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No. 1740592
>>1740565I know that feeling. Literally having proof, but it's somehow gone or missing when you actually need it.
Not the same, but related to the topic. Recently, a document that was very important to me got corrupted with no previous versions or recent backups available, and I feel an acute sense of loss and regret about it. It had a mix of passwords and other things I can't get back. I really wish I had backed it up. Aside from the obvious material loss, I think there's a sort of unspoken emotional aspect to these sorts of things. It just sucks, but it helps to know you're not alone.
No. 1747291
File: 1698856381085.jpg (143.8 KB, 1076x565, IMG_6621.JPG)

My last computer blue screened on me and I had lost a lot of videos I had archived, some cow related. I'm so annoyed I didn't make a back up of it because now all the videos are privated or deleted. I'm now making it a point to archive anything and everything I like and back them up separately from my puter. Luckily I backed up personal/sentimental photos and stuff to other drives so I at least have that.
>>1740784>Ngl I thought only old people wrote their passwords in notebooksTbh this should be a more common thing with everyone. I write down my stuff into a notebook to keep track or in case my computer decides to die. I tell my parents to never trust technology with your stuff and to always have backups. I always keep track of what emails are connected to what accounts too.