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No. 173809
>>173807Yeah, can you let me know if I make any real friends?
No. 173811
>>173810You wish you could hate your life as much as I hate mine
No. 173823
This thread was made for me. 32 years old, haven't had friends since high school. In the past 9 years I've gone out with non family members / non-work related outings, only 6 times.
I only have one internet friend, so I am a social reject fuck up online too. All I do is go to work, or sit around online. It runs in the family, my mother also has no friends, just one sort of boyfriend. Same for my sister, she had no friends growing up, but at least has a boyfriend, her first and only one, but they've been together for like 15 years almost had bought a house together a couple of years go. He also has no friends, so they are friendless together, at least.
I've never had a boyfriend.
No. 173824
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Sorry for the shitty meme but that's me and if there's a winner among the losers than its me, k? Just waiting to be brave enough to try to kill myself without ending up in the ward again tbh
No. 173826
>>173823*they have bought a house together
Since I had to fix a typo, I might as well continue to ramble about my misery. Me and my sister used to be inseparable until she got with her boyfriend. We used to go to museums / go sight seeing, go on walks every day, but since she got with him she stopped taking me places except for once in a blue moon. And now that she's moved out she just comes over for breakfast or dinner once a week, with an occasional pity trip to the mall or target to shop once every 2-3 months.
No. 173827
>>173824Ehh i wanna fix my typo too.
No. 173829
>>173828Are you in the States? Sigh
Fuck im not exactly fond of Americans but i so wish I could be one sometimes. Getting a gun there seems so fucking easy
No. 173837
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>>173832Thanks. I think the most confusing thing about it is that people seem to like talking to me at work, but it never goes beyond that. Like, no one has ever gone "Hey we should go -insert whatever thing- some time!"
So its like, do people not actually like me? This place I worked at actually has its own private facebook group for people who used to work there / currently work there, and sometimes they plan get togethers to go out eating, which I pathetically join in on if I can get a ride, but no one has ever wanted to hang out with only me. I'm just another face in the group.
What is the magic thing people say / do to make that extra jump into real friendship? I just don't get it. I feel like maybe I used to know, as I used to have friends when I was younger, though even then I only had very few who would actually do things with me outside of the school environment.
People go on about how high school was the worst time in their life, but for me it was the best. I had a best friend who got jobs at the same places I did, we'd hang out every week etc. Then 9 years ago she moved several states away and completely stopped talking to me. I'd even email her and she'd be like "My life is so boring I have like nothing to talk about!!" So I stopped bothering, and we didn't have any contact for a couple of years until I finally got a facebook.
Life is shit. Especially when you know you're going to die alone. I sometimes wish my sister's boyfriend would die so we could hang out all the time again like we used to. Just kill me already.
No. 173838
>>173837Anon, sometimes were the ones who have to ask people if they wanna hang out with us in the start. I know its fucking hard especially because they already seem like a closed group, but maybe they think you don't wanna hang out with them in the first place. Maybe you're kind of quiet so they perceive that as you wanting to be left alone when possible? Just a theory. Maybe you're nice to talk to at your workplace but they assume you wouldn't want to be with them in a different environment.
The other tough option is looking for new friends. God knows I am fucking alone and that i only have like two irl friends and one of them barely even talks to me because she's in a relationship now (with a shitty person btw) and I've secretly wanted her bf to disappear, so I totally get you.
>>173836I'm sure everyone here agrees that in most cases that's not so simple.
No. 173839
>>173838I would probably attempt to invite people places, but I am basically a woman-child who can't drive. I have no car, so I can't actually invite people anywhere, because they would be the ones to drive, which would be extremely awkward.
I say this, yet the girl on facebook who was getting all the comments about friendship also doesn't have a car and doesn't drive. I have no idea how the fuck she managed it. I can't help but be equal parts baffled and jealous.
No. 173842
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I think my life would be a million times better if I had friends, but for whatever reason, I can't connect with people and all of my attempts to make friends fail because I don't get a shit about them.
At this point, it's just easier to stay at home, shoving takeout into my face and binge watching anime like a fucking weeb.
No. 173843
>>173839I can't drive either and im twenty fucking four, kek. Anxiety has destroyed my chances of getting a driver's license.
I'd be baffled/jealous too to know that, but in the end that's good because it shows your coworkers probably don't mind giving rides when they're going to hang out together. Maybe suggest doing something you know they like when they're all in a good mood.
No. 173848
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Even tho I'm severely depressed myself and have given up on my life and secretly hope I get killed by accident since I don't have the balls to attempt suicide again, it pains me to see others suffering like this. Jfc, I'm so soft I wanna knock on everyone's doors tomorrow in the morning and rescue you from your room where you're dwelling in sadness.
To those who haven't given up yet, if you wanna change you have to act on it and actively try something. Yes, you've heard it a bunch of times and it's hard, etc. But this is just like going on a diet or exercising – you actually have to do something. Yeah, life is disappointing and extra tough if you're a NEET, a wizard or a suicidal-chan like me, but
Let me use a quote by Jim Carrey from the Cable Guy to sum up my point,
“He who hesitates, masturbates.”
Stop rubbing your clit and go live, anon. It's not over yet.
And if you decide you won't try shit and just wanna die anyway, remember: in the end nothing matters, not even life, because we're all going to die and become worm food anyway. Not being edgy, just the truth.
I thought this article would be boring but it's mildly interesting: Saging this because it's not a post about how much I hate myself.
No. 173849
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No. 173850
>>173804Nice to know other people are going through this, I love you all and hope things get better for you :)
>>173848ty for this, I needed a wake up call
No. 173851
>>173850Thank you, dear anon ♥ best of luck, everyone.
Also, i forgot to say something in
>>173848If you go for the "Im not going to do shit, I will just wait til the sweet release of death" route, then try to enjoy your life as limited as it may seem. Be a weeb, be a cunt online, Photoshop your favorite cows and live on. Everyone who's living happily today will be worm food tomorrow too. So fuck it.
K, going to bed now. Enough of sudden energy boost.
No. 173853
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