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No. 171943
>>171940>What kind of art are you drawn to making?Honestly depends on the medium. I love huge landscapes when I'm using soft pastels because the build up is incredibly satisfying. If it's ink, it's more illustrations. Stuff like pencils and charcoal is what I use for more realism. Everything I do in watercolour is a misshapen blob lmao.
>I want to get better at watercolours tooAre you starting out with watercolour or just improving on existing skills?
Thanks for the channel rec, I needed it!
No. 171946
>>171945I'm thinking about volunteering at a shelter or something. And I totally forgot that I have a bike, anon! I never ride it because my dad bought it without any input from me so it's a really girly cruiser but I'm past caring at this point.
Is riding while listening to music a good idea? I'd mostly be riding in residential areas (think streets with houses on one side and huge empty fields of grass on the other) so traffic wouldn't be a problem. I just don't know how safe it would be.
No. 171947
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>>171946Don't listen to music while riding a bike. It's unsafe - cars can sneak up on you (even in places without a lot traffic) and your hearing is the only thing that can detect it.
Honestly, you won't even need music. Running is boring, so I can understand why someone would listen to music while doing it but with biking, it's not necessary. Biking and taking in the scenery around you is enough. My mind is so clear at the end of each ride.
No. 171950
>>171943Interesting! It sounds like you do a lot of cool stuff!
I'm trying to improve on existing skills with watercolour, if they can be called that! I get misshapen blobs too, and while I'm okay using other mediums, especially oil, watercolour just hasn't 'clicked'.
Hopefully I get somewhere practising it this summer.
You're welcome for the channel recommendation, i hope it helps!