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No. 1776699
Let your heart out.
Try not to devour.Previous:
>>>/ot/1765626 No. 1776711
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>be me
>avoid using the puter for months and start being a filthy phoneposter
>get on puter, works fine. Even better than the phone
>I should do a system update and bring everything else up to date too
>everything works fine, now the system update
>puter doesn't turn on anymore
>try to repair it and fail
>check store policy regarding warranty and see that yesterday was the last day
This is karma.
No. 1776728
>>1776704When I left my ex he told me I have no real friends except for men who want to fuck me. Btw I have female friends and I am straight.
He's the one who had no real friends except for his exes.
Men's accusations are their confessions.
No. 1776736
>>1776732I already responded to you here
>>1776731You must have narcissistic personality disorder if you’re so offended by my post about a narcissist
No. 1776756
>>1776725Aging isn't a conspiracy theory, its our reality. If that
triggers you, you might want to do some soulsearching before its too late.
No. 1776894
Who knew venting about getting a year older would create bait posts, copy pasta, and infighting kek. I guess that’s lolcow.
>>1776732Agree. It’s inevitable that some women have that fear when you see it being perpetuated in society. Although that lengthy one sounded a lot like bait, using “females” interchangeably with women. And calling everyone disgusting? I’m a lot harsher with myself, I’m not judging anyone else’s appearance and don’t care.
No. 1776906
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Almost one month sober. Longest I've gone without booze for a while. It's a bittersweet feeling.
No. 1777177
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I'm writing this shitty fanfic and I'm afraid of posting it because I know it's awful. I mean I'm in my mid 20s and it reads like a 14 year old wrote it. I had fun writing it but it doesn't change the fact that it's so bad. A part of me just wants to say fuck it and post it… I just wish I could be cringe in peace…
No. 1777203
My partner is gonna ruin my history as a renter.
We recently moved into a new town due to work, and as you can expect, we had trouble renting since we didn't know anyone in the city.
We managed to snag a good place that was a little behind on management, but for the price was good. The landlords are an old couple that retired and couldn't take care of the house,so I kinda feel like we have to really take care of the house for them.
The faucet is leaky, the doorknobs are old and don't work properly, the paint is falling from the walls, but I don't mind cause I actually know how to repair all that and I kinda like it, since I grew in a farm and spent all my time doing similar stuff.
The first week we spent here, she got locked in a room because the doorknob was broken, so she kicked it until it gave out. I had to repair that door later. She also dumped soda on the bed by accident, and I had to clean that too.
Then she forgot her keys and got locked out, and had to break a window to get in, because she "didn't want to bother calling the landlords". That's a window that I don't have the skills to repair, and will have to hire someone to do.
Last day she was running down the stairs and fell down. She didn't hurt herself badly, cause she actually grabbed onto a buffet table that was on the landing of the stairs. But she ended up shoving said table down the stairs and now is completely wrecked.
From the looks of it, it was kinda old, don't know how much.
I really don't know what to do, I love her and I am worried about her falling down, but if she keeps wrecking this house we're gonna get kicked out, and god knows who would aceppt us and renters with this history.
I don't even understand how she doesn't get the same stress of living on edge knowing this is someone else's house.
I don't think I have the money to replace all this, and I don't know how to tell my landlord this. I can argue that the table was an accident and we're lucky she wasn't injured, but the window?
I'm so stressed over this I don't know what to do.
No. 1777448
>>1777413I was gonna say so was I until I stopped being a lazy fuck but I thought hey, I'll keep that for if he continues to nag me.
>>1777444I hope not but just to be safe if he does start this kind of messaging up again I'll just send him that Lizzo song about juice
No. 1777454
>>1777411Encourage him to hit the gym or running trail, ignore his simping and be real with him, be brutal, ignore that he complimented you because why should you care anyway
God that’s so annoying though, I’m sorry.
No. 1777514
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I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, ADHD, and autism and my father is bipolar. I think I was misdiagnosed but I don’t want to sound like one of those Tik Tok tweens who think that they have DID because of the internet and my therapist has been hesitant to diagnose me with anything else because she “doesn’t like labels” and I’m young.
I go through periods where I experience hallucinations (usually auditory hallucinations like people calling my name when there’s no one around, or hearing voices overlap like static) or have paranoid delusions (for instance, I fully believed that my friend was wiretapping me and recording our conversations so he could use them to blackmail me in the future even though I had no evidence that she was doing this and I only realized that this was a delusion months after the fact). I also have massive identity issues and I change my appearance drastically very often. This manifests itself as varying degrees of gender dysphoria. There are times when I’m ok with my biological sex or even want to look more feminine, and other times when I want to rip my skin off because my dysphoria is so debilitating. My social anxiety has gotten to the point where I’m practically a hermit, but I’m only socially anxious around certain groups of people (for example, I don’t have a fear of old people but I will legitimately have an anxiety attack if I have to walk by a group of teenagers). I rarely dream but when I do they’re usually nightmares that involve being humiliated in some way (either being sexually harassed or being emasculated and reminded that I will never be a man). I start disassociating every time I try to get intimate with someone. This may be related to my dysphoria or maybe it’s just because I’m fucked up from losing my virginity when I was 11. Every time I wake up it feels like my brain vomits out every single bad memory I have and I start mulling over them in my mind constantly to the point where I can’t focus on anything.
I’ve been in talk therapy since I was 7 and taken various different SSRIs but none of them helped (Prozac was the first one they had me on and it helped briefly until it suddenly stopped working and nothing ever helped again). At this point I think EMDR and psychedelics are my only hope but I can’t find a plug
No. 1777552
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Sexual abstinence is driving me crazy. I crave someone's touch so badly, I can't take it anymore.
No. 1777559
>>1777546Literally every single relationship I've been in has been the same.
He's not currently looking at it but I know he wants to.
Everything is perfection outside of this which is why I'm staying with him.
I uses to think there were men out there that don't do that shit but I honestly no longer believe it. If it's not porn its thirst traps or women in real-life.
Makes me want to pull my hair out
No. 1777648
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Anyone else believe in the primal scream? I have so much internal anger, hurt, grief and turmoil but I live such a normie life and one of my few good traits is no matter how I’m feeling I’m always ready to laugh and smile at home and at work. I need an abyss to yell into but I live in the city.
No. 1777650
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In one of my university courses I missed a single quiz and now my final grade is automatically tanked. I had close to 100% before but now the best case scenario is barely getting a B- if I get 100% on the remaining material, which is unrealistic with several large projects coming up. No matter what I do my grade is ruined,
There's no chance at a make-up quiz or anything either because they outline in red text that they only allow exceptions for documented emergencies and to not bother asking. this is so frustrating, I forgot something 1 time and now the last several months' perfect work is completely trashed. I'm so sick of uni, it's just a repetitive cycle of being isolated while slogging through work I don't want to do.
No. 1777701
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I just had a phisical altercation with my mother, she randomly started screaming at me, making fun of me, insulting me and i kept asking what was happening with her, because she was acting normal today, and i told her we were talking normally earlier on the day and she said we weren't?? I pushed her and she tried to throw some shit at my face and my sister got in the way. Idk what to do in here, i try really hard to love my family but i'd rather be in a better place because i fucking hate this poor ass place and my sometimes normal sometimes off puttingly agressive, autoritharian, seemingly mentally ill, never trying to get better mother.
I've cried so much, so fucking much, i feel so much…emotion so much anger and sadness all at the same time i wish i could beat her to death or something
I want to leave but i'm poor and have no job, no bf, no friends who i could live with, everything sucks, i need to get out and i can't
No. 1777833
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I’ve been very emotional and mean to myself today. I’m not sure if something hormonal is going on but it’s fucking me up. I was having such a great week too and then this happens? Why does my brain decide to overthink everything right now???
No. 1777843
>>1777708Wtf I'm so sorry about your friend that's awful. No student should be getting so stressed that it strains her body like that, I hope she is doing better now
I'm thinking that I'll write an email and just own up that I missed it, I really don't have a cool reason besides forgetting so I don't think it'd reflect well if I grasped for excuses. Maybe if I go on about taking responsibility and vowing to be more diligent in the future it'd soften his stance. I'm considering asking for extra credit opportunities instead to beat around the "NOBODY CAN RETAKE QUIZZES UNLESS YOU'RE LITERALLY DYING" thing, any amount of salvaging would help and it'd be his call if he decided it's easier to just offer to let me retake
No. 1778182
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>guy does me a massive favor by helping me pack and escape an abuser
>I like him, he loves me, but he's honestly beneath me on many levels and we don't have a future together
>play along because he's fun and the sex is not bad
>also he is my employee
>he calls in the return favor
>his truck is a pos and he is broke
>I have to drive him 9 hours one way for the holidays in what could shape out to be in precarious winter weather
>he wants me to meet his parents for holiday
>his parents promise me a hotel to stay, at least
>jk they reneged on the hotel and apparently his mother doesn't allow him or guests to stay at her house
>his solution is a 24hr larp event where we can "camp" in the fucking winter
>says we are staying in a tent
>tell him fuck no, already pissed his parents lied to get me to agree
>says he got a cabin space with heat
>running water?
>it's at the camp facility
>I don't even have proper larp gear so I will look lame af if the 24hr aspect doesn't make me mentally snap first
And btw yeah I feel I really do owe this guy because my abuser situation was BAD. I hate that it's so far away.
No. 1778197
>>1778185Yeah that's true. I'm gonna see if I can get some drugs from my dealer.
This situation will require some drugs.
No. 1778359
>>1778136Autistic? She's exhibiting violent, antisocial behaviors.
Your parents are idiotic enablers and don't care enough about how this shit impacts you.
No. 1778382
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I wish I could turn back time. I should have stayed home, I should have known better. What a mess. Wanna disappear and die.
No. 1778673
>>1778499Yeah, call them and say, "Hello, I'm interested in making an appointment. I was sent some forms to fill out from a previous referral but my mental health was in a bad place so it never got completed. What's your availability?"
They might be a little annoyed but they're not going to give you shit about it, this kinda things happens constantly with clients.
No. 1778690
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the threads i like are dying and the threads i hate are thriving…i don't know where else to go. everywhere is so fucking awful now. i wish oldmin closed down the site like she promised
No. 1778758
>>1778695for dying, some threads in /g/ but thinking it over it was always slow. i should've said 'different' maybe. like the 2d and 3d husbando threads. i used to like them but they feel emptier now i dont know why. and while the various x attractions threads are active the feel of it is so rancid now.
same with dumbass shit in /ot/, used to be my favorite but it's so bitter lately and in the thread before that too that i'm starting to hate it. the one /ot/ thread i like is too controversial to say you know the one. every other thread besides like one or two is just bickering. it's one thing if it were just a few threads but the whole site feels tainted, like on every board not just one. it's making me miserable but i can't leave. i just want somewhere to relax. can't even relax irl because of the people i'm surrounded by.
No. 1778852
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I have some shitty fried yellow hair ends I've been trying to grow out for YEARS but my hair just barely grows. It's shoulder-length right now and the bottom half looks horrendous. I'd have to go with something super short and layered to get rid of all the ugly dead hair and I don't trust hairdressers or myself to do it well. I am about to shave my head
No. 1778877
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Oh my god. Oh my god. I left my locket with a picture of my husbando in it in the bathroom I think someone saw it oh my god im gonna kill myslef why do i have to be retarded in this way . Fuck. This is so embarrassing. My heart is actually racing i hate myself wtf
No. 1779021
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I can never have my old life back and it hurts so much.
I just want my brother in law to be alive and for my sister to live two hours away and to live in the state I grew up in and love dearly, where all my friends, my support system, and my memories are. I had to move to a new state to support my sister and I made that choice but I’m so homesick it physically aches.
I feel like I’ll never be truly happy again, or as happy as I was until last year. I’m already 33, I’m afraid live just doesn’t get any better and it’s now just a long drag. I have no ambition or hope for the future. I’ve even lost all my creativity and ability to draw and write.
Sorry, watching all my friends back home have Friendsgiving without me hit me so fucking hard. I’ve been crying out of jealously. I want to be there so badly, not hanging out with my sisters moid friends.
No. 1779080
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It's fucking over fuck's sake this is moids' fault as always. God they don't deserve rights.
No. 1779231
>>1779187Yes we've talked about it.
He has pulled back alot of those behaviors so I wouldnt be upset.
I dont think either of us will understand the others side.
No. 1779285
>>1779273Get a visa gift card with almost nothing on it for free trials
Also call and dispute the charge with your bank or card issuer
No. 1779314
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I found out that I weigh 66kg. I'm only 1,50.
No. 1779357
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I want to treat myself to a good cry but I think something is wrong with me. I've just been through a very painful loss that would have sent me spiralling when I was younger. In my late teens/ early twenties I used to be able to feel deeply, grieve and let things out etc. But these days I maybe get upset for 20 seconds then feel nothing. Is this a product of being older and being more practical minded? I have a job to do, I can't just wallow. Or is it years of opiate addiction (I had an accident years ago) calcifying some neural center.
No. 1779361
nonnie, been doing sober november. i want to smoke weed so bad lol. we got this! proud of you!
No. 1779435
>>1778725make and model? and did you do a tune-up at 100K? a lot of cars need the timing belt/chain redone at that mileage. I assume you've done the basics, like making sure that whoever changes your oil is changing the filter every time.
Depending on the condition you might be able to trade it in for part of the cost of a new one, too. I'm lucky I have gay mechanic friends who are teaching me their knowledge, but honestly I'm sick of this stuff being the domain of males, we need to get together, watch some YouTube vids, learn by doing.
No. 1779521
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I worry the youngest daughter of a man I heavily despise may attempt suicide later as she grows older. He's divorced and favors the older daughter because she likes the same stuff as him (anime particularly One Piece, possibly DnD but I think she fakes it to please him, the Office, etc). He says the younger daughter "doesn't like anything" but she loves horses, stuffed animals, gymnastics, etc. Anyways he talks to his oldest as if he's a teenager too. They (him and eldest) got on the subject of Harry Potter and which house they all get in. They decide they would be Hufflepuffs and the younger sister would be Slytherin because "she'd do anything to get into the Olympics". This infuriated me because he puts pressure on them to succeed and gets pissy if they break a "promise" even if his daughter made this "promise" at 3 although he isn't as hard on his eldest because like any kid/teen, she changes her mind on what she wants to be which is normal and he's fine with this but harps on the youngest. I worry so much because the sisters don't really get along and him playing favorites really pisses me off. I hope I'm wrong and she instead tells to fuck off and walks away when she turns 18.
No. 1779613
Months of no contact, and now we're in the same group server… Having mutual friends is a curse; there was some drama in the old server, so everyone's migrated here and he's also in there. A lot of time has passed since we agreed to cut ties, but now's not the time for this to happen (or ever, tbh). When he joined voice chat and started to speak, I felt so anxious and kept quiet. He was drunk and mumbled something about therapy before dipping. I don't know why he brought it up, and he sounded super off. It just felt weird because we amicably ended the friendship because we'd had an emotional affair, he still had feelings for me but needed to fix his marriage and get individual help. So, IMO, if he's still in therapy for his issues, being anywhere near me is bad and joining the VC was especially fucked.
Gonna talk to my therapist about this mess in my next appointment, jfc.
No. 1779627
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i got signed up for an experiment against my will when i was a child it seemed to be a good idea but my whole adolescence was spent on this bullshit i did not even get paid for and not even sure if it is over yet. how were my parents convinced to let me go through this shit? i almost died several times. for a while i cried myself to sleep every night. i never seemed to have genuine friends, did not know how to make any, and all my boyfriends were setups. when i think of starting a family, it's like i have nothing to base it on. retarded and sociopathic relatives. no wealth. negligible savings. last time i stood up against this bullshit i was told it's over but there is no money left for me and i should leave them alone then. fuck this, pay me.
No. 1779636
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I am genuinely sick from anxiety like literally everyday and it's getting really fucking infuriating. I had a job interview a week ago for a job I'm really excited for, they asked for my references, gave me a time frame and everything and were meant to give me an update today but no update or rejection or anything. I'm being insanely impatient right now but I just can't deal with the anticipation/anxiety any more. I can't sleep because of how stressed out I am about it, even if I get closure in being rejected I'll probably still feel like shit, but at least it would be a bandaid getting ripped off.
I'm just such a nervous wreck that I find it hard to even sleep more than 2-3 hours a night whilst I'm working because I'm so paranoid about work the next day. I can't even enjoy being a NEET because of how paranoid and anxious I am about everything in my life right now, which is the most infuriating part. I have another job interview tomorrow for a job that sucks but will give me an income which is also compounding on existing anxiety. I don't even see an end to this constant stress and anxiety and I feel like just offing myself so I don't have to deal with it. Obviously I was never built for being a real person.
No. 1779698
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Having flashbacks to stupid assholes I've been around. I really wish I had told more people to fuck off many years ago. High chance all of them are just as unpleasant and miserable now as they were back then, so whatever. The worst were males in online communities, so some may even have roped.
No. 1779718
I’ve been depressed lately because of other reasons but it keeps getting so much worse. I hate being who I am and I hate my situation and circumstances and my birth and I hate being a woman. I keep thinking if only I wasn’t born at all, which is something I thought for all my life anyway. But I keep getting more unstable. More fucking unstable and I feel like I want to stab myself or gouge out my eyes or hurt myself physically because that’s the only thing that would make sense for me to do. I’m just a defect, and everything about me is defective, and it’s useless to try. And I hate everybody for telling me that I should try. Because I fucking tried and it made me discover that some people just weren’t meant for this life, and one of those people are me. I remember everybody telling me I was worthless, and ugly, that I looked deformed, and sounded deformed, that girls don’t look or act like me anyway and I spent nearly all my life isolated and alone. But nooooo you have to try!!!!!!! Well I fucking did and I discovered that I shouldn’t have because I was better off not knowing. I thought maybe if I tried to become pretty I would have friends and be lovable. I thought if I fixed my hair and fixed my teeth my body dysmorphia would go away and I’d finally be normal and my own family would stop mocking me for how I look and act and sound and how I’m not fucking enough, so I went to the gym, I got laser, I got braces, I spent hundreds of dollars. None of these things worked; the braces retracted my upper jaw and ruined my lip and my side profile looks deformed and I got even uglier; I discovered that I only lose weight from my bust; and I still didn’t do anything worthwhile. I wish people weren’t so cruel to me when I was a little girl. I wish my own family didn’t allow it and enable it because now I feel the only thing I’m worthy of is death. I wish people didn’t fuck all your worth in how you looked as a woman because I put so much importance on it and it backfired. I just want to set my face on fire. Everything hurts, talking to people hurts because it reminds me they can perceive me and I’m still alive, walking through the streets hurts because people dodge me and it reminds of my physicality and of the fact I’m still alive, even having people look at me in eye feels so fucking draining. And this isn’t new, I’ve always felt like this, always felt worthless, but now it’s so a bit worse because with the weight and braces my body dysmorphia is awful and it’s like I can’t tell what I am anymore
No. 1779759
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I'm mad at life rn. Had to take a blood test because my body has been acting weird, I usually wouldn't mind but fucking hell Christmas is just around the corner and I don't want to get told I've some crazy shit in holidays, I'm so so pissed. Why couldn't it be on July or something? I don't want to hear I'm fucking diabetic right before the season know for its food and candies it's almost here, I'm so mad I don't even want to hear about the results, I feel like a freak why can't my body act right? Boohoo insulin boo hoo glucose levels STFU I don't want to hear about it no more reeeeee. Fuck my grandpa bitch why did you reproduce knowing damn well you were diabetic??? Fuck everything and everyone
No. 1779771
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in today's episode of 'why do moids (…)?', why can't grown moids take care of their personal hygiene? are they extremely unself-aware, don't they have any pride or self-respect? this forty something years old guy has been attending one of my class and everytime he opens his mouth, even if i'm across the room, i feel like picrel. i wish i was exagerating but i've never met someone like that, even homeless people don't make my head turn every time they talk like that.
i almost felt bad to be that bugged about it but last time, almost as if he knew i was insulted by his ghastly body odors, he pulled out a tupperware of some kind of curry made with seemingly exclusively onions, then came back to class without even a sip of water, foodbits in the teeth and everything. i have kept all that to myself because even though this adult moid has no excuses to not brush his teeth in the morning or atleast chew some gum, it feels wrong to tell that to someone and not to his face first. now i really need to vent because at this point i make sure i'm the last one to come into the classroom so i can make sure i'm sitted as far away from him as i can. i would have never thought i'd be in such a situation, i grew up near farms and litteral cow shit but this is too much. has anyone ever had an experience like that with someone that had an unbearable breath?
No. 1779823
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bf went on a business trip and i was too sick to pick out what i wanted from the grocery delivery he did for me while when he arrived to the other country. i wont complain since he got me a bunch of good and healthy stuff but i just started my period and i want something sweet
No. 1780020
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I just realized yesterday the reason it is so hard to make friends is because people literally think you can't have friends if you also have a boyfriend/girlfriend; and pretty much every girl my age has a boyfriend. The reasoning this girl gave me is that her boyfriend will feel left out if she hangs out with coworkers. Even though she's also said every weekend he starts partying and drinking at like 7 PM every Friday and Saturday. My other coworker is male and berated me for assuming he hangs out with people, as he has 7 siblings at home, so that negates any reasoning for also having friends. Plus he can't hang out with coworkers as his girlfriend who lives in another state would feel left out. I asked if she hangs out with people, he said 'no' (yeah right). What the fuck? Is this normal? I've never seen this behavior before and they acted like it's universal to date someone and then throw away all friendships for one person. God forbid your significant other feels left out because you hung out with friends, who cares? Especially for women; you're just never going to have girl friends to talk to and relate with because your boyfriend might feel sad? What is going on? So basically I can't be friends with girls who have boyfriends. The only girl who doesn't have a boyfriend just said the other day that she wants to slit a girl's throat because her crush dated another girl instead of her, even though she "did all the emotional labor and can't even reap the rewards" what the fuck is going on around me? No wonder I can't make friends, everyone is already taken by a boyfriend. And you know you can't have both!
No. 1780048
>>1780020This is something that's happened to me since high school and why getting a social life in my 20s-almost 30s has been so hard. I knew the moment one of my friends gets a boyfriend, I won't see or talk to her again unless they broke up and she needed someone to talk to. It's actually unhealthy, I wouldn't be surprised if this has trapped people into unhealthy/
abusive relationships to staying. One friend-of-a-friend broke up with her long time boyfriend and she has no social life now.
No. 1780094
>>1779982I was always nice and acted chatty, I used to be the one to start conversations but no one ever did the same back. Eventually I took this as a sign that I wasn't really appreaciated and I was even annoying so I stopped. People thought I was just a retard.
Now I'm so far removed from social life that I have no idea how to make friends. Everyone's already involved in their own support group, and you can't just go around the street or to stores to talk to strangers. I live in a shithole so there aren't irl social activities I can do or afford.
No. 1780123
>>1780094It sounds like you put in a lot of effort but it wasn't reciprocated, which sucks because it sounds like you really tried. You know your area far better than I, but is it the type of shithole where it's just garbage to live there, or shithole because it's remote?
>>1780114NTA, but I agree with her. USA culture revolves around the family unit, and so women prioritize boyfriend attention above all other bonds. Women with a husband and children who routinely make time for female friends are more the exception than the norm.
No. 1780135
>>1780048>>1780020You guys have bad and immature friends. The only time I didn't hang out with my friends while dating was when I was dating an
abusive scrote. Outside of that, it's not that hard to balance romantic and platonic relationships. Some people just put all their eggs in one basket.
No. 1780157
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I haven't watched anime in over 10 years, but small random jujutsu kaisen reels were popping up on my feed and they were pretty wholesome and mostly about these two retards, so I decided to start watching. I didn't really read anything beforehand and just went in blind thinking it would be a little funny, wholesome anime but no. Lesson fucking learned.
No. 1780162
Looks like I won’t be getting a job anytime soon. I don’t have enough money to pay rent for December. I applied for 300 jobs. I got 3 interviews and all of them went the same. Im qualified, dressed professionally and was never late or answered questions weird. They just don’t like the way I look. It always goes like this: they email and call me to set up an interview. The person calling me is happy and upbeat. I get hopeful. Day of interview I meet the same person and I can tell they look disappointed as soon as they see me. At the end of the interview, they cut the interview short and say goodbye without looking at me. Im so sick of this shit. It’s not my fault I look like this… If things don’t look up I’ll hang myself. It’s sucks because I just met a guy who im dating (for a month) and he has no idea im unemployed. I get so annoyed easily at everything. There’s train ticket inspectors everytime im on and I just want to snap at them and scream. Honestly, to summarize my life, it wasn’t worth being born. All the struggle, anxiety, anticipation, failure, celebrations. It wasn’t worth it. I’d rather not be born. The negative outweighs the positives in my life so far (im 29). I don’t have a rich family to fall back on. I come from a family of addicts and failures. Im sure I wasn’t planned, just an oops baby. Im tired of not having security in life. All my life I’ve barely scraped by, at the verge of disaster, I always managed to keep head above water. Im sick of this shit.
No. 1780179
>>1780020Ultimately, I think it depends on the maturity level and emotional intelligence of the people you get along with. My best friend has a
husband, and we always make sure to talk often and hang out when it fits both of our schedules. My other friend is in her first ever relationship, and she's absolutely smitten by the guy and is codependent on him. I talk to her and see her less often despite knowing her for longer. As difficult as it may seem, you have to find people that share similar values and who care to reach out to you.
No. 1780256
>>1780135>You guys have bad and immature friends.I'm aware.
>Some people just put all their eggs in one basket.That's the issue, I thought a partner/romantic relationship was supposed to serve a different purpose than platonic friends, but so many people treat it as a replacement.
No. 1780260
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>>1780250I'm so sorry, your post reminded me of this video.
No. 1780320
>>1779633since they're not straight up about giving money to me i don't give a shit about leaking it. they say if i talk about it they won't give me anything but where has there ever been proof of getting money TO ME, for ruining my life, wasting years of it, and stalking me possibly to this day? it was first making me believe i was blind and mute and disabled. then abusing me if i was trying to talk and make friends. i was told the way i eat, the way i walk is wrong, while it was correct, they were teaching me how to do it wrong. then they put some identity into it. "you're being treated like this because of your sex and race." while switching the identity around. then some scrote would come in and be nice to me for a while. i've done all sorts of drugs. been made suicidal. had my future child's life threatened. insanity. they're saying i'll have to be poor because we've travelled with my family, that covered all expenses and i have nothing left and should just go leave everyone and live my retarded redacted life. literally my own family talked like this to me. every friend i had was most likely instructed to say shit to me, nothing organic or genuine. when i was suspicious of this i was told off. no matter what i did i was called names and berated for it. if i went to study i was told i'm too stupid for that anyway. if i had a boyfriend they told me he was going to leave, he does not love me. if i was happy for something they called that retarded. if i did something to my appearance they called that ugly. for years i believed everybody hated me for no reason at all, even strangers, that i'm ugly, disgusting, dumb, etc. i was always missing friendships, in withdrawals, unable to do anything. the experiment is something about identity, being trans and mixed race. not bait, when i was experiencing rape (they said was not real) i wanted to become male but they told me then they'd do it in the ass. making everything impossible and almost trying to get me to suicide. the mixed part was seeing "which side" i choose while no side wants me and everything is questionable, unsure. they're waiting to see whether i'd have a child?
No. 1780337
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>>1780326i like romanianon, she is relatable. shit happens. i was flewn out to several countries. i know you think i live in a slum and stink and look like schizojak but i lived an interesting life and i don't need to avatarfag. you sound like feds. very fast replies… pay me.
No. 1780346
File: 1700514060247.gif (1.94 MB, 498x498, well.gif)

