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No. 173282
My bf hit me and we're on good terms but I am pretty much single. It's kinda weird cuz we didn't even break up.
I'm going to spend Christmas like this anon right here.
>>173263 DRUNK AF. Gonna go to a club for once, hah. If you guys live in or near a major city try going to a club or whatever while you can!! Seriously you never know when you're gonna be living in the middle of nowhere or dead.
No. 173283
>>173262Happy (belated) birthday, op
tbh being single over the hols is great because less people to worry about
make the new year the YOU year (dw I cringed too)
No. 173295
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>Live in the ass off the world and 1 hour of train away of the major city so can't go party or clubbing anywhere because most transportation is collapsed and have no license yet.>No friends to spend christmas because most moved on with their lives and live far off this shithole.>No boyfriend or girlfriend to be overly cheesy with. But seeing people i know on social media showing how happy they are with their S/O.>Rather kms that spend it awkwardly with my "family" and having to deal with a million "when are you getting a boyfriend".I'm probably just gonna spend my holidays getting drunk as shit on christmas special flavored alchol and watching shitty re-runs of movies or tv shows lmao.
Postive thing in all of this is that this year i get to keep all my money for myself instead of having to buy presents for my friends or s/o so i can treat myself. Negative is that i feel alone as fuck.
>>173262Happy birthday OP! Remember that regardless of how boring your NYE might be, you have a whole year after that to enjoy or do the same kinds of things that are expected to be done in these times, but without time constraints.
No. 173512
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i had just got out of an abusive relationship with a girl and basically just wanted to fucking end it last christmas
doing a lot better this year though. i met my current SO at my uni and she means a great deal to me
we live in different countries of the UK so meeting up is too expensive during the holidays. and since i live in the middle of nowhere i've got fuck all to do, so i've been trying to be productive and work on my carpentry/woodworking skills
"ul get ur bf if u wrk hard at it and smile :) :) :)" is pretty fucking condescending but hear me out on this, anons: you'll find a way. it may take some time but hang in there and do the rad shit you love to do in the meantime
merry christmas
>>173262have a good one OP
>>173300i'd love to watch Father Christmas or The Snowman again
No. 174647
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>less than 3 hours to go
No. 174649
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>>174647it's 2:10am on the left side of the states.
I can't believe it's the last day of 2016
No. 174719
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Thanks for all the keks in the Onion thread. The last couple of weeks have been Crème de la crème
Happy New Year
No. 174734
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happy new year's, anons.
No. 174762
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finally it's my turn hehe