely check that one out.
No. 120402
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I finally got around to playing Farcry Primal and I've got to say, it's my favorite in the series. I love having my animal friends around to hunt down cannibal cavemen and pounce on them.
No. 120413
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…overwatch anyone???
No. 120436
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>>120402fantastic choice!!! My favourite mount is the bloodfang sabretooth, I wish I had one IRL theyre so cute.
Right now Destroy all Humans has been remastered for PS4 so Ive been playing through it for old times sake. Still so much fun and would definitely recommend it to anyone that loves funny (and kind of corny) games.
No. 120445
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>>120438Im the anon who asked about ow in the first place and I play on PS4 too, always solo queue bc no one to play with (friends are pc or xbox) my boyfriend and I share the game technically (which I don't mind because we have different mains/two people leveling = faster loot boxes) but if you ever want to play, I'm down.
Those placement matches? Just remember they're the beginning and not the end of the road for you. Id try to get through them honestly just so you can have them over with. I ended with something awful like 0 wins, 9 losses, and 1 draw but I'm already having better luck in the actual competition
No. 120481
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>>120444How have you resisted this Danish God amongst men?!
No. 120495
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I play a lot of Stalker: Misery. Closest game I could truly get into. Every second is a battle for survival
No. 330106
>>330099use the new thread, idiot
>>190960 quit necroing this one