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No. 1736846
>>1736842All women know this, but the problem is we have no even footing even if we work as hard or even harder than men. We are even trying to beat men at their 'own game.' we are just trying to get paid the same for jobs and considered for leadership roles. Women are usually more qualified, but still passed over because [insert whatever sexist reason here]
I dont like saying women's greatest skill is creating life because that just reduces a woman from a human being to an incubator imo. I dunno if those are the right words, but I hate hearing women can make babies, be happy, etc when the whole world is against us due to men being retards.
No. 1736879
>>1736876You're so based for this
nonny you're so heckin sigma femdomstacy husbando yumepilled for this can you show me your self insert having sex with your husbando and then we can look for more stock photos of girlbosses choking scrotes on google images and then make out in the leftcows thread
No. 1736920
>>1736913How do you gatekeep male abuse porn addiction?
Ask them to name their top five gyaku ryona doujins?
No. 1736940
>>1736920I'll do a quick hand jive in the hard drives like a glowie and if I retrieve less than 500mb of quad amputee anime boys on leashes you're going in the chokey
>>1736929I'll take that over tryhard softcore from google images
>>1736936Full force projection. That's exactly what I was talking about.
No. 1736944
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>>1736941Of course you are!
No. 1736951
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>>1736842Like the other anon said, getting pregnant is not a skill.
Women are not only better at retaining information and regulating their emotions during stressful times in a much healthier way than men (who like to argue that women are too emotional even though they will throw adult toddler tantrums, punch walls and even murder their family out of sheer anger), they are also better at managing people and make far better leaders than men. Like it's not even a contest actually, a team managed by a woman will outperform a male one every single time.
Reducing women to pregnancy and motherhood alone is such a disservice to women, especially since women are beloved and valued by their children far beyond their reproductive years. Men provide no value to anyone, on the contrary they are walking black holes that consume everything. They can't even keep themselves alive properly. Embarrassing, really.
No. 1737140
>>1737132It's not about being weird, it's about being constantly negative, isolating ourselves further and further from other people by convincing ourselves that we're autistic weirdos with no hope in the world than to be on this website constantly spouting off about how much we hate this and how much we hate that. How about we actually talk about something interesting?? Instead of men, and whores, and calling other women fuck socks or whatever. Like do any of you have any real interests that aren't related to niche porn or how much you hate moids, where is the personality? You think this is fun? You think this is unique and special? It's a bunch of unhealthy screeching. I've spoken to at least 50 anons personally and all of them have cited detrimental effects to their mental wellbeing while being on this website but find it addictive, because anger is addictive, so they keep coming back. Why can't you post about something fucking interesting instead of screaming into the void with every post you make? How many times do you need to vent before you can post about some fucking poetry your writing or a piece of clothing you're making or sperg about your favorite movie or ANYTHING besides "SEND HIM COCK AND BALL TORTURE" "I'M AN UNHINGED TRIAD STACY AND MOIDS SHOULD ALL DIE" this place is no better than any other ib its not special its just as up it's own ass as any other site because so few posters have any fucking self awareness, just THINK for a second why this is how you want to spend your time constantly complaining and talking about how much you hate everything. Why can't you just crawl down out of whichever
toxic asshole you're living in and make some worthwhile contributions to a unequivocally dying website.
No. 1737161
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>>1737148Where is ronald mcdonald husbandofag I need to befriend her. I like him too and I need someone who understands
No. 1737167
>>1737163What is the Venus Angelic Korean era? I thought she only lived in Japan.
Tbh I'm only here for the coquette and Grimes/Musk threads, I don't think being new is a crime.
No. 1737200
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I spent years being addicted to 4chan just because it makes me mad and now this place is making me mad too, I should leave for good
>picrel: me using any page on the internet No. 1737371
>>1737360 and I totally agree with this
No. 1737379
>>1737360No one is shaming a women for having kids. Your argument is:
>Sexually reproducing is the greatest thing any woman will ever doSome people think there is more to life than doing what every single other organism ever has done.
No. 1737430
>>1737409>>1737413Serious question, what kind of well paying jobs are people getting without a degree? People always mention learning a trade as if that doesn't involve an apprenticeship (i.e. higher education) and also destroying your body.
I don't think I'd be getting paid nearly as well as I do now without my higher education and the extracurricular opportunities it provided.
No. 1737452
>>1737433No, you can fuck off. Nobody worships mothers. You don't have to have children, anon. You not wanting or not liking children doesn't make mothers or motherhood evil and bad. You're so full of yourself you can't possibly imagine that a woman might actually be happy being a mother.
Let women live how they want to live. If mothers were truly worshipped like you seem to imagine they are in your make believe world, that should be a good thing to you. Why do you hate other women just for being moms?
No. 1737461
>>1737457Nta but as someone who was subjected to that mentality, this is not even mother worship. You even said it yourself, this is for
parents. Meaning that it also applies to men. It's just a "blood is thicker than water" mentality, nothing to do with "worshipping mothers"
No. 1737476
>>1737467That's money that goes to their bank accounts. The whole point is that it pays for them to survive whilst they study.
What's the point of giving students money so they can then immediately give it to the institution instead of just paying the institution directly?
No. 1737481
>>1737472I can’t imagine being so self important that you think your genetics just need to be recycled into another human being. That’s an embarrassing thing to admit. Men and women both who think that the genes they carry are just
sewww special and they just
need to have a baby together, vomit.
No. 1737484
>>1737479Are you dumb? An allowance is not a job, so you are not PAID for the work you do. It is student benefits, just like unemployment benefits are not PAYMENTS. I would know because I receive them as a student.
They are also not a lot of money and not even close to a full time job's salary.
No. 1737547
i think feminists (or whoever defends this argument, i don't know) should stop treating women like gullible retards with zero personal hold of themselves nor personality, its condescending and offensive
No. 1737563
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No. 1737570
>>1737562This made my stomach twist and I got my period immediately. Thanks for giving me a miscarriage
>>1737565Ok i take back what I said about the barbies kek, she can stay
No. 1737572
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>>1737564gay but made by and for women. like how men watch lesbian porn but the genders are reversed and most of its not porn and its anime, 3d stuff isn't as popular.
No. 1737603
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grape soda, grape juice, and other artificial grape flavored sweets are actually very delicious
No. 1737606
>>1737603this is unpopular? i don't know if i wanna live in your world, fellow artificial grape loving
No. 1737612
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>>1737600That’s what giving birth is like though. Spoilered for your virgin eyes but uh…might wanna do some research if you really think that is that unbelievable.
No. 1737619
>>1737597>Thinking a screaming baby covered in blood after ripping your cervix and insides openYou should write death metal lyrics
>>1737604you know that women are human beings with like, personality and stuff, right?
>>1737612Don't open that spoiler anons
No. 1737635
>>1737604My thoughts as well and like this
>>1737556 nonny said, it's just because the idea is so pushed on women that even ones who originally say they don't want children they feel like they need to do it for no other reason other than "just because". I don't think it's wrong to say most people never bother to think about these kind of things more deeply until someone else points it out to them.
>>1737619No one is saying they don't. You really don't think people aren't influenced to act or think a certain way about things? Especially with motherhood and it being pushed on girls as soon as possible?
No. 1737680
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>kids are cute!
No. 1737837
>>1737818Nta but that's ridiculous. It's a straight up fact that vaginas go through extreme bodily trauma during childbirth. Saying that "actually it feels great" 100% sounds like a meme to make women believe giving birth isn't this agonizing experience other than "in shitty cases" like this anon
>>1737624 said. Be happy with yourselves all you want but don't act like she's the crazy one for not believing it
No. 1737862
>>1737811I agree with this. I've noticed a few women I knew irl who were very pretty but ended up in shitty life situations because they made extremely dumb life decisions, normally centered around some loser. I also noticed quite a few seem to get knocked up very early in life, again normally by some pos loser.
The "be intelligent and self aware" is so key, it feels like a lot of pretty woman know they're pretty but don't learn how to benefit from it, so they waste a lot of potential in their youth due to idiotic life decisions. very sad.
No. 1737978
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>>1737977sakura grape elf bars mmmm
No. 1737988
>>1737945True but presumably that'd mean they would have to hire women to look after them and then women would at least be getting paid for raising moid's babies
>>1737960>>1737973Dystopia this, dystopia that, why are they not already just enslaving women and creating breeding farms? Why the hell would having an artificial womb available inherently change anything other than the fact women would no longer need to gestate children? If the world is going to become a dystopian hellscape anyway then fuck it I would rather they take my eggs and kill me than keep me around to be a gestation slave or something
No. 1738003
>>1737996I'm not saying they wouldn't do that, I'm saying they can (and some do) already do that now
>>1737998if it's already happening then why is making women no longer have to gestate a problem?
