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No. 180186
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No. 180188
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No. 180189
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No. 180190
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No. 180191
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No. 180192
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No. 180193
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No. 180194
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No. 180195
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No. 180196
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I guess this is the stream where he was saying the stuff that pissed people off. It's five hours, so I can't be arsed to go through it all. It's five hours but I think he comes in around thirty minutes in. No. 180197
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No. 180219
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>>180185>EvaXephn>The Annoying Orange>Onisionum
No. 180224
>>180219>>180203I mean evaxephon doesn't even pay lip service to feminism.
He blames them for getting his game where you literally take nude photos of teenagers, spread that around, and bully them until they kill them self banned from twitch.
Also he literally is just using stolen assets and things from the unity store.
No. 180231
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>>180195I think theres alot of edits/bait being thrown in there which is only making the situation worse and more confusing
No. 180266
>>180257Your first post was said "How new to the
internet". Stop moving the goalpost.
No. 180313
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>>180287Why does that even matter when you agreed with the other post?
No. 180335
>>180333Yeah, no.
One good thing about anon boards is that people tend to feel more comfortable saying what they think without dealing with the "consequences" of the Tumblr crowds shaming. Not such a far-fetched idea that many people would agree.
No. 180336
>>180327I mean, all he did was question the women's march thing. You can still be in support of something like women's rights and still question/have a criticism of it. I love Star Wars but I'm super critical of it regardless.
But idk. It's gotten to the point that any sort of questioning of 'why' is just a scarlet letter for people to dogpile you despite the fact your views almost align up to theirs.
>>180335Agreed, yeah. I mean, I can't at ALL share my views publicly because most of my twitter/tumblr is industry people for work and god, games are just full of far left assholes who will dogpile you if disagree or follow someone they don't like so I keep my twitter really really vague and non-political. I have a few journalist who follow me that were basically freaking out recently a few months ago over Notch and one of them asked me on DM why I had liked some of his tweets. Like…dude. And because this is my professional life and my career I had to unlike those tweets which is insane to me.
I think Jon got tired of it. I'm certainly tired of it. I wish I had to the balls to tell people to fuck off.
No. 180376
>>180185Isn't Tobuscus also a rapist or something?
Isn't Onision… Onision?
No. 180533
>>180532does one really need to add "americans
who voted"?
No. 180940
I couldn't give two shits about Jontrons political identity I enjoy some of his content but obviously not for his shitty edgy atheist politics.
>>180419>He's out of his depth and I don't feel sorry for him.Basically this. He has an extreme passionate hatred for SJW and libtards it's not clear whether he considers all liberals like this but he just can't get his point across eloquently it sounds like he's yelling into a brick wall 90% of the time it's cringy but completely avoidable if he just shut the fuck up on twitter.
No. 180987
>>180381>1 in 2 AmericansAre you saying it this way to make it seem like this is significant? Trump had 62 million votes. Hillary had 65 million.
Half the country didn't vote.
Most unpopular election ever. Worst president approval ratings ever.
He is not popular.