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No. 173163
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>>173161Nothing would make me happier then Felice coming back. She was literally my source of entertainment during my freshman year of college
No. 173180
I also miss when Keeks / Lilou Voss would be more of a lolcow and post stupid shit online all the time.
No. 173647
Sooooo many… Sarah/Crystalrain from Sarah Saga, Victoria Bitter, Jessie Slaughter, Kimmaugh, evilsibe, Snapesnogger, Sith Lord Ali, IHM, Chris Stone, Amuria, all of the old scene kings/queens who went stale…the list goes on. The cows from internet 1-2.0 seemed much more entertaining in general, which I guess is why I love Keeks so much.
>>173624>I hear that Jen lady from ff7 house is into Hannibal fandom now according to an expose site from an equally cringey cow. Link?
No. 173791
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Only tangentially related because she was infamous on 7chan for being a tool and vaguely known on 4chan but…
Zer was my main source of entertainment for over a decade, before she mellowed out and her shenanigans became less public/fruitful.
Her tyrannical presence on deviantart/furaffity was inescapable. The drama she conjured and shit she stirred was legendary at the time.
In a sense she was the furry artists Felice Fawn/Kiki; if you had one iota of something similar to hers she would lose her mind and sic her fans on you claiming identity/idea theft. Paradoxically she herself was a thief.
The quantity and quality of her feuds we like crack to my young mind. I would spend hours and hours watching her make a fool of herself across the various platforms. Then watch people discuss her. Then watch her draw shitty gore hate art. All of her drama was worth a read and it didn't stop, the milk was always plentiful.
What made this better is that she never hid her power level at furcons or irl and would stomp around like a dumb idiot.
livejournals, anonib imagboards, and an (at one point the largest) ED article all dedicated to discussing this messy bitch. was a really fun time on the internet.
No. 173840
>>173791The only thing I found lulzy about Zeriara was the sheer amount of effort that was put into her ED page by butthurt exes and betrayed ex-friends of hers… she was constantly burning bridges, and in the end; she got herself permabanned from a couple of popular furry art sites for pushing her luck with the admins.
I think at the peak of that drama, she was one of the only ED cows that had something like three separate article pages completely devoted to her faggotry… I think Chris-Chan took the "content crown" on ED after that.
Other than that, I didn't really find her any more socially inept and fucked up than the rest of the attention-thirsty furry fandom in general, so for me it was that ED article that gave me most of the laughs.
These days she's relatively quiet, she and her BBF/BF are still panhandling for donations on the regular with sob stories, but other than that; she's mellowed out a lot (since discovering ganja some years back) and isn't as overly-dramatic or as volatile as she used to be.
She's still a disgusting furfag though; many of them never grow out of that shit and are still active within that community 20 years down the line.
No. 173865
>>173855She's not really been that active online since the incident where she beat the shit out of her ex-girlfriend.
>>173856If I remember correctly, one of her exes was extremely obsessed with her to the point of following her every move on furry imageboards and related LJ communities for years after their break up. If you so much as mentioned the name "Zeriara" they would just pop up in there like a spergy jack-in-the-box with a victim complex. They wrote near enough 60% of the ED page about her; I think they were called "Pocketbat" or "PlagueDoctor" or something, but they were just as fucking nuts as she was. They later "reconciled" some years down the line, but ties were cut again just a few months later because they just couldn't resist backstabbing each other on a constant basis.
The milk was starting to dry up soon after that as well, her peers got more pissed off about not receiving any furry porn from her when they paid her upfront for it more than anything else about her.
She was/is always getting into relationships with overweight furry FtM trannies, so mixing furry drama with LGBT drama obviously yielded some pretty hilarious results. I think that if she never got banned from those two art sites; she'd still be a cow today… cutting her off from those just mellowed her out (along with the weed) because she was no longer getting half as much attention as she originally did from those places.
No. 174125
>>173791Yikes, reading through all those articles you can tell it was mostly written by her buttmad ex and their boyfriend (PocketBatInc and PsychoDjinn) they just can't resist mentioning themselves every few paragraphs whilst simultaneously acting as though they were innocent in all of that clusterfuck.
I don't know which is more cringeworthy, the fact that Zeriara has always been a petty bitch or the insane amount of effort that went into those articles by those two whiny shits.
Fucking furries ruin everything, man.
No. 174612
>>174531Wow… I'm also checking out the links from that Vice article. A house full of mentally unstable, socially retarded otherkin nerds, what could possibly go wrong?!
I feel almost bad for laughing, but there are so many of these idiots in every fandom… I'm guessing the drama surrounding this kind of stuff was relatively new back then though.
No. 174630
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>>174531I remember hearing about that Hannibal shit but I was unaware that wasn't her first rodeo.
cults are bad, mkay?
No. 176831
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>>173647Not going to bump, but Jessi Slaughter is still quietly active. Pic is her in July.
No. 176847
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>>176838I guess asthma makes it impossible to walk.
Since I'm a retard who forgot to sage already, No. 179199
>>179192speaking of livejournal, does anyone remember Candace? No idea on her real name or anything like that but she claimed~ to be dating Conor oberst.
Also viawentztop and stfugerard
No. 179762
>>179210I think you're talking about Branca, or something. She lost interest in Gorillaz after getting married IRL.
Personally, I miss ShaloneSK, the furry with the hideously overdesigned fursona.