No. 1738007
>>1737999Oh my god nobody cares. I don’t care about children. I don’t care about what happens to them. I think they don’t need to exist. How are you not getting that.
>>1738003Because surrogacy/pregnancy prostitution/egg “sorting” (farming) is only available to the rich. There are surrogates who give birth once and are financially taken care of for the rest of their lives.
No. 1738023
>>1738021Oh my fucking lord. I’m saying that
we need to stop creating children. The women and girls that currently exist and are already alive aren’t going to magically disappear just because reproduction no longer exists. There will just be no more of them
being created. Is this really that hard for you to understand?
No. 1738040
could also buy a $50 fake croc Birkin off of Amazon, but choose to buy a real $20k one because they feel as though it makes them above others who can’t afford one. So why would they buy some gross nasty eggs from some girl crying for money on the side of the road when they could pay some rich girl they went to school with to have the eggs sucked out of her kek?
No. 1738059
>>1738053>Go work for the UN if you care so much about 3rd world country women.KEK good one,
nonnie, you almost got me.
No. 1738095
>>1738088>you’re at a theater with a crying babyOne time I was enjoying my dinner in public at a restaurant alone not saying a word to anyone, not upsetting or bothering anyone, and this little fucking child in the booth behind mine kept tapping on my head and pulling my hair. When I turned around and tried to speak with her parents they blatantly ignored me. So I tell the waiter like hey you need to get those fuckers to wrangle their kid because I’m not paying for this experience. He tried to speak with them and they said “you have no way of proving that she’s pulling on her hair”. They obviously had cameras in the restaurant so the little gay guy was like we actually can go back and look if we have to but instead of doing that can you just move her to the other side of the booth and they had no choice but to comply kek. It has nothing to do with activities,
nonnie. It has to do with shitty, retarded people reproducing their retard inbred genes into their sped babies, then being horrible parents who never make their child take accountability for their actions. And then that sped baby grows up, produces another sped baby, the cycle continues.
No. 1738108
>>1738103Samefag but when child haters make comments like this
>>1738030 it just gives me jealousy vibes
No. 1738125
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>>1738122Or maybe kids are annoying.
No. 1738126
>>1738116Why should I have to kill myself just because I think humanity should go extinct? I didn't ask to be born but I'm here so… I have to put myself through needless suffering just to leave? I don't even know what you're trying to argue for, you're acting like you care about women with your artificial womb idea, but when women itt tell you women will suffer the consequences of procreation no matter what and only human extinction is the real answer, you get
No. 1738137
>>1738088I’m jealous of kids and I love kids, I think it’s misogyny.
Hear me out: mothers love their kids so much and when they hear things like “I hate little shits” “cum trophies” and other dehumanizing things while it’s insulting the children it mostly stings the mom, maybe the dad but we know scrotes are not emotionally invested. Those anons hate women and being one
No. 1738154
>>1738126NTA, but I am this
>>1738110 anon, I am fine with people who want to live out their lives and not reproduce and be antinatalist and all. Yes women who are already in shitty situations getting exploited are not suddenly going to become free, things would be about the same in that regard, but average women in first world counties that aren't being forcibly impregnated or getting their eggs harvested, but just living their lives wanting to be mothers someday would benefit. I think the experience of motherhood should be made better and safer for women who would like to be mothers and I am tired of the antinatalist whining that things shouldn't be made better for them because no one should be having children in the first place. If no women wanted to have children I would be fine with that, but obviously many do. I want women to be safer and more comfortable in making the choices they are making. You want women to make different choices altogether
No. 1738157
>>1738154>I think the experience of motherhood should be made better and safer That’s not a realistic possibility, though. Motherhood is actively used against women. It deforms and harms not only our bodies, but our
brains directly. Experiencing pregnancy, giving birth, becoming a mother deforms your literal brain. Part of growing up is going to fucking health class and becoming educated on this. Sorry that you had to realize it on lolcow.
No. 1738168
>>1738157Yeah that's kind of exactly why I want all the women who want to have kids to not have to experience pregnancy and birth? If you were to give women who want a baby the choice to have an artificial womb incubate it and never be pregnant or give birth, only a very strange and small percent wouldn't take it
>>1738158That's a separate issue that I would like not to be the case. Artificial wombs wouldn't solve that, but oh no now those women who were guilted into having kids are having a somewhat better time because they at least didn't have to undergo birth and pregnancy?
>>1738160I don't want to be a mother, I want to get my tubes tied. I'm advocating for a less shitty reproductive experience for women who don't want to get their tubes tied, just as I also support birth control and abortion. Please elaborate on "excuses as to why women continue falling in line with being treated as walking wombs", genuinely don't know what you're trying to imply
No. 1738184
>>1738180After 25 most of those best friends you spent so much time with will get married and of course pick the scrote over you and any new friends you make will just be brunch friends who act like you’re
toxic and killing them if you talk about anything other than non surface level shit like tv shows and food
>>1738178I definitely can see that some women have kids just to have companionship and love they never received. Take a look at boy moms.
No. 1738217
>>1738184>get married and of course pick the scrote over you From what I've seen when women get married or have kids their friends usually cut them off over stupid assumptions or because they're unable to get drunk every Friday and go on spontaneous road trips
>brunch friends who act like you’re toxic and killing them if you talk about anything other than non surface level shit like tv shows and foodyou can thank cancel culture for that
No. 1738244
>>1738230I think she means it’s harder to be honest about how you feel with your girlfriends and really have conversations where you’re able to share your true opinions 1:1 because of how women gang up on each other when they say something “
No. 1738267
>>1738116Artificial wombs will never be for women's use because half the gratification is making women suffer the whole ordeal mentally and physically
>You'll pop out five kids when your scrote asks you toKek we aren't as retarded as you anon.
No. 1739172
>>1739035exactly, i can't help but think they're 30+ year old fat neckbeards who can't get a woman IRL so they have to settle for doing this because no sane chick would be thirsting over him if they saw what he's actually like
>>1739068YES it's literally this but with them using their "sexy dom" voice that sounds like a burp kek
>>1739119same, at least it sounds real and can get me horny vs the shitty voice acting where they're obviously trying too hard
tbh the only good ones ive found like what you're describing are from japanese channels on porn sites. this one called mashasmr does pretty good videos that involve him fingering an onahole and doing some breathing and what not in the background. those are pretty hot and don't require me to look at some fugly scrote lmao but there are other channels like his that do videos meant for women so it's worth a look No. 1739236
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>>1739232That’s expected. Female fujos and fangirls are extremely common in Japan. They know Japanese women love fanservice so they always ham it up at the Tokyo shows.
No. 1739264
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>>1739190love that for them
No. 1739647
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Chilren can absolutely provoke a healthy dog into biting. I know of dogs that had to be put down for biting kids bc the kids has been shoving needles into the dog, beating a dog with sticks, throwing rocks at dogs, kicking the dog etc. Some kids are absolute sadists and have absolutely provoked an attack.
No. 1739703
>>1739236Japanese and Chinese fujos are the best because they dont have to worry about '
problematic' bullshit like the west does. They simply dont care. I dont know where all the old fujos are, but when i grew up with BL stuff, no one gave a shit about 2d men's feelings in games and comics.
No. 1739716
>>1738167Late and this is probably bait, but
>being childfree and unmarried is what ALLOWS one to become rich and hot as fuck.
No. 1739931
>>1739647Funny how people will say this about dogs (because dog bad) but will disagree when it comes to cats, chickens, parrots, rabbits and any other pet. Of course children can provoke animals, most children will act unhinged and won't know when to leave an animal alone (and the animal does communicate most of the time, but children can't properly tell). Actually some children are downright sadistic little shits with no empathy when it comes to animals, I've seen kids yank cats around, pulling tails or whiskers, dropping or throwing small animals like turtles or kittens or just having fun seeing animals in distress.
My older brother straight up killed a turkey once as a child because he was being a little shit near them, one started chasing him and he kicked it hard in the head. Children aren't little soft angels Who can do no harm.
