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No. 1773050
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I love geckos! I used to want one.
No. 1773228
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>>1773127Kek, nonna. I hate that trannies made the pastel blue and pink match so
triggering for me. I used to love it a lot.
No. 1773331
>>1773322i think it's because in every thread there is at least one instance of people replying to someone's opinion with "that's not an
unpopular opinion"
No. 1773333
>>1773071Lol, no if anything he would whine about how white men were the only group it's still ok to discriminate against.
Plus a lot of bullshit about how easy women have it and how if he was a girl he wouldn't be expected to get a job lmao. I don't think he'll troon out though, he would often go on hours long sperg rants against troons, I mean hours and hours, repeated himself a lot
No. 1773334
>>1773322It’s not meant to piss anyone off I’m sorry it’s just a space that’s supposed to be agreeable
>>1773127Stop it how dare
No. 1773791
>>1772853agree, nona.
I lived my late teens to early 20’s fat, ugly and invisible to everyone, especially men. In my mid 20’s I lost a bunch of weight, my skin cleared up, and I learned how to dress myself and I can say it’s a lot better being attractive. Anyone who says otherwise is lying. “Beautiful” women have more societal power than “ugly” women. There’s more risk, but high risk, high reward.
No. 1774056
>>1773689Yeah I agree with this. I miss when everything was shot on film, it was a lot more flattering without being too unrealistic. I'm not talking about vaseline lens Old Hollywood glamor shots either, since I know people will go
>well they edited celebrities back then TOO,just regular people.
No. 1774129
>>1774079Plastic surgery isn't a good thing but bullying women for their natural looks and bullying them for having gotten surgery and not being naturally perfect is much more
toxic. I'll never understand why some women will bully those who got plastic surgery, not like you guys weren't the ones bullying them before they got it like you did with Kylie Jenner or Bella hadid lmao. At first you'll bully them to feel better about your own looks and when they get plastic surgery and look prettier than you, you'll call them fake to again feel better about your own shortcomings.
No. 1774159
>>1774154No one is doing this shit aside from baiting men. Report and move on. R9k incels time and time admitted to larping as "blackpill feminists" so they could get away with being misogynistic here, those posts are their doing.
>>1774153Sure, hag.
No. 1774345
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>>1774154normalize women wanting dick
No. 1774438
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>>1774432not a big achievement considering this guy's art also got into museums
No. 1774447
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>>1774438But is his work in the same museum as the Mona Lisa? I don't think so. Araki always has art galleries to show his art work and always improves and develops his art style with time. His part 1 art style is nothing like parts 7,8, and 9 and the stuff he makes for art galleries and museums. I find it pretty personally and very unique, and I love the colorfullness of it. I also like how the characters look their age most of the time, with old people looking younger being the exception. I'd take it over overdesigned yet plain genshin impact characters. I don't get how can anyone call these "bishies", I'd understand if it was 70s-80s style bishies though like picrel, but that's rarely the case, it's always underage looking or actually underage characters.
>inb4 Jotaro was 17I was a teenager too when I liked his 17 yo look, and I prefer his part 6 40 yo looks way more.
No. 1774540
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>>1774469He looks more youthful when he's 40 than when he was 17 kek. But it's ok, you can like your genshin impact """bishies""" and I can like my jojo and many other manga/anime/cartoon """roidpigs""". Not the end of the wolrd, just don't pretend you have a 3rd eye and have achieved enlightenment for it lol
No. 1774593
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>>1773259Most people I know look
worse with filters, they look like honeybuns with way punched in noses and a Dorito chin.
No. 1774667
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This looks like dogshit. But I guess there are a lot of female horror protagonists with ugly revealing clothes but that’s mostly because the game team is full of moids.
No. 1774778
>>1774129Plastic surgery is extremely
toxic to women. Stop normalizing procedures that kill women
No. 1774805
>>1774154Are you referring to
>>1773261 ? It's not referring to women that actually explicitly get off to such sex, but more the ones that don't yet see it as the main or even only way of experiencing intimacy with a man. Also, a huge number of women that don't get off that way probably just have a shitty partner yet still do it anyway. If anything the ones that are pleasured by it are probably more based than the ones that do it for other reasons.
No. 1774931
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I dont like this artist, but it does illustrate something ive noticed in a lot of fiction. For some reason, even women that are supposed to be unnatractive at least look okay, while men that like hideous and grotesque are everywhere in fiction. I think having more unnattractive men be represented in fiction is supposed to lower womens standards, while more attractive female characters increases mens standards
No. 1774990
>>177496650 shades has sold over 150 million copies. Iron Widow has…. appeared in “The 20 most popular young adult reads of 2021” on goodreads kek
real talk, since social media allows everyone to have their own niche communities that cater to their interests, there’s significantly fewer unifying pieces of media that people from all walks of life can consume and talk about
No. 1775021
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/fit/ likes to post this in order to make fun of the fat friend but I honestly love her.She's a real one.
No. 1775033
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>>1775021This has got to be the first and only instance I've actually seen of a fat friend interrupting a moid's advances to protect another woman. Scrotes like to tell stories about being "so close" to getting a girl to sleep with them, just for the girl's fat friend to show up and pretty much ruin everything for them. I kept seeing these kinds of stories, and I thought they were made up or exaggerated so that scrotes could feel like they're
victims about their sex attempts getting shot down. It almost felt like this supposed "fat friend" was like a made-up "boogeyman" that scrotes spread rumors about to justify hating and feeling victimized by female friend groups. But here, I see that those stories don't seem to be entirely made-up, which is hilarious to me because it still serves the scrotes right. I recall being cat-called and flirted at in public when I was just trying to enjoy a good time. If I had a "fat friend" that told the males to fuck off better than I did, I would be grateful.
No. 1775034
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I'm straight but I really like how masc women and butches look
No. 1775070
>>1775050I know, I just prefer dimension. I love seeing shadows and depth on a man. Which is why I prefer 3D to 2D, unless 2D has an interesting style.
I grew up with anime, and I like some stuff. I mostly watch for the action and sakuga
No. 1775342
>>1775323Agreed, and I'd also add that since online dating isn't going anywhere, it should go back to the 00's era with full profiles and slower message systems. Back then the male-to-female ratio wasn't that bad on these sites. You could use it for hook-ups, but it wasn't as ideal for it as something like Tinder is.
Owners of these apps always want to get more women on since men are their main paypigs, but they have no idea how it got so bad in the first place. Make a profile and swipe like 200 times and count how many men aren't "open to anything, serious but open to casual, casual but open to serious" or "undecided", which all are the same option for thinking they can get sex as home delivery.
No. 1775355
>>1774129>you'll call them fake to again feel better about your own shortcomings.Claiming women pointing out women need to do artificial things to achieve there look makes them less than? You sound worse than a moid with a bimbofing fetish
Enforcing plastic surgery to be the regular beauty standard is already having shit affects. I see young women getting breast implants illness since the only acceptable breast now is unnatural, even milder things like lip fillers and stuff are hurting women, not to mention this makes like 80% of women feel like shit about themselves or they end up digging themselves in credit card debt trying to pay for these procedures since they're becoming such a normal beauty ritual, you also have to keep on mind majority of western women are poor which sucks even more.
No. 1775622
>>1775611Agreed 100%
Sex shouldn’t be something you just endure; and I’m sick of this attitude that you 100% will fall in love or be broken psychologically from casual sex (as if dicks have tbh at much power, come on), that you’re inherently ‘losing something’. I think a lot of neo puritanical feminist objections to porn and prostitution are also because it’s premarital sex not because it hurts women (see all the seething about evil whores).
No. 1775627
>>1775611A lot of people like to
victim blame and discriminate against people with different values. So the average woman in a relationship knows she's more likely to get cheated on, beaten, etc. if she's in a monogamous relationship BUT to make herself feel more safe, she picks out exceptions of women being hurt by stranger men(although most femocides are committed by men
victims date) and says casual relationships are much more unsafe than what she has with her nigel.
We have to understand that while casual relationships are unsafe, serious relationships can be just as unsafe as casual ones. Most men in longterm relationships abuse their partners whether that be physical or psychological. A lot of men cheat on their long term partners and to still praise long term relationships with men who will cheat on you when you're pregnant/taking care of kids while slutshaming women who either can't or prefer not to have serious relationships, they're acting hypocritical.
They're not feminists though, as you said they're conservatards using "feminism" label to slutshame women and to appeal to men.
No. 1775712
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>>1775634>>1775664I’m sick of this dumbass shit. Look at pic related, it’s all about fucking proportions, now tell me there’s someone in the husbando thread lusting for anything that’s six heads or under. Kirbyanon doesn’t count tbh, she’s strange.
>inb4 It says 16 yrs old!!!Shut up.
No. 1775733
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I love being ugly. I always hear my peers ranting about being sexually harassed or catcalled by Scrotes, but i have never dealt with this problem in my 19 years of life. I am pretty much invisible to scotes. I have never been asked out or approached my men and i want to keep it that way. The worst that has happened to be was being called ugly a few times in middle school and being compared to Micheal Jackson(Kek) but i would take that over getting sexually harassed every time i go outside.
No. 1775812
>>1775774Obviously that’s why porn is like that. That’s also why women shouldn’t mimic those behaviours or fake orgasms, but actually communicate. Let him feel bad until he gets it right.
>>1775796I’m just speaking from personal experience as someone who had a "slut phase". The majority of guys I slept with were preoccupied with how I was feeling. Disclaimer: I don’t recommend sleeping around, but I truly think majority of guys are insecure about their ability to please women. It wounds their masculinity to think they might be bad at sex. Idk it could be my view is biased because I tend to enjoy sex in the first place, so I'll give you that.
