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No. 171366
>>171365Thank you! Do you use a base cream first? Should I, or is it okay over lotion?
I actually saw this in the store today, I'll go back tomorrow and test it. Have you tried their concealer?
No. 171368
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>>171367I feel you anon, i'm pale as shit and from a very tan-friednly place, so it's a fucking struggle finding stuff that matches me lmao.
Korean bb creams or foundations were my go-to before, especially the missha bb cream in the lightest/mediuem shade, the light one is more pink-ish, while the medium one is more yellow toned, but still amazing for pale skin, i mixed them to get better undertone match. I stopped using it bc it photographs like shit with flash and idk if they changed formulas but it started breaking me out. I still recommend it for pale people!
For redness, i've heard that the etude house cushion in green is amazing to use pre-foundation, never tried it but have a friend that swears by it!
Now i'm using "universal fit hydratating foundation" from Kiko, and it's fucking amazing, it feels like skin, covers my redness like heaven for how light it is, mouisturizes my skin for almost all the time i'm wearing it, and it has a lot colors (from ghostly pale to really dark) and undertones, best of all, it's like 6 euros. If you have a kiko near you i recommend you try it!
No. 171369
>>171366I just put it over my normal lotion
I havent tried their concealer but i have also tried thier famous foundation powder. It was pretty good too. Lasted me a whole year
No. 171371
>>171364Please do not rely on the UV "protection" of makeup. It will not give you the spf value
It shows unless you literally use the whole product. You will not be protected with the regular amount of makeup/moisturizer. Get an actual sunscreen if you care/want sunprotection and wear it over your moisturizer/under foundation
No. 171372
>>171367I have the exact same issue anon and I've tried a lot of different anti-redness creams and foundations to no avail.
I definitely recommend Smashbox, though Covergirl's outlast in ivory is also a cheaper but still pale foundation that is more or less the same shade, and Clinique's even better moisturiser is a tad pricey but definitely worth it imo to help even out skintone. I have really red cheeks that go purple in the cold and it's been such a lifesaver for me.
No. 171375
>>171374I'm not sure what you mean. You are supposed to do it in this order
skin care > sunscreen > makeup
I wear sunscreen everyday under my makeup ( a more 'cosmetically elegant' one that dries quickly and often acts like a primer under my makeup) and then I also wear a "normal" (shittier, sport western sunscreen) on my neck/arms/chest
No. 171377
>>171375Thank you for replying
Doesn't the sunscreen just 'wash' off the skin care stuff though? I need to look into sunscreen that is meant specifically for your face
No. 171380
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>>171377I've done a lot of research in the last week, amd it seems that this one is extremely popular. I'm gonna buy it today, actually. If you don't live in Japan, I think you can find it on Amazon?
No. 171385
>>171384Perfect Milk leaves a horrible white cast if you apply enough of it.
>>171380This one's great but not waterproof. The Watery Gel version is a bit beefier since it has physical filters but on me it pills horribly.
No. 171387
>>171380I'm 23 Oily/Combo dry skin, live in a moderate climate where one day it's cold/windy and one day it's hot/humid/or dry.
This is my favorite go to moisturizer. It doesn't make me oily, unlike Neutrogena which I've used in the past.
It's super light, no whitecast, and it's a thin watery consistency.
It's not waterproof/resistant, so you'll need to reapply it.
I have the perfect milk too, which is resistant and I like that as well. It doesn't give me a white cast. Typically what I do, as per instructions, is apply a layer, wait 10 minutes, and do another.
I'm extremely into sun protection
No. 171388
>>171380>I've done a lot of research in the last week>a lotYou sure? I bought this too because I went to reddit and see this one recommended a doezen times within the first 10 minutes. Where did you go that it took you so long to come across this?
Word of caution –
a lot of alcohol content. Make sure you have a very good moisturizer you slap on beforehand because it would dry the fuck out of your skin.
No. 171393
>>171391Well, thanks anyway, it was worth a try. The Kiko in my city is in the black part of town, so I guess it didn't help.
I'm a little wary of ordering online, I don't want to end up with something I can't use again. I'm keeping it as a last resort.
>>171392I'll look into that. I guess I'll end up spending more. I've been using cheap stuff until now (mostly Yves Rocher, they sometimes have light enough stuff) but I think the so-so quality is what make my skin all red and flaky.
No. 171397
>>171396I tried their bb cream and primer. That shit gave me closed comedones so I haven't touched another MAC face product since lol.
