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No. 178831
>>178778>>178776>>178773Not everybody is the robot boogy man, I just think it is ridiculous that she earns four times more than me for doing nothing. Look at movie / tv stars - they spend months learning their lines and getting their bodies ready for show. On the day they spend hours in make up (depending on the roll of course).
Now look at Zoella's most profitable achievements:
>7 Second Challenge With Miranda Sings | Zoella (11 minutes)>How well do we know each other | Zoella (10 minutes)>Draw my life | zoella (6 minutes)>"Most likely to" Sibling edition | Zoella (8 minutes)Total views: 66 million 792 thousand (just those)
>On Average, content creators earn roughly $2-$3 per 1,000 viewsAlso this
>>178828 No. 178877
>>178773Bitch, being cringeworthy in front of a camera in exchange of 50,000£/month is not a fucking job, whether you are a man or a woman. You don't need to be a robot to realize.
Are you retarded?
No. 178879
>>178834Professional athletes sacrifice shiton of time during their childhood and teenage years in order to get into the perfect physical condition to perform, instead of sitting all day long in front of their computers for years like fat cunts like you do. Often risking their health, also investing tons of money depending on the sport they practice. They often go throught serious injuries during their careers. How the fuck do you compare that to turning on a camera and acting retarded, then uploading it under some clickbait title for views?
What are you, some aspiring youtuber who's assblasted at being called out how much of fucking bullshit all this "business" is? I swear this site is getting full of underage scum.
No. 178883
>>178882*too much
Not too little lol
No. 178901
>>178879Why are you so mad? Just because I don't give a big shit about some random person making money?
A thread was put up to discuss opinions and you're sperging over not understanding why there is a demand for such content. Spoiler alert: it's the same reason people pay any mind to the Kardashians. People like to watch stupid shit. They ain't making any money off of me, so why do I give a shit?