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No. 175445
File: 1483549856353.jpg (200.88 KB, 841x1200, Napoleon.jpg)

>>175442But that's true at least for Napoleon.
No. 175452
>>175450How the fuck is Snape in any way based on Napoleon (aside from hair and being incel)?
Also Napoleon wasn't a rapist.
No. 175454
>>175451that's not very nice
>>175452he was obsessed with a woman who didn't like him
he literally raped walewska
No. 175458
>>175454Yeah but he didn't turn into a grim asshole or teach potions at Hogwarts.
>he literally raped walewskaNo he didn't. He just wrote letters to her, and she only accepted to fuck him after some time, having been pushed into it by her husband and the entire Polish nobility. But it's clear she wanted the D from the start seeing as by then he was the God-Emperor of Mankind.
No. 175459
>>175458he had sex with her after she fainted
also neck yourself you sperg
you're even worse than all the nerd girls who use this site
No. 175462
>he had sex with her after she faintedThat never happened.
>also neck yourself you sperglol what, who pissed in your soy milk?
No. 175463
>>175462it's what she said happened in her memoirs
i mean we know that women lie about rape all the time but i'm a nice guy so i like to give her the benefit of the doubt ;)
No. 175467
>>175466find harder
this is what happens when you "fembots" force your dumb fucking selves by the way not because BOO HOO HOO WIMMINZ WONT TALK 2 ME
>>175451neck yourselves you asian womanlet NERDS
No. 175469
>>175468stacy would love to bully you nerd girls like she did for every day of middle and high school lol
you literally dress up like cartoon characters and watch cartoons, just end yourselves
No. 175474
>>175473>Yup and I'm Asian, sucking Chad dick making good money while doing it. So what are you doing for society beside getting
triggered over bullshit that really doesn't matter bro?
No. 175475
>>175474i was joking lol
do you actually watch cartoons as an adult? like there's a yugioh character thread and you're calling them your husbands, this is beyond pathetic
> that really doesn't matteroh it matters my nerdy friend, stacy obviously didn't bully you NERDS hard enough
No. 175478
>>175477lol i'm not even a robot you NERD
every other woman hates you filthy NERD girls, don't you have some cartoons to dress up as?
No. 175485
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No. 175487
>>175484>That's not even an insult.oh my cartoon loving friend
>Who called you a nerd anon?you are all objectively nerds, this is a fact and yet no one EVER calls you out on it
No. 175502
>>175497lol you're obviously the one who goes on r9k
>>175498so post shit about napoleon then