I just realised that I can never go back to my parents, like, never. Sure, it's been like that for over 10 years now, but the realisation just set in and it's fucking sad. I can't go to my parents if anything really goes to shit in my life or if something happens to be amazing, I can't go to them for any advice, I can't go to them just for a small chat among adults. Just nothing. And no, my parents aren't dead, they are very much alive, sadly, but they never were parents. It was always me being the adult, caring for stuff, doing the emotional labour and after they fucked up really bad, especially my mother, there is nothing left, no trust, no understanding, no feeling that they are worth any communication. So, I have parents, that are alive, but they are dead and it would be so much easier if they were really dead and not just a shell of what a human being should be. Why couldn't I have parents that emotionally act like adults and just know something, not just zombies screaming at everyone and watching stupid shit on TV they won't even remember an hour later.
No. 1780350
>>1780320I don't know what you're going through
nonnie but I wish you health and happiness. I have BD2 and being so paranoid and doubting everything is such an awful feeling, I wouldn't wish it on anyone.. you can get though this
No. 1780351
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>>1780336they don't. i have asked and they were surprised and asked me why i asked them that. my dad had to say that to me for the experiment. low self-esteem makes for easier manipulation. then they were complimenting me (while i changed nothing) in the new country to make me feel like i belong.
No. 1780362
>>1780354She repeats the same thing every single day, dozens of posts, refuses to seek help, refuses to consider other options, flips out on everyone, and the posts she makes that aren't talking about what a
victim she is are racist and weird
No. 1780433
>>1780114Yeah I am early 20's. I never dated and don't really have many friends but I can't imagine doing this shit. The friends I do have, from high school, do not do this.
>>1780123>USA culture revolves around the family unitI wish I knew this before being born here. My family was never close-knit, and it's small. It seems like American prioritizes family in only the negative ways. Like you
need a husband you
need kids and you
need to move out of the house right now and abandon your parents in a home. Not all families, not mine, but a lot of families that claim to be close seem to be like that. Still I was so taken aback by my coworker saying he doesn't have friends because he has 7 siblings. Who knows, maybe if I had that many siblings I'd just hang out with them, too.
No. 1780513
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>>1780503Bleach has great female characters though, just Orihime is kinda annoying. Rukia is amazing.
No. 1780695
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>Be on period after extreme sickness that almost resulted in ER visit
>Bf away on Business trip
>Cave in and ask him to order calzone for me
>He does it and should be simple
>It's currently HELL.
>Guy says he doesn't have the food and that he didn't accept the second order
>He drives to my place and I ask him face to face
>Says he's in contact with Uber and he's gonna try and solve the problem
>Writes to my BF in the chat saying another man's delivering the food as he didn't accept the order
>Order says it's still on the way and I can technically see this man driving off to his house or whatever
>It's been over 1 hour and I could have driven there and back in less than 30.
>As I am writing this
>My order is cancelled.
No. 1780715
Fun update
>Call restaurant directly cause this seems all too fishy>Guy says the saw the guy eat the order and he just lied to me & Uber>Says it's cause he gave the order to the other people instead.Either way, fuck him.
I get mistakes, but jesus christ just write to uber from the start, why add another 45 minutes to this shit show.
No. 1780718
>>1780545In all fairness there
are some anons that have admitted to saying inflammatory shit just to get a rise out of people, which is the classic definition of troll.
No. 1780772
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Just logged in to my very first Facebook account ever which is 12 years old,I made when I was in 5th grade ,only to not find any pictures of myself facing the camera just pictures of objects and of my hands.I pretended to be another girl (but that's another story) but before I did that I never found any photos I took of myself…I was very depressed and insecure and was so self conscious that i deleted any photos of me entirely im so disappointed and unhappy as well as regretful I was so looking forward and a little anticipated to see some nostalgic pictures of tween-teen me only to not find any.permanently deleted my Facebook account afterwards.
No. 1780818
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My mom is retarded. She doesn't understand aging at all. No mom, you're face blind and there is no psyops. She needs to stop consuming certain media because it's making her more retarded than usual. Fuck rumble the most.
No. 1780939
when it comes to texting with me and my boyfriend, he tends to leave me several sweet messages throughout the day. this would be fine, right? except once in a while i get really pissed off about something and need to vent, but when i pull up our chat and see one of those messages, i have to stop in my tracks and come up with a similarly sweet message, or else he'll give me grief about it. if he doesn't do it then, he'll hold onto it and use it against me later. i just want to feel my rage, man. i don't have many others i can express myself to. every other time i reply to his damn messages.
i tried to talk to him about it, he told me i have to be romantic "even when i don't feel like it." that's rich coming from him. he doesn't talk or spend time with me when he doesn't want to. one of our longest lasting arguments is that he isn't present enough. he's always said he's a loner and socializing doesn't come naturally to him, and that i have to initiate… everything, pretty much. once in a while he'll concede, but the most he'll do is say, "hey, let's do something together on this other day." i still have to do the legwork when it comes to planning and filling out all the details. it's tiring.
what the fuck do i say to him?
No. 1781001
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I don’t like the holidays anymore. I don’t like Thanksgiving or Christmas. I just want them to be over. Both just feel like rituals i no longer want to participate in. The turkey hasn’t even hit the table and I’m sick of seeing Christmas everything shoved in my face. It just seems like a cruel reminder that things will never be like they used to be, and now I’m stuck coping in a reality I’m struggling to keep up with.
No. 1781085
I was getting off the bus today, on my way from work, and this old man who was with a woman, whom I assume was his wife, started to get up his seat at the same time.
I was standing and the bus was crowded, and at some moment, this guy rubbed his dick on the back on hand, while I was holding on the rail.
I don't know what kinda posture did the had to manage to do it, but it was disgusting. I don't even think he was wearing underwear, the sensation is burned into my mind. It was the back of my hand, but I feel like I got a stupidly specific image of it and I fucking hate it.
He got off the bus at the same time as me, and I didn't say anything cause I was scared he lived in the same neighborhood as me or something, and yesterday a neighbor was warning people about a problematic couple that had threatened him with a knife. Wasn't gonna take any chances, so it took everything I had to not start punching him right there and then.
I arrived home, with my hand far apart of my body, as if it was soiled with something.
I just can't shake the feeling of filthiness and disgust, I wish I could cut off my hand.
What's worse is that when I was trying to hug my husband in bed, all I could think about was that, and it made me feel awful.
It took me years to start getting better after my past abuses, and now I'm feeling tainted again thanks to this. I fucking hate men, what the fuck did I even do to deserve this, I was just on the bus back from home. Fuck this shit.
This is why I hate when they argue that old men deserve to be in women only spaces just cause they're old. No, they're just as disgusting and useless as their younger counterparts, and some are even worse cause they know they can get away with it.
I don't know what the fuck to do, I don't have money to go to therapy again, and all I want to do is scream and peel off the skin of my hand.
No. 1781121
>>1781108Software industry is fucked too, people are losing jobs and new hires are down.
The economy worldwide is fucked.
No. 1781145
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Why do moids have to be so fucking retarded? Since moving to tokyo I often spend my free days just walking and cycling around doing absolutely nothing but observing. Sometimes I just lay down on the floor in my apartment and stare at the ceiling. My friend and I like to have picnics just so we can lay in the grass and watch clouds. Do they really think women are incapable of enjoying the simple pleasures of live? What the hell happened to them to make them this hostile towards us?
No. 1781160
>>1781145Just a simple, joyfully happy moid enjoying the simple pleasure of logging onto twitter and posting a lengthy rant about how pathetic it is that women like to do things and go places. lmao
But yeah men genuinely think women have no inner life and can't fathom us being human beings too so they make up this shit based on their incredibly limited perspective and unwarranted arrogance.
No. 1781166
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is it just me or do a large portion of men not laugh at women's jokes unless they're in some kind of sexual relationship? my sample size here is admittedly pretty small but i've noticed that the men i hook up with will generally only gut-laugh at the things i say after we have sex. and it's not like i'm not funny or interesting either, most people i know have/would describe(d) me as both. i was having a conversation with a friend of mine the other day and he said "i guess you are pretty quick-witted", as if he'd only just realised.
men also generally do not take me seriously or act as if i don't know what i'm talking about when i am significantly more qualified than they are. i was talking to a moid at a party and trying to explain an embarassingly simple mathematical concept to him, and he kept insisting i (literally in grad school for a maths related discipline) was actually wrong about how it works. a male friend of mine attempted the explanation in essentially the same words as i and it was only then that the guy got it. the moid i was talking to is a friend of my friends who has a tendency to make fun of my voice and make "haha woman" jokes at my expense near every time we are in the same room. is this it for the rest of my life? just having to defer to men with more percieved authority than me? having to capitulate to jokes of casual misogyny in attempt to not be socially ostracised? might as well just kill myself nonas i can't take it anymore
No. 1781190
>>1781145>As soon as you bring a woman with u, now u have to do something every 5 minutes>Like going to cafes, restaurants, shopping malls, tourist attractions>W-we men can find joy in doing nothing, not like those golddiggers!!Notice how all these activities cost
money, Lmao he's broke BROKE All I'm hearing is a bum that cannot even buy a latte let alone take his girl to a nice date, rather convince her to be happy with next to no effort
No. 1781202
>>1781166There are a good few men who aren't like that, which may also depend on your area. I have had male friends who basically defer to me like a mother or teacher kek, but also encountered a few who just like to argue. They aren't worth my time because I hate arguing or being belittled so I refuse to waste my precious life on them if it can be avoided. Also if my friends don't laugh at my stupid jokes then we are simply incompatible. The point is to have fun together and I love making people laugh.
You deserve better company, nona. I bet you're really cool. Party dude also just sounds like a dick in general, fuck that guy.
No. 1781203
>>1781202Samefag but I'm not trying to belittle your point. It is indeed an issue that so many men are like this and it is sexism.
We can just deal with it and maximize our own happiness by avoiding them when possible (outside of work and schoolwork).
No. 1781240
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My ex hit me up on Facebook because he has seen me on a dating app (I'm pretty sure he's out of my set age range, so I guess he must be agescumming), meaning obviously I'm single and ready to mingle. Not only did he end up ranting to me about his dates and how unsuccesful he was before I even had a change to read his message, he also found in worthwhile to share how his last date told him to fuck off because he put his hand on her ass at the end of a 3-hour date, and how unreasonable this was after her being flirty prior in online messages.
Then he basically told me how he loved me years ago, and how he had fond memories, and that the time we hooked up years after our breakup left him wondering why I didn't contact him after. And I realized how much of a disconnect there is between us. We had zero common interests, had completely different worldviews and I often cried after sex, and yet he thinks I must've had a great time and want to reconnect. I haven't thrown anything in his face as I have emotionally processed all this shit years ago, but being exposed to his complete blindness, that he'd think that I want to date him now and that he thinks I care about him molesting women on dates leaves me feeling slimy, like even this minor interaction makes me less of humanity as a whole.
The worst part is I might have entertained the idea of at least a hookup if he looked nice, but the last time he looked good was 2013.
No. 1781249
>>1781211In the weird traditional personality thing of my country (like zodiac but somehow more ridiculous) you'd be classed as the scout who goes ahead and behind of the group, ensuring social cohesion yet always alone at the end. Was treated with respect and viewed as being an "overseer of life and death, understanding the rebirth after death more than any other 'type'".
That said, don't kill yourself kek you would be advised under this school of thought to notice and observe similiar people to yourself (other "scouts") and bring them into your life even if you don't click, because they will bring friends to you, just as you do for others. Good advice tbh
No. 1781250
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I finally did it. I threw away the vape carts and dab pens. I know I’m a few hours I’m gonna regret it but it needed to happen.
No. 1781254
>>1781248I'll be honest nonna, I only wash my hands if I'm cooking or if I used the toilet, I dont ever wash them before I rub. I dont insert though.
I've only had like 3 UTIs in my whole life
No. 1781267
>>1781254I don't insert either, I just think my urinary tract system is being a little bitch. This has only started happening in the last five years, I wonder if I'm deficient in a nutrient that I'm not realizing.
>>1781255That's a good suggestion and I'm going to try that out. Usually I try to keep really hydrated in my day to day life, and whenever I feel anything coming on, I start taking Azo.
No. 1781270
>>1781267When i had one of my 3 utis I took some tablets for it, it helped alot.
My last one was 4 years ago, my ex fingered me after patting his cat (i asked him to wash his hands, he said he did) and it was the worst thing I've ever experienced.
He didnt fucking care, I had to beg him to take me to the chemist to get stuff.
It was awful, he fucked around at the shopping center while I was dying. I ended up just spending hours in the bath with warm water because thats all that would help the feeling and was the only way I could pee.
He tried to have sex with me during that time. Unbelievable.
Then said it "came out of nowhere" when I dumped him.
No. 1781328
>>1781294Not on birth control, though I've heard my friends also mention that hormonal birth control and pregnancy makes UTIs more common. From what I understand, your urine is more concentrated with sugar and protein if you're pregnant/your body thinks you pregnant.
>>1781299From what everyone says, I honestly don't know how I didn't die. But then I think about my peasant ancestors who had twelve children and a dirty dicked husband and wonder how they didn't die either.
No. 1781352
>>1781145>>1781145>>1781145They're just deluding themselves, I believe men are incapable of enjoying the simpler things, and are always scared of being judged. That's why they have that suicide rate, if they were so happy, we wouldn't have to hear them moaning and bitching about how their suicide rate is so high.
I think they're just jealous because we get joy of simpler things, specially now that the picnics are back. The amount of videos were a men is shitting on a girl for having fun is absurd. They're just trying to convince themselves that they're happier than use cause otherwise they have nothing.
No. 1781470
>>1781457Everytime she talks shit on those who help her just say something like "Why are you talking this way about someone whos done so much to help you? Are you not grateful? Whats wrong with you?"
Literally. Every. Time.
She will eventually stop doing it to you, if your grandma gets in on it she will stop with her too.
No. 1781472
Are all boomers like this or is it just my coworker? She likes to make small talk and talk about the most mundane stuff. I try to be nice and I’ve gotten better about it, but I’m not a chatterbox there to entertain her. She’s always scolding me about how I need to “talk more” and be “more social”.
Anyways, this morning I literally just arrived at work, and here we go again…
>”What’s wrong?”
Nothing, I’m just tired and need some coffee.
>An hour later
>”It hurts my feelings when you don’t talk to me. We don’t need to have a 15-minute conversation.”
I reassure her that I’m not ignoring her or anything. Every day that I come in, I tell her good morning. After lunch, I ask her how it went, even though I couldn’tcare less. I ask about her weekend plans. Idk what more she wants.
>”Okay well I’m telling you it hurts my feelings”
Okay…? Everyone around here knows that I’m a quiet person and no one takes issue with this, they know I’m an introvert. I participate in office small talk and I do make an effort to socialize, but I guess it’s not enough for her? My life is boring, why does she want to know about what I do outside of work. I know she doesn’t got much going on either. Who cares??? I’m here to make money, not make friends.
Then she goes ranting about how I “don’t do anything” and that people always look at her. That’s bullshit. We work supply/inventory in our department and if someone comes up and asks for something, I get up and go get it. Running to the back to get an item gives her the opportunity to chit-chat with whoever is at the window, so I always try to do it. Also, people are looking at her first because she’s the more experienced of us two and has been here longer than I have. Of course people are going to look to you first. I tried to explain this to her but she lives in a different reality I guess, or has no self-awareness, because she kept insisting I “don't do anything”. She makes me annoyed but it’s not worth arguing with her because she refuses to listen to reason.
>”You never like having conversations with anyone.”
I can’t wait to leave this job and her stupid ass.
No. 1781499
>>1781472I feel like I'd have to quit if a coworker cornered me to have a discussion about how they're seriously upset over the lack of meaningless small talk between us. It would be so uncomfortable to continue working with them and forcing myself to make conversation so they aren't pissed. I'd report it to HR or make some boundaries with this woman like
>>1781494 said
No. 1781616
>>1781548Jesus Christ
nonny I am so sorry
No. 1781632
>>1781580>>1781494>>1781499>>1781561Thanks nonnas. I know I have avoidant tendencies, but I have been making an effort to be social and so far no one has had complaints except for her. I used to never do this much small talk. It does make me feel bad being berated like this and walking eggshells around her. People did warn me she was “feisty”, including my boss when I moved to this department, but damn. More like needy. If she throws a fit again, I’ll set my boundaries. I think what makes this situation more awkward is that it’s only us two in this area, with our workspaces right next to each other. I guess she expects us to be besties just because we work together? But I hate sharing my private life, and she believes in stupid politics and is a trumptard, so it would never work. If the situation escalates even after talking to her, then I’ll speak to my boss about it.
>>1781580Kek, I know you’re joking but this is actually the type of crap she tells me. She asks me about my weekend plans, and my answer is usually “stay at home”, because its true and I don’t think she wants to hear about how I watch movies or play games because she already rants about how lazy and “stuck inside” young people are these days. Then I ask her what she is doing and her answer usually is
>I’m gonna mow the lawn>I’m gonna go to the grocery storeIf it’s a weekday, we ask each other if we got anything to do after work.
>I need to pick up a lottery ticket>We’re gonna have sandwiches for dinnerWhy this is so important for her to share that it makes her upset when I don’t ask, I don’t know. And these answers hardly ever change! I guess I’ll return the favor and elaborate more, say shit like I need to organize my coin collection or clean out my fridge.
No. 1781714
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Guess who dropped her phone in a puddle and now the headphone jack doesn't work? I'm literally gonna cry. I'm such a poorfag and Samsung made it super hard to remove the phone back yourself so I struggled for an hour try to pry the back off so I could dry my phone off aa muxh as I could wuth a towel. And now I did but the headphone jack still seems to be fucked. God why am I so clumsy. Who drops their phone outside when it rains??
No. 1781752
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>>1781682He's legitimately a lolicon if not a real life pedo. there's a video that is now private (apparently? lol) where he shows off his studio and the child's torso mannequin he uses for reference, complete with child's underwear, child's clothes… people argued this was just an artistic reference, they'll probably do the same thing if he's found to have a massive stash of CP on his computer (which he undoubtedly does)
No. 1781758
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>>17817522/2 and it's an open joke in the industry that he's a freak and a pedo as seen here. not that you can't tell that just from reading his manga.
No. 1781814
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My super shitty ex texted me wanting to catch up even though he barely liked me while we were dating. The ex I’m still in love with still pretends I don’t exist
No. 1781829
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>>1781785Japan is the place where autistic moid reigns and has been that way for centuries. In past their women literally had status of furniture.
They keep falling in gender equality rankings each year, and are at bottom of the list.
Countries where women are more equal: China, Tajikistan, Sierra Leone and a number of other African countries, Muslim countries other than Saudi Arabia.
In a moid hell like that, of course pedos are free to reveal themselves.
No. 1781915
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I'm such an idiot. I managed to lose 2 pairs of gloves in the span of a month, one pair being a b-day gift from my best friend.
No. 1781930
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I just had to clean someone else's shit. In the beginning I got some kind of string (pretty sure it was TP soaked in shit water) on my leg from a plunger and grabbed it with the one fucking hand that I didn't have a glove on. I literally wanted to burn my skin off. Anyway, I put undiluted bleach on my hand and leg, and now that I've taken a shower i just sprayed myself with rubbing alcohol. I still feel gross and dirty but what can ya do. Sorry to gross you guys out
No. 1781965
There was this gig I really really really wanted to go to but didn't want to go alone because men. My boyfriends brother ended up giving him a spare ticket to go. Day of I make an impulse decision when I find out I love the opening band too so I buy a seated ticket in the row in front of where my boyfriend would be sat so I'd be in eyeline of somebody I know and can feel safe without intruding.
My boyfriend gives his brother a heads up and liteally says 'is it cool if she comes pres, its fine if not she can get there herself'. His brother then tells him to just go with me then and starts ignoring him. At this point I'd already bought a ticket and my boyfriend was pissed at his brother so got one in the seat next to me.
We get there and his brothers given the spare ticket to somebody else but we just keep our distance. As soon as my boyfriend goes to the bar and leaves me alone, his brother comes over and tells me its not my fault but my boyfriends and how he went about it, I tried to explain that it was my idea but he cut me off and explains that he knows what he did. I just tell him he never actually communicated his problem and it didn't have to escalate this much and he starts shouting at me as drunk men do, and I start shouting back at him. My boyfriend comes back and me and his brother are arguing so he seperates us and his brother starts shouting at him instead calling him 'sneaky' and telling him its his fault. He grabs my boyfriend by the collar and starts telling him to punch him, which my boyfriend refused and came and sat back down. I try to get up and go to the toilet and his brother grabs my arm and once again tries to reiterate its not my fault, which pissed me off because I've just watched him try to fight my boyfriend and if its anyones fault, its MINE so I say 'fuck you' and try to pull my arm away, he starts saying 'oh so thats how it is' and trying to get in my face until his friend pulled his arm off me.
I'm so confused as to how this escalated so much. Yeah, I can see its a bit annoying I was there, but I was sat separately on a different row and not directly in front of them and I was happy to be by myself and out of the way. Am I retarded or is this man overreacting?
No. 1781984
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I'm very fucking sad because after graduating from college in the pandemic, 3 years later I got no real work qualifications, didn't want to immediately get a job plus the pandemic made me lose friends and it made me depressed, now I feel fucking useless, besides some odd small time jobs I've been jobless all this time and I've done nothing to improve my portfolio, I'm lost honestly, I know things can get better but where do I even start??? I need some words of encouragement honestly
No. 1782047
>>1781809>Marie the Doll>Don’t Deliver Us From EvilI watched the first French movie because it was getting hyped on Tumblr as being “aesthetic” and I knew nothing from it other than gifs. Big mistake. It was disturbing and the main character grooms an even younger girl at the end of the movie. Then I look at the directors other work and it’s more of the same vile shit. I started being more cautious about French movies after that because as you said a lot of “cult classics” contained pedophilia.
