File: 1483007320653.png (876.99 KB, 1147x859, JUST.png)

No. 174104
How old you do you reckon these girls are? 16-18?
Look at their skin, their faces. They will never have trouble finding a date, their crush will never call them 'ugly' after they built up courage to ask him. And as the story goes they will settle down at 25, have a family and live happily ever after in their perfect fucking world.
Mean while I am 28 and never dated and only just got my driver's license a year ago. F . M . L
No. 174110
>>174104Lol white girls always use that instagram dog thing to hide their noses.
The second girls eyebrows look tranny tier don't know why your envious of that but the left one is fairly qt probably because she just looks normal. I think the blonde girl is 18, the quality is awful and grainy but the blonde one genuinely looks young.
Kek anon you need a snickers they aren't that great looks like some randos facebook wall your friends with.
No. 174278
Smells like an r9k troll, first of all.
Second of all, please stop posting borderline CP. My poor eyes, yech.
No. 176120
>>175369>just a lot more white people exist than any other race??? on what planet
unless chinese people and indians are considered white all of a sudden
No. 176139
>>176129jelly asian or black girl?
white girls have more mature features but they don't expire before any other race unless they take meth or someshit