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No. 179588
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I have been debating making this thread for a while now, and i have a few recs, but only within the true crime genre. My faves are definitively :
Sword & scale (posts every other week when not on break, different topics, uses clips from 911 calls and courts, can be very disturbing. American host)
My favorite murder (posts almost every week, both hr long eps and minisodes. Two cool chicks in their forties, a comedian and a tv acress talk about murder & read peoples "home town murders" not too gory, + for cats. American)
Casefile (australian host works with a team to tell one detailed story almost every week, cases from many countries, sometimes uses clips from investigation interviews)
Somebody knows something (similar to the famous "serial" a male canadian reporter focus on one unsolved mystery each season, travels around trying to solve the crime at hand, plesant voice and interesting stories from the people involved)
Stranglers (this one is new, but interesting, female storyteller.)
Bonus swedish podcast ; rättegongspodden. A swedish counter to sword & scale, male host.
If any true crime buffs have something to add to this list it would be very much appreciated, as i'm always on the hunt for more!
No. 179589
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Pt 1:
>Astonishing Legends
Their mission is to take a look at legendary strange and unusual events from throughout history and interview people who've had close encounters with the unexplained.
>Dragon Age Off the Record
A podcast…about Dragon Age…
>Expanded Perspectives (my top 5 list)
Two dudes talking about mysteries and unexplained stuff. I actually really like this podcast, both hosts are well spoken and they have a lot of episodes out.
I only downloaded this because Oscar Issac provides a voice for it. Haven't actually listened yet. I think it's a mystery/thriller type thing.
>Sawbones (top 5 list)
A family practice doctor and her comedian husband talk about weird, interesting or just downright gross medical stuff.
>Stoney Creek
Sort of a paranormal thriller drama? I just listened to the first episode so far, it's not bad.
>The Black Tapes (probably my top fav)
Follows the main narrator on a weird paranormal journey that starts off with doing a show on ghost hunters that ends up with demons and possessions. It's my absolute favorite but is currently on hiatus.
No. 179594
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Pt 2
>The Leviathan Chronicles
The Leviathan Chronicles is a sci-fi podcast that tracks Macallan Orsel, a young genetic scientist in present-day New York City who discovers that immortality is not a fool's fantasy, but rather a reality for a several factions of powerful immortals living among us.
>The Magnus Archives
A weekly horror fiction podcast examining what lurks in the archives of the Magnus Institute, an organisation dedicated to researching the esoteric and the weird. Join Jonathan Sims as he explores the archive, but be be warned, as he looks into its depths something starts to look back…
>Thinking Sideways (#2 fav)
3 hosts discuss mysteries, true crime, disappearances, urban Legends, etc. Fav episode probably is Lake City Quiet Pills and Tamam Shud.
>True Crime Garage
Two Bros talking true crime and beer. They cover solved and unsolved crimes.
>Wolf 359 (#3 fav)
REALLY FUCKING GOOD. Follows a crew member aboard a space ship orbiting star Wolf 359. Sci-fi drama.
Honorable mentions:
The Message
No. 179605
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The mystery show
We hate movies
Reply all
My dad wrote a porno
Flop house when there's nothing else to listen to.
No. 179630
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I like learning about economics, so this podcast was really interesting to listen to. It discusses the history of welfare in America, people's misconceptions of it, and how/where/who distributes it.
No. 179932
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LPotL and MBMBAM are my main podcasts.
I enjoy on occasion My Favourite Murder.
No. 179936
>>179932Dude I love Last Podcast on the Left too! It takes some getting used to tough, their sense of humor can be quite brutal at first. But now listen to them all the time.
True Crime Garage is also great. Nick's informative and does his research while Captain's kind of like the ear candy and comedic relief.
No. 179941
>>179932Yes!! I'm listening to LPotL right now. I love these guys.
I'm big on Real Life Sci-Fi with Wade and Willy, too. Another great conspiracy related show that's pretty funny.
No. 179958
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>>179574I've got no idea what I'm doing here in the first place (heard about the site just today), but since you asked I might just post the one and only podcast that I listen to: sure if you lot are going to find that interesting, since most of you are women, but whatever.
pic unrelated
No. 179979
Anyone else here listen to The Adventure Zone? I've just started about a month ago and I'm really enjoying it. I've never actually played D&D before
most of my friends are too normie for that reeeeee but the podcast is really making me wanna get into it.
