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No. 1728920

real sadgirl hours

>please adhere to board rules

>no infighting
>report and ignore bait

previous: >>>/ot/1717396

No. 1728931

i think this might actually be purgatory

No. 1728932

I hate when I’m eating a big thick ass chunky cookie and then there’s cookie stuck in my wisdom teeth and gums after and I gotta brush my teeth like 9 times

No. 1728933

Same anon

No. 1728952

i'm the 4th person to reply. feels nice.

No. 1728960

Skip to minute 17 for the relevant bit

No. 1728963

I love ASMR but GOD FUCKING DAMN IT sticky/cream/lotion sounds make me want to fucking GAG and make me rage. It's fucking disgusting, why the fuck do you ruin a video with that shit, i fucking HATE IT SO MUCH

No. 1729014

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I'm trying really hard to overcome my minor sexual traumas and come to terms with my sexuality. But It's a fucking nightmare as a woman in this world. I feel like to have sex with someone you have to truly love and trust in them, at least for me. But whenever I see a man, I just think of my violent father, I think of my groomer, I think of the boys who hurt me as a little girl. Imagining having sex with one just feels like a defeat, like I'd be losing something I can't get back. I feel in my head like 'this isn't what love looks like'. I know It's not a big deal and there's nothing to be scared of, but I am. I wouldn't want him to be around me afterwards and I even feel like I'd have a hard time looking at them during it. But it makes me feel like a failed woman acting like this, like I'm still just a child.

With women It's different, I don't feel so scared, but I do feel a sense of rejection or that they wouldn't want me or that they deserve better or that I'm going to inevitably disappoint them. Not to mention I feel physically unattractive, especially to women, even if people tell me otherwise.

idk I also struggle with sex just feeling like It's something 'done' to you and not something meant to be mutually enjoyable. The emotional intimacy and vulnerability are really disturbing and upsetting to me. I just have a hard time trusting like that.

No. 1729056

If no one’s around pick it out w your fingers like you do your boogies

No. 1729057

my bf made me cum 30 times today, a new record
just an update y'all, ily nonnies

No. 1729061

fake and gay

No. 1729064

>t. nonny lacking endurance

No. 1729120

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I hate a wannabe-sly person who thinks she's so deceptive and a master manipulator and she's just tricking everybody into getting what she wants. You're not slick, bitch! You're obvious as hell and the only reason you can't see it is because of how mentally ill you are. A literal child is probably more clever than you.

No. 1729180

I hate you too

No. 1729184

Ughh I wanna O again but only with somebody I trust which also happens to be nobody

30 just be uncomfy though

No. 1729214

Yeah RPDR is just the reaction pic for this diva.

No. 1729218

I got into an accident recently that made me realize how much single living sucks. I was so scared and alone and didn't know what to do until I called my parents. But what if my parents are gone? Then I'll be alone and scared when I get into another accident again. That thought is so terrifying to me. I do not want to be alone! I'm not strong enough to live and die alone! I need the emotional support of another human to get me through tough times.

No. 1729221

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That wave of calm when you know an abuser is going to go down hard and rough and with no comebacks

No. 1729252

i have a good and financially stable life that i've worked very hard for and basically none of my friends are in the same spot and it sucks that i can't talk about good things happening to me without it feeling like i'm bragging or trying to make people jealous. everyone on this board is a bitter bitch so im sure everyone's going to @ me and say that it must be something about my delivery or behavior, but it's not. i just have a lot of things that a lot of my friends want and lack (own a house, stable partner, good job, etc) and the current mood of everyone who isn't in that position is to be spiteful and resentful towards anyone who is. i've lived on my own since i was a teenager, neither of my parents have been in my life/alive for years, and i battle every day with real diagnosed mental illness i take multiple medications for. the life i have now is 10% not coming from poverty and 90% my own efforts plus luck, but it feels like everyone, even people who had a good financial start or still have financial familial support, expect that everything i have comes from nowhere or was just handed to me by some invisible force. if i talk about my partner being good, it makes everyone who's single or in a happy relationship bitter. if i talk about traveling, it makes all the people too broke to go bitter. i do have genuine friends that are genuinely happy for me, but i know it's never 100%. being told that someone can't handle hearing that i'm happy that my partner was theoretically supportive of something i haven't even committed to and may not even do, because they just can't handle it for their own mental health is a shitty feeling.

No. 1729317

>im sure everyone's going to @ me
Idc about your financial situation but you should still go back to twitter.

No. 1729323

>everyone on this board is a bitter bitch
why are you here then

No. 1729338

I hate when I’m trying to sleep and out of nowhere my body will just go into panic mode. Like elevated heart rate, shallow breathing, general sense of dread. I’ve had trouble falling asleep since I was a kid but the sudden freakouts are mostly in the last six years or so. It’s almost like I’m subconsciously afraid of falling asleep. I’m almost positive it’s connected to a traumatic experience around being roofied

No. 1729339

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Stuff like this irritates me. Imagine if it was a white man not wanting black girls to wear his clothes? It would be a whole other story. Black twitter loves to play the victim card as soon as the roles reverse though

No. 1729348

Should have thought about that before having the taste of a white teenage girl and being fat

No. 1729351

You don't have to have sex, so it's okay. I don't have trauma related to sex but it's still scary to think about beyond fantasy. I think a lot of women feel that way. More than you'd imagine, I think.
>sex feels like something 'done' to you
Yeah especially since males and unfortunately a lot of women perpetuate that. Such as 'getting fucked' 'dicked down' and other terms for it. If you want to have sex someday maybe you'd have to find a virgin or someone else who is as nervous as you. Also you don't have to have PIV sex, and you can keep your clothes on. I don't know how easy or difficult it is to find a partner willing to do that (with women it's probably easier) but if and when the time comes, I hope you find somebody gentle who can respect your boundaries. Or maybe just cuddle. You aren't a failed woman because women don't have to have or enjoy the idea of sex to be women or to even be successful. Besides, what you experience is very woman-specific.

No. 1729355

i can't take this anymore i can't take it.almost every single morning i wake up so nauseous it's getting too much to bear. i don't get enough sleep, i had to quit my job because of this shit i miss my only classes because sometimes i just don't have the strength or will to get back up after a nausea attack, i just want to sleep when my body allows me. which is usually like 4 hours after the nausea ahs passed, by then it's already midday and i am so exhausted i just want to sleep. i can't take it anymore. all i can do is lay in bed crying hoping it passes. doctors, everyone will go, are u sure it's not pregnancy? even though i have suffered over 3 years now. i don know what else to do. i just want to sleep not dread waking up sick. i hate sitting alone in the dark feeling so sick like this but it happens almost every single day

No. 1729357

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bed too comfy, don't want to get up to go to work

No. 1729358

No. 1729364

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wake up nonny, the sooner you're up the sooner you'll get to work then be done work then get back to bed

No. 1729365

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I want a guy to slap me around, call me a dumb bitch and fuck the shit out of me

No. 1729366

you have to work for money.

No. 1729370

love yourself.

No. 1729373

Can you insecure freaks leave lolcow and stay in your retarded "grippy sock gf" facebook groups? You're a plague and barely a person anyway. I hope you find your balding fat smelly gamer daddy to bully you sexually so you can leave lolcor.(infighting)

No. 1729375

stop kinkshaming me

No. 1729378

Kill yourself.

No. 1729380

Sounds easy to find tbh, go to some comic con or something to get your average daddy dom loser bf that will call you a dumb bitch and harm you.

No. 1729382

okay trying to be helpful here, have you ever considered that you aren't a "sub" and more just naturally lazy in bed and your memeing yourself in order to justify that desire to let a man do most of the work?

No. 1729383

It's not a laziness thing it just feels nice being helpless and listening to commands
I'd do the work if I was asked

the problem is I like it but I also think it'd be very embarrassed to actually do it so I wouldn't
With my ex boyfriend I never let him do any of this stuff to me even though he asked because I didn't want to lose his respect

No. 1729384

You're painting anon in a much more flattering light than herself

No. 1729385

there's nothing in the world that arouses me more what do

No. 1729386

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sigh /g/ is leaking again…

No. 1729388

My brother is such a drama king, he had to mald last night because we dared to ask him where the fuck was he at 12 am, because this city is really fucking dangerous since this isn’t a first world country.
So he left the groupchat I have with my parents saying shit like “I dun’t hab to explain anyfing to u!!!!” Like bitch, do you think I give a fuck about what your 29 years old ass is doing? If you didn’t appear at 6 am, ok, that’s worrisome, but he knows our parents and whole ass family gets worried because this shit isn’t safe, and honestly? No one should stay outside after 8 pm.

No. 1729392

you can let that happen, without the degradation or physical harm.

No. 1729397

Nta but pretty aggro of you

No. 1729400

Internalized misogyny.

No. 1729401

I really resent being a carer right now. I just feel so angry and miserable and tired. Feeling like I’m specifically a target of God’s hatred or something because everything about my life is shit. I want to chase my dreams and live the life I dream of. I feel like a puppet, like I just exist as an extension of the person I care for to do what they want and be who they want. I set a single foot wrong and I just get hurled verbal abuse at. It’s so fucking tiring

No. 1729402

I’m sorry nonny that sounds exhausting. I hope you’re paid well and I mean well. If not I wouldn’t be very effective at caring about my employer at all. I wouldn’t accept verbal abuse either way, could you switch patients if you’re working for a private residence?

No. 1729415

I want this but the opposite. I want a cute himbo to slap around while he worships me. Pig punching stacy was 1000% right and real for her post.

No. 1729417

sounds kind of hot too

No. 1729418

>Pig punching stacy

No. 1729419

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I'm so horny these days that while doing my homework about inguinal hernia, the word "young man" made me a bit horny
Imagine all these young topless men on an operating table…. Ugh
Is this what being a sex brained moid feels like

No. 1729421

No. 1729424

I went no contact with my abusive mom by ghosting her. Its been more than a year since I've spoken to her, which was 1 (one) phonecall where i grey rocked in an obvious manner the entire time. it's been about 4 years since we had a full conversation. unfortunately the bitch doesn't get it and keeps leaving voicemail. i don't want to change my number because so many things are tied to my phone but i don't understand why a number i blocked can leave me voicemail, and i can't dismiss the notification until i go and listen to the voicemail (i hit delete as soon as possible).

No. 1729428

Instead of changing your number try the other way around: get an extra sim, tell your mother that's your new phonenumber and just don't put it in your phone. If she falls for it you'll never have to listen to her voice mails again.

Have you tried these things first though? https://www.lifewire.com/stop-blocked-numbers-leaving-voicemail-android-6754247

No. 1729434

why the fuck is it allowed for clinics to not refill your medicine if you need it "we need you to come in for a checkup" ok well i bawled my eyes out for an hour last night and i have a migraine so bad i cant function. you people INSISTED i take this shit and wont even give it to me consistently?

No. 1729461

When my blood sugar gets high (type 1 diabetic before anyone says something retarded or something) my mind will force me to think up scenarios of my boyfriend cheating on me and I get sooooo fucking upset and paranoid and depressed even though I never think of this stuff when my blood sugar is at level, only when it's high do I start thinking of fantastical cheating scenarios godddd I hate it so fucking much.

No. 1729465

My childhood friend is worrying his ass off about his father and I honestly loathe his father for putting him through this. His dad did something that put him in a position where he may become homeless, and it's truly his fault. My friend is understandably going to bat for his father and trying to help him, but because I'm not dealing with that, and I'm only thinking of my friend, I think he should let his dad deal with the consequences of his actions. However, that's really easy for me to say, because I won't need to deal with the fallout afterwards. My friend's in a real tough position and I loathe his father for putting him there. No good advice can really be given, it's a mess all around.

No. 1729512

There’s a weird lump inside my vagina that has definitely not been there long. I’ve requested a gyno appointment but I’m still freaking out about it. The weird thing is that when I think about each possible scenario, I’m not scared. I guess it’s not knowing that freaks me out, even if I know on a logical level it’s likely nothing major.

No. 1729529

every time i think a male celebrity is cute i find out hes into porn stars and ewhores. painful

No. 1729554

A classic.

No. 1729598

This is the worst year of my life (so far). I don't know how things managed to be worse than the year my grandma died but they did. I know it can be even worse than it is now but I really hope I can at least catch a break in the last part.

No. 1729608

I'm not quite sure what you mean anon

No. 1729617

Which ones?

No. 1729632

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Just realized I have never been hugged by my parents (except the couple of times I initiated it myself as a child)
I thought I was okay with having absent/neglectful parents because I don't mind spending time on my own now as an adult, but the older I get the more it weights on me and I can't stop thinking about how it would feel to be properly hugged by my mother out of love and not obligation.

No. 1729690

That screenshot made me laugh.

No. 1729716

I just feel so out of place everywhere. I'm too young, too old, too white, not white enough, too shy, too talkative, it goes on.

No. 1729727

I had sex for the first time and please tell me if this encounter is normal nonnies.

It started well with kissing (apparently kissing is incredibly messy?)
It felt like a bit of a race. There wasn't a slow tender touch or foreplay to really start with. I feel like the logic was "Lubed up. Time to head in". He didn't ask about my pleasure until I started to voice it. It was rough and he couldn't really focus on my clit or find it for bit if I'm honest. He'd rub so hard it hurt and made me just dry which counteracts the time I was able to feel good by telling him what to do. I feel like he focused on his pleasure alot because as soon as something felt good and I voiced it, a little after he'd go right back to what he was doing. It felt like there was impatience. He's lovely but when it came to sex… I don't even know. I expected different. I would've hoped for longer foreplay and not jabbing my hymen causing me to bleed everywhere.

No. 1729728

This is ironic because this person is not even black. She posted pictures of her dad and her bio has the El Salvador flag in it.

No. 1729729

Kissing isn't incredibly messy it should start off slow and sensual then get passionate but not nuts it shouldn't be him crashing his face on yours or being slobby.
Sounds like he was more focused on accomplishing the sex than vibing with you from your account of it. I'm bummed for you that he hurt you and wasn't listening to you to adjust what felt good. I think he mistreated you

No. 1729731

nothing in your screenshot says he's black, maybe you jumped to conclusions lol

No. 1729732

Is this your boyfriend and did you tell him it was your first time? Men can be trained to be better at sex but it doesn't sound like he cares about you at all if he's overlooking what actually makes you feel good. Ideally if you tell someone it's your first time then they'll be more gentle and try to make it special. This just sounds like a bad hookup story, I'm sorry nona.

No. 1729734

I'm not very well versed on these topics like other anons are, so pardon my ignorance, imo this situation you just described sounds very uncomfortable and lame, kinda like he just wanted to get off using you

No. 1729736

You should tell him all that. Sounds like he sucks at sex, what a loser.

No. 1729750

He's my boyfriend. Yes he knew it was my first time.
It really did hurt. I bled 3 times. When he pushed in the last time he forced because I kept rejecting him because the pain. He got on top of me once he was in and pushed his weight onto me and focused on finishing.

I felt kind of felt disconnected through the experience because it was painful.

No. 1729753

oh no, this doesn't sound right at all

No. 1729777

Tbh dump him, he didn't even care to help make your first time to be enjoyable. Is this the type of sex you want forever?

No. 1729889

Whyy is it always so difficult to fall asleep when i have plans the next day. Regardless of how small the thing i need to attend is, I still can't fall asleep and it will be worse if i take some shit like melatonin, because I'm gonna be tired the whole next day! But when i have classes i fall asleep seconds after there are no tasks and i have to sit and listen. So annoying.
I hate that wherever i have this insomnia shit, i can't help but think about the saddest shit or things that stress me out. Like why can't it be some nice thoughts!!!

No. 1729898

I want to finally play BG3 but seems like my laptop is too fucked up to open it without lags and breaking apart REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

No. 1729900

What the actual fuck? That’s not okay. I hope his dick falls off. Dump him.

No. 1729901

Nona please dump him. He doesn't care about you. I'm sorry this was your first time.

No. 1729913

I recently took an ancestry DNA test and learned that I have extremely distant relatives in Palestine. I looked at their family tree, we are very VERY distant, but I found them on instagram and Facebook. They’re struggling to get out of Gaza right now, they have a handicapped grandmother, 5 kids, and 3 disabled people (one of which is a child). I found a distant cousin who is my age and has a baby who is very close in age to my own baby. Not only does her baby look like mine, but the disabled girl is an autistic toddler, she looks so similar to me when I was a little girl, and I’m also autistic. My heart hurts for them. I never spoke to them before, they don’t know I even exist, but they’re family. They feel so familiar. Every time I see horribke footage of Palestinian children dying, or mothers mourning, I started to zoom in on faces and praying that it’s not one of them. I wish I could help them, but I can’t.

No. 1729939

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White people are fucking demons they disgust me with every fiber of my being the more I learn about history the more I’m forced to learn about them and their barbaric ways realizing they only “rule” the world because they are the only species of human that lack true empathy and humanity. Instead they were born with a defect known as bloodlust and audacity. They are freaks of nature literally. They sicken me. It honestly scares me that I’ve lived in a world with them. It’s scary because no matter where you go they will always find you like maggots and cling to you, eat away at you, destroy you and then take over you and claim you as theirs. They are parasites of the highest degree. None of them sit right with me. All of you give me the ick.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1729940

Wait til you learn about the exact same disgusting and horrific dehumanization and colonization as well as human slavery from all over asia and the middle east

No. 1729946

Wait, was this his first time too? That's the only way I can manage to justify him giving you a shitty first time.
Either way, I'm sorry your first time wasn't enjoyable. You deserve better.

No. 1729947

What a typical boring response. It is my bed time so that yawn was needed thanks

No. 1729956

(Nta) even if it was his first time there’s no excuse for ignoring her being in pain and then literally forcing himself onto her after being pushed away because it hurt too much and pinning her with his weight until he finished. what she described is actually rape.

No. 1729959

This reminds me, maybe we should have a "larp as tiktok/twitterfag" kind of thread, similar to the moid one.

No. 1729968

keep trying to join new hobby-related discord servers to talk about stuff, find myself becoming incredibly annoyed with the server populations and getting into arguments over the dumbest shit ("is this film director sexist? yes but don't call him out, you're an asshole!!")

maybe i should just give up

No. 1729973

I have absolutely terrible fucked up nightmares every time I take melatonin. It happens ONLY when I take it. I have no dreams when I don't take it. When I take it, I have only nightmares. And the fucked up ones. My mother being tortured, for example (she's dead and I rarely think about her). Last night I had a terrible nightmare about some crazy, rich scientist who was also a cannibal, kindnapping random people, I saw that couple he kidnapped, locked in some dark room with amputated hands and legs, he left only their heads, and then he started eating meat from their chests while they were still alive, it was very realistic, I could hear their screams etc. I woke up with extreme anxiety, heart palpitations etc. I'm not interested in true crime, I don't think about that kind of shit. Another terrible one was a nightmare with a guy raping little dogs. Like what the fuck??? Why do I get this? If I was a schizo I would believe those are some demonic attacks kek. But this shit happens only after melatonin so I know it has to affect my brain somehow. I saw some posts on reddit written by people who go through similar stuff after taking melatonin so I'm not the only one. Idk what to do because it's the only thing that helps me to fall asleep faster and sleep longer. Before that I was waking up like every 2 hours, I was struggling to fall asleep. Now I'm still tired during the day but not as much as before, and now I can get at least 6 hours of deeper sleep. I haven't had that for years. But those nightmares start to take tool on my mind, especially the ones involving my mother and stuff like torture and rape

No. 1729974

not to detract from your post or make it about me, but i have those nightmares for no reason, and it'll be like, a week of horrendous realistic nightmares about loved ones being tortured or being tortured myself and then nothing for a month, like just not remembering anything. i either have these grisly nightmares or nothing at all. it has been this way for most of my adult life. what the fuck causes it? why do our brains do that? wish i knew so i could stop it. i wake up crying sometimes.

No. 1729979

I know it's much easier to us tell you to dump him as anons online with no emotional investment than it is for you to actually do it, so instead I will suggest next time you demand to sit on his face until he turns blue (make sure to keep your clit out of his teeth's reach). Before that, try fellatio and use a lot of teeth. Suck on his balls gently at first (moids tend to like it) then go fulll vacuum cleaner, add teeth, pull on the skin. If he's uncut, try a handjob and pull the shit out of his foreskin back (it might tear and bleed a little - that's payback for your hymen). Then see how the relationship goes after that.

No. 1729983

nta but been there done that, "reciprocating" doesn't work on moids, they simply don't get it and then they start getting more brutal

No. 1729987

Kicking him in the balls and getting it over with would be less trouble.

No. 1729998

I've been unemployed for soon to be the 5th month and it's horrible. I've been trying this whole time. I don't recognize myself anymore. Every day is a test to convince myself I'm still a competent individual capable of contributing to society. During the first 3 months it was all optimism and support from the people I knew and now I can see the turn in them, that they're questioning if I'm capable. Sometimes I need to remind myself that yes I actually had 2 jobs before that I did just fine in, and if I did it before I can do it again.
To add on to this I could have done so much in this time but instead I've just been taking care to not fall into the depths. Without an enforced schedule I lose my grip quick. I suppose that's important in itself but shit at least I could've started on learning a language or something.

No. 1730003

nona, please, get away from that douche as soon as possible, this is only going to escalate

No. 1730005

Why don’t you just gas him. O

No. 1730009

Yes, the point is that that's more emotional trouble when it's your precious Nigel. Plus she doesn't have to do the entire list, I'm just throwing off ideas

Did you try it on a sadomaso moid, nonnie? He can't like it and escalate, he has to be shocked and look at you asking you wtf are you doing so you can remind him of the times he did the same. It's usually still not worth keeping a moid like that around, but it becomes easier to get rid of him after doing it a few times. Let's be fucking real, if he's your bf and you're involved enough to lose your virginity to him, breaking up isn't as easy as sending a "it's over" DM and finding a new moid the next week

No. 1730023

My bf is sad cause he got me a vibrator and he thinks he can never compare idk what to say to console him

No. 1730032

you don't need to console him. if he's pathetic enough to get jealous of a piece of plastic he needs to get a grip

No. 1730043

Melatonin sometimes gives me night sweats, and apparently you are more likely to have nightmares if you are sweating during your sleep. Idk what your dose is but maybe lowering it could help? sorry you're struggling with this

No. 1730046

Your bf is a fag

No. 1730047

Is he willing to have a device surgically implanted into his penis to make it vibrate? If not then DUMP HIM.

No. 1730069

My back hurts so bad anons I slept too long. Help.

No. 1730078

he will never be a dragon, he should give up at life

No. 1730092

God, I just wanna hangout with friends or autistic bitches like me to talk about husbando/Wifiu(noncommerbit). I hate I keep encountering "sad" moid with mommy issues or broken family, no I ain't going through that shit. I can't stand those fucking manipulative males. Don't get me started with those people who look normal, but then boom a religious nutcase. No, I don't want to know how Halloween is satanic or whatever KAREN. No, I don't want you to quote your fucking versus in text message.
I just wish I could back in time to change all the dumbshit I did in high School and also befriend more female friends…

No. 1730093

He needs to stop sulking and start improving his skills.

No. 1730098

Tell him it will improve your experience with him, not replace him. There's nothing to compare cause it's an addition to you both having sex, it doesn't take anything away. Talk about how different sexual stimulation can be for women and men.

No. 1730099

File: 1697617075306.jpg (64.38 KB, 750x652, 1687813466868.jpg)

Nonnies, please help me understand something because I am just fucking confused to hell. I just found a bunch of screenshots on my dad's computer of random women on google street view. Mostly taken from behind of slender women between the ages of late teens to maybe early 40's, all conventionally attractive women in either tight jeans, leggings or shorts. Can someone help me understand what the fuck he has these for? Are they jerk off material? How is that even arousing? What the ever loving fuck am I looking at here and I stg I am never leaving my house again in fear of ending up as jerk off material on some disgusting loser old man's computer jfc wtffffffffffffffffffffff

No. 1730103

I'm so sorry nonna. At some point we all learn that it really is "all men even dad"

No. 1730105

I already knew that unfortunately, and relearned that multiple times especially in the past few years. It's just is no where safe from being objectified and exploited by men? Not even dressed normally while walking down the street and getting photographed on google street view. I just don't have room for anymore blackpills like ffs, how is this even jerk off worthy it's just legs, I just don't get it

No. 1730107

I have a million problems and technically I know how to solve them but I don't have the drive to. I thought when you solve a problem it's supposed to make you feel accomplished and motivate you to do the other things, it gets easier every time. But I feel the opposite. I solve problems and see that it doesn't any difference to my emotions and it makes me feel even worse. I go down a spiral of wondering if anything will ever feel okay, not even good, just "better" than the dread I feel about being alive. I'm convinced even if I got to solve all my problems I would still hate being alive. Pushing myself to live in a better place could take the weight off a bit, but is the effort really worth it? What if I get even more depressed and now I have to show up to shit I signed up for while I was trying to get back into life?

No. 1730109

My bf's schedule is fucked up and I'm the one suffering because of it. He usually goes to sleep between 1 and 2am and falls out of bed right when his worktime starts at 10am (he works from home). I used to go to sleep between 10 and 11pm but I adapted to his sleep schedule somewhat and even if I go to bed earlier I wake up when he goes to bed. He is also the type of person who sets at least 20 alarms in the morning because he's a ridiculously deep sleeper. The problem is, the alarm wakes me up instead of him, and I have to turn off his alarms because it drives me insane and he doesn't hear them anyway. Also, I work from the office so I need more time to get ready in the morning. I have to rely on over the counter sleeping pills for a restful sleep, but yesterday I ran out and took whatever I could find to potentially put me to sleep. Right now I'm sitting in the office and feeling like a zombie because I slept like 4 hours. Not sure how to solve this. Would love to get my own bed in a separate room but our apartment is tiny and there is no space

No. 1730119

It's probably the peeping tom aspect of it, getting off to unexpecting women who haven't asked for it and haven't put themselves in that situation deliberately.

I remember when I first found porn on my father's computer when I was 9 or so, he had left it open on accident. Shit sucks but at least it instantly disillusioned me about my male friends and boyfriends later in life.

No. 1730122

*sleep schedule

No. 1730135

I can't believe I didn't think of the peeping tom aspect, holy shit I hate men so much. I'm going to crash his fucking computer with malware or something and delete his perverse collection, fuck I hate men so much.

No. 1730138

Broke up with my boyfriend because I was on my last straw and noticed he liked the two most recent pictures of a 19 year old he was trying to hook up with before we got together. (He's 30). He's now calling me verbally abusive and said he's gonna screenshot everything I've said to him. The abuse in question is calling him a weird gross creep. Ugh. (Added context, he tried hanging out with her once behind my back and deleted the messages, where she said "no, that's probably inappropriate because you have a girlfriend now." I didn't break up with him when that happened because he said he was trying to hangout platonically as friends and I'm retarded and believed that.) They used to be coworkers which is how he knows her. I know it's just liking pictures but he swore to me he wouldn't like any girls photos anymore unless it was actually a good platonic friend of his, because it made me uncomfortable. Also I'm just majorly creeped out that she's so young, it makes me view him as a gross moid. I blocked him and he's crying in my gmail inbox now, calling me abusive. Sigh.

No. 1730139

Just to clarify, she was saying it's inappropriate to hangout 1 on 1 with each other because he has a girlfriend. He wasn't saying inappropriate stuff to her, just asking her to hangout before he moved cities. But it still grossed me the fuck out and when I questioned him on if it was only platonic, why did he delete the messages, his excuse was "it looked bad". Ok.

No. 1730142

Even just wanting to be friends with a 19 year old girl, pursuing her relentlessly is weird. Run nona.

No. 1730145

I'll also clarify, when they first met she was 19. I think she turned 21 this month.

No. 1730157

I quit drugs and I feel like it was all for nothing, I have the social skills of a middle schooler, my memory is still fucked, I feel bored, depressed, life is boring or too much. I did this to myself but I feel more horrible than ever.
Gross, you did the right thing by dumping him nonna.

No. 1730165

Why do people ditch you once you start going to therapy and stop being a doormat? Naive me thought my friends would be happy I was doing better mentally and gaining self confidence, but instead what I get is talked shit behind my back by someone I considered one of my best friends. Worst of all, my other friends from this group believe her. What the fuck is happening?

No. 1730183

I have no idea what's going on but my boyfriend has been barely speaking to me since last Thursday when he left my house I only got him to respond to me 2 days ago because I saw him on a game we both play and said ay. He messaged back with hey and a smiley and when I asked what he was doing in game he told me but logged out shortly then yesterday he hasn't talked to me even though we were on the game too and he ignored my text asking to hang out. I'm very confused because I thought we were doing well and we've been dating for months. I have lost 5 lb from the stress I know I need to stop worrying about him and live my life but I wonder what I did wrong

No. 1730204

my mom "stored" all of my stuff i couldn't take with me when i moved out in a barn with 0 ventilation and mice. it has been stored there for like 6 years and i'm so upset. there were books there that i received as gifts from my grandfather who was the only person who actually cared about me as a child and i just know that they are ruined as they have been stored in cardboard boxes that mice easily can chew through.

No. 1730210

It might be that they took it as an offense you "replaced" them with a therapist instead and you don't trust your friends enough to talk about your feelings to them

No. 1730219

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Tell him he's right and that his insecurities are justified. So he should try triple as hard to please you.

No. 1730220

what are the chances he's been watching porn throughout your relationship only to then complain he can't compare to a toy

No. 1730225

my bf of 1 month penis not workies. he also just cannot shut up about knocking people out. he is obsessed with wanting to knock males out. i found this endearing for awhile and now its annoying because hes a twig and could not win a fight and is clearly peacocking because his ego is destroyed from penis not workie. because i hate moids and see little value in them i have monkey branched to a polar opposite heavily traumatized emo autist boy who wants to bang 4+ times a day. i cannot decide if i like autist boy better because hes fresh meat, his penis workies, or if its because boy number 1 is just an empty shell of a person who only seems to exist for my benefit. his music taste is also bad so i made him a playlist of 200+ songs and now he just listens to those songs. i made him get 2 tattoos of my choosing, one of them is an accidental reference to the autist boy. he doesnt know and if he ever found out id just be embarrassed and dump him before the buffering period. i know when i next see him ill be reminded why i liked him and that he does have good traits autist boy could never have because hes clearly unstable and has no money. but i cant help like autist boy more (today) because he seems to have substance as a human being. in the end i trust neither and assume the worst of both. still, i need a buffering period before dumping either because despite lacking in morality i still have to keep up appearances. the only reason why i agreed to be boy number ones girlfriend is because i felt bad for him because he started crying about his penis not workies (i love when they cry). i want to get out because it feels very gross but also, i'd like to find ways to make the situation worse

No. 1730228

Men are retarded I cannot express this sentiment enough

No. 1730239

Get rid of penis no worky scrote. Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

No. 1730240

She’s exhausting. When it was happening to me she complained all the time and even to our friends. Now she thinks she’s the only one who suffered this shit. Sure.

No. 1730249

The fact you are a twofaced slut who keeps one guy for the looks and the other for the dick speaks volumes.

No. 1730252

When you put it like that she sounds pretty cool

No. 1730253

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All you have to do to break the cycle is turn off your laptop/pc/phone. That's it.
You're disconnected from the online life, you're back to your real life.
You can do so much better things than sit in front of a pc most of the day and waste your hours away.
That's all you have to do, turn off your device. Go back to how you once were.

No. 1730255

Good news, then: if this kind of soulless fucking around is cool to you, then you can do it too! Men love a hookup woman rather than dealing with a real relationship, and it's much easier to sleep around, just as men want.

No. 1730263

nta but why does it matter what men want lol. it's always men this men that, therefore you should this, you shouldn't do that. let anon fuck guys with no strings attached if that's what she wants.

No. 1730265

Seriously. They're like two sides of the same coin. Who cares what scrotes want or don't want as long as you're getting what you want out of it?

This smells like a troll post though

No. 1730267

why not date a more normal guy? unrealistic i supppose. you already don't seem to care, just dump the first guy and move to dick worky autist.

No. 1730269

sorry to be blunt but seems like a voyeurism fetish where he gets off on them being unaware or not knowing they were photographed this way. and the small chance of it happening makes it like a game and instills a certain kind of sick appeal.

No. 1730270

I don't want to make this vent sound all about myself but living/being in a relationship with someone who is depressed long-term is actually draining and has left me exhausted. It feels like nothing I do or say can help and then if I just be quiet and listen that's still not good enough because now I'm "not saying much".
It's entirely possible that I just handle it differently and I don't want to sound ignorant but the biggest thing that stops me from just dwelling in depression is shame and guilt. Looking at my messy house, or lack of hygiene, or lack of productivity, is the only thing that gets me out. And yet some people just seem to dwell in that and yet whenever they ask me for help or advice, no amount of help or advice is good enough.
It's strange because if you were to mention that your partner has a drug addiction, or other issues, people would acknowledge that it can hurt/affect you too. Yet as soon as you say they're depressed suddenly you can't mention the fact that it affects you too or else it's selfish somehow.
I have suffered with so many mental problems myself including being depressed and I know everyone handles it and suffers with it differently but I'm kind of getting sick of just having to live around this moping, useless person who won't take any help when it's offered and yet also says that I don't "look like I'm listening" even after I listen to them vent for an hour and be there to support them. It feels like I am the emotional punching bag right now for some loser who needs to clean up, go for a walk and get back into work yet I'm expected to just put up with this.

No. 1730272

idk that's pretty funny as far as jerk-off folders go. you should delete it permanently and watch him seethe, I bet it takes him hours to collect them lmao

No. 1730279

No need to apologize I'm here for the bluntness, I appreciate the honesty of you nonnas. Yeah once the other anon mentioned the peeping tom aspect I clued into that's what the appeal probably is for him, thanks for the further explanation. Super fucking creepy to imagine him doing that, he's on the computer for like 7 hours every night and the fact he's saving the screenshots to my home computer is just so fucking dumb. He's really putting a lot of faith into my mom not knowing where to find screenshots and me not using the computer.

I've found other jerk off folders of his over the past few years and yeah this one wasn't that bad compared to the rest but the voyeuristic nature of it takes away any of the humor for me. My sister once had some guy take upskirt photos of her in a ferry terminal and a close family friend of ours once got arrested for filming unknowing women in the bathroom. He never took both of those situations seriously and now I know why, he would probably do the same thing to other women given the opportunity. Thinking of him getting off on sexualizing women that didn't consent to be jerk off fodder for an old fat gross loser isn't funny to me it just makes me sad that this is the way the world is for women. My mom sleeps alone every night so my dad can collect fap material for his different fetish folders.

No. 1730289

He needs the internet taken away, oh my god that’s bleak

No. 1730294

I am so sick of delivery drivers leaving my hoarder neighbors packages on my porch because her steps are broken and her porch is filled with garbage bags. Lmao she asked me to just bring it over whenever. No! Fuck off! Come get it yourself.

No. 1730295

>get back to real life
>look around
>everyone else is connected to online life 24/7, even your friends
now what

No. 1730300

Does your mom know? Would she leave him if she knew?

No. 1730301

Some of us have jobs, nonna.

No. 1730304

Why are you taking that obvious bait post seriously kek

No. 1730330

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There is no "once were" I was addicted to computers since I was 6

No. 1730341

Your bf is actually a full blown asshole and he doesn’t give a single shit about you. Honestly why are you moulding your whole life around this dickweed who wouldn’t make a simple concession for you? He doesn’t have to wake up at 10am. He can have a normal fucking sleep schedule.

He’s being crazy inconsiderate with the alarms. I hate people who do that bullshit. Tell him to set one alarm. In the back of his mind he’ll know there’s only one and he’ll probably get the fuck up, just like he magically does by the time the last alarm rolls around. If you want to be soft about it then you could offer to physically wake him when you get up at that time. But don’t be soft because he’s clearly fine with you killing yourself so he can play bidya at 1am

No. 1730351

ESLs should never be allowed to teach professionally in English I don’t care if your backwater asian or ruski university approved of your shitty speaking skills YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO TEACH YOU CANT EVEN FORM YOUR SENTENCES COHESIVELY KYS AND GO BACK TO TEACHING IN YOUR SHITTY MOTHER TONGUE

No. 1730403

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I feel like part of what makes it so hard for me to make friends is that everyone wants you to be involved in mainstream social media. I'm a zoomer in uni and it seems like everyone mainly discusses what they posted or what their friends/enemies posted, trends, and pop culture. Even when meeting people into a hobby, like artists or puzzle enthusiasts, they just want you to follow them on Instagram or join their Discord server. I don't want to be all nlog about it but where do I make friends if I don't want to plaster my life online and just want to chat irl and through texts?
I've also been told that I'm just trying to show off or be special by not wanting to use those apps. It's not like I act all smug towards people who do, I just say that it's not my thing. Is it that weird to want privacy?
I have a way easier time talking to older people but I can't help but want to have friends my own age too. I don't feel like some super special outlier type and just want a normal life. Maybe it's ironic saying that on a niche imageboard but this is the only place I know where I can talk to other women comfortably

No. 1730408

She's blaming me it got wet. I messaged her yesterday that she could come grab per package from my porch whenever. It wasn't raining yesterday, I'm not having it in my house, I don't want to be responsible for it. I have expressed this before. It kind of makes me feel like an ass and not a good neighbor but it happens multiple times a month. I don't want to be expected to keep her package safe.

No. 1730410

I had the same issue back when I was the only person without facebook and instagram at school… I think it's probably best to pick 1 single social media you can handle, preferably one that is message focused like discord, or snapchat maybe? Tiktok is too much of a time sink and it literally gives you mental illness so no thanks on that one. But overall the more you can stay off social media the better off you are

No. 1730414

Put up a sign that says something like "please don't leave packages here that aren't for this adress" or something for the delivery men. they should just throw them at her messy porch instead

No. 1730443

>forced to go to a cousin's wedding even though I really don't give a fuck about her and never talk to her because I managed to skip her first wedding and she divorced so now I have to make up for it or some shit
>spent a whole month is physical pain as a result of surgery I had last year, turns out it's normal and harmless and I still don't have cancer
>couldn't sleep for the pain and stress properly but after the pain went away I wanted to get more sleep during weekends and recover because I was perpetually tired as a result
>suddenly, mom comes in and tells me the wedding is in less than a week
>wedding happens, it's raining, cold and we're outside until 10pm
>food is bland and gave me explosive diarrhea the whole night, I somehow managed to not shit in my pants before reaching the toilets
>arrived home at 2pm, slept for 5 hours only
>next day I'm the only one in my family who's sick and I told them I would get sick given my condition
>get yelled at for being "selfish" for not caring about a stranger's wedding
>literally can't talk normally anymore right now despite my job requiring I talk non stop
I want to exterminate everyone in my family. The only positive thing is that I gave my cold to my parents and that's what they deserve for making me do this shit.

No. 1730444

I'm gonna dusagree and its not because im esl.
I feel like, if you live in a country that doesnt have english as its native tongue, english teachers who arent esl get the job TOO easily. Its like "ur american cool youre hired". Which means they cant explain shit about the language because they only speak it, they dont know the linguistics of it. But the esl teachers actually had to learn everything so they end up knowing more. Like the difference between two very similar sounding grammars, they actually had to learn the difference instead of feeling the difference.
Also anon genuinely asking, are you esl yourself?

No. 1730466

Wish my best friend would stop adopting troons in our friend pool, this one's the fourth and 3 out of 3 of the past ones were sex pests but she refuses to see the pattern.

No. 1730468

Its been months yet my heart aches seeing that he has a new female love interest. But, let people be happy and move on. I guess I didn't move on like I thought, it stings really bad nonnas. God… it fucking hurts, but it's not the end. I hope she makes him happy, I hope she can heal the wounds I left and I wish I didn't fuck up, I wish it could have been me.

No. 1730473

kek cry moar and die mad, play imperialist games win imperialist prizes

No. 1730502

If you can't understand through someone's thick accent then this sounds like skill issue

No. 1730511

just learn their language then so you can understand them better.

No. 1730519

I cannot handle being near my retarded coworker for even half the day. I'm gonna lose my shit if I have to hear her "well actually" bullshit trying to prove everyone wrong when she doesn't have a single brain cell.

No. 1730532


No. 1730537

No and no, she's in her mid 60's and he's in his early 70's and she has a lot of mobility issues and is about to start undergoing cancer treatment. Telling her would just upset her and I don't think it would even change his behavior, just put more stress on her. It's very blackpilling though, I know now that I definitely don't want kids and if I "settle down" with a moid it'll just be for a warm body in my bed and to split my rent. I'll never trick myself into thinking we are equals or anything like that and I'll be ready to leave him the second I find him doing anything I dislike. Men truly are beneath us in so many different ways.


No. 1730542

I just had the stupidest thing turn me on and now it'll rule my dreams for the next 9-12 months. I wish I could sever the brain-to-vagina connection

No. 1730586

what is it nona, you can't leave me hanging like this

No. 1730600

love it when people delete/block me because of a fight that has nothing to do with me. the mother of my little baby cousins deleted me because she's no longer together with my cousin. her and i were on good terms (or so i thought) and spoke more often than i ever speak to my cousin that she was with. she still has my other cousin added though so it's not like she's just cutting his entire family out. i'm kind of offended because i thought we were friends, she's been in my family for nearly 10 years.

No. 1730612

do i tell my mom i was sexually abused as a kid. the person who did it, i don't even remember their name, and even if i did they've since left the state and gone on elsewhere. no evidence so either because it's been so long so it's not like they could be convicted

No. 1730620

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retarded fucking moid in college deliberately touched me when he tried to make a way for him, but he did NOT touch the moids who were also in the way, it was just me, and he was even offended by me reasonably disliking that?
i'm not offended because you're "ugly" or whatever misogynist reason you made up in your head (because of course i'd like it if you were a gigachad, right, incel?), i'm offended because you're a fucking normie who doesn't understand that he should never (unless in case of emergency) touch women he's not close with. also you're old. even the genuinely uglier older moids in our group are nicer to me, though i'd still be disgusted if one of them dared to do the same shit.

