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No. 171481
>>171478Now the nymphet style is in wow big difference
I like it but as long if ts the updated version. Dakota did this really good and a lot of her outfits could be worn today
No. 171485
>>171478I don't think it's out of style. All the things OP mentioned are trends from S. Korea and I still see many Koreans having straight brows, dewy skin, circle lenses and gradient lips on Instagram. Maybe not with frilly clothes though.
I like it because it makes you look youthful but it only fits small or round faces.
No. 171490
>>171487>PeachMilkyTea had the opposite of a "Voldemort face," really.If you mean a rhinoplasty that wound up looking haggard, I agree.
>>171486She has a few lulzy aspects. Not sure if you saw her newest video but she seems to consistently treat boyfriends as though they should be buying her things and filming her as she walks around.
No. 171491
>>171486The only "dirt" of her that comes to mind is one person on pull said that she and Kaya talked shit about other kawaii girls on jrcach's page. But the pull user had no proof of it.
And there was also a little bit of drama after she uploaded her first fashion video because people caught her using after effects and she denied it.
>>171489I'm sure you could pull it off if you altered the style/makeup to suit your features.
No. 171496
>>171491I think I remember something like that… I think She's is trying to be more genuine now. Definitely in the first eye make up video she did seem as if she was using Adobe after effects and probably wanted to go down the Kota road. A lot of people compared her to Dakota cos it was not long after Dakota was scouted.
But now Peachy is just… more herself?
No. 171499
>>171495Tbh, I used to have a hateboner for her because I thought she was spoiled, rich girl and I was annoyed about how hard she was trying to become Dakota 2.0 (even though I hopped on that bandwagon as well lol).
Right now, I actually do quite like her. I think it's stupid that I used to hate other girls who have a lot in common with me over petty things like that.
>>171496I think she's more herself now as well. Like you mentioned, I definitely think she was trying to become the next famous living doll model in Japan just because it worked for Kota. But now, it seems like she's doing things because she actually enjoys them. Like for example, I don't think during her Kota phase she would've done the gaming livestreams she does from time to time now. Other than the fact that it would be hard to keep up a "perfect" persona on a livestream, she does know that not many people who watch her videos would be interested in that kind of thing.
No. 171502
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I think this girl fits this aesthetic quite nicely.
No. 171505
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>>171502this… is… horrible
No. 171508
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>>171507because I did this with meitu I dont have confidence enough yo give you my opinion kek. What do you think?
>>171483Same anon here. I think it's just a western updated living doll style although it looks much better than the living doll style. I just hate that tumblrtards are pretending to be a jailbait (a lot actually are ugh) but I just like the aesthetic…a lot. It's definitely a fad, just like wearing forever21 clothes is. It just looks good until a certain age.
No. 171510
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No. 171511
that blatant photoshop, even looks worse and more apparent when you look at her actual instagram.
I do like her hair, the only thing that looks untouched.
Her eyebrows look good too, the length seems normal but she has different arches in some of her pics
No. 652085
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Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump!(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)