My favorite lipstick is still Viva Glam I though.
No. 171399
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Ghost ânon reporting in. Finally decided to stop being a cheap fuck and bought myself the nice stuff. Color is very nice and it looks really good. Cost me a kidney, tho.
No. 171406
> I hate how western makeup only has antiaging properties once you're old alreadyno makeup has "anti aging" properties or ingridients that are concentrated enough to be "anti aging" this is all gimick just so you know.
>you're already 50 it's too late to start wearing sunblockIt's never too late to start caring for yourself or your skin. Sure damage has happened but you can control further damage and even do treatments such as laser to help "get rid" of old damaged skin.
>anti aging aspects of some bb creamsAgain, this is non-existent and a marketing gimmick. The "anti aging" ingridients are similar to the "spf" in makeup. So diluted that there are no benefits and essentially lies to the consumer so they think they are getting proper spf/skin care from makeup. Using an "anti aging" makeup will make no difference in your skin or anti aging. use sunscreen daily, moisturize, use retin-a, etc for "anti aging". Retin-a is the GOLD standard for anti aging but only if you use a daily dedicated sunscreen (not moisturizer, not SPF makeup an actual sunscreen. If it is chemical, reapply every 2 hours of sun exposure, if mineral generally you do not need to reapply unless it rubs off or something).
I also recommend the Holika Holika petit bb cream.
No. 171407
>>171406You do realize that "anti aging" is used to market products that have a combination of sun protection, moisturization, and sometimes other things like collagen or elements designed to help prevent fine lines or redness for the purpose of
preventing more damage to the skin which can cause you to look aged? You even said, it's never too late to start trying to control future damage, and if you start young (like teens/young adults) then the benefits in the long run will obviously be way more significant than someone who only started caring about their skin or what's in their makeup at 35/40/50 like women in the west. The notion of makeup being good for your skin is fairly new in the west, most of it is just pigment and preservatives in a jar.
No. 171409
>>171408Oh man don't get me started. I once got accused of cultural appropriation for liking Korean makeup there, and being an Asian-fetishist or something. Then some teenybopper SJW said I was taking away from the poor Korean women by buying precious cushions with my dirty waito piggu money.
Pretty sure liking cheap but decent makeup AND giving them money isn't a crime against humanity.
That sub is too much.
No. 171410
>You do realize that "anti aging" is used to market products that have a combination of >sun protectionSorry but "sun protection" through makeup does not work/will not protect you adequately.
>collagen"collagen" is not absorbed through the skin and does literally nothing for "anti" aging or any sort of firming skin benefit.
I'm not sure why you don't understand that even if the foundation had " elements designed to help prevent fine lines or redness" the ingredients are so low in concentration they do not do this. They do not protect your skin from the sun, they do not prevent fine lines (unless you mean 'fine lines' from dry makeup which are temporary), and will not do anything skin care wise (maybe it will help with oil control or won't break you out which is cool but it does not really have skin care benefits). Skin care is for skin care benefits and is the only thing besides diet that will "prevent" aging and help out your skin in any way.
>>171408>>171409I also hate the shark sauce aids shilling in there and the fact that some bloggers get upvoted and loved for stupid shit (like they post a happy face and it gets 30 upvotes, anyone else would do this and go into the negatives). The only real creepy fetishist I see there is "snow white and the asian pear". Her name is just tacky and cringy af
No. 171411
>>171408Western makeup isn't evil, it's just super dumb when it comes to what is and is t food for your skin. Usually the best western makeup can do is "well at least it's non-comedogenic!". The west just doesn't care about that stuff for some reason, their thinking is that either you're born with good skin or you cover it up with sfx-tier makeup an pretend it doesn't exist.
>>171410You sound really salty that Korean makeup is getting popular just because some people want to use products that at least
pretend to be good for their skin.
No. 171412
>>171409Duuuude, one of the popular bloggers there, can't remember who, once called American bb creams cultural appropriation. (iirc, Koreans adapted bb cream from Germany.)
Yes, American bb creams are crappy and expensive and riding the Korean beauty wave. I personally don't give any of those companies my money. No, it is not "cultural appropriation". gb2 feminist post-colonial academia.
Anon, I wish I knew who you are on /r/AB. lol.
>>171410lol at "shark sauce aids". I don't have a problem with HS. The Adeline Koh radfem product shilling drama was cringy and hilarious at once and I think HS proved herself to be a class act throughout all of it.