No. 1730627

doubleposting to clarify: by "older moids" i mean genuinely old moids, 40-50 years old (yes, we have them in our group because it's a distance learning course who accepts everyone shall they pay for it). the douche i was talking about was 25 i think.

No. 1730630

I dont know why I am empty

No. 1730638

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I miss when going online was fun and full of wonder instead of a glorified home shopping catalog. I miss exploring forums and reading what people thought about the new Lord of the Rings movies, or discussing new video games that cost a reasonable amount and came out complete instead of broken, overpriced pre-order dumpsterware with DLCs and patches added months later, that need a NASA supercomputer to run because good game = realistic graphics now, apparently.
I miss doomscrolling and Instagram not existing, I miss blogs and lighthearted Flash games, I miss decorating my personal online space all pretty instead of being served the same bland page with trash content. I miss not being force-fed ads, subscriptions and popups wherever I turn. I miss feeling excitement when a new gadget came out instead of dread and overwhelm.
>inb4 it's just nostalgia goggles
Anyone with eyes can notice it. Demand for empty "content" created massive volumes of soulless garbage to a point where it's impossible to find anything real, fake news and clickbait/ragebait are everywhere, it just feels like everyone online is out to milk you for money.
I downloaded a PDF reader app on my phone years ago. It was really good at first, but over time it became unusable due to all the ads. The same is happening with any software I'm using atm. I hate technology.

No. 1730678

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It feels like nothing will ever be enough for my mom. I try so hard, I work as much as I can to make all the money I can to help our financial troubles and it never feels like it's enough. There's always some new random expense to pay for that comes out of nowhere. It's been like this for almost a year and I am so tired. The brakes in the only car are going and my work is a 20 minute drive. I can get there with a bus and a trolley but don't have the money to pay for that. Thankfully my job offers a bus pass so I'm going to go look into that.
I am so tired of not being enough. I give her all my money and it will never ever be enough. I just want to be a good daughter but it's never enough.

No. 1730680

I hate men!! They are so entitled and always go after women and would never do the same with a man, even like holding the door open or shoving you aside, or talking over you. Sorry you had to deal with that.

No. 1730681

Why are you giving her your money as an adult?

No. 1730682

Because I live with her still, I'm 21 and haven't been able to save to live on my own yet.

No. 1730687

i don't get why he couldn't just say "hey, can you move over?" since he's a massive normie who has no problems telling others what he wants, it's fucking stupid. truly the braindead sex.

No. 1730690

That sucks I’m sorry. That’s kind of what adulthood is like forever unfortunately. Still it would be nice if she didn’t need your money….I feel like I can’t judge but you never want your child to feel like this. I hope you’re not getting taken advantage of. Life’s hard enough as it is

No. 1730691

Mom's be like that. Talked to my mine rn because I felt bad about problems at my work place. Hoped for an advice but the only thing I got was another reason to plan my sudoku asap.

No. 1730692

Just crash into him next time and make a scene. I’m not normally a fan of this because I’m not trying to make things weird but when there’s blatant disregard I would make it weird for the offender (him)

No. 1730699

>Hoped for an advice but the only thing I got was another reason to plan my sudoku asap.
That's exactly why I stopped telling my mom anything about myself that isn't surface-level, generic answers. I kept everything deep to myself for years because she's proven too many times to not be trustworthy. You know how humiliating it feels to see your mom post pictures of what you wrote in your diary on Facebook and laugh at you with her friends? It sucks that some and lots of women can't have a good bond with their mothers, but sometimes you have to fake an entire personality and generic set of beliefs to protect yourself.

No. 1730703

i don't think i'd be able to make a scene but i can certainly make it appear random while it'll be very inconveniencing for him. the problem is, he might think i'm interested in him personally somehow already since on the second time when he passed over me he made a (joking? snarky? ridiculing? i can't tell with males) remark about "it's fine for you, you'll get nothing anyway" (implying that i'm somehow interested, guess he watched too much tsunderebait/can't comprehend that a woman disliking you doesn't equal her being interested in you).
so i guess avoiding him/treating him like he doesn't exist might be the best option, to not give him attention at all, and that means no weird stares either (i'll admit i did some "creepy/mad/target-lock stares" after the first incident which could be interpreted by his moidbrain as signs of female interest, for reasons i've already described).
why do they all take it so personally though? fragile male ego?

No. 1730756

sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is to give up the nebulous goal of being a good daughter so you can divert that energy and time to investing in yourself

No. 1730757

I don’t understand why I’m so fucking depressed when I have everything I would have killed for a year ago. I went from having no social life whatsoever to lots of friends and a boyfriend who loves me. Failing classes to passing everything with good grades. Cutting myself to one year clean. Yet I’m still sad most of the time, extremely anxious and insecure. I can’t even say I’m much happier than I used to be, in fact I miss it sometimes because at least I had a reason to hate my life. Now I feel guilty for being depressed because I worked so hard to get out of it. I hate my body and everything about myself, really. It seems no matter what I do it doesn’t change. Am I just doomed to be unhappy forever? I can’t stop crying. I worked really hard on myself. I quit social medias, started taking walks and exercising, made effort to see people and have social interactions, stayed consistent with journaling and seen a therapist and I still feel almost suicidal. I think its a lot to do with my
body dysmorphia and not being able to stand anything about how I look physically, but I just dont know how to heal from that because I’ve done most things people recommend. I don’t know if this is all just stupid and I sound entitled or something but I never feel like enough. Needed to put it out there into words.

No. 1730767

i wish this was true but everytime ive tried to use a scrote for sex they somehow put me into a relationship and tell me they've never met anyone like me and that i make their life complete. i enjoy ruining them because they, like all scrotes, deserve it. and if that makes me a twofaced slut, cool, what do you think men are doing while you commit to them and waste your prime years on them, knitting and cooking dinner? nope, they're all watching porn and lying to you, and the second you stop being beneficial to their lives they will cast you out shamelessly for a younger prettier woman. it doesnt matter if you mother them, pay their mortgage, or suck their gross cheesy chodes every night. they are unable to show long term appreciation. in fact, the more you can make a man do for you, the more he will like you! they dont think like us at all, we value them by what they do for us and are expected to worship them for this, they are the opposite. they enjoy the challenge . they can smell the fact that i secretly hate them and it makes them idolise me. and no matter what they do for me i'm never going to view them as human beings, they are goddamn worms with a list of pro's and con's that i consider daily in my ventures. if i can get a worm with better stats, i will do so without wasting my previous time moralizing on their worthless fee-fees.
for the life of me i cannot find a normal guy. they dont exist. they either have money and stability and some hidden deep rooted issue or they have some obvious deep rooted issue but are actually likeable. its the 80/20 rule in effect where i can have one to take care of me and fulfil my basic needs and one for personality and sex but not both

No. 1730771

Sounds like chemical inbalance depression, do you have an unhealthy diet? if you dont then you should talk to a doctor

No. 1730777

By make a scene I mean say loudly “what the fuck, dude? Don’t fucking touch me/bump into me, stay over on your side of the hallway/sidewalk, rude / piece of shit / fuck off” etc. Get loud. You don’t really have to swear if it’s not professionally /socially acceptable in the setting but you should raise your voice and be clear. silent treatment stuff and the staring is stupid, sorry.

No. 1730800

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every time my dad throws a temper tantrum i just silently stare at him like he's a freak. it works pretty well

No. 1730841

I might be disabled now and I'm devastated. I don't know if I will be this way forever, but seeing others suddenly have what I'm going through and being permanently disabled is so scary. I've been severely depressed for the majority of my life but now I have a chronic health issue and although I've only had it for a few months, I fear that means for the rest of my life. I don't think I want to live my life like this. I wish I hadn't taken things for granted.

No. 1730846

boyfriend of three years left me the other day. thought it 'wasnt all boys' but it really is. nonnies, never feel safe in a relationship with a moid, they are soulless and will turn on you the moment they are inconvenienced. i feel so fucked up since it came out of nowhere and i didnt do anything to cause it either. i keep having nightmares of him marrying another girl and it hurts so bad. please be vigilant of men, they are more two faced than we could ever be.

No. 1730851

what happened? i understand your struggles, it feels so hard to come to terms with but i promise that the world is kinder than ever when it comes to disability and getting aid when you need it.

No. 1730865

everyday my husband gets off of work, he takes at least a 2 hour nap. so i don’t get help with chores, i don’t get a break from our kids, i don’t get any help with dinner. today he got off at 1:30, fell asleep at 2 and is still fucking asleep at 11 at night. it’s like i’m a single mom with a hobo for a roommate. i tried waking him up every half hour and i’m sure he’ll wake up soon and ask me why i didn’t get him up. i get it, he’s tired from his construction job. i’m tired from chasing a toddler all day while carrying a clingy newborn. but i don’t get the luxury of napping whenever i want and it’s honestly fucking cruel of him to flaunt the fact that he can.

No. 1730876

Ate some disgusting cow's milk and now I've diarrhea'd 3 times today

No. 1730877

Go to China/puertorico/whatever for three weeks. I’m serious.

No. 1730895

Delete it and name a similar folder to fill it with creepy pictures - he shall shit himself.

No. 1730897

I've had a chronic tension headache lasting for months now that gets worse the longer I'm up, to the point I will feel like passing out. Yesterday I went to the ER for it and all of my testing came back normal which is good, but I still don't have answers and the pain grows so great that I can't even work my sedentary job anymore. Now I'll never get to travel like I wanted to and I can't even draw. I'm going to see a neurologist but reading about how people are permanently disabled because of sudden migraines is really depressing. Thanks for the reply anon.

No. 1730899

put loud music and rip the curtains open everytime he naps. train the older child to go wake him up.

No. 1730905

Grrrr i hate my prematurely graying hair grrrr I’m only at my early 20s cmon now.

No. 1730906

i feel this nonna. I miss it when the internet was a place of wonder and exploration. Now it’s just one big marketplace. I also miss stylized video games. I personally don’t see the appeal of “realistic” vidya. Like, if i wanted to feel real I would go outside. I hate that most video games are not “art” anymore, just a way to show off cgi technology for studios

No. 1730909

assuming you are an amerifag, there just aren’t enough american professors to teach at colleges. Trust me most colleges would go with local people but there are just not enough people pursuing education in america because being a teacher of any kind is not respected here. The shortage is real. You should be grateful that you even have an instructor, my uni closed down some programs due to not being able to find people to teach the classes.

No. 1730913

she was probably at some thread days ago (forgot which) saying teachers in USA are entitled and out of touch because they earn 40k and have long vacations every year kek

No. 1730915

i like this worm-maxing idea a lot thank you

No. 1730935

i know this might be a controversial thing to write but sometimes dealing with other women is just as terrible as dealing with men. especially normie women who thrive off of being catty, underhanded, backstabbing, and passive aggressive. i am in a situation where i am dealing with four absolute bitches at a magazine i am interning for, and every week i am in office they act even worse than the last. one of them is a young dumb ass who is desperate to fit in, the other is a literal italian linebacker who i’ve seen groping over smaller women in the office; the editor is a depressed indian chick who acts like i need to prove myself to her to write when she herself can barely spell, and deep down i think she is secretly in love with our team leader, a ginger moid who himself never responds to her attempts at flirting with him. he always looks off out the window or walks away from her and it’s kind of tragic.

they’re only nice to the younger girls but off course i get attitude being the oldest comparatively in my late 20’s. i am so sick of this high school shit man. i really do not give a flying fuck about these three broads, and i can deal with them not liking me. it is just that they do not play fair. if you’re going to be a bitch, be a bitch. i hate when normie women act like bitches and have bitch motivations, but refuse to own up to it out of of fear of being labeled a bitch. it’s just hypocritical and dumb imho. they criticize and nitpick my work, and then of course when i do well i never get any acknowledgment whatsoever. i wrote a beautiful article for the magazine that they have given me ZERO feedback on, but they support everyone else on their topics and babysit them. they also all kiss up to each other and UGH.

like i just need the credits for my degree so i can move on and get my masters. i started getting war flashbacks to grade school and being terrorized by girls in school for being different. it’s the same thing all over again so these bitches never grow out of that mentality of being terrible to other women.

No. 1730943

>women are so catty and dramatic
>muh normie bitches
>calls someone a linebacker and makes fun of someone for having a crush
>it's other girls that are the problem though
yeah I can see why they don't like you

No. 1730948

>>>calls someone a linebacker and makes fun of someone for having a crush
nta but what? she said she was groping others

No. 1730955

Ughh I saw a video of a small child scared because his house was bombed and he started crying after being held by a doctor.
I feel so powerless. I hate the world. Poor baby.

No. 1730963

>muh normie bitches

sorry but that's what they are. especially after i heard them calling me an uppity nigger one morning behind my back when they thought i was out of earshot.

>calls someone a linebacker

sorry but again that's how she acts. she invades people's spaces and always seems to be on the verge of either punching a baby in the face or self-immolating. i have zero idea why she's so damn aggressive but she just…is. when i first started working there i tried to say hello to her and she slammed the door in my face and has also shoulder checked me for absolutely no reason when i am doing something like printing papers or just minding my own damn business. i am sick of her.

>fun of someone for having a crush

our team is leader is nearly 50 years old and married with kids. she does not need to be crushing on him and he knows that as well.

>women are so catty and dramatic

i hate to say it but you're acting just like them, so thanks for proving my point.

>it's other girls that are the problem though

people are trash in general. women are still human at the end of the day and i don't think all of them are wonderful, perfect, spotless beings who can do no wrong.

yeah she's a bit odd. i was leaving for the day when this happened. decided to grab a soda so made a detour to the breakroom/cafe, and saw her cornering another intern and sticking her hand down her blouse and then walking off when they heard me coming into the room. the other girl ran off as well so i never got a chance to ask her if she was okay but that stuck with me.

No. 1730971

its not you anon, theres a scizo/moid who lurks in vent threads targeting random anons to twist every situation to make the poster the villain, even when its not true

No. 1730973

>calling me an uppity nigger
Nta but jfc that's awful, is there any kind of upper management you could report that too?

No. 1730976

depression inertia is real, just keep at it and your body will adjust to a healthier life

No. 1731009

it feels very pathetic only having one person to share my hobbies with. i feel exhausted just thinking about talking to new people when i want to remedy it. why is interacting with people so complicated

No. 1731033

I have a lot of resentment towards my parents for being emotionally neglectful when I was a child and teenager. I was 12 years old when I first told them that I thought about suicide and that I didn't want to live anymore. They always just shot it down and ignored my very obvious mental health problems. Oh, anon gets heavily bullied at school and is isolating herself and doesn't have any interest in socializing? Well it is her fault for not switching schools at 11! They always just blamed me and never tried to get me help. They only want me to be a functioning person and not make any trouble. The worst thing was when my father told me that if he ever got a heart attack one day it would be my fault. I am now in my early twenties and am barely a functioning adult. I managed to move out of my parents home, but I have troubles keeping a job, have no motivation or goals in life at all and get bad grades at uni. I tried CBT twice, since it is the only form of therapy that my insurance is covering but it really doesn't help at all.

No. 1731063

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I can relate, anon. My mother always saw my constant low mood and social anxiety as an inconvenience to her. She always nagged me to smile more but never asked me why I was not smiling. She also shamed me for not talking enough when we had guests over but never asked me why I was afraid to speak. When I revealed to her that I had suicidal thoughts, she brushed it off saying that I should not cry in front of other people because 'they will ask questions'. When she saw my self-harm cuts, she just commented that I have ruined my skin and that other people will see them. I still struggle with my self-esteem and expressing myself because I don't expect to be heard.
The only advice I can offer is to develop a good relationship with yourself first, Other people might come and go in your life, but you are always with yourself.

Look up reparenting and try and be the person for yourself that your parents were supposed to be, empathetic, kind and encouraging

No. 1731071

damn that sucks, it's a shame that women are cucks. the depressed indian chick in love with the ginger makes me laugh. aren't magazines lib shitholes? will HR not do anything about the woman groping others?

No. 1731081

so fucking bored in my translation class right now i am literally about to sleep. i don't give a fuck about AI or machine learning i mean i'm glad it exists to make things easier but this is so painfully boring holy shit. i just want to go home i regret not sleeping in. this guy doesn't even take attendance idk why i even bothered. my eyelids feel as heavy as two cements blocks

No. 1731101

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I wonder if these girls know how they are being sold from moid to moid in these group chats. Their modus operandi is insidious, they contact these girls on social media and tell them that they will make tons money on onlyfans but won't have to set up anything.

No. 1731110

Why are there so many special needs/autistic kids now? Maybe I'm blind, but it feels like any kid born after 2005 is legit retarded and now everyone has to cater to them. How bad is the sperm of the men these women are procreating with? Like, stop fucking old men and you wont get retarded kids.

No. 1731119

my boyfriend sends me really creative nudes, it makes me happy. they're better than the ones i take lol ♥

No. 1731126

Still coping. God it's such a sharp heart sting. I see them flirting on social media and all sorts. (mutuals posts… feels like a teen romcom to do it on public posts but damn) How do I stop heartbreak nonnas. I'm not jealous, it's a very sharp and anxious feeling. He's not my first love, so I'm familiar with it but also never knew how to cope with it

No. 1731129

He sounds immature and you deserve better than him.

No. 1731133

flirting online like that is obnoxious and for attention. you grieve the relationship, cry it out, and make spaces for your sadness until the emotional weight of it slowly lessens.

No. 1731134

Not only is the sperm bad, but parents also choose to raise their children on social media as soon as they are able to hold a phone. Children receive their earliest education now from skibidi toilet instead of from picture books or interacting with their parents/other kids.

No. 1731141

Even my neighbor whose kid just turned 2 is now on the tablet. It's mind boggling these parents cant raise kids now without the use of tablets. So sad.. They are not going to be able to hold any attention span longer than 10 mins when they're older.

No. 1731142

Just how fucking vain and privileged does someone need to be to complain about their looks when literally everyone calls them pretty, they barely have any physical flaws and men and women alike are fawning over them. It's just so annoying! I understand everyone has some insecurities but people who are like "growing up i hated my freckles" when you have a perfect nose, lips and eyes are so out of touch. It's like rich people problems boo hoo you didn't like your freckles but everyone nowadays thinks they're gorgeous anyway so problem solved. Hyperfixating on some tiny flaws barely anyone would notice is just straight up mental illness. Some pretty people have more noticeable flaws like razor thin lips or a big nose so I can understand if they don't like that, but if we're talking about drop dead gorgeous girls whose main "flaw" is having a messier hairline or slightly bigger forehead or some slight facial asymmetry then all I wanna say is fuck off. Imagine if someone like barbara palvin was lamenting that she's "too tall" or that her boobs are not big enough when every girl wanted to be her 10 yrs ago and every man wanted to date her. Like these people literally set the fucking standard, they can't claim they're as ugly as some girl who is legitimately ugly or an average person. They can complain about other things such as the way moids treat them, or coming from an abusive household, dealing with EDs, but don't come at me with your shitty insecurities related to your face

No. 1731146

Grieve the relationship, but also stop checking up on him and her both if it causes you this much pain. Mute or block them, who gives a shit if any of your mutuals notice.
Also no offense, but you sound pretty young. One day you’re going to look back and be really grateful that you didn’t get what you thought you wanted.

No. 1731156

there's nothing I hate more than a muslim moid, I wish I could beat them ALL to death.(a-logging)

No. 1731164

Jealously is par for the course. In times of trouble people often feel conflicted about their emotions. They don't want to feel angry, they want to feel happy , glad that their friends were able to cross certain milestones but that doesn't mean their own problems are mitigated, they're still there. Now there's just one less person who can truly understand. Feeling how you feel is normal because you can't always reach out and pull up the downtrodden from whatever circumstances they're in but what you can do is be supportive and bear their resentment. I know this isn't the response you wanted but its the only thing that can help because the resolve to terminate these feelings of inadequacy (referring to your friends here) stem from finding satisfaction from the inside and when that satisfaction is bound to materialistic achievements its no surprise that bitter envy is the result.

No. 1731166

i believe i pissed of the professor i asked for a recommendation for grad school by responding to his email after two days asking for more information. he submitted his recommendation this morning. i don't care that much about getting in, but i feel like an ass for frustrating him.

No. 1731167

prepare yourself for an unwarranted ban

No. 1731169

my friends kid is 3 and autistic and it's actually insane to me how well he knows how to use a smart phone. he opened it and went straight to her conversation with her boyfriend and i tried to grab it from him because i thought he was trying to get to the games and accidentally opened the conversation but he started having a meltdown because he actually was trying to facetime her boyfriend

No. 1731172

my boyfriend is fucking retarded and careless. he always buys fruits and veggies that are obviously expired/mouldy/rotten that i have to throw away immediately, and when i get angry at him for wasting money and ask why he didn't check the groceries before picking them (despite me having nagged him a billion times about it) he just goes "but i looked and i didn't notice they were bad" or some bullshit. today i asked him to buy a grapefruit and ofc he picked one with several soft/rotten spots. he's such a fucking useless dumbass. when i asked why tf he would pick this one he said "i didn't know they weren't supposed to have random soft spots hurrrr". i fucking hate him. i've never met a man who doesn't use weaponized incompetence like this to drain my life force. men literally can't do anything right and it's actually impossible to correct their destructive behaviors. if you have a bf with any sort of annoying habit, just dump him immediately because he will never change.

No. 1731174

so is that a yes, you're planning on leaving him?

No. 1731177

I think parents mistake their child's adept use of the iPhone as intelligence and then think that their child is super precocious and will excel in life because everything is digital now.

No. 1731180

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im really upset because my college denied my request for a few extra days between assignments and more exam time based on my lengthy depression/anxiety/adhd diagnosis. i didnt know they were allowed to do this. they said it isnt impossible for me to complete the work therefore i dont need it and they dont look at doctors notes or diagnoses. i didnt know this was allowed. i feel like dropping out lol.

No. 1731182

It's so annoying when farmers say "saged for". "Saged for not sure if this milk", "saged for just an observation" etc. Like we're all fucking farmers we know what the fuck sage is for why do you have to say it, just do it.

No. 1731183

Was this through your university's disability office, nonna? Something doesn't seem right. I'm sorry they're not taking your diagnosis seriously.

No. 1731184

they wouldn't do it for adhd and don't look at doctor's notes? that's stupid. the point of accomodations is to even the playing field for disabled students, most people "can" work under immense pressure but it doesn't produce good results and it will lead to burn out. i'm sorry nona your school sucks.

No. 1731185

How do you expect to function after college if you act like this as a literal adult? Most people in college have anxiety/depression at some point yet you think you're an exception and deserve to have it easier than other students.

No. 1731186

idk maybe. i'm very dependent on him and i don't have the energy to go through a big seperation rn but possibly in the future. i regret moving in with him and not keeping our relationship casual.

No. 1731187

The ones banned were shitting on Muslim women, and the "anons" who shit on Muslim/black/brown women in the same posts they praise white men are the well known white male poster BLAINE

No. 1731189

Don't be dependent on him, he isn't even dependable. He doesn't even know what rotten food is.

No. 1731191

saged for just an observation

No. 1731192

that makes sense nona if you moved in together. i'm sure this isn't his only issue and there are other ones. i hope you can get the energy and financial ability to leave him.

No. 1731196

a large number of parents think everything their child does is a sign that they're the future jesus or einstein

No. 1731197

thank you nonna
kek true

No. 1731199

no! never said i feel i am an exception and this is exactly why i was scared to speak out for many years. i have a few other diagnoses but specifically requested reasonable help for these specific ones. anyone else who has had anxiety/depression/adhd for 10+ years as documented by professionals certainly should ask for help and receive it :) the disability office even says they include mental disabilities such as these in their accommodations.

No. 1731202

yes it was through the office i had a meeting and had to submit paperwork and all. i feel very fucking tired i was encouraged to apply by my advisor and therapist as well and never asked for help in my younger years inside of school i just dealt with the bad grades and truancies. but nobody takes mental health seriously so i dont know why i bothered. still may just be a pain and the ass and keep asking for the rights i have and deserve like any other student with these issues.

No. 1731203

nta but is depression, anxiety and adhd actually considered disabilities now or am i misunderstanding..i honestly kind of agree with the third anon, most people have it without any special treatment

No. 1731206

They are considered disabilities where I live, but it may vary place to place.

No. 1731208

my university states the disabilities include both adhd and mental health conditions. i have had it my whole life without special treatment, so it shouldnt be surprising for me that im not helped when i ask for it for once. but nonetheless it does hurt that people like myself are not taken seriously.

No. 1731220

chiropractors are grifters. I loathe them. whenever someone talks about them I feel my head start to itch

No. 1731222

adhd is definitely a disability, for mental health conditions those can be more complicated hence why i didn't mention it. i feel like if you don't have lifelong or longterm depression or other mental health conditions, it shouldn't count as a disability. i was depressed in college but that was circumstantial, not a disability.

No. 1731227

oh my god yes, i thought everybody already knew this but it's like those chiropractic adjustment videos going around social media has spread the idea that chiropractors are helpful/good. i feel like it's similar to the pitbull trend where people see videos of them on their feeds and they're like "aww look at this cute dog playing, i now believe all pitbulls are safe and good pets". in the same way ppl come across videos of a chiropractor cracking someones back and go "wow look at this person getting pain relief, this must be really good" despite there being a bunch of studies and shit that proves it's useless at best and dangerous at worst. just zero critical thinking skills.

No. 1731242

Everyone gets really impressed by the popping sounds, which I don't get. I'm hypermobile, maybe it makes a difference for normal jointed people, but I can crack my joints by standing up and it makes no difference whatsoever, still in pain

No. 1731248

I am ovulating , I am incredibly horny and I wish I had a bf or some hot fwb right now because fuck this shit my mind is cloudy and I need a man to do his job and gimme a good time.

No. 1731314

What's the point of having a girl's club if there's a possibility of a moid being there on movie night? I'd like to attend the movie night but if there's a vote for if boys are allowed, nvm then.

No. 1731317

I don't think I'll ever be part of society

No. 1731319

there's seriously a vote on this? what

No. 1731330

I went to bath and bodyworks today and the candle i really wanted was sold out and will probably never be available again because it was only for fall. I am sad.

No. 1731333

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I can't think about anything other than killing myself. I've been in this depressive spiral for the last year, tried so many different medications and I just can't stand them. They make me numb but don't help with me being able to rationally know that killing myself is the only option out of this life. I can't stand the idea of having to keep living life.
The only good thing about my life in the last year has been my flatmate but now she's finally found someone she really likes and I can't get rid of the idea that she's going to get sucked up into this relationship and is going to leave me all alone. I don't have anything else in this life. Fuck.
I've started writing suicide letters to people and have a plan to poison myself with nicotine. The only problem is that I don't think I'll actually have the courage to do it. Then I'll just have made some kind of dramatic gesture and everyone is going to be mad at me.

No. 1731347

Nonny which candle was it? I know your pain kek I wanted another Moonlit Graveyard candle but they were all gone on the Canadian site Sometimes you can find people selling them on Mercari and other second hand apps. There's also the Semi-annual Sale in December where they sometimes put leftover stock in stores/online so there's still hope

No. 1731353

No. 1731365

Yeah, this is the second vote about it, and it's almost 50/50. It's legit called (city)girl's social club… so why? It's so stupid.

No. 1731372

i might have celiac disease and have to wait at least a month to test and get results, i'm going to be so depressed if this is true.

No. 1731384

Oh nona I'll be praying that it's not Celiac. What are your symptoms?

No. 1731385

life hurts so much i'm tired. i tell people i'm tired and they just go "you're not doing anything!" and i don't know how to answer
i really need this job to call me back. i had no idea getting one would be this hard

No. 1731389

I can completely relate to this anon, even down to waiting for a job to get back to me

No. 1731390

>The only problem is that I don't think I'll actually have the courage to do it. Then I'll just have made some kind of dramatic gesture and everyone is going to be mad at me.
i feel this kek. i have a solid plan i know it'd work but i also fear bitching out at the last second and just causing more problems than i started with…i hope we can both get a happy ending that doesn't involve death though

No. 1731394

Every time another software developer bitches about feeling unfulfilled/hating their job or it being too hard I want to punch them, especially scrotes. this applies to America and Europe etc idk what it’s like in India or like Africa If you were able to become a software dev you have upwards 95% chance of having a decent to great upbringing and are now in like the top 1% of the world over all. There are very few people in the world who have more ability to choose their future than you. But you want to whine about your wonderful cushy job in an industry that goes to extra lengths to make sure everything is ergonomic and high quality and promotes exercise and stuff? You could be out there in the 110 degree heat building apartments 9 hours a day or chasing around 30 snotty kids like a lot of much more worthy people are. Shut the fuck up and take a course to change careers if you hate it so much you fucking shitstain

No. 1731398

Damn I might have it too, but I haven't gotten properly tested yet, just that I'm predisposed to it. Did you get an endoscopy? What was it like, was it bad? The endoscopy procedure is really what's been keeping me from getting properly tested.

No. 1731404

Oh shit I almost thought this was about LC's movie nights and was about to lose it kek

No. 1731418

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There hasn't been a single cow that hits the same way Mira did…

No. 1731420

The site is called lolcow, and I just realized that there's not a lot of harvest moon memes here. Weird. Thanks for helping that problem.

No. 1731448

I've had acid reflex issues for the past year but I thought it was due to silent GERD and extremely poor diet and behavior (I was heavily depressed and my main symptom is a sore throat). I got the endoscopy for that, they said it seems like I have gastritis right after the procedure. Then today I got a letter about scheduling a blood test and possibility of celiac. My only symptoms I've had bloating as well as sour stomach occasionally for years. I'm also autistic, and apparently autistic people have celiac 20x as much as the general population. https://www.celiac.com/celiac-disease/celiac-disease-rates-20-times-higher-in-people-with-autism-r4588/

It was a very easy procedure, they use anesthesia and you wake up after. I was tired for the next hour, but it was nothing severe. You can't drive for the day though. My biggest frustration was scheduling it, I had to schedule it months before and wish I'd done it earlier.

No. 1731530

My obese mom and sister keep getting fast food almost every day, they keep asking me if I want any and I'm like no we have entire home cooked meals in the fridge right now. Idk how to help them idk what to do it makes me want to kill myself genuinely, I love them so much I want us all to get old together and be healthy. But my little sister is so young and already struggling with problems like prediabetes, she has to go to a hypertension doctor and shit and carry around a monitor and it is so dark and it feels like nobody in my family cares. I feel like I am taking crazy pills. I try to talk to them about it, how we can all meal plan as a family and I can help cook since I am home more, and they tell me I am being insensitive, that now is not the right time to talk about it. This is starting to become my last straw. I'm already deeply depressed and seeing them get worse and worse is not good for me, they are all I have. But they just won't listen to me, the doctors, or anybody

No. 1731565

I really hate that I didn't kill myself when I had a good chance to do so and I hate that when I tried, I failed. I am such a fucking retard.

No. 1731635

Its both funny and depressing how hivemind this website has gotten. I remember when I first found lc several years ago I was so happy I'd never have to post on 4chan again since an actual female imageboard exists and now I don't even like posting here much because anons will sperg out and call you a troon or moid if your taste/opinion doesn't fit into a specific epic based radfem mold. Can't have shit as a woman without someone trying to police you on it anymore, even your own people

No. 1731636

Please don't die, be safe nonna, I want you to be alive and well.

No. 1731638

I'm happy you're alive anon. I hope you can find some joy.

No. 1731642

Thank you, but why? I don't contribute anything and I have no future. I only leave trash and waste resources.
>try to create things yourself
Everything I do turns out shitty, shameful and retarded, I can't even look at it. I am deeply ashamed of everything that's associated with me, so I try to not create anything to avoid cringing at it later and feeling disgusted. Maybe I'm just meant to be an eternal consoomer, not giving the world anything in return, with no purpose in life, just to CONSOOM forever and ever (and greatly hurt people with my shitty behaviour in the process).

No. 1731644

You are worth more than 100,000 moids. Please keep safe. Happy you are alive

No. 1731645

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I shaved my head bc i caught feelings for a guy and wanted to kill my chances off the bat so that I wouldnt get let down in the long run.I wish I couldnt fall in love because I go insane whenever I do

No. 1731646

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>try to draw
>things aren't coming out right
>lose motivation
>give up
Get me out of this cycle. I just want to actually be good at this already.

No. 1731648

>You are worth more than 100,000 moids.
What exactly determines that worth? I agree that a moid is more harmful to everyone and everything around him, but I'm still a net negative and keeping myself around isn't a nice thing to do.

No. 1731651


I've been friends with two different internet micro-celebs. Can confirm this is true. One of them I traveled all across town to meet, just so she could spend the entire time looking at her phone and then talking on her phone to another friend of hers, while I was supposed to be hanging out with her. Another that felt the need to live on Twitter 24/7 to constantly update her followers with what she was doing and what the band we are a fan of are up to. She had an eating disorder, so I bought her some food one day and the first thing she did is show it off to her followers. Both people with really big internet followings but that I know have tons of issues IRL. They live to convince people how cool and/or knowledgeable they are, but are actually deeply insecure.

No. 1731652

anon nooooo now you are just sad and BALD

No. 1731658

yeah its bad. I can't even romanticize my sadness anymore because I look like a holocaust survivor. I just wanted to be as ugly on the outside as I am on the inside, I have bulemia, a cutting addiction, and am terminally online. The moids just make me feel worse because I know they don't actually care about me it's all sex.

No. 1731662

when did you realize this? i did 2 years ago, this place feels more restrictive nowadays, not fun at all
I did something similar a year ago, it's awful to have a constant reminder of your breakdown every time you look at the mirror, but don't worry, hair always grows back

No. 1731677

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Holy shit, my university causes me endless amounts of stress. I've had to navigate the administrative nightmare that it is, since the beginning of this year. Now I'm hoping and praying my graduation doesn't get jeopardized because of the comical incompetence that it has EVERYWHERE.

No. 1731678

> i did 2 years ago, this place feels more restrictive nowadays, not fun at all
Around covid time? So not too far off from you. I have stopped posting as much in general since it just stopped being fun, feels like all the normal nonas who just want to have fun ran away and we're stuck with miserable terminally online poser radfems now. I still occasionally post in some hobby threads on /m/ or /ot/ but besides that its always the same seething about irrelevant shit under innocuous posts.

No. 1731696

Covid era /ot/ was like a nonstop party full of hilarious and endearingly deranged people. It'll never be that way again.

No. 1731700

The tinfoil thread and random essay-long infights about vaccines were funny to read through kek

No. 1731718

remember when it got so out of hand oldmin shut the whole board down and everyone spammed /meta/

No. 1731725

Why? Do you not want to? Or do you just get isolated?

No. 1731728

He started treating me like I'm the ugly one. In the beginning, it took him months to actually believe I was interested in him. So incredibly careful and gentle with me, knowing he had to make sure he didn't fuck this up. He'd be paranoid and jealous of everything. Now that he's "got me," suddenly he's above me? And he actually made me believe it too. I've been sitting here comparing our selfies side by side, and holy fuck, he'll never get a chance like this again. You nonnies seen the "girlfriend effect" on Tiktok? Yeah, that. I made him cut his ratty hair, I made him get new clothes, I got him to cut his fucking nails, I even got him into skincare and he loves it. I motivated him to work out and get bigger. Still, I look way better than him. Know what he complained about? "You're my only option, but you have several." Yeah, he was bitter as hell. He was jealous of me.

No. 1731729

It's so hard to find a good job. I just graduated college and i'm tired of being unemployed. I've been looking for jobs but all of them are shitty and explotative. Another reason is that i don't have any contacts or references. I guess i'm doomed.

No. 1731738

he a lil bitch anon, i'm betting everything you're in fact prettier, don't entertain his ass no more

No. 1731750

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>no career goals
>can’t think of any kind of person I would want to date
>no desire to find friends, would be impossible anyway due to the following point
>sincerely not interested a single hobby or pastime, don’t even like watching tv or movies
>can’t find any music I like at all. It is all unpleasant to me.
Every day is another day of nothing. The only thing I enjoy is sleeping because it’s comfy and I have crazy dreams. When I get up on weekends at like noon, I loath trying to come up with things to do to fill the time before my 3:30pm nap, then dinner and bed. Sometimes I can’t come up with anything so I just sit on a couch or on the porch staring into the distance and doing nothing until it’s late enough for a meal, a nap, or bed time.
I’ve been like this for years, I’ve been medicated and done therapy and it makes no difference at all. My biggest concern is not being able to find things to fill the time until I die in like 50 years. So much time left and so very little to do.

No. 1731754

this was me earlier this year. it worked out though. fingers crossed nona try not to stress yourself out too much

No. 1731825


Thanks. I'll get whoever I can involved if I end up having to and shit really hits the fan. It's just embarrassing it would have to in the first place. Universities feel like they will never stop pissing away the thousands of dollars you throw at them. Same with anything else in this country you end up throwing thousands of dollars at - rental companies, utility companies, healthcare… Ugh.

No. 1731828


If it's any relief, I have contacts (Several now, even) and I still can't find anything. Even contacts aren't helping. Places have literally fucking frozen hiring anyone (That ain't only for internships or Senior) whatsoever. I quite literally can't even see any job postings that I could qualify for anymore. I knew it was pretty bad, but somehow out of nowhere it feels like it got just about 20x worse.

No. 1731860

Apparently dentists don't take dental insurance anymore because two in-network dentists I've consulted with billed me out of network and suggested taking out a loan in FULL. I mean with a lot and I mean a lot of budgeting I can afford what I need done so far this month but that means no toiletries, no buying shit on amazon, and definitely no eating out of any sort. Small price to pay for my health I know but its still insane. I wonder if most Americans are just in all kinds of debt all the time and if so how are they getting approved for such large loans time after time? Like who the fuck is gonna loan me a car after seeing me loan out 20-30k for dental work?

No. 1731897

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I found a bunch of papers in my mother's room confirming that I was diagnosed with autism at age 8. I'm fucking furious, she lied through her teeth to me for a decade straight. Not just me. My doctors, my therapists, my teachers, EVERYONE. I repeatedly asked her if I had ever been tested for autism and she insisted that I had been and I wasn't autistic. I have no idea why she would lie to everyone about this considering she was always the one insisting that I was too maladjusted to make decisions for myself. Thinking about how things would have been different if I had gotten the help I needed, all of the accommodations I could've been given in school, how much much nicer my teachers would've been to me if they knew I had a neurological condition and I wasn't just this freak of a child who couldn't cooperate with anyone or befriend any of my peers.

No. 1731899

Why were you going through her maralago files

No. 1731906

I don't pay my medical debt. Never have, never will.

No. 1731909

Here in America at least most dentists wont start working on you until you pay upfront.

No. 1731911

Im sorry nonna, i understand as someone who was diagnosed for a second time in my 20s but not even knowing about the first time for many years. I hope you can find peace and a better support system going forward.

No. 1731928

I decided to try a savoury pie for dinner to try something new. I don't like how the pie crust I bought tastes and I chose a bad recipe for the filling and also put it in the shell while too liquid so the pie collapsed. I'm pissed I just wasted 2 hours on this and have to finish eating the whole thing.

No. 1731930

I wish my mom would stfu and unplug from the internet, although I think the damage is done. She is so brain rotted and believes in so much bullshit. I miss when she'd just bitch about shows instead of going ape shit when a show says a conspiracy theory word/phrase.

No. 1731935

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i have intrusive thoughts of being followed, being framed for crimes, receiving threats of violence, being watched, being interfered with from far away by radiowaves causing me to lose sleep and track of my thoughts. my latest delusion is that my family is against me and is going to sell me out because they could not sell me when i was 14 to a husband. i go through periods of believing that my siblings and parents are all secretly super rich and own multiple properties and work for the government and can see whatever i am doing at all times. i believe then that they can control whatever i am doing by sending strangers to influence me or sending me thoughts telepathically. that i am secretly injected with disease and allergy causing vaccines. that they will steal my everything and are only waiting because i have not achieved anything worthy of stealing yet.

No. 1731936

I am sorry you are going through this and I hope you receive proper medication for your own benefit

No. 1731941

saw my loser ass unemployed ex who gained a ton of weight and is balding even more but his new gf is waaay out of his league. she deserves better!!!

No. 1731978

I was always into the "just dump him" ethos but I've just realised it's really not that simple for me. The cost of living crisis is so bad that if I break up with him I'll need to find an awful flat share with 4 or so strangers. I'm always precariously close to losing my job, if that happens I'm fucked too because there are no family to help me out. I can't even go travelling or stay with friends because I have too much furniture and shit that I would need to pay for storage, which would become a constant ongoing cost. I'm too stupid to understand my own taxes and things like that, it wouldn't take much for me to end up homeless. I think I'm actually one of those women who can't live alone after all.

No. 1732054

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When I was eight, my mother would beat me for any little thing that she thought was annoying. I wasn't allowed to stand up for myself, because she thought it was annoying to listen, understand, and address any problem that involved me "making a scene". So when my older step sister brought her bitch friend over to the house so they could kill my plants and bully me, I couldn't yell at them or complain about anything they did. But as if a God was listening, my step sister and her friend once tried playing on our Wii Fit. The friend got on the Wii scale, and it told her that she was basically a big fat bitch (her weight got into the red obese line). She was pissed off, and it made her leave our house with my shitty stepsister leaving the house too in order to make her feel better. I don't remember that cunt coming back to our house since our video game told her she was obese, so I have this to say to the Wii console: thank you. thank you for being able to clock BMIs and shit. thank you for telling that bitch she was fat. thank you for calling her what I didn't have the luxury to say. thank you.

No. 1732055

wow around 3 people deleted me because i have been offline more since my gf cheated and needed space. some "real" friends i guess i had.