No. 1775827
>>1775812You need to talk to other women or read the experiences of other women. Like I said, I've always had men cater to me sexually and I was always selfish as fuck so I never had an experience where a man never made me cum. You can't apply your experiences to every woman or even most women.
>I truly think majority of guys are insecure about their ability to please womenIt doesn't make a fucking difference because when guys are insecure they don't bother to improve. They just posture and meme themselves into thinking they're better than they actually are. And the actual truth is that most of them just don't give a fuck, they just want to coom. Why do you think "man rolling over after 2 pumps and falling asleep" is a stereotype?
No. 1775913
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I get grooming is a thing but I wonder what is going through young girls minds that make them fall in love with old men despite the smell and appearance. What’s up with you being like 17 and actually attracted to a 50 year old?
No. 1775926
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big boys, itty bitty boys
Mississippi boys, inner city boys
I like the pretty boys with the bow tie
Get your nails did, let it blow dry
I like a big beard, I like a clean face
I don't discriminate, come and get a taste
No. 1775943
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>>1775913If you are interested in this topic might I suggest Cronenberg films because he really gets into it sometimes, but of course he’s a man so he only gets partway there and leaves out the female perspective, even in his old age with all his experience he can’t get all the way there but the films are interesting anyway
No. 1775958
>>1775852Nail polish is like 1 euro and a mascara, a blush, one lipgloss and one concealer is enough to last you a 6 months/year and barely cost more than 30 euros total.
I hate how some nlogs make it seem like your average woman is spending thousands for her looks when she obviously isn't, lmao. I don't even know anyone who gets fake nails at a salon or buys expensive makeup products etc. Aside from a few older women who have super good economic status - I'm talking about well known doctors and lawyers etc.
No. 1775979
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>>1775955She’s his step daughter and they started banging when she was 18 I think and her mom is rich so it wasn’t for money. You zoomers don’t know woody Allen?
No. 1776005
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The 1940s was the best decade for fashion.
No. 1776010
>>1775913the "love" is stockholm syndrome, knowing nothing else, and dependence.
>>1775993she probably knows it's weird but would do anything to please him, including bring him girls and women to sexually abuse him. other women commit this crime (helping their partners abuse women and girls) regularly.
No. 1776018
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>>1775913Since this is the unpopular opinion thread… I think Woody Allen is a degenerate scrote who groomed and then fucked his step-daughter, Soon-Yi, but I don't think he molested Dylan Farrow.
By all accounts, Mia Farrow was a bpd-chan and a terrible mother to her non-white children. is an account by one of her adopted sons, Moses.
>It pains me to recall instances in which I witnessed siblings, some blind or physically disabled, dragged down a flight of stairs to be thrown into a bedroom or a closet, then having the door locked from the outside. She even shut my brother Thaddeus, paraplegic from polio, in an outdoor shed overnight as punishment for a minor transgression. Two of her other non-white adopted children ended up killing themselves.
I think she was so disgusted and enraged that Woody fucked her daughter that she decided to ruin his life by coming up with the Dylan Farrow thing.
I don't blame her, tbh. If my husband fucked my daughter, I would try to ruin his life also.
No. 1776030
>>1776020Would you not try to destroy the life of the scrote who cheated on you with your daughter? The general public already decided they didn't care about him dating Soon-Yi. There was no retribution.
I don't condone the child abuse, obviously, but I think Woody Allen knew she was unhinged and decided to fuck around with her daughter anyways. What did he expect? That she would just let it go?
No. 1776042
>>1776038ayrt, I don't think she's a sympathetic figure, in general, but I feel for her on this one specific issue. it is fucked up that she convinced dylan that her father molested her, though.
Ok tbh nvm, I changed my mind kek. I got so caught up in the revenge on a scrote that I didn't think too deeply about the other people involved.
No. 1776235
>>1775852Sucks that even mild criticism of beauty standards for women, and the expectation that women spend time and money on make-up, shaving and getting their nails done, upsets some women. They immediately get on the defensive and act like because you criticised make-up you are also criticising them personally, and just say that you’re poor/jealous/controlling/a nlog.
I hate how that term has been misused to mean any woman that doesn’t like ‘feminine’ things as opposed to women that throw other women under the bus for male attention. It’s sad how many of them tie their personal identity so heavily with beauty regimens.
No. 1776254
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>>1776088It looks so glamorous but simple and mature
No. 1776286
>>1776281I dont even understand what's meant by "until the hairy genes got mixed in". So at some point, humans were naturally hairless except for their head hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes? Like
really? Kek
No. 1776295
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>>1776273It does make you sound underage when seeing an adult man makes you uncomfy and you can only find the extremely soft smooth 16 yo characters attractive. It's the taste of a teenager rather than an adult woman. Just saying.
No. 1776360
>>1776309>>1776304What's so ugly about Gyro, Johnny, Diavolo or Abbachio? There are tons of attractive jojo characters. And I bring teenagers up because people who hate jojo's art style (or anything detailed and realistic in general) are always only attracted to extreme neoteny in character designs and are always attracted to underage looking or actually underage characters. One anon posted a picture of what the proportions of anime characters look like depending on age, and the ironic part is they all have the same face whether they're adult or a teenager. And yet they look hideous because of the uncanny neoteny.
>>1776314There are 9 parts to jojo, anon. With more characters than just jotaro and his friends kek. He was 17 in part 3, and he died at 40 in part 6.
No. 1776390
>>1776360>big fish lips>shark-like noses always with nonsensical black shading in the middle>heavy brow ridges>lipstick and eye makeup>worst, most nonsensical for the sake if being nonsensical fits I have ever laid eyes on, look like someone was trying to do an intentionally bad parody of high fashion I’ve never read/watched Jojo, but I’ve also never read/watched Golden Kamuy either. So I can say without bias that both have a cast of big, adult, masculine, muscular men, but one has (imo) eyesore characters and one has characters that are relatively nice to look at. It’s not a matter of detail/realism either, because the Resident Evil guys and even Metal Gear guys are fine to look at and they are way more hyper-realistic. It’s totally fine you and other women like the look of Jojo, and I understand it would piss you off if you love it and people shit on it, but women not liking it doesn’t mean they are pedos or hate adult men, masculinity, detail or whatever.
No. 1776413
>>1776263when we criticize rich women for being fake you get jumped at by libfems (even though they're nowhere to be found when healthy women are getting called fat and ugly). even in the 2000s it was like there was a separate standard for poor women and then rich women who can afford time and money to work on their appearance, everyone understood that. Now it's like there's an overlap of poor women, who are the majority mind you, who are pressured into getting dangerous procedures and frequent treatments like extensions and nails. It's not fair because those women will get compared to girls who'd rather spend their money on education or a house and a lot of those women end up in relationships with
abusive moids who are comparing her to women who get those procedures or her self esteem just drops dramatically and a lot of shitty things come from that
No. 1776488
>>1776390Half of your criticisms are either things that are good actually or things that existed in earlier parts. People act like Araki's style never changed past part 3 or something. Just look up the jojo magazine or the gallery art he makes to see his improvement and how so much better his designs look now. Besides, the "nonsensical fits" are inspired by high fashion and are that way on purpose, it's part of the appeal. The lips aren't even big kek, but I guess anime doesn't have lips in general so an art style where they actually do have lips looks jarring at first.
>but women not liking it doesn’t mean they are pedos or hate adult men, masculinity, detail or whatever.I said that because the anons I encountered who hates the style so much were genshitfags.
No. 1776525
>>1776512I've noticed fake radfems act like criticising beauty standards is just libfem bs. They regularly make body hair jokes about libfem but if you look at the amount of money women spend on make up, hair removal and skincare it is ridiculous.
And the fact most teenage girls on tiktok idolise supermodels is just sad. If you criticise this they'll say you are being sexists to a feminine industry but models are literally the cashiers of the modeling industry, why don't they ever idolise the marketing people in fashion who make more?
No. 1776576
>>1776558>But anyway having sex as a woman also has a time limit as you get a hag body quickly in your life kek. That's why you eat other womens vulvas out nonna. And involve yourself in clit stimulation.
>No benefit but retarded people don't care about consequences of actions. If it was good I would be having it.Are you not retarded as your only barometer is if it was good? kek
>I smell a cool girl attitude here aka women who wanna act like men and think het sex can be cool as a woman as it is as a man. I am not servile and don't like the idea of engaging in something that pleases men this much but not me and something in which I have to be soft, servile and vulnerable, it's just not my gender role, it's feminine male serving prostitute fleshAnd we return back to eating pussy. I agree with most of what you say but the misogynistic "hag" bit christ almighty that's some deeply socialized misogyny. Also "cockwhores" and how you're nlog because if its (piv sex) good you'll engage in the humiliation you're criticizing those same low intelligence cool girl het women for, kek
No. 1776577
>>1776558I was on board with your comment until I read
>cockwhoresNo need to say that
No. 1776580
>no need to say thatWomen never beating the retarded allegations cause imagine policing other women intellect like this and believing that saying that is bad or inaccurate. Following dumb human made moral standards and "this wrong" "this right". PS. They are cock whores, like? Vulgar words are used to describe things with bad gross vibe often
No. 1776585
>>1776263>you don't criticize rich women. You only go after working class people and you're using this as a pretext. Feminism was just an afterthought for you.Where have I made a distinction between rich and poor women in my
>>1776235 post? I am speaking in general about a reaction I’ve noticed that some women have when make-up is criticised.