>>1781819That’s disgusting.
>>1781959Anime fags will do anything to justify the pedophilia in their favorite shows. They love to say “it’s just drawings”. No, the people drawing that shit are real pedophiles that stare at children, like the mangaka mentioned. No well-adjusted person draws minors naked and in underwear.
>Child-codedReally jumping through hoops there. This is just another reiteration of “well ackshually that’s a 1000 year old character that just looks like a kid!” Either they’ll grow out of this thinking when they’re older, or become pedophiles. She may look back someday and be embarrassed of herself.
No. 1782068
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i am so fucking retarded. i’m literally retarded. i’m failing and i had to drop several classes. i don’t know how i became like this. i used to score 90s and even 100s in high school. now i’m lucky if i even get a C grade. i keep making simple mistakes. i think i’m like this because of a learning disability but i don’t have the funds for treatment. i don’t even know why university is so pushed. i just wish i could get a decent job and live my adult life already… but you need a degree for fucking everything my brain can’t handle this now i’m cutting myself and crying alone in my room as it it’s going to fix my problems like a retard
No. 1782070
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>Japan seems more like the passive agressive type of shithole that lets women get medical degrees Not even that
No. 1782130
>>1782124Sending lots of love and strength your way
nonnie, my one friend tried for 4 years with his wife but they did it!!
No. 1782135
>>1782130I hope it wouldnt take that long, I thought I was pregnant this month as my period was 8 days late but alas, it came.
I'm hoping in 4 years time I've already got 3 kids haha
No. 1782204
>>1781930I had to wipe old lady butts as part of my patient care training.
>>1782182>>1782196Now i'm conflicted, i liked that movie, especially the part where she grabs the gun and starts shooting randomly out of the window.
No. 1782211
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I think I posted in one of the previous threads, but I couldn't find my original post.
Anyways, last week I ranted about being picked on by 2 classmates. It's ridiculous because I'm in grad school and we're all in our mid 20s. The drama has to do with a guy, whom I have nothing to do with (Long story short, I used to be friends with Bully 1, but she started dating our other friend's ex like… within days of them breaking up. So I drifted apart with her and she became Bully 1.)
Anyways, I got fed up. I sent a super respectful text to Bully 1, calling out her behavior. She denied it at first, but then stopped arguing and agreed to be more respectful. I think I scared her by saying 'our classmates' were telling me about her whispering behind my back and shit kek. It was actually just one friend who was feeding me info.
Anyways sorry if this story doesn't make sense. But I'm proud of myself for standing up for myself. Now Bully 1 and Bully 2 are tripping over themselves to be nice to me. I think they're afraid I'll go to the school faculty. If I hear another peep about them whispering behind my back, I will.
No. 1782220
>>1782084thank you, i feel a bit better after crying and hugging my plushies as corny as it sounds
>>1782190good luck to you fellow university nonna, we will survive somehow…
No. 1782258
abusive stepdad showed me this movie as part of his grooming process when i was a little girl, that should tell you something
No. 1782284
>>1782258Aw shit I’m sorry nona. I have a similar story but it was a book I’ve never been able to find called the Progidal Daughter or something like that, and also telling me about the 8-yr-old (?) bride in the Quran on my 8th (?) birthday (can’t actually remember her age or my age)
He’s fucking dead now though serves him right his head was found 1/4 mile from his body eaten by animals and decayed I hope it was painful
No. 1782370
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Faggots not take a jabs at women/make misogynistic remarks when women have nothing to do with the conversation challenge…. they always fail. I've never viewed gay men as allies to women but they've been pissing me off more lately. Like shut the fuck up.
No. 1782415
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>>1782411I love happy endings.
No. 1782432
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>>1782415My thoughts exactly, thank you.
No. 1782466
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Okay WHY THE FUCK am I this fucking ridiculous?? My triggers for feeling like an ugly, frumpy and fat mess is so sensitive and unnecessary but probably says a lot about my true nature that I don't wanna acknowledge but I guess also makes sense with how insecure I am. I'm attending university and I was hanging out with the other girls in class that started complaining about how some of the guys have hit on them or they've been flirting over text just to learn that most of them are fucking married so it's DEFINITELY not the kind of attention you want (and who the fuck tries to hook up with classmates on the first fucking term and does not expect it to end up messy??? retards) but I guess the situation sort of threw me emotionally back to two past situation:
1. Used to have a friend circle that would make these small gestures that let you be fully aware that you are not attractive. This was a behavior that started slowly when they started to get some attention online for their aesthetics and cosplays, so they slowly started to be fairly dismissive to us that didn't follow any of their set aesthetics or weren't skinny enough (I'm normal weight and bmi). Sometimes they would barely even acknowledge you being there, but they would still invite you along but you'd always end up realizing you are just there as "the ugly friend" and enjoying getting free drinks except for me. I know it sounds like paranoid shit talk, but I wasn't the only one realizing this pattern and feeling really hurt by it. There were moments when I could be out and a person ordering would check what drink each and every one of us at the table wants to order and deliberately skip me, and when called out on would eye me up and down and go "oh". I DID check with a couple I was closer with if I had done anything to create this situation and they would just shrug and go "no, not that we can think of".
2. One of my closer friends from that circle and I went on a two-week trip a few years ago, and almost every day she would get hit on and if I tried to chime in just to mark that I'm fucking here too the guys would just roll their eyes or visibly sigh and, again, not acknowledging me. I would tell my friend that I felt very hurt by these interactions and she would go "oh nooo, gosh you should have said something! I'll make sure to invite you into the conversation next time" just for the same scenario to repeat sometimes a couple of times every day.
It is not that I want any of these men's attention, they absolutely fucking disgust me. But it's about being treated like shit or feeling even a little bit left out because I'm not pretty enough that triggers me and makes me hate myself - not only physically but also that I even had any sort of selfish passing thought that triggers it, I already grew up with an ex-model mom that would tell me I wasn't good enough in every way when it comes to looks but still had moments where she would kinda go "well, at least you got a pretty face. I get a lot of praise for that face of yours" so I guess I'm not all that ugly but can't see it, which periodically throws me off to even dress well and just go around in oversize sweaters and a beanie to hide myself so I admit I sometimes DO look a bit frumpy even with makeup on. But I get thrown into hating myself to the point to crying and unable to sleep at night or even look myself in the mirror without feeling disgust to the point my actual stomach almost turns the moment I even have as much as a passing "hm, guess I'm not pretty enough" thought, could even be me looking off in a piece of clothing that sets it off.
No. 1782505
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>>1782476Thank for the encouragement Nonna, wish these boomers would learn to lighten up or at least reign it in for a moment!
No. 1782565
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I didn't mean to but I just went completely 200% with chewing my friend out for being a coomer and made everyone uncomfortable. Nowadays I feel so resentful of them but I don't have any other friends to ditch them for and it makes me feel stuck.
No. 1782589
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Damn, here come the random childhood memories flooding in as I lie in bed. I miss the joy of making new friends and how easy it was to strike up a conversation with random people on forums and MMOs. Logging into MSN (God, who else misses it?) and talking to a group of friends from a forum we all met on was really fun for me back then. Well, the forum is no longer operational and has closed down some years back. I don't know where most of those friends are aside from two guys I don't care about. I'm not close with them. Everything is different in the worst possible way. I dislike discord and discord groups despite using it to message friends one-on-one. It's all so insipid. Regardless of how my message may come across right now, I'm thankful for the friends I do have in my life and how I'm able to communicate with them online or off. My mind is just wandering, thinking about the past. I need to sleep.
No. 1782609
After going through that one popular thread on Reddit about the USPS Santa letters, i thought about how one coworker mentioned to me recently if I will be celebrating Christmas. I thought this was a weird question, duh?? I said yeah I do Christmas every year, what do you mean? And apparently it’s because last year I mentioned that I wasn’t giving gifts. The fuck? Christmas isn’t supposed to be about presents, right? (I’m not religious but I still like the holiday). I can’t believe she said that. I just chuckled nervously like I always do and she went on that in her family they will be giving presents only to the kids, but mentioned their kids are all adults already. Ok??
I feel like the whole presents thing is messed up. At best they should be for kids only. I hear all the time about how parents save up money or put stuff on layaway to afford them. Now, my parents never did this, and I am grateful honestly that they didn’t. Not that they suck lol, but it was a combo of not having enough money and we already had enough toys that we got from garage sales (back when they were cheap and awesome). Sometimes my mom did sign up for those Salvation Army things and I would get stuffed animals that I really loved so that was a good experience, also when I was older, a teen, we signed up from a church we were going to at the time and I got books, they werent my type lol, i got gossip girl and twilight, but I still read them, my fault for not specifying the genre.
Anyway, all this text I know! i hate this whole presents things. You don’t need to give a gift. Don’t waste your time and money for some toy that they probably won’t even use more than once, or some expensive ass thing.
Maybe I’m this way also because I remember asling my mom about what they did for the holiday and she said she would write notes to, the three kings? (Lol idk), and also santa about their wishlist. She was living in a no electricy having all adobe house in mexico in a at the time hidden ass village with poor parents lol she wasn’t getting anything. When she told me that I wanted to break down crying. She said she would think to herself why they never received anything if she had been good and all. This is fucking messed up.
I’m sorry for the whol e incoherent rant
No. 1782615
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>grow up an overweight, acne-ridden, annoying, and awkward weeb (later, fujo) circa mid-2000’s, in a middle-of-nowhere town
>scan favorite panels of manga, print them, and proudly display them in outside transparent sleeve of 3-ring binder
>wear fruits basket backpack, have upperclassmen boys in school yell “what the fuck is a fruits basket” at you in hallways, throw stuff at you
>was so ostracized in school i wasn’t able to do group projects because no one would have me in their group
>ate lunch in a bathroom stall or corner of the library or teacher’s room
>never have bf or gf
>literally get shoved in lockers
>always yearn for a group of friends to hang out with after school like you read about in books or see in movies or watch on tv
>had no siblings
>no neighbors even close to my age
>couldn’t walk or ride bike places because we lived on the side of a dangerous highway
>last to learn to drive because late birthday
>forever stuck in a hellish household with autistic dad and bpd mom
>eat my feelings
>undiagnosed adhd, so failed high school
>at age 22, finally get adhd meds
>lose weight
>since I’m eating less fat and sugar, skin clears up
>am now able to function, move out of parents home to the closest big city
>do stuff related to dream career during the day, work at a hip bar at night
>make a bunch of cool friends that I always dreamed of having
>going out every night, having sex with men and women, living my life, not wanting to die
>covid hits
>d&d group becomes my pandemic bubble
>neglect all other friendships and put all my energy into this group of around 7-8 other people
>finally have the group of friends I always dreamed of
>we give each other tattoos, have potlucks, watch movies, have beers by the river, go on roadtrips, throw birthday parties for each other, have “Friendsgiving”, help me move apartments, go skinny dipping, etc.
>romanticize and idealize the fuck out of them
>I get both too clingy and too cold because disorganized attachment style
>car gets stolen
>get sexually assaulted by two different moid-friends
>major career derailment
>new medication
>have multiple emotional meltdowns in a 6-month time span
>friend group is overwhelmed by me being crazy
>friend group has a meeting without me where all of them, but one, decide not to be my friend anymore
>no closure, no heads up, basically got ghosted by the people I thought loved me the most in this world
>the “but one” tells me about the fact that the meeting took place, but no specifics about what was said at the meeting
>am hurt and resentful that he doesn’t condone them ghosting me nor tell me their reasons
>he’s mad that I’m resentful
>friend-breaks-up with me at my favorite coffee shop
>am all alone…
All that happened a year ago. I’m fine now. I’ve made new friends, although I’m not as close as I was with them. I don’t want to kms or anything, but I’m still heartbroken. I miss them. I miss them so much. I think about them every single day. I thought they were my found family. I’m an idiot.
No. 1782616
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Literally have 0 dollars in my bank account and I’m praying my bank doesn’t close my account if anything else gets withdrawn and I go into the negatives. My paycheck isn’t hitting my account until the first fuuuuuuck
No. 1782666
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No. 1782706
>>1782647ayrt, i got
triggered at that guy because he's constantly making pornsick comments about women nowadays and really ramping it up. Any time everyone plays a game or watches something and a woman shows up, he flips his retard switch and goes caveman mode with "hurgj glurg woman sexye" comments. He was always coomer-adjacent but he used to be able to keep it to himself and behave normally about the topic of women, now he's constantly parroting porn cliches and mentioning that he likes porn and jerking it and acts like this is all normal and nbd
No. 1782739
>>1782586Forgive me for not knowing how to green text kek but he quite literally IS a trafficking supporter? He's having orgasms over the content being made from trafficking
victims. Sure he may not sit there and say "I love when women are sex trafficked!" but he is sitting there consuming and getting off to the products made from sex trafficking
No. 1782743
>>1782739samefag but also honestly fuck men for trying to act like a
victim when they are the ones doing despicable shit. Oh boo hoo you jerk off to women being raped, poor little innocent boy is the
victim for happily ignoring the facts about porn as long as he can coom and now you are the meanie for forcing him to confront this. Fuck him nonna
No. 1782774
>>1782743the men who go "abloobloo now I feel bad" upon being called out for any
abusive behavior are genuinely dangerous manipulators
No. 1782815
>>1782739>Forgive me for not knowing how to green text Literally just put a
>In front of your text, dumbass
No. 1782843
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everytime this season reminds me of my failures and laziness because i want to do projects for christmas sales and for gifting my family and friends and yet i fail to complete them everytime FUCK
No. 1782924
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I'm too nervous about my blood test results reeeee I've been stressing all day but I just want everything to turn out okay
No. 1782926
>>1782924Are you the
nonnie worried about a diabetes diagnosis? Type 1 guesses? I hope everything is alright. Whatever the results are, you're living in a good moment in history to have such condition under control.
No. 1782964
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>be a normie lesbian living in a homophobic country
>learn English in the hopes of at least getting a friend that you can be conformable talking with or best case scenario a long distance relationship
>be also into artz, cartoons and fashion doll collecting
>any lesbian and bi girl on the eng internet that has the same interests as you is a political obsess not like other girls egg shell walker that wouldn't stop complaining about being white for 2 seconds
fucking end me i just want a girl friend i can draw and watch cartoons with, am i asking for to much
No. 1782969
>>1782866kek it’s ok
nonnyI’ve been accused of being a moid before and it was so insulting
also some nona on /g/ bullied me once and I think about her all the time
No. 1782970
>>1782552I'm sorry
nonnie, but I cant stop laughing at this. Feels like a plot of a horror movie. Glad you're okay. I keep hearing about how weird early morning gyms are
No. 1782984
>>1782738Loyal/Attractive/Has Money
Pick two from this list
No. 1783014
>>1782901honestly, I have no clue how I lucked into that, which makes me ever more bummed bc even if I wanted to replicate that, I wouldn’t know how to. I’m pretty sure it was a pre-established friend group and I just wormed my way into it. It helps that we met while working in the service industry, so there was a major case of Peter Pan syndrome and arrested development. That, plus there being a period of time during covid we were all not working, yet collecting unemployment, so we had a lot of free time to hang out.
One of my friends who wasn’t in the group, but observed us at parties, actually described it as basically a clique, but of people in their late 20’s.
I think it was a lot of right place, right time, unfortunately.
No. 1783074
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>>1783038SAYRT, kek I have BPD too, nona. It’s tough out there… The friend group were suuuuch advocates for mental health, until they encountered the one that makes you unlikable as opposed to “just” anxious/depressed.
Feel you on the NYE thing. Holidays that aren’t about family have been pretty hard. I hope we can find new friend groups to do stuff with.
No. 1783176
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>>1782926>>1782924Update to say I got no diabetes!! Apparently, I just have a shitty diet with lots of carbs cuz I'm poor but it's fixable (this happened to my sister too two years ago so we know how to roll this time), every other value besides that was optimal which makes me happy too. I'm so glad omg
No. 1783201
nonnie!! So glad you're not diabetic!! I wish you a healthy and long life!
No. 1783227
I spend every other week trying not to kill myself over my biology and sexuality, I feel so unhappy with being a woman. I'm not gonna snap but I need insane amount of copium to deal with this gender issue especially because unfortunately I am not asexual. When men describe sex it sounds like heaven, love and power meanwhile when women do it sounds like hell, burdening sensations and empathetic servitude, I can't imagine having to suck dick for the rest of my life holy shit, I would kill myself if I engaged in something unequal as heterosexuality but I am hetero but my emotional needs aren't aligned with what it can give me and it fucks me up severely, femininity is the biggest nauseating burden in my life, it never feels good for me. Fml, the bitterness is so strong that I call women inferior and retarded due to my own lack of enjoyment of womanhood and the ecstasy I feel at the thought of not being female anymore and finally being relived. Now, let's back to dissociating, isolating and avoiding reality as a cope kek going strong like 5th or maybe even 10th year of my mental health issues
No. 1783270
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>>1783227Womanhood =/= femeninity, stop being a NLOG, enjoy life being a GNC hetero woman, it really isn't that hard
No. 1783301
>>1783267Why does being attractive mean that you have to prostitute yourself?
>Should women just say fuck it and use them back at this point?Oh yeah, I'm sure the men who pay for hot women to be their on-demand sex slave for life sure feel used.
No. 1783303
nonny advice: If a man can give you an easy af life it's worth it to me as long as he treats you well and you tolerate him well. The fiery love some moids create is short lasting and mostly a high/illusion. Ask any woman in prison for a long time: most of them are there because they assisted a moid they loved kek.
We chase the idealized true love but there is usually a rollercoaster of emotional ups and (usually) downs that gets us hooked, but when we get older you realize it's actually rarer to find someone willing to invest a lot into you to have a safe and comfortable life together. And I stress that I don't condone tolerating abuse or BS for this, I myself told a guy making 300k to fuck off after he did that. But rather if you have a decent, unassuming guy willing and able to invest and make your life permanently easy, many dont realize the long term benefits and peace it can bring, which is a form of love and caring in itself.
No. 1783713
>>1783491he's not dangerous or malicious (though his wife kind of is). he's just a pussy whipped scrote with no will of his own. my mother obviously avoids him now because he hurt her feewies, and his wife thankfully fucked off from us, because she "won" the nonexistent competition she had with my mother.
things are calm now, but they did get crazy before but i won't go into details.
it just baffles me how grown-ass adult people can be this childish. all three of them.
No. 1783785
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I hate that men find any excuse to hate on women. There's this shitty video online where a guy is going down an escalator holding a PS5 and a guy is going up with his girlfriend holding a sephora bag and the caption is 'PS5 OR SEPHORA?' like wtf is that even? And ofc all the comments are like PS5 is worth more than a woman. i wish these men would fuck each other because they obviously hate women. Not to mention all the cute couples I see where the husband and wife game together. Why do they act like gaming is such a default male hobby? I own a ps5 and my wife and I game together. it isnt a unicorn mystery.
No. 1783802
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>>1783785I hate those too but tbf they’re usually made by loser autists or teen boys. Also it’s so wild how moids always make these posts while women just carry on with their own hobbies kek
No. 1783901
>>1783894I love my husband and I'd like to think he wouldn't say that, but when men get together I know the type of shit they talk about.
The fact the friend brought it up in general is pretty gross to me honestly.
Idk if it was a humble brag to my husband or what, idk bro just seems like alot of drama just so you can cum in some other person
No. 1784037
>>1783886I have no advice except for just tell your husband you do not like that talk in front of you but you might need more electrolytes
nonnie, I find electrolyte packets are better for hikes/running
but you may know that already No. 1784162
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>>1784114thank you anon. you too. I want to hope that some day this will change, and I will want to live. Because it's really hard to live when you want to die. I'm American and tomorrow is Thanksgiving, it will be a long day of mingling with relatives and doing cooking chores that I hate even on a good day, all while pretending to be a happy, mentally normal grandkid/niece/cousin. It feels particularly eerie and hollow to smile and have warm conversation with people and be looking right into their eyes while inside you are keenly aware that your behavior is 100% fake, and they will never know. It makes me think, how much of the world around me is fake just like I am, and I am none the wiser?
No. 1784208
>>1784197That's the average cost of a ballet show. They've always been expensive but you think people in the audience would be more respectful and discipline their kids or leave them at home. Just can't have that nowadays with the elsa farts on spiderman's face youtube generation.
No. 1784520
>>1776699My piece of shit 45 y/o brother is up to his shady bullshit again. Long story short, he tried to get one of his retarded friends to weasel their way into my life. That creepy bastard has always been obsessed with me and hates the fact that I'm the closest child to our mother, that she trusts me the most, and that I remind her not to go soft and forget the theft, scams, lying, and abuse he subjected her to for decades. I don't know what his aim is, but this is the kind of thing he does: Selfishly involve me in whatever scam he's brewing so it looks more legitimate to our parents.
What's actually pissing me off, though, is that I need to let my mother know he's up to something and that she needs to make sure to secure her valuables, medicine, weapons, and money. However, she's so burned out from work and exhausted by him still living here 6 months into a two-month stay that I think she'll just emotionally shut down from stress like she has in the past.
No. 1785051
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Everywhere I go I’m a joke to everyone around me. Maybe I won’t be an outcast loser in the next life.
No. 1785164
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>>1773735I have been demonized and attacked for simply speaking the truth… Other anons were sharing similar sentiments months before I ever joined in. I said the exact same things they had already said, along with sharing my personal knowledge of the creature, which is that she’s a pickme, a deviant, mean to other women, narcissistic, and possibly an industry plant or a casting couch servant. Why these opinions are considered obsessive hatred or misogyny, I couldn’t tell you. She’s the actual misogynist, but no one cares because there are too many simple minded pickmes who relate to her here. Picrel is proof that I’m not the first to notice that there’s something hateful about her.
No. 1785186
File: 1700750538344.jpeg (60.26 KB, 694x748, IMG_7113.jpeg)