No. 1732068

finally blocked and removed a guy who date raped and abused me at 19 as well as his pickme friend who chose to protect him over me

my retarded ass tried "forgiving" him and keeping in contact with him so now I probably seem even more crazy and dramatic to that circle. who cares, I know what he did, he knows what he did and his friends know even if they try to defend him and make excuses for him
I still feel so goddamn ashamed of how he treated me, like they all think I'm a stupid idiot who is simply bitter at him for playing me and not for the fact that he gave me actual trauma and actively preyed on me at a really vulnerable time

Kill all porn addicts. Men get off so fucking easy and they still have the nerve to complain. I wish I could out this guy but he had "rumors" even before and everyone looked past it because he's an uwu baby who had a tough upbringing

No. 1732080

1 month later, and this scrote is still pressed that I blocked him + told him to block me back, pathetic. Unfortunately, we are in a lot of shared servers because our friendship circles overlap, so there's no getting away from him. I legit don't acknowledge him or say anything to/about him, yet he still tries to find petty ways to disturb my peace, whether that's by indirectly talking shit about me or inserting himself into situations involving me.

We are both in our late 20s, yet this is how this 'man' behaves. I sincerely hope he never gets a partner because I truly feel like he'd be emotionally abusive to her. He's the type who aspires to have a tradwife, amongst other red flags.

No. 1732110

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At the point where I’m thinking of ending it all again. I have many reasons to live and there will be so many things that I would be taking for granted, and people I would hurt if I did. I’m festering. Like I feel really selfish right now because I just can’t see how I can keep going because I feel so low and I’m so upset. My skin was doing good like I was doing so well and in the course of a day or two all that progress was gone. All those months of getting better and having only the back of my knees be a problem area. Many sores were finally healed. I would be genuinely happy because I could walk around and fully extend my legs. It wasn’t possible every day, but it was more than before. I finally had my natural gait back. My skin wasn’t smooth but it wasn’t dry. Now I touch my back and it’s so rough and dry and I can’t move again. I can’t fucking move again I have to fucking crab walk again. I can’t power through the itch so good anymore and now my skin breaks so easily when it was so normal just a week ago. I’m back to having my skin flake off and open sores. My shit weeps, and it has been at the back of my knees but now my elbows weep too. I’ve been dealing with this stupid eczema for like over two years now and I just can’t go back to the massive flare ups I had. They happen at this time of year, so I think I mentally tripped myself up because I was dreading it. I got sick a week ago, it was literally nothing, but my mom freaked and was like “oh god it’s back,” and I think it fucked me up. It’s that this is so mental, it feels so good and it’s my only self soothing mechanism for my nerves and I can’t help picking at my skin. I’ve gotten so weak that any slight thing makes me wanna scratch and I get so feverish. It’s also why I’m thinking how can I move on. I’m like an animal that just resorts to bottom of the barrel stimulus. Scratching literally feels orgasmic. Yesterday I slept the whole day because I didn’t want to deal with my skin. I actively have to avoid that reality. And then my brother gets mad at me calling me a shitstirrer. And he gets so mad. I love my brother a lot and I’m a neet too but he’s been one since he graduated college in fucking 2011 so I don’t fully grasp what the fuck he thinks this is. He gets so mad at me for making my mom worry because she gets really annoying but he tells me to shut up and that I love to cause problems. Do you think I like to live like this? You hate dealing with mom? LEAVE THEN. So much shit I have to hear. I’m fucking over it. I can’t go back to those old flare ups. The last major one this year was so painful. My morale is low because my skin feels like a prison and I can’t anymore. It’s so unpredictable. I’m so mad at my state right now. So so so defeated. I’m not going to off myself, I really can’t. I need to find faith again. I want to die so bad though. Can’t stop thinking about it. Upsetting really. So mad at the shit my brother said and I can’t fight back. He keeps glossing over my shit and getting so mad when I want to do something about it. I’m not even going to get into how physically disgusting this disease is but it’s fucking disgusting and I hate not being normal. I think I’ll just fantasize about hanging myself so I could get rid of my skin and the way it wrecked my pleasure and pain receptors and I could finally stop having this mangled and candida filled body. Lord I thank you for the chance of life I’ve had and the beautiful body you’ve given me but this is retarded. I’m gonna keep going because I have to. I have to have to have to. It’s gonna keep blitzing my brain though. Each time I think it can’t get worse but it gets worse. This shit is disgusting and painful and pathetic.

No. 1732129

All the dresses I like look wrong with my body type.

No. 1732139

I got dumped by an ugly loser incel, AGAIN.
It’s really messing with my self worth, the main reason I go for such loser moids is because I feel somewhat superior to them but they always end up dumping me wtf.
Oh god, when will I ever learn to have some self respect and stop simping for the literal bottom of the barrel men?
I’m so jealous of girls who manage to have orbiters obsessed with them for years, I’m so shitty that I can’t even keep one even though I gave all of them everything they wanted.

No. 1732140

Another day, another news article about ”refugees” gang-raping a woman. It happened yesterday, near a place I wanted to go to tonight. She wasn’t even alone, and this is in a place that’s normally safe. Why the fuck is my country mass importing moids who don’t work and do nothing but rape and commit crime instead of actually vulnerable women. Why are us women not even an afterthought in all this. What the fuck is happening.

No. 1732142

Nonna the reason you go for loser incels is because you’ve got self-worth issues. When they inevitably dump you (because they’re bottom of the barrel shit) it reinforces your subconscious belief that you’re worthless. If you’re going to be dumped anyways, might as well shoot for a high-value scrote.

No. 1732156

my sister has been jobless for years and i think she's found the illness faker community online. she keeps claiming her two kids (12 and 9) have all these extreme chronic illnesses, autism, tourettes etc and always has them going to the hospital. every time i'm around her she is on her phone constantly. idk what to do but i'm really suspicious

No. 1732159

steroids, anon.

No. 1732165

Because he was an incel. They hate women. Don’t believe the media propaganda hot men are better people than the ugly nerd man. Incels have a permanent chip on their shoulder it’s not about you.

No. 1732190

I’m aware nonna, I just wish fixing self-worth issues was easier.
One other reason was that I always fantasised about a man being obsessed with me. But that has never happened, I was the only girl who had shown any interest in them and none were obsessed with me, they only liked me for a little bit and got bored after a while. They preferred being alone forever than having to deal with me and it’s just so disheartening.
And I also learnt the hard way that lonely man = porn addict.
However, I’m absolutely terrified of normie men. Somehow they seem even worse than incels.

Are they though? All men seem to be sexists and porn addicts. At least with ugly men you can be certain they won’t cheat, or at least they’ll have a hard time cheating.
Anyway, after almost a decade of dating ugly men, I’m officially done.

No. 1732206

I've been dating around a lot this summer and fall and I think normie men are actually better dates and lovers. They eat pussy without being asked, are less mentally ill and are more handsome. Normalfag sex havers are better lovers the grateful nerd is a myth they just hate you for stooping low enough to fuck them

No. 1732211

>. At least with ugly men you can be certain they won’t cheat, or at least they’ll have a hard time cheating.

Nope. Once the scrote manages to get one woman, even he knows he can get another at the same time. They gain confidence, and if you're pretty he's definitely eventually going to try cheating on you. Scrotes will never be grateful or anything they just resent you and want to hurt you more.

No. 1732218

In my experience men will obsess over women they feel are unattainable, that is, women who love themselves more than them, and who don’t love them back (or make them prove their worth before granting them attention) you might have to fake self-love until you make it at first, though.

No. 1732232

Anyone can cheat though (unless you cut off his feet and keep him in the basement)… I'd prefer to at least have sex with someone I'm attracted to, lol.

No. 1732235

This one is, unfortunately, true

No. 1732266

Every fugly man I dated was a piece of shit. You give “nice guys a chance” and they get an ego and think they can do better. They don’t value you. They’re socially out of their depth, emotionally out of their depth, and can never grow enough to be a good partner or even purse holder.
Dating literally the dude I thought was unattainable now and he’s the sweetest. He cleans the house. Does the dishes if I cook for us. Will cook for us despite it being out of his comfort zone. Sends me miss you texts with lots of hearts and has thrown drinks at creeps and protected me in public.
Look for educated. Good relationship with their parent. Has a least one good male friend and couple of friendly acquaintances. At least 6’0 so they don’t have a short man chip. Employed and has a car. Nice face. Has a couple of shortish long terms like a year relationship and shares a hobby or two. You want attractive or handsome and stable so you don’t have to mommy him.
I hate the meme that nerdy men are nice. They’re absolute dickheads. Even Henry caville is still an incel inside.
Hope it gets better for you anon. Don’t let the moids get to you.

No. 1732274

im fixated on my bf's past fling. his exs don't bother me - the reason i cant get over this fling is because 3 months into our relationship he contacted her. it was christmas and he picked me up from work. i had a bag full of goodies to make his family a tiramisu and was in such a great mood. then her name popped up on the screen of the rental car. his phone was connected and she was calling. i knew her name and knew they used to fuck. i asked him why he wasnt answering and he seemed nervous. she left a voicemail and i pressed play. her voice filled the car, some frantic msg abt how she got his text and "was worried abt him". she even kept saying "baby i love you" i grabbed his phone and opened this "message". it was some cryptic poetic shit, not outright romantic but way too intimate for my liking. i scrolled through their past messages and saw that he did tell her he has a gf now and she found my instsgram and stalked me and seemed jealous and upset. he knew she bothered me because i had seen her blocking and unblocking me. i didnt know she had stalked me and he didnt tell me. i made it clear when i gave him a chance that i do not do that shit. i dont share and i dont tolerate exs trying to hang on. he was a well known band guy and plenty of girls and ex flings were still interested in him. i fucking LOST IT. like most women ive been played hard and cheated on. i screamed at him the whole ride. i needed it to be clear that the consequences of trying to betray me are dire as fuck. i told him now he had to choose between me or her. i dont know what he told her but he claims he told her they crossed a boundary and he has to cut off their "friendship". ever since then she still stalks, blocks and unblocks me.

all of that happened in 2019. i mostly let it go after several bouts of retroactive jealousy.
earlier this year i noticed old comments pop up on his band instagram that weren't there before. it was her, unblocking me again. i clicked her page and she had poems about him pinned. they hadnt even seen each other for a year or more before i got with him. he claims he "wasnt into her" and told her they would "never be together" (MEN ARE SO FUCKING RETARDED REEEEE) and convinced her to move out of state. why the fuck was she still so obsessed w him? so i took my page off private so she could see that 1. im hotter and 2. hes still with me, and then liked one of her old comments so she knew i could see what she was doing. then i made him delete her as a follower of his band page. none of this is healthy, i know, but i have no female friends to help me thru this and men are no fucking help at all.

it worked but bit me in the ass. i stayed away from her page but then had a dream abt her so i was compelled to check again. she had since unarchived old photos from back when she was sleeping around with him. she had photos with his dog, photos he had taken of her in her underwear, things that destroyed me to see. even worse, i found her old tumblr where she had a tag for him and found screenshots of erotic texts he sent her back then, and post after post abt how hes her "favorite person" (ofc shes a bpdtard) and she loves him. they had done things together that i thought were special to us, referenced things i thought were "ours". he always told me it wasnt serious but she made it sound very intense and serious which made him contacting her in 2019 so much harder to cope with. well of course i screenshotted all of this and sent it to him. this time i didnt fight, didnt scream, was just totally defeated and dead inside. he was so pissed that im "bringing up the past" and we almost broke up.

i think he does want us to work and is over her. he says he deleted her number and email and i have his phone passcode and he would let me look anytime i wanted but i dont like looking thru phones so i never have. ever since then he is clearly making an effort to make me feel special and important to him but it all feels so fake. like he just does it to keep peace because we're settled and live together. their relationship seemed so fun and intense and i feel boring and lame. ill never bring it up again but inside i think about it every day. i walk around in a haze of pain. i can barely look at him the same. i used to be so affectionate and loving and now i pull away, dont text first, leave him on read…

love is so fucking not real nonnies. it's not real at all.

No. 1732287

this is a mess. what people post on social media is only part of a picture and not the complete reality. getting into a social media fight with some chick over a man basically is retarded. your man was retarded enough to date a bpdtard, now move on.

No. 1732289

i made the mistake of mentioning to my friend that my boyfriend and i are going to the pumpkin patch this weekend. she invited herself and is now messaging me about going. it was meant to be a date that my boyfriend and i do every year and i'm too awkward to know how to tell her that. ugh

No. 1732294

can't you just lie and say something came up and now you aren't going? like on the morning of, tell her you aren't feeling well and aren't going to go after all. if she tries to reschedule just say you have other plans already

No. 1732298

Tell her you were planning on going with the two of you as a tradition but you’d be down to go another time with her if that’s cool. Don’t overthink it.

No. 1732300

Yup this is how I like to be woken up by a screaming moid

No. 1732304

i think faking sick for the weekend might be my best option. feels bad though
i want to be honest but i dont want her to feel weird about it, idk youre right though i definitely am overthinking it

No. 1732306

Just tell her you and your boyfriend were planning to go as a couples date. If she's actually a friend and a reasonable person she'll understand and be fine.

No. 1732309

I don't trust your bf in this situation. He allows her crazy ass to orbit as a cop out. With BPD girlies, you have to cut them out completely because they'll take any and every opening possibly. Idk why she still even had access to his number. Are you absolutely sure he's cut out all contact with her?

No. 1732324

I posted in one of the old threads about my sister's bf telling me he wanted to go down on me and her taking his side and moving out. Since then, my married coworker who has a baby barely a few months old at home came back from paternity leave being a bit too physical with me before admitting he finds me attractive. I got really pissed because of what had just happened with my sister. I admonished him and kept telling him I didn't understand why he was telling me. He made up some bullshit reasons for doing so but I didn't buy it and just asked him if he had this idea that we would have a secret affair and he would cheat on his wife. He said that while he obviously wants to keep his wife and baby he's not completely chaste and can't pretend there wouldn't be thoughts about it. I told him I felt bad for his wife and left. I told my manager who encouraged me to make an official report. While this bullshit was barely settling, my sister came over while I was at work and took two of our dogs with her without telling me she was doing so. I am a huge dog person, my pets are everything to me, I and my sister had raised these dogs since they were puppies. They're 7 now. I didn't get to say goodbye. I cried all that night and all of the next day. I had enough and sent her a message that while I will always love her I cannot have a relationship with her and told her not to talk to me again. I blocked her on everything. I am incredibly depressed. I have been hurt by people before but it has never cut as deep as this incident with my sister. It feels like a betrayal. And this bullshit with my coworker, when I really like my job, made me so, so angry. I am very fortunate in that work is a very safe place for me. It felt like some asshole could sniff out that I have a bad home life and decided to fuck up the other place I spend the majority of my time at. I am so tired! I am so tired of the heartache. I am so tired of people thinking they can be weird as fuck with me with no consequences. I don't want to do this shit anymore. If something doesn't give I am going to snap. It feels like every time I think to myself "if more bullshit happens I'm going to lose it" God hears me and decides to test that just for funsies. I am at the end of my rope. I don't want to do this anymore.

No. 1732334

I'm going to ask Grandma for help with avoiding my abuser dad/her son-in-law today. Not looking forward to it because he has mom completely brainwashed and defending him at every possible opportunity so Grandma is my only hope for support (any love she had for him seems to have evaporated after so many years). They're going to be in town next week and I don't want them dropping in at my house. I'd rather not see them at all but we've got a family event to play nice at. I just wish my waifus were real, one's a major badass and would protect Mom and me from him, while the other is a based misandrist baddie and could convince Mom that men ain't shit and that she's better off back with her family that loves her and not her family that's isolated her across the country in a state where she's not allowed to drive.

No. 1732354

I work at a really cute retail store. A lot of customers tell me "you must love working here!" and I used to, but ever since we expanded my bosses have been getting stricter and we've been much busier. I no longer enjoy my job, and I'll be sad about leaving it but I think it's time I move on, especially since I'm kind of embarrassed by how I don't have a "real" job when I'm nearly 30.

No. 1732367

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Sometimes I post selfies on 4chan as a form of digital self-harm because I know they'll rip apart my looks. I have this idea that if I eventually put myself in enough situations where I'll inevitably hurt I'll get used to it eventually, but it's been years and I never have.

No. 1732368

I've been helping my mother out with taking care of my grandma who has dementia but after a real bad medical scare, I decided to switch places with her and have been living with my grandmother in her place so she can try to relax more.
After a week, it's pretty obvious why my mom felt so overworked and stressed. It's like taking care of a skeleton ghoul that's constantly pissing, bitching, eating, and decaying. Regardless, I love them both, and it isn't too bad. At the least, my mom seems better (when she isn't at my grandma's house).
My grandma constantly trying to steal my food and slapping me is driving me up the wall though.

No. 1732369

*inevitably be hurt

No. 1732372

Thank you

No. 1732373

if that's her man, then why's he over there (with you)?

No. 1732382

Agree with >>1732309, and he's a retard for getting mad at you for bringing it up. 2019 was not so long ago, and he was clearly being sketchy as shit at the time, if not straight-up emotionally cheating.
>their relationship seemed so fun and intense and i feel boring and lame
If he was with a "fun and intense" bpdchan he'd be messaging a girl like you in between fights to whine about how he wants something stable that he can count on, how tired he is, what a burden she is, and how he wishes you'd save him. Some men are just never happy with what they have.
>ever since then he is clearly making an effort to make me feel special and important to him but it all feels so fake
This is commendable, though, and way more than most moids can manage. Try to be objective here nonnie, if he really cut her off and has been trying despite your emotional distance, maybe he does value you.

No. 1732384

I used to think like you. I was bullied irl quite a lot and thought that hanging out on imageboards enough would make me thick-skinned and immune to insults. It doesn't, you just get traumatized and start hating yourself after years of internalizing the negative self-talk. After I went to college and made some normie friends they actually ended up organizing an intervention because they thought I was going insane, when I was just repeating things I'd been reading online for years, this place included.

Your self-esteem will only get better if you start hanging out with normal people and ignoring imageboards altogether.

No. 1732385

Your bf is sus. You can find a better man with no bpdrama attached to his name. Start looking now, nonna.

No. 1732398

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> can't get horny over rl men who like me
> get waterfalls over 1 fictional man
> prefer to fantasize about said fictional man than go have sex with one of the guys who's into me
and I was called a slut kek, if only those idiots knew
I don't know how the fk I should feel about this but I'm glad that I actually DO feel horny and sexually aroused for the first time in forever.

No. 1732399

Girl… I used to be in a band with four guys and watched this type shit play out in real-time. I’m gonna be straight up, idc how much he says he wants things to work with you, he doesn’t deserve them to. He clearly is behaving in a way that is NOT correct, he won’t ever tell you the true nature of the relationship with this unhinged girl, and you’re better off without him. I know you prob feel like sunk cost fallacy since you’ve been with him awhile, but as a former band girl, band guys are NOT EVER WORTH IT. They’re all scummy af, even the nicest ones in the local bands with zero clout. I’m pretty sure even good boi married for ages with kids Jim Adkins from Jimmy Eat World is a cheater tbh (which bums me out).

No. 1732403

Why can’t you get your dogs back nonna?

No. 1732405

I'm starting to that music career is like the military career: they always attract the worst dudes so if you see a man affiliated with either, you might as well turn tf back around.

No. 1732406

Just started an ssri, day 4 or 5, and I am not doing well. I cant think straight. Im anxious. I feel sick and cant eat. The biggest event of the year is tomorrow for my job. I dont know if I can do this. I am supposed tp be preparing today and I cant even get stuff together its like my brain went dark. I dont want to do it tomorrow. I dont know what to do.

No. 1732411

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>me after zoning out and picking the skin on my face until it's a bleeding scabby mess for the 694072683th time

No. 1732413

Call your psych. Tell them what your experiencing and ask them if you should discontinue use. Make sure your taking your ssri in the morning after breakfast. Don’t drink or smoke with it. I’m sorry anon. Deep breaths.

No. 1732417

You're exactly right. Nonnie's problem is that she needs to learn that if you're going to allow a moid into your life: make sure he's absolutely worth your time. Too many moids are pieces of shit, look like shit, don't know shit, and don't do shit. So if you are going to pick a moid, make sure that male would be your time's worth. That he's attractive, intelligent, morally adjusted, has a good job, etc. It's also my take on having kids. Women having kids with ugly losers are not so smart, because if you're going to do the massive sacrifice of being a mother, at least make sure that male has good genes.

No. 1732423

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Fuck his brother or fittest friend (jk maybe) and move on silently. Go on r/nocontact it you need motivation to not reach out

I did all of the above and he backpedalled after a year of silence and became obsessed with me as he was with her. He flipped us basically the more he realized i was gone for good. Men are always making songs about the girl they don't have because they are FOMO brained bastards. They complain about their BPD exes whether they're broken up or with them, but always think of them and gravitate back.

You are miserable. Being alone hurts and is scary but you are closing off opportunities for something much better. Rip it off and get on with it, band boys are emo faggots anyway and probe to malding at 30

No. 1732428

I’m such a loser.
>socially anxious
>ruined my life
>turning into my mom
>Iboy crazy

No. 1732438

Accurate. AYRT and the guy in the band who was the only clean cut “nicest” one was the most toxic of all. He constantly tried to have a thing with me and even tried to hook up w me (i said hell no obviously) when he was in the early stages of a relationship that went on to become his wife and mother of his child. All the time I wonder if she has any idea how he treated women before they met, how he acted towards me; I wonder if he is still a nasty scummy cheating little weasel.

No. 1732448

my mom’s been so terse lately. like really intensely harsh on me for petty reasons and it’s killing my soul. earlier i tried turning down the volume of some music she was listening to and she just blew up at me

what really hurts about it is that she’ll always like, fake apologize…she’ll be like “well i’m sorry for treating you with an intensely negative and sarcastic attitude and mocking your voice when you ask me simple questions but you get that you made me mad right? like you were acting retarded.” that’s a exaggeration but you get the idea

she also whines and complains sooo fucking much. she’ll ask me for help then immediately go “because i mean holy shit! [insert random insult here]” and it makes me not want to do anything. i don’t know but i’m tired. i wish i could get out of this house kek

No. 1732451

my mother in-law is such a petty bitch, I want to push her down the stairs. I wish I didn’t have to live with them, I am miserable here…

No. 1732459

They are my and her dogs so I don't think I can force her to return them. And my mom who was home at the time didn't stop her from doing it. The plan was always for my sister to take them eventually, but it was supposed to be when her and her bf found their own place (they're currently bumming with her bf's mom. Who lives in a really small place. The mom shares a bedroom with her other son. My sister and her bf are on the couch) so I was completely blindsided and didn't think it would happen so soon. Maybe I'm being dramatic but I honestly never want to see the boyfriend or my sister again. In what world does your boyfriend tell your little sister that he wants to eat her out, and you side with him and move out instead of dumping him? I understand it logically and was trying to be as sympathetic and understanding as I could be because she's my sister and I understand what it's like to date a manipulative man, but after taking the dogs without even letting me know she was going to do it seemed unnecessarily cruel. I didn't do anything wrong here and I'm the one being punished for it. I'm over it.

No. 1732464

I'm not really boy crazy, but I can relate to the rest of what you say nonnie. I tried to improve my life but it's an uphill battle and I'm extremely lazy.

No. 1732472

If it helps… you don't need to be college educated to get an office job. I did a bunch of Accounts Receivable youtube videos and practiced on Google sheets and said i did it for a small LLC in my fam (fabricated). I had autistic fixation on it even though it was boring and now I can afford my weeb merch

No. 1732481

I'm always nauseous and fatigued, i just want to enjoy life

No. 1732508

I'd get my thyroid checked if I were you, I was the same and turns out I had hypothyroidism

No. 1732518


I’m trying to get my soon to be exhusband out of my house and it’s so fucking draining and it’s really affecting me. We’ve been separated for 3 years, he doesn’t work and receives disability benefits, doesn’t pay shit, hardly cleans, steals, doesn’t cook. The only thing he has in his favor is that he’s a fun parent and my kids seem to prefer his company over mine so I know they’ll be very angry at me. I it makes me sad. He groomed me since 13, he groomed my best friend as well but didn’t end up pursuing her. He had groomed a fucking 12 year old before me but long distance. I’m scared that if I allow shared custody he’ll one day hurt one of our daughter’s friends. I wish I could still press charges but apparently they might not consider my case because there were times where I reciprocated his advances so he gets to get away with it all.

No. 1732527

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UPDATE: I took a walk, no longer fatigued or nauseous. Life good
I was about to check my thyroids next week haha! my mom and sister got thyroid problems too so it's kind of a given at this point. How do people treat thyroid problems? meds? diet? i hope i can get help for my acne too

No. 1732543

Is talk of suicide allowed or nah?

No. 1732551

we've been talking about suicidal thoughts for years here. just don't suicidebait, that's annoying. I saw the thing on /meta/ and it was taken out of context it's not like suicide is a banned topic. correct me if I'm wrong.

No. 1732553

Yeah, but don’t ask for advice to kill yourself or the sorts, you also can’t give advice to others.

No. 1732559

Nta but what is the difference between talking about suicide and suicide-baiting?

No. 1732561

saying "i'd kill myself if ___" is apparently bannable now though even if the poster is exaggerating and not planning on doing anything. even in context the ban didn't really make sense tbh

No. 1732571

Do your mom and sister have Hashimoto by any chance? it's high likely you got it too
Make sure you get TSH and especially THYROID ANTIBODIES checked.
You will have to take medication forever, it's a smol pill in the morning, on an empty stomach, 30 mins to 1h before you have your first meal. It's mandatory to take it on an empty stomach because otherwise it will not absorb properly
Diet and exercise help a fuckton. In my case dairy and gluten make things worse, but you'll have to do trial and error
For acne, if it's hormonal, spiro can help a lot. I'd get tested for PCOS too if possible, I had a combo of hypo+pcos .

No. 1732574

feeling so hopeless recently sorry im typing like a zoomer cuz im tired but i recently left my islamic home because i couldn't juggle all my lies and mental illness anymore and my father's mood swings- even if they weren't directed at me anymore. I had dropped out of uni and made a ultimatum that id either commit or leave by the summer and i left.

it's been up and down since then. my boyfriend has been the only person helping me get back on my feet and he's been amazing, he literally does everything right and it's wonderful but it stresses me out and frustrates me so much that i have to rely on him so much not only financially but also emotionallly. i never had many friends or close relationships before moving out (apart from the bf) and now i've left the communoty i've had to cut everyone off and live alone in a new city in a different region in my country.

It's been extremely difficult, authorities have provided no help because they're incompetent, I've had lots of trouble getting jobs and the jobs i get have been for semi illegal scammy companies that have taken advantage of my desperation and paid me under minimum wage for exhausting work. I've had to struggle for money and have had little to no food at some points and i just feel so alone and depressed. my boyfriend tries to make me feel better and is always there for me and is even taking me on holiday for my birthday next month but it doesn't fill the hole of my need for familial love. this is something i've always struggled with but it's come to an extremely painful head now my relationship with them is strained to nonexistent. i feel so horrible being so depressed and angry and experiencing so many mood swings around my boyfriend when he is so consistently patient.

I have so much frustration and conflicting emotion inside me. most of the time i don't feel justified in leaving and feel like a disgusting person for choosing myself over my family and making them suffer the emotional and social consequences of me leaving. I wish i had a friend or someone who could understand my situation, i feel so invisible and alone.

No. 1732598

I don’t think it was about saying she’d kill herself if [x] since the redtext was “(sperg)”.
You’ll know it when you see it. That was just my opinion that it’s annoying. Kinda hard to suicide bait while anonymous, you’d have to personalityfag first or keep replying to people saying you’re really gonna do it this time!! etc.

No. 1732600

Samefag but yeah I feel like I'm in this pathetic cycle of wanting to do it, and then being to much of a bitch to actually do so. I know that a part of it is wanting attention/sympathy, and when the thoughts fade, I just look like a dickhead for acting all sad and shit. It's stupid.

No. 1732603

Sister was venting about a situation and I listened and supported her, 50% because she had been treated badly and 50% because she can’t take criticism. Then she started being passive aggressive so I gray rocked her, eventually she gave up trying to start an argument and ended the conversation with “have fun at (cousin’s name)’s party, say happy birthday from me”

Realized the dumb bitch had mistaken my friend’s party for our cousin’s (they have similar names and birthdates) and had been trying to start shit with me because she thought she hadn’t been invited. I even said it was my friend’s party but she just hadn’t listened. She’s 34 but mentally about 12, I swear.

No. 1732608

I’m at a loss at what to do with my life. I’m going back to school and going to try to get a MIS degree for a sense of security when building a career but if I had the financial security I would just be studying full time at my local atelier trying to build a comic/storyboard art career because that’s what i truly want to do. Why couldn’t I be open passionate about something more stable?

No. 1732616

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It's my birthday and my husband spends the whole day playing a video game because it's launch date was the same day as my birthday. I didn't want anything in particular from him but somehow it still burns.

No. 1732619

god why are men like this? why do some of you subject to these creatures? i bet he's ugly as fuck too, you deserve better

No. 1732630

That's fucked, you deserve better than that nonny. I'm sure he'd have a fit if you sat around browsing lolcow all day on his birthday.

No. 1732636

Happy birthday nonna! sorry to hear your husband doesn’t value you. He seriously couldn’t put down a video game for a DAY to take you out for a meal? Or get you something nice? It’s not like he HAS to play this dumbass video game the day it launches, once it’s out it’s out and he can play whenever he has the time.

No. 1732638

Happy Birthday nonnie ily and I'm sorry your husband is a total scrote.

No. 1732641

happy birthday nona! i'm sorry he's made you feel this way, men truly suck and i hope he makes it up to you

No. 1732642

throw the entire scrote away nonny

No. 1732650

next time it's his birthday spend the entire day doing something on your own and pretend it's not his birthday.

No. 1732671

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Every single guy I've met recently and have been seeing or have been talking to (online or irl) is bald/buzz or balding. Is this God punishing me?
I'm in my early 20's and every guy has been around in their late 20s. I see more middle aged men with full heads of hair every day.

No. 1732672

I wish I could meet the nicest guy in the world the sweetest guy and he'd become my bf

No. 1732676

I’m afraid all of the nigels are currently taken, you have to make reservations at a later date

No. 1732694

I hate that I can’t talk about being ugly without people denying it, giving me false compliments, or accusing me of hating myself. I understand that many people (mostly men) base my value on the way I look, but that doesn’t mean I do too. I’m ok with who I am and I’m grateful for the body and face I have even though they’re not beautiful. Sometimes I just want to vent about being ignored or treated unfairly because of my looks because it hurts, not because I need validation or flattery.

No. 1732697

Lmfao who the fuck wants to spend their birthday with in laws? Crazy ass

No. 1732698

I wish women would have refused to date balding men so that they would have genocided themselves

No. 1732713

i only feel hate for moids
for women i either feel nothing or feel empathetic

No. 1732721

Thank you. Ive been on this before and its done good for me, actually the only drug that seems to agree with me. Its side effects from starting again after being off for quite some time. If I keep going I know it will be beneficial. Im doing just fine at the moment, I think my best bet it to take the drug later in the day because the anxiety and brain paralyzation happens a few hours after taking. If i take it in the afternoon tomorrow instead of the morning, the mental shitshow will hopefully be delayed til after work kek. Thanks again for the reply, earlier was not at all a fun time.

No. 1732725

Me and my boyfriend of 4 years just broke up and he's literally the only person I ever talked to and hung out with irl because I'm a social retard. I don't have any way of organically making friends right now through a job or school either.
I have some surface level online friends but it's just not the same as actually going out in real life and planning to do things together. I already want to find someone easy to rebound with but my life is in such shambles and my mental health is so fucked up that I don't think anyone can ever accept me like he did again.
He was kind of my only support system and everything was already falling apart before this so to lose him too is fucking awful rn. Therapy doesn't work, meds don't help, rawdogging life just makes things even worse… No idea wtf I can even do anymore. I'd just get it over with and rope but I don't want to make my parents and dog sad.

No. 1732734

i'm also exmuslim and i'm proud of you for doing what you needed to for yourself. i'm going to be honest and say being in a position of depending on your boyfriend sounds really scary and i hope you can get work soon.
>most of the time i don't feel justified in leaving and feel like a disgusting person for choosing myself over my family and making them suffer the emotional and social consequences of me leaving. I wish i had a friend or someone who could understand my situation, i feel so invisible and alone.
you don't need a justification, your needs and desires are enough. it's natural you feel guilt because it's a serious thing to leave your family and cause them that much distress. but it doesn't make your choice wrong. would you like to keep in touch? i can make a post on the friend finder thread.

No. 1732781

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There was this altogether probably inappropriate game people were playing at work when they said who they thought was fuckable. Nobody said me.

No. 1732787

My life would be so much easier if I didn't care so much about adhering to my morals. It's really made my life miserable. I feel like shit all of the time. I'm the only person I know who lives with so many self-imposed limitations. I think I could make it work if I was mentally healthy otherwise but I am constantly anxious and upset at things for reasons I can't even understand. There's no logical reason why someone having a celebrity interview on in the background or two people having a conversation about music theory or someone trying to make small talk in the elevator with me should make me so upset i almost throw up. It is torture to live in my body.

No. 1732788

Valid, same nona. I just have to keep it to myself or vent here to my fellow nonnies. One of the most exhilarating things in life is falling for someone and the possibility they might feel the same. It sucks being cut off from the experience that makes people feel alive because I know the answer is no. Everything will always be a desperate one-sided thing for me.

No. 1732793

I will be talking to someone at work and inside all of a sudden i will be hit with the biggest stomach-dropping feeling of existential dread and despair about nothing in particular and i have to keep looking at their face and talking like i am normal inside and i look in their eyes and think
>they have no idea and they will never ever know
and my field of vision starts feeling like a movie screen and I am in the audience watching from afar.

No. 1732800

Good, that’s gross. If it was me they wouldn’t have said it because I’d hate them afterwards lol

No. 1732803

No harm to any women perpetuating to the weird expectation my bf has of that I should be wearing styled put together outfits for sitting on a sofa all day. It feels awkward as fuck in my opinion to be sitting dressed as if I am going somewhere but instead will be sitting next to a man that thinks wearing a sports top and jeans is the height of male fashion. Also, it's disappointing spending longer getting ready than any foreplay and sex it might inspire. If you're not too tired.

No. 1732804

I started binge eating to cope with the loss of my wife and stress of being a single mom, and now I feel awful about myself. I have been stopping, but I feel disgust with myself. I hate it. I hate how I broke so hard that the only thing that could stop me from crying is eating like a pig. I gained 20 pounds in 2 weeks. Im trying to lose it without falling into eating disorder behavior, but it’s hard. I look horrible. I’m depressed. I’m sad. I only live to serve my kid, and I never care for myself. I only shower in the dark so I don’t have to see what a horrible mess my body is now. I know I’m mentally ill, but knowing doesn’t fix it.

No. 1732818

Are you the person a few threads ago who lost her wife in a car accident? sorry if youre not

No. 1732819

I think I'm 7/10 without make up on my good day, and it hurts me because I always wanted to be a 8. Bitch you were not born a stacy, you lack that facial symmetry and pretty teeth and tiny elf nose, just accept it…

No. 1732826

i find myself dissociating so much these days. or escaping into escapism. i don't know. i can't believe i'm back at home being abused by my mother though. yesterday she strangled me with a wire for giggles. i don't know what to do, i can't drive or anything. do i try for a woman's shelter? what do i do about my laptop, though?

No. 1732831

You need to get away. You can try for a shelter yes. Your laptop is such a funny concern to have but I can relate because I used to worry about my things too when I was planning my escape (I literally brought a wicker trunk with me, don’t know what I was thinking lol) but you can take a laptop with you it’s ok. Just get out.

No. 1732850

It’s ok nona, take a deep breath, you are not bad because you binged you are not failing. It’s impossible to gain 20 lbs of fat in two weeks even if the scale says that. Stop looking at the scale. Drink water. Be kind to yourself you are going through an incredibly difficult time, no one would be perfectly mentally well in your shoes it’s not like you’re doing it wrong, you are grieving it’s okay. Reach out to people in your life for support, stay strong for your kid you can get through this I promise the only way is forward

No. 1732858

i'm so bored i need a job but also i'm intensely scared of change and managing my parents' reactions to it

No. 1732859

Yeah, it’s rough. I’m barely scraping by. I can’t talk to anyone irl so I go to lolcow with my problems
Unfortunately, I don’t really have anyone irl to reach out to. I had an abusive family, I only talk to my brother and cousin, both of which can’t or won’t help with baby. I have no online friends either, they left once I stopped hanging out ti be with family. I just wish I could have my old life back

No. 1732870

Sorry I don’t know why I said “reach out”, I can’t do that either lol. I was being stupid to say that. wish I could be there for you … at least we have this place to vent

No. 1732871

That’s terrible. Easier said than done but don’t even worry about your weight right now. Surely there is a grief support group in your community? You could come into contact with nice people and resources for struggling single parents or affordable mental health outreach. How old is your kid because they might benefit from something like that too.

No. 1732884

I know this bad. No borderline even if this seems borderline.
I'm suddenly so suspicious of a person my girlfriend used to interact with online who she didn't tell me about. It's unclear if they're still in contact or if it was anything more than platonic, but I've convinced myself that she was in love with this person and probably liked her more than she'll ever like me because of (insert a flaw or shortcoming or reason that I'm not her perfect dreamwoman). Why else wouldn't she tell me about it? Rhetorical question, I know this makes no sense.

It would be unnecessarily combative and manipulative to ask her about it, I'm also not keen on letting her know that I've read everything on every social media platform of hers I can find. It was out of obsession and not insecurity but now I'm using it to fuel the latter. Oh boy do I want to ask outright and cause conflict and recreate the environment I grew up with, though. Oh boy. I want to suffer and cry and fuel my self-hate.
Instead I'll vent here. Maybe I'll ask in a casual way that weaves it into conversation. Not today, on a day I can handle it. She doesn't deserve yo be treated this way, she's so lovely and has her own problems. I never want to upset her.

No. 1732895

i can't make calls because she'll hear but i sent a few emails. fingers crossed

No. 1732896

i wish i could have sex with someone who can do magic tricks for me. i'm sad.

No. 1732897

File: 1697861164730.jpg (42.03 KB, 1500x1100, balloon-animal-poodle-51053309…)

sorry to hear you're feeling sad nona but what do you mean magic tricks, like turn his dick into one of these? genuinely curious.

No. 1732900

that would be funny and cute if he twisted his dick for me but no i meant like card tricks or sleight of hand ones. i'd take juggling too i really want to see a man juggle naked.

No. 1732905

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this guy i have been talking to recently seemed cool, until he for no reason started making a lot of weird and uncomfortable sexual jokes at me. granted we met online, but he would say things like "let me sniff your belly button" and did retard roleplays in discord dms like "cums in mouth". i was kind of nervous of telling him confrontationally but i basically went "hey this is super uncomfortable" and told him about my similar experiences, to which he laughed and said "oh did i give you trauma?" it made me so fucking mad and grossed out.

he did apologize, and admit he was being retarded but jesus christ, what prompts someone to say that? one of the very few times guys have taken accountability towards me tho

No. 1732906

Block his ass.

No. 1732907

Holy shit block his ass forever, nona. Please tell us you’re not still talking to him?

No. 1732909

i never thought i’d make it past 18 and now i’ve realized that i ruined my entire life because of that. i never got a license, never finished college, never really looked for a good job. i don’t even have skills, like i can’t think of a single thing i’m actually good at. i was better off killing myself before people could realize what an absolute waste of space i am.

No. 1732912

How old are you? I mean, unless you have a terminal illness that’s actively trying to kill you, I’m sure you can do all of those things with lots of patience and willpower. You can develop a skill, get a nice job, study and so much more, it doesn’t matter if you’re 50 or 60 years old, what matters is that you at least try to do something, and if you don’t like it, there’s nothing wrong with it, you can just keep trying to find something you can at least tolerate.

No. 1732913

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Just stole my brothers oxy. He was a dumbass and threw gasoline on some fire. I’m also a dumbass and relapsed bc I missed a test. Can’t wait to feel good again. It’s been four years. I missed it.

No. 1732915

we play the same game and meet in the same lobbies, so i will have to see him over and over but i just want to at least keep us on positive terms for the most part.

won't be talking to him tho, hes older than me and i legit felt like i was being groomed or some crazy shit lol, im just kind of tired and all of my anger has basically escaped me now, but thank you nonnas

No. 1732917

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I am doing 4 things at once and i suck at all of them, it's extremely depressing and overwhelming. If i were good at at least one of these things i would feel like life's worth living, but sucking at them makes me feel like i was destined for failure and no matter how much i try it will never amount to anything.

No. 1732931

File: 1697867204027.jpeg (128.76 KB, 1024x1024, OIG (2).jpeg)

The really nice looking ai art in some threads over on /m/ has me freaking out. What's the point of drawing anymore? It's my only hobby and I've put so much time into trying to draw images how I want them to look. But now ai can just pop out something authentic looking and I want to scream. Pic related is a shit example from a prompt i shat out on bing ai. I just feel like drawing is worth nothing now. After all the years of learning just down the drain.

No. 1732933

Do it for yourself. The mediocre artists that are pumping out ai images (the worst ones to me are the ones where they try really hard to make it look like traditional media kek) are incapable of doing what you can do. We have no idea what's really going to happen in the coming years, it's important to keep practicing and not lose the skill. At the end of the day, you are creating something all on your own and you are nothing like the creatively-bankrupt grifters that use it to seem more skilled and imaginative than they really are.

No. 1732935

ai is simply a mishmash of the work of actual artists. if what you want to do is draw is easily generated, yes it can be discouraging. but i see drawing as a form of communication, and being able to communicate exactly what you mean is beautiful. when i draw, i can enter a kind of flow state of both challenging myself and relaxation that's very good for the mind. pretty anime art like that is nice but bores me in the first place, so ai's ability to generate that kind of work wouldn't phase me.

No. 1732936

the vast majority of ai art looks like slop to me, literally a mash of preexisting art. like, I get that it's funny to see a visual representation of your shower thoughts, but never for one moment do I think it replaces real art. make something new and unique with your own personal style

No. 1732954

i am lucky that the style i want to achieve it's the most anti-ai one, i feel bad for the people that just want to draw cute generic anime art though…

No. 1732958

I miss my mom so fucking much and it's such a mindfuck because I notice literally every day how greatly it has improved my life to cut contact with her but the pain goes so deep. It's this heavy mix of fomo, lost potential, hope and grief. I miss her so much but I have to keep reminding myself I missed her already too when still living with her, and it destroyed me.