>>171411I'm not talking about people who use Korean cosmetics for the higher quality. I'll be the first in the room to say that Western cosmetics are severely lacking and that people are dumbasses to not care about looking after their skin.
I'm talking about the wannabe social justice warriors who act as though there is some giant Western capitalist conspiracy to empty our wallets and destroy our faces. Nope. It's because Westerners don't care anywhere near as much as Asians do about skincare. Therefore companies here have no incentive to produce affordable, high quality products. They should thank our filthy capitalist system that we're able to vote with our money and buy higher quality Asian cosmetics at a lower price point.
No. 171413
>>171411what lol? I have a mostly korean and japanese skin care routine. I don't care if it's popular it's just stupid when people pretend that "collagen" in their foundation that is "spf 15" makes them not get wrinkles and gives them sun protection that is good.
>>171412I have no problem with HS exactly just annoyed at the blogger worship/"senpai noticed me!!!" shit some people do with this
No. 171415
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>>171412>(iirc, Koreans adapted bb cream from Germany)Correct. In fact you can still buy the original German Bb cream on Amazon, it's kinda expensive though but it was designed for people with troublesome skin so it's probably even better than Korean ones.
>I'm talking about the wannabe social justice warriors who act as though there is some giant Western capitalist conspiracy to empty our wallets and destroy our faces.Okay but I didn't say any of that when you quoted my post as went off on your rant about how "anti-aging and spf15 is a scam". Spf15, while pretty weak as far as sun protection goes, is still better than nothing.
>collagen doesn't do anything >moisturizer doesn't help prevent fine linesTbh you just sound like a mad koreaboo who is upset that filthy normies are touching your aegyo secret makeup and skincare products.
No. 171416
>>171415You seem to be replying to 2+ people (one is me, one is someone else, I didn't say anything about SJW).
>Okay but I didn't say any of that when you quoted my post as went off on your rant about how "anti-aging and spf15 is a scam". Spf15, while pretty weak as far as sun protection goes, is still better than nothing. Are you stupid? SPF 15 sunscreen is fine (although the "best" spf range is 30-50). I am talking about makeup that says it is "spf anything". You would have to apply such a ridiculous amount of "spf " foundation to get a decent amount of sun coverage.
>collagen doesn't do anything Collagen is something our cells endogenously produce not something that can be absorbed through the skin/eaten to give you more collagen production. If you want to increase "collagen" production in your skin you should use something like an L-AA Vitamin C serum for 6+ months.
>moisturizer doesn't help prevent fine linesI never said this. Actually moisturizing does help prevent fine lines so I don't even know what you are talking about.
Some of you are so clueless about skincare that I almost feel bad for you.
No. 171420
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>>171419I'd also like suggestions, I'm always on the lookout for pale foundations. I use estee lauder double wear but they no longer make my colour, I have to buy it for twice the price on ebay. I kinda just use it as concealer though because it's such heavy coverage, under it I use Tarte amazonian clay or Missha perfect cover #13 and they're both pretty light.
I also recently just bought pic related in Light 1, it hasn't arrived yet but the brand makes theatre makeup so apparently it's very pasty. Anyone know if that's true?
No. 171424
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>>171423Thanks, I'll take a look. Is it cakey looking though? I'd be more bb cream oriented, since my acne is not that bad and I like a bit of shine like in pic related, so super matte is eh for me
No. 171426
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>>171421Are you me? I'm really pale and living in a Meds area, with similar type of skin. Unfortunately can't help much with the products, I'm using a CC cream that is only available in Scandinavia. Have you looked into Korean BB creams or cushions though?
>>171424OT, but whenever I see photos of this model, I want to wear a paper bag on my head or at least have some super strong chemical peel. She has the most amazing skin ever.
No. 171429
>>171426Could you name that CC cream you're using? I could always look for it on Amazon and similar. Is it good?
Btw no, that's why I wrote on here, I'm looking for recommendations
No. 171430
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Has anyone tried Maybelline Dream Fresh BB cream? It says it has SPF 30 and hydrates. If not, I bought the light/medium and am testing it right now. Hopefully I don't break-out.
No. 171431
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>mention you have trouble finding light foundation on reddit's /r/makeupaddiction
>every white girl starts guilting you about how the People Of Color© can't find any foundation either because of my kind, and to check my privilege
black people are 3% of the UK, but it's racist if drugstore brands don't carry dark shades
No. 171432
>>171428It's such a PAIN ugh. I've found that MACs lightest shades kind of work, especially the heavier formulas. Ask to get a tester for their white bodymakup blender formula & adjust the color with that.
