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No. 178972
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No. 178978
>>178972I'm not a supporter of any of those two, but hey, Americans are going to be Americans. Why do you think they're known as the dumbest country?
Enjoy your next 4 or 8 years.
Also, didn't Trump have Russian help to win? Sorry, I'm not keeping up with the news.
So technically isn't Putin the new American prez? Hmm
Deleted my previous comment to fix typo and add a question.
No. 178989
>>178971>Innumerable experienceWhich included failures such as Benghazi.
>>178978>Also, didn't Trump have Russian help to winAre you legit retarded? Clinton screamed about "russian hackers" fucking up votes in states where there was no digital voting. It was incredibly stupid.
You honestly sound 12.
No. 179000
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>>178990Tell us anon, how did America hurt you?
No. 179020
>>179008Liberals are playing the long game. Instead of trying to appeal to middle America, you can run up the score with a small base of outraged people and seize control of the government in a complete shutout.
There's a lot of gloating about how libs got BTFO and how they'll never recover. But it's got the possibility to be an even more intense 2009.
This is the first prong of a three pronged attack. This is grassroots outrage and activism. Next 4 years will be media activism. And finally, they will try to crush the young Right by putting spotlight on its slight overlap with robotism and autistics who were only able to go against popular liberalism because they were antisocial to begin with.
Republicans are terrible at defense. Their confidence about gaining a 60 senator majority in 2018 is just naivety. Here's one example of an unforced error: is low hanging fruit for a press that hates your guts. Just like that disaster with the congressional ethics committee: need to tighten up that defense.
No. 179032
>>179029UM, he already has. His team is made up of a bunch of jackasses.
The only thing I care about is him fucking up the economy. It always suffers when it's in republican hands.
No. 179033
>>179031>seeminglyI suggest you watch Betsy DuVos's hearing. It is infuriating to say the least. She's such a fucking moron.
As if K -12 in this country wasn't already fucked, she's gonna drag our higher education down with it.