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No. 171552
Has anyone here ever tried this?
I'm really interested in experimenting with the herb Pueraria Mirifica.
Have any of you had any results?
More info: No. 171562
>>171561They're not random pills, they're one of the most commonly used in natural breast enhancement. Fenugreek is also a common household spice, so consuming it isn't going to harm you..
Soya milk is recommended for breast enhancement, I'm not sure what youre referring to that is bad about it. If you want to learn more, BreastNexus is 100% the place to go. Tracking the "natural breast enhancement" tags on Tumblr is good too.
>>171560I honestly don't know for sure, but maybe about four or five months? I use a breast roller (from eBay) and follow YouTube massage tutorials. I also do chest exercises from YouTube too. You can also use Flaxseed oil on your butt, but I don't track progress with that.
No. 171564
>they're not random pills, they're one of the most commonly used in natural breast enhancementIf they're so popular and well known explain to us the chemistry behind them.
Explain how the compounds contained understand to target the adipocytes located within the breast tissues, and no other tissues. Explain how these ingredients know what a tit is, and what it does to increase volume.
No. 171565
>>171564I don't have to understand the chemistry behind something to know it works for myself and others I've talked to and read about online. I would understand if I was spreading inaccurate information but a simple Google search will tell you it contains diosgenin, which acts as an artificial oestrogen. It is recommended by medical professionals to women who breastfeed to increase their milk supply, too.
>>171563I'm 23. What do you massage with? I think it doesnt have the same resulrs for everyone, but there is this Japanese woman who is semi famous for breast growth and she takes it very extreme; she records her temperature everyday to see what phase of her menstrual/ovulation cycle she's in and adjusts what herbs and supplements she takes according to that. I wish I had that dedication tbh.
No. 171567
>>171564I'd love to know too, especially because I'm not even a full A cup lol
I've read recently about breast pumps. According to the website they stimulate the body to create collagen and it sucks the fat or whatever into your breast.
This is simillar to the weight loss pills/shakes etc. that are on the market atm., they're using desperate people to buy their crap.
(ngl I still hope something pops up in the future that works besides surgery lol)
No. 171568
>>171565I tried years ago so I probably wasn't doing it "properly" and just used my hands but I'd do it an hour straight every night before I went to bed. I'm just going to get a boobjob once I can get silicone, but having at least an aa-cup worth of padding would be nice to have for it.
Also your body doesn't stop growing until you're 25 including breasts. All of my family members are busty but more than a few went from a b-cup to an f-cup in about a year or two after highschool. It's like those guys that got super tall over the summer.
No. 171577
If anons could share some tips, would be great. I mean, it's worth a try.
No. 171588
>>171554Oh Anon, have you seen tit preference threads on halfchan? Men think B cups are tiny and A cups are underage.
Anyways I do have a question, I have pathetic pear(?)-like tits, but on my period, they fill out and the shape is way better. What kind of stuff gives me the same effect that my period has on my breasts? I think BC is the most obvious but anything else? I dont really need permanent solutions.
No. 171593
>>171589By small you mean a medium sized B cup right?
No guy ever wants a flatchest
No. 171594
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>>171592wonderful I'm fucked in more ways than one genetically
No. 171598
On the topic of booby enhancement the only safe way you could go is gaining weight as arduous as it sounds. Well that and a decent push-up, double padded bra. I wouldn't mess around with hormones as anon has mentioned
>>171564 there is no known goddamn substance protein enzyme or chemical that can recognize and target the fat cells of breast tissue the biochemistry behind this shit would set off cascading affects rather than just the one gaining of visceral fat in breast tissue.
massaging tits incites lactation rather than "breast growth" and breasts that lactate regularly become sagged more easily it's likely this won't provide long term benefits.
No. 171600
>>1715991. Not always true
2. Many small chests are "sad and deflated" by their very nature, without any hormornal or weight changes having happened
>they're cute af.Fuck off
No. 171601
>>171600Sorry but yes, always true. Breasts are not the magic unicorn equivalent of fat cells, if they get bigger because you've put on weight, they'll get smaller because you've lost weight.
And why fuck off? I'm a girl and not a lezbo. Just don't think people should feel miserable because of something that you can only get pretty much only through genetic lottery.
No. 171605
>>171604Yeah I lost about 55 lbs a while back, and my chest doesn't look deflated either, still perky.
(not trying to humblebrag, the amount is just for reference)
No. 171607
>>171606I have some great ASMR vids that help you organically grow a vagina, too. it's legit guys.
you may or may not need a taint piercing first, the jury's still out.
No. 171610
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>>171582Thank you! I actually did weight lifting focused on my pectorals and it did improve the perkiness of my breasts! Would highly recommend free weight bench presses and dumbbell flies, as well as assisted dips and pull ups if you can access a machine to help you.
No. 171615
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>>171614Sure, just cover your eyes and deny scientific studies. my breasts are about a D cup, isolation weight lifting made them way perkier and my boyfriend even agreed. But, go ahead, just keep saying "nuh uh" and shell out thousands of dollars for surgery and lose all sensitivity in your nipples, lmao.
No. 171616
>>171615Keep denying basic anatomy then. Pick up any anatomy book (Netter's for example). See if there are any muscles "holding up the breasts". You know, reading an extremely oversimplified opinion post based on some unimportant scientific article is not really realiable. You need to use your head. Those studies are flawed because they compare the position of the nipple between women who wear bras and those who don't. Who doesn't wear a obra? Women with small boobs. Of course they will sag less. The only real negative effect of bras is disturbance of lymphatic drainage, and that only happens when the bra is too tight.
Again, there are NO muscles sustaining the breasts.
No. 171620
>>171619Sites like this help whenever I feel deformed, cuz many others look just like me.'m still going to get implants though, my asymmetry is the bane of my existence.