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No. 1805584

A place to discuss whatever you find trashy in society, trends, fashion, or people in general. Post examples, vent, contribute to the discussion. You can post anything you find personally upsetting to you. No racebait allowed. Tiktoks/Youtube/MP4s/Webms highly encouraged.

No. 1805589

I think baby showers are trashy. No, I’m not paying for your crib just because you had sex! Leave me alone!!

No. 1805591

Great thread anon!
cross posting from the consoom thread because I'm shocked at how ugly and tacky zoomer fashion is. Those nails disturb me so much.

No. 1805593

I agree. Also engagement parties, and barchelor/ette ones too

No. 1805596

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Homegirl really didn't need to do this to herself, the reactions to her dress by everyone else (not just the groom) make me so sad.

No. 1805597

Bridal showers are so redundant. You’re throwing a whole party so your friends can buy home goods for you? Isn’t that your new husbands job??

No. 1805602

The sneakers are what's really killing me. It's your wedding day, do you really wanna be wearing sneakers like an NLOG at prom when there are so many cute shoe options? The dress would've looked way better with a long skirt too, the top isn't my taste (looks too much like lingerie) but a lot of brides like the look where some of it is sheer so whatever.

No. 1805624

>Groom doesn't look pleased
>Women look embarrassed for her
>Scrote photographers only ones ogling her
Was it really worth it?

No. 1805665

Sheer lingerie wedding dresses are the basic bitch style now. Stepping into any bridal shop and looking for a nice dress with actual sleeves and no big cut outs or transparent pieces is pretty much hard mode, at least in my city.

No. 1805674

I hate them so much, I just want nice sleeves on a dress that fits and isn't tight

No. 1805683

Seconding by saying I hate how men go to strip clubs for bachelor parties. I don’t think it’s as common anymore, but it’s disgusting that it was ever seen as cool.

No. 1805701

They should just have goon parties together and jack off in a circle for their bachelor party. Going to stare at strippers with other men is weird and gay, like sharing porn to help other men cum. They don't wanna go alone. When a bachelor party walks into a strip club all excited, they are only excited because their bro's cocks are hardening.

No. 1805719

The dance (which is derived from a lolicon animation AFAIK), the face, the fugly car, the stupid song. Any TikTok dance trend could fit itt.

No. 1805721

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The chris brown episode of shite life of zack and cody that was aptly titled “doing time” was tacky as fuck considering it was the mid 2000’s

No. 1805725

it aired one year before the attempted murder.

No. 1805736

God damn he was ugly

No. 1805758

Why can't people be fucking normal? Everyone wants to be a fuckinh influencer, so tacky

No. 1805759

this video is such scrote bait

No. 1805765


No. 1805783

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The tape on the tits trend that was EVERYWHERE in the 2010s. I don't see it often nowadays.

No. 1805784

Scouse thread

No. 1805789

the 2000s bolt-ons in general make me cringe. i love butcher babies but those things look so painful

No. 1805805

I'd hardly call those painful looking but yeah this trend was terrible

No. 1805806

Even like 4 years ago dollskill and other such clothing sites had a million sticker pasties but it’s all vanished now. Even makeup brands were selling those

No. 1805817

you might think babyshowers/engagement showers are dumb, but they are literally not, by definition, trashy or tacky. this isn't the stuff you hate thread.

No. 1805820

No. 1805825

Only because of tumblr quite literally

No. 1805848

fake glue-on eyelashes and talking loudly on the phone in public, like on a bus or in line at a store

No. 1805851

It is trashy to panhandle to everyone you know all because you had sex, at least in the United States where a baby shower is seen as an opportunity to get necessities for free without question

No. 1805852

I stg there was a mass migration of retarded young zoomers who are just constantly hating on women for no reason. There is nothing wrong with baby showers. Hoping mods lock this useless thread.

No. 1805857

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What a waste of money. How does anyone work with these nails? How do you wipe your ass? I know damn well they’re not clean.

No. 1805858

No. 1805860

ia they're gross but I've never understood the constant questions about how people wipe their ass with them. Do you stick your nails directly up your butthole? I wipe with a flat palm, my nails do not point upward to my ass at any point in the process.

No. 1805861

It’s really pathetic to ask other people to pay for your own wares when nobody else has any kind of responsibility to you. Inviting your high school and college friends who you haven’t spoken to in years to your baby shower in hopes that they’ll remember you and pay for your bassinet? Ridiculous, absurdly trashy. If you cannot afford to pay for things like diapers, baby clothes, sleeping arrangements, and the millions of others things that are required to care for a newborn; maybe you don’t need to be reproducing a child? Or maybe it would be a better idea to go to social services, if you need some kind of financial aid to support caring for your newborn.

No. 1805863

just.. don't go to them? lol

No. 1805868

yeah the constant "mothers are just women who had sex and now think they're special" is really making this thread stink of scrote

No. 1805871

That’s not at all what I said once. I said that having a baby shower just so you can beg for people to spend money on a child that they’re never going to have a relationship is trashy. You have every right to disagree, but the infighting needs to stop.

No. 1805872

somebody online (maybe trisha paytas) said she wraps her entire hand and nails with the toilet paper to make a mitt kind of when she wipes. i dont know i vaguely remember hearing this on a podcast

No. 1805873

Jesus christ, have you never had a normal friendship or family relationship in your entire life? What circumstances led you to having this worldview?

No. 1805876

silly anon, 80% of this site are boymoms with nigels now, you can't say things like this here or they go nuts with their women=mothers so annoyance with mothers= hate women

No. 1805877

Agreed. I was only 7 or 8 at the time so I didn't quite grasp what was going on, but the first baby shower that I went to was my friend's sister, who got pregnant at 16 and her parents helped throw a baby shower. Looking back now, that was pretty trashy.
Two years ago, a coworker threw a pregnant coworker a baby shower, and sent invitations to everyone at work. The baby shower was during work hours and it was expected that you go.
I don't care if someone throws one, I just hate going to them. If you choose not to go though or don't give any gifts, people think you're the devil.

No. 1805880

I’m certain that social media and the ability to keep track of people you’ve met earlier in life, whether or not you have maintained an interpersonal relationship with them, is a massive part in why I feel this way; because the majority of the baby shower invites I receive are electronically, from family members/schoolmates/coworkers who I haven’t spoken to in months/even years. It’s always a little digital invite saying where it is and they also (more often than not) include a little lists of both prioritized gifts and basic needs. I have nothing against wanting to invite people in to enjoy a very celebratory, lively time! But sending gift request lists with your invitation to a couple you haven’t spoken to from months to years is just making the begging a little too obvious. This is also only a behavioral trend I’ve noticed amongst younger millennials and elder zoomers that I’ve crossed paths with in my life who were starting their families.

No. 1805882

never experienced that but i agree, that's tacky. that's pretty different from just all baby showers/wedding showers in general, though.

No. 1805892

You use your fingers (wrapped in tp or wipe) for precisely wiping the area.

No. 1805899

I didn’t buy anything for the last shower I went to because they got over $4000 in amazon registry items and requested everything be delivered unwrapped instead of gifted. Like it somewhat makes sense because unwrapping takes so long but it made the event so awkward when there was almost zero acknowledgment of all the shit everyone bought for the host. I’ve noticed it’s also very rare to send or receive thank you cards for these type of events anymore, too.

No. 1805915

I need my fingers in order to hold the tp in place.

No. 1805923

>I’ve noticed it’s also very rare to send or receive thank you cards for these type of events anymore, too.
low-key good. When i got thank you cards all they did was sit in a cabinet and create trash. I promise I know you're thankful for my gifts

No. 1805925

oh no, how dare women celebrate life milestones and have other women be happy for them

No. 1805927

so many seething mommybloggers in here. anon you should have never poked the hornets nest, the average age of lolcow users is getting too high to joke about the nuclear family model

No. 1805929

I'm someone who wears nail extensions and I find it such a disgusting and invasive question, and I only tolerate it from people I'm close to (but funnily enough, most of the people I'm close too have never asked). When people have asked me that it just makes me think "have some manners, you barnyard animal". Since this is the trashy thread, I find it super trashy to ask people about their bathroom habits and not funny at all.

No. 1805930

>I don’t like when ladies who I haven’t spoke to in years ask for me to finance their growing family
>oh wow how dare women be happy about milestones they’re reaching in life, right?
Let’s try to read the actual words that are stated instead of trying to frankenstein a different statement

No. 1805931

I apologize I’m sorry that the thread had to be opened up on this note nonna

No. 1805939

Mostly I'm confused and surprised that wherever you guys are from is normal to invite classmates you haven't seen in years to your baby/engagement shower and they actually attend. Here if you invite someone you aren't close to, it's still someone you see in your day to day life like a coworker? And no one expects expensive gifts from randoms, just from immediate family or extremely close friends.

No. 1805944

I swear to god mothers on this site have such a victim complex that's so irritating.

No. 1805945

the very first post that started this literally only said baby showers were trashy and nothing else.

No. 1805948

And I later on refined my statement and explained why I specified baby showers specifically

No. 1805952

Idgi either, the only baby shower I went to was my mom's when she was pregnant with my sister and the only people who attended/were invited were family members and people she regularly talked to at church, she never asked her old friends from school.

No. 1805953

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the eye lash extensions like pic related

No. 1805957

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I really dislike these, for some reason lash extensions have a certain "look" to them that's unlike lash strips. I like the "natural" lash extensions much more.

No. 1805959

can you point out what you mean? from what I've seen it's just anons weirded out about scrote terminology, which is common here regardless of the subject it pertains to.

No. 1805960

I think baby/wedding showers are fun but I'm also a fairly social person and like free food plus it's nice to see friends and family be excited about upcoming events. The anons feeling personally attacked just by them existing is odd though, just don't go to them if you don't like them?

No. 1805962

no one expects lavish gifts just by baby showers lol. I've been to multiple and brought no gift and literally no one cares. stop thinking celebrations are some personal target for you

No. 1805963

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Samefag, I should clarify that those are not natural lash extensions kek. I meant to add a part, I see a lot of girls wearing super dense and thick lashes, which I think look so uncomfortable and heavy on the eye. I have particularly sensitive eyes and I'm always getting long ass stray lashes in my eyes too, so I get phantom pain seeing the super thick lashes.

Stuff that's more subtle like picrel is far better.

No. 1805966

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>when you get a baby shower invitation that's clearly just a stranger asking to put you on payroll and buy them 5 mansions and put them through college

No. 1805967

you good? I feel like we are witnessing a PPD episode

No. 1805968

huh? I'm neutral about children but I think it's funny anons feel personally attacked by a party or genuinely believe someone is "asking you to finance your family" by hosting a baby shower

No. 1805969

Can’t even post on my instagram cause these pussy niggas be snitchin

No. 1805970

Simply hosting a baby shower isn’t panhandling. Sending a list of gifts you want me to buy you because you don’t want to buy it yourself is. I’m sorry if you weren’t able to make that distinction earlier.

No. 1805971

I've been to like 8 baby showers and this has never happened to me once. I also knew women who didn't want baby showers but their families or friends threw one for them. Also you didn't make that clear at all, from the get-go it was about baby showers in general

No. 1805972

Currently wedding dress shopping and looking for a higher neckline and I'm surprised at how many dresses plunge down to show tons of cleavage, or are backless/dip down so far in the back your asscrack is almost out. I'm not a pearl clutching prude by any means but I was surprised, kek

No. 1805973

I made this post >>1805880 explaining my stance, I completely acknowledge that there are mothers who don’t have baby showers but I’m still gonna have the same opinion based on my experience. I still think that begging for gifts is trashy, which it is. There isn’t really any argument around that.