>youtube has ads coming out the ass if you don’t have premium
>durr hurr pay us almost $15 for ad free
>Hurr durr we see you’re using an ad blocker and those are not allowed!!
Fuck right off you greedy ass website
No. 1785321
My sister hasn't spoken to me since 2020 despite us living in the same house and I can't help but think it's got to do with politics. To summarize it nicely she's got the belief system of the average Twitter user. I don't speak to her about it though and regardless of her or my beliefs I still treat her with kindness because she's my only sister. I wish she felt the same.
Otherwise I have no idea what I've done to upset her and she onky responds in grunts or "OK" if I try to talk to her.
>>1785186Use Invidious and yt-dlp, keep track of your subscriptions with an RSS feed. Fuck google
No. 1785344
File: 1700758740245.jpg (35.79 KB, 382x384, tumblr_8df1970f871e069f2b655bd…)

I'm in desperate need of normal friends, I swear.
I only have 2 online friends, one of them refuses to tell me her name, what career she is studying or anything at all about her private life… which would be fine, but we have been talking for a year and a half now, and I would like to know at least what her real name is, like wtf. Also, her priorities are so weird, cause I kinda know where she lives in my country, but I don't know her name? It's stupid.
We also barely talk about anything other than a videogame we both play… and I haven't played it in a long time so… it's not like we really have anything to talk about… She also strikes me as right-leaning, which is meh.
The other friend is someone I met a few weeks ago. I also met her on Discord because we both play the same mobile game. But it seems she is the type to go MIA every week because ~*muh depression*~ and I fucking hate that. I already experienced that type of behaviour a few years ago, when I met a girl online that would ghost me for weeks and then suddenly return and answer all my message in bulk, talk to me normally for a few days and then bam, gone.
>inb4 noo you are so cruel and insensitive
Girl, I have depression too, and I don't go around spamming people and then disappearing and basically ignoring everyone when I'm having one of my shitty episodes. At least I make an effort to not ghost people I care about. Life hack: talking to them can even improve your mood and make you stop thinking about how numb you feel.
Anyway, I just want someone I can talk from time to time and be friends with and share stupid things about my day!!!!! I also wish I had art friends, cause I'm in desperate need of someone I can share my art with and someone that can push me forward or inspire me or idk… but the art community is filled with trannies and woke SJW uggh.
I would go to the friend finder thread or something, but I don't trust lolcow to find friends, I don't wanna doxx myself.
It's a hard life!
No. 1785405
File: 1700762039371.jpg (35.71 KB, 479x300, nw8LfpD.jpg)

