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No. 178626
>Do you still have a relationship with them? Why or why not?
I do, because they mean well and it was only my mother that was the problem. They're not off their rocker or anything, but my mum was incredibly controlling back when I lived under her roof to the degree of not letting me shower by myself or wash my own hair until I was 15-ish. She'd literally march me back to the bathroom and say I hadn't done it correctly, my neck was still dirty, or I still had shampoo in my hair or whatever. Never had an issue with my dad past his bickering with my mother (they're divorced).
>Do you get irrationally angry at people who agree with you when you're talking about how horrible they are?
No, I feel guilty for talking shite about my mum, she's not really a bad person, just a lonely hypochondriac.
>Do you feel envious or resentful toward your friends with good parents?
Yeah. My bf's folks especially, they're this perfect, happy kumbaya family that love talking about their feelings, playing board games together and having family field trips to some irrelevant place like the Magic Road or w/e. Both my bf and his siblings are so well-adjusted, confident and friendly that it legit makes me jealous sometimes. My parents always keep me at arm's length, it sometimes feels like we're reenacting episodes of Downton Abbey.
No. 178636
>>178635I meant otherwise.
I don't really talk to her much aside from courtesy calls once a month, and I don't really want to think of her as crazy because that'd freak me out to the degree of never wanting to have kids myself for fear of treating them the same. So no, she isn't, not to me.
No. 178644
>Do you still have a relationship with them?Why or why not?
I try to distance myself as far as possible. My mother is a PTSD trigger for me. Last time I saw her, I ended up driving away from a wedding I drove 6 hours for, because I kept having panic attacks. I want to go NC, but my SO thinks its cruel.
My father is as fake as a piece of paper. He 'lived' with us until I graduated HS. Had a blatant affair and dipped with chick when I moved out of the house. Leaving my mother to live in a house to be foreclosed upon because he had refinanced to pay off CC debt. Fled the county to double dip dat sweet retirement money. Makes Facebook appearances when he can seem like a 'dad'.
>Do you get irrationally angry at people who >agree with you when you're talking about >how horrible they are?
No, not really. I've been around people who've had issues within their families, but it was mostly alcoholism. So I assumed everyone's families aren't perfect.
>Do you feel envious or resentful toward >your friends with good parents?
Surprisingly, I've only encountered this for the first time recently. I used to rage internally when I heard about friends who's parents care, pay for their college, is helping them out financially. But after a while, I find it refreshing to see people who come from good families. They seem genuinely happy, everyone deserves to be happy.
>Do those people sometimes come off as tone deaf because they haven't experienced horrible parents?
No. 178646
>>178639God why do some anons on /ot immediately explode if they don't like an answer. I worded it badly. We could have resolved this misunderstanding. How do you know from one little morsel of information on an anonymous forum that I think I know exactly what you think about her? (pro tip: I don't)
>>178643Exactly what I meant. Thanks for wording it more adequately.
No. 178647
OP here- I started this thread because most people I know have bad parents and I find it interesting (and sometimes depressing) how different people handle it.
Like, my fiance, for example. His parents are loving, but among other things, disgustingly negligent when it comes to his mental health issues (they have literally accused me of lying that he has any in the first place) and his mom is controlling to the point where clearly there is something deeply wrong with her (she flat out told him that by getting married, he was choosing me over her and he shouldn't get married until she's ready for him to… He's a 23 yo college graduate and we've been together 3 years, and that's not the worst example I have regarding her). He's had no real problem cutting them out of his life and has spoken to her once since August. Not even really by choice, she came unannounced.
But then I have a friend who keeps a close family with her psychotic Christian family who blamed her for being raped and wouldn't even attend their own son's wedding (gay). I also know a kid who still has a relationship with his father, even though said father raped his sisters. I know many kids who maintain relationships after being physically abused by their parents, in two cases sexually. It's very distressing to be aware of.
But then I get yelled at if when someone's going on about their mommy/daddy issues, I agree with them that their parents are fucked up. I've also dealt with hardcore envy over my relationship with my parents (two people even friend dumped me over it). It's very interesting from a psychological perspective, but also very depressing.
No. 178652
I emancipated at 15 and only see my mother at family events. She's basically all of cluster B personality disorders rolled into one small woman. Never physical, but extremely psychologically abusive and a prize winning gaslighter.