No. 1805975

Gyaru in general

No. 1805976

its trashy but its fun trashy. its like embracing trashiness

No. 1805977

You can kinda say that about any trashy style though, it honestly just kinda looks like Japanese chav to me.

No. 1805978

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So much of online shopping targeted at tiktok addicted millennials and zoomers is so tacky, with cheap materials, no pattern construction, and tons of collaborations with legacy IPs like Adams Family/Willy Wonka/Care Bears etc. I'm sickened by children's nostalgic properties being hypersexualized and sold to women like a g-string with Patrick Star's face is supposed to be 'high fashion'

No. 1805979

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I hate the normalization of absent fathers and baby mama drama. I'm not a conservative but I hate seeing kids get caught up in this nonsense. Do you know what's like growing up on one income, seeing your mom struggle for the basics of life and the kids around you grow up in middle class comfort thanks to two incomes? And then those absent fathers try to come back decades later and demand to treated because you're related. Like fuck you, you jobless lout. If you refused to be a responsible parent when a child is young, then you deserve no contact when they're older. This is why I support abortion and abundant birth control.

No. 1805980

That reminds me, rave stuff is the final boss of trashy shit.

No. 1805981

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God, I hate shit like this. Especially this pose I see a lot, holding their hands parallel to the floor and awkwardly teetering on their pigeon-toed feet, it's meant to imitate a toddler that's still learning how to walk. I'm so sick of this pedo shit.

No. 1805983

Walmart coachella

No. 1805985

They look like caterpillars

No. 1805986

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kek oh my god this just reminded me of picrel

No. 1805987

These bitches ugly goddamn.

No. 1805988

How is it even physically possible to toss a ball like that? It would just hit the ground?

No. 1805990

>Synopsis. Subaru Hasegawa, a promising amateur basketball player, meets a major setback in his life — one-year suspension of his high school's basketball club/team since the captain elopes with adviser teacher's daughter, who turns out to be an elementary schoolgirl.

What the fuck japan

No. 1805993

Fits the thread in its own way.

No. 1805995

Maybe I'm retarded but I literally do not understand that. Reading that felt like reading simlish, why is it so convoluted.

No. 1805999

it's pretty trashy if it's forceful, I can see why some women do it though since most people end up asking for a registry anyway. I don't understand the anons insisting just having a baby shower alone is women panhandling or "wanting to be financed"

No. 1806001

I think it sounds weird because it might be translated very closely to the japanese version?

>Hasegawa Subaru enters a basketball club of Nanashiba High School, but the activity of the club gets suspended because the club leader falls in love with an 11 year old daughter of the coaching teacher.

Subaru's aunt asks him to coach a basketball club of elementary school girls. At first, he is reluctant to teach small girls, but he devotes himself to the club as he knows the complex circumstances of them.

>the complex circumstances of them >>1805986

No. 1806006

Damn he's literally teaching the short bus kids how to play basketball.

No. 1806008

peak millennial sleave

No. 1806009

I don't want to seem like the "should've chosen better stupid woman!" but I feel like there are a lot of cases of women genuinely being stupid with whom they chose to reproduce with, especially since we live in a world where it's so easy for a moid to abandon you during pregnancy with no trace of himself. I knew multiple women who had kids with men they knew had stalking charges, previous baby mama drama, etc. I'm pretty gullible and stupid and even I know if a man has at least 2 baby mamas he got beef with you're probably going to join the club soon kek

No. 1806028

people who have fairly nice homes and treat them like a dump. I'm not talking about influencer ready spotless at all times, but your house looks like some abandoned house teens would break into for fun even though you have multiple people living there perfectly capable of cleaning

No. 1806047

It’s trashy to have them nails

No. 1806049

Whenever I see small toddlers or babies with boogers and they absolutely don’t mind it at all. You just know their parents let them sit in their soiled diapers for a long time. They’re used to having unwiped boogers on their face.

No. 1806051

women who wear leggings everywhere 24/7

No. 1806058

People hooting and hollering at ballets or orchestras before the show ends. Clap politely and save that for the end please

No. 1806064

are you talking about someone you live or work with? i don't even notice if a woman i see daily is wearing leggings daily kek

No. 1806086

I personally find baby showers tacky because they weren't a thing in my country like 5 years ago, and I consider any American tradition artificially imported here to be somewhat trashy, like black Friday.

No. 1806092

>Post examples, vent, contribute to the discussion. You can post anything you find personally upsetting to you.
Read the op
And engagement parties are tacky because they're weddings before the wedding even happens, so dumb.

No. 1806094

We already had baby showers in my country, but it was always only for closest friends and family. What is weird to me is kids' parents needing to take a pumpkin to Kindergarten now to make carvings when it is a purely American celebration that took hold like 3 years ago. Before that some bars might have held Halloween parties just for adults to get drunk in costumes, but funnily enough we already have a holiday for kids to dress up in costumes. But I guess now they can make parents pay for two shitty costumes a year.

No. 1806098

People who don’t use fitted sheets, use throw blankets as curtains. Seeing someone wearing mismatched socks.

No. 1806119

I'm a mother I agree that it's weird and tasteless to give out a list of required gifts at a baby shower. I've never had a baby shower and I've never been invited to one either. I think it's a mainly American phenomenon.

No. 1806152

can't wait for stuff like this to be considered cringe kek i wonder how people who posted this shit with their actual faces and names will fare

No. 1806154

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Monroe piercing. I'm a big fan of facial piercings (which might be considered trashy by some), but I'm yet to see anyone pull this one off. It always makes you look cheap, or if it's bronze/red - it makes you look like you have a large zit, if it's darker it looks like a protruding mole which is not attractive at all imo.
Beauty marks look nice if they're not large and protruding which defeats the purpose of a Monroe piercing kek

No. 1806155

this gif always makes me go nuclear i hate it, those girls don't act like elementary school girls they act like literal toddlers with tits.

i've always thought that the difference between western pedophilia and japanese pedophilia is that in the west pedophiles wants toddlers who act like sluts and in japan they just are attracted to actual toddler behavior.

No. 1806159

Amy Winehouse was a national treasure and her piercing gave her a direct radio signal to the house of God.

No. 1806161

Fuck nonnie, I completely blackholed her having a monroe piercing out of my memory. She gets a pass.

No. 1806167

idk your picrel is really not subtle to me at all, especially the picture of the woman on the right. i bet it looks even crazier irl i don't even want to be a hater basher but i've seen some in person and it always looks strange in a way that makes me feel bad. it's like filler blindness

No. 1806243

It's always trashy moms with fried hair and smoker voice who have them.

No. 1806307

i knowww or clapping at solos or between movements. abd then they get up and elave while the performers are still in the stage bowing. insufferable

No. 1806326

Anyone who asks that in person is super trashy, but the extensions themselves are also trashy.

No. 1806330

I don’t wanna watch it but I’m guessing she’s cloyingly waggling her ass at the camera?

No. 1806335

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What sort of expression is this?

No. 1806337

Quick game of soggy biscuit with the lads before tying the knot with the missus x

No. 1806364

>oh no baby what is you doing
Or is that too ancient of a meme

No. 1806393

Why are you both repeating things that were already said

No. 1806437

bacteria gets under those nails unless you are scrubbing them each time. it's a nice breeding ground for them. I assume people who have super long nails are dirty

No. 1806441

I clean my nails with a brush even when I have my natural nails.

No. 1806451

All possible human thoughts and expressions have already been said and felt, your existence is a formality of banality.

No. 1806453

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Messy buns. I feel like whenever you see a messy bun, there's like a 90% chance the rest of the person is sloppy and looks like a slob.

No. 1806454

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Like please, put your fried rat's nest away

No. 1806460

Bragging about how much things cost/label whoring, especially when they relish how uncomfortable everyone gets. Always gross.

No. 1806465

That's one of the reasons nippon is unironically superior, no woman, not even a lazy teen girl steps out with that gross hair (and clothes) like whites do(racebaiting)

No. 1806473

people casually talking about their masturbation habits like keep that at home it's disgusting i don't want to hear about it

No. 1806475

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this shade of red in particular.

No. 1806476

women "friendly" calling each other hoes, whores, cunts, bitches like "what's up ho" makes me cringe every single time. it's bad enough to hear it from a man, don't wanna hear it from a woman too and no, i don't care that they're close or whatever it's still trashy

No. 1806479

It's the opposite for me, I don't mind a woman calling me a bitch or whatever when it's in a nice way.

No. 1806480

pole dancing. i understand that it's a great full body workout but most normie women who do it are trashy as fuck. my best friend did it for a while because she liked how it targeted all her muscles, but the women in her class were obnoxious as fuck and constantly caught up in trashy loser moid drama. i'm talking "my one baby daddy is in prison and my other baby daddy is doing drugs" type of shit. my other friend's coworker did some pole dance routine at her own wedding because "my mommy never saw me pole dancing before!" so she was just twirling on that pole in her cheap ass polyester lingerie while everyone sat there and watched awkwardly.

No. 1806491

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reminds me of when the kardashians thought it was acceptable for baby kylie to get on the pole

No. 1806503

Is this supposed to be a joke

No. 1806509

Nah, it's shitty bait by some moid tourist, just ignore it

No. 1806511

When songs drop brand names.

No. 1806522

It's trashy to be this mad about parties you aren't even invited to

No. 1806530

all female rappers. name a female rapper that isn't tacky and who's whole presence is just for moids

No. 1806548

This thread is boring

No. 1806556

Lauryn Hill

No. 1806564

Ive only ever seen this hair on cheeto girls in my area

No. 1806566

1.fried bleach blonde hair, fake tan, lip filler combo.
2.men who obsess over and only date one race of girl.
3.women that say they care about mens mental health but victimblame female victims
4.women/men that sleep with people that already have partners, usually to brag about it.

No. 1806568

There are plenty of trashy tattoos I see on men and women, but honestly I don't even know what counts as a "good, creative tattoo" nowadays. It feels like mostly anything you can get falls in one of these categories: A, cliché B, flavor of the year, and such, rapidly becomes dated C, tiny message of nothing D, WTF are you doing (face tattos and like naked babes on places you can't cover in the summer)
Maybe sleeves are still in?

No. 1806572

Forgot one
5.men and women who try to faje a meangirl personality. Theyll be aggressive, gossip about others who they deem less popular, act like theyre the leader of the group when theyre not, etc.
Usually either fat or unattractive and has %100 been the target of a meangirl in the past that theyre now trying to mimic.

No. 1806576

Male celebrities having so many different sets of kids with different mothers. Elon Musk, Nick Cannon, the rapper Future, etc.

No. 1806586

Trashy tattoos KEK my bfs cousin gets super trashy tattoos (we're early 20s) and she bought a tattoo gun and now she tattoos the most random and horrible shit on herself "just because" and that includes this girl she considered her best friend for a week and tattood her name on the back of her own neck for them to fight a few days later and never talk again kek or when she tattoos random words like "weirdo" or "emo lover" on herself idk what kind of mental illness that is but its hilarious lmao (she made fun of me for being a trad bc I said I would never tattoo myself after she asked if I would do one on me) lool

No. 1806588

Stick and poke tattoos

No. 1806591

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Compression clothing worn outside of a gym or while not performing a sporting activity. I get that serves a purpose and I wear it myself while exercising but to me it does not count as outer layer clothing.

I see girls in their teens where compression leggings without shorts and there's always disgusting older men taking a good look because it reveals everything.

No. 1806595

All tattoos are shit.