No. 1739970
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Sleepy downturned eyes are nice, I saw some incel nonsense saying that they're "prey eyes" and thus undesirable because alphas have upturned "hunter eyes" that look fierce? Idk if normal people agree with this bull (they probably literally don't think about it) but I looked it up and saw some stupid women's magazine websites parroting the same thing about canthal tilt.
I love my bf's sleepy eyes and even though I have the upturned ones, I definitely don't look bold/fierce/etc. and have rather soft features
No. 1740198
>>1739970the attractive male eye thing for me has mostly to do with the brows and the eye not being round but slightly hooded or almond shaped.
people like timothee chamele-something have prey eyes, but his browbone and thick eyebrows look go very well with the hooded droopy eyes.
one thing is certain is that men with big round eyes look creepy
No. 1740329
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>>1740325Ikr? Probably gonna go to hell for saying this, but noticeable negative tilt eyes make me think of those FAS diaphragms of how to look for the symptoms. A big negative tilt makes the eyes look like they're trying to slide off the face.
No. 1740356
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>>1739973It’s ugly on men but on women it’s pretty (I’m coping)
No. 1740383
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>>1739970negative canthal tilt are cute. the hunter eyes seems scary to me.
No. 1740384
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>>1739970They can look attractive if styled correctly and if the rest of the face is good. Türkan Şoray's makeup made her downward eyes look sultry.
No. 1740389
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>>1740381Now go away? No! Droopy eye supremacy!
No. 1740487
>>1740413anon, i understand what you're saying, but i think you might have too much emotional investment in the term. it is a clinical descriptor, not a deliberate object of social shame. it's not implying you are a chomo, it's just naming the sexual interest (or "kink") in a direct way. it is inherently neutral. other anons seem to be making it a shame thing to disagree with you, but they're also misusing it and just proving your point IMO.
to be honest, i feel like this is the direct consequence of "pedophilia" becoming casual/newspeak for "child abuser" when it was originally intended to describe the paraphilia itself in a clinical or academic sense, even without actions or urges to act. it's a very heavy subject, so i understand why this happened, but it's still not great.
No. 1740586
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>>1740570Lol when somebody tries to put "kink" onto straight up mental disorders to justify it, but the audience isn't buying it because the audience aren't libfems and scrotes. Spoiler alert, DDLG isn't a good cope. Therapy, self rope, either way people into this shit need to be isolated.
No. 1740613
>>1740584it doesn't really matter how it was named, it's still a sickening way to deal with your trauma. get therapy or don't, I don't care, but don't act like perpetuating pedophilia is a
valid way to cope. you're not even helping yourself if you do that.
No. 1740621
>>1740613you really need to stop strawmanning and possibly projecting. i'm not a dd/lgfag, i'm explaining the point of the term to the OP because she thought it was newspeak designed to shame women. it just isn't.
>>1740586in general, this thing anons do where they read posts that don't take any particular side, and immediately start thinking the poster must be their enemy trying to justify whatever they disagree with needs to stop, kek.
also, all kinks are atypical sexual interests and paraphilias by definition. the only way to read "kink" and think of it as "defense" of anything instead of a descriptive term is if you're already on some "all kink is ethical hehe" libfem shit. scientifically, it's neutral. the rest is up to you.
No. 1740636
>>1740628Nta, but “kinks” are an introduction to heavy fetishes, to me, being “kinky” means that you’re trying to meme yourself into liking something that you don’t truly like, which is insanely easy.
Just give it a try, convince someone to be into getting hurt, it’s the most meme’d “kink” (fetish) by society, it begins with getting “playfully” spanked and ends with someone getting actually hurt.
No. 1740643
>>1740634Just because you’re a
victim of something gives you no excuse to grow up and do it to other people. Yes they got molested as kids but as a grown woman they are now nasty to let pedophiles act out their fetishes on them. They are a danger to society and should be castrated.
No. 1740656
>>1740651Anon talks as if these poor “
victims” wouldn’t give birth and let their scrote sexually abuse their children
No. 1740660
>>1740656these poor
victims are free to get therapy and not engage in material or roleplay that involves reliving their trauma and live healthy lifes without pedophiliac scrotes in their lives. it's like actively choosing to get addicted to heavy drugs and trying it on purpose. you're being self destructive and you know it.
No. 1740667
>>1740617Don't let anyone convince you that pedos never date women like that to specifically to feel like they're dating a
girl. It does happen, but I guess the "femlets" aren't ready to talk about that.
No. 1740668
>>1740648But is it really done by someone that truly likes BDSM? That’s the true question, at what point are most people truly into BDSM (something that’s shoved down our throats by media of all kinds) and aren’t just trying to make themselves believe that they’re into it?
Most BDSMfags are into it for the community aspect of BDSM, before the internet, being into BDSM was quite rare, and with the internet it’s so easy to learn about paraphilias and fetishes that yeah, people can make themselves be into those, lots of people can easily get lost in the coom, you know, like the average DDLG retard.
I’m not justifying their behavior, I just think that women can get treated and that they need help to stop being into such harmful fetishes. Moids can die though.
No. 1740669
>>1740664the criteria to get diagnosed as a pedophile:
>An individual who has had arousing fantasies about, urges for, or behaviors with a prepubescent child or children.>The individual has acted out these sexual desires, or is experiencing significant distress or difficulty as a result of these desires. would say engaging in DDLG applies to both of these so yeah
No. 1740673
>>1740665dd/lg is literally a subgroup of BDSM. wherever you find dd/lg tards, you'll find BDSMfags and vice versa, and the entire kink community is rife with abuse.
No. 1740681
>>1740669this would be like considering masochism the same thing as sadism because the masochistic individual is aroused by someone being abused (even if it's themselves). IMO both are
problematic, but not in the same way, and psychology separates the two for that reason.
No. 1740685
>haha it's ok officer my wife consented to being physically abused haha we're just kinky hahayou don't see how this shit is gross and self-destructive? they're all just fucked up dynamics with different coats of paint being defended with "muhhh kinkkkkkk".
No. 1740688
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I believe rap music is a modern tool to keep black people brain washed and retarded. The people in power can’t do blatant shit like putting drugs in black neighborhoods and giving black people diseases under the guise of fake health care now, so they’re doing it with rap music. At first rap only was pushed on black men with acting like a thug, demoralizing their own women and killing each other but in mordern times they’re focusing on black women by pushing being slutty, being baby mommas and normalizing stds.(racebait)
No. 1740694
>>1740688for rich women in entertainment (and in general I suppose), being a "baby momma" and single mother is better than being tied down to some manwhore and sexually
abusive scrote who's also in the entertainment industry.
No. 1740696
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Jeffree star hanging out with Eugenia cooney is a most likely going to be good for her. Jeffree is so narcissistic and manipulative and Eugenia cooney worships him. He’s probably going to convince her to recover so he can get the praise for it.
No. 1740698
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>>1740688This makes me think of old school Hollywood where black performers were being held to the same standard as white artists. Now it's almost as if the industry is imposing this standard on black people that they need to fill which is degrading. Cardi B comes to mind.
No. 1740704
>>1740701?? you're literally the one arguing with the DSM and every psychologist on earth, but okay get well soon
nonny lol
No. 1740717
>>1740713>>An individual who has had arousing fantasies about, urges for, or behaviors with a prepubescent child or children.>about, urges for, or behaviors withthe about or behaviors with don't specify anything about fantasizing being the
victim or the perpetrator. it literally implies just fantasizing about the act sexually is enough. please go to therapy.
No. 1740719
>>1740715I’m particularly not saying that it’s “eeeevil” I’m saying that it’s a slippery slope and that most people aren’t careful about what they get into because when sex is involved, most people don’t truly consider how far are they going with what they’re doing.
It’s literally like watching porn, at first you will watch a gif, then a video without audio, then a video with audio and after a while you will find yourself searching for the most random stuff, either out of morbid curiosity or because it’s just what it “feels” like it’s what you want to do.
The more you indulge in such behaviors, the more likely you will find them normal and the more you will want to do something less and less normal.
No. 1740724
>>1740717same site you linked says
>Pedophilic Disorder is a DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition), diagnosis assigned to adults ( defined as age 16 and up) who have sexual desire for prepubescent children (American Psychiatric Association, 2013a).>The DSM-5 notes that males with Pedophilic Disorder begin to feel sexual attraction toward children about the time of puberty (American Psychiatric Association, 2013a).i think you need to go to therapy and ask a professional about these things instead of trying to stretch clearly defined words and getting mad at people for not agreeing. pedophiles
are perpetrators because they are attracted to children, not themselves.