No. 1776588
>>1776558>your body can serve men but not youdo you just not masturbate or something
>sentient enough to recognize a real orgasmit's something even rats experience it has nothing to do with sentience
>female orgasm feels shit because of how psychological it isthe female orgasm is a physical sensation with objective markers for meeting it
>having sex as a woman has a time limityou're going to be really upset when you find out how much sex people have in nursing homes lmao
No. 1776612
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>>1776581NTA aka cockwhore anon but mothers are not the eternal bastions of light. If I had a dollar for the number of times I've seen this same comment littered across this board, you mother worshipping weirdo.
>>1776588They don't eat women out, or masturbate it seems.
>you're going to be really upset when you find out how much sex people have in nursing homes lmaotopkek. picrel unrelated just funny shit
No. 1776654
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What the hell is going on itt dog
No. 1776726
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I try not to hate too much on fat women, but the coquette/girly/dolly/balletcore style just does not look good on them. Like squeezing into unflattering shein clothes that are too small and colours that make them look like uncooked christmas hams doesn't really do them any favours kek. For once I'll say that this style only looks good on relatively thin women
No. 1776740
>>1776726All clothes are literally made with skinny women in mind unless it’s made by a brand that actually makes clothes that are plus size
and flattering. So it’s not that big of a discovery to see that some style that’s trendy isn’t flattering at all for fat women.
No. 1776744
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I don't prefer seeing any fashion style/aesthetic in "understated" doses. I love it when people go all in without fear.
No. 1776746
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Men with money want to date really pretty and glamorous women but they will always have some kind of hate, bitterness and lack of value towards them from the men they date because those men are still dealing with the baggage of being rejected by those women when they were broke and that’s why they get treated 10x worse than normal women
No. 1776750
>>1776726I've seen plenty of big girls who can pull off this style but like you said most of them are trying to fit into low quality shein clothes too small for them and some cuts that do not flatter their body shape. girl in your picrel has an apple shape, left fit doesn't work because of the pants (don't fit an apple body), mid left doesn't work because she's stretching out that shitty thin fabric blouse to all hell(wrong size plus low qualiy fabric) and mid right doesn't work because of mix of the other two offenses specifically around the chest area it is obvious that overall babydoll thing is made for women with small boobs. last outfit is actually quite cute imo, It's not perfect but at least it doesn't make her look as much of a fridge like in outfit 1 and 3.
>>1776740Also specifically this, Usually plus size clothes aren't really being tailored to plus size proportions, they just make the clothes bigger which is how you end up with T-shirts for fat people having a huge neckline.
No. 1776763
>>1776754Deep down even the delusional money hungry moids wish their wife loved them for who they are, not for their money kek i guess that's just a basic human instinct
>>177676Men from old money date women from old money who prefer a more natural look cause it's "classy" and in their circles too much glamour comes across as tacky
No. 1776932
>>1776921Adding to your opinion: I hate people using that word and "softcore" to describe women that happen to look cute in
completely normal clothes. Zoomers found some and invented all these terms, but can't even use them correctly.
No. 1777113
>>1776999What gets me is when footballtards start chanting "USA USA" at rivaling team that's
from America. Like, we already know this is America, dipshits.
No. 1777117
>>1776759don't do this- they're giant man children.
I know one in my personal life who is 40, multimillion dollar trust fund, and does nothing, I mean NOTHING but play video games and go to death metal concerts. He's got a lot of health problems from chain-smoking weed and never exercising once in his life. his family bought him an 800K house which he just rots in by himself, chases half his age BPD Chans he meets at the metal shows and then is surprised pikachu when they're psycho alcoholics who suicide bait. He's never getting married and if he does his army of trust fund management lawyers will ensure she never gets one red cent. the women in his own social class left him behind years ago. I repeat do not go for "old money" these guys have never had to do anything in their lives and their giant safety nets produce the most entitled man children you will ever have the misfortune to meet
No. 1777206
>>1777150>>1777154Didn't she date some ugly British faggot who patted himself on the back for watching racist, violent porn? And people are saying you're a pickme if you
don't like Taylor Swift?
Not liking a woman who was fine with dating a straight up degenerate doesn't make anyone a pickme, idk wtf her stans are on.
No. 1777211
>>1777206Yep. She also worked with an
abusive movie director once.
No. 1777331
>>1777319this and the fact that people keep using it as a feminist-sounding way of bullying a woman who steps out of line for a gender stereotype/expectation. Like the
>oh you don't use makeup? ok pickme lol you must be sooo much better than the rest of usattitude I've seen multiple times that gets directed at women who
aren't putting down women who do use makeup at all, just personally not being into it. Yeah I know it's a misuse of what the original intent of the term is but it seriously dilutes the meaning when the misuses are becoming a large portion of the usage
No. 1777360
>>1777344Correct me if I'm being retarded, but isn't impressing others (especially the opposite sex) one of the core purposes of makeup? Wouldn't not wanting to wear makeup all the time make a woman
less pickmeish because she's not going above and beyond to look good for strangers?
No. 1777582
>>1777495ntayrt, but what’s fucked up about a straight woman wanting to be desired and considered attractive?
we’re told our entire lives that being “hot” is the most important thing a woman can be. you don’t just get pinkpilled and completely erase society’s programming. external validation is addicting, and it’s extremely common for women to want that.
No. 1777623
>>1777621Agreed, They always fall
victim to BPD-chan because they think with their dick first, kek.
No. 1777629
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>>1777621>That's why I root for the bpd women when they finally blow up some predatory scrote's lifeYou called?
No. 1777643
>>1777615Nta but
>move on from men>center your life around other people That's retarded, too. Don't center your life around anyone other than yourself. But that's my unpopular opinion.
No. 1777684
>>1777628my acting unpopular opinion is that it's still messed up and real cheating for actors to make out with or have sex with their co-stars in a movie. Idc if their real partners are fine with it because "it's just acting" it's still gross and undignified.
Every time I express this, everyone tells me I'm crazy and some kind of no-fun-allowed tradfagging prude, yet if I ask if they'd personally be cool with their gf/bf/wife/husband getting intimate with other people, on film that gets shown off to millions of people no less, they always get shifty and make excuses about how
they definitely don't want that even though it's ostensibly no big deal.
Sometimes people argue with me about "well how would movies get made if actors can't get it on" idk look at all the practical and cgi effects that get done, you think a kiss is impossible to fake? In most movies does it really even add to the story to see the actors really naked instead of just a tasteful implied sex scene? And single actors are still going to exist, you can just not get in a relationship if you want to play with lots of people, as is expected in real everyday life.
I do recognize how it's ultimately a somewhat unhinged thing to nitpick but it really does bother me how nobody seems to acknowledge how weird it is
No. 1777712
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>>1777707Women with BPD are typically like that because of abuse from the hands of men. Then, predatory piece of shit scrotes try to harvest such women because they look "weak and clueless", only to be thoroughly struck down by the same women they have screwed over. The scrotes realize they have "created a monster", but right when it's too fucking late and the fire had already been set to them. It's poetic, really. Then the scrotes will try to scream that they're a
victim, trying to frame women with BPD like they're sneaky creatures who are always in the wrong, when those scrotes are the bigger monsters. I used to generalize and hate women with BPD because I believed the idea that they were
all just out to get people, but it isn't black/white like that. Now when I hear moids try to armchair diagnose all their exes with BPD, I never believe them. Even if all the exes do have BPD, he's not innocent if he made that his type, and those women are not automatically the abusers just because of their disorder.
Had to get that off my chest.
No. 1777906
>>1777894It’s probably one of the anons who gets
triggered at the mere sight of Cillian Murphy
No. 1777949
>>1777883Just hide the thread. It's so annoying when you guys wanna police the board and delete threads that
trigger you.
No. 1778000
>>1777958>Women are still human and I have been traumatized by them just as much as men and because they’re human I don’t like them as a whole.>Implying that women are the cause of trauma in the world as menWhat? So have you been raped by women? Are you disillusioned by women on women violence? And the mass majority of women-made violence? What about how women-made religions are used to control men? Do you see women all across the news abusing and raping children and animals? Women creating laws that allow the rape of children and exploited men? Do you observe an entire industry that equally exploits vulnerable men for the purpose of rapist women?
This is a highly elaborate way of identifying as a pickme. Also "sisterly love" isn't a thing outside of the Disney channel and afterschool specials.
No. 1778010
>>1778007>Chimping tf outthis is why i avoid this thread… anyway:
>Antisocial behaviours (sometimes called dissocial behaviours) are actions which are considered to violate the rights of or otherwise harm others by committing crime or nuisance>Asocial behaviours are more personality traits where individuals have a general anxiety or lack of confidence in social situations.literally google it…
No. 1778017
>>1778014Yeah she has issues but she's going to larp as being too cool for both gendies
>>1778010Going to start using antisocial all the time just because it makes you mad
No. 1778045
>>1778035So do you think jealously is something only women are only capable of then?
>where people are the same genderWhat? So males are more trustworthy? I thought you were traumatized by men and women "equally?"
No. 1778093
>>1778080I can only speak from experience but I genuinely love my girlfriends and want them to do well in life, and they do the same for me. It's not that I don't get jealous ever, but I get jealous of men and women equally and this has nothing to do with getting male attention.
I'm jealous of people with better passports than mine who don't get racially profiled because they're not Arab. I'm jealous of people from nice families who had supportive parents and had their feelings validated instead of thrown back in their face and made to feel like everything is their fault. I'm jealous of beautiful people who don't have to walk around feeling insecure about looking stupid or ugly or too dark or too hairy.
