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No. 179850
>>179848Personally I still love Sims 3 just because of the sheer amount of stuff in it. Sims 4 is definitely prettier, and it's catching up in the 'stuff' department, but when you're building and decorating it's great to have lots of variety. Plus the terrain tools! I really hope they bring that back, I want that more than the color picker (though I'd still appreciate the color picker).
I go through phases of being into the actual game play and not being interested in it at all, but I always love building, decorating, and making new sims. I haven't even played in City Living yet even though I've bought and and decorated apartments lol. I do like watching let's plays of other people playing though.
No. 179855
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>>179850I go through phases as well of being really into playing and then feeling kind of bored with Sims 4. It's not as in-depth as the previous games, but I'm glad that devs seem to be trying to catch up a little.
I think I read somewhere that someone found a code that might mean pets are coming up. I think with the Sims 4's pretty cartoon-y style, pets could be a really fun addition.
>>179851Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you can edit premade lots by using "bb.enablefreebuild" after enabling cheats.
No. 179867
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>>179851Why do all british women look the same?
No. 179888
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>>179885Your post brought back so many memories of being 11 years old playing TS2 on our shitty desktop computer and switching between playing sims and sitting on the couch to watch tv while those damn loading screens when on for what seemed like forever.
I remember installing it again on a new desktop I got for my 14th birthday and wow, it was like night and day on how quick and smooth the controls were.
No. 179889
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Sims 2 best Sims.
I haven't played in years though. Goes for all video games though, lost interest, poor dusty steam acct.
>>179867Dude they really do. Well not all of them, but a significant number to make it easy to guess someone's a brit when I just see their face.
No. 179897
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For those of you who loved the Sims 2, you can contact Origin or EA and they might be willing to give you a free copy. I know a lot of people did this about 8 months ago with success.
Just tell them that you missed the promotion they had awhile ago for a free download of the complete collection. If you still have your old discs or your old code, you can provide them with a pic of them, which I heard helps.
No. 179899
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Once they got rid of Team Maxis and boolprop the games started going downhill for me. Maxis put a lot of effort into the first sims and 2, there were so many easter eggs and hidden secrets in those games. Idk it just made those games a lot more charming and they felt more personable. Now it's so painfully obvious that the franchise is treated as a cash cow and EA keeps throwing mediocre content out there because they know people will buy it, this was especially the case with The Sims 3. I'd do anything to see Maxis lead the development of the sims again but I doubt that'll ever happen.
No. 179912
>>179908I want a magic pack so bad, anon. So bad I can taste it. Making faeries and witches and genies is my lifeblood in the Sims for sure. I don't want new jobs, I just want magic, dangit.
If there was somehow a way to combine Sims 3's gameplay and 4's loading and graphics, I wouldn't buy another game as long as I lived I swear.
No. 180040
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Best expansion pack in the entire Sims franchise
No. 180073
>>180041I remember getting really into the Bella mystery from sims 2 since she went missing and apparently there ware fake bellas, and a bella that would sometimes come home with your sim from work in the science track or something.
It was really interesting.
No. 180147
>>180073Oh god the Bella mystery.
Did it ever get resolved?
No. 180201
>>180199I envy you anon. Play a ton for the poor souls stuck in work.
Do any of you do challenges runs in the Sims? I've done a few but I always get bored and fall into old habits of just making my dreamhouse and playing house.
No. 180232
>>180214I forgot about that!! So clever.
Also just remembering that you could sell your paintings at the back of the hotel. I was a weird kid and all of mine were of penises.
No. 180276
You guys seriously make me want to buy the latest game.
>>180202Still have busting out omg ! I think it was quite great at the time honestly.
Sure the graphics are ugly now but if anyone has the chance to buy it, go for it, the story is pretty neat and there's lots of things to do.
I also got a weak spot for games that make me start from a crappy place to a nice and big one, idk why ?? Animal Crossing does that to me too.