No. 1740726
>>1740651I would rather not muddy the water like this, it would weaken the severity of the term pedophile to suddenly loop in female autopedophiles
>>1740656if it's a woman putting a child in danger like then then it's not "auto"pedophilia anymore it's just regular pedophilia yeah
No. 1740731
>>1740725I'd argue modern country music is a tool for white americans by that logic. bible belt music is all about drinking, fucking, cheating on your wife or being miserable.
>>1740730I don't get what you gain by defending people who perpetuate pedophilia even if it's "just a fantasy". do you feel the same towards shota/lolicons?
No. 1740738
>>1740731it's as
>>1740726 said, muddying the waters to try and pwn ddlg fags is just weakening the term so that people will roll their eyes when you want to talk about actual pedophiles. you can say it's unhealthy without that.
No. 1740744
>>1740719they don't realize they're just showing how far down the slope they already are by balking at the notion of BDSM being
No. 1740746
>>1740738yeah, normalizing pedophilia is so much better
No. 1740748
>>1740744Because fuzzy handcuffs are literally not
abusive kek. It's possible to not slippery slope into abyss with everything, to me it speaks more about you than me that you think it's impossible.
No. 1740750
>>1740721anon, rap is significantly dumber and more destructive than pop music (which is already dumb). do you think that's natural and coincidental?
>>1740706so, why do you think mainstream rap is about shaking ass, fucking hoes, drugs and violent crime, while the rap that isn't about that is old or underground? this is the problem. it's actually racist to think "my pussy pink my bootyhole brown" is the best and most marketable content that black people can make.
No. 1740756
>>1740748>n-no u!!sure jan. anyway,
abusive porn is wrong.
No. 1740763
>>1740756We weren't talking about porn though, I would agree because I haven't consumed any porn in 5+ years. But you saying fuzzy handcuffs are somehow
abusive is absurd to me, it's considered bdsm but it's clearly just lightly playful. It doesn't have to get any further from that, if you think it always automatically does get worse, isn't that saying something about you having an addictive personality? It certainly hasn't happened to me or anyone I know in real life.
No. 1740764
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>>1740751Want to know a little surprise? I am black lol. You’re never going to see black Olivia rodrigo or music like what a young Rihanna made ever again because the people in power have a narrative they want to push. In 10 years from now we will probably never have anymore Beyoncé’s, Whitney Houston’s etc and that will be replaced by over sexualized hood industry plants who get switched out with a new thot every 3 months.
No. 1740777
>>1740773sure you do. they're both fucked but they'll never be on the same level, go ask a therapist why.
>>1740775calling them out is not the same as trying to change the definition of "pedophilia". you can do both without being a retard.
No. 1740786
>>1740777They are on the same level. The woman doesn’t mind throwing women under the bus so that she can cum and the man is using her because he wants to find someone who will help him get his needs met or help him find real child
victims. Also claiming that these woman are like this because they were sexually abused is an assumption, you don’t know all of these women.
No. 1740790
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>>1740768 that to any mainstream rappers, including female ones. once again, i don't listen to her, but you just made my point for me. three references in her entire discography. if fucking only it was the same both ways, lmao.
No. 1740793
nonny, I get it, you think I'm racist for implying black people can do other music rather than mainstream rap that only talks about drugs and shaking ass, but at the same time just showed me that taylor swift is basically the second coming of christ and should be sanctified because of how clean her lyrics are.
No. 1740798
>>1740791Radfems often blame sex workers though. I tried discussing this issue and a lot of radfems kept blaming OF sex workers or degrading them for being in the industry and sort of shifting the blame onto them and implying that they are grooming women instead of looking at the bigger picture. It doesn't actually allign with radfem rethoric
>>1740793Degeneracy sells. It's not only rap people just look at what sort of message trappers are selling.
No. 1740799
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This is going to ruffle some feathers. Most women into ddlg were not child sex assault victims, they are just weeaboos. Most of them are just weeaboos who consumed too much aidoru and moe anime as a child and think it’s cute. Because of the media they consumed they find the little girl life style “cute” and want to be like those anime girls fucking old men. I don’t even think it’s inherently sexual for them, I just think they want the validation of being seen as moe and kawaii. Like yukapon for example and those other weeaboo net idols we used to have to deal with back in the 2010s.
No. 1740800
>>1740787>if women can be helped they can get therapy and not perpetuate the trauma they went throughyes. now scroll up and remind yourself how braindead you are for saying dumb shit and yelling at people for noticing the definition of pedophilia isn't your dumbass headcanon instead of this very basic truth. keep screeching everyone ITT is a ddlgtard, maybe it'll stick someday.
>>1740786by "women", you mean herself? unless she actually is involving child
victims or forcing other women to participate, she is humiliating and mentally/physically harming herself at the end of the day. it has nothing to do with me or any othe woman or child any more than a masochist sucking some scrote's boot is. a pedopile is harming a mentally ill woman and/or a child, a misogynistic sadist is harming a mentally ill woman and/or a child. the
victims are not the same.
>>1740785you sound like the type who wants to bash women more than she even hates
abusive moids.
No. 1740805
>>1740793i think you misread my post or replied to the wrong person. i've literally been saying mainstream rap is degenerate and it's racist to say it's just "normal" for black people,
>>1740750 is my post. i made the comparison to taylor swift because
>>1740758 says "the subject is literally any of those no matter what genre I'm listening to" (shaking ass, fucking hoes, drugs and violent crime). what the fuck is even going on anymore itt?
No. 1740808
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>>1740800Most women into that stuff have never been sexually assaulted. They are just weeaboos. Women who have actually been sexually abused as children wouldn’t want to go around dressing like a child etc
No. 1740820
>>1740817you're literally talking to yourself and making shit up atp,
nonny. begging you to see a therapist and maybe get a tard wrangler
No. 1740826
>>1740799>>1740808yukapon was molested by her stepfather as a child, groomed online by a pedo scrote, and her mom let her go to japan to date another creepy middle aged moid who groomed her online at 16. she is a bad example. aminyan, i don't know her history but she's been selling nudes since 16 too and still defends age gap fetish shit, so i can't imagine her upbringing was safe.
anyway, a lot of pickmes were not raped. it doesn't mean they aren't brainwashed and can't be helped.
No. 1740830
>moid seething "Women have always been the ones who benefited from marriage"
Of course it benefits the women, it's set in place because men can simply leave to go impregnate someone else and not have to take care of any children if they didn't believe in actual marriage. Marriage was intended for a relationship to actually mean something and give structure to a society so there's no single moms roaming around having to work their ass off and somehow also manage raising a child at the same time. Modern interpretations of marriage just means you're signing a paper and that's it, no waiting until after marriage to live to gether or to finally be able to have sex.
Before the industrial revolution, men were forced to put in effort to prove to a woman he wanted to marry her and have children with her. Great men didn't participate in premarital cohabitation, nowadays it's even more common due to the costs of living.
Any nonnas reading this, do not live with a moid until you get engaged first, he will be content staying with you unmarried. You shouldn't risk living with a man who doesn't care about you for financial convenience. He sees a great benefit in sharing rent because he could slack off and continue doing stupid shit and spend more money on stupid shit instead of saving it.
Think of it this way, man moves in with his girlfriend, or she moves in, they're intimate. They could have unprotected sex at any time if they wanted. No need for marriage, the nest is made. What more should a man need to do? Absolutely nothing. He could have sex with her and have sex with someone else on the side. If you didn't live with him, you wouldn't be easily accessible to him and he would have to out in effort to see you face to face and eventually prove he wants to live in a house with you instead of begging for you to find an apartment to live together in. Doesn't that sound more promising for a loyal man?
To secure a well mannered man who will truthfully commit to you (this will be difficult, but worth it) do not have sex with a man until a few months into the relationship. You don't need to show love through sexual intercourse at this point of the relationship, ideally wait until you two are engaged or married, but realistically at the very least 3 months in but no less.
No. 1740839
>>1740823when do you think is the average age for a girl on the internet to be exposed to scrote shit, especially girls who like anime? it's not adulthood. even a ton of anons here and CC have stories about being groomed online as kids. it even happened to non-weeb girls. please face the absolute state of the culture we live under, because it's only getting worse with shit like tiktok and the tranny epidemic. you can reject all that shit without attacking the girls affected.
most of the libfems who are into dd/lg don't even know what radical feminism is. do you realize that? all the voices against that shit are drowned out. they're ignorant and fell for moid's lies and porn culture, not evil.
