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No. 171774
>>171772>>171772I'm 22 and my hair has thinned out over the last two years due to hormone problems, I went to the doctor and he said it stopped, but that I had minor female pattern baldness. Its a lot thinner near the bangs which makes it impossible to wear bangs, and impossible to cover my gigantic forehead :(
i tried using rogaine BUT!!! I read that rogaine breaks down the collagen in your skin as a side effect, and I used it for 6 months and you know what? I think it was right because I started looking older and more fatigued, even though I wear sunscreen and get enough sleep and eat generally healthy. So I just decided to quit the rogaine (minoxidil) and also stopped taking any hormone supplements, bc, etc
My hair loss has stopped but my hair is still thin. Nothing that really can be done.
No. 171777
Just my two cents:
I don't know anything that can stop the thinning, sorry to be a downer. Minoxidil will help, but once you stop using it the effects also stop. B vitamins, B complex or biotin supplements, in my case, just made my hair grow faster, not better. For the love of fuck, don't attempt no-poo. It will look disgusting and I read something about sebum attracting DHT or whatnot (fuzzy memory here, don't quote me on that). The only rx thing I've tried was birth control pills and that did nothing either (although it did clear up my skin). Some people have success with Nioxin shampoo, but again, once you stop using it, you'll continue to shed.
I hope the derm can help you OP! With some it's genetic, but with others it can be fixed, so I hope it's the latter. Don't forget to post your results!
No. 171778
>>171774Oh god. Thanks for letting me know.
All rogaine and similar products did was making hair in my face grow more.
I guess I'll just have to accept that I will have to wear wigs.
Also what helped me was the "tricho scan" I got from a dermatologist. At least now I know that I can't do anything about my hair loss and don't have to spend any more money on treatments that have no effect.
No. 171780
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My hair was really healthy about a year ago, so I figured it couldn't hurt to dye it. Long story short, I'd previously used black dye on my hair so it took 3 tries to get the brown I wanted and since then my hair has been thinning and snapping off.
For the past few months now I've been rubbing castor oil on the really thin spots (once a week) and doing hot oil treatments on a monthly basis (usually with castor oil, coconut oil, vitamin E, etc.) I use any old castor oil from Wal-mart, but the Jamaican black one is supposedly better. I'm also taking fish oil supplements and already I feel as though my hair is much thicker up by the root and any gaps on my scalp have mostly filled in. The very ends are still thin, but I don't think there's much that can be done about that so I'm slowly trimming them off.
Even if you're planning on using actual medication, I recommend these as more "natural" things you can do in the meantime that are less risky in terms of side-effects. I used biotin before and it gave me horrible acne and these are the solutions that I found that definitely wouldn't affect my skin.
No. 171783
>>171772Me, me.
I've been having some problems with my hormones and weight (PCOS) on top stress from uni + countless all nighter this semester, but thankfully my period cycle and weight is getting better now, but my hair problem is not. I notice my hair falls out a lot, and the left part of my head where bangs usually goes if I decided to get bangs (idk how to explain this better), is the particular spot of the loss. Now that spot still have hair, but only the baby hair that never seem to grow longer. It hasn't bald-ed out, and my hair loss problem is only visible when I tied my hair up, but still bothers me until now. I never had anything put in my hair except for regular shampoo and occasional conditioner. I think I'm going to take some of you guys' advice and see if my hair problem would be solved. Thank you so much!
No. 171789
My bad for typo I'm on my phone
No. 171790
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Trichotillomania here. Started pulling over a year ago from a stressful experience and a few months ago realized the extent of the damage. I had really thick hair and I'm wearing my hair up and in a hat until it grows back. Really trying not to pull anymore. I feel bad that my hair loss isn't natural and I can grow it back, if only I can control myself.