I downloaded Stardew Valley wishing I can get back to the days I first played it but I didn't remember how it really was. I felt so stressed out trying to do everything at once and wondered why I even liked the game. Then I opened my old save and I got hit by the fact that I lost all my creativity and drive to do things just for the sake of being happy when I see it. I used to design my house so beautifully, now I never even paid attention to that and my house looks ugly and all over the place. I laid out pathings and made things look homey and natural in my farm and now I was just rushing everything and everything looked unruly and ugly. Back then I maxed only things I like doing like farming and and bees and didn't do much for things I don't like. Now I try to max everything and stress myself out. I had a very cozy home and even had kids, was married to Leah whom I had "fancied" while playing the game and I was very happy while dating her and getting married. I was so happy about being able to have same sex marriage. I was close with every character. I forgot kids were even a thing in the game. In the current save I didn't even name my animals properly but in the old save I picked names from characters I liked that fit those animals. I named my kids cutely, I picked clothes carefully. I prepared gifts for my wife. And I still found things to do with the farm like I was in the middle of placing tree seeds around in a pretty shape. I put so much thought into everything and I can see now how I enjoyed the game so much. It's so heartbreaking to see what the death of my old self looks like. I lost all my love for life but I didn't have a reference to how bad depression hit me till now. I mourn the girl I was, I miss her so much.
No. 1785438
>>1785409Ah, i forgot to say pic unrel, i posted the picture cause I thought it was cute, but thanks for the advice, since I was thinking about getting into Puyo, now I know it's best to avoid the fandom.
>>1785412I knew someone was gonna mention this, and yes, I have, lel. I actually thought once that maybe she was a tranny or a man larping and that's why she is so secretive, but she has sent me a few videos of her cats where she talks and it was clearly a female voice. Plus, her hobbies and interests are very female leaning.
>>1785422Oh yeah, I know it's a me problem, that's why I said I need new friends haha.
No. 1785529
>>1785186Firefox and ublock origin works for me. It doesn't work on other browsers though.
>>1785342Late but sending prayers that everything went OK!
No. 1785613
File: 1700770054706.gif (17.05 KB, 220x246, cat-live-cat-reaction.gif)