She got knocked up at 29 to my (then 18 year old) birth father and raised me up to think he was the villain.
Isolated us, forbade me from talking about her to all my therapists and doctors unless I said 'she helped me a lot and is my best friend'
Refused to get the testing recommended repeatedly to diagnose my developmental disorder. (PDD-NOS)
She knew I was purging multiple times a day as a teenager, didn't react other than to encourage me to diet.
Took me to the dentist three times in my life despite all of us having hereditarily shitty, demineralising teeth.
Generally just a selfish, blamey, tantrum throwing bitch. My grandmother hasn't been dead a full 24 hours before mum came to me to cry about how grandma had never taught her how to argue and how awful they were for adopting her.
Nobody's ever really defended her to me other than my grandma, but I've never been upset about someone acknowledging that she's sort of evil.
I used to get bitter over happy families and people not understanding how bad it is to endure that sort of abuse but I realised that it's useless to be upset about something being the way it's supposed to be. My fiancées family is normal as can be, and I love spending time with them because it feels like what I think I family is supposed to feel like. It's okay to be hungry and eat or to start a conversation with someone with my inlaws and it's still strange, but it's good.
I attach really hard to mother figures in my life. Certain teachers, nurses, rehab staff, and friends parents all kind of provided the mothering I missed which probably helped a lot with managing.
No. 178654
>>178619>Do you still have a relationship with them? Why or why not?Nope, not because I didn't try though. My father was a monster to me growing up. Not going to get into details but moved out the house early, and years later wanted to see if I could fix my relationship with him. Nope, he was still horrible and even broke my arm. I knew then that I could never have a normal relationship with him, and I'll hopefully never talk to him again.
>o you get irrationally angry at people who agree with you when you're talking about how horrible they are?Maybe I don't understand the question, but no?
>Do you feel envious or resentful toward your friends with good parents?Resentful, no. But I do feel envious. I'm very much a 'family matters' person but I don't really have family. I never knew my grandparents or aunts or uncles and my mother passed away, all I have is my shitty father. It's a paradoxical kinda feel.
No. 178698
>Do you still have a relationship with them? Why or why not?
I still have a relationship with my mom, she's very supportive and loving despite the physical and (mostly) emotional/psychological abuse she caused along with collaborating with my stepfather for said cause. Nowadays she's gotten (sorta) better after realizing how bad she treated me and understood the reason for my mental disorders…in her own way ("at least you didn't have it as bad as I did, my mom was way worse (physically) to me, big deal!"). As for my stepdad, he's an even bigger pos and a master manipulator; he deserves no relationship, only forgiveness as I no longer wish to carry hatred inside my heart. He never liked me because I wasn't his kid and forced my biological father to never contact with me due to jealousy towards my mom (to this day, I never spoke to my real father and don't really know who he really is) 20 years ago. He was also sexually abusive (molestation-wise) both physically and mentally to the point that I'm still scared of being completely alone with him and always keep my guard up. Most of the time I pretend he does not exist in my world (perception), it kinda helps.
>Do you get irrationally angry at people who agree with you when you're talking about how horrible they are?
When I first spilled the beans to my therapists about my home life I felt like I betrayed them, like I stabbed them in the back. I also get depressed after talking about what went/goes down between us whenever chances come up with said therapists.
Honestly, if it weren't for the constant triggers, flashbacks and nightmares of the abuse, I wouldn't even speak about it and pretend that it never happened like I used to do and attend therapy just so I can get medication and leave like I've done for the past three years (my mom forced me to go anyway, she saw something was mentally wrong with me and wanted to be fixed along with mooching off them).
Though I am very thankful for my current therapist, she helped me realize a lot!
>Do you feel envious or resentful toward your friends with good parents?
I was mostly recentful for the material things they had and wish I had all those things (Internet/MySpace, cellphones, iPods, etc…) except we could only afford cable (if it were my other siblings (if they were teenagers like I was back then) asking for these things, they'd give it to them in a heartbeat.
I didn't have my first mobile phone till I was 22.
No. 178701
>>178698Forgot to mention I've been seeing therapists for a very long time and I was ordered not to snitch on our home life so CPS/child services wouldn't come after our "perfect family".
I currently live with my parents despite my house being a huge PTSD
trigger for me now but am working on it with my therapist.