I still don't want any of them to not have those things, I just wish I had them too. I'd have to be an idiot to not recognize that it's not their fault I didn't have these things. People paint jealousy as the worst feeling in the world but it's so normal. Just don't act like an angry ape about it. I've cried about these things to my friends and they understood and still love me all the same, but people still act like a woman being jealous is a war crime.
No. 1778119
>>1778075>You could be friends with another woman and she’s jealous because you have a better family, more money or some other stupid shit.Are men not jealous of you for this either? Jealousy is a human emotion, not specific to women. Being jealous over another person having a better family when yours is
abusive and shitty is not a point of weakness, its human. Its also not "stupid shit". You seem to have proven that you are indeed anti-social and sociopathic from your thought process. Years of brainrotting misogynistic shit on social media, fucked up people or some variety of female socialization have caused these thought patterns.
>you’re seeing someone with the same phenotype as you doing betterOh you're racist too.
>I’m sure there are some rare people out there that don’t play these stupid normie games but I don’t have the energy to find them.Then that's a you problem. But the opinion you have is fairly common across the internet; its the quintessential pickme line of thought. Maybe you could befriend >>1778096 anon and tear each other apart over males and jealously.
>>1778093See? this is a genuine human cause for jealousy. Not all jealousy is stupid and fickle. Jealousy is part of being human OP everyone on the planet experiences it.
>>1778096>You bitches won't let women tear each other down for inhuman reasons and you're all like libfems for thinking women don't live to compete to fuck men! Stop threatening women with "you're not a feminist" even though you didn't mention feminism once in any of your posts! Don't criticize fucked up behavior of women caused by heterosexuality! All women are catty, heterosexual and compete for men; its a fact! All women are pickmes. Also none of your comebacks make sense for my pickme brain! No. 1778138
>>1778121>A man is less likely to be jealous of a woman.Tell that to incels and all seetheing males
>A woman is more likely to be jealous of my accomplishments because it’s hard seeing someone do big things and they can’t use gender as an excuse.You're egotistical, and a misogynistic ok.
>>1778122I mean you're describing most heterosexual women, and I'd actually agree. I suppose I'd consider myself separatist as well by virtue of circumstance and sexuality. You should have probably prefaced that as much kek. Word your posts better; common culture is shit, a majority of heterosexual women not all women. If you hate het women and heteropatriarchy so much why not actually try to have a proper discourse and convince them instead of saying retarded shit like 'low iq people' disagree. That makes you sound like a 4chin incel.
No. 1778213
>tranny also currently chimping out in random threads about feminismKEK. Men are such fragile faggots they have to try and pretend to be women to psyop women because none will touch them irl for being degenerates. No wonder these retards created the troon problem.
No. 1778232
>>1778181 is obvious.
Not identifying as a man doesn’t mean you aren’t one.
No. 1778238
>>1778232I didn’t make any of those posts though. This was me
>>1777958 and I’m a woman. Does it bother you that much that I’m not going to pretend to be buddy buddy with you just because we both have a vagina?lol
No. 1778283
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the amount of bait infiltrating this thread is astounding. remember to just report and ignore
No. 1778350
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People acting like being naturally beautiful is somehow morally better than undergoing plastic surgery are moronic, you’re either genetically lucky (not a personal achievement) or have enough money to change your face, none of these things is better than the other. I also don’t care whether models are natural or have faces constructed by plastic surgeons, they’re beautiful in the end so what’s the difference?
No. 1778358
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>>1778350hating yourself makes you ugly
No. 1778360
>>1778268So, what about rape
No. 1778364
>>1778350The majority of people who get plastic surgery are average-above average looking, too vain and narcissistic to accept that they will never be 10s but roll the dice anyway. Most plastic surgery looks botched unless it's to correct a MAJOR deformity where any outcome post-surgery would be an improvement good or bad.
Insecure people fucking suck.
No. 1778378
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>>1778350Plastic surgery along and stricly trying to follow beauty standards never looks good in real life.
As another anon said, plastic surgery is fine when it fixes actual deformations, but if your face has none and is normal, then plastic surgery is not needed.
No. 1778395
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>>1778350I think Türkan Şoray's nose job was amazing. She looked stunning afterwards.
No. 1778486
>>1778480Ikr? Like that's the kind of woman that trannies
wish they looked like.
No. 1778536
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The reason a lot of white women age poorly is because they keep trying to hang on to be super thin at like 40. When you were 22 yes being 100lbs was cute but after 30 you’re going to start look haggard. It’s time to pick up a cheese burger it’s not the 90s anymore.
No. 1778769
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The worst thing about getting older is you cant be chic and edgy anymore because at 30 you no longer look like a tortured soul now you just look like a failure. At 30 you’re no longer cool and mysterious when you’re 90lbs and smoke but now you just look like a literal crack head and you’re losing your hair. It sucks that with age you can’t really be edgy anymore.
No. 1778802
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>>1778776I definitely think after a certain age that edgy, heroin chic type of life style goes from cool to loser at about 25
No. 1778830
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>>1778814It depends on the kind of big nose though. Round big noses like pic related are cute in women but the long boney ones aren’t.
No. 1778837
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>>1778830Samefag by long and boney I mean noses like this
No. 1778842
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>>1778830>>1778837Ayrt I have a boney (bumpy) nose, I love all kinds of honkers
No. 1778857
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Toasters are a waste of money! Bread toasted on the stove with some butter is 100 times better, or you can pop it in the oven for a moment. If you don't want to use an oven you can always get a toaster oven which is more versatile and can actually be cleaned, unlike a toaster.
No. 1778858
>>1778350Unless your nose is grossly deformed there isn't a single nosejob that has looked good. The one in your picture literally looks like a penis with testicles in the middle of her face. Like
>>1778395 just baffles the mind, her nose looked completely normal pre-surgery and now it looks plastic and hard, like you could tap on it and hear a solid sound. People tend to forget that plastic surgery ages really badly and you always need more touch ups for maintenance, and the more you tinker with your natural features the more work it requires and the more unnatural it becomes. That's how you end up with all those celebrities in their 60's that look grotesque with the amount of work they've had to get.
No. 1778869
>>1778837She's perfect
>>1778350Beauty isn't about superficial aesthetics, but something more fundamental. Next
No. 1778874
>>1778814I'll never fuck a woman with a big nose
t. A bi woman
>inb4 men have big noses but nobody says anything!1!1!1Men with big noses are ugly and look retarded, too. Narrow tall defined noses for both genders for the win. And I think this is the truly unpopular opinion, especially on lolcor.
No. 1778879
>>1778857anon but how do you get an even brown on the toast in those ovens?
I don't want it to take more than a minute and I don't want to flip it if I broil it because that's the only way I can get it to brown up top quickly pls advice
No. 1778886
>>1778782This, some anons on this site have some serious case of body dysmorphia. Must be exhausting.
>>1778874I wonder why bihets always think people want to hear their opinion on women's fuckability
No. 1778907
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>>1778886>I wonder why bihets always think people want to hear their opinion on women's fuckabilityIkr? Aren't around 90% of bisexual people, men and women only fucking the opposite sex anyway? Why tf should any woman care about how fuckable a bisexual woman thinks of them when they're just gonna be screwing men anyway KEK
No. 1778917
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>>1778782>Someone actually wrote this out and hit sendSome of you are real assholes on this site.
No. 1778931
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>>1778925I’d consider it big
No. 1779013
>>1779007>>1779008it's not forced positivity, it's the truth. How you perceive things matters a lot.
>be average looking person>dont consume media that targets your insecurities all day>look in the mirror>See a normal person>proceed with your dayvs
>be average looking person>be constantly targetted by vultures trying to proffit off your insecurities>look in the mirror>oh no my nose is too big>oh no my lips are too small>oh no my fave is to round/square/fat>day ruined>develop depression and self steem issues>buy the products that target your insecurities>the circle repeatsthat's why moids dont care about how they look and are happy being ugly piggies, there arent entire industries depending on them feeling like shit because of how they look
No. 1779112
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>>1779106it's because we get bombarded by propaganda since birth to be appealling to the male gaze, but to dont expect the same from men because that makes us shallow and evil. So many model gorgeous women end up with ugly as sin scrotes because they have been psyoped to aim for scrotes that could be their dad. Meanwhile this giga stacy with the most british face i have ever seen lands a barely legal 10/10 out of the crib, making beckies seethe in the process.
No. 1779127
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Voicemod was the best thing to happen to me because now I've been playing games with voice chat without being hounded for being a woman. I grew up with shit like garry's mod and always loved playing interactive multiplayer games with voice chat but never could. I say this because I am a coward and just want to play with no strings attached to my sex but I have immense respect to women who put themselves through the absolute humiliation that is going open mic on a game like csgo or valorant. I made a farmer friend on the friend finder thread years ago and she's like that and by god she is the bravest marine out there I respect her so much and I love playing with her but I'm not that brave
I have never and will never troon out but I think crunchy gmod mics are the funniest shit ever and I don't want to be harassed. I tried other voice changers but voice mod makes me sound convincingly male for the first time tbh and I don't even have an egirl voice
No. 1779129
>>1779119Nta but
>he looks leagues above herThey look identical???
No. 1779140
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>>1779112>putting in years of effort with thousands of dollars on using expensive makeup and cosmetic surgery only to still end up with a sponge-built sack of shit with wealth the only thing going for him.versus
>living comfortably with being average or even ugly but still ending up with a moid that's wealthy, younger than you, healthy and in shape, more handsome and maybe more brilliant than any other moid.Being a Stacey was never about how pretty you looked. It was always about knowing how to play the game and winning at it. Based british-faced Stacey. You enjoy that fresh meat.