No. 1740840
>>1740830>single moms roaming around having to work their ass offWomen never worked and never had to raise children on their own before the invention of girlbossing during the industrial revolution of the 19th century. Nice bait.
>>1740832>lolcow, an anonymous imageboard>trust me bro, those anons were radfemsOk dude.
No. 1740869
>>1740866this just reads like libfem "muh choice, women are NEVER presured by society" BS, but in the
victim blaming sense instead of fake empowerment
No. 1740873
>>1740870how am i a scrote for saying female
victims can be helped out of bad mindsets and should go to therapy? are you retarded or just samefagging?
No. 1740874
>>1740869it's not impossible to recognise your trauma can cause you to have a self destructive response but also expect responsibility from someone who has been a
victim of pedophilia. you're basically implying every
victim can just engage in it unconsciously when it's pretty obvious it is a conscious choice to continue doing it once you recognise it's a sexual impulse.
No. 1740877
>>1740872this bpd-tier overreaction lmao
>>1740874>it's not impossible to recognise your trauma can cause you to have a self destructive response but also expect responsibility from someone who has been a victim of pedophilia.who said they shouldn't have any responsibility? you can point out moid influence while still wanting them to get better and show them a different worldview.
No. 1740879
>>1740877pointing out it's gross and degenerate is a normal response to it. just because they're uwu
victims doesn't mean they can't act degenerate. a lot of traumatized people go off to become all sorts of criminal. doesn't mean they get a pass to do crimes because of trauma.
No. 1740990
>>1739970i agree they look softer/gentler to me in a way, and more expressive. i won't post any examples though cause all the men I like get called ugly or weird at best…i'm surprised the internet even makes such a huge deal about it because it's always looked like normal round eyes to me
>>1740325>And I feel like if you had it yourself you wouldn't think it's pretty, since it can take away from the beauty of other features imo.nta but I have them too and don't really mind it
No. 1741399
>>1741080Which in my case, would benefit the mother and their child. Because he's legally bonded to be present in child rearing and having to provide income to support his wife and their child.
That's only if he takes marriage as seriously as the woman. Obviously this is perfect world thinking. Things would be beneficial for many women in a relationship with a man to be married. And incorporating religious beliefs onto sex, adultery is sin and you'll be harshly looked down upon for breaking that bond.
No. 1741535
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Synthetic fibers cause the bulk of the modern microplastic epidemic. Their production causes up to 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Polyester should be declared illegal.
>b-but we can't afford for EVERYONE to have clothes made from natural material
Unironically, it is healthier and more environmentally friendly to just go naked. Abandon your pathetic social stigmas against nudity.
>b-b-but we need protection from the sun!!!
Just use a parasol and/or wear sunscreen, retard. Naked with a parasol >>>>> Wearing shitty synthetic fiber clothing
>b-but what if we get cold?!
We'll exist.
>b-but I have sensitive skin
Polyester is still worse.
No. 1741541
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>>1741535…Or you can just wear natural fibers, ya nasty.
No. 1741561
>>1741556But cotton and wool and hemp and so many beautiful, comfortable natural fibers that the earth has blessed us with exist. And growing more could also probably simultaneously help the earth. You people just want to see people naked.
You people are so disconnected from OUR EARTH! that you think the solution to combat synthetic fibers is so go naked instead of using what's on our land. And you wonder why climate change is fucking us over.
No. 1741791
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i think it's patronising to act as though women cannot be truly evil. whenever i see anons on here say "a real woman would never do this", "mothers always inherently love their kids and care about them", "a woman could never do this" (especially in response to some heinous act committed by a moid), i think it is damaging. it's language that tries to uphold women as being supreme but actually pulls them away from being what they are - they're people. women are still only people. saying these things implies that women are not complex enough to be truly evil, to abuse and murder and sexually assault, to critically harm and traumatise children (even their own). and perpetuating this idea that any evil committed by a woman can be traced back to a moid is worse. as if women don't have brains of their own. as if any woman could be driven to doing sickening things by a moid. as if all women are that weak of the mind or sick in the head. how irritating
No. 1741875
>>1741869“She’s just a woman with a simple little brain! There is no way she could do that without a man making her do it!”
It’s kind of like how people don’t place blame on 8 year olds who act out but instead place the blame on their parents. People like that subconsciously feel women are too dumb and simple minded to be able do anything fucked up and just place the blame on their scrote for not training them right.
No. 1741894
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>>1741891where's female jeffrey dahmer then?
No. 1741896
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>>1741891I think it’s also thinking we are stupid. That mindset is why Karla can work with children despite her past. People think she’s just a retarded woman who won’t offend again. Whose to say she won’t once she finds a man who is attracted to kids again?
No. 1741901
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>>1741894I can't tell if this is a thirstpost but there have been numerous female serial killers throughout history.
>>1741896>>1741899Well they're deemed mentally fit to stand trial which means they realised what they were doing. The implication with Karla being let off is that she wouldn't have done it if the moid hadn't told her to do it. Some of them are intelligent, some of them aren't, there's not really a clear delineation on that front.
No. 1741965
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>>1741920"literally no one thinks that" is one of the worst, most unproductive phrases people use in arguments. obviously women commit far less crime, obviously women are not evil on a level anywhere even close to the level that men are. but i've seen way too many anons speak as though women are genuinely unable to do atrocious things and that when they do, it's always because of a moid. yes, it's a very small minority of women who have done genuinely terrible things compared to the massive majority of men, so i understand how it could be confusing that i even made a point about it ("barely any evil women exist so why talk about it?"). i am glad that people trust women more because they should. none of you are aware of the love i have for women and how vocal i am about feminism. for fuck's sake, next month i'm planning on watching entirely female-directed films and reading only female-written books. it's really fun btw, i'd recommend doing the same to other anons. i hate that it got assumed that i think women are worse than men and now that's what people are running with, what a fucking strawman. i'll go back to saying i think kiwis taste better with the skin on or something in these threads, it's more fun
No. 1742001
>>1741994Well if there are exceptions to this rule then it is untrue. Lots of people have had
abusive or cruel mothers. So obviously not all mothers are loving and would never hurt their children.
>men are inherently violent What does this have to do with anons point? We all know this. It doesn’t prove her wrong.
No. 1742035
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>>1742033I think more women would commit violent crimes if they had the physical strength to do so. Women, when they are evil, are more likely do commit white collar crimes or just anything non-violent.
No. 1742040
>>1742016>>1742019>messiah of evil (1973)co-directed by a man but a very cool horror flick
>mikey and nicky (1976)crime drama
>day night day night (2006)thriller
>a new leaf (1971)dark romcom
>tremble all you want (2017)romcom, very funny and relatable for any lonely woman…
>ghostwatch (1992)horror
>fast color (2018)superhero drama
>fatal frame (2014)horror
>the company of strangers (1990)really sweet drama, highly rec for any anon
>sway (2006)psychological thriller
>d.e.b.s. (2004)if you haven't seen it already! fun little action film
No. 1742104
>>1742101kek what the fuck, that would be so based if true. If women hired rapehitmans to butt-rape their annoying
abusive ex bfs we would live in a better timeline
No. 1742344
>>1742215>>1742301I see that online as well. I randomly saw some young JJK fan on twitter who just rt and posts about the show and some gay pairing I know nothing about since I've never read or watched that story, and she had the audacity of posting about how she doesn't plan on posting about the conflict on that twitter account because the account is about a specific topic already. She got insulted by a bunch of clueless zoomers for it. And from what I've read it seems like she's far from the only case of random people who can't do anything about it getting insulted or threatened online over this. Like, what are we supposed to do besides watching the news and maybe donating to
victims, if they can even receive money, clothes or food anymore?
No. 1742440
>>1742435Like a 30yo i guess? Any older and its not fair to her youth
>>1742436No I'm a woman. I'm sorry I know online and especially in moderately progressive spaces this is taboo and all, but it's normal here and life just goes.
Also I disagree with that, but then again maybe in certain places like the US kids aren't raised to be independent adults and are instead babied too much.
No. 1742442
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I think most bisexual women are BPD. Faking homosexuality allows them to claim victimhood witout having to upend their lifestyle.
No. 1742444
>>1742438? I said nothing wrong
I genuinely don't get it. Explain plz
No. 1742448
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>>1742440Go back to your village
No. 1742451
>>1742445ACK but srsly you're not refutin' nothin'.
