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No. 1732605
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>>1732594Apologies if this thread isn’t great, it’s the first time I’ve made one. Basically I made this for posts like picrel. Essentially people who work in absolutes and think forgiveness is the only thing that works and being against anything is self destructive
No. 1732610
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I see "forgiveness" being used to mean "just forget about all the bad things this dangerous person did just because they don't do those things anymore", that I can't help but cringe when I see it being preached to people. What does forgiveness truly mean, and does it really deserved to be shilled as much as it is?
No. 1732614
>>1732610Forgiveness was supposed to mean not feeling angry at someone anymore for what they did, people seem to mistake this for letting go of a grudge.
>Forgiveness is liking a person again despite their actions>Letting go and moving on is still feeling upset but not letting them affect you anymore and finding joy in other thingsPeople conflate them and basically say “let them back into your life”
No. 1732639
>>1732634Wasn't it written and directed by Tyler Perry? The same moid who claimed that women should give broke males a chance? No wonder he made them protagonist "forgive and forget" her shitty husband's actions, he thinks women should give
any moid a chance. But what could I expect from a comedian who kept relying on
drag to make comedy?
No. 1732786
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(Repost cuz image quality) Put this in the Reddit Hate Thread a while back, didn’t get any responses so may as well try here. Basically this person is a Christian who thinks everyone can be forgiven and wants to know they could spread this. Kinda fucked that “how could I work my faith into this” is one of your first thoughts when hearing a horrific abuse testimony and believing a victim will have to forgive their abuser because “God demands it” says a lot about your values. Any thoughts?
No. 1732851
>>1732786The people who believe in this ideology are retarded. They are so deluded by the ramblings of ancient schizophrenics that they prioritize the rehabilitation and redemption of rapists because the ancient schizophrenics believed in sexual slavery. This sort of ideology is usually held by actual abusers, the sanctimonious, and the brainwashed. "I have to forgive my abuser because God demands it" spawned because the males who invented the religion loved to rape their sisters wives. By placing the burden of the crime on the
victim they make it to so that any punishment seems godless.
No. 1732875
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>>1732851The interesting thing about these Christian Universalists is that they think God is all loving but they also believe in hell. Granted a temporary hell but still, it’s pretty odd that God is all loving but still punishes crime, should he not be loving the crimes too? Some of these people don’t even believe in hell, just your abuser will be in infinite paradise with you no matter what because they felt bad or they got put in a hell to break their mind into loving and agreeing with God. Sounds more like a tyrant making people agree with his ideologies to me and is also why all loving unconditional being doesn’t work, because all love good all hate bad. Abrahamic religion is a cancer
No. 1733093
>>1732786I have no words for the rage I felt upon finishing reading this but this person is evil on earth. Absolute evil on earth. How on earth could any civil, decent person listen to that child's story and rather than think about the most suitable path for the kid's own best interests, wax an entire paragraph on reddit about how to push your crackhead ideology onto them. Fuck, I hate religion. It's the most self-serving, own-fart-smelling, selfish, deranged cult in existence and I have no clue how we as a society let these people (and any religion for that matter, Christian, Jew, Muslim, I could give less of a fuck) force their crap down everyone's throats around them. I rarely wish pain on others but I think I can take this one occasion to indulge in their retarded practices and pray that this person endures even a fraction of the suffering, humiliation and trauma that that child went through. Maybe then they'll have second thoughts about the existence of a God who just 'allows' this shit to happen.
No. 1733171
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I think this thread is great! Anyway never trust girls with kawaii cutesy aesthetics, those who claim to be positive but are absolutely insane.