No. 1732980

Finna OD or smth. Thanks for being cool, ladies. Thanks for providing laughs and catty bullshit to break up the monotony of my shitty life. Love you bitches.

Feels good.

No. 1732998

I remember you, anon. I was hoping things were getting better for you, and I'm sorry to hear that this is going on! I feel like your sister's doing these cruel things to you because she has no control in her relationship or life, so she's trying to recoup whatever control she has by punishing you. It's wrong, and there's no way to excuse it - but I wouldn't be surprised if she's utterly miserable while doing this. She's with a scrote that has plainly demonstrated that he would cheat on her, and to dig the knife in deeper, with her SISTER. Her living situation is utter shit as well. I can't imagine she's happy with how her life is going, so she wants to make sure you're unhappy too because she's unwilling to leave this loser/creep.

I'm truly sorry that she took your dogs from you. It's unfair to put them in this situation, but I have a feeling that they'll be returned at some point. Again, her living situation sounds terrible, and bringing 2 dogs into a small space like that isn't feasible. Pity your sister for not having the self-respect or emotional capacity to realise she's not valued by her boyfriend, and that he isn't worth wrecking the relationship she had with you over him. You are in a much better position than her to heal and grow, and you've demonstrated so much strength in reporting your coworker, too. Good on you for establishing boundaries and not deviating from them. Good on you for not giving up in the face of adversity. We don't know each other, but I'm proud of you and am wishing you all the luck in the world.

No. 1732999

The fact that I know the game is Spider-Man 2… I'm sorry that you're going through this, anon. Speak to him about it; it's unacceptable. Happy belated birthday. I hope you managed to do things you enjoy!

No. 1733002

my friend is balding at 24, lmao it's so over for straight women, robo AI husbandos cant come sooner

No. 1733003

Don't do it idiot, we will miss you

No. 1733006

Can’t think of anything more cucked than get pregnant by a broke, ugly, abusive moid, give birth to a violent, low functioning autistic moid that wants to beat you up and then promoting heterosexual relationships on women and complaining that “modern women” have high standards.

No. 1733008

The worst thing about being a woman is that not only men hate you, but women too. It feels like everyone is against you.

No. 1733012

I agree 100%. You meet women what have been treated like subhumans by their boyfriends and husbands tell young women that they have to find a man before it’s “too late”, then when you bring up red flags they tell you that you’re superficial or have high standards. It’s honestly so scary. Men treat us like shut because they know they have a hoard of pickmees that will defend him and gaslight the victim. It could be your own mom, sister, mother in law. I will never date a man unless he enhances my life SIGNIFICANTLY. I do not date for love. Men aren’t capable of love, why do you see them divorce their wives and abandon their kids after 25 years of marriage? Moids are more loyal and form a stronger bond to dogs, their bros and hookers. Now imagine being a breeding factory and a housekeeper for this moid. Absolutely disgusting.

No. 1733014

File: 1697879350910.jpeg (757.4 KB, 1170x1724, IMG_1140.jpeg)

I hate moids so much I hate them I hate them I hate them. Once you see you can never unsee.

No. 1733015

I agree with you anon, i do digital art for years and seeing AI makes me somehow uneasy, but people will soon realize that AI has only like 4 artstyles (stolen from artists) and crappy generating example the character has 3 hands etc. and they will appreciate real arts soon

No. 1733024

More straight women need to be told this: "If he wanted to, he would." I see this too often where these women are in LTR with men who won't marry them. If the relationship breaks down, they usually find that the next woman their ex gets with is the one he'll marry. A lot of these men also only get married or stay married for selfish reasons. Hell, the man I had an ill-advised emotional affair with (I regret it with everything I have; trauma-bonding is fucked up) even explained why he wasn't ready for divorce despite him being miserable for several years and fundamentally incompatible with his wife: "I'd lose half my money, my house, my pets, my friends." He even pulled out the sunk cost fallacy. These men will keep women trapped in relationships they can't fully commit to because of that inherent power imbalance; unless their partner has iron-clad boundaries, there's nothing to incentivise them to do better (and even then it's soured because if they do commit it feels like it's out obligation/external pressure rather than a genuine desire to take the next step). They may profess to "love" their partners, but they don't respect them at all. I've learned a lot about men over this past year, and it's honestly made me wish I wasn't attracted to them.

I feel especially sorry for this woman because she's done the hardest thing by having children with this man before getting the ring she desperately seems to want and deserve.

No. 1733030

there are studies that show men are happier as married men because of all the benefits they get from parasiting women, meanwhile women are happier single and without children

No. 1733032

Most men dont love their gfs, they are only viewing them as placeholder gfs until the "true love" comes. Men feel no shame about wasting years off a womans life to get the benefits lf easy sex, a clean house and half the bills paid

No. 1733033

no matter how many friends i have, i still feel lonely and hopeless about the future

No. 1733047

A man was complaining to me that he nearly quit his job yesterday because a female coworker gave him the cold shoulder all day. This was after she greeted him in the morning. He was so mad about it. Men are such entitled fools. There could have been a number of reasons she wasn't chit chatting at work imagine taking that so personal. He wanted to quit! Felt like asking him how good looking she was for him to get this worked up

No. 1733052

>cry one night
>get headache and jaw pain
>still have both 2 days after the fact

No. 1733056

File: 1697885572699.jpg (97.55 KB, 1440x1405, 77.jpg)

yet another night ruined because some dumb bitch can't stop snoring and there's nowhere else to sleep

No. 1733091

Single women are happier and healthier than single men but most studies show that both sexes are happier married actually and they live longer too

No. 1733092

care to post the study? being a married woman sounds miserable honestly

No. 1733133

The current conflict is making me loose respect for so many people, more then any other big social debate or conflict in the past lets say decade. Some of the takes I've seen posted by random people that otherwise never post about these kind of thing has left me stunned. Most of them would consider themselves woke or progressive too.

No. 1733134

Pretty sure studies showed women live longer without men and men die sooner without women. I wouldnt want to be with a man. they sound like soul suckers

No. 1733150

>most studies show that both sexes are happier married actually and they live longer too

No. 1733158

Tried to find sources to hoe marriage impacted women's health and found this.
>The researchers out of Japan’s National Cancer Center examined the medical records of half a million people in their 50s in Asia over 15 years and also determined that married couples had a 20% lower risk of dying from accidents, injuries and heart disease.
>Previous studies largely centred on western populations leaving evidence in Asian populations “limited.”
>The team examined data of 623,140 people, who were an average age of 54 and were mostly (86.4%) married.
>During the 15-year study, a total of 123,264 fatalities were recorded with most deaths resulting from cancer (41,362), cerebrovascular diseases (14,563) and respiratory diseases (13,583).
>People with underlying conditions such as cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure were more likely to live longer if they were hitched.
>When it came to heart disease, heart attacks and heart failure, 17% of singletons were more likely to die from a circulatory system disease, 19% had a greater risk of dying from an accident or injury, 14% had a higher risk of suffering from a respiratory disease such as lung disease or asthma, while 6% had an increased risk of dying from cancer.
>That said, researchers noted several factors that could play a part in the correlation, such as people with lesser financial means who have underlying health conditions may not be considered marriage material.
>Married men saw the biggest drops in mortality rates, with research pointing out that men who are tied down are less likely to take risks, get into accidents or consume alcohol and drugs.
>The “protective effect” of marriage, where a partner encourages their spouse to seek medical treatment, could be a contributing factor, according to the study, as are better financial situations and healthier lifestyles.
>Bad news for women, though, as a deep dive into the data revealed that their mortality benefited less if they were married.
>Researchers said that could be due to domestic labour not being equally divided in Asian marriages, thus putting more stress on women which “may counteract the health benefits of marriage.”
>The study also pointed out that unmarried women are more likely to have a job and have more money and access to better health.
So the claim that married women die faster doesn't seem to be that wrong, because marriage is very frequently a drain to women's happiness and resting.

No. 1733159

I can't believe she went a damn decade taking care of a fucking moid, gave him TWO KIDS with literally no ring on sight or any type of arrangement to her favor, I just don't understand, why would you do all that for a moid that didn't even suggest marrying for a decade? Why would you involve kids?? And she's still surprised he's just marrying her out of convenience?? He literally got free service and children out of you without even claiming you of course he's doing it out of convenience, he already knows you ain't doing shit about it

No. 1733162

I have blonde hair and blue eyes and it seems like every guy I talk to prefers something else.
>inb4 cry me a river replies
Just trying to vent. I've had guys compare me to every race/type that I'm not. They've made me feel masculine compared to every other race. I fucking feel like JustPearlyThings

No. 1733163

It's wild. I used to work with a dude who had a massive lump on his arm and he just covered it up with his shirt. When I asked him about it, he said it had been like that for months and he's just gonna ignore it. Men do not like going to the hospital unless they are forced to by a woman. I've heard countless stories like this. Women need to stick together and just let men die. lmao

No. 1733164

If you are having a kid with a man who has zero intent on marrying you or providing, that's your own damn fault. Women need to stop thinking kids are bandaid to fix a relationship.

No. 1733165

Let me guess, you ran into those "yellow fever" race fetishists who think only Asians can be the epitome of beauty in women? They're too stupid for you, nona.

No. 1733181

were they by any chance obsessed with kpop? that would explain a lot

No. 1733218

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>mrw some scrote tries to tell me about different birth control options when I say I'm not on it
Men really think we're brand new

No. 1733227

I feel asleep when I was about to masturbate last night and now my neck hurts so bad

No. 1733237

this shit stresses me out and aggravates me so much
I refuse to take birth control but I feel like the next scrote I'm unfortunate enough to date will try to pressure me into taking that shit and bringing up all the different options as if they all don't fucking suck lol

No. 1733241

Men will suggest and fight over anything other than just putting on a fucking condom. All so they can have the "extra good feeling" for their inevitable, 2-thrust, little-effort orgasm. More moids should have happy yo use condoms, maybe it'll make them last four minutes instead of just two.

No. 1733253

moids be like: my right to have a little bit more feeling in my penis during sex in which I get to cum every time anyway > your right to not want to be suicidal 24/7 and plagued by acne, yeast infections, BV and dry vag and/or die from blood clots

No. 1733257

>oh you don't want to fuck up your hormones? how about inserting a metal object in your uterus with no pain relief that is likely to malfunction if not straight up hurt you and also to result in an ectopic pregnancy anyway
scrotes don't FUCKING deserve it

No. 1733283

nonnas I'm really tired of that stupid analogy men give with the key that unlocks a lot of locks is a master key but a lock that unlocks with a multiple key is a bad lock or shit like this
I've seen men be so vicious with their double standards about sex related things and the fact that they thought their explanation was actually a well rounded justification made my eyes roll in the back of my head. ofc if it was women saying or doing the same thing we would be awful , if they do it it's fine

No. 1733285

holy shit i want to add to this, I was arguing with a guy friend lately who got his gf on the pill ,for sex purposes ofc, and who kept debating ME, A WOMAN, that pills are safe and it takes time to get used to them BUT THEY ARE TOTALLY OK, i went absolutely mental on him and nothing I said or provided proof of changed his fucking mind, and he's actually a really smart guy
the irony is they broke up before he even got to have unprotected sex with her lmao and he's suspicious her behavior changed because of the pill, well no shit sherlock, HORMONES.
don't get me started on women who insert objects in their bodies JUST so they can have unprotected sex with their man, women risking their health for men drives me nuts

No. 1733289

lol they don't give a shit
a prior male friend tried to whine that his gf "didn't want to" take the pill as if it was something arbitrary that she just didn't feel like, I wanted to alog so bad

No. 1733291

no matter how much you try to convey that it causes the women they claim to love to suffer immensely it just does not compute. if it involves their penis it's more important than women's lives, their brains literally can't feel guilt or empathy for us and only see women's pain-driven reluctance as an impediment to good dick feels
you can scream about the side effects until you're blue in the face, moids will just stand there slack-jawed and retort "but muh penis?"

No. 1733293

asking this in asian countries or conservative cultures where being unmarried as a woman is so much more taboo, looked down upon, and bad for a woman's social standing isn't the same as studying this in western countries. where yes there is stigma against women who don't marry, but it's not the same level.

No. 1733296

File: 1697903370251.jpg (612.29 KB, 1416x1872, 1551166765718(1).jpg)

I think men are lying when they diss women they perceive as "whores". I learned that men send hate mail to women in the porn industry, because men get triggered when they see women having lots of sex with men who don't look like themselves. If women in the porn industry are such "nasty whores who don't deserve love", why do men still care about being "represented" in who pornstars fuck? Also, look at picrel (sorry if it's low quality). It's mentioned that men actually do care if their girlfriends or wives attract the attention from other men, and that their own attraction to their girlfriends/wives goes up the more she's basically ogled at. Attracting the attention from men is something commonly associated with being a "whore" or a "tease", but men seem to love that trait in their own wives.

No. 1733310

Next time if he wants to argue about how it doesn't have an effect, ask him why the hell I always get asked if I take the pill whenever I have to go to the gynecologist because I worry about having breast cancer or a fibroadenoma.

No. 1733313

I already have a problem with this post as it claims men get more attractive as they age. It’s ignoring reality that no men age like milk. They gain more resources and become more manipulative as they age making it easier to exploit younger women.

No. 1733315

"men imagine attractive women are into them"
oh lord you should see this shit in the balkans, in 30+ couples, where most women are really pretty , dress well, wear proper makeup, are at a normal weight and the guy is often times fat with a beergut
> men actually do care if their girlfriends or wives attract the attention from other men
lmfao guys i knew always said they don't want other men looking at their girl yet the moment they snatched a hot one it was bragging rights 24/7 and their ego went off rails, and they ALWAYS pick on us women for wanting to date hot guys

No. 1733317

I dont think it's trying to say that older men ARE more attractive, the headline was just trying to say that "the same is not true" specifically meaning that women are more forgiving to men aging than the other way around.

No. 1733328

It really says something when despite greater hardships and stigma against unmarried women the findings are the same across the board. Marriage increases men’s and decreases women’s life expectancy in both the east and west.
This article really tried to present the situation as different in Asia by using “people/couples/singletons” rather than “men/women” until they had to at the end. Describing healthy married men in an ocean of incel leeches as “tied down” etc really exposes the nature of whoever is presenting the data. Once again, they want to pressure Asian women into stereotypical marriage while pretending it totally isn’t exclusively for the continued benefit of men.

No. 1733331

Asian, black, and hispanic. Also a lot of mixed race women who I guess are super exotic. Every type I'm not. Makes me feel like boring masc mayo.

No. 1733336

>This article really tried to present the situation as different in Asia by using “people/couples/singletons” rather than “men/women” until they had to at the end.
I feel like an idiot for not catching this, thank you. It really is crazy to consider that being with men literally leeches years off women's lives.

No. 1733338

You're not boring or basic just because some retarded scrotes can't differentiate their own race fetish and the actuality of beauty. Nothing ever seems to be good enough for men because black, Asian, and Hispanic men talk shit about their "own women" all the time. I've seen native american men do it too.

No. 1733340

i can't wait until i can take the beginner driver sticker off my car, literally a target for scrotes to antagonize me. making eye contact with me while i recenter my car for what reason exactly? asshole.

No. 1733362

Seriously, how are they so completely braindead that they don’t see they’re just repeating themselves. “It’s bad when you do it and good when I do it because it’s bad when you do it and good when I do it”.

They’ve already decided women are locks and men are keys. The purpose of a lock is to stay closed and it’s convenient for whoever owns any specific key for it to open multiple things. They answer the question;
> “why is it wrong for women to have sex?”, with
> “because I’ve decided your purpose is to not have sex with anyone unless it’s me!!”,
And they think that isn’t obnoxiously retarded.

Women are not locks, men are not keys. Since it’s men who dedicate their lives from childhood to “getting a girlfriend”, suicide out of loneliness and only work to financially impress a wife/stripper/drawing of a woman. Doesn’t that genetically make the basic average woman a master key while men are a bunch of shitty faulty locks?

No. 1733371

Yes you are correct but men literally are so retarded they think “hurr durr it work bc women have hole like lock and men have weener like key, key go in lock like benis in fachina” and that’s it. They won’t hear your logic at all because they are really that stupid and that single minded

No. 1733399

File: 1697910074488.jpg (29.63 KB, 1280x73, 01.jpg)

lol you have to see what i read in an anime thread this morning
went in for anime discussion, got misoginy instead
it was related to a character that a lot of women apparently found super hot and kept fawning over
>it's totally ok and even funny if men do it
I can't take this mental gymnastics

No. 1733406

i like how all 4chan threads manage to devolve into "woman bad", no matter what they're originally about (i assume your screenshot is from 4chan)

No. 1733421

4chan is such a moid cesspool it fucking irks me everytime. literally cant go to some boards without some retards whining about women cause they cant get pussy

No. 1733425

you are correct yes, and the devolution never ceases to surprise me
I just want to have an outlet to discuss my hobbies but some threads are unbearable

No. 1733448

you can try crystal cafe, even tho its small
i'm annoyed cause i got banned from there for no fucking reason, but 4chan boards and threads are OK since many of them are just about discussing passions, threads like /mu/ however are just unfortunately too retarded to enter

No. 1733450

I wish every terf/gc could just come out and say that openly and get this madness to go away

No. 1733503

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one of the only decent fan artists left in the old ass fandom I’m in trooned out and then turned her cute self insert OC into a troon as well. had to unfollow because all her posts now are full of obnoxious anti-terf virtue signaling. can’t have shit.

No. 1733579

File: 1697922009538.gif (425.9 KB, 220x220, cant it end already.gif)

>be me
>slicking to some porn to relieve stress
>suddenly see a very young boy with a grown woman ON FUCKING PORNHUB
>immediate turn off
>report it
…..i feel gross and horrified now .why cant moids rot in hell…why is this on there why…how does this shit slip in?

No. 1733595

I’ve been in three comas over the last three years because I suck at killing myself. The first one left me unable to walk for about a year. The most recent one was this January; I was found face down in the snow with an internal body temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, having had a bunch of seizures. I still don’t know how I keep surviving.
Since then, I decided to make a bunch of changes to my life so that I wouldn’t keep wanting to be dead. I’m currently retraining as a mental health nurse, I’m attending clinical psychology appointments, I started dating and found a partner. I moved away from family members who were abusive to me in the past and quit my old shitty job. Overall, my life has quantifiably improved.
Nonetheless, I still want to die. I have fantasies of having access to medications that I can cleanly OD on when I get put on placement. I cut myself again yesterday after months of not doing it. I am shocked by how easily it comes now to cut straight through to the muscle. I’m not even trying to be an edgelord when I say I can barely feel it anymore. I’m putting on a good front at university, my lecturers like me and have even offered me some teaching work (since I used to lecture in a different subject). I exercise, i eat well, I sleep well. Things are good, so why do I still feel like this? I can’t stand the company of others. I’m not sad but nothing feels good. I usually don’t feel anything except resentment. I’ve been trying hard to build a life that didn’t make me want to die, and I’ve done well, but nothing really has changed about how I feel. The mental health team can’t really put their finger on what’s wrong, other than “trauma”. I think this just might be my emotional baseline.

No. 1733597

what else did you expect from pornhub? or porn in general

No. 1733603

File: 1697925057901.jpg (52.79 KB, 540x605, tumblr_8102f844169973710587612…)

my best friend is a coomer and its so fucking exhausting and pathetic but shes my only real irl friend so i cant drop her. i can see how much it is rotting her brain in real time. She cant have any real conversations unless its about some anime bullshit or coomer weeb shit. she literally has no filter anymore and talked about hentai in front of my entire family. I'm not a prude but literally joking about that shit in front of my mother is embarrasing and inappropriate. i had to search for something on her phone and her search bar was full of previously searched porn terms or sites. she knows how much i hate porn and how much i hate the industry and she just doesnt want to accept anything is wrong. i feel like im hanging out with a fucking preteen boy who just discovered rule 34 but we are in our 30s. how do i get through to her before its too late i hate this

No. 1733610

no because i dont even watch porn and I once was sliding through yt shorts and found literal child porn, like a woman putting her fingers on a babies privates. I had nightmares and cried for months

No. 1733622

Are you sure it wasn't just a manlet

No. 1733623

>coomer weeb shit
ok how bad can it be
>talked about hentai in front of my entire family
hol up
>we are in our 30s
nonna what the fuck, is she single? this woman sounds like she needs therapy
does she have a stable job and income, or hobbies?

No. 1733629

I want to have a boyfriend
But in practice, every guy I talk to repulses me

I didn't think I'd end up being a 21 year old virgin but it happened

Maybe my standards are too high

I don't know, it kind of sucks

No. 1733631

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I'm so fucking stressed.
At what point do the police take you seriously when someone's stalking/harassing you?
My ex has had yet another cluster of trying to contact me, multiple phone calls from some random number, given my info to people to pass on messages etc. He's been stalking me online for the last 3 years, I only found out early this year.

I rang the non emergency number a few months ago but they said until he makes a threat against me they can't move forward with anything.
In this cluster he's admitted it's stalking. He's said some threats but I don't have the screenshots because this was before I knew he was stalking me and figured he was still just bitter and venting.
I've tried being nice and talking in a server, I've tried blocking and deleting, I've asked him to leave me alone, I've told one of his irl friends he had contact me and told him that this has been going on for 3 years now could you please help him.
I think he's developing schizophrenia, his age is when it starts to rear its head in adults. He has said that his hallucinations are getting worse to the point he's jumped into the road because one ran at him. He knows my suburb, I've talked about my area enough that he could easily find my apartment.
He's had a girlfriend these last 3 years but didn't stop him, from what I can tell they've broke up now so I'm so worried all that energy is going to be pointed at me now.
There's so much more but seriously do I just try the police line again and hope whoever I get is more helpful than the one I spoke to before? He's admitted to stalking in the texts so surely that means something?

No. 1733639

I know it’s easy to say but you’re not missing out on much. Men are repulsive. You have to kind of overlook it and let them grow on you if you want to be in a relationship with one.
I swore off men for a bit after a physically abusive relationship and became a diehard husbandofag. I recently got a boyfriend again, but honestly I think I was happier living in my fujo delusions. Even sex is better alone.

No. 1733643

Is sex actually better alone?
Sometimes it feels so nice I wonder how a guy could possibly top it

No. 1733645

yeah that site is known for having cp issues

No. 1733650

Genuinely, yeah. I think a lot of women struggle to climax with men. Also, if you’re not attracted to the man or properly turned on, it just kind of hurts (not even in a good way) and is uncomfortable. Not to mention the UTIs and pregnancy risks. Personally I’d still choose masturbation over sex with my moid.

No. 1733653

theres literally articles in the ny times about CP on pornhub dumbass

No. 1733654

Saw cp on twitter. It was in some shitty anime tag, completely unrelated. I closed the tab immediately but wish I had reported it. It was definetly underage (like under 10 years old). It's so fucked. Like I'm a shitty WEEB fag but wtf is with all the cp on main sites?? It has to be bots posting right?

No. 1733655

>I’m currently retraining as a mental health nurse
Maybe don’t

No. 1733681

I'm sorry nonnie. The only reprieve from a stalker is shooting him. Police won't help, getting other males to beat him up don't help, talking to his parents won't help, they win unless you literally wait for them to come into your home so you can claim self defense.

The police would only do something if it's attempted murder otherwise they wont hold him for long if at all. If you are American pls get gun safety training and a pistol. It is the closest thing to an equalizer we can get in this life

No. 1733686

Living with my mom again this round (can't keep my life together for more than 2-3 yrs at a time) has been pretty good but I feel such immense guilt if I don't help her clean on the weekends and she has been wanting to clean every weekend, I mean deep clean too, and I just want to get drunk and cry this weekend. I think she knows if we're not cleaning then I will end up just getting drunk and isolating in my room though so maybe its her plan all along. I'm such a failure of a child, she must be humiliated

No. 1733696

none of my friends give a shit about me.

No. 1733699

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ugh I am waiting for my Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy game to arrive and it is days past the estimated delivery so I have had to open up a complaint thing

No. 1733701

My coworkers are the most annoying people on this fucking earth and I deserve a $1000 check for every day I go without killing them in a strictly joking sense

No. 1733703

And to think some nonnies even found their bf there is incredible

No. 1733708

Then just don't fuck men. Its the only punishment you can give them, really. Or start cheating if you're in a relationship and make him raise your bastard. He will never know. If you're really pissed fuck his dad or something, that's known to tear them apart. You don't need to listen to male barking, just break them.

No. 1733711

I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this. Unfortunately the other anon is correct. Get training and a license to have a firearm, and prepare yourself. I hope it won’t come to that, but if it does…you need to protect yourself. Does your ex have family you could contact to tell them how unhinged he’s being? Sorry if that’s a stupid question.

No. 1733715

This is true Dark Feminine energy and like…I don’t hate it kek have a GREAT night nonna

No. 1733725

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>Or start cheating if you're in a relationship and make him raise your bastard. He will never know. If you're really pissed fuck his dad or something, that's known to tear them apart
>reddit post where a pathetic scrote whines about his girlfriend getting revenge by fucking his superior brother.
>source: (https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/s/TOmG4V2pMh)
>My ex girlfriend got revenge on me and I’m so broken
>I ( M25) have been with my ex girlfriend Carly ( F23) for nearly 10 years, we were high school sweethearts and we had a good relationship up until after she completed college.. adulthood has been putting strain on our relationship so bills and finding sustaining jobs has been a challenge. We started arguing a bunch and just started overall being annoyed with each other existence. We weren’t sleeping in the same room let alone be intimate. It was a tough time to say the least, we tried therapy and I felt like it wasn’t working. I honestly wanted to be done but I couldn’t break up with her because we lived together and she helped me get out of debt. So I did something horrible and I started cheating on her with her childhood best friend. I thought she would never find out and my gosh I was wrong.
>Yesterday afternoon I came home and she wanted to talk and without hesitation she jumped straight into it and asked me point blank if I was cheating on her and i ofcourse tried to lie and she just starts laughing and says “ I knew you weren’t going to admit it but I was going to give you the benefit of doubt. So now I just feel less guilty..” I just confessed to her and she just looked at me and didn’t have any expression nor speak. When I finished she just laughs and told me and I would never forget it..“ honestly It’s fine because Louie was over last weekend and we had a great time” my heart dropped to stomach, because Louie is my big brother.
>I just thought it was low blow on Carly given she knew how insecure I was about my brother, he’s the golden child and literally always did things 10x better than me. I’m stuck having to have some sort of relationship with him and meanwhile she can just drop her friend. My chest and heart has been hurting so much since I found out and I’m so broken. I know I was wrong for cheating first, but if she knew why didn’t she just break up with me first. I called out of work because I feel like throwing up just thinking about It…
>Edit: I did not intend for this to be a viral post, I’m just extremely hurt and I get I fucked up… also yes I know she did because she offered video proof and my brother has been dodging my calls. I’m going actually insane right now and all you people here are just obsessed with kicking me while I’m down and it’s Fucked up. Like I get lol so funny… she won good for her. Also with the debt she helped me paid off she just did it from her inheritance …I didn’t ask her. If she asked for the money back I will be willing to set up some payment arrangement with her.
honestly, good for her.

No. 1733731

that's a MASSIVE win… and kinda kinky!
Awh anons here are all so sweet

No. 1733738

>don't fuck men
>become a walking womb to some random moid who won't even help raise it
>fuck a really, really old, geriatric scrote
what? maybe you should make up your mind
>dark feminine as a good thing
>kinky as a good thing
twitter/tiktok tourists much?

No. 1733740

Girl I've been here for 3 years. We're just in a good mood and I wish that was infectious.

No. 1733743

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Im also a 21 year old virgin, its really difficult to find a guy to connect with.. It feels like everybody in my age range just wants to hook up and nobody actually wants to be in a loving long term relationship

No. 1733747

It's finally happened. I'm finally old enough (25) and not dating anyone so my parents are constantly trying to show me any moid now in hopes Ill like him. Wtf is this deranged behavior. No I'm not into random moid you found at work or a reunion or some shitty political event. No I'm not interested in dating, and even if I was, like I'd let you two pick for me. Thank God I'm an Ameritard or I think my parents would literally sell me to the highest bidder moid. Fuck them for pretending to love me but then treating me like I'm an old Christmas cake and I need to go out on the market. Even if I got married my parents are so not invited. I only talk to you for my sister and cousins. Fuck. I'm so pissed. Id rather die alone.

No. 1733750

>try to vent about getting bitten and smacked by my grandma to my brother
>"feel bad and/or happy 4 u, not going to help tho. BTW this movie I watched with friends is cool. Still complaining? Here's a link to betterhelp lol"
The only good moid is an AI one.

No. 1733754

Being 21 and virgin is normal honestly

No. 1733755

>3 years
Nta but that's quite new, a lot of people used this website during the pandemic. That said I don't mind having fun so just ignore that person whatever

No. 1733756

nona, as someone considered "exotic", nobody prefers me. every time i see a post about "the guy i like is into latinas/asians" it makes me wonder what is wrong with me, i don't get that special treatment or feel desired. i promise you're not masculine or anything, men are just really weird. a woman acting her age and thinking critically turns them off

No. 1733766

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I'm not american, I cant own a gun here because the laws mean I need to bolt it to the floor and we're renting. I'm fucked.
He has family but his parents hate me (one reason why I dumped him) and I doubt they will give a fuck anyway.
2 more people have contacted me from him I'm so fucking stressed. I know I shouldnt message them but I'm hoping to get more documentation so the cops might take me seriousy

No. 1733770

Same, nona. Every time I get close to feeling lonely and feel like I'm missing out, I remember things like >>1733296 >>1733158
and realize husbandofagging is not pathetic, it's an ensuring reminder that I won't have to deal with that. Not to mention the slew of other horrible risks that are increased when you date, avoiding men is a survival tactic. Even the nicest of of the bunch soon dropthe nice act and reveal their true motives and backwards thinking. A man will never take a woman seriously in the same way he takes another fellow man seriously. Would you want that in the back of your mind, knowing that the only reason he's with you is because he soon wants to turn you into his masturbation tool? Men were never supposed to live as long as they do now. They serve a purpose and one purpose alone. There is no man out there that could dramatically improve my life.

No. 1733773

Your grandma bit you? Wtf?

No. 1733776

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I finally found a retarded little game to play that gives me something to look forward to daily. Im still fucking depressed but just having something positive I can focus on a little a day improved my mood. But of course it has a retarded gen z fandom. I went to look up something for tips/tricks on its subreddit and of course it's largely filled with posts saying every cool girl character just MUST be a trans girl or all the guys are big giant fags. Everything must be gay or trans for them apparently. Im trying to not let it ruin the characters for me. It's just annoying that so many unbearable young teens have to impose their intolerable personalities on fictional characters that actually seem wholesome and nice.

No. 1733777

I'm so fucking sick of the Shriners and St. Judes dying cancer child ads during every single ad break. Fuck off. It's not heartwarming. I just want to watch TV without freaking out over my own failing health. None of the money can really be going to sick kids, they run so many ads that all the money is going to more ads.

No. 1733781

Having a cup of ice cream for dinner because everything is stressful.

No. 1733782

I'm probably gonna look like a piece of shit for saying this, but I really wish those types of advertisements would stop showing footage of extremely starved children, at least right off the bat. I clicked on a video for a gameplay, and I got jumpscared by a small child that straight up looked dead because of malnutrition. Of course, it was an advertisement for donating money and goods to starving children, but fuck man I wish they would at least put a warning before showing things like that.

No. 1733783

Are you allowed to have tasers or other self defense weapons? Worth looking into.
If I was you I would nuke everything online and change my phone number so there’s nothing for him to reach you through, move and get a new job. I realize that’s difficult or impossible depending on your situation (I don’t have contact with my family and don’t have many friends so it’s way easier for me to become a new person by moving because no one would know and the people who would know would never let a weird guy contact me through them). Have you considered giving your contact information and socials over to a trusted friend so they can monitor them but not tell you unless it becomes alarming/important? Then they can also forward you information you might want. Kind of over-creative but it’s an idea.
I don’t recognize the screenshots you posted is that discord? Get off discord it’s not worth it.

No. 1733788

>the debt she helped me paid off she just did it from her inheritance
Women should never help support scrotes financially. I don’t know why so many women think these bottom feeders will respect them for helping them when they’re at their lowest. Everything is a competition for them, and having a woman help them is admitting defeat. As soon as he got the opportunity he cheated on her to get back at her and feel like a man. Fucking pathetic.
>If she asked for the money back I will be willing to set up some payment arrangement with her.
I promise she will never see a dime of that money. He’s just trying to save face. Good for her for getting the last laugh though. That shit is priceless.

No. 1733789

money donated to those places is not really going to starving kids, not a significant amount. They are scum using sick kids to get donations, no one with a heart would make that kind of ad. It’s just like PETA, an organization for getting donations with nothing to show for it. Do not ever donate to them. This is a product of the TV and internet age that won’t age well, in the future it will come out how heartless and predatory these organizations are.

No. 1733790

No my country is fucking retarded, I can't have anything that is a weapon even for defence purposes. No papper spray, no tazer, no pocket knife, no stabby keyring. I'm keeping oven cleaner next to my door. It's discord yes, I'm worried if I nuke everything he will then message and harass my friends and family who do have social media in an attempt to find me. I'm going to have to change my number but it'll be such a pain in the ass on top of my name changing because I'm married now. But needs must I guess. So fucking stressed and annoyed

No. 1733791

She's suffering from dementia but my brothers have been "too busy" to visit her, let alone help with making sure she doesn't eat something she isn't supposed to.

No. 1733794

NTA and I’m 33 but from what I’ve heard it’s normal now. COVID took away a lot of socializing opportunities for people who are 21 right now. 2020-2022 were a black hole on their social life so they’re playing catch up now. Or maybe I’m wrong I don’t know it’s what I hear online.

No. 1733796

My ex also developed schizophrenia and harassed me online, he even travelled 6 hours to show up in front of my apartment once. My best advice is to remake or delete all your discord/social media accounts and only telling people you really trust about your new account info. Tell anyone you are staying in contact with that knows him or that he might message to refuse to pass on any messages to you or just block him right off the bat. Screenshot all messages he has sent so far for a paper trail. If at all possible, move away from where you are. Otherwise get cameras around the place. If you know where he lives you can even send a cease and desist to get a foot in the door for a restraining order, but as long as he doesn't harass you IRL there isn't much you can do legally. Schizo men are the worst, sorry you're going through this.

Check if there are any pepper sprays meant for wild animals, some countries that don't allow it as a weapon against humans still sell it as bear pepper spray etc.

No. 1733798

That's exactly what I was thinking when I read that post. All of her revenge would be perfect, had it not been for that handmaiden move to pick a scrote out of debt. And he said she used her inheritance money? If I had inheritance money, I'm not spending it on a scrote.
I agree. To just show such graphic imagery like that for an advertisement feels like an idea from a person who's unwell in the mind.

No. 1733799

>no pocket knife
I wouldn’t even suggest that as a self defense weapon unless you’re a master of the blade (lol) but that’s so retarded your country made that illegal wtf
Does your spouse know about him?

No. 1733804

holy shit kek, thanks for the link nona. knowing reddit its probably someone's creative writing, but
>Lol leave her alone because if you piss her off more she will start comparing dick sizes and at that point you will need to get a new family.

No. 1733809

Unfortunately I don't think I can hide my Facebook if I remake it? I'll look into it. I have no other social media besides discord and it really sucks that I'm going to have to remake it since I've had that account and share servers I've been in for 5 years now :/. Noone I know knows him so no mutuals. We can't move, I've been trying to move since I found out he's stalked me but the rental market here is fucked, I went to a viewing that had 70 people waiting and more coming. I can't carry animal spray either, unless I'm camping it's not an excuse and if the cops stop me to search I'll get fined. It's fucked. I'm fucked. It's awful but I low-key hope he kills himself so it stops this and im finally free. Someone he went a month ago to pass on a message I ended up telling the full story to and now she let's me know stuff if he's being particularly bad, his gf must have dumped him because apparently in-between messaging her to get her to talk to me (which she says no to) he's mourning the loss of his relationship.. fucking weird(:/)

No. 1733812

Yeah a few weeks after starting to date my husband my ex found and messaged him, hubs told him to fuck off and blocked him. Hubs knows whenever anything happens

No. 1733813

Fuck I forgot how awful being wine drunk feels

No. 1733815

What do I have to live for in the future?
>don't want kids
>never going to meet anyone I want to date
>no job ambitions, content just being a well-paid secretary
>the world is going to continue to go to shit
>I don't have any hobbies I like
What even is the point? I seriously don't get it.

No. 1733817

i am on the same boat as you, except i only want to live because i enjoy drawing

No. 1733818

>I don't have any hobbies I like
it's never too late to find one nona. i'm in a similar situation but i have a hobby, albeit i'm so shit at it i don't try to do anything.

No. 1733819

Kek think maybe I won. Refused yet another “gift” that’s actually an obligation and effort to control. This bitch pitched a fit and then starts demanding all her stuff back. I think she thought I would be upset but instead I was like thank fuck I can get rid all of this shit rotting in the garage because he was too scared to tell her we don’t want it. Now it’s gone and she’s pretending nothing happened. Everyone always says how lucky I am to have someone gifting me a bunch of expensive stuff and trips but they just don’t understand. I refused to be the newest doll in her game of dollhouse

No. 1733820

ayrt, I'm glad you like drawing. I used to draw as a kid and teen, but I realized i was mostly doing it for attention, not because I liked it. So now that i'm not in school settings where people can compliment me on it I don't care anymore and haven't drawn in years
I genuinely can't think of any hobby I would enjoy. Sometimes I try to force myself to do one but I always drop it since it's boring to me.

I liked school because I got positive attention for good grades and I liked outdoing my classmates. I used to always get depressed on summer break since there would be no assignments to keep me busy. Well, now my entire life is summer break.

No. 1733821

People really push that keep the olds at home thing too hard. They really are often better off in the care of 24/7 nurses with a built in community of peers

No. 1733824

I avoid every kind of fan community anymore, unless it's run by boomers. Everywhere else is just solid forced ugly tumblr gay, troon, pretenderqueer, or disability fixation shit. Come to think of it, you know who probably thinks the sick dying child commercials are heartwarming? tumblr weirdos.

No. 1733831

Sorry I deleted the reply because I accidentally hit the send before I finished writing kek, but yea that makes sense, god covid has really fucked up everything for young people

No. 1733837

sa, my biggest problem is the love of my mother. It is a burden. I have to live because she loves me. I hate living but I have to do it for someone else's sake. It's not fair, I didn't ask to be here. She gets to decide to pop me into existence and then hold me hostage.

No. 1733838

>I don't have any hobbies I like

Get some. Really. I’m similar to you, feel like a failure sometimes for being content with my solitary life, luckily there’s no shortage of cool stuff to do in this world so I’m just gonna craft and travel and skate til I die I guess

No. 1733840

I would get some if there were any.
>luckily there’s no shortage of cool stuff to do in this world so I’m just gonna craft and travel and skate til I die I guess
I think i'm just broken mentally because I can't get into any hobby. I try to force myself into some and can never keep it up. I'm just not interested in anything. Any hobby i did in the past I did for attention, and now that i can't get attention for it I don't care about doing it.

No. 1733841

Ayrt. I’ve been through those periods too. A lot of time and many years on an antidepressant and working on myself helped me get to this point. Good luck nona, joy is out there.

No. 1733843

I'm happy for you but that just reinforces my belief that this is my permanent state. I've been rotating antidepressants for 10 years and this isn't a "period" for me, I genuinely haven't had a hobby in many years. My mom thinks I should get that treatment where they electrocute your brain or something but it's probably prohibitively expensive and why would that even work?

No. 1733844

>can't carry animal spray either, unless I'm camping it's not an excuse and if the cops stop me to search I'll get fined
Not sure how it is where you live but I’ve never been searched by the cops (not even sure whatb I’d have to do to get searched? Unless you work in a courthouse or something who cares?), and it’s probably worth a fine to have it in this case.

No. 1733845

Boohoo who cares if it’s permanent. Get a physical hobby like dance or a sport and then you can be attention seeking and competitive and it be considered good kek

No. 1733846

I'm physically disabled.

No. 1733849

What kind? Because I am too but I dance, and several others are chronically ill in my classes. There are wheelchair leagues for other sports too. But even if there literally is not one single physical activity you can do most people aren’t doing a lot of hobbies because they enjoy every step, but for some end satisfaction

No. 1733853

I'm not going to get into it but I can't spend much time on my feet, and I wasn't sporty even before I was disabled and before I was depressed. It's just not my thing, sorry.

No. 1733858

NTA but since you’re feeling really bad it can’t hurt to try something new. Something off your feet is fine. Just please don’t get electroshock therapy it’s so bad. You might be okay afterwards but it would be in spite of it not because of it.

No. 1733859

>please don’t get electroshock therapy it’s so bad. You might be okay afterwards but it would be in spite of it not because of it.
ayrt, I've only ever heard doctors and therapists and family members sing its praises to me, but it just sounds wrong to me. Can you elaborate?

No. 1733869

Ok. I don’t have personal experience with it just family members and their stories, plus some psychiatrist opinions in books and some biographical accounts of the treatment I’ve read (because I was interested in the topic after what my family told me) but by all accounts it’s a barbaric practice that fell out of fashion for a reason. It belongs on the shelves of psychiatric treatment history alongside lobotomies and fingering. The treatment is not very scientific. It’s a total crapshoot. it could turn you into a vegetable or just traumatize you for life, make you nonverbal or make you retarded. No I’m not exaggerating. It doesn’t target anything specific it literally just electrocutes your brain.

No. 1733871

Can you find joy in things that are pleasant but not really hobbies? Like, going out to eat, going to concerts, watching movies and tv, reading books, traveling etc. I've kinda lost interest in most of my hobbies but I still enjoy my free time to just casually do stuff.

No. 1733872

Why do you think so many well-meaning doctors and therapists keep recommending it to me then? I just don't get it. The first time it was recommended to me I was 15. My mom is trying to talk me into it right now.