No. 180299
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I've started playing Sims 4 a month or so ago and I keep playing it mainly because of the CAS and mods(pic related). But I would also love to be able to build nice houses, like TheSimSupply does, however I'm not creative enough.
Also silently hoping the next expansion will be pets.
No. 180300
>>180298Ugh, that sucks. Guess I'll never be playing that again then.
I also object strongly to just how much every extension costs, I'm the kind of person who buys DLC for games I like without question but the Sim's expansion packs are always so much money and they never seem to go down in price, you can't just wait a year and hope to get them for a bit less.
No. 180301
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Oo, Sims thread in the farms.
I may or may not have arr'd Sims 4. Definitely like it better than 3 but yeah, it still lacks quite a bit of content.
I like that even without getting hyper realistic skins ( = hyper textured ) and alpha hairs, the Sims can look really nice.
The CC scene is increasingly cancerous though.
No. 180309
My brothers best friend gave me a pirated copy of the sims 1 and i remember running it on my old computer and my firends and i would get together and make people from our classes and make life shitty for the ones we didn't like, fun times, but the game was a little too restrictive so i dropped it as soon as i got internet.
In the 00's i mostly got them in playstation and a few in ds since i didn't have a good computer at the time. I had Urbz, sims 2 and 3 and sims 2 pets. I really enjoyed the story mode for 2 in the playstation 2, doing all the missions to find out more places and people and uncover mysteries was my shit. Urbz was also really fun what with all the cliques and tacky clothes and more edgy stuff and, i really liked getting into all the cliques and making them all mine in that glorious 2000's fashion and music.
Then i got the sims 2 when they did that origin promo that gave all the expansions and the base game for free and spent so much time on it making so many stories i had over 500 hours in it the day i uninstalled it, it was so good.
My first and favorite long "history" was one was a bunch of teenagers that decided to live together and mostly hated each other to death and kept fighting until a dude fucked anothers girl boyfriend while she was pregnant and that caused her to try to kill them, the dude dumped her and went with the other dude but kept living in the apartment since the dude was techincally the owner, but she also had to keep living there cause she was too poor to move, when she had the baby she put it behind a counter, killed all the child services ladies that came home while the little shit starved to death and went to do cheap pornos because why not.
The other one was with this zombie apocalypse mod that came out and a bunch of edgy shits covered in simsgraveyard content, but it kept crashing my (then) piece of shit laptop so i dropped it.
The mods were amazing and so varied, really miss it, but when i searched for them about 90% were wiped from the internet in favor of sims 3 mods, which sucks ass.
Haven't touched it in years but this thread is making me want to do it again.
I thought about getting sims 3 or 4 when they go on sale, but the overpriced as fuck expansions that never go down in price and base shit content for 4 make me a little wary, though 4 relationship system seems really interesting and it seems really good as far as apparence mods go.
No. 180351
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Man I was such a sims 2 lover, but I can't say I've really had much experience with any other sims game but 2 for the pc and PlayStation 2.
I had the Sims 2 Pets for PlayStation first (cheat gnome) and played that for most of my life, then got the sims 2 deluxe for pc for like $25. When something was malfunctioning in that, I contacted support and they gave me the Sims 2 Ultimate.
I have spent fucking hours on that game, mostly downloading heaps of visual mods because all the functional ones were baleeted off the Internet to make room for the sims 3 ones.
I actually really want to get a newer sims game, but I'm not all that keen on spending so much not only for the base game but the addons. Like, I really wish that wasn't such a thing for the sims where every addon is the price of a fully priced game, and for it to go down in price you have to wait 5+ years.
I'd download sims 4 illegally, but I think I'd fuck it up somehow. I can tell when something is sketchy but man, I have no idea where to even start with a actual big game like that.
No. 180353
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double posting but does anyone else remember this sims mobile game? I actually spent hours on this, clicking away in the dark on my sliding phone.
I get such an odd feeling when I look back on it. It was a bit of a strange game, as it was usually dead silent most of the time with the exception of a few sound effects.