No. 1806622

I knew a girl that got a wolf tattoo. She got it done by a tattoo artist she had a crush on. They ended up fucking in the chair while he was tattooing her. The wolf looked absolutely demented and she had to get a revision a few years later (from a different studio kek)

No. 1806666

Yeah I think all tattoos are trashy, some obviously more than others but I just hate them

No. 1806667

>a tattoo artist she had a crush on. They ended up fucking in the chair while he was tattooing her.
I've read like 10 fanfictions like this

No. 1806668

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Whatever this is

No. 1806669

the biggest pickmes I've met either had this hair color, bright red or orange ginger. they're not like the other girls who dye their hair dark or blonde, but they also don't have guts to go for an actual fun color.

No. 1806670

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And there's more

No. 1806672

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No. 1806673

No. 1806676

This is what happens when the Americans normalize autism

No. 1806683

i want one of my husbando

No. 1806695

File: 1702237177345.jpg (50.19 KB, 522x522, flabby moid.jpg)

Speaking of trashy tattoos, I hate men that pick the dumbest shit. I used to use dating apps, and some guys would have cartoon characters or goofy looking animals on their pecs. Imagine every time you have sex with the moid, you see pikachu staring back at you. Also, I absolutely hate guys that have sexualized women as tattoos. I see a lot of cholos that do this and it's trashy.

It's because it's the easiest color to show up on dark hair. You don't have to bleach it and can just throw red dye on top.

No. 1806701

I only see Mexican girls who are proud to be toxic have this hair. (jannies pls I’m Mexican too)

No. 1806706

Right? Listening to Megan Thee Stallion, Ice Spice, Doja cat about how your ass is so fat and these other hoes could never is another thing I consider trashy.

No. 1806712

Missy Elliot, Eve, Queen Latifah. Unfortunately a lot of them don’t exist these days or at least are nearly as popular as the pornstars like Sexxy Red and Doja Cat

No. 1806715

aliyahcore just doesn’t work at all. her clothes are all from amazon and aliexpress and are so ill fitting. she’s pretty but her style is tacky as hell. she’s literally an influencer, why doesn’t she buy better quality and fitting clothing? she can definitely afford it. fast fashion is so gross and i don’t see how people drop hundreds on those websites just to look like shit

No. 1806717

ngl I don't even wear false nails but whenever I see the people going on and on about how "ewww gross dirty" they are I assume you don't know how to wash your hands lmao

No. 1806722

This is just shitty wannabe "jfashion" zoomer shit

No. 1806723

She chose to serve cunt on her big day. Good for her, stay mad faggots.(cringe)

No. 1806725

my randomly selected freshman year roommate's mom was really into pole dancing. she added me on facebook so I got to see all the great pictures. that was fun.

No. 1806732

Looks like a cheap version of whatever it was called that style the japanese were wearing during the early 2000s
Why zoomers think they're doing something new when it's just uglier version of something that was big at some point? They could just try to revive some old trends instead of pretending they invented them.

No. 1806735

>instead of pretending they invented them
they have nothing to offer and no creativity so whenever they discover old shit, be that fashion, movies, or music, they revive it and think it's "new" just because it's new to them.

No. 1806736

Lol, someone’s bitter they didn’t get enough diapers donated at their crotch fruit party.

No. 1806737

>Good for her, stay mad faggots.
>uses faggot slang

No. 1806742

No. 1806744

>serve cunt
You're just missing a dragfaggot yass queen gif

No. 1806754

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No. 1806757

File: 1702239249811.jpeg (222.41 KB, 1920x2297, aaliyah-stylist-derek-lee.jpeg)

wtf is that shit…
Taking an old celebrity's name is also trashy, same for Halle Bailey

No. 1806765

ntayrt but even though i wash under my own nails i have noticed some long nailed women who don't. some jobs won't even allow nails like that specifically for that reason.

No. 1806771

File: 1702239936705.png (438.92 KB, 506x900, IMG_3200.png)

fashion nova is tacky as hell. the models freak me out and it makes me wonder how the clothes actually fit because noone is shaped like this unless you’ve gotten a bbl or extensive surgery. so unnatural and uncanny… why is this the beauty standard nowadays?

No. 1806779

Stop acting like you guys didn't do this either tf?? Didn't you guys spend your time mimicking 80s fashions too? Every generation does this sort of stuff.

No. 1806782

'tf' no

No. 1806791

No. 1806793

No. 1806794

I'm pretty sure Aaliyah is her real name, same for Halle Bailey.

No. 1806798

Calling something normal "porn." Like calling a really good nature picture "earthporn" or a good sandwich "foodporn." Porn is something that should never be mentioned in public, and any mention of it should be shamed.

No. 1806808

Those are their actual names. Lool

No. 1806815

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No. 1806823

If I had a better body I would dress like this

No. 1806826

I used to wan one so bad when I was younger. Guess I'll never have that scene phase

No. 1806842

You fell for some shitty acting and rage bait.

No. 1806843

Was this proven to be false kek that’s humiliating. Going to all the trouble of setting up a whole wedding and gathering people for like a 15 second video?

No. 1806850

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Men who put jack up their pickups, trucknuts and shitty decals.

No. 1806869

moid post

No. 1806997

It’s impractical. How do you wash dishes? The water weakens the glue. Also it gets under the fake nail and over your real nail where you can’t reach

No. 1806999

Gloves? If they don't poke a hole in the gloves I guess.

No. 1807004

>The water weakens the glue
You're talking about press-ons. Most of the time when someone is wearing nail extensions, it's gel or acrylic. Those are not applied using glue and water cannot get in-between the fake nail and natural nail unless the fake nail has lifted.

No. 1807006

Samefag, but you can definitely wash dishes with press ons. Most nail glues are not that weak. Also, water shouldn't get in between press ons and the natural nail either if you applied the nail correctly.

No. 1807014

God imagine the screeeeeeech

No. 1807015

Why would it make a screeching noise?

No. 1807060

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Face tattoos
I guess tattooing your body wasn't bad enough.

No. 1807061

Athleisure as a whole is trashy. No gym “outfit” is “cute.” Women walking around with their vulva and asscrack out in those godforsaken flesh leggings know what they’re doing and teens shouldn’t copy them.

No. 1807062

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Thong sandals, especially with jeans.we're not in 2014 anymore.

No. 1807066

I blame redditors

No. 1807074

They are uncomfy

No. 1807080

I can't remember the last time i've seen a tattoo i thought was cool. Almost everyone i've ever seen looks so tragic and ugly.

No. 1807081

It's ideal because it's unrealistic for women without having expensive and dangerous surgeries, which is what they want

No. 1807094

File: 1702262083418.jpeg (163.02 KB, 1025x1366, 7089u.jpeg)

I think lip fillers are tacky and disgusting. They never look good

No. 1807128

I think modern cameras are tacky and >>1807094 it's an example of it.
Bring back low quality cameras for common people, let me look at blurry pictures of them as if they came out of a black and white movie.

No. 1807155

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Even “subtle” ones you can tell. Ever been to LA? I saw the most horrific faced woman there she looked like a purge mask or that one puffy pic of gumball. They fill up your philtrum. Also saw some funny BBLs there. BBLs will never look good why don’t they ever inject fat in their thighs at least

No. 1807272

Depends? I know a few women who had lip fillers that I wouldn't even have known if they hadn't mentioned it. Same with BBLs

No. 1807274

imo BBLs are inherently trashy and tacky whether they're obvious or not. Getting dangerous surgery to achieve a hyper sexualized result you could also just exercise for, solely to appease the male gaze, in what is a current and likely fleeting trend, is absolutely pathetic.

No. 1807275

I went to an event for Russian-speakers in my country, and damn, I've never been in a room with that many overfilled lips and facelifts before, it was like I was on another planet with aliens in blonde woman suits. I don't know why the words "tasteful" and "subtle" go out the window when they go to their beauty butcher.

No. 1807279

Is going to the gym ever going to fix her ass?

No. 1807282

i'm so glad i don't live in the US because it seems like you guys have to attend and pay for endless parties around marriage and reproduction and it would drive me bonkers.
>>1805817 by definition they are not trashy, but as they happen nowadays they definitely seem to be trashy in a gift-hungry and narcissistic way.
I understand weddings and baptisms (or any little get-togethers with cake when there's a newborn) but the number of celebrations + the crazy planning, time waste, money waste, trash production is insane to me.

No. 1807288

It's just confusing to look at. IMO just full-send it if you want to be unconventional. I think wearing a sweat suit to match the sneakers, or a non-traditional sexy dress to match the bodice, would have been better than this weird mashup.

No. 1807292

Looks way more like decora-kei but it's ugly as shit either way

No. 1807300

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USA EDM ravers are so tacky and gross, although I also hate how in EU there's a wave of Tiktok zoomers who think techno = BDSM clothes a la Berghain. Anyway I just want 90s rave fits back.

No. 1807302

I once got a plantar wart in between where your big toe and second toe meet, and I will never trust flip flops again.

No. 1807304

I used to live and went to school in an area with a lot of Russians and I felt so huge and frumpy every time I was around a bunch of them. The massive lips don’t even look very good objectively but I can absolutely see how everyone feels pressured to have them done when your peers all have it. Everyone had a tiny ski-slope nose, Bratz doll lips and restrictive eating disorders and it actually made me feel insecure kek

No. 1807305

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You would have a fucking fit if you saw the ravers in England.

No. 1807312

They always look like you're having a severe allergic reaction, I have not in my life seen natural looking lip fillers. My friend went and got them once and immediately regretted it and never went for them again, she seriously looked like she had been kissing a suction cup even when she went for a very small amount. Plastic surgery is genuinely overrated and preying on people with body dysmorphia.

No. 1807320

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MLM hons who know they’re in an MLM. I feel bad for the women who fall prey to these schemes because they’re usually broke college students or stay at home moms trying to find themselves and get income. The hons pretend to be friends only to drop people the moment they can’t keep shelling out money for shitty products. I wish all predatory MLM hons a very bad day.

No. 1807327

Also wanted to add this video. They all look and talk the same it’s honestly ridiculous.

No. 1807400

Same. Used to think the emo/scene hair was super pretty but was too self conscious to take the plunge in secondary school.

No. 1807402

I don't think that's really trashy, just unfashionable and outdated

No. 1807408

I agree, I generally don't have a problem with piercings but this one always looks like a pimple with a white head or a piece of food stuck to your face.

No. 1807476

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I’m guilty I like the legs covered feet showing look

No. 1807809

Grifters who overwork themselves and others, thinking they're going to make it or somehow are better than the rest

No. 1807843

If I didnt have fucked up bony slender toes I'd be wearing shit like this too

No. 1807848

I've seen a pinterest board of cute baby pics some retard named "babyporn"

No. 1807924

What the actual fuck

No. 1807925

I live near a dude that has a joe biden tied up in rope huge truck decal. It's not only trashy, it makes you super easy to recognize, kek. When I see that dude, I know who it is instantly.

No. 1808091

Kpop. Fucking rancid ass music for people with no personality

No. 1808103

kekkkkk reminds me of that tig notaro bit

No. 1808239

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Never thought I'd be the kind of person to say this but the revealing clothes women and girls wear these days is really getting to me. inb4 "you're just jealous" No, it just makes me sad for us to see how insanely hypersexualized women's clothing trends are now. Wearing a nearly see through tight shirt with no bra and yoga pants that look like body paint. My friend works at a middle school and the current trend for girls are incredibly short yoga shorts that are skin-tight. Last summer at the beach I was shocked at the kinds of bikinis I was seeing everywhere.

I can't help but feel so depressed for young girls nowadays. The pressure to sexualize the fuck out of yourself must be crushing.