I like to dream (actual sleeping dreams) and I like to eat some foods. I don't like movies or TV or music. I would travel if I could but I can't. A big reason I can't make friends is because the only thing I watch are documentaries and I hate most music. I know that's weird but it's just how I am.

No. 1733873

I don’t know, I thought ECT was like a last resort frowned-upon type of therapy nowadays I’m shocked they’re recommending it to you. Maybe your doctor is shit, maybe you should get away from him/her. That’s fucked up. Your mom is probably just desperate to make you better but if my family is any indication you will just end of resenting her and the medical industry for the damage the ECT does to you. I wish I had specific resources or reading material to send you but I haven’t looked into it for several years I didn’t save anything I read because I didn’t think it would ever come up in my life again lol

No. 1733874

That's why I'm confused too. it's not just been one doctor, it's been at least a handful throughout my life plus a couple therapists. I live in the US in a middle class area where the doctors are supposedly renowned for being high quality due to many big name hospitals in the area. I was seriously considering it because it's been shilled so hard to me for over 10 years. What else can I not trust them on? It's all so hopeless.

No. 1733893

Maybe they have the best intentions but… just say no to this treatment, it’s too risky.

No. 1733903

Not that anon but why do you think reading, traveling, trying new foods/restaurants, and so on aren't hobbies? That's weird IMO. Like are you conflating "hobby" with activities that specifically involve crafting and/or shopping?

No. 1733904

Have you ever had someone you loved say something to you that actually kind of hurt even though they probably didn't mean anything and you're probably just overacting? Yeah, I've been thinking about what my mom said all day today… idk I don't have it in me to write a wall of text of shitty blogposting but like, I wish I could get over it.

No. 1733911

this man chimped out so hard at me at the front desk another guest came up to give me one of her cinnabons she felt so bad. fuck that guy to hell, and 1000 years good luck to the cinnabon girl

No. 1733914

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I was supposed to be productive today but I was glued to my computer cause this came I play has a competition going on. I even burnt my dinner a little bit. I think I'll get my groove on tomorrow though, I wont have to spend so much time doing the competition now that I understand it better.

No. 1733933

My husbando would never treat me like this. He would also send me erotic audios and sext me and last more than five minutes reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

No. 1733939

Thank you so much for your reply nonnas, it's a shame that we have to go through similar with our own mothers and own situations.

Continuing my vent but I'm really really scared of the brakes now. There was some metal clunking and then my mom had to swerve a little but then she said the brakes were fine after that. I have two shifts left until the car can get fixed but I seriously don't want to be in the car anymore, and no money to take a bus. She doesn't want me to call off but I can't do anything and I don't feel safe. This is so ass.

No. 1733947

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My male housemates are bragging about going to Thailand next year and "finding love" there. They already booked the tickets. God I fucking hate moids

No. 1733954

use their toothbrushes to scrub the toilet while they're out, they never have to know.

No. 1733964

Unfortunately we don't keep our toothbrushes in the shared bathroom so I can't do that
But HOLY SHIT anon I laughed out loud when I saw your reply because that's exactly what I did with my biological father's toothbrush when he was still staying at my mom's house and I hated him kek

No. 1733965

I wish I wasn’t this lame, and I wish people liked me more. I wish I didn’t care whether people liked me or not, even tho I know they don’t like me and never will because I’m just unlikable. I wish I could just stop trying to be likable.

No. 1733972

I second this.

No. 1734019

I can't stop spending money on pokemon cards. And now with the 151 sets… I gotta catch them all

No. 1734032

I have less living quality than a homeless person

No. 1734056

alright guys i skim searched my moids instagram and just saw the followed hashtag #weedporn and didnt look at the photo and assumed it was porn of girls smoking weed so i started baiting him by telling him theres something called meth porn of girls smoking meth then my friend updates me on the hunt and lets me know weed porn is actually just high quality images of weed nugs but by this time its too late and the moid informs me hes never heard of meth porn but is intrigued and will now check it out

mission failed successfully

No. 1734059

why not become homeless then

No. 1734063

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I just lost my virginity last night while high on edibles. (We agreed to meet up possibly to have sex, I ate an edible to deal with the anxiety.) While the experience over all was an enjoyable one in the moment, and ultimately I don't regret it, but I'm left with a mix of emotions now of how to feel about it. Is that normal? I was an adult virgin and chose to wait until I felt emotionally and mentally ready, and chose someone I felt I could trust and wouldn't catch feelings for. (But I wasn't that attracted to) It's still unearthed a lot of feelings in me, and different thoughts. In some ways I feel changed, and in some ways I feel the same. Some part of me wishes I'd have waited until I found someone I loved. But my own personal hang ups have prevented me from getting close to others. Part of why I chose to have sex for the first time was an attempt to understand adult human connections and relationships better, and to face my fears and anxieties on intimacy. (Not just related to sex) But now I'm left unsure of how to feel, I don't feel bad exactly, but I definitely feel … Strange. Like there's been some imperceptible change to my being.

idk if any nonas have some words for me I'd appreciate it, as I'm unsure of how to feel and am still processing.

No. 1734079

i'm glad it went relatively well, nona. i don't think it matters very much whether it's normal or not, it worked for you. you have that experience now and whenever you do meet someone you have feelings for who reciprocates, there will probably be a lot less anxiety about how sex would go with them. ultimately it's good you waited for a time where you felt "ready" - a lot of people can't say this.

No. 1734081

I have kinda the opposite case where I did it with someone I really trust and love, but it was a miserable experience (no one's fault it just hurt and didn't feel good. maybe i couldnt relax enough)
but anyway I relate to the feeling of not quite feeling bad or regretful but just changed somehow. On one hand I'm the same person but on the other hand it's like something is permanently altered and I can never go back, which leads me to look back and sort of softly wish I never did it.
I've been feeling really existential about processing it for a while now, I don't think I have any super comforting words since I'm going through it too but for me it helped to hear that someone else expressed a similar feeling so I thought I'd tell you that you're not alone.
Since it went well you can probably feel more confident while you wait to do it with someone you have a real connection with. personally I don't endorse casual encounters bc I think they're disproportionately risky for the woman but that's just me

No. 1734084

well anon my first's were all with someone i loved and for a good few months after fairly gentle vanilla sex i would sometimes just randomly start crying afterwards. it does unearth emotions, but the more sex you have, the less it happens, until eventually its about the same as taking a satisfying dump. enjoy these feelings while they last, go out in confidence and create more memories.

my best advice would be, as women, we are unfortunately more susceptible to being brainwashed through sex. the chemical release and feelings of attachment grow much faster than for men who can barely see beyond the physical realm. stay aware of this and how it might influence your interactions. if you suddenly start feeling all lovey dovey over this dude (even though you arent really attracted to him or logically want him) you need to realise the connection here. how you go forward is your own choice, but its hard to wrestle with those brain chemicals

No. 1734085

afraid of rape. But considering going out begging and just to interact with people. I think homeless people have better living quality than me because they have significant others, they interact with other people, they live in big cities.

I live in a small town. I can't get a job due to disability. I'm socially isolated, most people reject me. I don't have any freedom within my life.

No. 1734086

Every time some loser moid compliments me by saying I'm such a "crazy girl", he loses any chance he might've had with me. You dumbass little shit, I want to be the most boring, common, normal person ever. You think it's a compliment to call me crazy and say I go beyond social norms? Read the room, dipshit. Normal people want to be considered weird, but weird people want to be considered normal.

No. 1734087

begging in higher populated areas can be a good source of income. i dont know where you're at and im sure its not the same everywhere but theres a lot of people in my place that pretend to be homeless and go clean car windshields or sit outside shops with a cup and sign and they make more than minimum wage a day. best advice would be to learn an instrument and start busking, its like begging but people will respect you more and you'll make more money. you can get a secondhand ukelele or something and start learning with youtube videos as a fun hobby, then go make bank in your hobo spec fashion. i believe in you anon

No. 1734089

I live in a small town in the third world. I don't know about those people and it's highly possible they might actually be in fairly good life circumstances but they chose that life style because they enjoy the thrill of it or they make a shitload of money off it. It's heart breaking that some people go through really rough things while others literally benefit off of a life style others want to escape. I live in a run down apartment where I was abused my whole childhood and my mentally ill unemployed dad puts all of his problems on me. I can't escape because I don't have friends and can't get a boyfriend because I've been isolated by society since my childhood and nobody really cares about me. Unfortunately, it's not possible for me to do that where I live because it's a really small place and I don't want to go to the capital because I'm afraid that I will get raped if I sleep on the streets. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that soon I won't have any other option but homelesness/suicide. I watch homeless people everyday on the internet and the people in the comments are super supportive plus they have significant others. I feel like I've been stripped of basic human rights or living quality and that nobody really cares about me. Leftists hate me too for some reason, although I do have leftist values. Most people demonize me.

No. 1734093

anon you sound like you're suffering severe depression and terrible circumstances beyond internet stranger advice. i can only feel your vibrations from the computer screen from across the oceans but i dont think you should be demonized. whatever you have inside you that you think is pushing people away, i want you to know you're still somebody deserving of love. until now you may have only focused on survival, but i hope one day soon you can find some hope to reach out to the people in this world, even if its just joining a new facebook group to make some internet friends. when i was abused and isolated as a teenager, chatting to retards online was my only escape. it kind of sucks for sure but if you have any interests or hobbies just find some likeminded people and try to grow yourself a little support group. keep optimistic you'll find an escape

No. 1734095

File: 1697967549029.jpg (137.18 KB, 736x1173, 823967133b3a6e970335e9ba9dc7cd…)

I feel like I'm in a state of limbo. It's been a week, but has it? Why am I sleeping for so long? What am I dreaming about? I don't know. I try to think loudly enough to deceit reality, I can sleep for days, but I can't stop the passing of time. It hurts.

No. 1734096

They hate me and isolate me and downplay my suffering and they tell me to "seek professional" counseling but I can't afford it but yet they talk and whine about their problems non stop. When I complain about my problems they downplay them, send me off, demonize me. I'm a 24 year old woman…

No. 1734097

I forgot my suitcase in my old apartment when I moved and it’ll end up costing me upwards of 300 euro to fly back to get it. I’d honestly forget about it, but my god damn driving license is there. I want to cry, I really badly didn’t want to ever go back to that shithole country

No. 1734102

im also 24 and it sounds like you've wasted time on assholes. its rough because you'll meet a lot of assholes and not even realise until you're already attached. the hard answer is to find more supportive people to talk with, the simpler answer is not to tell them your issues and instead talk to an AI therapy bot or vent on lolcow.com when you feel the need. im lucky to have a few close friends where we can vent and support each other even inside our own delusions, even when we are being "bad" people. but supportive people do exist, its finding them thats difficult. dont give up yet

No. 1734103

disgusting how they make us feel like a cattle to be sold off. i am not a burger and this shit was happening to me from childhood until i turned 18. my father wanted to sell me to some scrote his own age. i always refused their advances and marriage proposal no matter how rich those creeps were, i knew i was gonna get raped or beaten or killed in those situations or left for the next child bride so i was bullied for "being too picky for a fugly stupid gypsy" by my family until i moved the fuck out

No. 1734110

Even normal people treat me like that. I tried to figure it out but I can't.

No. 1734114

To be honest it’s kind of starting to sound like you might be the problem then.

No. 1734117

Life hack: stop caring about "achieving" anything. Life's about fighting for shelter, food and sex. The two elements to understand are the "fighting" part and the "you gotta gain resources for yourself, fuck social status or friendship or others". Successful people are those who understand these two things, that life is a battle and that you must only care for yourself.

No. 1734124

File: 1697971308662.jpeg (13.65 KB, 230x219, heghog.jpeg)

sounds like classic hedgehogs dilemma bro

No. 1734135

I don't think this is always the case and it's mean to assume that based on just a few of that anon's posts. Sometimes everyone around you just sucks and there's nothing you can do about it. If you've ever lived in the projects you'd know what I mean. Maybe it's not her fault, maybe she's just an autistic Latina who gets targeted by bullies for being different. You can't know
You should find a job you can do from home. Learn how to build websites or be a graphic designer.

No. 1734144

it's not really that. I'm incredibly empathic and I'm relatable. It's just that people have demonized me/treated me like shit my whole life and then the abuse is placed on me.

No. 1734149

>maybe she's just an autistic latina that gets targeted by bullies.

That's not true and it sounds like you're bullying me right now. None of those things are true. People treat me like shit even people with the same values/insult me.


>learn how to build websites or be a graphic designer

Those things are really cut off from my reality and are not really possible for someone with my mental resilience. I can't even work a minimum wage job. Probably, after this you will reply with something completely insulting or downplay my problems or even accuse me of something like "self fulfilling prophecy".

No. 1734156

oh so you can't take responsibility for anything that happens in your life and just blame others. got it.

No. 1734159

Nta but you just sound like a whiny little baby. It's no wonder you don't get along with anyone if you constantly pity yourself, it's a huge turn off.

No. 1734168

You're gaslighting me. I told you that I'm constantly being demonized and harassed for no actual justifiable reason and you continue to do that.
>you can't take responsibility for anything that happens in your life

Take responsibility for being abused and harassed, rejected for no justifiable reason?


Like everyone whining about their problems in the vent thread including problems that are less serious than mine? I said that I'm considering going homeless because homeless people have more freedom, social interaction, recieve more moral engagement than I do. Do you think that I would not rather work a wagie job? I would much rather work at Mcdonald's. I just can't because my mental and physical illness makes me incapable to.

No. 1734170

First ayrt here. I am absolutely being judgy, but mostly because of her writing style. I’ve seen a lot of people go on these “nobody loves me” rants who turned out to be raging narcs. This
> but yet they talk and whine about their problems non stop
Sounds pretty textbook to me. Other people have their problems, but that doesn’t matter because it’s her they should be thinking about.

No. 1734175

In most groups I've been people constantly whine and complain about less major issues including the vent thread but you have to tell me
>you just sound like a whiny little baby
Yea. It's like I'm complaining about something incredibly surface level. Bitch, my life is so bad I might go homeless or kill myself.

Dude, you're saying my absolutely real problems and the shit I'm going through is not real. Did you even read my original post?
>Other people have their problems
Have I ever denied that? It's just that I have mine but when I share mine with the world I get harassed or my problems are being downplayed.
>vent on lolcow.com not really a solution when I get attacked. I am unjustifiably called a narcissist and I get accused of not caring about other people's problems when literally even now I'm literally not allowed to talk about my own life's issues without being attacked and harassed and called a
>little whiny baby

When I'm considering homelesness because despite all of my efforts I found myself in a terrible life circumstance. I've never seen anyone being called a "little whiny baby" over literally considering homelesness.

No. 1734177

This is gross but can't blacktext greentext sorry nonnies
>Wake up
>Huh, I don't feel so well
>I think I need to throw up
>Makes it to bathroom
>'Guess that was the worst of it'
>Goes back to sleep
>Wake up
>Throw up instantly
>Have to change my bedding ft. shit mood
I'm sleepy again but I don't want to throw up again reeeee

No. 1734181

First ayrt here. I am absolutely being judgy, but mostly because of her writing style. I’ve seen a lot of people go on these “nobody loves me” rants who turned out to be raging narcs. This
> but yet they talk and whine about their problems non stop
Sounds pretty textbook to me. Other people have their problems, but that doesn’t matter because it’s her they should be thinking about.

I'm not the one going around in the vent thread telling other people that their problems are not real and that they are whiny babies. Sounds like you have some problems or you're incapable of accepting other people's issues.

No. 1734183

original ayrt checking in, i see what you mean lmfao but i think you're manifesting this response by leading headfirst with the expectation that people will reject and demonise you. people will notice this and then try to find reasons to do that because you've set the expectation that this is who you are. people will just believe what you say about yourself without giving the benefit of the doubt in most cases, and if you have this negative energy and defeated view of yourself it will definitely repel outwards. likeable people gaslight themselves into believing they are likeable and that their life has value, and other people begin to see that as well, as within as without. you will attract the vibes you emit into the world. its hard to stay positive when life is shit, its utter shit, but positivity wont just hit you over the head like a shovel, you have to appreciate whatever good you have, and force yourself to love yourself. When you drop the fear of rejection and belief you will always be unwanted, thats when this bullshit simulation will give you any luck. but if you only focus on the people who validate your belief that you're unwanted, you'll never get out of the pit

No. 1734185

You honestly just sound unpleasant and people generally don't give the benefit of the doubt to unpleasant people. or want to be around them. hope this helps.

No. 1734186

I've been positive most of my life and still do have a positive mindset. It's just that I've been unfairly demonized, rejected, mistreated. Most people are allowed to complain about their problems and they recieve empathy for it, even homeless people do. I don't see why I am not allowed to complain about mine and I'm being constantly demonized even by people that are like me. It's just like saying someone that was raped "manifested" that through their energy. I've been super nice and empathic towards people. I've even played the therapist most of my life.

I don't think that I am unpleasant. I think you are. I don't come to the vent thread and tell people "you're a little whiny baby" when they complain about their problems. Downplaying someone's issues makes you unlikeable.

No. 1734188

TMJ fucking sucks

No. 1734190

Ntayrt, you are definitely inviting negativity. So far you ignored positive or helpful comments and only focused on critical ones, saying they’re demonizing you. It sounds like maybe you’re so used to being mistreated, or feeling mistreated, that you lash out in advance, which causes people to be hostile in turn and creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. Just my 2c

No. 1734192

I didn't ignore them. I just explained my position.

No. 1734195

well i cant claim to know how you act IRL but people are more likely to show their true selves on lolcow.com and the current attitude you have and are probably failing to fully hide in person, is the energy most people will fully avoid (scared of transference) unless they want to hurt you more. sure its a vent thread for venting and not real advice, but the literal only answer to your one immediately fixable problem is to be more positive about yourself so that anons wont call you a whiny baby. it wont solve your daddy issues and fucked situation, but you'll probably feel better if you stop carrying the worlds greatest burden of the saddest situation seen in the history of mankind, woe be unto you, undeserving of such evils. it only hurts you in the end.
>it's just like saying someone that was raped "manifested" that through their energy.

your situation is more like if a rape victim went through life assuming everybody wants to rape them, blurring the lines between decent people and rapists to the degree they can no longer tell the difference, until they isolate themselves entirely to avoid further damages.

No. 1734196

Nta, but from my experience, this is a real thing. Could be anxiety or bpd.

No. 1734198

File: 1697977605818.jpeg (6.2 KB, 225x225, bitchplease.jpeg)

Oh yeah, the average muslim woman in middle east has totally the right to choose her life course and she can totally choose to stay home raising children. She totally has the freedom to choose to wear hijab or not, to get education or a job, and she can totally choose who to marry and how many kids she can have.
Oh yeah, lots and lots of women are killed in our european country and judges pass light sentences, as it appears frequently in national news, so we are worse than them, and muslim women aren't killed at the same rate because they are subservient, and thus valued by their men.

No. 1734199

Nonnas, we can be barf buddies. I think I caught a stomach virus and have been living in the toilet all morning. Hope you feel better soon

No. 1734201

Threw up again what the

No. 1734202

Please don't put yourself in a dangerous situation, take care, homelessness is terrible for women.

No. 1734203

Didn't see you reply sorry, get well soon! The last time I threw up I was like 8 so I forgot how nasty it is kek.

No. 1734212

> I think you are. I don't come to the vent thread and tell people "you're a little whiny baby" when they complain about their problems.
I'm not the anon that called you whiney. You think every person replying to you is one person?

No. 1734213

Lmao, my nigel just lied about the most stupid thing ever.
His car has been at the mechanic for a few days, we thought we'd pick it up today. He got a call earlier (he always turns on fucking speaker, it annoys me to no end) saying his car is ready to be picked up.
He clearly didn't notice me hearing it, he just told me "they ordered a wrong part again and it won't be ready until tomorrow. I can't afford to take another emergency holiday, so can I take your car again?"
You fucking little shit. I couldn't bring myself to say anything. It felt so surreal. I don't fucking care if we pick it up tomorrow instead, just tell me you don't feel like it. That's perfectly fine with me.
But why lie about it? I honestly don't know what to do with that, lmao.

No. 1734217

If he will lie about something so trivial and inconsequential, it begs the question what else would he lie about. Tbh it would have my mind racing but I’m also very suspicious of moids in general kek

No. 1734218

I got into an argument with some idiot who made a post saying starbucks workers deserve tips and whoever hits 0% tip should make their coffee at home. "Oh, you can afford $9 coffee but cant tip $1??"
Since when did tipping culture in the US become so bad?? I used to work at starbucks and tipping is nice but not an obligation. We are not getting paid $2 an hour like restaurant servers.

No. 1734219

>ignored helpful comments
No, I didn't but once again you will ignore what I am actually saying over what you have chosen that is true for me and even ignore what happened between me and the anons.

>daddy issues
Yea, my parents placing their emotional burdens onto me is me having "daddy issues". Yea, I definitely claimed that I have the worst situation in the world. Thanks, you're fighting with a strawman.

No. 1734222

He sounds like a weirdo, why would he lie about that and so blatantly? He probably knows you could overhear it. He's probably testing the waters for what else he can get away with doing. Weird psycho manipulative behavior.

No. 1734225

I want to get used to the idea that I will probably never have a bf but it hurts so much. It still hurts after so many years. Could I date out of how desperate I am someone obese, an incel or a geriatric moid? Yes, but I'd rather kill myself than do that. I know the chances of me getting a cute bf are extremely low because I don't have the face that moids usually like. I'm not ugly by any means, but I have more of an androgynous look where people are like "oh she's beautiful" but no one sees me as a potential partner. I can't even complain that well I'm just ugly or fat, no I just have a face and body that lacks any feminine charm or sex appeal. My mother often tries to make me date older moids in their 30s(cause apparently she think those are the only moids who would pay attention to me), and mom, I don't want them. I want a boy my age in the early 20s to mid 20s, am I asking for too much? Yeah I'm asking for too much. I'm never getting a bf at this rate. Why would a cute moid even like me. I have a square chin, low eyebrows, if I posted my face here someone would say I look like a tranny for sure. I always wanted to have a delicate chin, feminine eyes and soft higher eyebrows but I guess it wasn't meant to be! I'll just die alone then!

No. 1734230

You already replied to that comment, bpd-chan kek

No. 1734237

i am so annoyed that there aren’t ANY cool women in my hobby. it’s all libfems and gendies and hyper-feminine self-proclaimed bimbos and pickmes and potatoes as far as the eye can see. i don’t doubt they are interesting and shit but i can’t get past that barrier of their tranny loving, gender obsessed, blinded by misogyny mindsets. it spoils everything else about them to me.

god especially the retard with two kids. why the fuck do you think you have no gender?? wdym you might be transmasc? you’re a literal housewife you’re the most gendered out of anyone here.

No. 1734241

Right? Nah, I get you. My minds just racing what else he could be lying about. Gladly, there just isn't much. I know he's not having girls run after him, and he does like me else he wouldn't be so mopey if I ever say I'd like to spend the night alone. He's got his kid, (a whole other issue since she never listens to me and I'm just glad I'm child free) his job, and he annoys me at home even if he doesn't have to. I literally have to tell him to go home sometimes. Maybe I just got a nice place and a good pc.

I'll see it play out I suppose. Damn. I'm likely working myself up over nothing. I just don't get why he wouldn't tell me "I don't feel like it" instead, lmao

No. 1734243

Confront him. tell him you know he's lying and ask him why. Men lying is a huge red flag

No. 1734244

He has a kid and are you implying he uses your pc?? Is he gaming at your house??

No. 1734245

>dating a man who lies to you and has a child with another woman
lmao girl.

No. 1734246

You need to keep him blocked, leave any communities you share, document everything he does (in case things escalate) and don't engage with people he's sending to you. I went through this with a schizo ex, and the harassment was both online and IRL with him calling me on multiple numbers, threatening/attempting suicide, etc. I have no social media presence because of I'm terrified of him finding me, and I get anxious whenever an unknown number calls me. Mine has left me alone, but he did reach out earlier this year to breadcrumb me because I'd forgotten to remove him off battle.net. I don't know what possessed him to think that after going scorched earth everywhere else, that I'd want to speak to him there - but he still decided to shoot his shot. I didn't even hesitate to remove and block him.

These people are seriously unwell and cannot be reasoned with rationally; their minds don't work like that. I'm sorry you're going through this. I really hope he'll leave you alone because I know how terrifying it is.

No. 1734248

Your issue is that you have no confidence and you base your self-worth on what moids think of you. Even if you did find a cute moid, you'd likely stay with one who would mistreat you or isn't compatible with you because your opinion of yourself is so low. The only women who get into happy relationships are the ones who don't care what random men think of them, they put themselves out there, and don't settle for trash even if he's hot. If all it took was being sexy as a woman to get a good man, then they wouldn't get mistreated, abused, cheated on, and killed. Trust me, your looks have no influence on whether you can pull a good partner or not.

No. 1734252

kek nonna, I'm 30+ and not dating and I was told to "just get a guy and marry him" or "you don't have to love him, your biological clock is ticking and you gotta have a kid" so many times that I lost count
ignoring them is the best option
your free time and me-time will considerably drop when you commit to someone, I know this from my friends who are in relationships

No. 1734254

You need to love yourself, first and foremost. I know that in this society, that's a really hard ask because so much is against us as women re: looks, but seeking out validation through men won't make you happy.

You have the power of choice. There are many women who are stuck in relationships where they aren't valued or respected, yet they stay because of sunk costs, fear of being alone, and so many other things that aren't worth the unhappiness. Anyway, conventionally unattractive people still manage to find partners and have fulfilling relationships, so don't write yourself off because you don't view yourself as beautiful (which is doing yourself a major disservice).

No. 1734276

I just did when he came back from dropping his daughter off. Apparently I didn't hear the whole conversation. Sure, he can drive the car if he needs to, but there's work to be done and it might be dangerous. Alright. I don't care, he knows if I have an emergency, he'll have to leave work and drive me. (next bus is a 20 min walk) they don't do taxis out here
Yes, he does game at my place I got an old, but good setup. I play some myself, maybe a day a week. He's got his daughter every two weeks on the weekend. Can't get much done when she's fused to me but also won't listen and it ends up being a whole discussion if she would please stop picking up my chickens. And he's inside.. Cooking or gaming.

No. 1734298

You're letting him game at your place while you watch his child… why? What could he possibly offer in a relationship?

No. 1734302

Girl just be single at that point. Not even a good man is worth so much of your time, let alone a leech who uses you as a free sitter while he games.

No. 1734305

Holyshit, you're pathetic. Why are women okay with this kind of arrangement? Unless he is paying your bills, get the hell away from him.

No. 1734317

Sent a message I was dreading to send, I’m coping with red wine and weed

No. 1734318

The holy combo

No. 1734321

I've been addicted to the internet for over a decade and it is not enough anymore
It's not hitting the same because it SUCKS

No. 1734325

same. I sometimes get the urge to just cut off my wifi, switch to a dumb phone and live internet free and just go to my local library if i ever have to use the internet. I know it’s not realistic and being as lonely as I am I would go insane but I would like to try that just for once.

No. 1734326

The internet has gotten really bad over the last 10 years. I had facebook way back and before that, I had livejournal and it all felt small compared to how big twt, IG and now tiktok has gotten. Like people cant cope without social media irl. It's terrifying. When I go on vacation, i usually dont touch my phone, but there are some people who cant even go to a 2 hour movie without reaching for it.

No. 1734327

This might be the most realistic and brutal wake up call I ever had. Damn, thank you for not fucking around.
It's easy to stay with him because of the company and he'll always feel just guilty enough to do the trash and bottles and cans and plastic, and feeds the dogs, gives the cats the meds, refills the water and food for the chickens and carries all the shit I can't. He cooks, I don't. There's always a warm meal at the end of my day. (I just wish I didn't have to clean the kitchen afterwards)
I might just be more comfortable with his contribution, than the actual comfort he brings.
But I did just have a bad back thing. I can barely bend and carry shit. How unethical would it be to stay with him still, just because he can do shit for me?

No. 1734332

he's used you enough that you deserve to get SOMETHING from him. but do yourself a favor and dump him when you're better.

No. 1734334

>But I did just have a bad back thing. I can barely bend and carry shit. How unethical would it be to stay with him still, just because he can do shit for me?
Sorry to hear about your back issues, but if he isnt dedicated to you, then why bother? He already has baggage (a kid) and now he's lying and just playing video games. Please learn to cook. it's a basic life skill. Relying solely on a man for anything never goes well for any woman, have we not learned this historically already?

No. 1734339

I have a sketch of something I want to digitalize but I can’t find it anywhere. Rip. It was really complicated too. It was Circe sitting on an island that was also a cloud with a menagerie of animals on it and a sun with a face in the background.

No. 1734343

The tipping culture really has gotten out of control. Even retail employees want to be tipped? Employers should just pay their employees better.

No. 1734345

tipping is for serving. so only servers that actually bring food to my table and delivery drivers that put it on my porch get tips. The rest, get fucked. Tipping is for serving, you aint serving me by putting my cup on the mobile pick up stand.

No. 1734346

I hope you find it! I lost something once and realized it was in a corner of items I forgot to clean up a few weeks back. you got this

tipping culture has gotten worse since 2020. I used to pick up my own food and tip the workers there because I knew they werent getting anyone sitting in during covid. Now that that's over, i dont tip anymore. if I picking up my own food, i am paying what I owe. Starbucks and most coffee shops want tips now on their ipad, even pizza places have tips on the ipad. It's gotten to a point where I don't remember a place where I don't have to tip. I just dont anymore unless I am specifically eating out with friends.

No. 1734349

I still cant find it anywhere, I’m so fucking sad

No. 1734361

File: 1697989101111.jpeg (3.44 MB, 3264x2448, 22C6327B-7F2E-43CC-870E-8F1A57…)

Literally the state I found it in. I guess I gotta be more organized

No. 1734370

Thank you both, I will make a bit of use of him as long as I need, but I'm close enough to just fuck off. And it's okay, I do know how to cook, I'm great at baking and pastries. I just don't always have the time and energy. Do watch me make a cake at 2 in the morning, super high, because I'm craving something sweet before bed. I'll make things for my dogs and cats and chickens, I just usually can't be bothered for myself. I'll make my own pita for my humus though. And my own humus. Standards.

No. 1734371

It's a cute sketch. Maybe you can try to draw something similar and then digitize it?

No. 1734372

Wishing the best for you, anon! You deserve to be happy with your pita and hummus and fun chickens.

No. 1734381

File: 1697989824853.png (7.06 MB, 1668x2224, 2D230BBB-570F-4B7C-8685-76B784…)

I’m tracing over an edited version of the fucked up sketch, just fixing it as i go.

Also ty

No. 1734393

I'm sad about being dumped by a dusty scrote with saggy tits that pisses with the door open

No. 1734430

Hes sent me a message saying "whoops got drunk".

No. 1734435

File: 1697993798647.jpg (789.71 KB, 1440x1697, Screenshot_20231022_024520_Fir…)

Male moment

No. 1734437

get it together, idiot!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

No. 1734440

Don't even reply, he will enjoy the fact that he's stressing you out.

No. 1734442

I havent replied to him at all, I'm very stressed out though its so fucking annoying

No. 1734462

File: 1697996481385.jpg (115.17 KB, 735x1217, Retard.jpg)

Hate how no one understand what POV means and how everyone uses it incorrectly. How is a tiktok filming at yourself a "point of view"? They should be filing from their eyes. They just throw in tags and words without giving a shit.

Pic from some cringey self help ad

No. 1734465

People write “pov: xyz happens” instead of saying “when xyz happens” because pov is a fun meme word to them. It’s retarded and rarely used correctly anymore

No. 1734472

I can't make what I want to say flow and sound coherent, so I'll just go for:


No. 1734478


No. 1734485

I just want to play my word game!! I don’t want to download stupid royal match!!! UGH

No. 1734490

try it out nonba, it's fun

No. 1734493

You are by definition not childfree if you’re dating someone with a kid lol

No. 1734495

Stupid question: Why haven't you blocked him?

No. 1734496

It’s ugly as fuck shoulda stayed crumpled.

No. 1734502

So cute! I’d love to see your art as stickers.

No. 1734510

NTA but it's probably to see whether he's going to make any violent threats about coming to her home

No. 1734513

One of my cousins just got pregnant/married in her 30s, she and her husband have been obsessed with getting his brother to hook up with me. They bring it up at every family event. We were acquaintances in high school and I literally have not seen or spoken to him in a dozen years, nor do we even live in the same state. Nobody even asked my opinion about this situation, they just want him to have a better gf. There is a 3rd brother that already has kids as well so AFAIK this is just a bunch of catholic settling down/quarter-life/baby brainrot.

No. 1734515

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I don't know what it is, but sometimes women just feel as shameless as men. If not worse.
You have anon in the thread not blocking her stalker, and posting about it. With chatlogs. Presumably because she enjoys the attention.
She's been told to block that person and won't, it's just odd moid behavior

No. 1734524

I forgot she said in her first post she tried blocking and deleting. I wonder in what way it didn't work, maybe he just gets around it…?
>I think he's developing schizophrenia
I just had a thought. Do you think the cops would take it more seriously if you just reported him as a danger to himself and others due to his mental state the next time he threatens you or harasses you or exhibits other insane behavior? If he ever suicide baits you in these drunk calls you should definitely call and get him committed.

No. 1734525

This is lovely, if you do digitize it I hope you share it here!

No. 1734527

Man I miss when lolcow was real

No. 1734560

It's just so hard to make friends as an adult when your music tastes and interests don't align at all with the people near you.
Like, it seems like all the people putting themselves out there to socialize are normies interested in dancing and tecno music and while they can be nice people it's so hard to try and follow what they like doing when it's just so boring for me.

No. 1734572

How many of you nonnas have been cyberbullied/bullied online/stalked online? How'd you handle and get over it?
Although it happened to me back in 2008-2009 I still think about it sometimes, thank fuck it was back when the internet wasn't the madness it was today and thank fuck I knew never to give my real name away, the idiot really thought he found me and I just played along with it.
I'd dread being a teenager in today's social media infested era

No. 1734601

Never, I’m avoidant and use fake information and I will ghost at the first sign of anything being weird. I will delete everything over nothing.

No. 1734603

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I'm 30 and didn't date at all until late 20s. I kept it a secret until I got engaged and eloped at 29. The whole time everyone in my fam was throwing shade at me for not being settled down, but the moment I was they acted like I was selfish for moving away and not being available all the time to fix their computers/drive them around/babysit kids/plan events/bake stuff for gatherings/spend my leftover income on them/taking care of grandma every day/etc.

The suddenly miss the "cool single aunt who was always there to come help"

One of them who had a failed marriage and has bpd, hoarding problem, and substance abuse issues even tried to float the idea of co-signing on a mortgage with her because I was "stuck single anyway". They really think you're a sponge for their problems if you live for yourself.

No. 1734606

I've blocked him everywhere but he is either using friends phones or buying new sim cards to contact me. Same with discord, just remaking accounts and getting his friends to friendbomb me to send messages to me.
At this point he keeps finding ways around it, I'm worried he will start contacting friends or family on facebook if I delete it and I really dont want my husbands family knowing about this creep. He already knows my hubs sisters account.
He hasnt said hes going to kill himself apart from when I dumped him 3 years ago, then he admitted he was lying to get my attention.
From his texts I think messages look like they come through even if someones blocked you so he probably thinks this number is blocked too but hes just texting it incase. I'm hoping he will say something or give an indication hes on his way to me if he decides and at least I'll have a heads up and proof.

No. 1734611

i'm bi but i'm febfem and i wish women could get other women pregnant. i'd love to be a woman's wife, have her kids, etc.

but i also pissed myself off thinking about the gendies i know who'd eagerly say some shit like "just date a trans girl xD"

No. 1734615


No. 1734621

I was harassed for a good while online as a teen, I don't know how many irl people knew about it but it was instigated by someone's older brother at my Jr high. I had to delete all my socials, which at the time was mainly one MySpace type of a place and I ended up slashing all this dude's tires at least twice and keying his car while he stood and watched. Lame ass faggot, his ugly as hell little brother too, they genuinely seemed to have gotten scared of me after that but it was so odd how no one at school ever brought up the online stuff nor the very public and obvious vandalizing I did, and that shit I kept going for like 3 years. This was way in the mid early 2000s though.

No. 1734631

>I'm 30 and didn't date at all until late 20s. I kept it a secret until I got engaged and eloped at 29.
nta but please tell me how you did it. I'm 29 and never, ever did anything with men. The further I went was that I've had a few men in the middle of the street trying to flirt with me and it was always a disaster like men my age thinking I was still underage and feeling when I told them no or happening in the worst moment possible like when the pandemic cockblocked me a few year ago. I'm losing hope.

No. 1734633

I'm febfem and my therapist told me "date a trans woman, if you are attracted to the male form but want the female soul".

No. 1734641

Someone on reddit messaged me asking if we were "coworkers" and had a bunch of porn on their profile. I really think it might be one of my husbands coworkers and I wish I could find out who it is so I could report them to HR. Dont fucking ever message me to talk about sex I don't want you you're fucking ugly.

No. 1734647

you can probably find out who it is if you want to reply. why does he think that you can recognize him based on his preferred gooncave material

No. 1734651

I have no idea who it is and unless they're a dumbass they probably wont just tell me. I've been getting weird porn and weird men hitting on me for years on reddit in addition to porn accounts trying to add me and I know I'm not supposed to be this mad but I miss being alive during a time where people had shame.

No. 1734738

do you have pics of yourself on your profile or was it super random messages? cuz I'd find it weird if they message u out of the blue

No. 1734745

I live overseas from my family and I got a text from my brother that my dad died today.

I already had a flight booked to go see them in a couple of days so I feel really strange and weird that he passed around when my flight leaves.

It has been less than 8 hours, and my aunt (who'm my dad disliked) said that he'd be getting embalmed and that's whats going to happen and that she's paying (He doesn't/didn't want to be embalmed.)

I expressed my concern with my 3 other siblings and they didn't seem too bothered about it. Now that I've expressed my concern we're having him cremated with a small personal get together which is what he would have wanted anyway. But now all of the sudden there's no formal reception? Hmm okay.

No. 1734750

Your husbands family should know about him. I had people I had to block and sometimes I unblock them to monitor so I get it but my people aren’t dangerous or this obsessed, you should change your number and make a new discord.

No. 1734769

Tonight I feel ugly, borinh and unloveable!!
It's unfair I'm 21 and never had a boyfriend while my sister is dating the hottest guys out there. All this because a few milimeters of bone and a better fat distribution.
I hate scrotes so much for not loving me and being so superficial

No. 1734777

No. 1734779

I really hate those girls who preach girl power but outwardly treat you differently if you don’t look a certain way (no makeup, no fake nails etc). Cliquey high school bullshit!!! like grow the fuck up you sad little woman

No. 1734904

I’m just so sad, I don’t even want to vent, or nor how to. All I know is that I’m upset that things I enjoy are always destroyed by men, or some woman that is hurt from the cause of men. I don’t know how to give up anymore, but I give up.

No. 1734909

i have this massive unorganized document of story ideas and notes, and when i look at it and try to fix it up i feel so overwhelmed and shut down. fuck i hate it!

No. 1734930

Dont worry I feel the same with my drawings. I wish I was kidding but my files are names dhskdve and imtootired, hotdamn or some other stupid shit. Theres multiple works on large canvases too. My files are a disaster.

No. 1734931

You fell for a pickme manic pixie dream girl with anxiety worse than mine. Good job.

No. 1734958

How can raw tomatoes be so divine, yet sun dried tomatoes taste such ass?

No. 1734972

I'm the opposite

No. 1734973

i had a bout of insomnia related to life stress and a doctor prescribed lexapro (an antidepressant). not only did it not work, it made the insomnia even worse. i've been on it 5 days and i feel like throwing these pills in the trash. what was the point of this?

i'll just chew on zzzquil for the rest of my life i guess. this is why i don't trust doctors. i should never have gone to one.

No. 1734985

File: 1698023295686.jpg (1.16 MB, 1704x6051, pleasekillme.jpg)

Hormones are so fucking whack I have a smoking hot boyfriend but whenever my body and hormones decide to finally grace me with some fucking appetite for sex, I lust over the grossest fucking goobers like Shane Gillis, Uncle fucking Lazer, Tyler Grosso, and fucking Astarion can someone please end me

No. 1734989

I got something in my eye earlier and my eye is still irritated. Idk if it's even still in there. I just felt my eye pulsing in one spot for like 2 seconds, like a vein was pulsing or something. Or maybe my eye was twitching, I don't know

No. 1734994

Talk to people they're not clairvoyants that understand everything going through your mind, and you have no idea what they're thinking, feeling or suffering through. How do you know what they feel?

No. 1735013

>parents give neighbor’s cat food (the cat is not neglected btw)
>cat comes over their house constantly because it keeps getting free food + nap spot
>they keep flip flopping between hating the cat following them around for food and complaining that they might as well own the cat instead of its owner
Stop feeding his cat!!

No. 1735016

I will create a story that is so fueled by my emotions and experiences of the world that has such a cool concept but then when I go to write it I end up having a bad day because I have to confront those feelings. I have like three that are like this.

No. 1735069

My former friend said the tranny thing to me like 3 years ago and I was cringing into the back on my skull

No. 1735076

Husbands sister is getting her tits chopped off within the next month.
Its just such a sad shame.
I dont know how to help her, I just hope when she realizes shes fucked up she turns to my husband to help her through it not her liberal retarded tranny loving friends

No. 1735103

So I got my period when me and my sister were staying in a hotel. There were some stains but I wasn't that worried because it happened before (different hotel) and they didn't keep my deposit. Anyway this time they charged me $225 for some little period stains because they said they had to replace the entire bed set and "couldn't remediate it when something like that happens". I guess I'll just sleep on the floor next time I'm in a hotel and get my period. Fuck this shit

No. 1735107

damn nonny hope we both get our shit together. i made a little progress after all today myself.