Hows Ireland in regards of light shades? Ireland might be the only country I've been to where the genpop made me feel normal and less of a ghost. Didn't go shopping for makeup though /fail
No. 171433
>>171431You do know that finding lighter shades is way way easier than it is for dark women right?
most shade ranges go from around NC15-NC45 ish (light-medium). It's obnoxious to go on /r/makeupaddiction and read about omg 'its so hard being a super pale snowflake :c I can't find ANY foundation, this is JUST LIKE when people can't find dark foundation :C' when there are quite a few ranges for many brands that go quite light and if anything you can always use a white mixer, but there are rarely any dark foundation colors. Drugstore brands in general tend to carry the medium/pale shade range I mentioned earlier so the selection is limited (I have trouble with drugstore because even when the lightness of the base works, the undertone doesn't).
I'm saying this as an nc10 where I have had trouble sometimes finding my shade exactly in
some brands but many many offer shades like color/lighter than me/I can always use a mixer to lighten things up.
What shade are you even? MAC wise I mean.
>>171428Don't ever ask for "help' with these people, they tend to try to give you a darker color/always match wrong anyways. I'd just go in and swatch/ask for samples and try it on at home/in daylight.
>>171432Yeah MAC light liquid foundation shades go very light and they also have a white mixer which is great.
No. 171434
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>>171430I bought the palest tone and it makes me have carrot face. It's not very good and personally I actually hate it, if you have freckles or pimples or just a uneven skintone (at least in the paler shades) it doesn't cover a thing. If your skin is already perfect, go for it
No. 171437
>>171436>>171435>>171434liquid foundations usually oxidize and make themselves darker even in paler shades
so if you can't get a more expensive pale foundation (i like nars) just buy powder or creme foundations at the drugstore. unless your skin is really dry or blemished, they don't oxidize at all and are usually super pale.
No. 171439
>>171436Lol girl drugstore foundations fit almost nobody. Go to fucking sephora or mac or buy online like the rest of us and stop whining how you're the palest princess. This is why everyone on reddit shits on pale people now, because there used to be a time when pale girls would always have pissing contests about who's the palest of them all in the comments and every time somebody suggested something they'd shut it down and keep screaming about their problems.
And I say this as a ginger. My best friend is medium-toned and even she has trouble finding foundation shades because it's just generally difficult.
No. 171441
>>171440Not really, but there is a new Laneige bb cushion coming out with 12 shades (not sure how dark they will go). Usually BBs are pretty light and have 1-3 shade range max.
>>171439thank you holy shit. The funniest part to me tbh is often these girls aren't even that pale and use foundations that are way lighter than their skin tone.
Drugstore foundations mostly suck IMO due to the undertone range they carry, I've noticed a lot of the lightest shades are very pinky toned on me and the "warm" shades run dark compared to the "lightest level" of their cool ones. I can only really buy mid end/high end and even then I have some annoying issues but nothing too crazy.
No. 171447
>>171430I bought the second darkest one and it matches me perfectly. which is weird because none of their foundations ever match.
>>171440No, and it wouldn't make sense for them too either. I heard that SE Asia makes bb creams for darker tones, but right now I use a neutrogEna BB cream and it works fine.
No. 171448
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>>171447It is matching me perfectly too.
>>171434Unfortunately, like anon says, the coverage is shit. Still, my skin is decent so it is better than nothing.
No. 171449
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Can someone help me with primers? I'm currently using Smashbox, but I've heard good things about Heir Atelier Make Up Prep. Is it worth it?
Also should I invest in some lip and eye primers?
No. 171455
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>>171451Nah, it's because the bottle is thick glass. Looks close to my skin color.
No. 171459
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Sooooo… after testing countless crappy bb creams I ended up buying this a week ago and it is like the best thing ever. The fair skin tone is perfect, no ugly orange undertone, great coverage, not greasy etc
No. 171463
>>171461My skintone is pretty pale and always had a hard time finding good make up but this one works perfectly for me and it is really comparable the asian bb creams I've tested (unlike most other western bb creams)
>>171462it's a french/korean brand. It was created by a hungarian woman who lived and worked in france (for l'oréal) and later created her own brand with some korean scientist. They adapted asian bb creams to western skin and created all the bb cream buzz in france.
No. 171464
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>>171460This a swatch in daylight. It's the palest I've found in drugstores. Not sure how well the pinkishness comes through in this pic, but it fits my cool undertones pretty well.