>inb4 i dont wanna dignify what you said with a responseor something equally inane.
Idk, i know its weird to you but think of it like this, your 18 is our 16
But then again, you're having issues over the invisible 18 line too since somehow there are 25 year old women with the mentality of an 8 year old
No. 1742455
>>1742429i also come from a villager background with similar values to what you mention, which i still keep close contact with and you need some waking up to do. it doesn't matter what is and isn't common because the world has advanced past the need for traditional backwards thinking, people have independant thought and morals have since developed. it's immoral and makes for unnecessary suffering on the girl. it makes me fucking sick when another one of my teenage cousins gets wed off to some moid much older than her i wish i could do something about it but i can't since the law doesn't care as long as there is parental consent. why does it matter how the girl looks or acts? it's this type of mindset that allows for
victim blaming, i'm not saying that's what you're doing but it 100% is what it results in. i just want to cry and scream and kill those fucking scrotes but no one cares because theyre "developed" and "grown" meanwhile you know the moids don't give a shit about that and just want to aod eachother in having sex with young girls. why should they ? why is that right ? i want to throw up
No. 1742456
>>1742453>Is wherever you're from better off than the USA?Depends on your definition of better. But I would say yeah it's pretty cozy.
>>1742454Kek you don't have to say all that, long story short my brother was a moid 4channer and one thing lead to another so here I am. Plus, most villages do have electricity and shit, come on now.
>>1742452>learn to integratelol no lmao, keep seething at my verbiage
No. 1742457
>>1742451There is no reason a young girl should be with a male much older than her, who is able to and will manipulate her. Tell me why you village fucks are so against girls pairing up with boys their own age? Are boys just allowed to live their lives without having to worry about being picked up by an old creep with the excuse of "well you're basically an adult at 16 so you can just be with any other adult of any other age" I doubt it. So why just girls?
>>1742456>newfag whose "brother" uses 4chan. You are the brother.
No. 1742459
>brother uses 4chan>using outdated age standards to justify teenage girls dating men twice their ageIt's too obvious.
No. 1742462
>>1742455>my teenage cousins gets wed off to some moid much older than her i wish i could do something about it but i can't since the law doesn't care as long as there is parental consent.Well yeah no here it's a little different, we still have our own ethical code to abide by, with the help of good old religion of course.
I know you guys think that 16yos can't consent, but anyways she has to consent snd her parents, who are supposed to want only the best for her, have to consent too.
I'm sorry that happened to your cousin, having no choice is not what I'm trying to "preach".
I know this is hard to believe but good men exist out there, men who don't watch porn, men who are family oriented. It's such a low bar, it makes me sad.
>>1742457>>1742459>cannot fathom another woman having different views than them so they resort to calling her a maleYeah real progressive guys.
And if you accept it then I'm just "brainwashed".
Billions must die, like actually what is this
No. 1742463
>>1742461Yeah and it is always girls. 16 year old girls are considered grown up and mature and already adults, but 16 year old boys are not expected at all to pair with a 30 year old woman because they are still children!
>>1742462Don't you have a 40 year old husband to cook for
No. 1742467
>>1742462We think sixteen year olds can consent to sex, but only with males
in their fucking age bracket. And your brother using 4chan and leading you
here? Give me a break.
No. 1742471
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>>1742422>the actor that plays buffalo bill apparently got upset when the actress adlibed “I wanna see my mommy”Ted Levine rejected a ton of psychopath/serial killer roles after that movie because he just wanted to play dads, and I find that very cute.
No. 1742475
>>1742463Well no, here whatever goes, goes
But there is a standard that the man has to be honorable enough and have achievements and all, for the good of family. So I guess they work harder for it, physically? But the women deffo do the heavy lifting, mentally. That's just how it goes
>>1742458>what are village schools also that's kinda racist and ignorant of you ngl, might lose your job if you're not careful
>>1742467Well no, he didn't "lead me" per se, I just saw his monitor open and was like huh. Plus I use the internet, evidently. First I went on 4ch then I saw some anons complaining about you and crystalcafe (?), and that led me here
Nothing I'm saying is incomprehensible or unbelievable, why are you guys having such trouble accepting that I'm "real"
No. 1742482
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whatever man, lmao
you guys are cute
if anyone calls them manhands im you
No. 1742486
>>1742483i didn't know her latest venture was grifting as a nglog tradthot
anon, if you're legit, i hope you poison whatever shitty husband and dad you have
No. 1742494
close enough
>>1742484pls nonna dont :(((
Jesus Christ though, you guys have absolutely 0 knowledge on what villages are like. I mean it's not like you should, but have some imagination, don't just throw cliches at me
No. 1742498
>>1742486Idk if you're being /srs but I'm not this paki-chan feller you're talking about
And as for the second part, I appreciate your concern but it really isn't so bad. Like at all. I'm not saying it's not bad for some, but for me it isn't.
No. 1742501
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>>1742483I thought Pakichan hated Pakistan though
No. 1742507
>>1742502n-no. Nah but like actually it's ironic. If you haven't noticed already, I talk in a lot of different dialects? I guess. Just because of the sheer amount of content I've consoomed, so forgive me for that.
i have to say tho, you guys oughta loosen up, dont take life so seriously.
>>1742501I already said I'm not this paki-chan you're talking about, but now I feel like I stole her schtick. Thankfully though, I won't be talking about this subject ever again here.
>>1742482Hope everyone realizes this is just pakichan paki'ing out again. She's posted her hand before and also claims her brother is an internet edgelord. I don't know why she's pretending to be new now, she's known for going on about how she wishes she lived in the west, but it'sclar she wants to turn the west into her village in some way because she constantly says stupid BS about how obese "trad" Nazis like Varg Vikernes are ideal husbands, western women deserve to lose their rights, certain races of women are "subhuman" and should be sterilized, etc.
My unpopular opinion is that third worlders who have backward mindsets (homophobia, religious zealotry, "trad" horseshit, insane levels of pickmeism, virulent racism, acid attacks, arranged/coerced marriage, honorkilling, normalized/repeated incest) shouldn't be allowed into first world countries. They always benefit from the progressive values of the host country, only toturn around and try to impose the shitty, regressive values that made them leave their home in the first place on everyone else. The worst is when they cry "racism" and -phobia if anyone tries to call them out (I am a pee oh see, I can say this).
No. 1742516
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>>1742510you're right this is a waste of time
No. 1742517
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>>1742513Kek imagine if there really is two of them
No. 1742539
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No. 1742550
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>>1742491>>1742486This isn't me
>>1742497>>1742500all I you said was you shouldn't sexulize a young child from a pedophilic film
>>1742501>>1742510again, that is not me.
btw, I don't support 16 year old's getting married to adult men.
No. 1742553
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>>1742550>btw i dont support 16 year olds getting married to adult menYESSSSSSS SLET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
No. 1742560
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anyways, i don't think bald men are unattractive by default, some men do look cool or even better with no hair at all cause they got the right structure
No. 1742587
>>1742573they could literally say that same argument without added misogyny, its literally not necessary
No. 1742593
victim complex for days. Unless you're in some weird obscure cult majority of people in the West don't give a single fuck if you have kids or not
No. 1742665
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>>1742632Mary/Gary Stu characters are great if the tension revolves around
how they win rather than
if they will win. Like pic rel, I know he is going to succeed every time but the exciting part is seeing how it happens.
No. 1742674
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I'm going to get my ass beat for this but here I go: women (or at least a subset of us) ruined ASMR as a whole with the oversexualized stuff, it got cheap hella fast and it wasn't the same after that. And you could say this about several other content communities, like twitch, artstation and most notably onlyfans, which wasn't even for porn to begin with. You can blame scrotes all day for it and you would've a point, but it's just pathetic to see some women literally run to pollute normal sites with their stuff over and over again just to get a coin. The porn bait thumbnails, the spam, etc, it's annoying
No. 1742691
>>1742674I agree both sides are the problem and those women always have some sort of extreme issues in their lives to feel the need to expose themselves like that. I mean it's the exact same thing as being a camwhore.
What was onlyfans supposed to be for originally? I just thought it was for porn because that's all anyone has ever talked about on it since it became a thing.
No. 1742714
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>>1742510fuck thirdies
(racebait) No. 1742730
>>1742429>And why is 18 the acceptable number anyways? Cause the law states so? Not even 200 years ago the law said it was 8-13, so yeah.I call bullshit on the 200 years ago one, unless you live in a country of nonces. In the west it was done by nobles for alliance purposes, not by the commoners.
