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No. 176628
>>176617Yeah, 2000s was the decade of the edgelord whilst 2010s is the time of SJW. Exactly the same thing, just different somehow.
In any case, this thread is dumb because of the average user here is younger than 24 or something, you can't really compare them when you were a child in one and an adult in the other.
No. 176653
>>176635Internet culture at the time focused on lolsorandumXD and edginess (newgrounds and deviantart)
The tabloid/celebrity and reality show culture, focused on drama, ect
I don't feel like explaining but it was stupid as fuck
2010-2015 was stupid but as we enter to the 2020's it feels better than the shitmess of 2000-2009
No. 176666
>>176664I agree that 2000's internet culture was better. People find it weird if you don't use your real name and photo these days when in the 2000's that was sort of accepted. I don't like the oversharing these days.
You're right that there was no SJW or Alt Right but you have to remember the edgy shock humor was very rooted in edgy racism and sexism.
No. 176774
>>176664I agree with this one.
Also, I prefer both the late 2000s early/mid(?) 2010s, like 2008-2013, tbh
No. 176800
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>People find it weird if you don't use your real name and photo these days when in the 2000's that was sort of accepted. I don't like the oversharing these days.This. I remember how in the library there used to be these posters near the computers like "don't tell anyone your name not even your first name and def not your location EVER" and now if you
don't give out all of this info and more at once,
you're being a creep. Social media truly is cancer.
nice quads btw No. 176802
>>176664This. The reason why I enjoy 2000's a lot more is that in the 2010's everyone's trying to be a political activist. Everything has to do something with politics. If you're born after 1993-ish you didn't experience the internet when it was just about having fun and not trying to score brownie points with your political wing of choice. Alt right and ultraliberal SJWs are both annoying as fuck and they always ruin everything by making it all about their stupid political game. It's even in the entertainment media like movies and TV series now, everyone takes themselves way too seriously and everyone has to take a very obvious political stand with everything they do. It's gotten way too heavy and burdensome.
>>176666This too. I grew up in an environment that discouraged sharing personal information online so I find it bizarre to see people openly sharing their full name, location details etc. with the whole world. I still use a nickname everywhere I go and nowadays people find that strange when it's just a safety measure for me. I think we're going to read a lot more about teenage/young adult suicides
triggered by online stalking and the stupid ass callout culture because everything has been tied to your own name and face instead of an internet avatar.
It's usually the people under 22 who bitch about the 00's being a tacky, cringeworthy time. You've just grown up in a time period that forces you to take everything too seriously and be as annoyed and offended as you can be.
No. 176812
>>176802Nah the 2000's fashion and humor was legitimately awful, tacky, and ugly in some parts. That doesn't really apply to me because I love the 80's and early 90's culture and it was cheesy and happy as hell. Just not tryhard.
I do agree internet humor was lighter and politics wasn't involved in EVERYTHING.
However, it doesn't mean I don't remember the shit like somethingawful or deviantart or newgrounds where annoying edgy white teens would come on and be obnoxious.
I like the mid-late 2010's because it feels like it's starting to develop it's own unique identity I didn't see the bland 2000-2014 have. It's definitely a different tone from the 1900s and thats interesting
No. 176826
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The Internet died in 2007 and never recovered. Anyone who says otherwise is completely wrong and has no idea what they're talking about. The web is drenched in poz as is western culture. It really feels like all humor and color has been drained from life.
No. 176882
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Call me a nostalgiafag, but the memes were better in the 00s.
No. 177945
>>176882>>177943"Image macros", guys, not memes. I remember how everyone on 4chan got so riled up if someone dared call a captioned image like this a "meme", as in "hey guys I just made this new meme" lmao.
>tfw you've literally wasted over a decade of your life browsing imageboardsCan hardly habeeb it.
No. 177989
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>>177945holy fuck i forgot they were called macros, it feels like forever ago.
also the 2000s were better bc internet videos had chaccaron maccaron in them.
No. 178043
>>177945The problem is that everything has to be ironic now. There was a naive sincerity back then that you really can't find today.
If you ask me, it's probably because everyone's started taking the Internet far too seriously.
No. 178070
>>177945well in a way, image macro is just an image with text, while memes can be image macros but not necessarily
t. has a degree in memeology
No. 178074
>>178070A meme is nothing and everything. It can be a picture, a joke, a saying, a phrase, even a tone of voice. It's a completely useless expression.
t. also has a degree in memeology
No. 179130
>>176605I personally think 2010's by far. 2000's came off kind of shallow to me, even though I'm nostalgic for them like a lot of people.
A lot of people are waking up to issues, which I like seeing. The only thing I hate is how some people think they've "woken up" but are more like useful idiots. SJWs just parrot things to make them sound informed.
Another thing I dislike is the hypocrisy of shit like DD/LG stuff on tumblr.
No. 180044
>>176882THIS MEME. I loved it for so long.
>>179130I agree it's hypocritical AF. I love how it's usually the SJW crowd who love DD/LG, yet completely miss the "cultural appropriation" of calling their significant other 'Daddy'. Swear Latina women have been calling their boyfriend 'Papi' since forever.
Whilst I'm glad that people have finally gotten bored of 2edgy racism and sexism, I am sick to death of 95% of the Internet being in-depth breakdowns of everything ever. Like shut the fuck up about micro-aggressions, stop freaking about what percentage of boy/girl you are, and get a hobby.
No. 180105
>>180102Oh wow, that's me btfo. How will I recover?
I blame Iphones and teenage girls. It used to be harder to make and distribute content online meaning most plebs fell at the first hurdle. Now we're awash with asinine vlogs, the mentally ill clambering over each other to be the next leader of the civil rights movement and people like you. Fucking normies etc