No. 1733192
>>1733152You're going to get them mad
>>1733184>I refuse to even watch A Silent VoiceGood, it's a load of horseshit and will sting deeper if you ever had to physically confront a bully
No. 1733193
>>1733184Agree so much. As someone who has been bullied by others during school years (included online bullying and mocking my hobbies) and whose former best friends turned to bullies, that forgiveness is so wrong. I won't forgive people who ruined some years of my life. They are narcisstic psychos. I did nothing to provoke them, they picked up on me because they saw me as shy or isolated and because they hated anyone who isn't a normie (or in other cases, hypersexual queerness and troon rights enjoyer). By that logic people might as well be told to forgive abusers such as rapists or anyone who harassed them a lot in some way, this shit doesn't work. While I agree that there's more to life than bad memories and they should be processed of course, forgiving the bullies is sick and actually upholds the
abusive system that doesn't care about those who suffer and created more and more pathologies.
No. 1733195
>>1733184That movie actually pissed me off. Japan looooves to romantize bullying and think everything was totally okay since the man is totes sorry and the
victim will forgive him, if she didnt already try to kill herself. It was a hard watch and I am glad to see I'm not the only one who didnt like that movie.
No. 1733270
>>1732786I mean universalism is a joke, but I don't see how this is any worse or even on par with leftists who worship melanin and let nigger, spic, and sandnigger murders/rapist/assulters/theives out of jail because >muh systemic racism muh socicio economic status. At least this is just a philisophical musing, right now people are being murdered after a Democrat DA let their murder out of jail following everything up to a first murder. You have absolutely brainwashed people like Amy Biehl's and Mollie Tibbetts' making a public spectacle out of how much they forgive their daughters' shitskin murders because otherwise they'd be RACIST. The Department of Justice has a whole covert task force they send to white
victims of horrendious shitskin violence, like the Wisconsin parade
victims, in order to pressure them into remembering that you have to forgive those who do violence to you and also you better not dare bring up the race of the perp you filth white racist. Even here, in this very thread, I'm going to eat a ban because according to the faggot mods I have to ignore and forgive all the spic and nigger men who sexually assualted me in my life.
(racebait) No. 1733584
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>>1733392Then there's this. I understand that black, middle eastern, and Hispanic men are full of creeps are rapists. However, why is it that people love to act like white men don't do the same shit? They disproportionately perpetrate rape against indigenous women in different states and communities.
No. 1733586
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>>1733584To add, there's also this. Indigenous women are the most likely group in America to be raped by men outside their race, and most of those men are
white men. But no. According to that one anon, all brown people are just "shitskins", right? We're
all rapists, and none of us are
ever assaulted by white guys, right?
No. 1733960
>>1733586I hate nonnies who try to put a culture or political spectrum on rape because you know they would NEVER believe someone accusing their scrote friends of rape. I got raped at a party with a bunch of lib white + asian college kids and they proceeded to avoid me. One of them defended the rapist and got the case dropped. And when I called them out on it, they refused to acknowledge that their friend is a rape apologist because he's so nice, and he's so liberal blah blah.
point is if you have a specific stereotype in your head of what a rapist is, you probably think your friends are the exception and would be complicit in rape apology if given the opportunity.
No. 1734031
>>1733932>>1733942IMO a step to becoming more spiritual or self-aware is actually accepting negative emotions. It is allowing yourself to cry, to gradually become aware of what makes you that way. It is a way that leads to self-acceptance and maturing . Crying, as a mechanism, has a purpose and one of those purposes is to release pent up energy, be it good or bad one.
Anyways a lot of these "spiritual" "anti-negativity" crowd are fucking up their psyche because they force repressing emotions that are considered negative. And then they turn to hard drugs to cope because they have to keep up the happy persona mask.
No. 1737684
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I hate it when people defend deathfats and anachans even when they're clearly being destructive and know exactly what they're doing. I know it's because of muh mental illness but that doesn't mean you have to coddle them. That only makes them worse.
No. 1740521
>>1734027>It only leads us to being abused by malesSpeak for yourself. Yes all women and girls are taught "be nice" but some are smart enough to steer clear of males their entire young lives and only interact if it necessitates work commitments and family. Don't conflate idiotic life choices within your own control with prototypical female socialization being the reason for yourself being a doormat and succumbing to male abuse.