The average age of menarche 200 years age was 14 to 17, there would be no point in marrying a 13 year old.
No. 1742767
>>1742429I disagree. This never benefits the teenage girls even if they consent because the men, being older, is more likely to manipulate and abuse them. And these men want to have a wife who they treat as both their mother (cooking, cleaning, raising the kids alone, doing all the paperwork and planning all the appointments) and their daughter (preventing them from having a job, their own money or bank account, stopping them from having friends or just a social life that could be eye opening for the girl/woman). And I'm saying this based on personal observation. My grandma was 16 or 17 when she got married to my grandpa who was 22 years older than her, they're also from a small village where arranged and forced marriage was the norm. Guess what? Islam says divorce is bad or some shit so she stayed with him until he died of old age so she never had a choice or the opportunity to change her mind. He was a violent pedo who gave mental issues to their kids with his expired sperm and domestic violence tendencies and now their genetically inferior kids are inflicting their mental illnesses on my generation. I'm sure he picked my grandma because she looked way younger than her age too, just thinking about it makes me sick. She never wanted to move to my country but was forced to back then, she never, ever applied to get the citizenship of the country my grandpa dragged her to even if she was more than qualified for it from the beginning. You said there are good men out there and I agree but they're rare and are into women their age by definition. Because they have much more in common with people in their age range. You're talking about how good it could be in theory but in practice it just doesn't work that way.
No. 1742918
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I don't really get why people view going to a hairdresser as a necessity. Like sure, if you're trying to maintain a dye job or switch to a totally different style, go for it, but do you really need a pro just for a regular trim? I bought some hair cutting shears years ago and have been cutting my own hair no problem. People especially act like cutting bangs is some artisanal skill that you MUST get a professional to do but it's really not that deep.
I understand it as a luxury for the beauty-conscious but I just think it doesn't make sense when people are trying to be budget conscious yet still think it's an essential to spend $30+ getting a basic cut every few weeks or months. Particularly for men or little kids who don't even care about being especially stylish; it adds up when the whole family is doing it. Idk, is the average person just disastrously bad with a pair of shears? I just feel like figuring out how to give yourself a simple respectable haircut isn't some crazy skill.
maybe it's just the people i've known and it's more normalized to have home cuts in other places. It's just that people always act shocked when I say I do my own hair and complain about salon prices being too high
No. 1742979
Some Ghibli films are nice but imo most of them are bad, boring and the drawings are ugly idk. The animations all have this wobbly thing to them and the creatures look gross. The "deep messages" are barely there and they're pretentious.
>>1742510It's always like this, especially when it comes to third world moids. They decide to leave their country, come to first world countries, benefit from all the priviledges and rights and then turn around and go "b-but muh misogynistic culture! Muh rape religion! This country sucks my culture is better and I don't agree with this one, change it for me" how about you fucking LEAVE you waste of space. You already have your backward country where you're allowed to rape women, go back there if you love it so much. Fucking retards. If I go to third world countries and demand that they change everything about their ways for me they're going to rape and kill me, but oh no the moid who believes rape is his right is uncomfy uwu in this first world country!! Better make special laws for him so he can rape in peace uwu fuck off with this bullshit.
No. 1742996
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>>1742979What’re your recommended best-made non-Ghibli 2D animated movies,
nonnie? Always looking for more stuff not from Hollywood.
No. 1743060
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Uncritical support for gold diggers. Although it is prostitution (not the fault of the woman of course) - that money is earned
No. 1743123
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>>1742979>>1742979>the drawings are ugly idk. The animations all have this wobbly thing to them and the creatures look gross.I have made a similar post on another thread and i agree so much. I can't stand how woobly ghibli characters moves. Stuff like picrel looks so weird. I really wanna like ghibli movies because they are pretty but the animation is so off putting. the pacing and storytelling in their movies are good but I suspect that most people who praise it exclusively watch capeshit and shounen anime because they act like not having constant one-liners and not having the MC screech about the power of friendship is groundbreaking. They also act like ghibli movies are the only movies that gives the viewers time to take in the scene and dialogue which isn't true.
I dont think the movies are pretentious but most of their reviews are. it's always something in the lines of "[ghibli movie] builds on the ancient sacred nipponese tradition of "living the moment" and "liking nature" which is deebly intergrated in nihon culture. No other country in the world has had art movements that criticize industrialisation and capturing the beauty in the mundane so your inferior non-nihongo brain can't comprehend how deep this is".
No. 1743127
>>1743060Decriminalizing of prostitution is much better (as long as moids who pay can still be charged). The issue is that most women who get involved in some sort of prostitution, including being a sugar baby don't want to do that out of their own free will, it's typically a result of
abusive homes + insane price of living plus no good paying jobs + no support/job security, etc. If there was a decent amount of jobs that are liveable with job security the amount of sex workers would decrease rapidly, which is why (outside of big cities) the most common place for prostitutes are shitty red states with no financial support, no good paying jobs and no good job security
No. 1743135
>>1743004I just wanna know what "buying" power a 20 year old scrote actually has that a 30 year old would be interested in? Is his family well off?
How would he be able to afford things like expensive dates or trips? Most 20 year olds are broke.
But power to you, that's excellent.
No. 1743227
>>1743004Paypal me some money
nonny help a sister out
No. 1743391
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As an honest to God diagnosed autist, I couldn't give less of a shit about teenage girls on Tiktok faking autism for clout. It's cringe, but not worth commenting on. It doesnt effect me and I dont see it cause I refuse to use Tiktok. Same goes for other Tiktoktrends like 'girl dinner' or whatever
No. 1743683
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These stupid little pajama sets are so fucking ugly I’ve never seen a single person that a collared pajama shirt looked good on
No. 1743751
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Giant diamond on a thin band looks extremely tacky and cheap despite being expensive as shit
No. 1743766
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>>1743751I agree, but I also hate thick bands. Tbh, I think a small diamond or multiple small/medium sized diamonds together is the best. I really just hate HUMUNGOUS diamonds. They look like superbowl rings, like a huge wrestlers belt on your finger.
No. 1744004
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I don’t feel bad for any woman who suffers from birth injuries. That’s what you get for being retarded enough to let some scrote knock you up.(not again)
No. 1744009
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I’d rather hang out with a libfem than a blackpiller.
No. 1744053
>>1744044I heard that children raised by a parent with BPD will have around a 90% chance of developing BPD themselves. That's gotta
suck, man.
No. 1744077
>>1744072>your grandma is a BPD ass hoe and your mom is seemingly fineI think about this a lot since i would like to have children. My mother is incredibly mentally ill, and according to my grandma her grandma also had similar issues. A lot of things that affect a person spread through the mother's line. I realize that nature vs. nurture plays a big part in it and it could be a coincidence, but I do worry that I could pass on mental illness and it's just something that sometimes skips a few generations. None of my cousins/auntie's/uncle's kids have any issues afaik though.
I think all parents can do (regardless of if the mental illness is spread through your family) is try to be open about mental health with your children, pay attention to them and get them the help they need early, if needed. Sorry for the vent.
No. 1744098
>>1744093My parents have a large age gap (7 yrs) and I have tons of health issues because of it. Idk why women still bother reproducing with old men because it's basically a guarantee ticket your child will be fucked up
>Inb4 " but IIi know people who have a large age gap an-"Literally women use these exact excuses to defend smoking while pregnant. Yes there's people some people who didn't suffer the effects of it but with modern research you don't just play Russian roulette on how fucked up you can make your kids life be
No. 1744121
>>1744107Gotta buy real quality fabric, nonna.
I got myself a pair of PJ bottoms at a lingerie shop that was on sale made of a velvety fabric, and the thing is still as good as new more than a year later.
And as PJ tops I got myself two linen summer dresses at H&M, that and the PJ bottoms are the best investment I made for sleep wear.
No. 1744127
>>1742996NTA but check out the Book of Kells and Song of the Sea, they're Irish and super beautiful
>>1743004Based and Twink-pilled, I too have a twink age bf and the difference in skin texture alone between him and moids my age (30s) is staggering, I can never go back now
No. 1744151
>>1744121>real quality fabric>unidentified probably polyester velvet-like material-linen from the zara
just because you got linen from zara doesn't make it quality. Any natural fiber fabric can be made shittyily and that's what you get when you purchase it at Zara. At least it's better that polyester I'll admit that.