Aside from TAZ I'm also really into Lore and My Brother My Brother And Me too.
>>179588>>179589>>179594These sound great, thank u kind anons for the recs <3
No. 180135
>>179979I looove MBMBAM, if anyone else is a fan Griffin also does another podcast Cool Games Inc. that's the same kind of humor and equally as hilarious.
You don't really need to know about video games because the premise is that they make up video games based around absurd suggestions, but a lot of the humor is video game references so if vidya isn't your thing it might be a miss. Otherwise 10/10 would rec.
Does anyone else have any comedy/talkshow-type podcasts they like? I like things that I can listen to and be entertained without having to fully focus for when I'm commuting. Story themed podcasts and even audio books I end up missing too much because its hard to stay focused if I'm doing other stuff.
No. 180137
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>The Dollop and hilarious stories from American (and sometimes Australian) history. I recommend the episodes on Kellogg, John Lilly and Competitive Tickling.
>Thinking Sideways podcast about mysteries and paranormal events with a casual/jokey tone.
>I Don't Even Own A Television guys making fun of bad books. The host is a bit of a SJW and sometimes goes on a tangent about how stuff is ~
problematic~ but I just tune that out. It's funny otherwise.
>The F
People reading retarded internet posts (Yahoo answers, fetish websites, wikihow, and stuff like that). Probably my favourite podcast.
No. 180176
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No bully but are there any good podcasts similar to Buzzfeed's Internet Explorer? I'm into the whole internet culture thing but it'd be nice if there was something a little bit less SJW.
No. 180220
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The Adventure zone, much recommend, funny and very entertaining to listen to while youre out and about or sitting around working on stuff.
Basically three brothers and a dad play the fifth edition of Dungeons and Dragons and only one brother has played before and hes the dungeon master and theyre hysterical, they dont follow all rules to a T or anything, its very meta and just really funny to listen to. 10/10
No. 180237
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>>180220Just started listening to it and I fucking love it, they're so nerdy sounding its adorable
>>179932yessss Last podcast on the left, I listen to them all the time
tho I will say their jokes can get a little annoying but for the most part Henry is pretty funny
No. 180250
>>180239Seconding question about linguistics.
Also, anyone have any good podcasts on philosophy? There was one I used to like but now you have to pay for stuff and even though it was really good, I don't have the money.
No. 180383
>>180237Omg anon im so glad you love it, love having more people on board the adventure!!
Sage for ot and excitement anons like my reccs
No. 180415
>>179588Is that Swedish podcast in English? What a stupid question o well
The Generation Why is one of my favorite true crime podcasts, and the first podcast I ever got in to. The hosts are pleasant and they have covered a lot of cases I'd have never heard of otherwise.
I also like The Trail Went Cold, but I feel like he could stand to go a bit more in depth. They discuss the episodes often on the unresolved mysteries subreddit so if you're in to that, it's a decent trade off.
Sword & Scale is fucking awful in my opinion. It bothers me that 75% of the episode content is 911 calls or court room clips and the other 25% is heavily biased "mentally ill people are spooky" BS that I don't think he even writes himself. It sounds so professional and I enjoy the format a lot, but the content itself is terrible save for two or three episodes. Casefile is leagues better with a similar format but almost entirely Australian cases. I wonder if there are any more podcasts like this that cover stories worldwide? Pls share
No. 180478
>>180415Man, I liked Sword & Scale, but the host is such a tool. He threatened to sue someone for making a subreddit for the podcast… wtf. He was also a total douche to fans of My Favorite Murder in his Facebook group and blocked every single person that liked their page as well as his. It was pedantic and childish as fuck.
I'm going through the episodes of Generation Why right now and I like it. It can kinda drag in places, and I personally like a little more of the court proceedings played, but it's good otherwise!
No. 180538
>>180478It wasn't because of the subreddit itself, it was because people were leaving constructive criticism and he had no power to delete or ban. Most of those people were
fans of the show like me, that had various problems with it (mostly just the lazy writing and fear mongering) and he couldn't handle it, even going as far as doxing and legal threats. After that I couldn't listen to the podcast anymore. His behavior ruined it for me. It's a shame that his podcast sounds so professional when the host is such a child. He reminds me of Onision but more drunk and smug. Mike Boudet is a lolcow. I wish I had his mugshot from his DWI to go along with my post, so try to visualize it instead.
Alright I had to vent about that, sorry. I'm just sad that I can't enjoy it anymore.