No. 1735124

I hate that so many slasher style horror movies rely on gross objectification and sexualization of women getting killed. I can’t help but realize that moids watch these as pornography and get off on a woman being violated, it instantly kills the fun mood. It’s always some horrible drawn out gory death for the women and guys get an easy kill, I’ve even seen scrote horror fans say women being so prominent in horror is because people automatically feel bad for them. KEK as if moids feel bad for any women, let alone poorly written characters that are there to scream and show boobs.

No. 1735125

I think what I would do is leave a text or something telling my parents I just needed to get out and explore the world so I’m going abroad with my savings and i don’t know when I’ll be back! And then I’ll drive a few hours away and overdose on something deep in the woods. I think they’d know what was going on but the text would prevent them from getting the police involved and wasting resources on a search. And then maybe they could get by with the far fetched idea that I’m really still out there somewhere. I can’t think of a way to make a cleaner break than that.

No. 1735207

I never signed up to be an aunt, I don’t hate kids but I’m frustrated having to take on responsibilities because my scrote brother had a child at 18 and the whole family has been chaotic because of this. It’s selfish, he can not provide for her and takes advantage of my mother using her as a nanny. Why are moids like this? It’s not my nieces fault but fuck I’m in my 30’s and there’s a reason I never had a child this world is fucked and I could never ever put this on my dying mother. I’m tapped out

No. 1735236

I hope every ugly male rando trolling me online has a long miserable lonely life or just off themselves. Seriously no one wants you around kill yourself

No. 1735247

do you own any dildos or buttplugs in real life

No. 1735254

No woman wants you thats why you stalk them online…its time to end your inferior genes forever. Women are sending you a clear message that you don't belong on this earth.

No. 1735269

I was a proud homebody aside from going to work so I couldnt do it without the internet. I went on hinge and was extremity selective; didn't meet unless we had a phone call or two first and asked him all the important life questions during it (I dont care if this makes moids nervous, thats a good thing). The right one was totally in mesh with my ideas and was willing to go a long way for me and was in line with me. I said I didnt want sex until engagement and he was totally on board too (not religious, I just wanted it this way and it helped shoo away the wrong males immediately). He was a nerd who got his life together and knew he wanted a wife and didnt play around. It took over 6 months to find him but I wasn't anxious or desperate over it which helped a lot. You will have to sort through a lot of losers though, and some of them wear suits, so look for intention. He should be the antithesis to the ambiguous "don't want labels, we'll see where this goes, I like a girl who doesn't take herself seriously" male.

No. 1735276

can you do a magic trick for me please

No. 1735299

why are all of the men who post on here so boooooooooooooooooring

No. 1735320

Maybe you're just really ugly..have you thought about getting a body pillow and wearing a halloween mask full time?

No. 1735328

damn you just fucking pwned her bro!!!!!!!!!!!11

No. 1735333

so savage. hardcore.

No. 1735335

Stop replying to bait retards

No. 1735336

No. 1735338

I just know this is catcels

No. 1735340

i dont know who that is

No. 1735361

pretty sure it's hell

No. 1735395

some longtime friends of mine have become increasingly more paranoid about artificial fragrance, color, and flavor that they won’t let anyone inside their house if they have even the faintest unnatural smell. I got to listen to a whole rambling on how the horror genre is to blame for violence and suffering too which I think is a load of bullshit. Sucks when people allow paranoia to take control of their lives.

No. 1735397

That nazi larper retard?

No. 1735435

is like 2am, I'm in bed drifting off to sleep, all of a sudden I hear loud stomping footsteps above me coming from the roof or possibly the attic - probably roof since I don't think the attic extends over my room. what the actual fuck is large enough to make loud stomping noises and why is it on my roof in the middle of the night… I'm genuinely creeped out. going to be exhausted for work tomorrow but there's no way I can fall asleep after hearing that

No. 1735455

having moments of existential dread and fear of death striking me so hard that i feel a cold panicked pain in my head traveling down my spine and making me want to vomit

only thing keeping me from losing it is reading NDE stories and thinking about how while my grandma was dying in her bed, she said "look at all the beautiful lights" before going

No. 1735460

anon this may sound stupid but it could be your water hammer. go look for videos of how it sounds on yt. it's a frequent cause of people freaking out over loud banging noises.

No. 1735517

hm I'll look into that in the morning, it'd definitely give me peace of mind if it turns out to just be some sort of plumbing issue

No. 1735565

I got a bad grade on my sociology assignment because I didn't "relate reflections to course content" or "describe how messages you received influenced your views" enough but I have no idea what I was supposed to do. You're supposed to interview one person plus yourself on personal beliefs and experiences, but my friend and I both had non-normative opinions and experiences.
Like as one example, we're supposed to discuss the topic of sex. The textbook is full of stuff about teens having strict sex-hating parents and thus not having sex, or being sexually active because it's popular among their peers. Ok, well my parents actively encouraged me to get a bf and I still never dated or had sex despite being judged for it by my peers. So how am I supposed to "relate to course content" or "describe where [I] developed a belief" if I developed a belief that's opposite to the narrative?? What they say happens to everyone outright didn't happen to me.
seriously what a stupid assignment

No. 1735590

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Delusional ex friend has been online stalking me since the beginning of the year. Which makes no actual sense because she's the one who cut me off and talked shit behind my back to everyone. Why won't she just leave me alone? What kind of mental illness is this?

No. 1735601

I just realized that every extremely beautiful 10/10 woman I follow on social media and whatever is dating some fuck ugly scrote I wouldn’t touch with a borrowed vagina. It’s crazy that these women go to so much effort to look good just to end up with some mediocre dick. Like what is the point of trying to appeal to the male gaze and going through so much surgery and dieting when that’s your ‘prize’.

No. 1735606

imo very beautiful women are often very insecure, hence going the extra mile with skincare, makeup, hair and clothing, and ugly moids have years of practice preying on women's insecurities to try and get laid. I find it so unusual too especially when the 10/10 babe is devastated if the moid leaves her, like she genuinely thinks they are a match and she can't find another.

No. 1735608

all attractive scrotes are gay, it's the sad reality

No. 1735613

When you get attention, but it's not from the person you want, lmao. I absolutely hate my brain.

No. 1735615

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I hate that america turned halloween away from "dressing up as something scary" to just dressing up. You can dress up in cosplay any other day, this is the only spooky dress up time we get!

No. 1735617

Burgers ruin everything. Halloween’s origins started in what is now the UK but you wouldn’t have thought that

No. 1735618

I have the worst fucking brain fog I want to kill myself. I have so much shit to do and my brain is FUCKING USELESS.

No. 1735620

Why the fuck did i go bulimic for two months and gain 20lbs i hate this fleshy prison

No. 1735622

A lot of those "beautiful" women are often the ones who put in effort because they're insecure without it. They look good because they wouldn't be caught dead with bad hair or no makeup, their entire confidence is built on it. Despite that the image they give out is typically "high maintenance" and "shallow" so it takes a certain kind of male to want to actually be in a long committed relationship with them. Their curated "beauty" appeals to other women, not men (if women dressed for men they'd just be naked).
And of course women are more willing to choose other factors than looks in their mate, so if a half decent guy is nice to them they'll settle on him.

No. 1735624

>And of course women are more willing to choose other factors than looks in their mate, so if a half decent guy is nice to them they'll settle on him.
so sad how do we fix this?

No. 1735628

Selective breeding, mandatory sterilization for men under 5'10, mass culling of uglies, gene editing, equitable wealth distribution, etc.

No. 1735630

I'd rather women settle on nice guys than abusive violent shitheads because they happen to look good

No. 1735631

all men are abusive retards, those ''nice ugly guys'' are deeply misogynistic too. Women need to stop holding men at the insane beauty standars they hold us to.

No. 1735633

please ban the scrotes PLEASE

No. 1735634

i meant start* it's genuinely a hate crime to all women that men are so, so ugly they are actually an eyesore

No. 1735638

Feeling depressed and like shit, I am probably PMSing. BC pills are awful for me but I miss being on them because it didn't give me period symptoms like this at all.

No. 1735643

I hate this lolcow bullshit that hot guys are totally better than ugly or average guys when there's so many manipulative, slutty men using their looks to get ahead and cute incels do exist, they're just insane. Mental illness is mental illness, narcissism is narcissism and men are men no matter what they look like. Stop being dumb and falling for the halo effect, there's no certain way to know if a guy is good other than looking at his family and spending time with him. Sorry, that's just reality.

No. 1735649

I got together with my gf in possible desperation. At the time I was just lonely and really looking for someone to fill a platonic connection gap for me. In my mind, that gap is best filled by a good good good friend who understood me, but I also knew that if someone could achieve that, I would eventually fall. But when it came to meeting her, not only I found what I was looking for in overlapping interests, I found so much more in how we saw life and grew up.

I really didn't think I would ever find someone that I related to that much, to the point that she was someone who was basically like me but slightly different, not to mention being someone with slightly overlapping interests too. I fell hard and I fell quick. I can't tell if it's hard infatuation that will fizzle out soon or what. The worst part is that it's an LDR so what the fuck who cares it's probably all an image in my head. That's what scares me the most. She is just an image in my head. Maybe the real her, the person in real life, is someone I wouldn't like or vice versa. I really want things to work out in the long term between us… The horror stories of LDRs and e-dating scares the fuck out of me always, and I'm only possibly meeting her in months and months from now….

No. 1735654

You must be a moid.
Every woman knows if they call a man ugly, it means he's ugly on the inside.

No. 1735655

because most of us have experienced an ugly moid with a chip on his shoulder project his insecurity on us and act worse than any normal looking dude, and society constantly lies about the ugly nerdy dude being nicer

No. 1735656

I can agree with that but the trick is to give them ugly moids the middle finger.

No. 1735657

True, but if you’re going to be mistreated by a moid, it might as well be one you’re actually attracted to

No. 1735660

No?? If I wanted to call someone ugly on the inside I would talk about their character.

No. 1735666

90% of men watch porn, therefore 90% of men are garbage. Stop lying to women and telling them ugly mods are ''better people'' no they are not, that's ugly moid cope. All men are trash, so why settle for ugly trash instead of attractive one?

No. 1735668

I hope the nonna who was sick and puking yesterday is feeling better

No. 1735672

I really want to sign up to the gym and get fit but I'm terrified of somehow humiliating myself

No. 1735674

No it doesn't?
I'm not "lying to women" lol, I'm an anonymous poster on lolcow who has been with both ugly and hot men and they can be as nasty and manipulative as each other. Me and my friends have partners who range from average to ugly to attractive and it has nothing to do with looks but their upbringing and personality.
>All men are trash, so why settle for ugly trash instead of attractive one?
Why settle for trash at all and not just be single if you're going to be a terminally online blackpilled doomer? It's not like you could find a good relationship if it smacked you in the face.

No. 1735675

Why are doctors the worst. Why don’t they believe anything you say. I usually have to go to 2-3 diff doctors before I get the diagnosis or procedures that I need. I recently needed my tonsils removed and every single one gave me some bullshit excuse (the best one was a doctor who said they should be enlarged to block out the pollen) before I came across the one who removed them finally having understood my difficulties with them due to his wife who shared the same probs. Once I got into a fight with a gyno because I said I wished male birth control was an available product on the market. She said I just wanted everything and to quit trying to have it all. Well good thing you’re not in research lady. I have good healthcare too! Imagine being stuck with these shitbags. USA btw. And ftw apparently

No. 1735676

Sign up at a woman centric gym or yoga/barre/Pilates classes

No. 1735680

Our neighbour is a fucking beekeeper. Which wouldn't be the biggest issue if he a) didn't keep his apiary less than a few meters away from our fence, washing line and pool and b) knew how to look after the damn things without them swarming every few months. On one of the days we were slowly moving boxes in we saw him in his stupid ass bee suit with a hose pipe on his garage roof (where he keeps the apiary) aggravating the bees. Obviously they were pissed and buzzing around us as we moved in and got stuck in the house and our cars and flew into my husbands clothing. We luckily didn't get stung but decided to try and have a amicable conversation with him about it as we're having a baby in 2 months and the last thing we want to worry about is potentially aggressive bees and a newborn. Thing is he's hardly ever home and when he is he's hiding away so we haven't gotten to introduce ourselves. Fast forward a month later, we're looking at the birds in the garden and we see probably about 50 bees drowning in the pool. Me, being a dumbass, decides to go outside to fish them out and a fucking gigantic swarm - I'm not overexagerating when I say at least a good few thousand - descends into our garden. We lock all the windows and watch the swarm migrate past the house and down the street to God knows where. I've read up on this and apparently a queen will move a swarm to a new hive if they're unhappy with their living condition and apparently this is quite preventable with a lot of warning signs. At the least you can set up an adjacent apiary to catch rogue swarms. Apparently this happened a few months ago to the old owners and the dude just happened to be there with a hose pipe to chase them away and "help", but he swore he wasn't a beekeeper and didn't know where they came from. There is legally nothing we can do to this fuck as there are no municipal laws that dictate beekeping in urban areas. We can only politely ask him to move the apiary to another spot, which he won't do as he has no other space in his yard. I'm all for responsible beekeeping but this is bullshit. And everytime I go on reddit to read up on similar situations I'm reminded that beekeepers are like the pitbull owners of environmentalism. "You just don't understand the hobby" "Honeybees are never aggressive" "MY bees are friendly" "Do you want to single handedly destroy the environment by not allowing me to inconvenience your life?" I'd be less angry if the fuck at least offerred us honey but he hasn't even done that. Every day we have a dumbass bee get confused and stuck in our house and we have at least 10 dead in the pool as they've established it as their watering hole.

No. 1735681

doctors have been gassed up their whole lives, being told they're smarter than others when they're just average people so they look down on everyone else

No. 1735683

Total agree nona, nerds are some of the most insecure fucks I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing and they’re somehow more objectifying than their attractive counterparts but hot boys are better at hiding their true thoughts. They’re pro manipulators because they’ve had the practice. Nice lays though

No. 1735684

I still don't get how male birth control is not a thing. I remember reading that the trial on male birth control found out that they made moids depressed. Well, female contraceptives can give you fucking blood cloths and fucking kill you. So, it's okay when it happens to women, right?

No. 1735685

nobody cares nonna,everyone is there to do their thing, this is coming from someone who probably embarassed herself a few times , but I brushed it off and continued
do you go to the gym for others or for yourself?
I remember when i started going that ironically the guys who would be labelled as the most arrogant/meatheads turned out to be the most helpful

No. 1735686

it already is a thing, it's even safe and reversible but men are too lazy to care

No. 1735687

>I still don't get how male birth control is not a thing
as you mentioned, the side effects made it a no go
MEANWHILE I got a little booklet full of side effects and warnings when I was put on b/c

No. 1735688

I am straight but i would rather stop a bullet with my teeth than date a modern moid. I am so tired of retarded handmaiden like you justifying moid's uglyness by being all disney channel "beauty is on the inside uwu" about it. Meanwhile women are shaving off their pussylips to be pleasing to moids and they cant even be arsed to wear nice clothes and have attractive haircuts.

No. 1735696

This "attractive guys are total cunts actually" cope is so funny. There are different categories of moids. Truly attractive moids are well-disciplined and so taking care of their appearance comes natural to them. They don't take it as a huge deal and they probably were taught that washing their balls and maintaining a good haircut is just a matter of basic responsibility. On other hand, there are try hard guys who drank the incel kool-aid and try to look as good as possible. They do it as subtle as an e girl with tones of make up and cheap Ali clothes. It doesn't help them in a slightest as they are still fucking ugly due to their defect genes.
And then there are just plain ugly moids. They are ugly AND they don't give two fucks about it.

No. 1735698

Do you really trust your male bed partner to take BC when it's not him getting pregnant though? They have no stakes + can fuck you over. I don't like hormonal BC but if it's either me or him it's me for my own safety.

No. 1735701

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My mom would take me to a bunch of her friends parties when I was an older kid, 13-17, and introduced me to her many male friends. About four of them hit on me when i was underage or barely 18, one actively groomed me at 14-15 (nothing physical happened but it was obvious he wanted me wrapped around his finger, and I almost fell for it), and the thing is I had crushes on almost all of them. I thank my lucky stars that that was the worst 'sexual' thing that ever happened to me, but I realise I'm somewhat of a minority, which makes it somewhow worse, because even the mild pedophilia I've experienced already makes me want to hurl.
I feel nauseous when thinking about not only how they wanted to take advantage of me when i was a geeky chubby loner with low self esteem, but also that I was so fucking desperate and horny for any male attention that I kept talkign to them even though I knew they deserved to die a painful death. Not to even mention that my mom knows maybe only a small fraction about this, and that if I didn't feel like I was a little guilty for wanting attention for being pretty, I would tell her. But it would lowkey fuck her up. Imagine you find out that like 4 of your friends wanted to diddle your daughter. I would cry.
I want kids in this world but Idk if they deserve to be fighting against men who want to use them up and chew them out. They deserve so much more than that.
Im gonna go cry and get myself hot cocoa.

No. 1735707

(NTA) I agree with this sentiment. How could you ever trust a guy to take bc? If it was an insert or injectable I would trust it but if it was a pill I would never.

No. 1735710

I see your point and now I'm not sure on male bc either. Well, you nonnas put it into a different perspective for me. Still, if I can personally inject my moid with bc I would definitely do it.

No. 1735733

Then why not use condoms too?

No. 1735749

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I miss my ex best friend so fucking much but I just couldn’t put up with the she/they, enby, demi-ace, alt gender shit anymore. She used to be so cool and was a genuinely unique person, very book smart, and participated in the local Shakespeare troupe. Now she has neo pronouns, walks with a cane, and just let herself go in every sense. I sometimes go through her tumblr and see posts of her talking about how lonely she is and how she wants to settle down with someone but I know for a fact that the men and women she chases aren’t into borderline obese women who look and act like a walking Twitter SJW caricature. Her new friend group is just fellow enbys and I don’t understand how they’re all acting like this despite almost pushing 30? I hope that she gets the mental help she desperately needs and is able to move away from this. Breaks my fucking heart.

No. 1735754

Having privacy nightmares right now, nothing has happened yet but I'm bracing myself because I've been dealing with a creepy moid and have really woken up to how much could be found even if I am a cautious person (in my adult years at least). Search engines make it a pain in the ass to remove images of you even if they from sites/pages that are gone. Once you get one down, it'll still remain up on others where there's no way to report it. Archive sites crawl the web and can archive that cringe blog you made as a teen and you won't even know it. You can avoid giving out your phone number and address to apps but other people with you in your contacts won't do the same. You could have your whole family and your addresses listed on an online obituary from when your distant cousin died. Your friends and family might have Facebook accounts that are public or let anyone friend them. Your friends and family might have made a Youtube or Instagram account and posted things publicly, and even if you can convince them to be careful there's nothing you can do it they lost access to it. A stranger could decide to take a photo or video of you in public for whatever reason and have that go viral. Moids could take creepshots of you in public and post you on whatever shady sites they have where anyone could have those saved forever. Your age and if you're attractive don't even matter, sites like Reddit don't care to stop the hundreds of subs dedicated to posting women without their consent, even if one is banned 10 more will pop up. Maybe there was a moid in high school or college you upset somehow, they could just open up a yearbook and find you or anyone you know again. Convincing your loved ones that you aren't crazy or have something to hide is hard, everyone you know is online without a care. If you want social media without having your name or photo attached, you can't add your friends because they all use theirs. Even if you delete accounts or change usernames all your old information is leaked out there somewhere because you or someone you know wasn't aware or careful enough. Every site makes it hard to delete your accounts and your data, and you have to just trust their words that they did if you do request it. Your phone, smart devices and apps all spy on you. Any work or school issued accounts or devices all spy on you. Even if you are using a random bullshit username or anonymous someone could recognize your interests or a typing style you don't realize you have.
I'm not an interesting person and my paranoia has been detrimental to some parts of my life. If I was born 50 years ago I would have been the type of person to live in the woods. I wish I could be normal about it, I look at random strangers in public and envy that they don't care about all this. At least not enough to have full schizo ramblings about it on lolcow. I'm lucky I wasn't born in the generations where your entire life is documented since birth online, and it's only going to get worse.

No. 1735760

Ok, go ahead and cape for depraved men who treat women like shit because they know they can I guess. Clearly you don't mind being a side piece or willing doormat to a guy as long as he's hot, while also somehow calling me a handmaiden lol.
Also, personal hygiene has nothing to do with attractiveness and you know it, otherwise you'd be a walking biohazard I'm sure. Whether he washes his balls or not has nothing to do with his bone structure, but keep coping.
Wow, really? Tell me more about these magical attractive moids you've totally seen in real life. Does their breath smell like marshmallows and rainbows? Are they all hot Italian men, every single one? And all of them are just dying to marry you even though you're a mentally ill retard on lolcow.farm who has been reading too much shitty Wattpad fanfiction?
Some of y'all need to touch grass.

No. 1735815

>brother is a complete loser approaching his 40s and still being taken care of by his mom and more successful brother (he's around the same age as him too)

I used to hate my brother because he's a disgusting misogynistic pedophile 4chan loser but whenever I hear about him from my other brother, I just feel disappointed. He never makes any meaningful changes and I honestly think at this point he's developmentally delayed. Whenever he talks to me, he talks about how he wants to change and overcome his depression but complains about how difficult it is. Truly, I don't think he wants to change. He's content being taken care of and living his life like a child. He wakes up to play video games and eat. That's all he does. The goals and aspirations he used to have aren't possible anymore. He wanted to be a fighter and now he's too old to even compete. At the same time, he'll call women too old and past their prime. Knowing the irony of his insults is pretty pathetic and sad and just shows where he is mentally

No. 1735851

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rat shit bat shit pig shit prick!!! bastard bastard bastard bastard bastard bastard bastard cunting weasel son of a bitch!!! guess i should have taken the "so that's it?" at face value then because if you're already looking for dates within a month then i, nor our 5+ years together must have really not meant a single fucking thing!!! bastard bastard bastard bastard bastard i hope whatever poor chick you pulled off tinder isn't traumatised by you crying and going soft halfway through you spineless prick

why the fuck am i always "the best thing that's ever happened" to someone, but simultaneously so completely taken for fucking granted??? i truly don't get it!!!

i don't want to have to be hard and cold to make it out alive, but it feels like i have to be so i don't end up used and abused by selfish, self centred, incompetent and oblivious men who i erroneously assumed knew better!!! i want to be soft and kind and caring and giving!!! i want to be warm!!! i want to love, and be loved in kind!!!

but it turns out that i am just a fool, with legless dreams.

bastard bastard bastard bastard bastard bastard bastard

No. 1735858

God burgers pee me off sometimes. Why do so many of them have to refer to themselves as being anything but American? “I’m pale and have freckles” that’s the Scottish in me. Because England has parks older than America itself. Burgers love to insult bongs and cry about them being colonisers, but doesn’t that make them colonisers too? Even if your uncle was from Coventry in England, that doesn’t make YOU English if you were born and bred in America. Or just because your ancestors came from Ireland on the mayflower or whatever. You can’t call yourself Irish. My auntie and uncle (bong) moved to america like over a decade ago and had my cousins there. They are american. God it pisses me off

No. 1735883

You know what, you don't like my tone via writing? I'm going to be even more of a vindictive bitch tomorrow at the team meeting, WITH goddamn receipts why it doesn't matter how my tone is with whomever when I'm in fact right.
We're supposedly the knowledge base of the rest of the company, we share that knowledge and then nothing to correct false information gets done in one godforsaken year? No acknowledgment for the shared information, nothing?

I'm going to show you the receipt if you think I'm bullshitting that this is in fact unacceptable. And we had already told the department responsible that it'll happen as soon as this "improvement"TM happened, since they're a. Understaffed b. Not using the improvement's full capabilities to not have to do the job for others.

And seriously, if nothing happens, then I'll confirm the false information that are not corrected, let the shit hit the fan and then it is what it is. I'm not above a passive aggressive bullshit fight, I can't wait to see the shit flung in other people's directions instead of my department, no fucks given.

No. 1735884

Are you a nice guy who is pissed off that girls don't give him a chance lol? Wtf is this cope? Ugly moids must die sad and lonely, no one wants their defective genes.

No. 1735892

Wow are you me and is that my brother you're talking about? Because same.

No. 1735897

You don’t know the difference between race/ethnicity/heritage and nationality. If you googled it you might be able to calm down a bit.

No. 1735906

I grated 2 onions yesterday for a recipe and later that night when I was getting my pussy eaten (I like to spread it while he eats it) and I smelled my hands during all I could smell was onion. Sorry to the scrote but thanks for eating my onion pussy until my orgasm was ogre and being polite

No. 1735908

Anon regardless yanks love to refer to themselves as anything but American. Which is my point

No. 1735919

Convert the attractive ones into being straight. No seriously why are all model tier men massive homos? And the 1% who aren't end up like Ezra Miller

No. 1735929

It is nice to hear his name again on here. I love the peak ezrafags era

No. 1735954

t. princess Fiona

No. 1736045

Oh my god anon, this is hilarious. He definitely probably thought it was your vagina

No. 1736059

No cps is not human trafficking you're just an unfit parent and a narcissist

No. 1736079

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Told someone that I would never start dating someone as a NEET and got told I was an asshole, eugenics were also brought up for some reason. Me not wanting to date when I feel worthless and should be focusing on getting into a school and a job is somehow selfish? I even said I was talking about myself, but Jesus people are dense, I am so sorry I removed my enticing butt from the dating pool!!

No. 1736095

contemplating whether I should order chinese again, I love orange chicken

No. 1736169

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>I didn’t answer my 44 year old bf’s call within an hour…

A Reddit post I found. And I realized, it's literally me. This is how I act. And I don't know how to stop or change.

No. 1736195

Clean hoarder's homes, scrub hoarder's homes, throw everything a hoarder owns into the garbage, slamdunk their most valued "possessions" into the trashcan, declutter filthy sheds, launch hoarder's things into the sun, report hoarders to government agencies.

No. 1736218

If that's unironically you on a regular basis, you should probably seek out a mental health evaluation.

No. 1736234

Nonnie you should get yourself checked out. The only time I ever did anything like that I was mixing alcohol with an antidepressant and extremely stressed due to a life event and about to start my period which all combined broke my brain. I felt totally out of control even though I could see myself doing it in real time I couldn’t or didn’t want to stop. If I felt like that all time I would be so distressed, I’d definitely go to a doctor and try to change a lot of things in my life. I hope things turn around for you.

No. 1736239

i have chronic nerve pain because a disgusting man crippled me when i was in hospital. three years later i still can't get a night of uninterrupted sleep.
on bad days it still hurts to walk and my fatigue leaves me feeling useless. today i can't cross my legs even because of the pain across my back and hips.

i am TIRED i am TIRED and i hate men and i hate the NHS and i hate being alive

No. 1736337

i regret going to university it’s making me want to rip my hair out. i wish my mom didn’t force me to go. my friends that went to community colleges are already graduated with full time jobs and i’m here suffering with no actual life. i don’t have any friends here either it’s just go to class, come home, rinse and repeat. it’s hell

No. 1736347

this is crazy behaviour anon, stop and think what it would be like on the receiving end before sending a crazy amount of desperate messages

No. 1736352

I have been on the receiving end and loved it, it means they care about you so much they couldn't help but sperg out.

No. 1736369

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I am really tired, right now and all the time, really. And yet I'm in debt of 10 fucking working days, it never ends. I hope things will get better on my new position.

No. 1736413

I'm suicidal my life isn't getting better

No. 1736421

I just feel so depleted with all my family drama, my forever enduring socialization issues, and the state of the world.
I think my situational depression is legit getting closer to suicidal ideation.
I'll avoid crossing bridges or going to high places for a while.

No. 1736428

talking to my mom makes me want to kms fr no cap
I hope I don't wake up again

No. 1736462

I can't find any sort of acceptance, love, support, freedom, respect, association, dignity.

No. 1736479

I’m developing a habit of making myself throw up because it gives temporary relief to constant sickness from constant anxiety over things i can’t control. I don’t want to do this to myself even knowing what this will do to my body still won’t stop the compulsion. Something about how i can express how much i’m hurting to other people without telling them it’s all in my head, it’s not weak if i’m just sensitive to foods or have an illness. I was always “sick” as a kid and couldn’t tell anyone why.

No. 1736483

i need to actually remain sober and focus on my recovery because i feel like i’m at the point where the smallest setback will completely erase my progress. it’s so easy for me to spiral and i literally cause most of my own problems by overthinking and falling into repetitive patterns that only negatively impact me. i feel like im in such a weird place and i’m scared of pulling myself out of it because i feel so fucking fragile

No. 1736523

nobody's ever given a shit about me

No. 1736528

nonas please give me honest opinions on a 25 year old woman getting with an 18/19 year old moid, is that shit pedophilic? I didn't really think much about the age gap until a friend commented that it's pushing it even though moids still go after 18/19 year old girls in their late 40s kek

No. 1736533

It's completely fine. Enjoy your young hot bf.

No. 1736534

besides general young moid issues like being insecure and std ridden literally not a problem at all. age gap is only a problem when it feeds the machine

No. 1736538

older woman younger man doesn't seem bad to me the way older man younger woman disgusts me and is a red flag. i might assume that you're kind of immature and weird though.

No. 1736540

I don’t think it’s pedophilic, but I do think it’s resulted in the worst sex I’ve ever had

No. 1736542

not pedophilic at all but he's gonna leave you for sure so wear that thang out and then quit it when you're bored

No. 1736554

Who cares? 40 year old males go after 20 year old women. Have fun anon, just make sure he has protection in sex.

No. 1736562

whenever i have a nasty little crush on a moid i turn them into a fictional character for myself to project onto and then continue ignoring them IRL. this would be autistic sounding if i didn’t have the worst taste in men ever. preemptively doing myself the favor

No. 1736563

your friend sounds retarded

No. 1736565

I think that I'm unlovable or bred to not be part of society.

No. 1736566

Called my mom to ask if she could watch my dog for a night, since bf booked something for us to do this weekend and I cannot bring a pet. I never ask my family for favors and this would be the second time I have ever asked my mom to watch my dog.
My mom said how she would have to cut the day after short cause (golden child, manipulative, spoiled) older cousin is having a birthday party that day that she wants to attend.
Of course it got under my skin cause obviously, being the black sheep of the family begging for scraps of help can make my feelings hurt sometimes when even that is shot down. None of them ever give a fuck about making a big day out of my birthday which was two weeks ago but I digress. I accepted it and moved on with the call.

After I hung up the phone, I tried to refocus on driving bf and I through rush hour traffic, which compounded my stress cause of course other drivers were being morons. Bf wanted to go out tonight so I was driving us. Noticed my bf started to neg my driving. Next, he asked leading questions about my cousin and I was going off about how toxic she was until he interrupted me to say I was "giving too much energy into this" and said some turn of phrase that exaggerated that I was madder over the situation than I actually was. He's done this before to me and it's extremely condescending, in a shut up, I don't wanna listen to your feelings, woman type of way. I could maybe understand if I was being hostile and aggro towards him but I was not. Whenever I try to correct him on this he then accuses me of being sensitive or defensive.
It feels like something said out of an attack to control/get me to shut up, and not from a place of concern/real empathy from a loved one. I just kept saying "Ok" but it wasn't good enough for bf cause I was being too dismissive so he dug into me some more. So this turned into a fight where I had to drive us back home, and it was 20 minutes of awkward silence. I feel really gaslit when this happens. Of course, no, he insists I was just that angry and so I need to think about how my emotions make him feel cause don't I know how I stress him?! The things he said to me were so selfish that I couldn't even cry.
I couldn't even look at him, I still feel so disgusted and resentful. I dropped him off at the apartment and then he took off not long after. He's probably gonna go get wasted somewhere.

Why are men always lying about women and their anger?
This man lambasting me about my so-called "anger" cause I have an opinion on my family dynamic is the same man who was sectioned in a hospital a few months ago for a suicide attempt when I broke up with him.
This man acting like I am a threat and insinuating my anger will "escalate" is the same man who knows about my prior ex who actually restrained me, stole my property, put holes in my walls, verbally abused me, and abused my pets.
Oh, but my bad words about my shitty family is the real problematic anger in the word and not the real violence men have put me through so I better just mind my Ps and Qs!

No. 1736572

I’ve worked really hard to be a more functional, better person all through adulthood but I don’t think I’ll ever like socializing. I straight up do not enjoy the company of other people 90% of the time, having any kind of social life is just an annoyance I can easily go without. I don’t think this is going to change. I hope it’s not going to ruin my life. I’m glad my parents have one normal kid because something’s wrong with me.

No. 1736580

getting back together with a man who attempted suicide after your break up sounds like a trainwreck in and of itself. even if i liked a guy, that would scare me.

No. 1736588

My cat vomited on my comforter and it broke me. I’m about to sit in the shower and stare at the wall.

No. 1736592

Tbf I didn't know the reason why he was hospitalized initially. He only confessed that part to me a couple weeks ago.

The scary part is this guy painting narrative that I am the one with no handle on my emotions, but that's actually him. He's projecting.

No. 1736593

My cat vomited on my comforter and it broke me. I’m about to sit in the shower and stare at the wall.

No. 1736598

The temperatures dropped suddenly and my whole body HURTS! Especially my ribs and hips, what can I do nonnies….I miss being young and being strong….No I cannot stay warm/rest because I work outside and I want to cry, I do not want to depend on ibuprofen…

No. 1736633

dirty delete cuz typo but as a GNC woman i am conflicted with the ‘tomboy girlfriend’ hype because one on hand i used to have men come up to me in public and comment on how ugly and mannish i appear. the audacity. these same people now think i’m hot shit but i started dressing like this to avoid mostly all male attention. we live in clown world

No. 1736682

this is why i will never have pets. they're sooooo cute until they're vomiting and shitting all over and destroying your belongings and making your home a filth den. animals belong outside.

No. 1736701

I dressed tomboyish as a teen and I vividly remember walking down the side of the road once in long shorts, a tshirt and a baseball cap and a guy drove by and yelled YOU’RE UGLY out the window, I was 14. Now they all want a cute tomboy gf. Pathetic.

No. 1736716

Men don't want actual tomboys, they only want their warped, idiotic perspective on tomboys: which is basically a girl who dresses extremely proactively and watches football. Actual tomboys? Most men wouldn't think to date an actual tomboy because scrotes are too busy thinking any woman who doesn't dress to give men erections are "dykes". Same with goths. Males are so fucking fake about liking shit, I cannot stand them.

No. 1736771

I was feeling kinda dizzy, then I took a shit, it was very smooth and nice, I feel better now but damn
For real, males really didn't like me at all, most thought I was unattractive and gay, instead of y'know, a girl that simply dressed differently

No. 1736774

I'm so cold all of the damned time. If it isn't a tropical plant greenhouse I will be freezing my ass off. I have to wear 2 pairs of pants and 2 sweaters to work at the office and I'm still miserably cold all day. Fucking hell how many iron pills do I have to swallow to get adequate blood circulation? BURN THE CALORIES YOU STUPID BODY, I SURELY EAT ENOUGH COOKIES. And god damn offices to hell, they're drafty iceboxes set up to keep obese moids complacent.

No. 1736796

Even naturally beautiful women are with uggo moids imo

No. 1736797

Fainting while needing a shit is real, I’ve come close before, something to do with it pressing on the nerves in your rectum

No. 1736805

I've only found like 3 people attractive in my whole life, and only one of those was someone I knew irl. I'm very lonely and would love to have a partner but my type is too specific to ever find someone I'm attracted to in my daily life, and that's not even considering that the extremely rare person would have to be attracted to me too, and I'm not very good looking. I don't think I'll ever feel the intimate touch of another person and that's hard to live with.

No. 1736811

Well I don’t think anyone is arguing about that there. I think AYRT is just asking for an adjustment of any rose colored glasses. Personally I probs won’t go for whoever is considered classically hot anymore, I’d rather be with someone average to above average who has real hobbies, is motivated, tidy and smells nice. Both hot guys I’ve been with cheated and lied about it. They expect you to not care because they think they’re God’s gift to man until they hit the wall. Then you’re left with a melting sack of skin giving you their worst physical version thinking their genes are enough to pull the weight. Especially if they’re washed up low effort artists which so many of them are. The IT guys were technically loyal but they had mental problems and objectified your presence so gun to my head if I had to choose, I’d pick the former but irl I’m done with either.

No. 1736813

Little zoomer turds are worse than the previous gen and I know men have always been horrible but I see it when I’m just trying to look at cat memes, they joke about raping children like so much and say horrifyingly racist stuff ON INSTAGRAM. back in my day you had to go on 4chan to see those sort of remarks.
They’ll comment something about raping a woman in a joking way and I’ll click on their profile and it’s a regular looking teenager who posts his dog and football team wtf.
They’ll say “hear me out..” on a video of a deformed woman and it’s like on TikTok or instagram they act like this I just feel so so bad for my little sisters knowing they have to go to school with these mongrels

No. 1736816

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I am so sick of opening x and seeing another pedo post like pic related. I see them all the time, this one just now. Are all men pedos? Or is it just the ones on x? Why can’t they just be normal? It makes me doubt the men I know irl, do they secretly think like this as well? I am losing all faith in men because it feels like I see this a ridiculous amount recently, I lament being heterosexual. I know I’m being dramatic but it makes my skin crawl, why do they have to be so gross? Can’t we just castrate them all?

No. 1736819

Ime uglies are the worst I look back on young me and realize the worst guys I ever talked to were greasy weaboo gamers they were worse than pretty good boys who focused on studying and did normie shit like sports for fun. They are also porn addicted and lazy and don’t channel their aggression in a productive way so they take it out on you, you would think since they’re uglier you’re doing them a favor so they’ll be good to you it’s a waste of emotions

No. 1736823

i hate so much that my ex latched onto many things i enjoy because at the time she thought i was above her and wanted to be into the same stuff to be more impressive or something. all the games i played before her now sometimes she is online. the language i had learned in high school and still like listening as songs, art subjects, story stuff. maybe she wasnt very original herself. i just hate that those things dont feel like mine anymore after the break up. even though i was into them long before her.

No. 1736824

Just when I thought I could not hate males any more than I already do, the hatred grows even more. They deserve abortion.

No. 1736832

women should start acting the same, men only realize how shit they are when they are the ones being cosified and babyfied, but sadly most women are cowards and think dating an 18yo at 20 is yucky pedophilia and go for ''older men'', meanwhile these moids openly lust for children.

No. 1736836

Honestly… I did the same except it was over a breakup and I went all bpdchan over his DMs, writing extremely long paragrahs that it's all his fault, and that it was goodbye forever, and blocked them. But a few days later I came crawling back to him and begged for him to talk to me again. Lmao I was so fucking cringe. Should have kept my dignity instead.

No. 1736838

Imo its alright for older women to date college age men only because most women take relationships a lot more seriously where as most men will only date a younger woman for the sake of saying they did it or wants someone with limited dating experience and therefore cannot spot their red flags and dont know whats normal in a relationship.

Even when it comes to "molding" the younger partner, women typically just mold their younger bfs to have a good career, be fit, act like a good person, etc where as men just give young women eating disorders and PTSD

No. 1736850

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Think I need to delete this app. I’ve seen enough.

No. 1736859

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Older men everywhere should be rounded up and euthanized behind a big fat barn because they're worthless no matter who they date. Normalize telling middle aged and geriactric scrotes that they don't deserve "young love" and that they need to go die alone somewhere. If any male (no matter the age) unironically believes 13-16 year olds have the "right" to basically be molested, they need to be put down like the hogs they are too. I hope the moids are lurking and seeing this because I fucking hate them.

No. 1736891

death is better than whatever this is but I can't even get up and go somewhere and throw myself off a building

No. 1736922

same, i try not to be cruel against my fellow husbandofags but i cant deny whenever i see them lusting after a senile character something in me want to shake them up and tell them to stop glorifying post wall moids

No. 1736942

>Be junkie
>Go to doctor to get clean
>Get prescription
>Get addicted to prescription
Kill me.

No. 1736954

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I shouldn't let it get to me but this one autism faker influencer fooling people even on lolcow that she is autistic is so frustrating. She's always lied about everything else but the autism larp is true? Yet none of the words match her actions? You're really buying that???
It makes me feel like when you're around TRA who claim troons are real women, when they're so painfully clearly men but you're not allowed to say it because then you're bullying a poor transwoman/autist.

No. 1736956

Idk if it helps but the thing about prescription medicine like that is that you get hooked to it instead of your typical drug of choice and than try to quit it since the meds are easier to ditch.
Like I tried to quit smoking and instead started chewing nicotine gums. I got addicted to them instead but it was easier to quit since the gum isn't as nice as smoking a cigarette, so I didn't have that psychological hook.
I know that smoking isn't that addictive as whatever you are doing, but so far things are not too bad since if you try to quit the prescribed meds it would be far easier. Not easy though, but far more possible.

No. 1736961

can’t believe im saying this but i almost miss when people my age were just larping as trans online/changing pronouns but not actually altering their bodies or just experimenting into the void. Now I’m in my early 20s and have grown out of all that retardation and am just happy as a normie lesbian with a degree and full time job, but its fucking depressing checking in and seeing all the people I grow up with depressed NEETs at best, claiming to be in gay male relationships when they are feminine presenting women with vaginas and have a straight boyfriend, and at least half of them are histrionic or have fucking munchausen because they’re claiming to have DID. Having these terminally online conversations in person is fucking exhausting and I usually just play along because I know they’ll just reeee at me or cut me off when I express any dissent or concern. Luckily have made lots of new normie friends but it’s just incomprehensible that these people are the same age as me and haven’t grown out of the LARPing I haven’t done since age 15

No. 1736964

Thanks nonnie, I was on a steady taper but then my doc put me on the same dose for a month straight and now I can't sleep or feel like I want to be alive. I'll see her tomorrow and explain what's going on but I feel so horrible with this new dose.

No. 1736967

maybe this is unfair to actual bi women but I’m so fucking sick of every friend I have who is LGB being bi-identifying women who are only ever in relationships with men. It honestly disgusts me especially because a lot of them used to ID as lesbians but ended up shacking up with the first male who paid attention to them after high school. And I hate feeling like they look down upon me or think I’m less mature / experienced for only having relationships with women because they see my sexuality as a stepping stone or teenage experimentation when it’s my fucking life.