>>1779116I'm not speaking for myself because I'm not getting surgery just to waste my time with a fugly moid kek
No. 1779173
>>1779103it’s because men refuse to go for women that are as attractive or less attractive than they are. i don’t know if it’s an overinflated sense of self-confidence (thinking they deserve hot women) or a “trophy” thing - a lot of men seem to care about what their friends think and their girlfriend is seen as a representation of their “game” or whatever. good-looking men are less insecure and thus care less about this since they know they’re attractive.
on the other hand there are so many women with incredibly low standards, and there are more expectations for women to be beautiful and put effort into their appearance, so they feel as though they’re “matching” with a man less attractive than them.
No. 1779207
>>1779173The "a man should look only a little better than an ape" opinion is incredibly common. They just think it's a female thing to be beautiful. It's supposed to be the opposite, really. We should filter the best men.
A lot of women also think "appearance doesn't matter, person does uwu", sadly. Their father-looking daughters suffer for their choice, being bullied by males, who never think in the same manner.
No. 1779565
>>1779561Agreed on every single point. Americans are utterly brainwashed about dicks and I would take a natural unmutilated penis that needs a wash over a dry, rough, desensitized one any fucking day.
Also I think it's unethical. I'm not comparing it to FGM or anything but cutting off part of an infant's healthy genitalia is 100% fucking wrong and a violation of bodily autonomy even if it DIDN'T make their sex life worse.
No. 1779586
>>1779563Is it not a common thing? I rarely hear women talk about it actually. I get noticeable smegma buildup at the end of every day and have to clean it out in the shower. From what I gathered, the rate of buildup for men seems to be a lot slower. i mostly hear from them it takes a few days for it to become noticeable.
Do I just have a weird pussy? Or is every woman too shy to talk about it?
No. 1779591
>>1779586As far as I know, women make smegma everyday even when they shower regularly. It's when it builds up a
lot that it's a problem. So I guess you're good.
No. 1779592
>>1779585Oh my god, same. Every time I see a cut dick with the cracked-up ashy purple tip and the scar ring I just think about how much better it would look if he still had foreskin.
Normie women will say “it looks better”. HOW? I swear they’re just repeating shit they hear because I doubt most normal women actually have a special interest in cocks the way I do. I am admittedly somewhat of a coomer and can’t get enough naked anime men in my life.
No. 1779597
>>1779593Idk, google says it's meant to help lubricate your folds, so I guess
some smegma is good? As long as it doesn't get left to build up too much because then that seems gross and apparently causes 'clitoral adhension'. Yeah I'm not an expert at talking about smegma because I don't like sticky panties for whatever reason.
No. 1780025
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>>1779778>inb4 anon is about to go on about how she loves anal,lolicon,old ugly bastard men, muh not all men yadda yaddaI'm a man hater but at the end of the day I just want women to be safe. Also lets be real a lot of you make terrible decisions then get mad simply when you're called out on it.
No. 1780030
>>1779561>I’m convinced that circumcision exists because men hate women so much they gimp their cocks so sex hurts usYou're such a piece of shit for
victim-blaming, you think there's a male conspiracy against you when the fact is that hundreds of millions of boys were genitally mutilated without their consent for bullshit reasons.
No. 1780042
>>1780034I guess he needed to add in that he’s being
victim blamed for getting circumcised kek?
No. 1780045
>>1780032Anyone who has the most basic degree of empathy would feel sorry for the
victims of genital mutilation. I know empathy is in short supply on imageboards though which explains your post.
No. 1780088
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>>1780030I need you to understand that men on 4chan will never go to these lengths to call out other men for
victim-blaming women. Quit playing prissy offended princess, quit "both sides"-ing.
It doesn't matter if women on LC say unhinged things about men until men have cleaned up the unhinged things they say about us and do on the entire internet. No. 1780093
>>1780030I don’t believe they actively choose to cut their (and their son’s) dicks for this reason, but I can believe this is one justification for it.
Men cut up women’s genitals to suit their sexual preferences and hurt us, why is it far fetched to believe they cut their own cocks to hurt us? They seem to prefer it when women are suffering and in pain.
Nipping off the skin hurts once, having to have sex with a sandpaper cock hurts indefinitely.
No. 1780110
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>>1780047This is why he posted it twice
No. 1780117
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So you agree? You don't have any friends?
No. 1780132
>>1780088Nta but isn't circumcision usually done to a male when he's a newborn? At least that's how they do it where I live. So it's not like his choice, more so his parents'. So they're technically
victims. I understand not thinking of them as
victims if they choose to do it as adults though.
No. 1780138
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>She will regret being childless when she's old an no one's around to take care of her and she ends up forgotten in a nursing home
Very telling that you emphasize having kids just to save your own ass when you get old. That's what a lot of people thought, until they ended up in retirement homes despite having several kids any-damn-way. Trying to nag random women into having kids is some tradthot shit, and using cats to bully women is super unoriginal.
Reposted because my retarded little fingers accidentally responded to the wrong anon.
No. 1780213
>>1780083>>1780138As someone who is in a good marriage with a daughter(yay) I 110% support women choosing not to get married and have kids. The cards just aren't in women's favor when it comes to being married. Far too many scrotes are
abusive, porn addicted, drug addicted, and carriers of the worst kind of
victim complex. The odds you'll get a decent man is so abysmal..Men make up nearly 90% of violent crimes and 99% of rapes. Men are getting so desperate for female attention that they're running around in dresses fondling their moobs and screeching about their "period" diarrhea they got from eating tacobell. Sorry that your gender is a burden on not only women but the whole fucking planet.
No. 1780316
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I am pro surgery for adult trannies and I think it should be state funded and no therapy needed first
No. 1780321
never touched or seen a dick in real life.
No. 1780339
>>1780317Foreskin is the cutest part of the dick imo it’s like a little cozy that goes around their wet tip. It looks so cute going back and forth especially knowing it feels good for him.
Plus it just feels better. Like his cock is just this pulsating, smooth meat sleeve moving around inside you, with his foreskin/tip making gentle prods deeper in. The feeling is unmatched and I haven’t seen any product able to recreate it.
Cut dick is all friction, and the skin doesn’t glide so it’s no better and no more intimate than fucking a plastic dildo.
No. 1780450
File: 1700517627995.jpg (Spoiler Image,62.1 KB, 500x395, tumblr_mhu1gmyk0j1s4cvq7o1_500…)

this cock belongs to the same man, a guy who misguidedly decided to go for an adult circumcision. which one looks more vagina friendly? you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. there is a reason evolution made them this way. yes there are different procedures and they don't always end up as haggard as the one to the left, but sensitivity is always compromised when you decide to do surgery on someone's genitals. no 2 looks fun friendly and fuckable.
No. 1780468
all of them, but it's super shilled here.
No. 1780472
>>1780443I feel your pain.
I primarily care about preventing circumcision for my own orgasms and dgaf about ugly, bitter men whining they have to use lube to jerk their ugly pricks.
No. 1780482
>>1780471>I don't know who started it.Wasn't it the oatmeal protestant?
>I can't imagine a jew wanting non-jews to learn the secrets to enter heaven and shill circumcision to everyone else.Lmao gay
>I think it's because baby foreskins are used in cosmetics.What?
No. 1780483
>>1780450Fuck, you're right, it looks gross. Earth worm one at least looks alive.
>>1780459That's true.
>>1780476Nta, but it's hollywood being weird, it's like an anti-aging cream for celebrities kek
No. 1780485
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It’s a popular statement on the internet but I’m having a hard time finding any actual medical recorded evidence kek? Maybe I just frequent so many magazine sites that’s all it’ll show me
No. 1780491
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>>1780485Never thought I'd see baby foreskins being the key to anti-aging KEK wtf
No. 1780497
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>>1780495So the baby male foreskin in anti-aging products is like the modern equivalent of those Aztecs that sacrificed babies to the gods for the health of the tribes? We sacrifice baby male foreskins for the skin of rich women?
No. 1780506
>>1780467Yeah I like to look at dudes jacking it once in a while when I feel a certain kind of way, but I can't stand to look at ones that are cut. It's just 100% unappealing because I know his dick has a fraction of the feelings a dick should have. Uncut dicks look so good, I love when you can see the skin moving back and forth across the head like this
>>1780339 anon described in more eloquent terms
No. 1780563
>>1780547I am a radfem and if there was some way to compare radfem power levels with most people in this thread I would be highly ranked. It’s not radically feminist to support circumcision for all the reasons listed above.
Radfems who support circumcision are schoolyard-level man haters.
No. 1780573
>>1780547This thing looks ugly, nonna. Uncircumsised ot not.
>>1780563No one really supports it here, i think most just don't care that much. You've just assumed it because we didn't like how it looks, mrs high level radfem nonna
No. 1780578
>>1780568dw, the foreskin one looks great to me too
>>1780563Baby genital mutilation is fucked.
I dont want kids to be brainwashed into cutting their cock off because they think theyre girls, so I also dont want baby genital's cut either.
It infuriates me that circumcision is still done and seen as not a big deal
No. 1780580
>>1780569Dunno how it’s a based feminist take to wish to subject heterosexual women to painful intercourse.
Not everyone is going to be a political lesbian and that doesn’t mean they deserve unnecessary vaginal trauma.
No. 1780596
>>1780589You have to be a troll lol.
It causes babies not to bond with their parents, lower attachment security and lower emotional stability, emotional lethargy and inappropriate anger.
It gives babies PTSD from the trauma.