No. 1808242

I saw a ~10 y/o girl the other day in a full face of intagram baddie makeup, next to her normal looking mom. Why would you buy your pre-pubecent daughter makeup? It's one thing if a teenager with an allowance or a part time job chooses to blow it on falsies and contour kits, but actually buying these products for your 10 year old is dystopian.

No. 1808246

I feel like this is probably contributing to the astronomic rise in FTM/fakebois, trying to escape from it

No. 1808260

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tfw just bought a bunch of shirts from fashion nova because they had a black friday sale. even paid expensive ass overseas shipping because i think the tees are absolute fire. the female department on the other hand looked questionable. damn, i wonder if the quality will be tacky.

No. 1808261

Oh 100% it is. Media overflowing with borderline pornography and edited "perfection" that they can't escape, and in their eyes they'll never measure up. This and the epidemic of pornsickness and the expectations that result from that makes being female incredibly unappealing.

Unfortunately instead of denouncing sexualization and the pursuit of male validation, they're influenced to instead become uwu soft gay boiz and chop off their breasts. I <3 society

No. 1808262

you better delete this like lightning to avoid being banned kek

No. 1808264

Just don't wash your clothes on the high speed spin cycle nonna

No. 1808266

I have a thick red sweater from fashionnova and I love it. I think fashionnova actually has some good quality in comparison to other fast fashion, especially shein.

No. 1808293

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The jealous thing is so annoying, like no it’s just that perverts are gonna perv anyway (I am not gonna tell young girls they deserve men leering at them) but I hate seeing girls feel like they should look like that. It’s nice being a kid and just not worrying about you little belly sticking out and wearing clothes that are easy to run around in. You should wait til you’re at least 13 and even then it should still be a little awkward. I’m so glad my little sisters dress like Fred Durst which is another trend among that age group.

No. 1808352

they dont even sell pretty dresses for girls at that age in stores. walk through the prom/homecoming sections or any juniors dress section and its all clubbing outfits

No. 1808378

…Is that not the teacher?

No. 1808398

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Nah that baby could be wearing something from walmart/targets tween section, Social media really is trying to get rid of that tween stage from young girls and its so sad.

No. 1808402

Excessive drinking is trashy. I was an alcoholic and now that I'm on the other side, I see how gross and horrible a person becomes when they drink in excess. I don't get shitty about it or demeaning, I try to be kind, but if someone asks me if they're drinking too much I'll be honest with them. I guess I worry because I know how bad it can get. I feel the same about pot.

No. 1808404

That makes me so mad. I will never forget wearing puffy sleeves thinking I was a princess, now girls that age wear skims dresses

No. 1808413

Oh I know. I have relatives who used to be addicted to alcohol and they were so trashy. Violent too.

No. 1808422

how are you gonna be "alt" but dress from amazon and aliexpress kek

No. 1808429

>Fred Durst
As a shithead retard I love the numetal resurgence among young people but hate how SO many of them are teenage TiFs. Them escaping sexualization of female targeted clothes makes it make total sense.
Unrelated I was Fred for Halloween as a 30 yr old woman and it was fun as hell

No. 1808455

I can understand using cheap clothes since thrift stores are expensive now and shein crap is literally the same quality as anything that's a few extra bucks at the mall. I just don't get the ones that spend hundreds in one sitting on shein. Like with what they spent you can buy a few quality outfits anywhere else?

No. 1808456

It's disappointing seeing women troon out to escape anything. Sexualization, body nitpicking, or when lesbians troon out to avoid discrimination from society. Like you'd rather permanently harm your body instead of doing something about the oppression towards women?

No. 1808561

Hope u get punched

No. 1808585

I have never seen this red text kek

No. 1808598

Childfree people who think they can get away with misogyny long as they add pregnant before woman.
And no I'm not a mother or pregnant so don't attack me.

No. 1808603

You're right. I don't know why you deleted your post to make your point shorter, you were right.

No. 1808613

Same to “childfree” people who really just have an irredeemable hate for children. Kids are annoying and I will never have any but there’s a difference between the common annoyance towards kids but still being respectful and mindful that they’re just little developing humans and the types that have this obsession with hating children that they make it part of their personality and have this black and white anti-natalist view where they hate all parents, but especially mothers. Have you ever seen a post where a kid is doing something annoying and there’s floods of comments on how the kid should be disciplined physically like being spanked? I find spanking and all that trashy, I don’t care about how well it worked on boomers or how many cultures it’s apart of. There is something seriously wrong with people who do that, I wasn’t even subjected to it as a child but witnessing it and other physical punishments happen to my friends as one still creeps me out.

No. 1809075

Admiring celebs like Ariana Grande or Taylor Swift is tacky as fuck

No. 1809083

Agreed. I find that a lot of misogynistic people use mothers as sort of a punching bag for all of their nonsense since it's proof they had sex at least once and a lot of people find that just enough to justify saying vile things

No. 1809201

File: 1702406707778.jpg (360.1 KB, 500x500, Limited Too 1.jpg)

The end of the tween age was signaled by the downfall of Justice and Limited Too. Yes, the fashion was tacky, but it was cute and let girls express their personalities without being sexualized.

No. 1809698

I'm not defending BBLs (they're awful and the most dangerous cosmetic surgery) but you're dense if you think you can get the same results from just exercising.

No. 1809709

we should bring this back. This makes me wanna start a cute girls casual wear brand

No. 1809945

And stans think not kissing the floor they walk on is a crime and equivalent with not being a "girl's girl" thus punishable by death.
Why is celebrity idolatry so present in our culture? All fandoms are trashy, from metal to kpop, every single one. Groups push eachother into insanity because they reward obsessive behaviour and you are always trying to compete to see who is the biggest fan.

No. 1809987

modern music is so tacky. Doja cat should be a niche aqua/toy-box tier tacky musician you listen to when you are 12 because of the catchy beats without understanding the lyrics, not a super popular acclaimed artist.

No. 1809990

It’s so weird when I see actual people doing it, I thought it was bots on the internet activity

No. 1809993

At first I kek'd, but "bitch I'm a cow" is pretty on-par with Barbie Girl and the Best Friend song..so I guess you're kind of right.

No. 1810001

It's especially tacky when LC users do it. Like…shit on regular women (who are more similar to them than anything) then go worship celebrities (who they have nothing in common with).

No. 1810213

File: 1702445963577.jpg (140.45 KB, 828x1555, Tumblr_l_84481048997706.jpg)

Tradwives (not stay at home moms, just tradwives that sell this life on social media while being married to filthy rich people)

No. 1810214

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For context

No. 1810216

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No. 1810218

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No. 1810220

File: 1702446511102.jpg (1.03 MB, 2560x1920, Marie_Antoinette_amusement_at_…)

>even old time royalty liked to do that
Marie Antoinette?

No. 1810224

you're in the wrong thread entirely nonnie, and having a filthy rich husband and a wasteful stove isn't tacky, smells like vendetta.
what's actually tacky is claiming you're traditional while being the wench-in-a-field version of an e-girl complete with disgusting men all over your pictures and essentially glamorizing having no economic activity for other women while being a girl boss influencer yourself.

No. 1810226

>You can post anything you find personally upsetting to you
Tradwiveism is trashy as fuck, sorry. I only posted that example because I saw it randomly, I don't even know who that woman is

No. 1810232

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No. 1810233

cmon these are multiple screenshots giving milk about one particular girl, it's /snow/ material and you know it.
saying you think tradvives are trashy is fair but 4 image posts in a row about the particular stove, you're in the wrong thread

No. 1810248

Sorry I can't delete my posts anymore, will you forgive me for my sins nonny?

No. 1810275

File: 1702454355429.jpg (14.25 KB, 296x445, 41T7HOFgn8L._SY445_SX342_.jpg)

i will, you are absolved

No. 1810333

Damn, if this post isn't hyperbolic that is one hell of a tacky stove.

No. 1810897

Well you could imagine she is not just married rich but also born rich if she thinks most women can simply make a choice of a law firm partner girlboss or trad stay at home mom.

No. 1811071

She probably bullies all the other girls at school for not wearing it.

No. 1811435

File: 1702517721031.jpeg (314.08 KB, 926x1312, IMG_8838.jpeg)

This whole loose tie trend is so fucking ugly

No. 1811446

no, bring it back. I'm going to the thrift store and finding a dank ass tie. doubles as a belt for dress pants. dual-purpose

No. 1811456

I'm not sure why people are complaining about the stove. I have one because it was already in my house when I bought the property and it's at least 50 years old. They're commonly found in old English homes, it's not special or unusual. They're made of cast iron, will last decades and they use more gas than an oven because they are the boiler for the entire house providing heating, cooking and hot water. It's actually more efficient than having a separate gas cooker and gas combination boiler.

No. 1811471

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Giving me PTSD flashbacks of this

No. 1811477

So all the girls can be in mini skirts with crop tops but none of the dudes can even have their shirts open? I mean they're probably pudgy and they're ugly and one looks gay so I don't really want to see their bird chests, but it's the principle.

No. 1811483

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Ask and you shall receive. Luckily I can just spam RBD cause they are on topic for the thread.

No. 1811500

File: 1702523293020.jpg (33.91 KB, 330x440, 6ce86b79f688a78fd8e33342db6247…)

Wearing Thigh highs in public, you're not an anime girl.its tacky and unfashionably skanky.

No. 1811511

File: 1702524971173.png (1.56 MB, 3264x2448, cbd.png)

Thigh highs make me think of trannies.

No. 1811541

Nah this was cute in the early-mid 10s when it was part of that tumblr/lookbook indie/grunge look. I don't think that was inspired by anime at all.

No. 1811545

It is tacky but I like it, should make a comeback. Where are the fashion criminals zoomers when you need them
I love them but trannies ruined the stripped ones for me

No. 1811576

Ugh i'm guilty of liking these socks, they are cute but trannies ruined them like they ruin everything.

No. 1811578

File: 1702531718890.jpg (450.29 KB, 2880x2880, 20231214_122846.jpg)

Many cluster rings (especially those with a large central gemstone) and pavé rings look tacky. Hell, most designs from "luxury" brand jewelleries are tacky. Diamond and its common simulants (moissanite, CZ, lead treated glass) are also tacky, I don't get their appeal at all.

No. 1811586

this girl looks 16 max. let teen girls have goofy looking clothes jesus

No. 1811590

File: 1702533122528.png (1.18 MB, 1080x2030, 1702396664180272.png)

Calling yourself trad feels trashy nowadays. Most zoomers who call themselves Christians are weird and don't actually care about Christianity outside of the "status" they associate with it ie. Not mentally ill begendered, mra, alt right, etc. Trad is just a collection of nasty moids who fucked around all of their twenties desperate to settle down with a barely legal TikTok addict who larps as a Sunday school teacher between being racist online.

No. 1811594

Gives me tumblr 2010s vibes. Cute grungy fit, has nothing to do with anime.

No. 1811599

I deleted cause it was too long and people dont read too long posts. Thanks anon.

No. 1811656

And before tumblr even existed in the 90s we wore them with the petticoats and cardigans we nicked from our grandparents and combat boots from the army surplus store, I don’t associate them with animu tranny programmer socks at all

No. 1811664

I’m a child-hating antinatalist but I do not understand women who are vitriolic towards mothers and who advocate for physically disciplining children. They just use it as an excuse to be psychotically misogynistic

No. 1811679

i don't get women who post coombait pics of themselves on social media. There already is so much stuff on the internet that men can masturbate to so why add to the pile?(no, this isn't a defense of pornography I don't think men should coom at all) it's not like men are going to like you if you post coombait, they are just going to call you a worthless whore but at the same time they will demand you post actual nude photos of yourself. They are not going to respect you if you post nude photos either. If you lurk at any part of the internet that is dominated by men you notice that coomer men link attraction with degradation. In order to find a woman attractive they have to completely dehumanize her. So I genuinely don't get women trying to attract a coomer audience

No. 1812152

No. 1812185

No. 1812192

Knee highs and thigh highs are super cute with skirts and dresses but the shorts flannel and jacket are just too much

No. 1812199

I am so glad this 2010s tumblr pseudo grunge style is over. What weather are you dressed for? This makes no sense!