No. 1736980

I met so many fake bisexuals who later admitted to putting on the label for attention, I'm now under the belief that bisexuality is a very rare thing. Well, except for males, but that's because they'll fuck anything that moves so they're on a different playground for this matter.

No. 1736982

a lot of people latch onto B for attention but consider compulsory heterosexuality is also a thing, especially for women. gay relationships are validated all the time as "actual" relationships but we keep hearing lesbian relationships don't count as "actual" relationships everywhere.

No. 1737018

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I've been daydreaming about receiving nice text messages like "oh youre so cute" or "youre my priority right now" or "cant wait to see you again" until I get this sad, fluttery, hollow feeling in my stomach. Im happy to imagine it but I cry because it's just pretend. I want to make friends with affectionate people who are just as generous with compliments as i am. Unfortunately im severely mentally ill and cant maintain relationships. Maybe its more accurate to say i want to be lovebombed but not by someone who plans to abuse me (again just like how i am when i can manage to be around people) (i think this makes me a bad person. One reason among many)

No. 1737030

To be fair, when you’re a bi woman, your dating pool is going to be almost entirely men. There’s a lot more straight men than lesbian/bi women in the world. Men just kind of throw themselves at your feet, while it’s harder to find women who aren’t gendies or handmaidens. Plus, being rejected or ghosted by a woman actually hurts. Men are dime a dozen.

No. 1737074

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Atsushi buck tick vocalist is dead I’m devastated nonas

No. 1737075

statistically it's the opposite, women are more "fluid" sexually (i hate the term) and men are more rigid with theirs regardless of being straight/gay

No. 1737078

> and men are more rigid with theirs regardless of being straight/gay
kek no way, ''straight'' men fuck trannies for a reason. men have a longer story of bisexuality than women

No. 1737080

I'd say males are more rigid with the concept of being gay, so they do all sorts of mental gymnastics to "stay" het, even while acting 100% homosexual. Also most men only admire other men so it's very telling a lot if not most men are homoromantic.

No. 1737081

My ex fucked a tranny before we met and I only found out after. He thought he was a she with a vagina and when it was discovered to not be so he just thought fuck it I'm already at this point. My ex was sleazy though and I think he fucked my brother on a drug bender. I did not get any STDs thank fuck.

No. 1737083

So women are more honest while men are more stubborn about it? I still feel like it's definitely men that are more likely to put their dicks in anything with a pulse, making them more likely to be bisexual too.

No. 1737084

all men are bisexual because men will fuck anything, man/woman/child/shaved ape/raw chicken. I have never in my life met a woman who got memed into liking reverse trap, but i saw how many of my heterosexual friends got memed into liking traps and 'femboys'

No. 1737085

And THIS is why I do not trust people that would or do fuck trannies. They are not clean, and are never morally, or mentally well.

No. 1737099

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I hate being so bad at articulating myself. I regret never picking up writting when I was younger even though I was an avid reader. Now i am stuck wanting to write a comic/game, and being absolutely shit at it. I wish i could write like Nabokov's, i find his style of writting enchanting, and i have been enamoured with it since i was a tween. Oh well, i guess i gotta hon in my drawing skills to make up for it.

No. 1737101

Please, that's such typical male projection (not calling you a moid but the concept is). Males are the ones that get memed into jerking off to anthropomorphic planes with enough conditioning.

No. 1737102

i love you. You're so sweet

No. 1737109

Practice nona! You're as young as you'll ever be, in 20 years you'll wonder why you thought you were "too old" to start writing now

No. 1737110

Ugly disgusting rotten old moids are worthless why are they alive

No. 1737114

Thank you this makes me really happy. I love you too and I hope someone will go out of their way to show you kindness and care sometime soon

No. 1737136

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I'm leaving an email on this post for you to reach out to me if you ever feel like it! You can save it and email me six months from now if that's what you want. I am happy to be there whenever you wanna chat, unconditionally. I know how it feels to be in your shoes and I'm so grateful for the friends I have now.

No. 1737141

I want to kill myself. I've put in so much effort into my life for nothing. Nobody's actually truly cared about me or been there for me. I haven't been loved or understood ever in my life. My whole life I've been taken for a fool and have had my reality distorted. I'm so separated from the structure of society. I'm just tired of being insulted, isolated, left behind, misunderstood.

I'm so unwell. I'm just cutting off my internet connection forever and I'm preparing myself for suicide finally after 13 years. I will escape but I swear I don't know why it turned out this way. I wanted to live more than anyone else and I tried so hard. At the end of the day, I have nobody in my life. Nobody's ever truly loved me or cared about me or even understood the sort of person that I am. Ultimately, suicide is the best option cuz I know this is what my life will always be. At the end of the day I think I've only gotten my boundaries crossed.

No. 1737159

Suicide is not the best option nonna, please live, I care if you live so please stay

No. 1737171

No, no matter how hard I try. I cannot aquire anything within my life. Just insults and degradation. I have virtually nothing real to live for.

No. 1737175

Then don't? Why is this anyone else's problem

No. 1737185

Anon don't listen to that b I want you to be happy and you will

No. 1737187

I think that "who cares" anon is a male who was just stirring shit in the other threads. Just report him.

No. 1737191

Not every post you find offensive is a male. There are just a lot of rude edgy girls on this site. Notice I didn't say women, because they are most likely teenagers.

No. 1737196

I swear there's one male here that without fail goes "noT EveRy X wHo DoEs x IS a mAn!!!1!!" every single time he is sniffed out

No. 1737201

>not every offensive post is a male
I never said they were. I do think whoever says dumb shit like "who cares" to a suicidal post is likely a scrote though.

No. 1737205

Kek I'm on your boat.

No. 1737217

Agreed. They're mansplaining elsewhere what the user base is suppose to be like again.

No. 1737221

Why? Because then you'd accept the userbase is made up of BPD retards with sociopathic tendencies? That cannot stand having their own problems denied or being insulted in the slightest way but they do it to other people?(romanianon ban evading for the 59564968th time)

No. 1737222

Not a male, you're just proving my point. Great job retards.

No. 1737223

This exactly, well said nona

No. 1737229

No. 1737230

Imagine getting called a retard by a self confessed autist.

No. 1737232

I'm not male, I just check this website enough to recognize a specific poster by the way she types and things she complains about. She's threatened to kill herself many times in the past few years and is still here. She was here yesterday saying that everyone bullies her and is mean to her, then proceeded to insult whoever tried to give her advice. A year ago she whined about rich first world women and said they deserve to be raped, then said she lives in unbearable pain every day and wants to kill herself. Still here. I don't feel bad for her at all.

No. 1737238

Is that poster romaniachan?

No. 1737240

I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, this is an anonymous imageboard

No. 1737241

NTA but definitely

No. 1737244

Fuck bro

No. 1737245

I also clocked her but you could have just reported lol you know you shouldn’t give her attention

No. 1737247

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No. 1737250

My brain is broke I saw this pic with the Vine boom

No. 1737262

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Same nona it hurts so much. I loved Buck Tick. He will always have a place in my heart.

No. 1737263

>A year ago she whined about rich first world women and said they deserved to be raped.
I've never said that but okay. You can twist my truth and what I believe or say whatever you wish because what I actually stand for doesn't matter.
When pakianon was posting about being a muslim and undermining the suffering of everyone that is not from the third world, I fought against her. Simply, I've never stated that and I don't believe that. You're twisting my stance.
>everyone bullies her and is mean to her
Yea, you're literally twisting what I believe and what I say and when I'm suicidal you're just telling me to kill myself. I've never ignored advice. Just responded with what I'm actually experiencing in my own life.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1737265

I think I'm genuinely too much of a brainlet to understand the maths I've chosen to study. But because I'm stubborn I already came this far and now idk what I'm gonna do

No. 1737269

Same, nonna. I got into mechanical engineering just to prove that I could since I've been called stupid all my life for having ADHD. But it actually takes me hours and days of self-studying to learn something others learn in class. I'm not even doing too badly in terms of grades, it just takes a lot of effort and people just think I'm unintelligent when I speak because I get confused by all the similar terminology and end up sounding like a mouthbreather

No. 1737272


No. 1737273

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No. 1737277

If I was in HR I would give you the job Nona, you sound very passionate

No. 1737315

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>>sitting on the bus
>>around 25 y/o moid is in a seat in front of me
>>i can clearly see what he is looking at on his phone
>>he's looking at tiktok, first video is a woman in skimpy clothes doing a cut to her boobs getting bigger, second video is a scene from porn (?) of a couple about to make out
>>i want to shoot myself already
>>a mother and a girl who looks to be about 5 get on the bus, there's no free spots
>>he offers up his seat for the mother and she lets the kid sit
>>kid's playing with a leaf and the moid starts chatting with the mom and playing hide and seek with the kid

No. 1737326

I agree with you. HR is fucking useless. I had two different jobs where I reported sexual harassment and racism done to me and I was basically told they got a stern talking but no real action was taken. It feels like all people working HR are boymoms at this point.

No. 1737330

I would have piped up and said "to let you know, he was just looking at p-o-r-n before you got on the bus, so I wouldn't be letting him interact with your child". I know for some it's easier than others but anon you have to stick up for other women and be willing to call out men on their shit. They need to be shamed.

No. 1737331

That's so awful!! I would have said "Ma'am, do you know this man was looking at porn just a few moments before you?" but knowing men, he would have chimped out and went violent. We cant wish. I just want to wipe men from this earth.

No. 1737332

fully agree
wait till HR rejects you and gives you a shit reason when everyone knows it's because you're young and pretty and HR lady is a salty bitch, this shit actually happens and it was eye opening

No. 1737339

I regret going into hr it's oversaturated as fuck, the only way to get into it if your daddy doesn't have a job lined up for you is it slog through years of soulless recruiting. I just wanted to help people understand their benefits and employee development options and help keep internal processes running smoothly. Nope not allowed Katelynne already took that job she had it lined up without even having to go to college because it's all about who you know and I know nobody all of my networking attempts were for nothing. I'm weird and nobody wants me

No. 1737346

I'm working in HR and after being discriminated against when looking for jobs by racists I thought the same… Except AI for recruitment sucks ass or at least it did not long ago. We tried to use it during my first job as a recruiter because it was implemented to automatically recommend jobs to people who would add their resumes to our website based on key words and it could only detect like 4 or 5 words per CV. Just to see how it works from the candidates' point of view. The software didn't even know how to read and would keep recommending nurse jobs to doctors for instance, it was shocking. I wouldn't be surprised if my resume was filtered that way when looking for my internship even though I adapted it for each job offer because I made my resumes on canva too because I've been told it made it unreadable for AI softwares. Not sure how that works.

No. 1737417

you're both right, i should've said something.. next time i'll make sure to speak up, i think i was just fucking flabbergasted by him openly looking at this shit.. for the rest of the bus ride he was still watching tiktoks and they were all of either sexy instagram women doing something or this one video of a dog running funny.. but it's still fucking sick. why the fuck are moids like this?? i hate this so much, it just makes me believe that every moid has done something like this (do degenerate shit and then go into society and act normal like nothing happened).

No. 1737437

I've had insomnia for 3 weeks and finally figured out the cause last night. My abusive parents keep trying to get in contact with me recently even though I've ghosted them for 2+ years. So now I mentally agreed to go on the warpath and write them a letter telling them exactly what I think of them and I finally slept (for 3 hours lol). Now i have to write this fucking thing or the demon won't let me rest, but it's better in the long run. I'm going to commit violence with a pen. those fuckers are going to regret wanting to contact me. i'll give you a piece of my mind, all right.

No. 1737440

>it just makes me believe that every moid has done something like this (do degenerate shit and then go into society and act normal like nothing happened).
They have, and they do.

No. 1737444

I shouldn’t have had to resort to balled up toilet paper tampons as a kid because I was an autist too scared to tell my mom, what’s her excuse for just not giving me supplies?

No. 1737445

Every day I want to kill myself because this guy I matched with on fucking hinge and never met but had a failed talking stage with doesn’t want me. I can’t eat or sleep over it. I can’t even fake being happy around loved ones because I’m that obsessively miserable over it. Also he’s blocked me on WhatsApp.

No. 1737446

Can you stop? Like, what is your goal? Turn every woman into a paranoid mess?

No. 1737455

i lost 100lbs and for a while i felt so good about myself but now i'm looking at my face and the faces of other 30 year olds and i feel so sad. i look unhealthy and old.

also i'm returning to study after some not-insignificant life events which i think have made me stupider. i used to be a postgrad researcher/lecturer and now i'm retraining in a health science subject. i'm just not really trying very hard and am very mediocre, when i used to be so conscientious and bright.

i just wish i could rewind time and make better choices. i miss who i used to be, even if i was fat.

No. 1737488

30 is old lol, you just look normal.

No. 1737490

I need help when there's no one to help me. I need understanding when all he wants to do is misunderstand. I need money beyond my capabilities to earn. I need to move on when my legs have given out beneath me.
I'm really tired.

No. 1737493

100% agree. The HR at a previous job (hospitality) basically would just hire whoever sent a resume in. They would hire literal children over adults with actual work experience. I was nineteen at the time (as were some of my coworkers) working with freshman in high school! If they just did their job and minded their own business it would be one thing, but this one girl started a fight with me for no reason and at one point through my stuff on the floor. A supervisor tried to write her up after that incident and a couple other conflicts she got into with other people and higher management wouldn’t let her. Why even have an HR department at that point?

No. 1737496

>30 is old hurrr durrr
Go back to tiktok kek.
Congrats on your weight loss nonna, I’m sorry you’re having negative feelings and depression though. I know sometimes when people lose a lot of weight they experience some skin sag facially and if you feel really self conscious there’s a world of options out there to make you more confident. Roc makes really effective anti aging and replumping type products, and there’s nothing wrong with getting some fillers if you want them. Wishing you luck and that you will be able to find your happiness again.

No. 1737502

I can’t find a fucking entry level job in my field for the life of me and it makes me want to kill myself. I’m about to apply to fucking doordash, so glad I got into debt for a degree in a supposed good and stable field (before anyone is like oh you must be another retard who majored in art or whatever)

No. 1737503

30 isn't even middle-aged, zoomer-chan.

No. 1737531

you just read about a male doing something terrible, and the one who wrote about it wrote "this isn't the first time", and the first thing that comes to your mind is something akin to "not all men"? what is YOUR goal? to make rightfully worried women question if they're rightfully worried?

No. 1737536

> 30 is old
You must be over 18 to post here

No. 1737538

Around 90% of men will watch violent pedophilic pornography and then go out to act “normal” at their jobs or in public. It’s not about being paranoid it’s about realizing men’s brains are fucked up and they hardly see women as human people since they get off to our abuse and degradation.

No. 1737555

Zoomers and younger millennials ruined ren faires and I will never forgive you faggots. If you weren’t already attending 15 years ago fuck off.

No. 1737584

Lol you’re acting like your brothers and dad and boyfriends and make friends and coworkers don’t watch porn then interact with you or other women normally too, all men do this

No. 1737587

i wouldn't call it 100% homosexual if they're still sleeping with women tho

No. 1737588

how did they ruin them?

No. 1737591

New neighbors have a baby, I can't stand the noise it's not full volume in my apartment which if anything makes it worse. I can hear muffled screams at all hours and turns out one of the few things that will wake me from a dead sleep is crying. I'm going fucking crazy my dreams have even been all fucked up baby in danger bullshit. I'm going to have to get noise cancelling headphones and see if the building will let me install blind people smoke detectors because I'm miserable. And the worst is if you tell anyone about it they are all 'babies are allowed to exist' like yes of course they are but it is still annoying to the rest of us. No one else in the building has kids and pretty much everyone in the neighborhood with children rent the similarly priced (and with units available) townhouses across the street.

No. 1737596

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why didn't you guys tell me there were hot moids at these festivals?

No. 1737599

>mom tells me she'll cook for dinner well in advance
>feeling like I'm gonna pass out from hypoglycemia but forcing myself to not order takeaway for once
>I arrive at home later than planned because of meetings starting later than planned
>food not ready at all
rip to me, pray that I don't lose consciousness.

No. 1737607

>30 is old lol
damn social media brainwashed you properly

No. 1737610

Sure he's hot, he also is either in a quirky polycule or is a typical alt narcissist with a harem of beepeedees who are gonna tear you apart if you get too close.

No. 1737615

They bitch about the prices of the handmade stuff so now a lot of stuff is replaced with aliexpress shit and they can’t leave their weebshit and joker fetish at the comic con
You’ll be lucky if you see a guy anywhere near that cute anymore. It’s all greasy Reddit capefags and tiktok weebs now

No. 1737622

This is the second time I’ve been proposed to by a guy i didn’t love and also the second time it’s been done with a shitty, pawn shop "antique" ring. Really tells you a lot about your perceived value and is so ironically hypocritical compared to the gesture…

No. 1737631

just eat a banana or something

No. 1737640

maybe so, but i was speaking about my face in comparison to other 30 year olds. sorry about your reading comprehension, nonnie.

thank you, anon. i appreciate it ♥ you understand what i'm talking about, that kind of facial gauntness that comes with weight loss. it's the nasolabial folds that really get me. unfortunately i am gigabroke because i'm a student, so cosmetic fixes are not available to me right now or even in a few years. i guess self-acceptance is free, but that feels a long way off, too. i swear as the world gets bigger, the beauty standard just seems to skyrocket while i get continuously uglier kek

No. 1737652

I’m so fucking mad at myself nonnas. I didn’t go for my run this morning and it rained for the rest of the day. I ate way too many cookies then drank half a glass of wine and now I feel like vomiting. I WFH but I got less than two hours of work in. Now I have a headache, I’m restless and I feel like there’s bugs crawling under my skin. I tried so hard to be positive today too.

No. 1737662

Sakurai Atsushi is the first artist I really liked and followed for a long time dying on me. When I first read it, I was just like "Huh, sad", and then just stared into space while eating my pumpkin soup, and I thought that's about it, but when I went to wash the dishes and started to hum kuchidzuke, which I somehow always end up doing when cleaning, my voice broke and I just started sobbing lol. No matter where I go, I always listen to some buck-tick songs, and even just today I actually went to and from work with an entire playlist just their songs. Now I'm scared to play anything lol.

No. 1737666

There's nothing good at home, everyone ate everything, if I knew I would have bought some snacks. But I didn't pass out before eating so that's cool I guess. I'm tired though.

No. 1737699

I'm really tired of cooking breakfast lunch and dinner every day. And I won't meal prep either because I don't like leftovers/re-heated food. I'm ready for Soylent or something similar.

No. 1737710

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Oh I know right. that was the first thing I woke up to was my bf telling me. RIP Gorgeous, they literally don’t make ‘em like this anymore I’m so sad, I wanted to take a picture with him, if that sounds weird and unlikely I just wanted to touch him and put my head on his shoulder or hug him.

No. 1737739

Fucking Twitter will now and forever be the most intellectually bankrupt place on the Internet.
Just want to use it to follow certain interests because it's still unfortunately the best place for that.
I know I'm retarded for allowing myself to think otherwise for one second. But I thought I can carefully control the environment with add-ons, custom rules, and stuffs and that will somehow make it more tolerable. I was so wrong. I'm so mad at myself.

No. 1737745

Same. The time it takes me to cook meals is like 1/4th of my free time after work + commuting. After that I only have a couple of hours to shower, sit down, and relax. Really feeling like Sisyphus rn

No. 1737751

I've been depressed since years already but the last 2 months my life has been crumbling. Today I nearly cried at work because it's so difficult and I hate it so much and then I read that Atsushi died… I totally get now why there are fans who commit after their idol dies, everything feels hopeless now, I have zero to look forward to in life, just endless regret and upcoming stress, pain and loneliness. He was also shy and anxious and depressed yet made it so big, so I thought I can do it too. His interviews gave me hope so often in the past, I always thought he would be more understanding of my sadness and fears than my dad is, but now all that is just gone.
I know that I sound completely mental but I really don't know how to help myself anymore. My therapist is also a loser who has been ghosting me since months, so I know that I have to find a new one as fast as possible but I already feel too low to be able to do that anymore. The only reason why I didn't drive my car against the next tree yet is because it would be so unfair towards my mom

No. 1737780

My grandma took a special trip overseas and I just found out that she fell and broke her arm and some bones in her face. I'm so full of emotion over this. She spent most of the trip in her hotel room. I'm so upset but at what I do not know!! I just feel upset that my grandma got hurt on her goddamn special trip! She deserves to have a nice time what the fuck!!! The world feels so fucking shitty I hate it!!!!!

No. 1737842

Everything feels wrong, everything.
I wish I could opt out existing, or at least as myself.
Feels like at somepoint I was just too broken by my shitty parents to ever become normal, why even try when that's impossible for me.

No. 1737846

I hope your granny makes a speedy recovery Anon.

No. 1737849

My arm hurts. My cuts are all disgusting and swollen and sore and I can’t move my hand very well. The consequences of my retarded actions.

I’m really going through it and I don’t fully understand why. I’m just so sad and angry all the time.

No. 1737856

Thank you, sweet anon.

No. 1737870

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Okay, seethey teeth lemon squeezey.

No. 1737892

I am pissed off. So my boyfriend bought me expensive hand made leather gloves, and my mom asked if she could feel them. I think nothing of it, sure thinking she'll feel it woth her fingers. No she shoves her hand in one of them, and her hands are way bigger than mine. So now one is so stretched out it bunches on me and is pretty much ruined.

Do all moms do that? Why would she do that? It clearly didnt fit, why force it????

No. 1737894

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REEEEEEEEEEEE I HATE WHEN MY DAD IS UNEMPLOYED BECAUSE HE IS ANNOYING AS FUCK TO BE AROUND he literally gets SO bored and starts doing random shit around the house and he isn't even pleasant to talk to because for some reason every time he's talking he has to be the center of the conversation and always has to be doing something better than you. This dude got jealous of me for starting college and got jealous of me for working in the medical field and won't shy away from bringing up how much he gets paid all the time. Like dude you are like 50 years old and I'm your daughter not your competition. I don't love this man but holy fuck stfu dude.

No. 1737898

samefag, I should say right now he is unemployed but he would bring up his wage all the time. Even now, trying to look for a job, he tries to rub it in being like "Hey so like I got paid 24 dollars at my old job and this new one is paying 15-" Like he knows the answer but just wants to rub it in. Socially retarded male. Dunno why my mom married him.

No. 1737922

I was doing chewing and spitting for a while, but I had to stop and I feel dumb for even doing it. It just felt like a quick fix for my issues instead of learning actual discipline.

No. 1737965

tired of reality. been dissociating and escapism-into so hard lately that i shock myself. it’s like the world on my computer feels more real than the world i’m in

No. 1738026

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nonnas, all this talk about poor acchan makes me think of him. different circumstances, i know, but i hope he's resting well. he made such a big impact on my life and it hurts he will never know that.

No. 1738058

Same nonna, MM were actually so formative to me because I discovered them pretty young, just a kid, and his drumming was what made me start listening to drums and all instruments in a song more closely and separately rather than just following a song's lyrics/melody

No. 1738069

My neighbors been on the treadmill for over an hour and it's making the decor on my walls shake. Before it was them dropping their dumbells all over the fucking place at 4am. But I can't complain because they tried to buy me flowers like that doesn't make their home gym usage at night fucking annoying.

No. 1738117

It pisses me off the pleading advice given to depressed and suicidal people to tell your family, tell you friends, tell someone! Maybe that shit works for people who are depressed over something specific and fixable, otherwise it's literally pointless or actively detrimental. Here's how it goes:
>you say: hey i don't want to live anymore
>they get upset
>"anon please tell me how i can help you"
>you say: sorry but there's not really anything you can do
>they freak out more because they can't fix the situation and are worried
>now both people are suffering

No. 1738123

The real/practical reason you do that is so they can keep an eye on you and prevent you from killing yourself. After that practical matter is taken care of to the best of their ability the hope is that you are able to deal with whatever is making you suicidal while they are watching you so you can eventually live you life free of suicidal thoughts

No. 1738177

I wish I could get a hug sometimes.
I am so mad that I grew up with an abusive piece of shit stepfather who used hugs as a way to tell me that overall "he loved me" after abusing me so for all my teenage and early adulthood years I physically cringed at any hug that wasn't for my boyfriend. I feel I could hug my friends or hell, even my mom, without feeling disgusted by it because my brain tells me they're doing it so they can abuse me later. I feel kinda cold (in every sense) and lonely and I do not want to take it out on people, in fact I don't like to vent at all, but I could get a hug and everything would be fine for a moment. I wish I could feel loved by physical touch because I actually like it but I go in panic mode.
I always cried alone in my bed or bedroom, sometimes I feel the need to be comforted but I know that people near me would make me feel even worse. I'm tired of sleeping with a lot of pillows and blankets just to feel safe.

No. 1738191

> I'm tired of sleeping with a lot of pillows and blankets just to feel safe.

I do the same thing! But I love it kek. I feel buried and it’s nice. I also have a heating pad that mimics that hug feeling because I’ve been manipulated before too so I’m hesitant to trust again. I wish I could give you a hug because you understand

No. 1738193

I'm a lil drunk but what if you aske your loved one to put a pillow between the two of you and give you a hug

No. 1738206

My mom can only give me gifts as affection. she can't give me the emotional support I crave. It's never been me it's always been her, I realize that the older I become. She failed me so badly so many times treating the times I really needed her like entertainment. She laughed at my grief today. I plainly told her she bummed me out and she breezily just ignored me and kept acting chipper and then later insisted on buying and giving me several things.

No. 1738209

I really miss this era of weeb culture cause I’m an oldfag, I get extremely nostalgic for 1989-2009 Heisei era Japan it really brought us so many iconic animes, styles like gyaru and music like VK. It makes me sad to see that era dying out and being put to rest and the people who pioneered it dying. Really fucking sucks. And the fact that Japanese people are supposed to be healthy and live longer than westerners but we’ve lost so many bandomen to illness, premature deaths and suicide just makes it more depressing.

No. 1738212

I’m genuinely dreading my favorite jpop and vkei idols dying soon because a lot of them are in their late 40s and 50s and singers generally seem to die quite young, when Ayu, Utada Hikaru and even my fave jcows like Yoshiki and Gackt die I know I’ll be inconsolable.

No. 1738213

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Picrel maybe. Saw it today from a YouTube videographer I like. He’s a boomer and I thought he was hashtag notliketheotherones. But that’s what love is to him? That’s the extent of the care for his wife? No wonder most men leave if their wives ever develop cancer. There were a bunch of guys agreeing in the comments (blowjobs are key to a man’s heart hurr durr) before he got ratio’d kek

No. 1738216

Depends how gackt dies. I personally think it will be of overexertion at a gay orgy in malaysia. And I will laugh.

No. 1738229


wtf is he even trying to say? was he having a stroke while typing this? lmao it reads like a shitpost especially with the signing off at the end

From your mouth to god's ears.

You really said it well. We're lucky to have enjoyed this era tbh. The older I get, the more I appreciate it and pity the youngins who missed out, but of course it's bittersweet for the reasons you point out.

No. 1738256

i love this retarded boomer

No. 1738286

>”””complexity””” of the male brain
your entire life revolves around your penis you stupid subhuman, you even admitted it. Men are not complex or deep, they’re barely capable of human emotion, just shallow fleeting imitations. Mandatory castrations for all please.

No. 1738290

in my case they don't even get upset or keep an eye out they'll say it's my fault for not praying enough and being spoiled and go on a rant about how hard their own lives are and tell me to shut up kek

No. 1738293

I'm at the point of my relationship where it brings far more grief and frustration than happiness or excitement and I'm really scared

No. 1738294

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I honestly can't believe it. I need to be held nonas

No. 1738304

I hate my low IQ mom. Shove your "muh freedom" up your ass. I will not be shocked if she gets sued for defamation one day because she is that retarded.

No. 1738349

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Every fucking day I wish was an only child. That would've solved and prevent 90% of the problems in this family. Fuck people who have 5+ kids.

No. 1738369

Ugh I always look so sloppy and my hair is frizzy skin is shitty my eyelids bulge out and look beady, when I do makeup you could see the inner parts the upper waterline and such I have Jeff gold Blum eyes, my nose is crooked and looks wrong and when I try to contour it, it just looks dirty, My chubby cheeks, I wish I had an easier to work with face, I look weird without makeup and even weirder with it, I feel like o look silly whenever I try to look good.
(I just took 30 selfies and none of em turned out good)

No. 1738372

>i just took 30+ selfies
get a hobby. idk go read a book or something

No. 1738373

Selfies are 80% lighting and posing. It’s not the makeup. Sounds like you don’t even like makeup, ditch it.

No. 1738374

The internet makes me so mad I smashed my laptop. I literally cannot stand 3 seconds of talking to someone and being accused of shit that isn't true about me or having someone antagonize me or deny my problems.

No. 1738377

It was hyperbole, anon, I didn’t actually take like 30, it’s not the usual thing I do in the evening I just tried some makeup on and thought to photograph it.
I used to wear it every day but I’ve slowly been wearing less and yeah I do not like make up or I’m just not too good at it. Thank god I wear glasses is all I’ll say

No. 1738382

Ikwym I’m 23 with a 3 year old brother

No. 1738401

Today is a new day!

No. 1738423

No you didn’t.

No. 1738430

Starting to realize I'm really not what he wants, but I'm the only woman he has a chance with who's not obese or too hideous. It sucks.

No. 1738432

I’m in a similar situation to you anon. This fucking sucks.

No. 1738436

I'm sorry. If I hadn't gone through this myself I'd be like "Get rid of him". But it still makes me feel good on the rare occasion he compliments my looks and when he lusts after me, even though lust means nothing from a man. I feel like I was picked up from some bargain bin like "Eh… this'll do"

No. 1738493

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I know it might be my PMS too, but I just started crying like a dumb fuck just now at work.
My past regrets are hitting like a truck this time, bet this period will be painful too kek. I just scrolled some social media and I just looked at people I knew from high school who finally achieved their dreams (even in this shithole of a country too) and it hit me, I'm trying to not have a thought of offing myself. I live somewhere that if you don't start investing in your future career at 13-15, you're essentialy done for (and get stuck in shitty 9-5's), especially in everything regarding art, for which I would die for. Here, hobbies are considered only for kids up to 16, after that you need to do real jobs. Art is something that is paid badly here usually, the dream in my family and most people of my country at the time was a 9-5 desk job and I'm so disappointed.
I regret not going to that modelling course when I was scouted at 13 because my bullies were going there too and I thought m'y situation will get worse than it already is. I regret not accepting to go to athletism contests in middle school because of the same reason as the previous one. I regret not going to that acting course in high school because I was too ashamed to ask my parents for 100€ since it was a lot of money at that time in my country's currency and nor was anyone employing a 15 year old, although my parents insisted to go even if it was that much. I regret stopping painting enthusiastically the moment I had my first suicide attempt at 13 and stopping drawing altogether at 16. I regret giving up on voice acting because I thought my recordings were cringe and had shitty equipment.
In other words, I died spiritually the moment I turned 13.
I had so many opportunities for a better and interesting life and I just pushed them away like the dumb slop that I am for thinking I'm not good enough anyway.
Now, I have a few things that I am grateful for, but I feel like I have achieved so much less in life than other people my age:
>my last ever suicide attempt was before the age of 20
>I finally have a good relationship with my parents, which I thought in the past that it will never happen
>the bullying finally stopped (it was half of my entire school life)
>I have friends who aren't backstabbers
>I finished highschool even though I had a few professors in middle school telling me that I can drop out after 10th grade since they deemed me as stupid
>although it has shit working hours and salary, I have a job where I'm gaining work experience from
>most importantly, I'm alive and well
Now I'm not THAT old I guess, I'm 24, but I feel like I missed the ship already since no one from the entertainment industry will look at you at that age if you didn't start in your teens (at least here). Idk, fam, I just want a different life, I don't see myself doing 9-5 for the rest of my life since I already know that my generation will never retire.

No. 1738496

I feel so retarded missing my mom . She molested and disowned me but here I am crying at 3 am because a little idiot in my brain wants her mommy. I'm almost thirty. Shut the fuck up, kid, you're never getting what you needed.

No. 1738497

You are worth so much more than that, men’s preferences are retarded and the fact that they “settled” means that it means nothing. They’d fuck ANYTHING with or without a heart beat, you’re not hideous or worth less, I hope you guys have some nice friends to talk to about this. ❤︎

No. 1738503

Honestly porn and instagram has made it so that ugly moids think they're "settling" even when they're with a girl far above their own league, so we're kinda fucked

No. 1738528

I'm șo fucking suicidal

No. 1738550

Just curious if you would consider this sus/cheating?

>June 2021 get into a relationship, we agree to block/get rid of past flings

>Fast forward a year, I move in in March 2022
>Get into a retarded emotional state and get the opportunity to snoop through his stuff
>Find chat with his ex/ex fling, one message he sent in March 2022 the month I moved in that was just a question mark.
>The rest of the messages were from September 2021 of her talking about how intimate their eyecontact was. I scrolled up once, skimmed the message, had a panic attack and blocked/deleted the convo. From memory he wasnt replying to her about the eyecontact.
>Since I deleted and blocked here there is no way to actually find and read the convo again to know exactly what the context was.
>Sit on it for months before confronting him.
>He says she was suicidal and couldnt cut her off straight away because once he told her he had a girlfriend she wanted to be with him more. Apparently called him crying saying she took a bunch of pills. He told her he couldnt be that person for her anymore and hung up. Unsure if this was before or after that convo.

I'm made my peace with it now, but it really gets my goat that he lied to me for 3+ months about deleting her. I would have liked to have full context and if he did stay in contact then I also knowing the messaging that was going on since I got rid of anyone slightly along that line of stuff.
He says its because I would have been too jealous and he didnt want to have to choose between keeping me happy and not jealous and her killing herself, which after the phone convo doesnt make much sense. He said he never met up with her after we got together. My mind still wanders though, I wish I had read the full conversation now

No. 1738556

>omg I have to keep in contact with my ex/"friend"/narcissistic supply because she's SUICIDAL!
why is this so fucking common? do all moids have a little roster of depressed/bpd women they string along?

No. 1738560

a bit sus, but imo not fully unreasonably since you saw he didn't reply. he 100% should have told you tho, and he should have deleted her, both for her and your sake. leading her on AND lying to you at the same time isn't the great solution he thinks it is

No. 1738569

He did reply just not to the last 10 messages of her talking about the whole eye contact thing and how intimate it was.
Sucks because when I first met him he made me look him in the eyes because I was shy,knowing it wasn't just a him and me thing sucks.
The chick is pretty nuts and honestly probably needs to be in some care home where someone can watch her and make all her decisions for her. There's more reasons why I'm threatened by her but hopefully she stays in the past. It's the lying that got to me the most, I had never lied to him and that was one of the few times I've caught him in lies (nothing bad bad just shit that would save my feelings). Not knowing the full convo really bothers me, trying my best to just let it go.
I assume the very last message he sent her of "?" Was because she maybe tried to add him back in march 2022? But she never replied.

No. 1738571

I love the feeling of being freshly shaved and taking a nice shower.
Self care really is important and the little things like that or doing my nails make me so happy sometimes

No. 1738573

I don't want to be too cynical here but how do you know he hasn't deleted messages he's sent? I tend to really doubt these stories where the ex/strung along person is "crazy", most often it seems that the guy is pretty much making her crazy if not egging her on

No. 1738577

Lol anon you are so naive to fall for the most common male excuse when they get caught.
He doesn't give a fuck about her mental, what he really cares about is having a "back-up" or a woman in his rotation.

No. 1738579

wrong thread anon

I just wish my crush would talk to me today

No. 1738582

I don't think he's deleted messages, he's never done it any other time.
The chick is diagnosed bpd along with other stuff. He said when they would hang out she would argue about random stuff, like proper off with the fairies nonsense and he realised mid conversion that he didn't actually know what she was arguing. She just made senseless and dangerous decisions but like unknowingly? She had some sort of argument on how he took his shoes off and stormed out at 2am expecting him to follow her (we live in crack Central), he assumed she went home and walked around until she found a group of men drinking on a balcony, climbed the building and got hammered with them, called him drunk and crying and he and he had to walk around the streets trying to find where tf she went because she didnt know where she was.
Idk if it's mania or just being stupid but holy moly woman what are you doing she's so lucky none of those dudes did something to her.

No. 1738588

I really don't think he had her as a backup, he was the one to cut it off after all the retarded fighting she'd start. I agree though it's stupid to think you can be """just friends""" like he said they were after. He had told her before he found me that once he got a girlfriend they couldn't be friends anymore because of their history which she said she was 100% fine with. Then when he told her he was blocking and deleting her she had a melt down begging him to date her instead. It's then he told me he got rid of her which he didn't. I genuinely think he did care and didn't know how to navigate getting rid of her, all his exs were mentally ill I think he has a saviour complex tbh

No. 1738589

Interesting, if she's that insane why would he hang out with her? Doesn't reflect well on him to be using severely mentally ill women either

No. 1738591

>all his exs were mentally ill I think he has a saviour complex tbh
… Who's gonna tell her

No. 1738592

He felt bad for her and thought he could help her sort her shit out. They dated for a week until he couldn't stand the fighting and just went to texting not meeting up.
His ex before that had mental issues too and he tried to help her as well and she cheated on him.
I've told him before it seems like he goes for people he thinks he can fix. He's said he doesn't.
My issue is I have horrific body image issues, he said I'm the only person he's dated who hasn't self harmed which is just awful poor girls

No. 1738593

Tbh I think I'm mentally sound besides my body image issues. Just low confidence because of it. He's said he doesn't consider me mentally ill but I mean coming off the back of the other chick I think most people would seem completely normal.

No. 1738597

anon I'm not caliing you mentally ill I'm calling your bf an abuser that seeks out vulnerable women

No. 1738598

You are in denial, once you two break up you will become crazy ex mumber 6. The only difference is he won't be entertaining you the way he entertained her while in a relationship.

No. 1738600

Worst case scenario: This is emotional cheating and he does have some kind of romantic feelings for her that he may or may not act on should the opportunity present itself. Instead of taking accountability for the circumstance he created, he blames the other woman out of panic and concocts a story about how she is so obsessed and mental cause he knows he made no real moves to cut her off and lied to your face.

What are you gonna do about it?
If there's an exception for why he broke a rule that you agreed to follow, couldn't he technically find other "exceptions" to mutual agreements in the future?
You should trust your gut. You weren't snooping due to being a hysterical woman in an "emotional state," you know that deep down you've sensed something off about him for awhile and you needed closure on the how/why your body was reacting to this relationship situation even if your conscious mind did not know a reason. My point is, if he isn't playing fair then neither should you.
And btw, men get like this whenever they invite you to their living spaces. He's powerplaying.

No. 1738609

Everything I got out of life was to get my boundaries crossed.

No. 1738612

We're married lol we aren't breaking up. The info I got from him I basically had to pry because he doesn't like talking bad about his exs
The fling presented normal until he dated her that week and it was like a switch flipped and his ex hebdidnt know was self harming until they lived together and found her, the guy she cheated on him with was some nasty asshole who used her issues against her, I really don't believe he is the bad guy in this. I truly think he tried to help them. I think since he's pretty online it's just the sort of crowd you end up in, and people tend to hide their crazy until you really like them and at that point you like them enough to want to stay and help.
From the convo I read I believe what he says. As I said above getting that much info out of him was hard because he doesn't like to talk negative about them.
Although I agree keeping her around was doing more harm than good, he took her word for it when she said it wouldn't be a problem once he cut her off.

No. 1738614

Also my emotional state was a mix between being depressed having moved and quit my job and a super low point about how I look physically. It wasn't anything to do with him truly, he really is a great partner.
He makes me feel so loved and beautiful it's just my dumb brain that hates how I look.

No. 1738615

>he took her word for it
He's not a lost lamb that was deceived by a conniving woman, he's a man who did not keep his word and YOU took him for it.
He's not a bad guy, okay.
You don't believe he will cheat-cheat, sure.
He still lied to you and is now triangulating himself as the good Samaritan. Like if this isn't the most narcissistic shit…

No. 1738617

Is that a typo or did you really wait one and a half years to confront him about messages you saw in March 2022?

No. 1738618

They just take and take and take and take. They consumed my soul and left me empty inside. Sucked out my soul and in the End I'm all Alone.

No. 1738619

I get what you're meaning but I don't think he's narcissistic honestly.
But yeah I feel like it's on the line of emotional cheating purely because he told me he wasn't in contact and lied to me about it. I can't say for sure because I didn't read the whole convo which is again very annoying. I've told him if he lies to me like that again I'm not sticking around for a third time. I understand his reasoning and it was probably fairly sound because I would have been seething with jealousy but I'd still rather have known than not know and catch the lie/be lied to. If he explained it I would have taken it way better I believe, I wouldn't have been happy and would have wanted to see the convo as it was happening but I'd have understood he had to taper it off.
Also I don't really blame him for taking her word for it, if you can't believe what people say how are you meant to navigate anything

No. 1738621

He last messaged the "?" In march 2022, I saw it in June 2022, I didn't bring it up until November 2022

No. 1738622

The way I read it is that she saw a message from him to the other woman during the same month she moved in (March 2022), then when she snooped more the rest of the messages were exchanged in 2021. She waited a few months from March 2022 to confront him with what she found.

She was probably trying to talk herself down from being "crazy" (even though her snooping did turn up evidence that he lied), because the common narrative in relationships is that snooping is never okay cause it hurts ~trust~ even though all that does is protect people with bad intentions and harm people who are being honest.