The whole point of the game was to reach the top level of your job, while growing vegetables, making friends and expanding your house. It had a little classic sims humour in there, but it was quite straight forward and a little unsettling.
No. 180395
Man this thread has got me on a roll tonight. I was going to go to the gym, but now I'm just going to play the Sims, fuck it. Sims 2 always holds a dear place in my heart, and I think that if it had the open-world feature, it would be the perfect Sims game. I hated 3 at first, so much so that I didn't actually give it a chance until years after it was released. The biggest thing for me was the CAS- the people to me were just so hideously ugly and it took so much work to make a decent looking Sim. I have a love-hate relationship with TS4, but now that they've added toddlers and other features the game has really become more enjoyable for me. The CAS is gorgeous and is probably my favorite part of the game
>>180200YESSSSS I wish YT copyright didn't suck because I would love to see some TS4 music videos. The Gwen Stefani ones were my fave, so much effort went into these haha
No. 180404
>>180357I downloaded mine from's a Slovenian site but you can just search for Sims 4, I think the download I have is the 18.5gb one. Ran a scan on my pc, no viruses or spyware.
No. 180426
>>180339There's also websites that sell codes only for a discounted price (bc I think even if you buy the used physical copy off someone, the code would be invalid right ?)
I got the Sims 4 for about $25, some people think those websites are a bit shady but a lot of people confirm that these codes work with no problems and have never had any issues with Steam or Origins.
Games these days are so fucking overpriced and The Sims are being worse and worse. Nowadays I only buy discouts, codes only or used copies.
No. 180459
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Anyone else here really fucking love Sims Medieval? It's so good and i don't get bored easily like i do at sims 3 & 4 (not sims 2 though<3333), because there are quests and achievements and cool shit like that. I really enjoy that u have different types of heroes, and i think the watcher concept is interesting.
No. 181208
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>>181006I opened the game to get a screenshot, but it was winter so I decided I'd play until Spring. Hours later I remembered I could just go into edit town mode.
No. 181228
Most creators from livejournal have a tumblr now and post so often it's crazy. The sims 2 "simblr" community is still alive and kicking over there, and with how old the game is the CC keeps getting better and better.
No. 182318
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>>182178I'm trying to get more creative and do fun builds after getting inspired by Sims youtubers so I'm currently rebuilding the Von Haunt Estate from Sims 4 into an Art Nouveau/Belle Epoque style house. I've added a ton of greenery and plants and changed the windows to large rounded ones. I think I might add/change the roof to make it a bit rounder as well? I wanted to do some tilework but I don't want to download any mods so I'm limited to hos I can decorate the outside walls.
I'm also frustrated that I can't edit the garden because it's off-lot because I want to turn it into a English garden where it's all wild and natural.
The photo is the original estate, I haven't taken any screenshots of my edit yet
No. 188005
>>182482DUDE I'm loving this!
sims farmes pls play
No. 188033
>>187964oh god mimi was my first girl crush
her chunky hair
her 90s outfit
her gal pad house
No. 188101
>>188094The original Sims game had such nice mods, I'm so sad they're all gone. There were these entire websites full of greenhouses, new plants, flowers, magical items, skins, all kinds of weird shit. There was another one with gorgeous houses and flowers but it's gone now.
I don't like the newer Sims games because they seem to be geared more towards roleplaying than building stuff, and I mostly played it to build cute houses. The graphics were also chunkier.
No. 188362
>>188033>around 12 years old or so>sexually curious>always make my sims sleep around>new game, make my char a lesbian lover with Mimi>mom walks by and watches me play for a minute>playitcool.jpg>Mimi immediately comes home and my character greets her with a kissMom just said it was weird and was squicked out since she's prudish about lesbians. Never watched me play again and whenever there was a Sims ad she'd make a mention about how it's "too adult."
But I fucking love that game, time to google if any of the newer console games are comparable.
After I lost my gorgeous meticulously modded house in sims2 it's killed any motivation for the PC games. I loved the gameplay of the GC one though, especially trying to get all the unlockables