No. 1812240

you're so right. i have never seen a single person wear them without looking like a complete clown.

No. 1812257

thigh highs are cute, the anime porn association and how much moids like them does suck though

No. 1812259

They didn’t originate in anime. They were just sexualised in anime

No. 1812327

Not letting teens dress dumb is trashy kek. Millennials also dressed stupid in the early 2000s, Gen X dressed stupid in the 80s and so. It almost feels like late gen z and gen alpha won't be able to experiment with fashion since a lot of stuff is being bashed

No. 1812328

File: 1702586576590.jpg (611.47 KB, 1079x1066, 1000012630.jpg)

You're right. We need more kids dressing with absolutely no sense instead of larping as small adults

No. 1812337

does anyone else think girl in threadpic is kind of a cutie? i think like a sage green blouse and maybe a half updo with gentle waves that shows off her cheekbones would look nice

No. 1812358

No. 1812439

this era of tween fashion was so fab for me, it was cute and experimental while being playful and appropriate.

No. 1813046

addressing someone as "girl" sounds trashy to me if you're not being facetious

No. 1813758

Getting a dog, then never training that dog, then constantly yelling as loud as possible to that dog, even barking back at him. My neighbors are like that.

No. 1813764

There's some anon around here that likes to begin every sentence with "girl". She's probably gonna beef with you at any minute now.

No. 1813794

is it trashy because black people do that or why

No. 1813796

Being a Taylor Swift "stan" is very trashy IMO. Celebrity worship in general just needs to end.

No. 1813803

I love both of these, idgaf. All fashion is crime.

No. 1813844

my neighbors as well. there are a bunch of dogs in my house and all of them are big and chill except for the one chihuahua who is loud and aggressive as fuck. i'm talking about barking and straining at the leash so hard that he has to be pulled back by force. it sucks because shit like this doesn't help the bad rap that the breed has. one time i even heard the mom of the family yell at the dog to shut up. ffs, just train your fucking dog. meanwhile all other dogs in my apartment building are absolutely chill and the most they do is huff because they have to walk up so many flights of stairs.

No. 1813906

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Yaoi, Yuri, and Yumejos (sorry)

No. 1813908

The yuri-lover is clearly joking, but it's still stupid because it's just two fucking gators cuddling

No. 1813913

Never see those complaints about the celeb worship towards the likes of Drake or Kanye. People are just mad it's a woman for a change and that she's worshipped by teen girls and young women. People have always ridiculed what teen girls like. I don't even like her mediocre pop music but I hope she stays at the very top making a billion dollars for the rest of the decade just to see people seethe over her popularity.

No. 1813920

don't worry we hate all males here.

No. 1813922

No. 1813928

people that exclusively eat off paper/styrofoam plates at home. only exception is if youre having a party or if you have water/power issues

No. 1813936

I'm not trying to start a fight or anything, I'm just asking a question: are you European?

No. 1813959

>I hope she stays at the very top making a billion dollars for the rest of the decade just to see people seethe over her popularity.
same, the way she pisses people off just by existing is so funny and entertaining to me kek.

No. 1813961

How is being european relevant? It's totally trashy to be that avoidant of wanting to wash dishes.

No. 1813964

nta but wtf does being European have anything to do with that

No. 1813968

I think a short while back, a European mentioned being confused at Americans for using paper plates for Thanksgiving. It caused a little infight, so I was wondering if it's common for Europeans to dislike paper plates.

No. 1813981

not any of those anons but i'm european too and paper plates are usually only used when there are absolutely no utensils at all. like freshly moving into an apartment and not having unpacked yet, or when you bring cake to school or something. it's generally considered wasteful to use paper plates just because you're too lazy to do the dishes. just like how people here moan "the poor trees!" when someone prints one copy too many, kek.

No. 1813982

Do people do that? I've never heard of that.

Is that common? Do you also use paper plates Christmas dinner then?

No. 1813988

Don't most normal people think using paper plates as your standard tableware pretty trashy? I'd love to hear some non reddit tier arguments for it (i.e 'im neurodivergent! I've got sensory issues with soapy water!' or 'im so disabled i cant!'), something to make it less trashy in my mind.

No. 1813993

Three anecdotes
>coworker who had a family and worked a lot, so paper plates were for their busiest days
>other coworker who claimed it was cheaper to use paper plates instead of regular dishes (?)
>gross college moid who worked with my mom and said he switched to paper plates because he never washed any dishes and they were all thrown out from being covered in mold

No. 1814009

The first point is the only one I can kind of see. It's not that doing the dishes is some sort of show of character, but I do judge people for being unwilling to keep house and needing to come up with the laziest way possible to live.

No. 1814086

File: 1702681410890.png (1.29 MB, 1146x1142, Screen Shot 2023-12-15 at 3.01…)

We have neighbors who just moved in, and every time they open their door their pitbull runs out the door, off-leash while the neighbors yell "LUNA! LUNA! LUNA! GET BACK HERE, LUNA! LUNA! clap clap clap LUNA!" while the dog doesn't give a single fuck and keeps trotting away, sniffing around, and then finally goes to the bathroom and leisurely wanders on back to the owners while they're still yelling "LUNA! LUNA! Get over here! LUNA! LUNA!" This happens almost every fucking day. The dog just doesn't even register that they exist, it has its owners completely under under her thumb (er paw).

On that note, all pitbull owners are trashy.

No. 1814101

It's not trashy, it's just weird.

No. 1814116

What part of
>Celebrity worship in general just needs to end.
did you not read, kek? Drake is a nonce and Kanye's a pornsick retard, stanning them is also trashy and everyone on Lolcow should already know it. Get over it.

No. 1814186

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No. 1814187

Don't show this picture to celebricows

No. 1814823

Pitbulls will always be the worst dog to own.

No. 1814991

that requires actual feminism, which boring and hard work. Much easier to slice yourself up for woke points on the internet

No. 1814998

this picture is already so nostalgic

you could make some serious money in your niche

No. 1815009

>Why is celebrity idolatry so present in our culture?

Because it represents a hole not filled in by religion or something more useful

No. 1815011

that was her best song, she will never reach those heights again

No. 1815013

yeah pitbulls aren't trashy but almost all pitbull owners definitely are… "it's how they are raised" yeah no shit, that's what the worst people say

No. 1815032

Actually, I'm gonna try it out this weekend, good old fashioned 2000s business casual fashion

No. 1815035

some women love attention, even negative attention

No. 1815190

Why would anyone want to own a pitbull, legit. Some pitbulls can't even protect shit properly

No. 1815195

Toe rings always look like they're cutting off circulation. Are they even comfortable?

No. 1815196

File: 1702754189854.jpg (26.82 KB, 1000x1000, 31E9DtEyXTS._UF1000,1000_QL80_…)

Trashy and gross,I would never understand the point of wearing these.toe rings never look good on anyone's feet,makes their feet look even more disgusting.

No. 1815198

File: 1702754423812.jpg (Spoiler Image,148.93 KB, 1024x768, 84889585_567645005f_b.jpg)

I deleted the original post because I wanted to add more.but yeah toe rings were never meant to be comfortable in the first place come to think of it.spoiler because awfully nasty feet with equally awful toe rings,see what I mean?

No. 1815210

Dang. I'd feel like your picrel's rings would fall off my toes with that fit. Can't seem to win with toe rings. Are they supposed to be worn on the toe knuckle like that I'd feel so weird having a band of metal where my toes are supposed to bend.

No. 1815216

Sleeve tattoos and nipple piercings.

No. 1815221

Having toes period is trashy

No. 1815231

Septum piercings

No. 1815253

Agree. And every zoomer nowadays seems to have one.

No. 1815256

Nope, born and raised in the trash capital of the United States (Florida)

No. 1815276

I love tattoos but agree about nipple piercings, are always done for weird sexual reasons. I am specially disgusted by men with nipple piercings.

No. 1815293

Tattoos in general are just a joke, nipple piercings are for the severely mentally ill

No. 1815310

I think all piercings that aren't in the ears are trashy. Worst offenders being eyebrow piercings imo

No. 1815326

it's unfortunately the best (if not the only) way for women to make a lot of money online

No. 1815332

I don't want to look down on tats or piercings but two moid exs were obsessed with tattooed/pierced girls (to the point of saying tattoos on a woman alone get them hard) and one of them cheated on me with one.

No. 1815341

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No. 1815344

teen pregnancy

No. 1815346

I love toe socks

No. 1815350

vidrel is confirmation of what most people already suspected or were aware of, the people who buy 'luxury brands' are overwhelmingly from the middle class (usually on the lower end). It's not surprising for me, my father's side of the family belongs to former minor nobility, equivalent to Barons. They are decently wealthy, but you would never know or suspect it, except for the fact that they have a nice house, two cars, and live in a expensive neighborhood. On the other hand, my mother's side recently became wealthy, and they are what you would expect. I have a cousin own three Birkin bags, and many of male cousins have expensive cars and bikes. Of course, there are exceptions, there are flashy people in my dad's family who flaunt their money, while there are also smarter individuals in my mom's family who save and invest.

No. 1815384


No. 1815386

That's just dumb and trashy of you

No. 1815548

>nipple piercings are always done for weird sexual reasons
I disagree, I got mine pierced because I think it looks cute, I'm a virgin and nobody sees me naked anyway. Moids with nipple piercings disgust me so fucking much though.

No. 1815639

I disagree. Toe rings are super cute. I think you may just hate feet.

No. 1815642

I have never met a respectable person with snakebite piercings. Something about them attracts the worst kind of people.

No. 1815698

agree, I have snakebites and I'm literally the worst trashy human being I've met.

No. 1815732

Why are they ALWAYS named Luna or Blue
Animals can’t be trashy by themselves I guess but anyone and I mean anyone that owns this animal literally bred to kill is trashy not to mention irresponsible as fuck

No. 1815774

Are you really? Is it a lifestyle choice, or did things just degrade to this? Also, what do you, a self proclaimed trashy woman, consider to be the coolest thing ever?

No. 1815789

you can get your nipples pierced as like a temporary solution for inverted nipples, that's what I did.

No. 1816179

actually i realized i didn't like it because of lisa fevral in the winx thread, who i like otherwise… it's just not classy

No. 1816456

Not respecting someone's time multiple times, always saying stuff like "oh y'know how I am, I always get late to things teeehee" and getting mad that a person doesn't contact you anymore.
I just ended it with a friend like that, always told me to be ready by 7pm and then called me that we should change the time every other 30 minutes, gets out at 10pm and expected me to be there and pretend that being late by 3 hours is normal.

No. 1816458

As someone who does everything slow, especially getting ready for the day, it honestly is hard to not be late but it is completely possible. Just takes a lot of effort when you're naturally a turtle.

No. 1816471

Don't get me wrong, I am also quite slow, but I learned to leave 2 hours to get ready. I do understand being late let's say 15 minutes or 1 hour when you have an emergency, but 3 hours is insane to me

No. 1816651

Three hours isn't even late at this point, we need another word for when it gets that excessive. If someone did this to me once I'd just go back home or do something else by myself and ignore that person forever too.

