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No. 174480
>>174466Same. I'm in my late 20's and it's definitely worse now than when I was in school.
It's a lot harder now to find people with the same interests, especially shit that's considered "nerdy", unless they're these super autistic types.
Most of my conversations with people my age or older revolve around work, economy, or mainstream Facebook-worthy shit.
No. 174489
>>174466>>174480i guess that for me it is easier because i work for a local card shop, i am far from the cringiest nerd and we all have the same interests.
but i feel like work talk and money talk just come hand in hand with being older. its something we have to focus on, so yea that might just be what you talk about with some people. but i bet they too have interests other than the boring adult stuff.
i just reached a point where i was tired of whining about no friends and no one gets me and im sad because i dont fit in, so i just put myself out there. i have zero confidence in myself, but i just let people talk and find out about them, and sometimes people can really surprise you with what they are really interested it.
No. 174514
>>174480>It's a lot harder now to find people with the same interests, especially shit that's considered "nerdy", unless they're these super autistic types. Let me guess, your only way of finding people with similar interests is waiting for one to spill their powerlevel and then maybe mention it to them, and most of the time not doing it because you feel like they're too autistic?
If you don't actively seek people to befriend you won't find any. Join forums, go to events or join a club. Same for
>>174466, leaving high school only means you don't always get put in a group of people that will be easier to befriend. It's up to you to get up and try to meet people.
I admit I used to be sad (quite pathetically) about the fact I couldn't meet anyone who'd share all my interests, because of shit like "I can't tell them all about my dream crossovers because they only know one of the franchises" (it's cringy as fuck I know). Since last year I've been more outgoing and meeting more people with various interests and while you can't always sperg out about every single thing you like to anybody it's still nice. Also being on communities on facebook, instagram help. Plus sometimes a friend can pick up one of your passions and that's always satisfying.
No. 174534
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>>174150>I'm happy liking animu and other stereotypically geeky things but hate the literal autists I run into :/Some brain food for you, OP.
Maybe you're the autist all along and they just don't really quite talking to you?
really gets those neurons firing
No. 174538
>>174534Well…the two aren't mutually exclusive.
Speaking for myself, my social group definitely likes me more than I like them. I've been asked out multiple times by a few of the guys (who are the autist type tbh) which doesn't do much good for my self-confidence because I know I'm too much of a retard for a normal man to date me. Or for normal people to be my friends.
I'm actually trying to change myself so that im happy with who I am and my social life but shit it's not easy.
No. 174561
>>174559>When you have nothing in common it's hard to get a conversation going with anyone. I wish I liked things I find boring and mundane. Like TV shows, pop music and normal people games. But I don't.1.Help others start conversation with you. Like attach to backpack 1-2 small pendants showing off your areas of interst. I'm sure it won't be mainstream.
2. Go to events without music and drinks. Like nerd comic sales where local author handmade things are also presented.
No. 174648
>>174559Yeah you're fucking pathetic. Not for the reasons you mentionned though.
Stop being so certain you're ~unique~, it just makes you sound like the most boring person. Stop thinking everyone is dumb as shit and will hate you because you don't like call of duty and watching TV.
I'd give you advice but it's obvious you don't even want to try to find friends, you just want to whine about how people are such dumb preps and you wish you were as stupid as them but you're not.
Fuck off. You sound like a complete retard.
No. 174693
>>174564>>174648>>174650>>174653Not even the same anon but holy fuck I can't believe you bunch of stupid cunts are posting this seriously. Have any of you ever actually tried making friends with people who have literally nothing in common with you? How the fuck do you even have a good conversation with someone who has the tastes and the naive mindset you had in your teens and you got over years ago? It's cringey as fuck talking to someone who supposedly is your age and recalling conversations you had in your teen years from how fucking childish they sound. People are uncultured as fuck to this day and age (and also very difficult to deal with many times) and this is a fact, and being ok with this shit is what truly is pathetic and sad, not refusing to lower your cultural standars and to give up on minimal quality on your relationships to "fit in xD"
>>174559 sounds extra edgy insufferable (like it doesn't hurt to watch some normie/trendy shit sometimes, c'mon) but I kind of get where she comes from. Also let's not get started when people suddenly pull some SJW crap on you from nowhere (it happened to me several times already)…
I wonder who are the underage cunts in here. After all 20s seem to be the new teenage years, people doesn't seem to start behaving adult-like until their 30s.
No. 174700
>>174693>Have any of you ever actually tried making friends with people who have literally nothing in common with you? Yeah. It's not that complicated, you both live on the same planet, there are always things to talk about.
I can see why you might find that hard though. But just see
>>174514. If you don't try to find people with similar interests of course you won't find any. However OP never mentionned anything about trying to find friends, just "hurr people are fucking dumb it's so unfair how I'm smarter than everyone."
There's nothing you can do for people like this except wait until they grow the fuck up.
>someone who has the tastes and the naive mindset you had in your teens and you got over years ago? Lmao are you OP? Stop acting like you're better than everyone. I agree, some people act lile middle schoolers and are unsufferable. But you can't blame your autism on "every single person is dumber than me".
>Also let's not get started when people suddenly pull some SJW crap on you from nowhere (it happened to me several times already)…I doubt that's a fatality, unless the only places you hang out are tumblr and liberal circles or whatever.