>see cute butch woman on a local business social media page
>find her ig
>they/them in bio
>pictures of her with a vial of testosterone
>navel gazing posts about hating her breasts
nonas i hate this world sometimes
No. 1785615
>>1785518Make a little voodoo doll of your rapist and convince him to become a TIM. For bonus points manifest him getting an infection from dilating with a turkey bone.
(Sending all the love and hugs your way, nonita, you never deserved that and you'll watch him get destroyed someday)
No. 1785690
>>1785655all of this happened when we were waiting to board, he boarded before me and that's when i told the flight attendant what happened. he also did want to switch seats and sit next to me, i begged the flight attendants to not let anyone change seats next to me or to have me be moved.
>>1785661i think he got put on a no fly list
No. 1786034
File: 1700781190062.jpg (77.93 KB, 436x413, f5a.jpg)

>Your storage is almost full>Pay us MONTHLY to get more storage!!Fuck google. Why would I ever do this.
>>1785186Based anon responses
No. 1786280
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I'm half-ghosting my friends right now and I feel bad about it but I don't have the energy to pretend to be normal for our voice calls. Plus there's some new people in the group and I'm sure they're cool but I really hate new people kek. I'm still active over text but it's not the same
No. 1786318
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I ate so much sugar today
No. 1786390
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my dad and oldest brother got into a screaming match at thanksgiving dinner its so fucking pathetic
why are men so goddamn embarassing like just eat the fucking turkey so we can go our separate ways we all fucking hate each other anyway why do we do this every year AHHH
No. 1786435
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I will see her tonight. I’m glad I’ve got this almost obsessive crush on her so I can forget about my other more tragic and embarrassing crush.
No. 1786466
File: 1700812015705.png (1.21 MB, 828x1792, IMG_4328.png)

>overthink every aspect of my relationship right before I go to sleep
>has been happening these last few days despite nothing actually worth worrying about happens
Why does my brain do this to me I just want to sleep. Stop being so fucking insecure and go to sleep . I don’t need this REEEE
No. 1786535
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It's now been over 1700000000000 seconds since the 1st of January 1970. When I started browsing 4chan file names started with 11. Kill me.
No. 1786543
>>1786535I romanticize the 70s a lot
nonny, what about you
No. 1786550
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Same nona. I hope it gets better soon
No. 1786584
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>>1786544>>1786550I’ll manifest good things for u nonnies. I’ll start by sacrificing some useless moids.
No. 1786624
>>1786592Seriously, why does that happen? I know moids are retarded and all that, but what makes a person wake up one day and think
>today I will stab some children Like why? How? Those who hurt children in any way should get killed on sight.
No. 1786626
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pmsing so hard i want someone to cuddle with and cry on their chest. i learned the online guy ive been crushing on is tall but idk what his face looks like. i want him but im ugly. i want to hug him. i want to die
No. 1786752
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We ended things. I keep switching between feeling relief to feeling miserable. Yes, i was being mistreated for a year and a half, but we had fun times. I dont know if I'll ever find genuine love again. I think most men are terrible, and traditional dating is dead. I know everyone says that being single is better than being with someone, but i want to feel loved one day. I just dont know if that's possible anymore because men really dont love women. I wanna cry
No. 1786866
>>1786815he's definitely made comments to me that i've found creepy,
like alluding to calling me attractive and making sly digs at my bf but then i question if it's just me overthinking or being dramatic. we've gone for a one on one lunch before but that was because he was giving me a performance review so there was a reason. this time it's just for no reason and it feels weird to me idk
No. 1787152
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I’ve been talking to a guy I met on tinder for about 8 days straight every night. We ended up moving our chats from tinder onto Snapchat. I really like him and I could tell he liked me too. We’d text and send voice messages. He would initiate convos in the beginning, then we both started talking to each other frequency about what our ideal date would look like. We talked about playing games online together, after I come back home from the holidays, since he recently installed WiFi at his house. Anyways, about a day and a half ago, I noticed he hasn’t responded to a message I sent him earlier or opened his Snapchat app. I miss him already. I checked his tinder profile and it’s not there anymore. At first, I freaked out, because I though he might be ghosting me, but I remembered you can deactivate you account temporarily. Maybe he’s just caught up with life or his wifi is bugging, but I miss our conversations and hearing his voice. I’m not as panicked as I was the first night, but I just hopes he’s ok. If he doesn’t think anything between us would work, I’m ok with that too. I just wish in that hypothetical situation he’d message me first.
No. 1787188
File: 1700869840938.jpg (69.62 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,…)

i have been spending all my free time doom scrolling
No. 1787210
File: 1700870482886.jpeg (73.55 KB, 1200x829, 1690443617694.jpeg)

my brother just learned today he's having another boy. i doubt they'll have a 3rd so i will forever have 2 nephews and 0 nieces. fuckin sad about it nonnies
No. 1787358
I'm 25. I mean, I've been called weird too as a kid, but I don't think I'm that weird, these days if people think I'm weird I think they'd say I'm friendly-weird, no one has a problem with me that I know of. But that's a completely separate issue. I don't mind being weird, if I am indeed weird, but it does bother me that I'm offensively ugly. Like I said, I don't even wish to be pretty, I just wish I could be forgettable average. I'm the type of ugly where you walk away thinking,
>"my god, poor girl. Glad I am not her, idk how she copes."
No. 1787492
File: 1700881714964.jpeg (434.86 KB, 1179x972, IMG_0680.jpeg)

men claim that they are the "providers"
yet all they do is take from us
No. 1787615
>>1787612The dog shit just adds to the feng shui of dirty moids.
Go clean your room.
No. 1787619
>>1787616>>1787613Lol, why are you nonners so upset?
For the record: No, I do not care that my dog shit in some man's squalor. I get to come home to a clean room and bedsheets LOL.
No. 1787624
File: 1700893306314.jpg (16.13 KB, 200x160, 200px-Chris5.jpg)

>>1787621>you mean your dog shit in their dirty house?Yep.
>and your fuck buddy cleaned it??Yep.
No. 1787633
File: 1700893783402.jpg (36.07 KB, 680x500, edcbe3701b9f21139142518dde76a5…)

>itt moids with smelly rooms and floor mattresses
No. 1787639
>>1787635The trashy situation got left behind about 40 miles southeast of me.
Reading the full context of the post is important.
I would be very upset and apologetic if my dog would have shit at one of my girlfriend's houses as they are clean and do not take advantage, fwiw.
I do not care about shitty, unclean moids and their selective memory of what filth level is acceptable for them. Neither should you.
No. 1787657
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>>1787653Take me to your picrel room so I can calm down, anonkun
No. 1787661
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>>1787657House in question
No. 1787674
>>1787662>>1787651>>1787633Kek anon take a step back and evaluate how you’re coming across right now, are you on something or is this just how you are sober?
>>1787664Nona stoppppp kekekekkkk
No. 1787681
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No. 1787684
>>1787677Lol well did ya want me to clean it for them like???
>>1787676>>1787680>>1787679It was one of the roommate's "beds" which was just a mattress on the floor around some trash idk.
I didn't go upstairs to clean it so I did not look. Hope some of the shit got into the pillows!
No. 1787722
>>1787717If it was bait, then why is this anon so
triggered about the comparison? Just kidding, no one really thinks it was bait, I’m just poking fun at you.
No. 1787748
>>1787743Anon needs to clarify if this is different than dogshitchan.
I'm confused and can't keep the plots together.
No. 1787791
File: 1700899142722.gif (1.69 MB, 318x180, nichijou-mio.gif)

former friend posted the plot of her comic and it's incredibly similar to my comic i'm currently writing (almost finished thumbing out and figuring out the details of the story). I just got the rejection email from the publisher and now this…
I doubt the actual vibe and story will be all that similar but the set up is the same…I was still friends with her when she was brainstorming, but none of what matches my story were mentioned (other than it's a gay romance), so I'm sure it's just a coincidence, but I just know she's going to think I've been ~inspired~ by her.
No. 1787799
>>1787792>notification caused him to accidentally unlock it in front of his gf, revealing a stash of nudes from his exOH MAN I would see red if this happened to me
>>1787791Thats really annoying, do you have any progress documents showing when you started to draw it or soemthing?
No. 1787821
File: 1700901716258.jpg (Spoiler Image,67.95 KB, 941x687, j6KfzOD.jpg)

A friend on twitter put this shit onto my tl and I was going to reply complaining about pedos but she was calling it hot…. it's time to delete my account and never interact with people again
No. 1787833
>>1787824What was it nona? I'm anti porn so I'll understand if it's just that that has turned your stomach
>>1787825Yeah so he's engaging in sex stuff not with his gf
No. 1787835
>>1787824What did you see?
>>1787825Are you daft? Because porn is looking at OTHER women while in a relationship.
No. 1787842
>>1787837Oh yeah put a fork on it that relationship is done.
My husband used to have folders like that but I told him going into the relationship that shit needs to be deleted and never done again.
No. 1787844
File: 1700903643017.jpeg (17.43 KB, 415x739, images - 2023-11-25T201433.320…)

>>1787840That shit is so much worse than him jerking off to production porn. I'd never recover, I would get the biggest ick and my pussy would suck up inside me like homer
No. 1787851
>>1787849You know you need to get rid of him.
Him blaming it on you is pathetic scrote behaviour, can't even stand on his own two feet about the reason behind it, has to be your own fault. No accountability, he will never change.
No. 1787858
>>1787834>>1787836He's currently in uni so the plan is 3 years, as he is not yet able to support us both financially. The current plan is meeting twice a year, at least 3 weeks at a time (can't really do any more often as he's in the US and I'm in Europe, so flights are incredibly expensive). I can manage the distance in that sense and I am willing to wait, it's just the sexual stuff that I struggle with. I wish we could just not do any of it online and just keep it to when we meet. Admittedly my sex drive has dropped since I stopped masturbating, but I feel good for stopping and the prospect of starting again fills me with so much guilt. Although I'm not into it, the sexual conversation is manageable enough as long as it isn't "sexting", but luckily he's not into that anyway. My main gripes are just sending pictures and doing stuff in video call. Often I just cannot bring myself to, and he misinterprets this as lack of attraction and gets upset. We've been together for over a year already, but lately it has just been getting worse. He's also met my family, they all really like him, and he is the person I want to spend my life with, especially since we took eachothers virginity (well, I was abused as a child, but he is my first real experience). I just don't see myself getting over this.
No. 1787886
File: 1700907777354.jpg (21.06 KB, 275x144, 1667799870404.jpg)