If you're not trolling you're genuinely retarded. You have to be trolling.
No. 1780605
>>1780595I sound like a crazy boymom for being against babies having their genitals surgically altered but you definitely don’t sound like a psycho for wanting it to happen.
Is being against FGM also a sign of a pedophilic fixation to you?
No. 1780609
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Oh anon Sama I know, circumcision so horrible. Women would never understand the pain men endure.
No. 1780610
>>1780605Its bizarre.
I'm curious on their opinion of abortion or female issues similar to this.
There isnt really any equivalent in the first world to circumcision for women.
No. 1780611
>>1780605She didn't say she deliberately wants it to happen though?
No. 1780616
>>1780608Circumcision in infants has nothing to do with not washing their penises in first world countries.
Its religious or just retarded "His daddy is circumcised so he godda be too!" mindset.
There is 0 reason outside of actual medical reasons to mutilate genitals.
If the adult wants it done then whatever idc, but leave infants alone.
Its weird you cant understand that its awful, is it because its men?
No. 1780618
>>1780610Having to get an abortion because you can’t afford to care for a child or simply don’t have the mental capacity to parent a child isn’t the same as someone’s parents getting them circumcised after being born
>>1780605I don’t particularly care about circumcision I just think this whole conversation is going in circles and it’s a topic no one here is really affected by, so why is it even brought up?
No. 1780622
>>1780618Taking the choice away from someone is what I'm talking about.
You should get to choose what happens to your own body, and that goes for circumcision as well.
No. 1780626
>>1780624I am pro abortion and anti circumcision because both of those people should be allowed the choice to make.
I dont understand why its hard for you to get.
Who mentioned incset? Are you ok?
No. 1780630
>>1780624Yeah, i'm done personally kek
>friction caused me an injury because he didn't have enough of skinLMFAO
No. 1780634
>>1780631Foreskin gives natural glide, it keeps moisture during sex.
Lack of foreskin chaffs and dries up faster.
No. 1780641
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I cannot believe you bitches are STILL arguing about baby dicks
No. 1780645
>>1780641Genital mutilation is worth arguing against
>>1780642Foreskin moves around during sex, depending on how much foreskin yes it can go up over the knob.
I've had sex with cut and uncut, I've given handjobs and have seen how foreskin physics works.
>>1780643Its weird
No. 1780672
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>>1780662Disagree. Tastes gross and somehow more bitter, i don't know why. Hot coffee with milk is the best way to go.
>>1780667Damn, nonna,i never knew about its existence, but now i want to try it so bad.
No. 1780682
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A reminder
No. 1781091
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>>1781061what is the deal with the phone, I'm a zoomer and I have a friend who can't stand needing to call someone who isn't family/a friend and idgi. Once some scam was draining money from her bank account every month and she just lived with it for like a year instead of calling the bank like I said. Sometimes I'll offer to call someone for her or talk about ME needing to call someone and she gets secondhand cringe from it.
I agree that getting calls when a text/email would do the trick is annoying, but I don't get why it's like a phobia. The weird thing is that she and many other people like this are even confident and outgoing in regular life but just freeze up when confronted with a phone?
No. 1781093
Maybe racebait but Scandinavia is the land of false modesty. The entire region is "oh yeah, cheap bike, it only cost me $2,000".
I remember growing up and on rotation, every two years, hearing a big spectacle story on the news about "the wonders of Denmark". And then some middle aged woman would just sit there smugly in front of the camera and just go on about how "we don't compare ourselves to other people", and then the rest of the news story would be a blitz of statistics being rolled out comparing their country to others, showcasing of course they're better, and then one smug hit at the States with their private healthcare system. This legit went on for at least ten years, and is probably still going on (I don't watch the news, my mum used to, so I don't know).
But also just the tourists from that region all carry a smug aura of "we're better than everyone else". They're disproportionately the begpackers that come here and pile into our soup kitchens and take free meals, and collect our welfare, all the while passing it off as some bohemian thing.
No. 1781105
>>1781093scandinavia is big tho, a person from denmark isn't going to be acting the same or have the same values as someone from northen sweden or norway. personally i never equate tourists to the average person of a country, tourists are a billion times more likely to be rich assholes who can afford to travel. i don't think your average russian is that big of a piece of shit (not talking about their shit leaders) but i saw some russians in a museum literally kick the fucking exhibition pieces with their dirty shoes
besides, saying "they complained about the US healthcare system" seems incredibly benign considering I see and hear americans themselves complain about it almost on the daily
No. 1781114
>>1781093I'm from one of those countries and have been saying this for years. People in my country love to talk about Janteloven, we don't brag because we're so modest uwu but people here love humblebragging and have it down to an art. I find it hypocritical that they say things like that and then continue to act like they're better than everyone else.
>and then one smug hit at the States with their private healthcare systemEvery ten minutes some retard from my country posts their healthcare bill on Reddit to brag how good we have it. I find it extremely tacky and cruel. do these people think Americans like not having good healthcare? Do they think an American politician will see their post on the internet and go
>Oh my gosh you're right, we're such silly little idiots! Thank you king you're sooo smartand give Americans free healthcare? It feels a bit like getting a big meal and going to a poor Russian village to eat it to ~raise awareness~, just to remind the poors how much worse they have it in case they forgot.
>But also just the tourists from that region all carry a smug aura of "we're better than everyone else"Many people don't think they're better, but some genuinely do and all the news about how perfect their countries are is giving them a big head.
We also have a massive racism problem that nobody wants to talk about; that is rooted in this very thing. Many people here think they're just naturally better than everyone because they were born here and they will never say it out loud but they genuinely think poor countries should just stop being poor and it's their own fault for not having X, Y and Z because they're not as smart as us.
>>1781105>besides, saying "they complained about the US healthcare system" seems incredibly benign considering I see and hear americans themselves complain about it almost on the dailySomeone complaining about their own country that they live in is different from an internet rando who has never grown up there making digs at it for no reason other than ego.
No. 1781189
>>1781183I don't think feminism (the actual concept) is nonsensical or meaningless, I'm referring to the word itself. It's a very important idea but it's getting harder to express without someone else diluting the meaning of what you're getting at.
sadly as someone currently attending university, those online takes are frequently the real life takes that people have as well
No. 1781236
>>1781091I legit have anxiety over phone calls and it's ruined my life. I can't help that my lizard brain gets
triggered and shoots me up with so much adrenaline I get twitchy and sick to my stomach.
No. 1781238
>>1781216I have 6 books or so of his.
I have to agree, the plots arent great.
I like the drawings though
No. 1781244
>>1780931This is such an easily googleable thing but I’ll bite cuz I’m feeling generous. the thing is white women (honestly all
Nonblack women tbh) don’t listen to black women we don’t gaf that you wear braids we gaf that once you do it’s bastardized, not respected and then discarded as a fad when it has cultural significance. Black women have been saying this for literally a decade now and y’all don’t listen to reason. Forget the historical and ongoing fact that we are discriminated against for our hair when we try to wear Afrocentric styles which is why we opt for straighter hair because it’s less of a headache to have to explain. Not to mention that every time a white woman I’ve seen online wears her hair in box braids or black hair styles she is 10/10 mocking black women and or condescending to us. Or waxing poetic about how the evil jezebel black women are mocking her for her hair uwu. Black women don’t even ask for a lot and y’all can’t even respect us enough to not do something that was literally not meant for you. If you not gonna listen to reason we gonna mock you openly about it and laugh when you gain traction alopecia trying to antagonize black women. Why is it y’all can respect and know the history of Japanese culture but when it comes to black American culture you act willfully obtuse!?
No. 1781295
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>>1781093>>1781114Neither of you are wrong,you've definitely identified a very common cultural attitude. But it's not really a unique thing to scandis this "false modesty" or some advanced form of covert bigotry, it's more a subdued form of regular patriotism and having cultures of (attempted) moral modesty.
Literally every country suffers from it, it's part of being human to have tribalistic tendencies. I think you'll agree that there are many other nations that are far more overt in their egotism, many of which also actively try to subjugate those they consider "lesser" nations like China in africa and towards Taiwan, NK…against the world, and USA in the middle east etc
I suppose I as an obnoxious swede could "pull a Canadian" and apologise on behalf of all of us scandis; We're veeery sorry we aren't above human vanity. We'll try to reflect more on our egotism. Although, wouldn't that just increase the level of false modesty that annoyed you to begin with? kekekeke And lets be real, if one of your biggest annoyances are a bunch of scandies being obnoxious you have it pretty good.
No. 1781301
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Picrel and other veteran celeb chefs sold out.
I'm seeing his frozen meals at Wal Mart now.
No. 1781312
>>1781301i don't get the appeal of him or most other celeb chefs honestly, their recipes are usually absurd or unrealistic to actually make at home and it's embarrassing how often they botch simple foreign dishes when they try to branch out. I get that it's meant for entertainment and not education but idk it's not my thing and I feel like his gimmick is overhyped and just boils down to "angry swearing man funny"
I'd rather hear cooking tips from some older lady running a little blog any day
No. 1781367
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Women aren’t as funny as men. BUT this isn’t because of biology or whatever. It’s because women aren’t allowed to be even a little bit silly.
No. 1781381
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>>1781367i used to watch a female youtuber that was fucking hilarious, but she started developping a leftleaning handmaiden audience and started to censor herself to appeal to them. Eventually she lost the spark and stopped making videos altogether. I miss her at her peak.
No. 1781383
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>>1781376>The only reason white women want braids and shit is so they can look more appealing for black men and then have mixed kids they call nigger everyday.I only found out that was a thing when this dude wouldn't shut up about it.