No. 1816813

>Nipple piercing as a medical device.
Huh, neat world.
Shit, I'd forgotten that people do this because I cut off anyone who does this to me. This is the trashiest possible thing. That person is basically saying that your time is worth less than their effort. Sends me into a rage.

No. 1816844

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lace fronts, waves, this drag queen tier makeup (just googled 'baddie makeup' and chose the worst offender), vast majority of tiktok trends…

No. 1817445

File: 1702862995030.jpg (110.51 KB, 675x1200, 831a4f3a4313e130e60b131b182704…)

This is more cringey, unfunny and ugly than tacky but cakes with these cartoon stickman drawing.

No. 1817453

This makeup looks masculine to me simply because it's exactly what faggots wear when they make minstrel shows out of women. Some youtube essayists would say it's "hyperfeminine" makeup but it's really a male brained style.

No. 1817474

I see what you mean because the only people who still hold on to this ghastly makeup look are gay men with beards who make youtube videos

No. 1817587

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This zumiez shit and people who think they're so cool when they pull down the pocket to reveal the cat or alien flipping you off

No. 1817590

Average arctic monkey fan fashion

No. 1817598

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Tattoos of things from any form of media, it's tacky and not deep or creative. Bonus cringe points if it's Disney, superhero/villain related, or some shit like The Crow

No. 1817599

ugh i remember these

No. 1817601

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People who drink Dr. Pepper arr tack as fuck and a corn syrup induced headache personified. If you have a box of dr pepper in your pantry or fridge, you're an animal

No. 1817607

You made me remember my former friend who exclusively drank dr pepper and would video call me in her bathrobe so she could slowly sniff and review baths and body works candles (i didnt ask her to do this). I miss her

No. 1817609

File: 1702868526552.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1284x1177, IMG_6763.jpeg)

this hairstyle

No. 1817610

Drip master gyat rizzler no cap cuh frfr ioncuh

No. 1817614

Agreed. Instant turn off, doesn't matter how cute the scrote is otherwise.

No. 1817615

Dont retrospectively romanticize her deranged dr pepper sucking ass, you dodged a bullet anon

No. 1817616

lmao this is adorable. i hope you reunite

No. 1817622

I dont see the issue you evidently see.

No. 1817623

Ayrt, remember that without two sides the coin would be worthless, sister

No. 1817624

Inside you there are two wolves. One is right (me) and the other is wrong (you)

No. 1817627

You're delusional off the high fructose corn syrup. Go drink some spring water, swamp creature

No. 1817634

I dont like Dr pepper you just destroyed the vibes when you said anon was romanticizing an average friendship

No. 1817635

niggas named Edgar always have this hair

No. 1817638

What you're unable to realize is that the vibes were trash to begin with if she was sipping on some dr pepper, but hopefully with time you'll be able to pick up on that

No. 1817644

Everything in this picture really.

No. 1817645

Have you known multiple men named Edgar? Where the fuck do you live I have never met even 1 Edgar

No. 1817648

File: 1702871218110.jpg (689.34 KB, 3000x1680, edgar_haircut_explained.jpg)

Someone has never been around Mexicans in their entire life and it isnt me or >>1817635

No. 1817654

I saw my first Edgar with an edgar bowlcut in the first grade back in 2001, they've been out here for longer than you know

No. 1817657

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Edgars are like Hugo Weaving in Matrix

No. 1817662

All Edgars are trash, with or without the bowl cut.

No. 1817664

File: 1702872336333.png (884.29 KB, 1208x462, Screen Shot 2023-12-17 at 8.06…)

kek, my shithole city is full of shitty little asshole scrotes with this haircut, they ride their bikes through town in packs stealing stuff, vandalizing cars and throwing stuff at drivers and their parents don't give a fuck. We call them Edgars around here too

No. 1817667

Guy on the right hmu

No. 1817670

You're crazy if you can't automatically tell what kind of person he is lol we need to keep you away from these guys they will destroy you

No. 1817671

You're right kek I'm a bong. My only association with the name is Edgar Allen Poe

No. 1817674

I live in a heavily Mexicated area there’s a lot of Edgar boys roaming around with their shitty little bobs and curly top fades

No. 1817677

Nah I'm good let one like that ruin my life for like a year in my early 20s, I just wanted to objectify him for the fun

No. 1817678

nonas on here will talk about mexican and pacific islander moids being cute or hot, but most of them are really douchey or fat/ugly where I live

No. 1817679

Have you ever met a nice Edgar? There are a few and its so confusing, just polite mamas boys with the same haircuts as the worst people you will ever meet

No. 1817680

Middle one should cosplay Ozu from tatami galaxy.

No. 1817681

top fades are some of the worst haircuts ever invented already and curky topp fades are even worse. poodle ass mfs

No. 1817682

I think they're cute but yeah unfortunately just like all other groups of men they can be and generally are horrible

No. 1817729

I hate peso pluma too

No. 1817731

Holy shit I want to be her friend too

No. 1817739

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Gosh I hate these types of worthless smelly moids and seeing everywhere,thinking they're better than everyone else.their ghetto girlfriends are as worse.im not race-baiting since Mexican isn't a race and I'm latina (Dominican) I've never met a single one that wasn't a drug addicted,narcissistic hoodrat.

No. 1817743

Se parece una chola sencilla,no creó.

No. 1817744

A mi también, pero por si’aca.

No. 1817759

100% and I hate how you can't mention it without someone whining about your opinion being "bigoted"

No. 1817760

hate millenials

No. 1817762

i don't mind it, it's just the curly version of an undercut

No. 1817771

I'll take this over the retarded Edgar cut any day,IDC how old the Edgar cut is.

No. 1817827

tinfoil but the push of expensive beauty rituals for women has to be a weird psycop to keep women financially dependent on moids. We're living in a time where vast majority of us are living paycheck to paycheck and even more women are poor than men yet it's only women expected to get fillers, expensive hairstyles, lashes and nails and expensive makeup. A lot of women resort to asking for moids for money for beauty stuff and it just keeps us dependent

No. 1817828

this is not a tinfoil at lol. this is just true.

No. 1817840

I don't think the beauty industry cares whether we get the money from moids or not, they are just creating problems and selling solutions. As long as women feel flawed and insufficient and are told new products and treatments will fix them, they'll find the money somehow.

No. 1817845

yeah but picking up an extra shift at the restaurant isn't going to pay for a 3k extension set, eating cheap soup for a few months isn't going to pay for 1k lip injections. While beauty treatments get more expensive and more expected of women, wages lower and bills rise. The majority of women have to rely on rich men to pay for all that. It's weird to think just a decade ago getting nails done or something like that would just be a nice treat once in a while now so many women go there bi-weekly spending hundreds and admit to being uncomfortable the entire time

No. 1817860

Friends gf is covered with tattoos of other's IP. Anime, games, movies, not a single thing on her is something she thought of herself. There's not much else that signals "I don't have an original thought clinking around up there." more than that to me. The thought process is literally "ooga booga me like thing, me have thing on arm!!! forever!", tattoos are already in a grey zone but just becoming a walking billboard for the latest animu and mango is embarrassing.

No. 1817872

It looks uncomfortable, and probably is. Foundation never truly matches skin imo.

No. 1817874

KEK I have a shirt like this, I am a quirky retard though

No. 1817886

File: 1702884204423.jpg (84.03 KB, 736x920, 1000012712.jpg)

Just learned that this particular makeup among e-girls trend is called the "pink nose". Well it looks tacky as hell, and makes the girls look like those Who-People from The Grinch movie.

No. 1818245

Who actually expects women to have $3,000 extensions, lip fillers, nails and lashes? Are you an influencer or something?

No. 1818255

this is 2016 makeup and hasn't been popular for the past 5 years, nonny. Even though I dont like it, it's kind of charming in a tacky sort of way

No. 1818350

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I never undestood that or pic related where you have blush on the bridge of nose. Why would you want to look like you have a flu or are too hot.

No. 1818494

It's because it looks like a shy/blushing/sick anime or hentai character and scrotes love the thought of women being small and weak

No. 1818575

Same, I have a purple one kek

No. 1818610

sorry we hurt your feelings Edward scissorhands

No. 1818623

Drag queen style makeup and just about any modern anime geared towards men. Anyone who wears those ahego or whatever clothes should be shot.

No. 1819482

Tattoos full stop. Your “deep and meaningful” tattoos are just as ugly and trashy as this. Yes, even the ones you designed and invented yourself. In fact they’re likely even uglier.

No. 1820453

Hairdressers that use hair straightener and call it styling. Please, don't fry my curls, it ain't the 90's/2000's anymore.

No. 1820461

>one chance at life
>born in the timeline where every moid's hairstyle looks like this
literally shoot me already

No. 1820468

finally, a kindred spirit.

No. 1820528

honestly, yeah. i used to looove tattoos and wanted some so badly but then i never got one because i was scared of the pain and now i don't like any tattoos anymore. like so many designs may look nice but the fact that they are tattoos just makes them unappealing. my coworker has a flower tattoo on her thigh and it's not ugly or anything, but just because it's a tattoo i find it unpleasant.

also by now i associate (excessive) body mods with tifs and socially accepted selfharm, kek.

No. 1820555

I'm not tatted and don't plan on getting any, but I think traditional styles such as sailor or Japanese tattoos look good and timeless. They also keep up well over time. Modern styles and anything overly trendy are cringe.

No. 1820624

My mom loves this stuff, she buys a bunch of plushies of the cat and got Christmas sweaters for us of him.

No. 1820627

They’re still ugly
>my coworker has a flower tattoo on her thigh and it’s not ugly
Yes it is.

No. 1820634

The shit on the thighs is the worst. Just a big dark blob in the middle of your thigh, looks retarded and distracts from the nice silhouette line thighs make.

No. 1820668

I started disliking tattoos when I realized that at a distance, a lot of tattoos look like bruises or moles that need to be checked for cancer. Had a friend get a big tattoo on her thigh with lots of blues, yellows, purples…it was well done but if she stepped more than 5 feet away wearing shorts it looked like she had been hit with a baseball bat several times and was in various stages of the bruise healing. Felt awful I couldnt unsee it, it just looked so bad

No. 1820705

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A lot of people get shit tattoos and don’t know anything about what makes a good tattoo when they get them. Good tattoos need to be readable from far away, not just a blob or something you have to get your face up close to and squint to determine what it’s supposed to be. people don’t like to hear how that limits their options though. There’s a lot of pretty pictures out there, but they don’t make good tattoos. Then there’s aging. Yeah, you can get tattoos touched up, but you don’t know what financial position you’ll be in 20 years from now. Colored inks often don’t age well. The best advice I ever heard was to think of tattoos as a life investment. So that’s what I did when I got mine. Not arguing that they aren’t trashy, I’ve seen more shitty ones than good ones. And sure. I’m trashy.

No. 1820760

>because i was scared of the pain
Depending on the place tattoos don't really hurt all that much. Most women don't even flinch at the pain, it's men that are pussies when it comes to getting tattooed because their pain tolerance is much lower apparently. What really hurts about getting tattoos is any type of blackwork where you have to pack a lot of layers of ink - your skin gets sore after a while so it feels like scratching an overly scratched wound.

No. 1820769

>Good tattoos
What good tattoos? There are none.

No. 1820777

Color tattoos are the worst for aging. All tattoos fade of course but the color ones look so bad so quickly. I follow a tattoo artist on Instagram that does handpokes and thought they looked kinda cute. Then I saw some healed pictures of her colored work and holy shit it looks so bad.

