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No. 173464
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i loved /g/ cause it felt like a community to ask other girls for advice and what not. i'm a sperg so i don't have friends IRL, and i don't get social media, reddit or tumblr so i don't have friends in the internet either. being on /g/ anonymously and making questions to the girls there and getting help was really nice. now when i open OT i'm scared to post on most threads honestly. again, big sperg here. miss /g/
No. 173480
This place has been a big help for me to see that i can easily have the same interests as other women. I always hid a lot of my interests to not be considered a weirdo, but seeing how many women i can connect to here, was a huge eye opener.
I know i can ask for advice and get the most straight to the point, personal experienced and brutally honest replies unlike most communities.
It's also nice being able to talk freely about anything from shitty fujo stuff, anime, makeup, travel… to sexual advice, kinks and whatnot and no one batting an eyelash. It feels like having a bunch of girls together for a constant get-together sharing advice and stories, it's really comfy compared to male-dominated chans with all their sperging or non anonymous things like tumblr/twitter/whatever.
I am also one of the people who miss /g/, i liked browsing both /b/ and /g/, but it's quite obvious that the merge brought a bunch of robots and garbage to otherwise comfy threads.
No. 173490
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>>173486We're not big enough for that. It would be better if you could do this (attached) when making threads.
/f/ on 4chan does the same thing. They just add a string to the subject: [category] | [the subject you have entered]
T. expert programmer
No. 173495
>>173490This is going to sound ignorant as fuck but I prefer the clearer cut option of having /g/ and a non/g/ boards than one board with subjects. It's more obvious, newbies will always be fucking up with selecting a target or whatever. We didn't seem too small for the two boards before, even if it caused occasional problems when a thread was ambiguous.
Honestly I don't care about the occasional guy in /g/ when there is no way to tell if they are guys (like how girls have to act on 4chin) but there's no way to make them stick to that without it being a clearly MUH GIRLS ONLY BOARD.
/sty/ is a cute name for /b/ though
No. 173497
We will do a survey soon to see how many people want /g/ to be a separate board again. Try to give the current arrangement a shot, though.
Also, for those interested in making friends you can use the Discord if you like. Lots of off-topic discussion there.
>>173490Yeah, one of the big reasons is that the site doesn't seem big enough to have 2 off-topic boards (especially where one is a "safe zone"). I like the thread tagging idea but it wouldn't really apply to the hundreds of old /g/ threads.
Users who submit threads can just write something like
For /g/ posters at the top if they want. Otherwise, mods can assume from context and moderate the thread appropriately based on the topic.