No. 1738626

In nature with animals it’s the males who have to impress the females, they do dances or fight other males to even get a chance at female attention, and with humans it’s like reversed, we have fat autistic men who wear Zelda shirts spend 6 hours a day gaming say all they want is a thicc kinky innocent neotenous faced tiny waisted skinny anime eyes big gravity defying titties girl to love them and be their tradwife but most girls are gold digging shallow cheating whores they know cause they saw a porn of a cheating stepmom gangbang, and they follow girls like imskirrbyy on instagram
meanwhile girls (even pretty ones sadly) online will say men are just so valid and deserve body positivity too “I don’t mind small dicks the big ones hurt, uwu dadbods, I love older men hehe I’m so lanapilled” and post the most mid men ever with heart eyes like jerma and Pedro pascal I wish we could all get pickier as a whole. They already barely give a shit about their appearance and now we have pretty young girls say old fatties are so hawwttt dilfs

No. 1738627

I have no idea why snooping phones while in a relationship is so incredibly frowned upon. Imagine your partner had a room that you're never allowed to go into because it'd hurt their "privacy", it makes no sense.

No. 1738629

I agree honestly, I don't even have a lock on my phone.

No. 1738634

>we have fat autistic men who wear Zelda shirts spend 6 hours a day gaming
>men are just so valid and deserve body positivity too “I don’t mind small dicks the big ones hurt, uwu dadbods, I love older men hehe I’m so lanapilled"

Men stuck together with the systematic power they had.
Instead of asking the fat, malding uggos to better themselves, men turned to us women and said "do better."
Men rigged a pretty sweet game for themselves.

For the record, I have NEVER seen a fat, ugly, underdressing autismo woman score above her league or be told she's good for just who she is. Nor do I ever see society advocate for fat women to bag beautiful men who perform it all for them. Never, ever, ever.

No. 1738640

Not to play devil's advocate, I just think snooping is more of an action to take due to a cause–in OP's case, she knew her man was acting weird and not being transparent.

I dated abusive dudes who wanted unfettered access to my phone cause they were constantly in paranoia of being cheated on because they knew any woman with sense would have left their asses. It can go both ways.

No. 1738644

He wasn't acting weird though I just found it hard to believe he picked me in general and lead me down a spiral

No. 1738646

Ok then nevermind, I guess you're mentally ill.

No. 1738651

I guess so

No. 1738657

Leave romania and perhaps you’ll get better

No. 1738683

>mfw im fat autistic woman who wears Zelda shirts spends 6 hours a day gaming and all i want is a thicc kinky innocent neotenous faced tiny waisted skinny anime eyes big gravity defying titties boy to love them and be my tradhusbando

No. 1738684

Break up, no relationship is worth your peace

No. 1738689

my dog just pulled me over for the second time in a month. it's not really his fault, it's because i have a nerve problem in my leg. i'm upset though because the scrapes and bruises and stuff look so unsightly and the impact makes my bad leg flare up and get even weaker.

No. 1738703

Pretty sure one of my co-workers is flirting with me and I feel. uncomfy

No. 1738710

How is your dream man thicc, skinny and has boobs at the same time?

No. 1738717

I realized that my emotional unavailability and my lack of self steem is messing with my ability to connect with others.

When I was younger, early teens, I didn’t have any close friends due to avoiding opening up with them. I realized how this was a problem and decided to work on it. During the start of HS I was really flourishing my social side, finally connecting with other people, but, after the pandemic started, my progress went to zero. The lack of social activities made start to avoid social interactions. I don’t keep up with my friends, I don’t plan meetups, most acquaintances don’t know how I’m doing, and all this started to feel like a draining duty.

Also, I realized that I avoid conversations and catching up with people because of insecurity. Due to some problems, I had to postergate entering in college, what here problably isn’t as badly seen as in America but I still feel awful. When talking to people, at some point I have to mention that I’m not in work or formal education, what makes me feel like I don’t have nothing to give. I try to remind myself that I’m not a complete neet and that currently
I’m working on getting in a pretty difficult course, but still feels like nothing. Also I started to feel embarrassed for my hobbies and interests as they seen like a reminder that I’m giving attention to “useless” things instead.

I’ve tried to calm myself keeping in mind that all this could end once I get in college next year, but now I realized that the problem is also in me, my mindset and my habits. If anyone went through something similar to this, what did you do that helped?

No. 1738720

Sorry for the spelling mistakes btw

No. 1738721

i feel so fucking disgusted with everything and everyone i see and talk to. i cant stop noticing how degenerate and pathetic almost everyone is. not just the average person but everyone i see online and irl. and yes i know these thoughts say a lot more about me than anyone else and that is honestly why the thoughts are so distressing to me. why do i have to have this perception?

No. 1738724

ayrt and eh, it's not the same thing.
I feel like I need a person to hug me but the moment I feel their warmth my heart starts racing and I feel very uncomfortable and I wanna get throught that but I don't know how…I'm tired of this feeling and I don't want to avoid it, I want it gone

No. 1738776

Were yoy drunk driving

No. 1738795

File: 1698251230991.jpg (25.21 KB, 736x709, 1681424831974.jpg)

My bf hid my weed, if the fucker flushed it down the toilet I'm going feral

No. 1738800

you have a problem.

No. 1738804

I'm so lazy it's become physically painful to move, like my milkbag ass would need physio to gain enough muscle to walk my limplumps up a flight of stairs, holy shit. Because I lost all my muscle but didn't gain any weight, I have the body type of the old bathtub lady from The Shining, probably even accurately including the bed/bathsores she has. It's like if someone were to give me a congratulatory pat on the shoulder, I would ripple all the way down to my ankles like a time crystal. I have become lard.

No. 1738809

Make him buy you more and then break up with him

No. 1738816

Yes, I can still be pissed

No. 1738824

I'm tired of people lying about me and twisting my reality

No. 1738832

idk but I have it too. Let's be haters together

No. 1738837

late but i'm so sorry anon. you shouldn't bleed at all, i'm sure you know that now

No. 1738848

My boyfriend is insistant on making me watch all black media (He isn't black) which I watch some, but I have other interests. But I hate the show "Wild n Out" and ishowspeed. Just guys screaming or hitting each other. I tried telling him his tastes are not mine, but then he called me racist. I actually think the content is brain dead

No. 1738853

Are you black? Is this a poor attempt at trying to bond culturally?

No. 1738854

Lmfao you believe that crap too? Unless you paid A LOT, and I mean A HUGE LOT of money, they can't really "find the history of your ancestors", pal.

No. 1738860

I'm a depressed and unemployed retard. I've been applying for jobs so I'm just a depressed retard but it's so difficult. I feel like life is trying to kick my ass. I'm so tired of fighting, nonnies…

No. 1738861

she does, it has a penis

No. 1738870

What the fuck do hideous old scrotes get out of catcalling young women? What deluded them into having such high self-esteem? They should be humiliated to even be outside let alone calling out to women and even underaged girls. Sometimes I fantasize about these kinds of scrotes being harassed en masse, being bullied into suicide or being crushed by a steamroller feet first. I'm too socially anxious to even say anything though. I just speedwalk away in silence. They probably enjoy that, they intentionally make people feel uncomfortable because they get a sick kick out of it. I don't think they honestly think they're just complimenting someone. They intentionally look for the sick, weak, and stressed looking women and act overly creepy and invasive because they're predators. I wish all men would finally see their real appearances and personalities just so they can know how unlovable they are. It's even worse that I see average looking women who are outright ashamed of their appearance. There's nothing for them to be ashamed of. There's everything for scrotes to be ashamed of.

No. 1738882

How the fuck do you help your sister realize that her husband is a piece of shit?? She's so blinded by love, she's the kind of person that wants to "fix" a man (she's gone through several divorces). He treats her nicely sometimes but then he's just a piece of shit, yelling at her and getting mad when he's asked to stop playing fucking call of duty for 6+ hours straight and take care of the infant he just fathered. And this is when I'm around so idk what he thinks is ok to do behind closed doors.
It's not like she's reliant on him. She's very successful in her career and he's been unemployed for months now. But she's so desperate for love that she puts up with it, I guess. But I hate this motherfucker. He's a complete loser manbaby. She's scared to leave the infant alone with him because he gets angry when the baby starts crying. It's fucking sad and idk what to do, I love her, but she has the worst fucking taste in men and gets mad if he's criticized because "he gets anxious". Fucking hell

No. 1738884

Nah, I'm latino

No. 1738885

Idk, even just by reading this thing you wrote I feel that somehow YOU are the abusive bitch.(bait)

No. 1738886

It's a hard process anon. Because he was already destroying her mentally before they got married and before they even dated. It's a slow rotting process. You have to make her snap out of the love stage or wait for her to wake up.
Sadly that usually doesn't happen until she loses something very important to her or her life is in danger.
What does help is letting her hang out with men of better value or casually talk about better guys and what they do for you.
Also uttering the phrase "Any idiot can make a baby, it takes a man to be a father"

No. 1738888

Nonnas, get the pitchforks

No. 1738889

Is there a way you could record him yelling at her to play back to her once you two are alone to make her realize how insane he sounds? Especially him getting angry at their baby, it sounds like a classic case of baby trapping a woman then turning abusive. I'm sorry your sister is in too deep with this guy to see it. shit like this keeps me awake at night, i'd be so upset if this happened to my sister so i really empathize with your situation nonnie

No. 1738892

stop gaslighting lol

No. 1738912

I hate pharmacists. There is this new girl at the one by my house and she fucked up my meds today and they are blaming me for it. I know for a fact they fucked up, I had a tiny little bag with the box of meds in it and no pill bottle. I would've heard it rattling and I rememeber thinking huh wasn't there supposed to be another med? I called back and they are acting like since it's "Scanned" I must have it. Oh, did I check my car? You guys didn't fucking give it to me at all. So they are refilling it but treating me like I have shit for brains. NO, IT IS THEM, THEY HAVE SHIT IN PLACE OF BRAINS. I'M ILL GIVE ME MY FUCKING PENICILLIN

No. 1738915

I think she's honestly just stupid

No. 1738923

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I know my long term bf isn't serious about me and I'm too gutless to end it because then I'll be completely alone. I hate that I can't take my own advice. I hate that no one finds me attractive. I don't think I'm ugly but I know I'm not considered attractive. I feel like I'm in limbo in every aspect of my life, my company isn't doing well, I have a difficult relationship with my family, and nothing with my partner. Yet at the same time the idea of true emotional intimacy makes me want to vom because its never reciprocated. Everyone always leaves. I just want to curl up and cry forever

No. 1738938

Im so sorry nonna. I hope things get better for you. Im feeling horribly detached and alone too, it isnt a fun place to be. Hoping something happy is in store for us both soon.

No. 1738942

I'm a girl chill lol
Just force of habbit

No. 1738945

I'm going crazy. I've told my 3 friends "I think I'm going crazy" but I'm not sure they understand I'm actually losing the plot. I'm unemployed and have completely stopped searching for a job which will have disastrous consequences down the line. I'm selling or giving away all my furniture and the things dear to me, my place looks so spacious tbf

I used to go out most of the day, now I stay in. My hobbies have changed into different hobbies. Honestly for the better but why??? Like I'd get it if I was on some self improvement kick but I'm not I just want to get rid of myself and my identity asap if you know what I mean. And it's working! I don't feel like myself anymore. Definitely don't feel better though

No. 1738960

Being alone is only as bad as you make it.

As far as unattractive, body > everything else esp as you get older. Book a personal trainer and maybe drop the scrote who's not doing much for you

Also recommend finding female traveller groups online and if you have the funds, taking a fun trip.

No. 1738961

lost 5kg a month ago and gained 1kg back in 3 weeks fuckin hell

No. 1738984

No. 1738989

Better than gaining it all back + some. It's probably just water retention anyway

No. 1738991

well i self sabotaged in school again. no clue what im going to do because i really needed to graduate by december but im retaking one course next semester. im genuinely un-hireable at this point and have no clue how im going to get another job with such shit grades and work ethic lol. i feel surprisingly calm for someone who ruined their life

No. 1739000

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Fucking cow roommate finally shows her true colours. I ask her nicely not to have the full bright blue lights on at night because I suffer chronic migraines, and not to smoke incense because I have asthma, and that’s it. She comes to me today all teary eyed about how she feels intimidated and ‘restricted’ when I’ve been nothing but cordial about it, even letting her do both every now and again. God forbid a black women ask politely for the world’s minutest health concessions before the asian girl starts victimising herself and feeling ‘threatened’ by the big scary nigger girl. I hate self victimising women so much, you’re not shy and delicate, you’re a vicious little cunt who’s using her privilege to play the victim when you know that the accommodation service will take your side because ‘Hurr durr poor widdle delicate asian girl!!!!’ Mind you, I’ve been bending over backwards for HER needs: sleep schedule, cleaning, emptying the bins, airing the room, etc. and not once have I complained about a thing. She can kindly fuck right off with that pile of utter horsecrap.

No. 1739006

That sucks. Did she say if you guys were gonna work on a settlement? I dont think youre asking too much at all.

No. 1739013

Nobody's ever truly cared about me or who I am within. Only If I had one person in my life that would understand me, that would love me, that wouldn't cross my boundaries, that I could confine into, that wouldn't mock me, that wouldn't let me down, that wouldn't betray me. Then I wouldn't have killed myself.
What have I done wrong? God why have you forsaken me?

No. 1739019

My IBS hurts so much. My whole body aches and it hurts to move. I know it’s harmless but it sometimes hurts as much as my period cramps, and those are pretty bad. Is this normal for IBS? I don’t know why my pain is getting worse again lately.

No. 1739021

terrible joke. take a lap.

No. 1739022

As a fellow black nonnie you have to fight fire with fire. Stop being nice and putting your grievances to the side in order to be accommodating to others because 9/10 NO ONE is accommodating to us. My advice is to always beat them at their own game. If you are rooming with nonblack people be the most delicate in the room. Make your voice higher than theirs, cry first. And always complain to your advisors with tears in your eyes. Also don’t be afraid to use the black card. Too many people like to be like “oh black ppl always playing the victim” when the reality is usually everyone else gets to be the victim when it’s us vs them except us! If they can use their weak frail Asian/white/latina etc woman card than you can use your black card. And say that her saying she feels threatened and restricted by you and crying is a micro aggression. Because what is she crying for? Is she assuming you’re gonna beat her up!? In my 29 years as a black woman I’ve learned to be the weakest,ditsiest and frailest woman in the room. Even though I’m fully capable the moment society peeps it they use it against you. Don’t ever be accommodating to these people! do what they do but do it better is my motto. Good luck and practice perfecting your fake crying cuz every other girl is doing it. >>1739000

No. 1739026

Thanks Nona. The obvious settlement is to swap rooms with other students but after this little stint proved her nastiness I’ll be damned to give up a good room even if she kicks up a fuss and some fake tears with the accommodation service. I’ll make sure to record everything we talk about so she can’t lie about me sounding ‘aggressive’ but ultimately I want her ass OUT because I’m tired of letting these types of women think they can walk all over me with their entitlement. Not this time, fucker. Not this time.

No. 1739027


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1739032

I know how you feel anon. Even if you feel that way God hasn't forsaken you, even if people have let you down all your life

No. 1739034

I'm so tired of the retard who keeps sperging in the tranny threads about how she thinks gay people are evil in ways hetero people aren't and that all AGPs are bisexuals in denial.

No. 1739036

Thankyou nona! You’re right. I need to go in hard and play dirty. Do you know what she said during our first conversation? That she doesn’t have any black friends because she finds black people loud, obnoxious and obsessed with rap. All with a ‘tee hee I don’t want to seem racist though, whoops!’ tone. Well now you know, and so too will the accommodation office soon! Yeah, I’m not playing nice. I’m going straight to whatever system they have for filing complaints against roommates. It’s evidence of my politeness and non-confrontational character that I’m terrified of making an enemy or upsetting someone but enough is enough, I’ve got to grow a backbone for once. Your days are numbered, cow.

No. 1739038

I think I just did something so fucking embarrassing, and I KNEW it was going to be embarrassing and cringey before I did it, but I did it anyway and I'm just feeling embarrassed. Why did I do that.

No. 1739039

This was me after i indulged in cocacola, chocolate bars and heavy foods last Christmas. I deadass couldn't bear the pain, fucking awful. Your gut is simply too bloated and gassy at the moment, you need to get an appointment

No. 1739062

Thanks nonnie. I could understand if I’d eaten a lot of food/trigger foods but all I’ve eaten is a couple of eggs and some muesli. Do you think an appointment will help? They said in the past they can’t do anything about it.

No. 1739075

I can't stand IT anymore. I just cannot be human.

No. 1739080

i read a low quality manhwa not expecting much but ended up spiraling because of a line one character said. the character had just been gang raped and what they said was a thought i’d suppressed from when i was raped about a year ago and seeing it written out has ripped the wound right open. i feel disgusting and violated all over just from seeing that line.

it’s a manhwa that demonizes the victim with a story that makes sure to humiliate and violate them at any opportunity; this character has been violently raped so many times at this point and the author praises the recurring rapist and makes cruel pokes at the victim any chance that comes up. i had distance to it at first because i thought it was just a badly written piece meant to shock but now all those cruel jabs feel like they’re aimed at me and in my mind they ring true. obviously i don’t think they’re literally aimed at me but i relate to the victim’s line of thought that the author seems to think completely justifies what happened to them.

i feel disgusting and worthless, like how the author clearly views that character. most people would probably view what happened to me the exact same way. i want to die.

No. 1739091

Stop reading garbage made by talentless creeps, I'm sorry for what you are going through…

No. 1739095

Eggs fuck me up at times tbh, Muesli is cereal no? i suppose it has some fiber, fiber can make you gassy if you eat it alone with no liquid. I suggested an appointment so you could get some meds to ease the bloating
You aren't overreacting fuck everyone who makes you think otherwise! Please stop reading stuff that hurts you anon, don't do this to yourself, don't let that tone deaf manhwa mess with your feelings and memories

No. 1739102

You're not the disgusting and worthless one, the manwha author is. Men who make shit like that are actively misogynistic and want to torment women. Rapists and rape apologists are subhuman. You didn't deserve to be assaulted, but you do deserve a chance at recovery.
That being said, I would strongly advise you stop reading material that can retraumatize you. Maybe even consider not reading manga/manwha anymore, since the mediums are a minefield of misogynistic violence and degeneracy.

No. 1739106

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A male student from the school I work at threatened to shoot me while I was walking down the street i live on and I'm just livid

Any lawyer/police/teacher anons here, help me

I am in a union but I am only 7 weeks into this job

I have been assaulted twice by 2 other male students, worked at many schools and never had this happen

I was very popular at the last school I subbed at and the kids begged me to stay and teach them, I do not think I am causing the problem

I am PISSED at the school. I did not study at Yale to be treated like this

No. 1739107

thank you nonas… the strange thing is that it was written by a woman; the female lead of the main story (not the victim i’ve mentioned) is supposedly a rapist herself, even though this was a side story she doesn’t appear in i’ve seen some comments about the character. ig it’s bad enough seeing that anti-victim garbage coming from men but seeing such an attitude from another woman made it feel even worse somehow. it made me feel even more worthless, the thought that even other women wouldn’t sympathize with me. it’s just one woman, i know that, but it still messed me up…

No. 1739115

My first assumption is the author is a troon. It could theoretically be a self-hating woman with porn-rot brain, or one of the very few women who is genuinely a violently misogynistic sociopath in the way usually only men are, but another "female" mangaka was just revealed to be a TIM in the MTF thread earlier today, so who really knows? Either way, that person and their trash is not worth your time or consideration.

No. 1739132

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My fucking stalker ex was in a fucking discord I was in since he last had his sperg out and left 3 voice mails.
He posted confession assuming no one could see the account who wrote it.
It's literally never fucking ending I'll have to delete my account and hope he can't find my new one.
It fucking sucks because I've had this account for 6 years, alot of chats on it I don't want to get rid of but my ex won't fuckjng leave me alone
Sorry extremely frustrated at the moment I just want to be left alone it's been 3 years fuck off cunt

No. 1739135

I don't know anymore

No. 1739138

He’s trying to get you to take BBC nona

No. 1739139

Im tired of being a virgin, I’m craving cock. I want to make out with a hot boy and twirl tongues and get my pussy eaten and flick my tongue against his nipples and watch his eyes roll back and hear him moan as I tongue the head of his cock and listen to him breathing quicker as he’s about to cum. I want my pussy filled. Then I want him to hold me so tight throughout the night and kiss my shoulders and neck and make me pancakes the next morning. Sorry for hornyposting but I’m going feral without a good fuck.

No. 1739147

>I’m craving cock
>the head of his cock
Ok John Green

No. 1739157

I just threw up a little.

No. 1739165

The head of the cock looks like the only fun but to me tbh, the rest is boring

No. 1739166

KEK nona

No. 1739167

There's some women in a weeb gaming server I'm in who put "female" or the female symbol in the pronouns section of their discord profile and I just want to reach out and become friends kek but I feel it might be too awkward. I'm just craving some gender critical female friends even if they're just GC-lite or simply tired of troon shit. I purposefully leave my discord profile completely blank

No. 1739168

Why the fuck were you reading a rape manga kek I have no sympathy

No. 1739170

IKTF nona. I just want to be boned hard then held by a handsome man.

No. 1739174

I keep getting romantically rejected because of my race and it fucking HURTS. These boys keep making excuses but I know its because of my skin color. And it’s also because I’m not in the top 1% of incredibly beautiful people of my race that society expects me to be, in order to compete with an average 5/10 white or Asian girl. I’m so tired of it nonas, I can understand people rejecting someone because they’re not attracted to them, but getting rejected because of your race hurts so bad because it’s something you can never ever change. Even the men of my own race are all chasing lighter girls. I’m in so much pain.

No. 1739180

>been on that damn phone too much
>this is a problem
>decide to put phone down and sit with feelings
>feel empty and depressed
>start crying
>feel like killing myself
>pick phone back up
>still want to kill myself but at least I am distracted
It hurts so fucking bad and I don't know why. There's just no point. At all. It fucking hurts. I guess if it's between a phone addiction or hurting myself I guess I'll go with the phone addiction.

No. 1739195

I'm not allowed to talk about my problems fully even when other people constantly whine and they get support for it. When I talk about my problems people act like it's just making them uncomfortable and that I'm overly whining or bringing the mood down but my whole life I've been surrounded by people that complain about their mental health, family issues, financial problema, career. Literally, I'm deprived of the natural need of communicating my problems because people act as if I'm a burden or "toxic". Yet, that's what I've been surrounded by my whole life…

It doesn't even make any sense at this point.

No. 1739197

I'm deprived of basic human rights. I don't know why.

No. 1739206

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I-i cannot log in my c.ai account, I want to kms

No. 1739213

I really hate how the world is. I want to have kids but at the same time I would HATE to bring a daughter into this world. Especially with all the creepy AI stuff

No. 1739214

God. Nonna. Are you me.

No. 1739221

This shouldn't bother me as much as it does but the semester is already halfway done and one of my professors has only taken attendance three times, two of which I happened to miss because my dad dragged me out on a trip I didn't even really want to go on. I have come to literally every single other class and my professor knows it because I sit in the front row, but my attendance grade is a 33%. When I got back from the trip he suddenly stopped taking attendance again, so I had to resort to asking him about it. He say's "I'll take it next class" Next class comes he doesn't take it. NEXT class comes he doesn't take it again. I don't care how much of a lamer ass dorkwad I sound my attendance grade should NOT be a 33% if I only missed two classes I am infuriated and I want to rip his fucking face off. The TA sucks dick as well. I am on the verge of tears dwelling on this. What is wrong with me

No. 1739238

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>i don't care! i don't give a fuck! it's not my problem
>god im so anxious and worried i literally can't think about anything else
this is mental anguish, someone please hit me in the head with a brick expeditiously

No. 1739239

I hate being horny. Why am I even human? I just can't get any of my needs fixed. I want to have sex but not casually. Just want to be in a commited relationship with someone of a similar level of intelligence/attractiveness like all normal human beings.

No. 1739241

>didn’t brush teeth for a month, is fine
>brushed once, immediately got a sore throat and inflamed gum

No. 1739254

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i am falling in love with my best friend nooooooooo i was able to ignore incubus seduction's for 22 years why now

No. 1739255

sounds like revenge of the incubus

No. 1739260

I love being mentally ill and the way society treats me.

No. 1739276

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I was trying to make doll hair, so I bought a couple of yarn balls and did the thing of brushing it with a pet brush, but it only ruined the yarn and not even ironing could save it. I'm in despair nonnas, I really want to make plushies with this fluffy hair.

No. 1739278

I highly doubt she knew it would have that before reading it anon…

No. 1739279

I told my boyfriend I felt like shit and he made me ravioli and it turns out I was just hungry lmfao.

No. 1739282

How does yours look? Brushing out yarn usually works well ime, even just using a regular brush and not a pet hair one. Although I've never done it for doll hair so perhaps it's different. Did you maybe try tying it to something to keep it stable and neat while brushing? Using a different brand or fiber or yarn could also possibly yield better results.

No. 1739289

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>How does yours look?
It looks like a frizzy colored cloud like pic related, it used to be normal yarn when I bought it, so I'm not sure what happened.
>Did you maybe try tying it to something to keep it stable and neat while brushing?
I had a hard carton as a base, maybe I can try it on something harder, actually.
>Using a different brand or fiber or yarn could also possibly yield better results
Yes, tho I'm still a little sad for the now badly brushed yarn balls, kek

No. 1739291

Is it acrlic yarn?

No. 1739292

File: 1698293409349.jpg (316.31 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_ou2fa6JXim1tfqbrro7_128…)

Oh I see, maybe try tying the yarn around something like this. Like a clothing hanger or something. There will be a spot that's unbrushed, but it should brush out straight and you could probably just go over the unbrushed part.

No. 1739294

It seems to be, yes.
Sounds pretty good, I can try it. Thank you for the advice nonna ♥

No. 1739296

As soon as my period finished, I started to develop a cold. Also I'm constipated. Can't I just catch a break

No. 1739298

the type of yarn makes a big difference imo. glossy acrylic yarn will look the best, and wool yarn will never unravel like you want. part of the issue with getting the yarn from not turning into a big poof is you need use very small, shallow strokes, or else you'll just ravage the yarn. i usually tie em around a chopstick, unravel it very lightly before using longer strokes

No. 1739310

i’m dressing up as an avatar for halloween and i’m afraid i’ll get some gendie from high school in my dms crying about cultural appropriation of blue peepol

No. 1739312

my apartment has paper thin walls and my downstairs neighbors have been fucking loudly for hours now. they're in their livingroom which is right next to the hallway all the other units share so everyone can hear them. they've been at it for like 4 hours now and they're so loud and annoying

No. 1739315

Another fucking shooter and this time it's a schizo with a military history who is a fire arms trainer. From what I'm reading, the mf may have a nightscope so this could get uglier. He already was admitted for hearing voices over the summer for two weeks and threatening to shoot up a national guard facility before his admittance. Why the fuck did they let him keep his guns? He threatened to shoot up a facility, and he's trainer. Yeah that sounds extremely intelligent to let him near guns still. What the fuck. Piece of shit for killing innocent people as well as wounding others, hope he dies a painful death.

No. 1739318

Really honestly genuinely considering trooning out.

No. 1739319

Holy shit 4 hours is a long time to be fucking, I could not stand that shit I’d bang on the wall or yell to shut up just to interrupt the mood

No. 1739320

Nona that won't solve your issues like you think it will. May I ask why you are considering?

No. 1739322

i don't have the backbone or energy to normal but if they don't stfu in the next 5 minutes i will. it's past 1am on a work night and im sick of them

No. 1739323

go on r/detrans or find ther detrans women discussing the health risks of medical transition. hell read from detrans women in general, there's a lot of insight out there from women you will relate to in different ways. there's the detransition thread in /m/ you should check out.

No. 1739325

Feel like such a retard for venting and saying so many embarrassing things to a friend who it turns out has a good memory. I laugh when he brings up really old inside jokes but then cringe in the back of my mind remembering he’s seen me at my worse idk how he hasn’t starting hating me yet.
i think zoomies find the avatars hot nonnie but that might attract other problems, you shouldn’t care though be what you want
A restaurant and a fucking bowling alley… death would be too kind for him.

No. 1739327

What the fuck is wrong with law enforcement and the feds? This guy was an active threat and they didn't lock him up. Seriously, why are these people so negligent that they let these murderous lunatics roam around?

No. 1739331

It's really upsetting to hear that the mass shooting in Maine could have been prevented. That shitstain was a known schizo yet somehow he managed to get access to guns and 22 innocent people lost their lives.

No. 1739335

OK,excuse me for sounding so dramatic! I haven't had any sleep whatsoever, my mind is racing all over the place. Not sure why but I've been going through some decisions on a whim. I'm planning to quit my job soon, a few thoughts later and I'm really doubting my identity. Nothing's really stoping me tbh.

Literally since birth I was mistaken a lot for a boy, always being told that I "act like a boy". I used to find it way easier to make friends with males, I preferred male-dominated hobbies and I didn't care too much for makeup. And I'm not saying that to be female means to act like a stereotype. I wouldn't expect someone to call me he/him pronouns or whatever, I'd just feel way more comfortable if I went to looking more boyish again. These couple of months I've been presenting more femininely, I've gotten attention for it and I hate it. I hate being called pretty. It makes me sad to think a man will never consider me his equal.

Also what really hurts is that I have an older brother and he is much much more successful than I will ever be. He's popular, good at his job, tall, all the things I am not. I think of how much better my life would be if I was born the first born male child.

No. 1739340

i think i have a drug problem

No. 1739342

I have these same thoughts but it’s not like you can really become a boy or somehow opt out of being a woman just because you dislike the misogynistic world we live in. I think hating the many burdens of being a woman is a very common thought and experience. Feel free to dress and style yourself how you want, I almost exclusively wear male or neutral clothing because I feel degraded and objectified by feminine clothes. Trooning yourself is a betrayal to other women who disregard the traditional feminine ideals.

No. 1739347

Lol 5’7 tranny hands typed this post

No. 1739353

Doubting your identity is senseless, you are what you are without deciding on it, just be. Trooning out isn't going to fix anything for you and will only increase your problems. Get help, unironically.

No. 1739360

I cant get anything within my fucking cursed life

No. 1739363

>Trooning yourself is a betrayal to other women who disregard the traditional feminine ideals
Hm it's weird bc I agree with you completely but I feel this is something I need to do. Even if it's just a few months of changing things up a bit.
One of those "anon said something I don't like/approve of so they must be male" moments. Also 5'7?? Don't flatter me.
Yeah that's a very fair point I guess but that doesn't come naturally for me. Maybe I'm overthinking it too much.

No. 1739429

Explain why it would somehow work out better for you? It's not like wishing is factored into the success. You seriously want to risk your mental health, physical health, and hair for make believe? You already know people won't take you seriously and it will have a toll on you whether you want to admit it or not. Why play the game when you know the outcome is unfavorable? You can't change the rules or the risks. The best option is not to play. The only winner is the house or better known as big pharma. They aren't your friend nor do they want to be. They just want your money.

No. 1739465

>cutting your tits off to “change things up” instead of getting a makeover or an unflattering haircut like a normal person

No. 1739466

The fact that pinterest censors the words “girl” and “lolita” is actually fucking insane to me. It makes the site so uncomfortable to use, it feels like i’m always a click away from coming across pedoshit. And the fact that pinterest’s solution was to treat the word “girl” like it’s a slur or pornography instead of addressing the problems on their platform makes me so sad. It feels like everything womanhood, girlhood, everything female is constantly eroded and treated like it’s dirty or pornographic or a fetish just because men are sick in the head.

No. 1739467

I've been humiliated my whole fucking life.

No. 1739468

just dress masculine you retard. why would taking hormones be your first thought? you're just going to be stuck with a balding hairline and a frog voice for the rest of your life instead of ever actually passing as a male, especially if you're a womanlet

No. 1739469

Found an enormous amount of accounts on instagram all with hundreds, if not thousands of followers, that advertise selling CP. Extremely blatantly. Broken english but advertising NSFW 0-9 "and teens". I felt so sick to my stomach. Some even advertised animals with the children."$30 for 1 Terabyte". I reported them all that were advertising. It must have been at least 50 accounts.

When I come back 2 days later, I have a notification for every single one about what happened with my review. They're all still up, all still advertising selling CP. IG told me "the accounts weren't found to be breaking the rules and will remain active". I know it was probably some sort of automated system but what the actual fuck? Their stories were littered with INFOGRAPHICS on the type of CP they were advertising…. Using emoji's of babys and shit like its a fun little infographic. "mom-son, -daughter-father, babies, rap, animal, teen, girl, boy, boy-boy" ect the list goes on. It's so fucking disgusting. And using regular stock images of children as their ig photos. I cannot believe my reports did NOTHING.

No. 1739470

Nona making yourself "less stereotypically female" isn't going to make you "more male".
Why do you hate being called pretty? That's not a bad thing to be unless you look down on pretty women. You say you don't think females are a stereotype, but you think not dressing like one makes you more of a boy. Why do you think you have to troon out just to wear "boyish" clothes anyway? You seem to think a man won't see you as equal if he thinks you're pretty. But equal what? Looks? Strength? Intelligence? Value as a person? Do you think men only see value in their own identical twins?

"Presenting more feminine" is a trans ideology term to begin with. I don't wear a skirt to "present feminine", I wear it because it's hot outside and it's airy and comfy. I don't wear a hoodie to "present masculine" I wear it to warm me up on a chilly day. You have this idea that just to wear clothes you have to tie it to your internal identity - that's messed up nona!

What if you were a boy and your brother was still more successful than you? Who are you gonna blame then? Jealously is poison to your mind. You're now a self-fulfilling prophecy, you'll never succeed because you've decided things are out of your control and that only males can succeed so you won't even try. The only transitioning you need is to get out of your perpetual victim mindset. I wish you the best nona.

No. 1739473

Nona if you can, contact the police. It must have been an automated response like you said, but if an actual person looked instead of a bot they wouldn't let it stay up. When police gets involved Instagram will look into it and give the account owners' info to the police. If you live in a different country you could make all your friends etc mass report so a person takes a look at the accounts too.

No. 1739496

File: 1698319920457.jpg (20.59 KB, 329x223, 1689870923424.jpg)

I know this will sound bad but I can't look at women doing any sexual stuff and I feel disgusted by myself when I'm a horny mood. And I know the backstory might sound stupid but…. a few years ago my then-friend got very drunk one night and she sent me pictures of her masturbating and I think it traumatized me. Yes, she apologized but our friendship was never the same after that and I decided to distance myself from her because it was affecting my mental health. She was hypersexual and it made me almost revert into a prude instead. I didn't want to look at her naked body or hear her dumb stories about fucking men. Now I can't touch myself because all I can think is that I'm gonna be like her and when I remember her naked body I feel extremely nauseous. I don't talk to her anymore but the memory is still ingrained in my mind and the only sexual stuff I can watch or fantasize about focuses solely on men. So basically I don't have any fantasies about men fucking me or other women, just men fucking men or men jerking off alone. And frankly, even that is rare because majority of time if I feel a bit tingly I just pretend nothing is happening and I let it go. Because as soon as a woman is involved, I get disgusted because it reminds me of my friend. I don't want to feel like that because I don't hate the female body, or female genitals, it's just that it makes me extremely uncomfortable now. Please I just want to get rid of that memory forever…

No. 1739497

This shit makes me rage

No. 1739503

I cant stand the pain anymore

No. 1739565

God why have you forsaken me

No. 1739581

I'm 18 and my boyfriend is 27. we live together and he's the best boyfriend I've ever had. he's all I really have right now and I rely on him completely. I feel like such a leech cause I'm not in school nor am I working. I feel awful about it but he says a lot that he really doesn't mind it, although he does encourage me and plans for me to be in school at some point. I'm so extremely attached to him and my guilty secret is that I often imagine that my boyfriend were a parent to me or something. I've never had a stable or kind older figure in my life before. It feels amazing but I'm not sure if its even healthy to live out my childhood cravings of a good parent through my boyfriend. I think its also worsened how strongly attached I am to him to the point it feels like I couldn't be alive anymore if he left me. I'm always so scared that he'll decide to leave me one day or not love me anymore despite his constant reassurance that he in fact does not plan on leaving me ever. I wish I was more normal for my boyfriend's sake. I've stopped all my self destructive habits like cutting, drinking, etc. just for him but its hard to fix my mental issues. I feel so fragile sometimes, like that anything small that could possibly mean he wants to leave me or may not love me sets me off on a spiral of self-hate and panic. I hate myself, I want to be normal and have a normal relationship so bad why do I have to be so strange, how do I fix myself. I can't live without him.

No. 1739586

That age gap is gross, he's a freak and I hope he drops dead.

No. 1739600

Girl get a grip and develop some coping mechanisms. You’re self aware and must realize that underneath it all he has the upper hand here with his age and how dependent you are on him. He could easily take advantage of you or hurt you, even in simple ways. Don’t lose yourself over him, he doesn’t exist to make you whole and he’s nowhere near qualified to help you with all of your issues.

No. 1739601

You can and should live without him. This sounds supremely unhealthy across the board. When you’re 27 you will look back and see how gross it is that he is dating you, and allowing you to be so codependent. Anytime someone says “I can’t live without this person” it is an huge red flag, because it means the dynamics are not healthy. You CAN live without him, and what’s more you SHOULD. I know this sounds harsh but I’ve been where you are and I wish I could go back and shake myself into leaving sooner than I did. You’ll be okay. You’ll be better off without him. 27 is far too old for an 18 year old and guaranteed he knows it

No. 1739604

I'm sure he's so proud about getting a barely legal girlfriend who's trapped and dependant on him. That's probably his favourite porn category too. He brags about it to his moid friends.

No. 1739607

If you were dating someone your own goddamn age instead of a pervert you wouldn't feel most of what you're feeling because you'd actually be with someone on your level and you could actually grow together and support each other through a tough stage in your lives. Can you please grow a brain and understand that the age gap is a massive issue and he is not a good person at all because he is old enough to fuckin know better??

No. 1739608

Despite me loving my partner I just think I'm not cut out to be with him. He's thin, I'm obese as fuck. I just don't know I'm cut out to be with anyone in general.

No. 1739610

When I was 18 I was also stupid and attached to men in harmful ways like this because I craved attention and validation that I never had. Ugh just don’t become too dependent on him, I’m sure there’s plenty of red flags and things that you’re not noticing or ignoring. Relationships where you’re desperately obsessed with your partner in this Stockholmy way don’t end well, sorry to say. You’ll grow out of it, whether through therapy or life experience.

No. 1739612

Your weight has nothing to do with your relationship. You're insecure about it, okay, but you're going to be insecure even if your partner was obese too. It doesn't just go away, it's something you work at and might even live with the majority of your life (insecurity, not obesity). How about instead of considering dropping him, you communicate your insecurities with him. Because that's what a healthy couple does. Isolating yourself, cutting yourself off from someone you care about, not allowing yourself to be happy because you're not pleased with your body isn't healthy and is only going to make things worse and you will spiral out of control.

No. 1739614

I think I'm going to kill myself by the end of this year and the start of next. Limit is march

No. 1739615

File: 1698328348986.jpg (246.65 KB, 1208x906, de48tjj-0eac2b94-7693-4cde-9c8…)

Please don't? Pretty please?

No. 1739618

I'm sorry nonna, the future is overwhelming me and I just want to go disappear

No. 1739623

Anon, let’s both stick it out together. Won’t pretend to know how you feel but I’m in a very weird, terrifying time of my life right now and have those thoughts on the daily but we can both do better than this.

Just take it one moment at a time, I’m rooting for you. Here’s to both our futures, we deserve them.

No. 1739626

I get the feeling but you literally don't know the future. It doesn't exist. Depression will make you 100% convinced that your future is the bleakest life possible for a person to live but it's a lying bitch

No. 1739632

I sometimes visit 4chan to self-harm and make myself mad, and that includes the /gif/ board to see what fucked up shit men are actually into so I can remember to not engage with them ever
Someone posted cp. It was up for days.Never visit 4chan anons cut off a male the instant he makes a channer reference also kick all 4chan moids into the sun forever after cutting their balls off and putting them in a blender

No. 1739638

Hugs nona to your daytime and your 3 AM self

No. 1739651

I swear half of my posts in these threads are me bitching about my coworker KEK. Today she showed up 20 minutes late so you'd think she'd be getting straight to work no? Instead she's sitting around making personal calls and setting up a doctor's appointment, god I hate this cow. I hope my boss fires her ass one of these days…

No. 1739653

I wish I could give you a hug and bring you youre favorite hot drink while I tell you about the cute baby snake having trouble slithering on the wet concrete I saw today in hopes of cheering you up a tad. (He made it to the grass, I watched.) Im so sorry theres so much pain and uncertainty in the world. It sucks and isnt fair. Please accept this virtual internet hug, I mean it as genuinely as a real one.

No. 1739657

I wish i could live in the 90s. I dont think i will ever get used to modern living, i hate phones, i hate the current state of the internet, i hate tiktok, i hate photos, i hate memes, i hate how nothing feels special anymore, i hate how the massification of the internet has made us feel worthless. I hate it.

No. 1739666

At the gym rn about to cry because I can’t do a squat right. This is so stupid. I hate myself.

No. 1739667


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No. 1739672

Holy shit nonna I am so sorry you had to see that. KAM.
Can you share any channer references for nonnies who aren't on that hellboard to look out for? I'd like to know who to avoid beyond just every existing moid.

No. 1739673

Uhhh, there were photos, phones and internet in the 90s. Why not pick a decade that's further back in the past?

No. 1739679

It was just the perfect mix in my opinion. I dont mind those things, but nowadays its mandatory to give a child an iphone the microsecond he pops out of the vagina. Like if i wanted to be a no-phone autist i would be seen as a pariah. I cant stop using my phone because my school uses wsp and its mandatory.

No. 1739684

You know it was way different then than it is now, why even question her? You know exactly what she meant.

No. 1739695

NTA but a lot of 4chan memes and references leaked to the rest of the internet so you've probably seen them. there are a lot on this very website.
I kinda know what she means but I think she's wrong, the 90s wasn't much different from today –and why would you pick the starting point of everything going to shit? at least go back to the 70s/80s and give yourself a couple nice decades. just saying

No. 1739700

Okay I'm convinced you didn't even exist in the 90s if you're seriously going to say it was no different than it is now. That's just objectively not true.

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