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No. 171697
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Hopefully this thread doesn't exist somewhere, I checked the catalogue and didn't see anything similar.
Anyway, I had a situation recently where I was standing on the bus carrying a cup with a green smoothie in it. It looks like pic attached and doesn't come with a stopper, so the hole is just kinda open and when the bus turned I was thrown to the side and some drops splashed onto the girl sitting below me. I awkwardly whispered "sorry" and moved like a coward to the back of the bus. Ah man, even thinking about it now I feel so bad and I wish I'd apologized more, but I didn't want to make a scene. Thankfully it was just a few droplets on her bare arms, though.
No. 171701
>>171699I wish I could, but I start work at 7:35-40 ish until 6pm. Sadly being late isn't an option (work in tv/film). I wasn't that mad about the brother and sister actually, I think the laugh you might be imagining is different than what they did. It was more a little chuckle quickly on the heels of the 'oh god that sucks, you poor thing' face. Kinda focused on waking up/cleaning up the mess.
Trains are my sanctuary and my hell.
>>171700ouch, foot in mouth. I hate it when you say something coming from a totally innocent place, but once the words are out you realize what it sounds like.
No. 171703
>>171702Pro-tip, if you've got to chase a guy like that he ain't worth it and it's never gonna work out in the long run and will make you feel like you are constantly chasing something that is always just out of reach.
Unless you only want to fuck him of course, then this situation could make all those dreams come true. Seize the moment, punish his subordinate ass into oblivion for rejecting you for all this time! It's a win-win situation.
No. 171704
>>171703I bluntly asked him and he told me it wasn't him and we joked about it. I'm honestly not 100% certain that it's not him tho…
Anyway, no, I don't want to date him, never was really interested. I gave up on trying to fuck him some time ago when he teased me online for an hour before telling me he was already fucking someone and couldn't in his heart do anything with me.
I sure want to fuck him, but hell, he really is an asshole.
No. 171711
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>super market
>clerk says "have a nice day!"
>automatically think she's gonna say "do you want the receipt?"
>end up saying "no thank you"
No. 171716
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>>171712Oh god, i just had a flashback, why do most of the embarrassing shit happen in stores…
>buying dices for the first time at a roleplaying store>feel like a total noob, plan every move to not look like i have no idea what i'm doing>walk up to what i thought was two cashiers>to occupied by thoughts of being seen as a poser and shit no1 cares about >'cashier' is just a random couple behind a desk looking at things>"Hi i wanna bye these!"They looked at me really oddly but the actual cashier two meters away just laughed and seemed understanding, but still, the look that couple gave me… like that was the last thing that finally confirmed that i am 100% retarded.
No. 171717
>be 7
>attend boarding school in china
>sleep in dorms
>wake up, need to piss
>way past lights off hour, everyone else is asleep so I try to be discreet
>sneak out and shut the door as quietly as possible
>hallway is completely dark too
>make my way to the end of it, where the toilets are
>thankfully the toilets are lit at night, do my thing and head back
>during the day there are numbers on top of the doorways but when there's nearly no light they look basically identical
>use my best judgement using distance from the toilet lights
>stand between two doors, can't tell which is my dorm
>after about 5 minutes of cold sweat decide to go with the door on the right
>feel my way through the darkness to where my bunk should be, if the bed is empty it's mine
>very slowly lower my palm from above the bed, praying not to wake anyone up
>nothing beneath the duvet
>nothing on the pillows
>breath a sigh of relief
>climb in, fall asleep
>someone nudges me
>i squint
>it's the caretaker
>slightly confused, usually she'd just barge in and call everyone awake
>"anonette, wakeup. you're in the boys dorm"
>actually open my eyes and look at rest of the room
>stomach drops
>it's not my dorm
>my dorm is next door (the left)
>it's not my bed
>i slept in the caretaker's bed, she must've not gone to bed yet when I went to the toilet
>all of the boys awake and sitting silently on their bunk beds, staring at me
>my roommates are awake too, right outside of the hallway and hysterical with laughter
>caretaker was lightly chuckling too
>oh god, I slept in my underwear
>nothing to do but sprint back
>the hallway is bustling, everyone is already hurrying to get ready for school
>back in my dorm, stiff and barely functioning from shock and embarrassment
>caretaker comes in, she tries to be serious but can't completely hold the laughter
>oh my god, I want to die
>i eventually ask her why she didn't wake me when she saw me, she said she kind of tried but I was sleeping pretty heavily or something
>almost late for class since I wasted all that time in the morning, spent the rest of the day in school distracted
No. 171721
>>171720Yeah. Supposedly nobody was awake and we were all kids so nobody gave a shit back then either way
as long as you were the same gender.
Most of my memory is fuzzy but I distinctly remember those toilet cubicles in particular didn't even have doors on them and everyone showered right in front of each other. Chinese boarding school was a different story anon.
No. 171725
>>171705Oh, don't feel bad. One time I was having a really heavy period and I changed my pad right before class (about an hour and a half long) and when class was over I stood up, and I had soaked through the pad, my underwear, my jeans, and right onto the chair, which had a cushion. So I couldn't even wipe it away. There was just an imprint of my junk all bloody on the chair. I sat my ass back down and waited for everyone to leave and then ran to the bathroom.
Thankfully this was on the last class of the day and the last day of the school week so no one else was using the room, but when I went to class the next week, they replaced the chair. In fact, they replaced ALL the chairs. I was so embarrassed.