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No. 174081
>>174067For me it's easy to tell when an ass is fake, easier to tell than when tits are fake anyway. It's all about ass-to-thigh ratio. All the ladies at the gym that get big asses through repetitive exercises always have proportionally large thighs too. You literally cannot get an ass that size from working out without building up your thighs. The fake asses will usually sit atop stick thin legs.
t. muscle woman
No. 174084
>>174064Seconding this.
You will see faster results with lunges than with squatz, but ideally your leg day should involve lunges, squatz, and calisthenic isolation exercises (leg raises will target the upper part of your ass while the aforementioned target the lower part).
Kind of off topic but I fucking hate it when girls say "oh I don't want to lift weights because I don't want to look like a man". Like, lol, are you on testosterone? No? Then you won't look like a man after lifting. Fucking grown women that still want to look like dolls, sad.
No. 174092
>>174087Of course there are so many ways to work out your legs and glutes, including yoga and jogging, I just simplified my response because it's almost 2am and I didn't really want to get too invested.
You're probably right, however. I might take your advice. My job is physical already, so I'm usually too tired in my spare time to actually "work out".
No. 174106
>>174102Why are you so
No. 174111
triggered? It was a question.
No. 174122
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If I'd post my leg/butt workout, would you guys give me any tips on what to improve/add/remove etc?
I'm planning to get back into the gym in February and finally make some leg/butt gains
Since we already have a thread might as well give it a shot
No. 174139
Absolutely the key to getting a massive rounded butt is activation exercises. When i took 10 mins to warm up with gentle but very focused exercises, I could feel the immediate difference and my butt got lifted by inches.
Weighted hip thrusts and back extensions are my favourite.
I found Bret Contreras' articles really helpful in understanding exactly what was going on when you try to get a big butt:'s a glute activation exercise that's really effective but looks stupid as hell: No. 174170
>>174120So many anons saying you can spot reduce and spot tone.
ITT fatties pretend to know about fitness
No. 174231
>>174220Other person here;
My knees pop even doing body-weight exercises. It doesn't hurt unless I'm using heavy weights though. I'm not certain what causes it but one's best bet is omega-3 fatty acids and stretches.
No. 174245
>>174230They're a waste of money. They've been proven over and over to be useless at best.
>>174229That's pants on head retarded just exercise you don't have to brain wash yourself into it jfc
>>174218You reallly think you can tone just your stomach or ass? That's not how bodies work
No. 174307
>>174304Lel how is it not brainwashing?
It sounds completely stupid and anyone will get results from exercise. You don't need a recording to convince you to get off the couch, Jesus Christ.
No. 174311
>>174247Sounds like poor form, not weakness to me. Use a lower weight and practice good form, in front of a mirror. then build up to the appropriate weight - if you're doing squats to build muscle, you should only be able to do 5 reps at most in a set before you really, really can't do any more.
If it persists despite sorting your form out, see a doctor. You have to be really careful about your knees, sometimes there's nothing you can do except avoid exercise that strains them completely unfortunately.
No. 174580
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I like jen selters from the side but I want more rounder/wider and smoother hips from the front also and narrower shoulders and a smaller waist
No. 174581
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Post more butts
No. 174597
>>174245Gain muscle? In an isolated area? Through Isolation exercises? IMPOSSIBLE!!!!1
You'd be right if I said you could lose weight in just one area.
Do you think that if you do squats it's somehow not going to affect your ass at all unless you work out literally every other muscle group at the same time? kek
No. 174638
>>174600That's really not true, a bicep curl isn't going to change the way your legs look.
You can't work out a specific muscle without using others, but there's absolutely exercises that do only change one area, or only a few muscles at least.
No. 174792
>>174305>>174311Thank you anons!
I tried putting legs closer together, felt it more in my glutes.
I also then paid alot of attention to where I was putting weight. Turns out I wasn't evening my push off if that makes sense, in my feet. I put more weight back to my heels now the problem is solved and I can feel my glutes being worked out, not just my thighs.
Again, thank you so much anons!
No. 174914
>>174235They look fucked from the side too
No. 174915
>>174580Basically you want to be Barbie
Don't we all
However none of the stuff you want is actually doable without surgery
And even with surgery some of them aren't
Jen Selter's ass is a known fake by the way
I really think plastic surgery is the best way to go about this, gym results are hardly ever veey impressive to me. The gym girls who I do think have impressive bodies are all on juice and have unfortunate man faces because of it
No. 174934
>>174923At first I didn't get the appeal either but honestly a round perky one just looks SO much better in clothes
Having a non-ass kind of makes it seem like you have weird posture too
No. 174963
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I like big butts but there's a limit.
Not to mention how much implants screw with peoples perception of what's real and what isn't.
No. 174965
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I do not like the look of a huge ass. But if you have a Hank Hill ass or something close. You kind of need to start squats.
No. 175235
>>175234You guys do know that girls can like girls too? Lol or just state their preferences/opinions on the topic…
But yea, having /g/ back would be nice, I miss the makeup thread