No. 1781420
>>1781374NTA but I agree with. A man can make an off the cuff comment and everyone assumes he's joking, while a woman makes the same joke and all the men take her at face value. It's because the idea of a woman making a joke is so foreign to men that they take everything we say at face value.
>>1781376>>1781388What the fuck, that's a thing? I always figured white women who only dated black men did so because they hero worshiped the culture. Why would you only date one ethnicity and then say the most derogatory things about anyone from that ethnicity? Why would you date and have children with someone you hate?
No. 1781529
>>1781516I have friends I just hangout with people like me
>>1781526Poor and average looking
No. 1781622
>>1781367Sort of the same idea as you, but ime women are less likely to crack jokes in person than men are because joking around inherently comes with social risk and women are far more punished for social risks than men are. If your joke falls flat in a social setting, you're much more likely to be viewed as weird and obnoxious for even attempting the joke if you're a woman. Plus if you as a woman try to be funny, if you fail, you suddenly become an example of the scrote testament "women aren't funny", or hell even if you are funny they'll specifically argue you aren't because they want to keep believing men have some monopoly on humor. There was literally some study where they had people making up funny captions for things and had others rate how funny they were, and the same captions that were made by women and rated highly when the caption writer was anonymous, got rated significantly lower when the name of who wrote it was disclosed. Also the tendency of people to be blind, willfully or not, to women's attempts to make jokes. A lot of times when a woman says or does something stupid and silly it doesn't get recognized as a joke and she's just called stupid. In particular I'm reminded of the time reddit was hating on some video of a woman eating spaghetti or something while parachuting, calling her an idiot and attention whore, but you just know if that had been a man, they would have just laughed and called him a based madlad or something. However, I think women are clearly very funny in a lot of instances online when they're anonymous/semi anonymous. Fucktons of big iconic funny tweets and tumblr posts are from women, not to mention that in any sort of fandom with women in it, if you see a funny fancomic where the punchline isn't just some coom shit, there's a 90% chance it was drawn by a woman. Men on the internet get vastly more likely to make "jokes" that's just coom or edgy "jokes" that are actually just statements of his personal beliefs that he doesn't want to get crucified for
No. 1781658
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>>1781376>You never see weeaboo girls shitting on Japanese women because they appreciate their culture snd them.I've actually seen that. There are tons of insecure weebs who say Asian women are ugly or "all look the same" while obsessively copying their every move and wanting an Asian bfs, but I agree it's not to the same extent that women who copy black women get off on bashing them. In both cases, those types are typically just doing it out of jealousy, and to try and ingratiate themselves to the misogynistic males of that group. What those women don't get is that the type of men that sort of behavior attracts don't actually respect or worship them, in spite of what they say to manipulate. They just want a shiny new toy to use for sex (and to get free attention with), domestically abuse, and then discard when things gets stale, sometimes with an unwanted child. Sometimes, the men even leech money off them or their parents until they're dry. I kind of feel bad for them, but they're usually so hateful to other women and
abusive (or neglectful) to any mixed kids they have that it fades away quickly.
But more to the point, all you can do is take certain people's obsession with skinwalking (their shallow idea of) women like you while simultaneously attacking you as what it actually is: a compliment and a self-report. If you were so ugly, there'd be nothing to imitate. I kind of wish pickmes would fuck off and everyone would just enjoy whatever music/aesthetic/hair they want from a "pure" standpoint (eg because they just like it) with no ulterior motive, but that probably won't happen.
No. 1781768
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>>1781766And Winter has been pretending to be black for years and still cant prove which parent is black lol
No. 1781772
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>>1781749There are so many examples, do you live under a rock anon?
No. 1781775
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>>1781768There are so many random women on IG and TikTok who try to look like sexualized black women for male attention
No. 1781778
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>>1781775I know anons probably baiting but yeah it’s a thing lol
No. 1781798
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>>1781790Nta when I went to hip hop clubs in Tokyo I saw a lot of girls black fishing
No. 1781802
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>>1781799There a different subcultures within gyaru
No. 1781808
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>>1781798They also exist in Korea
No. 1781813
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>>1781808Black fishers intrigue me lol
No. 1781832
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Nta but…
>black fishers don’t exist
Be for serious with your bait kek
No. 1781833
>>1781794I hate how performative "funny" men are and how they always have to be the center of attention. I hate how in their stories everyone seems to the same sort of low functioning drug using sociopath with zero impulse control. I hate how in their stories all the characters just seem like the funny man wearing a different hat. I hate when I'm ordering coffee in the morning and some 50 year old man is trying to do the "funny man routine" of some lame story holding up the line for five minutes.
Half of being cool in my opinion is making the other person feel cool. I like men and people that sort of like, involve you and care about your interests too, and make witty observations about relatable things. Someone that tries to be funny isn't really interested in you, but interested in you liking them.
No. 1781837
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>>1781783I don't really know why they'd even try to bait about it. It's something so common it can't be denied. It'd be like saying "Weeaboos and koreaboos don't really exist, no one desires or respects asian women, I've never seen it, hmph"? Like please kek
I posted the wrong pic at first but it was slightly on-topic regardless, lmao No. 1781839
File: 1700594689042.jpeg (13.56 KB, 168x300, 366D7350-F91C-4808-B854-06A7F5…)

>>1781835This is her before she started black fishing. Her bf is black too.
No. 1781845
>>1781367So what you mean is women aren't allowed to be funny.
Saying just "women aren't funny" insinuates that women inherently don't have the capability to be funny, which is a different thing entirely.
No. 1781857
>>1781843You're so upset you're double-replying, just because we're saying pickmeism for interracial relationship purposes is cringe. Moids are a trip.
No. 1781860
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>>1781839I feel like woman who chase beauty standards are always chasing something they're not. My straight haired friends want curls, my curly haired friends want to have pin straight hair, thin girls want to be curvy, curvy girls want to be fit, on and on and none of them ever win or are ever happy.
No. 1781884
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My favorite blackfisher is Martina Big. What a fascinating specimen.
No. 1781898
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>>1781367I think women are absolutely funny but aren't often "allowed" to be funny because they get shat on if they're too edgy or something. like>>1781622 said. A lot of men who are regarded as "funny" are able to make sexist, racist, homophobic jokes and get away with it and even get people defending them. Take newgrounds animators who have a history of doing this and all of them are exclusively male. If a women were to do this she would immediately get hate or pinned as a pick me because women are supposed to be nice and are expected to be allies or whatever.That's honestly why I love women like Dogisaga. She obviously unwell and a racist troon edge lord but her comics make me and even my male friends laugh all the time. But obviously she's not for everybody.
Also this is to imply that all men are funny but that isn't the case either. There are plenty of unfunny men that get shit on for being unfunny but of course not because they're unfunny
men No. 1781925
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>>1781893>>1781846The thing is, it pretty much is accepted. Legally, no one can stop anyone from changing their skintone, hair, face or body. Look at some celebrities, models, etc. Mainstream beauty standards aren't really that focused on being white anymore, and that means inspiration can come from anywhere. People like what looks "exotic", and that can mean looking more brown, black, Asian, or just ethnically ambiguous.
I'm honestly fine with it if they're just presenting how they like. The problem is when the people who do those things bash women who naturally look like that out of bitterness or weird racism, when they do it for a fetish or when they lie about their actual race. That's when it gets deranged and tranny-ish (and sometimes it's literally just trannies, lmao).
No. 1781968
>>1781881>>1781906Socialization is more important than genes in this context IMO. Being born a particular race in a time/place affects your life experiences and how people treat you majorly. The same way a man can never have the female experience, two women of different races will, more often than not, have different experiences in life precisly because of their race. There's
some crossover when you get into things like class, religion and specific cultures, but I don't really think it's truly interchangeable.
All races of women obviously share female experience/socialization, but experences/socialization to do with race are just something you grow up with and that mark how you live life.
No. 1782006
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>>1781950>>1781925Reminds me of the "female masking communities" that's a man-made horror beyond comprehension
No. 1782101
>>1782029I've always thought similarly. Men make better stand up comedians because they have that class clown insinct to loudly and proudly make a fool of themselves, typically in crass and rude ways. Women cannot get away with that and probably don't want to in the first place, we don't get much positive reinforcement for drawing attention to ourselves in the first place.
Women are particularly funny a) with their friends and b) in writing. The people I laugh at most in person and online reading blogs etc have always been my besties and just random girls on tumblr or whatever. Actually, I think it's significant that the majority of humour on tumblr is found in the tags- that's women wanting to tell jokes, but not wanting to 'impose' it on other people. Leaving it in the tags is unobtrusive and unassuming, if people laugh that's great but if they find it unfunny it won't be an annoyance. Men would never have that sort of subconscious consideration or insecurity.
No. 1782147
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>>1782139>I have actually been posted a shit ton of times in the caps threaddo tell us about which jokes you made.
No. 1782164
>>1782132I didn’t call you a pick me lol but comparing about this is pointless unless of course you can give an example of what is funny to
You, the floor is yours anon
No. 1782224
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I didn’t find happy tree friends funny. I actually found the characters cute and was very disturbed when they would die graphic deaths. I’m not easily disturbed at all but for some reason I couldn’t handle that show kek
I was so confused when my bestie at the time showed it to me in middle school and was laughing at it.
No. 1782226
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>>1782206>humblebrags about being soooo funny in a caps thread>acts like the CEO of comedy over a fucking imageboard>gets asked to provide some examples>gets defensive>"newfag!"Is this the part where we start throwing tomatoes?