I got a letter from the cancer society thing saying my pap was abnormal.I am slightly freaking out but I also feel like its probably fine. I know for a fact when I did my test I was positive for BV. About a week before I had a tooth taken out and was on antibiotics. I fucking hate antibiotics because my pH levels always go fucking mad and I ALWAYS get BV on antibiotics, it's so irritating. My doctor also called to just ask if I had bad symptoms but I couldn't tell honestly. I'm sure it's just that causing the abnormality but I'm spacing out a lot. What if I can't have kids? What if I actually have cancer? My boyfriend at least comforted me with saying that it's not a relationship breaker if I can't have his kids, that it would be sad if we had to do it another way.
I think I feel extra upset because I worked on my mental health for a long fucking time, dealing with ptsd and whatever trauma happened to me, only to have it all spat on. I recently started feeling human, happy and content. Fuckkk meee
No. 1787962
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My only friend is austitic like me. Even though it’s nice to be fundamentally similar to another person, it’s so damn frustrating trying to interact with her. I know our style of texting involves me text dumping and waiting a week for her to respond to them en masse, but it makes it difficult to actually plan days where we can hang out. I’ve told her that it makes it seem like she’s uninterested in hanging out, even though I acknowledge that she probably has other stuff going on, so maybe this can get resolved? Though it probably makes me look needy
No. 1788002
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It’s been like what a month now? And my Nigel has completely disappeared and it’s all my fault. Our last interaction was over text this September.
>he told me he had to go do something with his dad and he would be right back
>I fall asleep and the next morning I see he has left me on read and not added onto the conversation we were having last night
>not that out of character for him, especially when he is weirded out/upset by something I said, whatever
>send him some good morning texts and all that and he just leaves me on read again w/out responding.
>this continues for the next, like, two days until he just doesn’t open our messages at all
>check gc we are in, he hasn’t been active there either, has not posted on social media etc
>assume he’ll never come back, and if he does it won’t be for many months, he has had these “breaks” from everyone and everyone before
>three weeks after this realization I send him a short paragraph about how I feel like that is the case and it’s fine if it is, I say I miss him and anticipate his return, turn off my phone and don’t use it until the next night
>check messages only to find he SAW IT!
>calculate the time he saw it was in the same hour I sent the message!!
>excitedly message him, no response at all
>weeks pass by after I send a couple more messages, still no response
>figure out that he probably missclicked the notification he got from me that he was intentionally trying to avoid, explains why he opened it in the same hour
>hes actually gone now
>reach out to his friends who say they haven’t heard from him either and are worried
He was so nice and sweet and lovely and patient and polite to everyone and good to me and I fucking scared him off because I thought it was funny to act like a retard & now he’s fucking gone forever. Feel like shit just want him back.
picrel I guess onlybc we used to send eachother cute baby monkeys lolol
No. 1788003
File: 1700922679943.jpg (43.64 KB, 750x978, 1684849818639.jpg)

I went and got acrylic nails done for the first time in my life over halloween and the lady doing my nails totally fucked me.
i wanted skintone acrylic painted black so i could take it off after halloween but she gave me black acrylic powder
so now i have to go back to get it taken completely off to do a christmas design instead of just getting a fill/paint job.
also she put one pinky nail on so fucking crooked it looks insane and they are all different thicknesses including my right index which is fattest at the end like a fucking club.
AND the tips she put on some of my nails are too small and i have sharp square regrowth of my natural nail on the sides
spent $59 to suffer
No. 1788019
>>1787909>he hurt my feelings acting like I'm some sort of kook or bpd for.. getting a little annoyed for a few seconds that I couldn't find something?I just got out of a relationship with a BPD dude who did the exact same thing to me.
It doesn't get better and yeah he just escalated the crazymaking over time. It's controlling.
I could slightly frustrate to myself over something that had nothing to do with him and he would be treating me like a psychotic bitch having a five alarm meltdown, meanwhile he was allowed to be as negative and as mean as he wanted and I wasn't allowed to have any reaction towards his bullshit whatsoever.
No. 1788079
File: 1700926473197.jpg (4.12 KB, 276x183, Untitled.jpg)

>B-b-but I'm an engineer, I think logically and want to problem-solve!
No actually you're just really stupid and selfish. You can't see the logic in normal people doing human things and reacting with human emotions as if you haven't lived on this planet for 30 years. My dog and cat can read people better than you, and here you are flexing how you're too logical to understand basic human concepts like if I am tired you do not bother me or ask me to help you move heavy furniture. Other boyfriends rub their girlfriends' feet and make them tea, you just whine and cry and fart like a smelly toddler whose boymommy never told him no.
You wanna solve my problem? Stop asking me to help you rearrange furniture and leave me alone as I repeatedly asked you to do and you still wouldn't stop asking. You also ruined my morning by being a sensitive pisschild because I bought myself a coffee and nothing for you, despite this being a little treat for myself for managing to survive this hellweek working 70 hours out in the cold, despite you making a billion times more money than me and never buying me shit unless I explicitly ask, despite me getting you little treats and surprises on my little slave salary and you scoffing at them and saying you'll have them 'later', then they go untouched for months.
I coddled you too much. Go fuck yourself and be an ugly crybaby somewhere else. Thank god you can't have kids, I'd pity them so much for having a deadbeat like you for a father. Oh no boo hoo, I'll be alone living with cats! Can't fucking wait.
No. 1788202
File: 1700932896401.jpeg (93.03 KB, 542x576, 1694808686961.jpeg)