No. 1820781

Tattoos are pathetic. My 51 year old father who is a grandpa is covered in tattoos up and down both arms and he looks so ridiculous

No. 1820784

oh my god, can you stop it already? we get it, you hate tattoos.

No. 1820805

>There are none.
I don't know I get stuff like getting bingb bing wahoo tattoos being trashy, I agree. However, if it's something like a small heart on the shoulder or a name of a person that someone was very close to I can't see how they're bad.

No. 1820879

Kek I’m sorry anon I just really really fucking hate them. They’re way too common these days and it’s like you’re not allowed to say it because you’re being some type of puritan or like a boomer or you’re offending someone who got their dead grandmother tattooed on their ballsack or something.
There is nothing and I repeat nothing more trashy than getting someone’s name. It’s meaningless, a hollow vanity project. Show me one competent parent with their child’s name tattooed? One faithful partner with their spouses name tattooed? I have more respect for people who get ridiculous shit like daffy duck or SpongeBob, or get a W tattooed on each ass cheek so it spells wow when they bend over. That is less trashy because at least it isn’t pretending to not be trashy. It is what it is. If someone has a name tattooed on them, you know they’re a dead beat only capable of hollow gestures and you know to avoid them. What possible purpose does someone have tattooing their dead dogs face on themselves? It is a way to signal that they actually have a heart and a soul when all they have is a personality disorder and a driving ban and several restraining orders against them. Tattoos like that are a way to lie to people without even speaking.

No. 1820908

I know people are tired of this discussion, but when i was in my teens i thought tattoos were the coolest thing ever mainly because at the time it was something you'd only see on rappers and alt people. Maybe the over saturation has made it so that they don't have the cool factor they once had. A lot of people with tattoos just seem to get them just to have them with no real thought. Nonetheless, i do not like how being heavily tattooed limits how you can dress yourself and i think it's a bad idea for people under 30 who don't have a good sense of what they want their aesthetic to be to commit to being heavily tattooed because you lock yourself in the box. I feel like a lot of people get really offended by the idea of regretting tattoos but now more than ever i have seen a huge surge in people regretting their tattoos or feeling depressed about them.

No. 1820919

People who wear pajama pants outside the house. Girls with the Monroe piercing accompanied by a moid with unkempt sparse “facial hair” wearing a wife beater and ill fitted snapback holding up the cashier playing lotto.

No. 1820921

I love cookie monster pajama pants girls though

No. 1820927

File: 1703097574615.jpg (182.01 KB, 1080x1350, interore.jpg)

I'm calling myself out kek but I like quirky colorful interior design like picrel that I'm sure most people would call tacky.

I like to watch interior design videos and I was listening closely to the moids in the videos rules and tips for decorating, then one day he said "themed rooms are tacky and should not exist" and I had a moment of realization that I was taking tips from someone who had the opposite taste of me.

No. 1820928

Yeah, I am the trashy bitch wearing PJ pants outside..I've got outdoor PJ pants and indoor ones for sleeping. I'll die comfy and y'all will cope and seethe.

No. 1820929

Picrel is the standard nu-hipster decoration though

No. 1820937

File: 1703098050731.jpg (106.85 KB, 708x1024, 1000012745.jpg)

NTA but I guess being trashy isn't inherently a bad thing because come on, I get hating pajamas in public if we're talking about being in a class…but who the fuck is gonna throw on a whole articulate outfit just to get some snacks from the dollar store? Or to just grab something from Walmart in twenty minutes? The only people who lose sleep over people wearing pajamas to simple places like Walmart are boomers or boomer-brained people who think women should go back to wearing a 50s retro dress with fully done makeup and high heels while they clean the bedrooms, tidy the livingroom, take out the trash, clean the bathrooms, water the garden, cook a thanksgiving-tier dinner, and clean the entire kitchen.

No. 1820952

Normally when i go out to grab something real quick i just wear whatever, sometimes i don't even change out of pj top if i am wearing a coat on top. It's more about not wanting to wear indoor clothes outside in my opinion, also my nightwear is almost a decade old and the elastic is weak, i don't want people to see my panties when they enviably fall lmao. Sidenote, but i think the fit in the pic you posted looks pretty nice.

No. 1820956

No. 1820984

I see nothing wrong with this. I can understand who would call this tacky beige moms. I know the moid you are talking about too, i hate him lmao. Even as someone who likes minimalist aesthetics, i still have my have my plushies and my capeshit figures on display, sorry for wanting to have some fun i guess?? i've even seen some minimalist people on youtube beginning to regret restricting themselves on home decor. I think it's only an issue when you accumulate stuff too quickly and aren't patient.

No. 1821016

more so of knowing the fact you’re wearing your indoor rotting clothes, outdoors even for a quick trip, to come back and wear them indoors. Just throw on some leggings or athleisure. Not a boomer nor trad who thinks women have to go out fully done up 24/7. Simply if I see a scrote or woman IRL wearing pajama pants I just assume they’ve been wearing that same article of clothing for days. It just looks trashy if you can’t take 30 seconds to merely change a pair of bottoms.

No. 1821024

I think it's fun, better than the rich people that get a big ass house and it looks like an hospital, all white and gray cus they're afraid of colors kek now that's real I-have-no-taste tacky

No. 1821038

Leggings are gay though

No. 1821053

File: 1703101237674.jpeg (544.61 KB, 1668x1978, BDD33E99-C4CA-47C1-B00B-D7B946…)

That’s why I wear them.
It’s fun, funky and refreshing IMO I don’t think it’s tacky I would be stoked to walk into a living room and be greeted with that, much better than pircel. gaudy glam is horrible.

No. 1821113

Holy mother of autism. I was more so thinking instances of war veterans who have names of their fallen buddies on their shoulder.

No. 1821120

I worked with a guy who had his sister’s name tattooed on him after she was murdered. He and my dad had the same name and I have the same name as his sister, so he showed me when it came up one day.

No. 1821127

I love this.

No. 1821326

nona this is deranged no one is holding you at gunpoint to put on a pair of jeans or something when you go to walmart you dont even have to change out of your hoodie kek

No. 1821330

No, what's actually deranged is thinking people gotta get into some businesswoman suit just to buy some apples.

No. 1821331

aw, i like this.

No. 1821405

>war veterans
Literally only Americans give this much of a fuck about moids going to war kek.
Anyways, those tattoos are retarded too, like why not keep a notebook with memoirs about their war pals? Or pictures? Maybe letters if they're that old? Put them somewhere nice that actually honors them and not on your body like a walking billboard that's constantly reminding everyone "this person died!!!!!".
I don't care if everyone deals with death differently to everyone else, I think that tattooing your body with stuff like the name/face of a dead person is just disrespectful even, specially if the dead person was just a friend or co-worker (that's what soldiers are to each other btw) it's weird as fuck.
I agree with the OP about tattoos, they're a waste of money and healthy skin, they're not meaningful at all.
>inb4 butt what about this or that artist that only does tattoo art that looks cool???!???!!!?
It's still trashy, the art may look cool and working on skin must be very difficult or whatever, but that doesn't mean it won't look trashy after a few days looking at the same art.
Idk, I guess you could say I consider tattoos trashy because once you have to wear them all of the time, they lose their meaning and turn into just another thing you have to see all of the time, like, imagine wearing a t-shirt with a dead person's face or name every single day, it will lose the meaning after a while, it's more meaningful to just carry a picture in your wallet or having a nice album at home.

No. 1821433

You don’t have to like tattoos but I can tell you’re exhausting to be around kek

No. 1821464

I feel that goes for anyone who gets that autistic over tatoos. They remind me of moids who cry and screech over women with them because "they're ruining their purity and it is a tell tale sign of sluttiness" or some other retardation. One thing I truly find tacky is suicide iconography in fashion.

No. 1821503

I know pit bulls get hate for being the most dangerous breed, but I swear chihuahuas would do sooo many more murders if they were large enough to do anything. Awful little overbred hellbeasts.

No. 1821608

Quit being autistic, people can dislike things and act normal around others, I'm just saying why I think tattoos are trashy as fuck, if it hurts your feelings then go get another tattoo about it.

No. 1821612

NTA I'll tattoo your post nonny

No. 1821640

It’s a matter of changing from pajama pants you wear in your clean house to sweatpants you wear out into the dirty world ya sperg.

To add to the tattoo discussion I hate how tattooed people act like an oppressed class, like they were born with the hideous things. “Don’t discriminate just because I have tattoos” “just because I have tattoos doesn’t mean I’m a bad person” “tattooed people can work too!!” Now that is trashy. it’s almost 2024 NO ONE cares.

No. 1821642

It's still no big deal to wear pajama pants at Walmart because then you can just change into another pajama set.

No. 1821645

And then leave the dirty pair in one of those Walmart racks?

No. 1821663

File: 1703127570255.jpg (114.4 KB, 640x960, 1000012769.jpg)

yeah, and?

No. 1821672

This is peak trash interior design. Nothing has any quality or craftsmanship because it's all fake. The table is plastic fake wood, the flowers are fake and plastic, the rabbits and candle sticks are plastic and were purchased from Home Bargains, and the cushions are 100% polyester.

No. 1822397

This image embodies 2009

No. 1822405

It's just that those people wear indoor clothing they go to bed in while going outside and that pj can collect dust and other stuff, it's just not hygienic. You can throw something cute that is for going outside like a tshirt, hoodie and jeans.

No. 1822525

You’re in this thread covered in hideous tattoos complaining about what kind of sofa people get. YOU are the epitome of trash. Get out.

No. 1822558

I don't even have tatoos but the kind of autistic hatred they draw is exhausting. You sound like you're exhausting to be around.

No. 1822560

The name Jaden

No. 1822563

Huh? This a thread where we describe trashy things. Anon is describing what she thinks is trashy.

No. 1822570

My bad, I forgot to say that I the combination of orange suntan and blonde very tacky.

No. 1822572

people who play into the hygiene Olympics shout trashy to me, 9/10 times it's because they are compensating for other truly disgusting habits of theirs and want to develop a holier than thou complex instead of worry about their own nastiness

No. 1822582

And anon is butthurt because she’s covered in shitty tattoos. Tattoos used to be the mark of an outlaw and now people cry hysterically if you say you don’t like them and go “I b-bet you’re exhausting to be around! You’re like those moids who call tattooed women sluts!” No, YOU are, you mindless conformist with no taste and no integrity and no self respect. All the crushed velvet sofas and ripped denim shorts in the world couldn’t compare with the shit you have inked on your body PERMANENTLY. If you have tattoos, you are trashy and this thread isn’t for you. GET OUT.(calm down retard)

No. 1822586

File: 1703145033346.png (25.08 KB, 480x480, 1663571470029.png)

calm down kek

No. 1822621

Arguments about hygiene are funny to me because they always inevitably turn into
>wow you don't do x to clean y body part? That's so gross!
>wow your y body part gets so dirty that you need to do x to clean it? That's so gross!

No. 1822624

I just watched a video where they studied the bacteria on two legs - one that washed with water and one with bar soap, the slide with bar soap was teeming with more bacteria than the one with water. Like what are we even supposed to do. Ima use that soap regardless.

No. 1822627

Trying a bit too hard. Sounds personal

No. 1822631

This is the literal idea of The Beauty Myth. It’s pretty flawed but the core idea is something worth reading on

No. 1822635

As far as I'm concerned, if I'm not getting health or skin issues and I don't look or smell dirty, I'm doing ok. I can't be worrying about bacteria that I can't see and am not noticeably affected by, I'd go crazy.