No. 1782294
>>1782267Oh wait, so you admit that you're unfunny, yet you believe you have a good comedic compass to judge humor on an imageboard? But hey, it's
your opinion.
No. 1782318
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>>1782315i made 1(one) beautiful woman smile, and that's enough for me. I am not a greedy bastard.
No. 1782319
>>1782295Making random jabs at US healthcare is something Mikan (who grew up in Sweden) does while simultaneously reeeeing about how the USA made Kurds lose their country or some shit. I always found that pretty tone-deaf since she never lived in Iraq and always benefited from Swedish healthcare. People can't help where they are born and shitting on those in poverty, whether they are without money, insurance, infrastructure, education, or whatever… it's pretty fucked up. People born in repressive regimes or fucked up cultures also struggle to escape their situations.
I guess I think everyone should have the right to vital medical care without fear of debt and so mocking the corrupt system in the US (or places like NK, China, where bribes & party status matter, etc.) is basically mocking people who are dying. It's beyond cruel, the people who can change corrupt systems are the same ones who benefit from the corruption. Not poor people.
No. 1782348
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>>1782224when I was in middle school I stumbled upon a happy tree friends flash game and it looked super cute based on the thumbnail. I didn't expect it to get super gorey. It was so upsetting to see cute animals die horrifically
No. 1782355
>>1782337Holy fuck yes. Gotta wonder if there are going to be any more legal suits about it, because surely charging for scraped content is at a bare minimum grey territory regarding copyright. They have the defense of transformative protection
if they're not profiting off it. Otherwise they're going to have to minimise their datasets to noncommercial works (but of course that's why they've scraped AO3 and the like. Enjoy your omegaverse I guess).
>>1782349It's gimmicky. I don't even think people are ever going to care about malicious content or people being made dumber; the only outcome where it loses its lustre is because it's not seen as cool anymore. Basically we need to oppress retards who use it as much as possible
No. 1782390
>>1782377There’s a reason why so many celebrities end up in rehab or have public mental breakdowns.
>>1782387Only a narcissist would want to be “worshipped” by other people.
No. 1782397
>>1782101Women absolutely can be class clowns, at my school we had several. It’s amazing what an all girls environment does for your inhibitions.
So I think even that is environment not instinct.
No. 1782443
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Boxed macaroni and cheese sucks and im tired of pretending it doesn’t
No. 1782529
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>>1782477There are probably hundreds of child rapists in Hollywood. At least.
No. 1782593
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Women should be able to self infantilize all they want. I’m tired of seeing people teach girls as young as 5 to be miniature women and therefore they can’t play or enjoy their childhood. I’m tired of hearing 13 year old girls be told to sit down and shut up while boys could do whatever and not have responsibilities like cooking, cleaning, or taking care of younger children. Being told that you can’t wear certain things or act a certain way because of how your family and men would perceive you while you’re barely old enough to understand what they mean. No wonder there’s so many women memeing themselves into DDLG shit or scrambling at any dopamine they could get from enjoying/consooming childish hobbies. It’s fucked how men can act like retards their whole lives and not get shit on but women have to LEARN how to enjoy their time and themselves without worrying about scrutiny.
No. 1782611
>>1781295It's more
>They're disproportionately the begpackers that come here and pile into our soup kitchens and take free meals, and collect our welfare, all the while passing it off as some bohemian thing.This aspect that's made a lot of people come to see them with more contempt. There's a banana that stretches from Norway to Holland that's the begpacker land of origin, and Swedes and Danes are especially prone to being begpackers.
They travel down SEA begpacking their way with their savings, and then when they arrive here they go to our social welfare system and say "We're stranded in the country, we ran out of money, please help!" to stretch their begpack from two months to three, and then get free meals from a soup kitchen. In a country much poorer than their own. People criticize begpackers for what they do in SEA, not realizing they -literally- collect other countries social welfare by lying about circumstances. Often times they'll collect welfare from their own country on top of it too. And many of them lack the common sense to keep this to themselves, they will literally bring it up at parties or when they've bludged a couch as if it's just a casual thing people do.
But also as another anon said, normal people in touristy areas have begun starting to notice the sensitivity they have to commentary about their own country. They'll start bleating on about other countries and what their faults are, but if people just repeat, say, the not too exaggerated reports of no-go zones, Swedes will look like deer struck by headlights. They'll stare blankly, or their eyes will dart to the side, and go "where did you hear that from?…That doesn't seem right?…Are you sure that's true?". They literally do not know how to properly handle anyone not thinking they're the greatest blessing on earth.
No. 1782633
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>>1782529Sam Levinson is 100% a pedophile, he's obsessed with sexualizing teenage girls and underage troons, but he tries to make it seem "woke" and empowering, which is the most nefarious part.
No. 1782709
>>1781367In my west slav country and around us we don't have the stereotype of women not being as funny as men and I always feel like it's totally self-imposed in western countries. We always had same amount of male and female comedians, comedy actors or talk show hosts. Stand up is newer here and it's the only comedy discipline that has more males but it's usually done in English and from immigrant burgers and let me tell you it's cringe as hell, mostly about sex and no one really likes it.
Women are known to have smarter jokes and men more crass ones but never have I heard someone say women aren't funny. I think it's self-imposed in west as in if you're told women aren't funny people just stop finding them funny and you stop making jokes.
>>1782704I think not being mentally obsessed with violence and coom is neat too
No. 1782768
>>1782758I mean the tell between new money and old
money has always been simplicity and subtlety. I agree when it comes to ceos wearing retarded techwear just to flex about not having to care
No. 1782776
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>>1782768I guess it's weird now considering poorfags and new money celebs are also trying to get the quiet wealth vibe, but it's very sad IMO. Especially since it leaks over into their houses. I cant imagine being able to afford any bedroom I want and just have it be blank and beige everything. Even "old money" people like actual princesses and stuff wear something other than the most boring overpriced Walmart pieces.
This world is becoming so boring and there's zero creativity anymore. The minimalism is making everything so depressing
No. 1782854
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>>1782776Every other interior design style being shilled these days looks like an iteration of that. The IKEA-core doctor's waiting room social media faux bougie aesthetic is so boring. It makes houses or apartments look like they are straight out of a generic house ad. I know some people choose to keep this style because it makes it easier to sell or rent and doesn't require much maintenance. It's not hideous but it's sterile and devoid of any semblance of color which makes living quarters look empty. From looking at the images in many articles about the joys of minimalism, it appears that the only touch of color allowed is a plant.
No. 1782856
>>1782854How do you even relax in this space? It looks unsettling.
>>1782810KEK true it also looks like an undecorated egyptian tomb made out of sand
No. 1782870
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MUAs really need to stop the obsession with bronzer, just let pale people be damn. I was going to attend an event and my cousin hired an American MUA, now I look like a damn orange, she also wanted me to go strawberry blonde even though my hair is pitch black and it would wash me out. What's the obsession with warm colors? Beige, brown, etc, it's always the same damn pallette.
And don't get me started on how transformative and aging makeup techniques are nowadays. No, not everyone suits big ass eyebrows nor big eyelashes, no I don't want tranny-tier contouring I like my round shape, no don't use dark colors on me I look like a panda with smokey eyes and it ages me. Just stooop
No. 1782890
>>1782858 so does that mean the next “rich” style is going to be whatever the poors are casting away?
>>1782870 I know, why is everything so orange? It’s not just the bronzer either, but so many YouTube MUAs use bronzer to contour. And sure, do that if it suits you, but I’m not a bronzed youtube mua living in L.A. , and neither are a lot of the girls learning how to put on makeup watching those videos. So they think they need a bronzer to contour, as is evidenced by all these muddy looking cool toned faces on the tiktok. Or they think bronzer and contour are the same thing. Contouring is essentially defining the shadows of your face to make certain features stand out more. Bronzer can be used to do that, but if you have cool toned skin, your contour should be too.
No. 1782935
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>>1782870Saw this picture and it reminded me of your post kek. 2000 vs 2023
No. 1783036
>>1783033What does that have to do with anything? When were personal relationships brought into this? Great for you that you can be so blissfully ignorant but the people I have personal relationships
have experienced awful shit at the hands of men using the self-id bill so it very much is a part of my life outside of the internet.
No. 1783047
>>1783036You called the anon who said
>TERFing out in public is only going to hurt you anywaya retard, that's what I was responding to.
>>1783039Yes it's fucking awful, but for most people being in a community and having friends is more important than social justice.
No. 1783059
>>1783052Of course not, I just meant those are the reasons many women do not talk about being a
TERF / gc in public.
No. 1783205
>>1783012I feel like trannyism is a self-solving problem. It's a social contagion that hasn't been around long enough for there to be many reports of the end results yet.
From what we know of the majority of older trannies, transitioning them did nothing to help their mental illness except now they have physical ailments from surgeries, hormones, and sterilization. Also regret. Tons and tons of fucking regret from letting quack doctors experiment on them.
Therefore I don't think an average woman should put herself at the risk of being put in physical danger or socially ostracized just to vocally disagree with troons. The movement will fall apart in good time.
No. 1783257
>>1783235Whatever. You're not anything special, and you have no actual idea how "stupid, cowardly" or whatever anyone else is here just because they don't spend every second of the day thinking about how much they hate trannies. You're just another imageboard user like everyone else in this thread so
you shut the fuck up.
No. 1783262
>>1783257No bitch, I don't spend every second of every day thinking about trannies, I just go out and
actually engage with my community because people I know and care about have been directly impacted. You are dumb, ignorant cunt and none of the lies you tell me about what my life is will change that you are a coward and couldn't give less of a fuck about other women and children.