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No. 17503
>>17501Yeah, it definitely seemed to start out that way. I don't think it's much of a "joke" as it is their own artistic direction and shit, though (they went through a bunch of these creative identities and concepts like Max Normal, Max, Constructus Corporation, Wad-E, etc). They talk a lot about deliberately being a huge, overblown embarrassment to South Africa because its actual pop culture is lame as fuck and all about trying to look like it comes from America. They're out to shit all over that.
Watkin (aka Ninja) talked about how while he was crafting this "white trash" persona, it literally felt more "real" to him than his actual identity, which is odd but cool.
No. 17504
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I have a huge girl crush for Yolandi.
No. 17505
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>>17504same tbh
Can't tell whether I want to be her or fuck her or both
No. 17506
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She has an amazing body
No. 17510
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When will Die Antwoord cosplay become an established "thing"?
Like sorry if I sound retarded but I think seeing Yo Landi's outfits/hair on other people is weirdly fascinating
No. 17512
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No. 17537
>>17535Ninja's actually a very smart guy and had a shit-ton of ideas and personas before arriving at what he has now (pretty sure this one got a bit "stuck" as a result of acting it out a little
too well and a certain amount of it bled into who he is as an actual person off-stage, though).
Also, he and Neill Blomkamp are buddies IRL. Wouldn't be surprised if they generated that headline deliberately for publicity/controversy.
Everyone who's actually met Die Antwoord IRL is usually bewildered by how normal they really are.
No. 17592
>>17564XD Ayyyy lmao she unique and alternative rite?
I also want ID's on posts just because of the stans and faggots. Not all people like white trash who look like dykes.
No. 17593
>>17590 but not the other person. Stay buttmad, faggot.
No. 17614
>>17505I really dig her hair and her voice.
Downloaded their cds and only care for a few songs.
No. 17626
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>>17566> She's far from trash.Such a classy gal
No. 17654
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>>17652Yeah, that's why it's in quotes. Real trailer trash obviously doesn't have the sense to dress with style. They're doing a trailer trash mimicry which seems to have become popularized lately. That fashion style is what I'm not a fan of.
No. 17813
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I like Yolandi, she's cute, but I like it when she does the creepy monotone aesthetic.
I don't like much of their music. "Ugly Boy" is my favorite, though. I thought Chappie was kinda cute.
Ninja seems to be a really tryhard edgy weaboo, but if he is pretty normal like
>>17537 says, idk.
No. 54589
>>17813I like fatty boom boom, and I like her aesthetic, was meh on chappie, but what I like most about them is that they're like Febreeze for SJWs. SJWs hate them so much, and her especially because she's skinny (and may be part black so they can't even accuse her of black face). The SJW rage they muh
trigger is possibly the best thing about them.
No. 54592
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>>54590Technically she could be passing white like Jael Strauss. I think she's 100% white though.