>tfw hanging out with the rich doting simp who I am not attracted to today just in case I need a fallback if I cannot get into a relationship with a guy who I actually want
No. 1788211
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I don't understand the "thigh gap" meme. I have one despite being literally obese. Ok.
No. 1788280
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So an artist that I'm fan of is going on EU tour next year and the the dates for the EU are just about six in a few countries. There is one in my country but it's pretty far away so there is one closer to me but it's in another country. I looked up to buy a ticket for the date closer to me but the online shop has no payment option for my possible options to buy shit online. So now I have to go to my bank, get the other bank options done for me, which will also take a few days until it's ready to use which is also lots of time that I won't have the chance to buy any tickets. I swear, usually shit ticketmaster has all the dates I want to go to but THIS one isn't there to purchase. Fuck that.
No. 1788330
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Hate when abusive parents suddenly become old and fragile and all their bravado goes away. They already killed everything inside me, who cares. All that's left is complacent dust and Stockholm syndrome from their infantilization. Yes they can have their good moments, yes they are good in front of my friends, yes they care in their own way. Still doesn't undo all the damage.
No. 1788370
>>1788355Youre grandma is in my prayers
nonnie, I hope you’re able to see her soon
No. 1788413
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I used to write, direct, and act my own plays in school, but after I turned 15, I completely stopped because I got very insecure and developed BDD. I genuinely used to enjoy doing that hobby, and it's sad that my insecurity got the best of me.
No. 1788416
i think a girl in my friend group is lying about being a victim of sexual violence.
I always like to believe victims, but some things she has said make absolutely no sense, eg she says she's a virgin and then says she's been raped, then she says she doesn't know because it might have happened in her sleep but she can't be sure.
the other day someone brought up that there was a fight close to where we live, and she pulled out her phone and started showing people pictures of herself with a bloodshot eye, saying it was from her ex punching her in the face. then a little later her best friend came over, saw the picture and laughed, and said "is that from when X accidentally elbowed your eye?" and she said yeah awkwardly and put her phone away.
she's really good friends with this ex, she still was sleeping with him up until a few months ago and just suddenly says actually she hates him and also he was evil all along, but she doesn't seem at all upset.. i know she probably wouldn't vent to me, but the way she laughs about it feels so unnatural.
Now she's released a really cryptic set of pics on instagram with sexual violence hashtags on it, and everyone is saying how brave she is but .. i just dont believe her.
i feel bad for not believing her but she always has to make herself the centre of attention, she hates when other people have a convo that she cant self insert into and she always lies about her interests if someone she likes says they like it. her personality makes this whole thing hard to believe.
No. 1788453
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I want to cry. I can feel depression creeping in on me again. All I want to do is sleep and I have trouble focusing on schoolwork. I know why it's happening: right now I'm in a toxic grad program and the professors I'm working under have been abusive to me. I can't reveal anything because my program is small, but apparently student bullying and throwing out have been rampant these past 30 years. I only have until May when I can bolt with my MA, but in the meantime the powerlessness is fueling the depressive thoughts and actions. I've been through a depressive state before so I know how not to let myself get to rock bottom, but it's hard that there is nothing I can do but slog through this until May. My friends and parents are lovely and supportive, but they can't do anything about the way these 2 professors treat me and denigrate my work. So I just have to… I guess try not to take all they say to heart (very hard) and focus on small happy things outside of this mess. But that's hard now when I constantly feel tired and unable to concentrate or too disappointed in my work. Everything feels hopeless and bleak. I forget about it when I sleep. I don't know how else to cope. I don't want to burden my loved ones even more than I already am.
No. 1788469
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I wish I had a boyfriend. Spending winter alone is no fun. I feel sad seeing everyone else walk in the snow, go to coffee together, cuddle under blankets, skating, farmers market….. It's no fun to be alone.
No. 1788726
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The neuropathy is bad tonight. I stopped running as a hobby after my spinal injury, because I couldn’t even walk for a year or so afterwards. I really enjoyed feeling capable in my body back when I was running 7-10km every day or so.
Yesterday, I thought I would try restarting the couch to 5km programme. I took my dog with me and he was so sweet and good. I felt positive about it at the time, but tonight my leg is on fire. Its temperature skyrockets for some reason and the numbness and prickling drives me nuts. Just walking around today, my back and leg were throbbing and it felt like my discs were almost grinding.
I feel so frustrated. It’s just another ever present reminder of the assault and everything that came with it. I’m tired. I just want to be sexy and fit and capable, but I couldn’t be further from it. I feel and look like dogshit.
No. 1788872
>>1788836they're calling it THCA
>>1788841thank you, i think i'll smoke then put on some fake thunderstorm noises. take care of yourself this evening as well
No. 1788894
>>1788597In all honesty, recently I've been feeling worrisome physical effects after I drink. I wouldn't consider myself an alcoholic at all and I have no idea what it is specifically but since it occurs only after I drink, it's better just to scratch that out before it might get worse, you know?
Plus drinking gives me terrible insomnia for some reason.
No. 1788925
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I wish I had friends who were interested in going to an arcade. We could cheer each other on at the claw machines and play rhythm games together. Wouldn't that be fun?
No. 1788962
>>1788955Well, all the little things. I don't like TV or movies, I can't see the fun in social media, I feel deeply sad when a couple has announces a baby, I am disgusted by all men, I am irritated by and feel no affection towards children (I'm not mean to them or anything I just dislike them), I don't understand why more people are not seeing how dangerous new technology is, horrified by them adopting it willingly, people treat me like I'm crazy for it, I don't have any hobbies to talk about, I don't have any friends, I can't see the beauty is things others find charming, i could go on but what is the point?
No. 1789007
>>1789003No, I guess i sometimes look under rocks for bugs or find spiders and try to identify them, but other than that the only thing I enjoy is sleep and having dreams
>>1789004>in the end, life feels like succession of boredom, mitigated by the occasional juncture of amusementI agree, and since I can't find any amusement, I'm finding life unbearable
No. 1789100
I can’t stand her insecurities and the way she treats me because of them. I know she somehow sees me as someone inferior to her and it’s pretty ironic because I’m doing better in life that she is and that probably won’t change.
I know it’s going to sound superficial but I’m skinnier, people always told me and still me I’m attractive, I’m in a healthy and long relationship, I have a pretty bunch of decent friends, stability at my job and I own a house.
She’s severely overweight (even thought she classifies herself as medium), all the people that ever payed her attention got bored of her because her personality (too much ego tbh), her relationships didn’t last for more than two months or were LDR (and she always had her heart broken because people lost interest -again), most of her friends end up dumping her because she’s too demanding, her jobs are basically shitty ones were she thinks she’s good at it but to others these kind of jobs seem like the ones you would give a college student, and she’s struggling every month to pay for rent even when she has a hole on her when it comes to money.
And she has the nerve to be questioning every thing I say, or everything I choose. I could be talking about wanting to get some food and she’d start to tell me how bad it is, how I should eat the other one instead. That applies to anything. From the people I dated, to the jobs I choose, even the clothes I have to wear daily!
Then she gets upset if she doesn’t receive the response she expects. I think sometimes she just wants to found a reason to argue with me, like saying exactly the opposite thing of what I’m saying. “Do you like the colour blue, anon? It’s fine but I think blue doesn’t suit you at all, because I prefer yellow.” It sounds ridiculous, right? That’s how she is.
It has been this way since forever. When we were little I kept telling her how I thought someone didn’t like me because of their behaviour with me. Instead of believing me, she chose to think that I was wrong (as per usual) until they publicly admitted their dislike about me and then she wouldn’t make a comment. Same goes to me thinking about someone liking me. In her eyes that was “impossible”, I was making things up, until the same person went to her to ask her for my number kek.
She even called my fiancé a fuck boy for three months straight. Of course she didn’t say it to me because she’s fake as that, people told me and even showed me proof.
And I try my best to not think bad about her because I know people can change and sometimes I get all pissy too about things that aren’t that important but then we’d start talking about nothing special and she’d start again with her old ways and I’m this close to give up with her.
At this point I wish she wasn’t in my life anymore. She doesn’t bring anything good to me, I feel like I’m always trying and trying to get nothing in return. I just wanted some respect, that’s all.
No. 1789211
>>1789044NTA but you have a big
victim complex on top of your egocentric nature that is so unique. This is the vent thread. You're free to vent, but people will comment on posts with their own ideas. I'm certain there are plenty of other depressed individuals just like you out there, but they didn't respond this time around. That's alright. Keep living and don't take it personally.
No. 1789309
>>1789279"Their" name is Bea and go by b3azzle_bvb.
Posted about it in the personal lolcow thread with a few screenshots if you want to take a look.
No. 1789751
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I’m seeing some more pictures of my ex popping up on social media and he was all smiles but something seemed really off. I looked at some older pictures and what I remember he’s developed this really weird forced smile that doesn’t look like his real one at all. He also seems to barely take care of his hair or shave anymore which he said he was super insecure about because he has a really weird, patchy growth pattern. He looks like he’s aged a lot recently too. I think he’s miserable after ruining our relationship but he’s more comfortable hating himself so he’s just gonna get stuck.
No. 1789886
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Why do all those tea sellers online call themselves some variation of teaflower when they sell no teaflowers?
No. 1789894
>>1789883It's more annoying than scary. I cannot enjoy my life anymore because I have to constantly check my body for any symptoms and I break down everytime something appears on my body or I feel something. Recently I had a mild bronchitis along with some mild chest pains and my brain went ballistic into telling me I had heart cancer because the lungs do not have pain receptors so that must be it, right?
I wish everything could stop and I hate that I look like a munchie when in reality I wish I was actually okay…
I'm losing days to this… I wish I could go back to when my brain told me someone was outside my house constantly…it was scarier but at least I didn't live in fear of not living long enough due to my body crumbling
>>1789888Sometimes, yes, but they're like shadows or stuff that doesn't make sense, but everyone sees different things so I cannot speak for the entirety of "us". About the voices, I hear constant screaming. The main problem are the thoughts, when I'm feeling fucked up like right now, the brain just goes into different roads and tells me that I'm going to die for some reason, that certain food is poison and such. Writing down and talking about it actually helps because I can see how stupid it sounds so I force myself to cringe at myself but it's plain sad when I can't see myself getting to another birthday and I guess that's mento illness right
No. 1789900
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>>1789896ty nona…have a nice day
No. 1789901
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>>1789900you have a nice day too!
No. 1789903
>>1789894>>1789882that sucks
nonny. I'm schizo with medical OCD and its hell to have a new symptom every week making me think im about to fucking die, but im grateful i dont have other delusions. i do feel like a borderline munchie at times because I'm so worried about my dumbass body, its fucking exhausting. i am also living with the idea I'm going to die in a few years from some condition I can't even predict or prevent. it's a constant fight to not let my OCD fuck up my life. i think the best way to manage these thoughts and worries is thru writing tho, I write medieval medical mystery fiction to cope with my medical obsessions kek
No. 1789919
>>1789903You know? Same. To deal with this shit I write angst. I may be cringe with writing fanfictions or random fiction in my late 20s but I don't care, it helps me cope. Since I even have delusions about medical staff and I avoid going to hospitals/getting help when I can because I believe they're gonna harvest my organs or something, when I write about characters getting sick and taken care of, it kinda makes this thing go away…I feel very lonely due to this condition and I've become very good at hiding it (I can actually roleplay as a normie in a convincing way if I can have like 5 minutes to myself to let out the tension in a bathroom break or something) but I feel like that opening up to someone would mean getting judged because le quirky mentally ill girl trend…
Fuck tiktok and tumblr before that…
No. 1789953
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>>1789950Oh and while I'm here: I hate that everyone makes me feel so bad about taking longer to graduate than normal. Six years for a four year degree. I'm not proud of it either but you don't have to rub it in and make me feel stupid.
No. 1789984
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how normal is to have blatant old moid attention? i get the normal ammount of moid attention any average woman can get without trying too much, but it's like old moids always make it very clear they're simping me. every. fucking. time. they try everything to keep talking to me (irl), they tell me how pretty i am, or can't keep staring at me even when it makes me uncomfortable. i like to think it is because moids used to approach women irl and instathots didn't exist, but i'm a very offputing autismo woman "vibes" and old farts still come at me. and it's even weirder for me because it isn't an overtly sexual kind of attention, it feels like an old man approaching a kitten.
No. 1790273
>>1790200>do you only find yourself only feeling strong negative feelings and when something good comes, theres no feeling of satisfaction gotten from it?yes, exactly that. What makes you say pituitary gland issues? Did your friend get some sort of diagnosis, or is it just a personal theory?
And I don't think you're being mean. I appreciate your response. I've honestly been really even more depressed than usual since last night, I posted at a really low point and obviously already hated myself, hell I called myself a "failed dog breed" it doesn't get more self-deprecating than that, and yet anons decided to call me a "self-centered", "egotistical", "internet-addicted" individual with "arrested development", and then decided to tell me I have a "
victim complex" for being hurt by that? It just seems so uncalled for and it really shocked me somehow, even though I should know how people generally are.
Thinking about it today, that interaction helped me see something more clearly about the world– people with lower levels of empathy for others are those that succeed and are able to feel happy in this world. Our small internet interaction was just one little example of it, but you can see it no matter where you look in the world. Those willing to step on others, kick the weak when they're down, and ignore the tragedies of every day life gain more profit, more confidence, and better QOL. It seems I really need to get used to the dog eat dog world our take myself out of it.
No. 1790292
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i know this sounds stupid as shit but i really want to get it out there.
i feel like i'm so in love with my boyfriend and i leave his side in a week. we're long distance (countries apart) and we just spent the last two months together, travelling, staying at his house, and now we're on another short trip. this is our third time meeting and it's been the longest visit we've had so far and i just… don't want to leave. at all.
i don't want to return to my parent's home where i have to wear earplugs to sleep because they fucking blast music all night long. i work remotely and the moment i have to be on webcam my mom has a complete conniption fit because idk, she gets triggered or something. my dad hasn't talked to me since i was 12.
we're spending our last week somewhere tropical as a christmas present and all i can think about is how i have to leave soon. never in my life have i felt so cared for, understood, heard, whatever.
i'd do anything not to leave but i know i have to and that really hurts.
No. 1790296
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>>1776699Brother-in-Law drives drunk.
Anyone have any experience with this?
As he will be staying for the holidays, I am wondering if anyone here knows what they would say, in this position. Everyone is supportive of him and I believe I’m the only one who know. What would you say?
No. 1790418
>>1790380Good luck to you and everyone involved
nonny! I hope you feel better soon and I hope the baby is born healthy
No. 1790694
>>1790273The pituitary gland is connected to the release of oxytocin and often associated to good feelings like love or even orgasms so if theres anything affecting that sector (not saying a tumor, could be genetic too) would devoid you of those strong positive emotions. i
I didnt get to know what really caused this because she didnt have the money to go to a doctor and we cut contact long ago, i still love her dearly but her situation made it so she couldnt maintain a relationship even as friends. We talked a lot and you seem to fit the symptoms.
Ill say to you the same i used to say to her, the world is not made to be enjoyed right now and we can only hope that one day, by basically the grace of God, that we meet someone that at least can understand how we feel. In your case its gonna be hard because even i found it hard to understand something that i just cant comprehend fully as dont suffer from that condition, so my perspective is limited to what i was communicated by her and i could partially get how she felt but sadly i would never fully get it. I love you nonna and dont think of yourself as someone weak because of what youre living through because even as "defective (if you want to call it that)" youre much stronger than people around you, dont do anything dumb and just keep walking ahead im rooting for you.
No. 1790759
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My comforter strap went awol and flew at my face. I ran out of the room crying and my boyfriend was very sweet actually and comforted me with an ice pack for my nose. I'm fucking upset though because I love my nose and if for some stupid reason the force of that whacking me in the face makes my nose ugly I'm gonna lose it. This happened 30 minutes ago and my nose still really hurts. At least my bed sheet won't pull off in the middle of the night..
No. 1790927
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Yesterday evening I had a conversation with my mom about my wish to move out the town and even the country I live in and the places I wanna move in are pretty far away from my hometown. My mom's response towards moving the country was neutral, but when I mentioned moving to a city from the country that is far, her response was a "you'll return here" in an angry tone and continues to say that I can't drop out of college again (she thinks I'll do if I move) and that I'll spend my entire salary on rent. This last part is so funny since if I did rent in this shithole, I had lower chances of making ends meet since a salary higher than 400$ is unheard of (even if you busted your ass in school).
Now, I understand her, we got really close during the pandemic and generally we get along so good, I feel guilty telling her that and leaving her pretty much alone if the time comes (I mean, she has my dad, but it doesn't compare to her I guess). I love her so much, I can't just move that far away like that even though I want to.
On the other hand, I don't want to let life slip by staying here, there are no activities for 20-somethings other than drinking in the shittiest bar or gas station, maybe getting drugged with weirdos here, work a shitty job,and walking through the same park.
And also, my mom recieved some diagnosis for the lower back recently (recovery is a slow process, but doable) and I feel like I have to care for her and moving away will make things even worse even though she always tells me to not take the role of a parent with her, but I know her health will get worse since I will not live with her anymore and we will miss each other so much.
I'm now crying writing this and so conflicted, I just wish her health problems will disappear and we both weren't that sensitive.
No. 1790995
>>1790994I laughed. Imagine not only embarrassing yourself to normies for your drug use, but also embarrassing yourself to druggies for not being able to handle a hit.
>>1790989Don't even sweat it nona. I'm one of those people who hates coughing and the sound of wet coughing makes me go insane, but hearing it over zoom rather than in person makes it a thousand times better because I know the person isn't infecting me but is miles away.
No. 1791078
I was diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder 7 years ago and lately I had to attend several parties (weddings, babyshowers). I can hold short small talks, because I've learned to behave better socially with psychotherapy but when people are around me for more than 10 min, I can tell they are thrown off by me and think I am a huge bitch.
>>1790707maybe her behaving like this is exactly the reason you're craving it?
No. 1791081
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>>1790273I’ve been thinking about you today. I want to apologize for being mean and I’m sorry I made you feel worse. I truly hope you can find happiness and be content some day.
No. 1791111
>>1790694Thank you anon. Your compassionate response means a lot to me. I hope your friend can find peace some day too.
>>1791081Anon… thanks. I really appreciate the apology more than you know. It’s ok. I love your cow picture. I feel a little less hopeless about the world now. I’m sitting here trying not to cry at work kek. Thanks anons. I will keep trying my best. I think I will start volunteering at a cat shelter on the weekends.
No. 1791157
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I genuinely hate every single job I’ve ever had where I’ve had to work for someone else. I’ve accepted the fact that I’m the problem at this point. But 30 minutes into my shift and I’m already swearing out loud at my computer and I feel my blood pressure rising again.
I just want to have a personal homestead and do my chores and water my plants and harvest my food and clean up after my animals, god fucking damn it. I wish I didn’t need actual money. I hate this life, fuck
No. 1791179
>>1790622All those contradictions pouring out of her
Just another girl in the 21st century
No. 1791212
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Sometimes I feel like my sister didn't even want a child, but probably felt pressured by our family to have one. She's the oldest and often had to help my immigrant parents with everything when she was growing up and it's clear she's still very bitter about having to figure out everything on her own when she first moved out.
No. 1791216
>>1791212Samefag but The child consumes so much of her life I genuinely wonder if it was worth it to her.I'm sure she likes the attention from family especially since all my dads siblings have had grandchildren except him. I also keep thinking about how retarded our boomer parents can be and if they might end up fucking her up too. Don't get me wrong they're caring and supportive people but they have a very
toxic relationship and a lot of trauma and project their shit onto us.
No. 1791236
>>1790599I just looked up the lyrics to Purge The Poison and cringed, lol.
Also it makes me laugh that she goes from
"All my friends are witches and we live in Hollywood" and talking about how awesome they are in that song to
"I never quite fit in to that Hollywood thing/
I didn't play that game for the money or the fame" in Venus Flytrap
No. 1791248
>>1791245Thank you,
nonny. I really appreciate it
No. 1791353
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No. 1791379
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I can't stand this anymore, I've been lactating for two days! I've never been pregnant and yet milk keeps leaking. Could birth control cause this? (no I'm not sexually active)
No. 1791388
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>>1791380I have two wet circles on my tshirt and you're laughing?
No. 1791406
>>1776699So now we can't even talk about our biologic functions without being trannies/baiting? The state of affairs.
>>1791401>>1791398I'm going to the gyno tomorrow. I think it's the birth control. I've been gaining a whole lot of weight Shayna style, having my period while on BC (hello?), and now I'm lactating. Fucking hell.
I wouldn't recommend BC to my worst enemy. I'm only taking these because I have an ovarian cyst.
No. 1791424
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my roommate broke MY coffee maker by putting milk where the water is supposed to go, and he refuses to buy me a new one
No. 1791428
>>1791421Where are you in SA?
I'm also in SA but that just seems like a poor excuse to keep on being a NEET and leeching on your mom. Reddit tier, even.
No. 1791435
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Becoming a stock image model is the best thing I've ever decided to do. I love seeing myself in all sorts of random places. Today I saw myself on a cereal box. Very cool.
I just wish I was paid royalties.
No. 1791449
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>>1791373Kill him in his sleep.
No. 1791453
>>1791373We should have a "your boyfriend is a sex pest" button for these kind of threads.
Reminds me of the girl who posted on Reddit saying she felt really bad because the day her mother died her husband thought it would be a bad idea to give her oral sex because it would cheer her up. Men.
No. 1791476
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>>1791439When I was at boarding school I cooked instant noodles directly in the electric kettle and it ended up breaking it, don't judge me.
No. 1791513
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I had a revelation today that kind of upset me… last month i started to work with a bunch of dudes at my job and they are pretty chill. I befriended one of them and we sometimes talk outside of work as well. One of the reasons that we befriended each other was that we found out pretty quickly that we both hate trannies. He said to me "finally, someone i can be myself around". But whenever i would rant about trannies he was always surprised whenever i relayed information about them eg. the surgeries, their fetishes, the subcategories of trannies etc. Whenever he would rant he wouldn't go much further than "they aren't women and they are disgusting". This struck me as odd. I wondered how he could just hate an entire group of people just based on nothing more than "they aren't women", which is a pretty based statement in itself but it still struck me as odd especially coming from a man. Last week, however, he was busy on his phone and i sat next to him and saw that his lock screen was that of a blonde woman. It seemed like a professionally made portrait. He doesn't have a girlfriend or a wife and i didn't recognize her so my immediate thought was "must be a pornstar". Then today after work i was at home and it hit me that the reason this asshole couldn't give me any proper reasons why he hated trannies was probably because they infested his porn, and that's why he said "they aren't women and they are disgusting". I now don't feel like talking to him anymore. Men forever will continue to disappoint me and i hate it. I should've never thought that he could be one of the good ones. I am now also disappointed in myself.
No. 1791532
>>1791379Hi anon, I had a similar problem, kek. Never pregnant, not even on BC or anything. Not even from stimulation of the breast.
I spoke to my doctor and gyno, we did an MRI and found a benign tumour in the brain that causes breast to leak. It's called Prolactinoma. Best wishes,
No. 1791559
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military and having our apartment boxed up today and i feel SO awkward and SO bad for not doing more?? i'm on a doctors orders to not lift over 30 which SUCKS because i can normally lift 100-150 no problem. i feel bad watching other people do things and not helping even if they're being paid for it. especially because i have personally moved all these things before and KNOW how much it sucks. i bought them all gatorade / am giving them beer + a tip after but UGH. i hate not being able to help. my husband was asking last week "why are you pre boxing everything and labeling everything, they will do that for us". okay, well i don't feel comfortable with that and at least i will and did make their job easier by consolidating things with clear labels. they still had to go through everything to make sure no aerosols, but since everything was prepacked they could just wrap it afterwards.
we have to be home while they are packing so i am currently hiding in a very small closet with my cat because we have a tiny apartment and it's the end stages and i cannot help whatsoever