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No. 17181
>>17180what the fuck?
Isn't the whole Namjoon thing over him calling his bandmates dark skinned? like what even
No. 17182
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Apparently it was by a troll. I'd be hella upset if I was one of the fans. One person said they paid a lot of money for the hitouch and whatever… so much money wasted. Not to mention it probably leaves a very bad impression on the artists.
No. 17183
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oops wrong pic
No. 17184
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backtracking and claiming she was hacked. she's deactivated her twitter by now. some lf her friends have been apparently defending her, but the only mutual i could find was redvelvetit, theyre not very interesting though.
No. 17309
>>17192Details please?
>>17187Checking in.I like Kpop for what it is, but I'm more annoyed/amused by the fandoms, especially now that social justice is a thing and threatening idols over (misintentioned) comments is a thing.
No. 17311
>>17310Well, I do hear that. And I'm not against education on social issues and trying to being others up to speed, so I never assume that oppas are perfect. I know they're human and they fuck up, sure. But I think there's more to it than just culture. My real issue is when "fans" speak up by only saying things a la "this is
problematic" "that is
problematic" "this is messy" "everything is messy." It shuts off any kind of potential for discussion–and I mean it's unlikely that idols will change (given the social and economic status of South Korea), but no one wants to even entertain the thought that the entire world isn't the West and quieting different perceptions just makes the fandom look like a bunch of cliquey douches sometimes.
No. 17312
>>17311Er yep.
I wasn't accusing you of being one of those people who thinks idols are perfect and only make stupid comments because of culture etc, I was saying the same thing basically.
A lot of the Kpop fandom is awful for various reasons.
No. 17313
>>17312Thanks, homie. One love.
I avoid fandoms like the plague now, but I do disagree in that I find that SJWs are more likely to be the ones pointing out racism, sexism, colourism, etc etc more than non-SJW fans, which just makes me wonder why they're fans in the first place. In my experience anyway.
Do you have any examples that we can milk for lols together?
No. 17873
Confession: I want to get into Kpop more, such as stanning and actually swooning over idols, but I can't?
Back into 2010 or 2011, Super Junior was the first K-pop group I encountered. I tried my hardest to know how to identify them, but everytime I try to point them out to myself, I always get them wrong. Skip to 2012 (or 13?), I encounter EXO, and damn, they're hot a'f. I know all of their names, but I can't point them out. It literally took me up to this month to spot D.O and Kai (even though I still have problems), but that's only because of their lips and fanfiction lol.
I sometimes try to test myself, and it usually goes like:
>"that's Chen!"
>lol no that's Beakyun
>"Okay, that one is Sehun?"
>lol no bitch that's Suho
I know, people will call me racist, "You think that all asians look the same!"
No, I genuinely can't tell them apart….
SNSD/GG was worse, I just gave up on them.
But anyway, due to the recent "drama", I just realized I've been mistaking Rap Mon for Suga this whole time…
I also don't have the patience to sit through an hour long reality idol show either, or Kdrama to learn more about them individually.
Only one person I can actively 'stan' is probably T.O.P or Taeyang because (as far as I know), they didn't do anything shitty.