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No. 17962
And it be acceptable like??
Do all these girls just buy this stuff and wear it for instagram/youtube/yumblr? Do any of you wear the dolly kawaii styles or see other people IRL who do?
I'm seriously curious.
(pic from
No. 17963
>>17962In japan, yes, they wear this type of shit on a daily basis… specially for the street fashion photographers…
Anywhere else? Yes, they wear this shit in public but they are usually accompanied by GREEN HAIR AND TATTOOS AND PIERCINGS so their clothes are the least thing grabbing peoples' attention and they're considered "freaks", "suicide girls", or "alternative lifestyle" ….
No. 17975
>>17973Nobody cares as long as you don't look sloppy.
Also, not to be rude, but you should try clicking the post number you're responding to next time.
No. 17982
>>17962eehh imo it depends on where you live
the town im from if youre not wearing jeans, sneakers and a t shirt youre dressed up
but in most places this stuff is fine
No. 18025
>>17962it's cute and feminine and that's definitely different if you live in america since everyone is sporting a jeans and a t shirt all the time. most guys will love it but girls will either give you bitter looks or compliment you on it. depends on your area and everyone is different.
if i wore this where i live, i can see getting a mixture of compliments, good and bad stares, and mean looks from bitches. i live in hick county and no one here dresses even remotely well so i wouldn't give a shit what they think anyway. you do you anon.
No. 18061
if you are attractive, yeah you could pull some of those off where i live. like we have a lot of HK exchange students in toronto so they pretty much blend in and look like the girls in those photos.
but if youre a fat tumblrina
No. 19012
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>>19002Cute samefagging, awww. Too bad no sane person would actually defend your actions. Newsflash: You are one of the greasy weeaboos you are talking shit about. You will never be a kawaii anime living doll, grow up.
No. 19084
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Ariana Grande wears them, she's a cute, quirky fashionista
Farmer wears them, she's a greasy weeaboo.
No. 19108
>>19103>>19104angry weebs detected. the projection is real in these. you got issues mang
lol @ the shitty cliche
>b urself xDDDDone liners
No. 19121
>>19116Yeah, experimenting with different styles to see what works and what doesn't for you is a good thing.
I try to keep in mind the phrase, "Not everything is for everybody." when trying a new look. If it doesn't work out for me, I'm fine with it. I just continue to find something that does work.
No. 19155
>>19119Pretty sure alt styles have nothing to do with anime.
>complaining about anime/weebs in a thread about kawaii dolly style dresses???
No. 19159
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I just wear them when I feel like it. I would never wear the weird clip in ones that are huge and furry. Those look retarded imo. Like I said I just wear the plain ones.
No. 19165
>still going on about cat earsno one cares guys. the conversation ended like 8 hours ago.
>>19155uh way to self contradict yourself
No. 19216
>>19212Honestly? If you really want to wear it and you feel you would be comfortable wearing it, there's not a cut off imo. People will complain about constraints – age, weight, or otherwise – for any sort of alternative fashion. That's just part of it, and you should really just ignore it.
But I tried to get into it while I was into my 20s and it just didn't feel right. I thought it would, but it just didn't. I wouldn't go out and buy a bunch of stuff without knowing if you like it. I would buy one thing, something low key and see how you feel in it, then take it from there.
No. 19217
>>19211Wear whatever the fuk makes you happy.
Wanna know why? Because so far, we don't know what to expect after death, or whether we'll remember now or not.
Therefore, you wear that shit, except if it's too small lmao. Like PT small.
You wanna wear lolita when you're 60? Knock us the fuck out
Same with gyaru
Same with wanting to look like a badass Laura Croft huntress forest girl when you're 55.
Same with
insert name of cute ass fashion hereDon't worry anon, I still cry when it's my birthday, but that's because I have doubts tht our whole perception of life is fake, and get scared. But I take that shit sstep by step, and I'm starting with little things like fashion.
If salty ass bitches on idk…/cgl/ wants to laugh? Let them.
(If they giving you good crit, then listen and consider, don't get all butthurt. Remember, not everything fits everyone, but in the end, you're wearing it).
WEAR IT TO YOUR GRAVE. If you want to.
And now that I'm rereading this, it's about time I should go to bed. I'm spouting shit out of my head. Take me grain of salt doubtful anon. ♥
>>19212As for this question, Japan considers up 25 to be "old" though that's changing and the housewife age is moving up to 30 or maybe even higher.
No. 19400
>>19399I know what that anon said and I know that there are definitely a lot of younger people who think that all of Japan dresses that way, but I think these are the same people who go to Japan expecting it to be like anime. I also think these are people who have never lived in/spent some time in a major city and are unaware that basically all major cities have large clumps of alt fashion and subcultures just by virtue of having a lot of people.
But, I think most people who are older or have some life experience know that all people in Japan don't dress that way. We all have these two major conflicting ideas of Tokyo – "fashion" Tokyo, and "business" Tokyo, and we know that more people fall into the latter. There's also the fact that almost everyone even on anon feels like you're too old to dress kawaii after you hit your 20s – because they are totally aware that MOST people think it's weird and not the norm. Most of the people who are serious about going to Japan have done their research and interacted with actual Japanese people and know what to expect.
But there's a reason Harajuku and other places in Tokyo are always referenced when talking about this stuff – it's kind of the hub of this style. If you wear lolita and want to be around places to buy lolita clothes or be around other lolitas, you're going to have more luck in Tokyo than anywhere else in the world. Similarly, a lot of otaku move to be close to Akiba – yeah, you can buy anime merchandise online and even stream it directly from Japan as it's airing, but it isn't the same as being able to go into a store and physically see all the things, or go to a maid cafe, or Comiket, or go to the convenience store and buy your Love Live tie-in drinks, or whatever.
If you're fully immersed in a culture it's natural to want to be as close to the heart as possible. It's lonely feeling like you're the only person who likes a thing and if you know for a fact that they even have stores and events dedicated to the thing in a certain country/city, why wouldn't you want to go there?
No. 19412
>>19212There is no true cut off age, there are people who bitch about older people even in non-kawaii fashions, like goth. There are people who bitch about a 30 year old wearing something as simple as a Disney shirt. When your an older women, people will bitch about you doing anything that is seen as youthful, from fashions to liking certain kinds of music.
Do what makes you happy, don't give up your happiness to please other people. I plan on wearing sweet lolita and fairy kei as a age (as long as I still like it).