Reminds me of people who insist that their luxury handbags are such ~high quality~ when in reality most brands use the lowest (cheapest) leather grade available.
No. 1744154
>>1744004I am on your side but for a different reason. For me it is that they know what a pregnancy can cause and still choose. Don't give me suprise Pikachu face after.
So many are so ignorant too: "Oh it won't happen to ME!" or "You are just thinking so negatively! It is not that bad!"
No I won't feel sorry that you piss yourself now.
Women who lack education and the ability to choose not to get pregnant are exceptions.
No. 1744180
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Guys, stop taking the bait and just report. We all know the anti-natalists are getting drunk on their own edgelord feelings again, and one of them is probably ban evading so let the mods handle it.
No. 1744185
>>1744180I wonder if it's a moid or woman who's bitter that she's infertile so she copes by having a hate boner for women who do reproduce
Irc I'm friends with a mom who had some lady flip out on her and dox her for hours because her BD died and the lady for some reason thought it was a case of the man getting milk(without asking ofc) She got spammed on her page about how shes a "stupid bitch who shouldn't have opened her legs and will face consequences"
Anyway I went to her page and it turned out she was a complete hamplanet with PCOS and couldn't get pregnant after multiple rounds of IVF and copes by being bitter towards mothers
No. 1744188
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>>1744186>gaslight Here’s the definition because you apparently don’t know what that word means
if me saying that you’re retarded and knew what you were getting yourself into if you chose to get pregnant and give birth is making you question your sanity, log off.
No. 1744193
>>1744190>>1744188No1curr. Take your
victim complex and go somewhere I promise you no one gives a shit if you reproduce or not
No. 1744195
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No. 1744222
>>1744210Literally this entire time I’ve been calling men
abusive, predatory, and inherently perverse. Can you fucking read?
No. 1744224
>>1744214Oh my god. How are none of you catching onto the rhetoric that
the male is the problem. There is no “husband” figure because males are not faithful nor loving. They aren’t capable of caring for children. That’s what I meant when I said “wonder why” but of course you autistic fucks aren’t capable of nuance and never will be
No. 1744227
>>1744222This is literally incels defense too. They make 90% of the post screaming their damn head off about women being moms but think calling men
abusive or something once makes up for it
Sorry you've been groomed by incels to hate mothers do
>Inb4 you're demanding me to be a mom!!!No, no one cares if you reproduce or not. Please stop using this strawman when people call you out
No. 1744252
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>>1744248The bitter edgelord anti-natalists are trying to get a rise out of everyone. They have no empathy. They don't seem to be very grounded with how many humans work. Remember to report and to not let them get to you.
No. 1744267
>>1744265> at least when those people reproduce they can pass down the maturity you lackNTAYRT but
damn kek
No. 1744270
>>1744265Ok I’ll make a list. 1) You’re reproducing a human who’s gonna be retarded and miserable 2) You think your genetics are so special they just need to be preserved which is pathetic and always false 3) your kids are gonna be broke 4) having kids does not guarantee that they inherit “maturity” or class. 5) most of the people who are reproducing, the largest populations having the most children are in areas where there’s less accessible education so actually no they don’t always inherit maturity they usually inherit retardation because their parents are cousins 6) men only want women to have children for them because it directly inflicts harm upon your body, from the very moment gestation begins
Want me to continue because I can
No. 1744277
>>1744267Maturity isn’t passed down genetically
>>1744275Not really any reason for it to continue we’ve already had our highs and lows
No. 1744295
>>1744293The edgelords said they're happy with better lives, but I honestly doubt it. If they're here, being snarky about pregnant women being in pain, wishing death on anyone who doesn't agree with them, and etc, they're obviously
not happy kek.
No. 1744296
>>1744270>You’re reproducing a human who’s gonna be retarded and miserable Doom thinking =\= reality
>You think your genetics are so special they just need to be preserved which is pathetic and always false This can literally be applied to any animal reproduction on the planet. Unironically kys if existing is that bad
>your kids are gonna be broke?? How did you come to this conclusion?
>having kids does not guarantee that they inherit “maturity” or class.It's taught, something your mother should've taught you. Idk what that woman did to you that made you hate moms so much but shitting yourself on lolcow isn't a good coping mechanism
>most of the people who are reproducing, the largest populations having the most children are in areas where there’s less accessible education so actually no they don’t always inherit maturity they usually inherit retardation because their parents are cousins If you cared about this you'd advocate for proper birth control in those areas instead of flipping out calling women retarded for having sex at all in the first place. Also I promise you the average lolcow mom isn't a thirdie poping out babies they can't take care of
>men only want women to have children for them because it directly inflicts harm upon your body, from the very moment gestation beginsIf this was the case men would be out to lynch women who don't suffer any sort of effects of child birth/pregnancy. They'd also hate women with cryptic pregnancies who don't even know they're pregnant until they give birth
No. 1744312
>>1744295Idk really that much about whether one individual feels happy or not, im interested in her point of view because this is something I’ve grappled with a lot, feeling like you’re in debt but at the same time not asking to be born, the question of free will, how many women reproduce because they truly want to, whether a civilization that perpetuates itself on the backs of women deserves to live on, whether humans are redeemable, ‘just kys’ doesn’t really make sense because we’re already here now, the question is what to o do with our time here, there’s a lot and no straight answer for any of it you know?
>>1744294I get you anon.
No. 1744336
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>>1744334Just report, they're definitely misogynistic sociopaths.
No. 1744337
>>1744327It doesn’t really need to
>>1744328Usually it’s the handmaidens posting their little scrotelings online crying about how happy they are
No. 1744355
>>1744349Why is that what you first assumed
nonnie. Ew
No. 1744377
>>1744375You can’t even name how I’m retarded though. Like do
you even know?
No. 1744379
>>1744375I agree. It's not that maturity is genetic. It's that I'd rather children not be
raised by sociopaths who want them executed all the time and sperg about it on lolcow.
No. 1744397
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>>1744393>invading trannies in this thread hates mothers because their anatomy and physiology is the number one reminder of what trannies can't haveOoooooooh it makes sense now. Yeah everybody report.
No. 1744409
>>1744399Pets are taxed in Currywurstland. 'didn't prevent people from getting pets in the pandemic when they had home office and having to drop em at the local shelters the last two years because they have to go back to their workplace, when the shelters are already oversaturated.
It's the same thing as having 5+ kids, getting muh benefits, and not doing shit to help them get good at learning at school, pursue a good career etc.
Shit people will be shit people.
No. 1744645
>>1744451In some rare cases, making things cost more through taxes can change consumer's actions, but it has to be something that there are alternatives to, and it has to be something that isn't necessary for life.
In Mexico in 2013, they added a 1 peso tax to non-dairy and non-alcoholic drinks with added sugar. On average there was a six per cent decline in the amount (ml) of taxed drinks bought during 2014 compared to pre-tax trends, and the downward trend reached 12% by December 2014. One of the major findings was that those from lower socio-economic households reduced the amount of taxed sugary drinks they bought more than any other group. On average they reduced their purchases by 9% during 2014, which by December 2014 reached a 17% reduction. The same study found a 4% increase in purchases of untaxed beverages, mainly bottled water, during 2014.
The soda industry funded two other studies which showed the exact same thing, but they claimed that the effects wore off by 2015. However, when those studies' results were analyzed again, researchers found that they had not adjusted for population growth and that when analyzed with population growth, that the decrease in sugary drink consumption continued as far as the study researched (2016). Inflation had decreased the power of the tax slightly, but it still showed effects.
On a personal note, I love driving around and looking at nature but when gas prices rise, I decrease driving for the sake of looking at things, but when prices fall I increase again. However, that's just an anecdote and so can't be applied to larger trends.
Once a tax appears, it never goes away, so I always hesitate to give the government any more money because one, they're just going to misuse it and start another war, and two, that status effect is permanent and cannot be removed. So good effects and bad effects.
No. 1744837
>>1744652this. also, background checks for people looking to get pets, tougher laws on puppy mills (and all sorts of
abusive animal trade) to disincentivize them, and an animal abuser registry would help a lot IMO.
No. 1744871
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No. 1744899
>>1744895And sorry for the immediate samefag but I’m absolutely not the first and won’t be the last oldfag on this site to get an FBI visit
alllll because some little disgruntled 16 year old on here saw me say that someone should Steven Paddock the entirety of the United States.