>We should teach them to trust their own feelings No, this is woo woo retardation. Normative statement soapbox anon. "We" should teach them to think critically and look at fucking statistics. A good example of female socialization is this thread where anons are referring to rapists and not outrightly the obvious; males. The "be kind" socialization is even here on a anonymous fucking imageboard. Being a retard and trusting intuition is the same coin of brain-dead logic you're espousing. Safety is just an extension of critical thought so safety will hopefully.
>>1734091>There is no "Girl-Code"There is no male code either though. It's closer to rape code and institutional code that allows men to wreak havoc through wars and crime, so I don't think anyone should get bent out of shape over how there's no "girl code". Bonding over shared rape appreciation isn't "boy code", men allow others to be culled constantly, men mock others dying and suffering too just like so many women do. But you're absolutely right that women tear apart other women extra severely for questioning the rape ape order of society. Most males will only threaten rape and turn hatred into violence when confronting challenging opinions from the collective of ape society while women will make deliberate character-attacks e.g make fun of the appearence of the person, question their intelligence/expertise, all not in a sexual way, or "out whore" other women like you say in a pickme fashion. They will also "out cool" in a foolish female socialization intrasexual competitive way and/or grandstand morally to one up other women to an audience of women doing the same. Men don't even bother trying to one up women intellectually usually because they already Dunning Kruger their way to success and are assumed better by birthright even when they are bumbling retards kek.
No. 1740547
>>1739507I hate
victims who are oh-so-forgiving to their abusers/assaulters in interviews for this reason. It reeks of compelled speech.
No. 1741503
>>1741079>but some are smart enough to steer clear of males their entire young lives and only interact if it necessitates work commitments and family.You may have missed the last part. Don't behave as if being abused at an unsafe place and idiotic decisions is a mistake anyone would make and is comparable to those places. School and family is not an option of interaction but the vast majority of domestic abuse is committed by womens nigels, and much abuse is from idiotic decisions to trust nigels in clearly unsafe public venues. I was also abused in a coed school like most girls but no one should normalize women going to bars, and going to parties to be raped as if these are normal decisions and not idiotic. Come on, most dv is committed by a womans partner. Much of womens abuse stems from their tolerance to be abused and exceptionalism that they won't be
victims like all other women.
No. 1749259
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Picrel isn’t the full post but it has everything I wanna cover in it.
>Schizophrenic has hallucinations>Thinks they redeemed demons or some shit>”No one’s bad just stupid, stop calling people out”>Totally doesn’t need meds, hallucinations are realNon-dualism and “no one is bad shit” has cultish thinking, if you say we should never call people out because “everyone is god” you’re not only delusional but you’re everything wrong with the world today, I always have to wonder why human made morality would apply to supernatural forces when I see this shit
No. 1752863
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I need to rant about “Reddit spirituality” as I call it, this will be long bear with me. Essentially it’s this belief that all judgements are bad, all punishment is immoral, and we all need to conform and become, essentially, a hive mind. These people will shame you for being “judgmental” but what they really mean is that you think for yourself and you don’t always come to the conclusion that everything is happy goodness and rainbows! They live in delusion, delusion of some sort of “source” that will eliminate all the negative things of you AKA anything that they don’t wanna deal with, they is pretty much just cult shit repackaged. These people are all just sanctimonious, can’t point out flaws with their ideology or they get defensive, it’s telling none of them have any retort other than “you’ll see” there’s a reason this shit is so underground, everyone outside of the deranged shitholes that are Reddit and TikTok would completely destroy these beliefs because the rest of us know that telling abuse victims that they “did something previously to deserve it” or telling them that they’ll do the same shit one day is deranged shit only done by insane people who need to be locked up. If you don’t believe what I’ve said scroll through picrel or the Spirituality tag on any site you’ll find this bullshit easily