No. 1822636

wtf chill

No. 1822647

If you don’t live in a big city it’s hard to find someone who knows how to deal with curly hair. At least we have the internet

No. 1822720

>If you have tattoos, you are trashy and this thread isn’t for you. GET OUT.
Damn nonnie, it's totally fine to dislike tattoos like the majority of people do but you're being way too sensitive about this.

No. 1822724

You're way off anon, boomers are the trashiest generation fashion-wise. My immigrants inlaws were mocked by other boomers for dressing up for events such as their kids graduate ceremony or group dinners. The boomers love not bothering to dress up at all

No. 1823864

Beating on and yelling and cussing at your kid in public. You suck.

No. 1823867

The worst kind of people.

No. 1823872

Your attitude is very trashy. How hard was to write all that with your long ass fake nails?

No. 1823879

It's scary how people take child abuse so unseriously, especially considering parental abuse is the #1 cause of brain trauma in children

No. 1823971

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No. 1824062

File: 1703241770086.jpg (131.47 KB, 1169x1390, il_fullxfull.3496262981_t7kw.j…)

I'd have the bdsm berghain zoomer techno rave apparel any day over the peak trashiness that is UK rave culture

No. 1824141

You should type this same thing up another four times, maybe we’ll finally understand you

No. 1825790

To be fair, every single cat would eat their owner if it was big enough. And I like cats kek.

No. 1825799

I HATE this. Everything about it. Including the tan and the bee sting lips.

No. 1826020

Not just stupid but sexualized too. 12+ y.o. girls would wear low-rise jeans with g-strings or sports underpants peeking out, tight clothes, low-cut tops, etc. Many teenage girls wore heavy makeup.
I'm actually surprised seeing all the posts about teens dressing in a hypersexualized way because all I see is teens in comfortable baggy clothes. They look way better than we did in 2007-2011. I'm from Eastern Europe btw, maybe it was/is different somewhere else.

No. 1826055

Kek at the desperate pose in an attempt to hide the fact that her hip to waist ratio is literally 1:1

No. 1826085

why would she wear such outfit with that body type is beyond me. it’s so unflattering on her

No. 1826822

britbongs especially Manchester faux tans in general

No. 1826827

File: 1703405797845.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1170x2148, IMG_5181.jpeg)

I can’t take a person seriously at all when they have any kind of lip filler, but especially not when it’s this bad. Everyone knows that you’re a shallow moron who makes poor financial decisions and that’s that. You’re crying over a man when your lips look like that? You have far bigger problems. Get that shit dissolved and go apologise to your ancestors. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C02E6KzIfBi/?igsh=MWticzRqdG1kMjZsaQ==

No. 1827662

Did he get custody of her lip balm?

No. 1833586

Couples that marry each other when the woman gets pregnant, we all know that those types married each other just because they had an oopsie baby. I find the "kid first, marriage after" order trashy af, it's not that hard to marry first kek.

Thing is that fashion in Eastern Europe is between 1 - 3 years behind western countries imo (I'm from there too). But I agree, the worst offender I can think of so far are crop tops and the fact that this is the only cut you can find in stores, but the rest are fine. I remember getting picked on for wearing baggy clothes since I was an early bloomer and apparently I had to show a little bit of cleavage or curves or leg and that was in the mid to late 2010's.

No. 1839115

Lace underwear tries to be elegant but always looks very tacky. And it's even worse when they have a bright color, of course.

No. 1981783

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No. 1981789

No. 1981791

Baby looks like he wishes he was somewhere else. Very relatable.

No. 1981793

This shit is too much for me

No. 1981814

I remember this woman from reality show Love & Hip Hop. She's always had such a hard face.

No. 1981840

Reggaeton. It almost died off in my country years ago from shaming but north americans rediscovered it and made it trendy again worldwide because it's so woke and made by pee oh sees. When will this trashy misogynistic garbage die

No. 1981851

I miss the timeframe in my country when hating on reggaeton was understandable and we had cool indie music on the radio. Now reggaeton is seen as a cool feminist thing and if you hate it you're a boring prude.
>north americans rediscovered it and made it trendy again worldwide because it's so woke and made by pee oh sees.
It annoys me so much.

No. 1981986

What's wrong with reggaeton and what makes it more misogynistic than the average musician scrote.

No. 1982070

The part that's wrong with it is as misogynistic as American musicians and that just being American musicians are misogynistic doesn't mean other forms of music get a pass to be misogynistic

No. 1982145

File: 1714240715790.jpg (260.23 KB, 1808x2712, fashion-nova-2.jpg)

Hope this doesnt come off as scrotey but I work in a nightclub and these kind of outfits absolutely kill me. Its not exactly this one but similar to the ones you get in shein/fashionnova. I dont know how these are comfortable for dancing, plus at the end of the night when everyone is drunk and leaving I just get flashed left and right.

No. 1982853

Not sure I’ve seen a trashier “outfit” even for a nightclub

No. 1982855

I feel like the fashion industry in general is unfair to women. Ofc marketing these sorts of things are one thing but at times it seems like the only clothes easily available to us are ugly dumpy old lady clothes or scratchy see through fetish-wear. Moids get timeless and high quality pieces regardless of where they go

No. 1982856

I don't how to describe it, but It looks like something a male would design for a fat moid.

No. 1982863

File: 1714271739586.jpg (51.16 KB, 600x831, what-shoes-to-wear-with-leggin…)

Leggings with sandals/flip flops,It never looks good even if you are a supermodel.how hard is it to wear some jeans instead?screams racist soccer mom from 2014.

No. 1982866

Do outfits used to run quick errands even count as something tacky? I doubt she was looking to impress and likely just threw on whatever was closest to her to grab the mail or whatever the hell she was doing

No. 1982931

taking videos/pictures of yourself crying especially if you post it on social media after. I don't understand what goes through someone's mind when they do this

No. 1982942

People who walk outside barefoot. I remember my friend did it even when there was glass in her yard.

No. 1983047

This looks comfy so I get it. Jeans are not as comfy as leggings. I would use crocs instead of flip flops though, flip flops are shit crocs stay winning as the tackiest yet most useful shoe.

No. 1983071

I'm sure she just threw on the sandals to grab some water. Maybe I would agree with you normally but this is just a bad example, since she looks pretty and her shirt covers her crotch. It just doesn't look trashy at all. Is she famous, I'm retarded at recognizing people

No. 1983173

I'm seriously considering buying a pair of crocs just to use them at home, they're ugly but so, so comfortable.

No. 1983181

I use them at home, I use them outside, I don't care anymore kek. I was a croc hater until I actually started wearing them. Mines have a cute pink and strawberry pattern on them despite mainly wearing black everyday kek.

No. 1983183

The weather is too awful to wear open shoes most of the time so that's why I can see myself only wearing them at home but I could see myself using crocs to go to the beach on holidays.

No. 1983208

I hate crocs but have to wear them for volunteering at the bird shelter. The parrots and cockatoos will destroy any other kind of shoe. Crocs are provided by the shelter for the workers. I guess work boots might also be ok, but they would probably fuck up the leather or coating.

No. 1984868

File: 1714414074035.jpg (193.73 KB, 866x1390, jordan-at-the-book-awards-at-t…)

Whatever the fuck this is

No. 1984884

same here. they are extremely comfortable and I really don't give a fuck kek

No. 1984889

do it nonny, you wont regret it. i'm an avid croc wearer, they just work for everything. i wear them on walks, to the beach, shopping, to work, literally everywhere. you can make them cute too with little flower jibbitz

No. 1984910

No. 1984924

Now you make me want to get a pair of crocs hmm

No. 1984926

I'm being lolcow-influenced in the trashy thread of all places

No. 1985078

File: 1714423363758.webp (23.13 KB, 564x564, IMG_0615.webp)

ugliest piercing trend, especially with the fang jewelry. it looks worse than the monroe

No. 1985139

>wearing leggings and flip flops means you look like a racist
We'll just use that word any old way, won't we?

No. 1987968

gross, you're not at a fucking bbq party in your backyard

No. 2066971

I find taking very personal phone calls in public places to be trashy. I'm not talking like, a mundane phone call with your friends or family, but those people you hear on the bus or in a waiting room talking about very personal (sometimes graphic) information in at a loud volume. A good example is someone I heard the other day in line at the grocery store talking loudly about how they've had trouble keeping their mutt from eating its own shit. I just don't wanna hear about gross stuff from strangers!

No. 2074124

File: 1719871788714.jpg (421.98 KB, 2400x2400, ugly.jpg)

>Things you find trashy
picrel. anybody that wears these is usually the definition of "trashy."

No. 2099519

File: 1721639248757.png (1.12 MB, 945x1438, ZM3rCPo.png)

No. 2099523

Post the video please. I need to see how bad it gets.

No. 2099525

They are actually both virgin, devout Christians who saved themselves for marriage and just dont want to wait until getting home.

No. 2099533

File: 1721640005039.png (857.81 KB, 946x2048, ELCopmx.png)

No. 2101154

File: 1721732339680.png (338.98 KB, 599x708, a1ZdQyG.png)

No. 2101159

>leaving a literal ass hole in the dress for that emergency post-ceremony dump

No. 2120699

File: 1722770320263.png (845.78 KB, 1080x1440, 9o0Rg1m.png)

anime tattoos

No. 2121314

>Mid piece tattoo.

No. 2121331

Notice how the bride is dressed in an extremely sexualized outfit and the groom gets to wear a regular suit.

No. 2121401

Most tattoos are ugly. Especially random scattered ones that gendies get

No. 2121553

come on now, it's clearly AI generated.

No. 2121556

Billionaire's son but he can't afford plastic surgery and weight loss

No. 2121560

It really disturbs me in general how AI takes a statement like "woman" to mean "shaved, hairless, makeup, hair did, implants, etc." instead of an unbiased look at what a woman looks like. I know it takes these images from culture which is misogynistic which is part of why it turns out that way, but I still find it egregious.

No. 2121565

I wear a knockoff of these and I haven't showered in 6 days

No. 2121569

Or a wig. Why do rich people wanna be bald so bad it's the trashiest thing.

No. 2121585

File: 1722819000938.jpg (134.58 KB, 1100x777, 1b6a5700-34be-0134-0cb4-0a0b9a…)

>She doesn't know about the glory of Lizzie McGuire

No. 2121656

I feel like every time I encounter someone wearing this type of thing they say something about how it's surprisingly comfortable despite having to adjust something every 30 seconds

No. 2122153

Kek that’s every thong defender.
>um actually they are really comfy (lie)
>they are comfier than granny panties (lie)
>no panty line! (just wear seamless underwear)
Still can’t believe we’re in 2024 and there’s women willingly giving themselves UTIs with the poop particles from flossing their asscracks as they walk for aesthetics.

No. 2122348

Even the word 'thong' is disgusting

No. 2122642

File: 1722875205062.png (2.88 MB, 1419x2000, atnWFzB.png)

he actually used to be fatter

No. 2122667

i think he forgot that being a billionaire meant money and not pounds

No. 2122672

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No. 2122790

That word search top is adorable. I mourn the loss of fun pre-teen fashion for these next generations.

No. 2122861

Is there a word for when you're so obese your legs bend a little backwards like this guy's legs? I've seen some women irl with legs like this and seeing them walk felt surreal.

No. 2122931

File: 1722881273985.jpg (250.83 KB, 977x1466, 1000044548.jpg)

Kpop styling. The agressive hair dye jobs, the creepy contact lenses and fashion that even people from the 2000s would find too tacky.

No. 2123105

File: 1722885484899.jpg (219.89 KB, 962x1360, 2419466000000578-2876167-image…)

Everything about modern south korean culture is tacky and tryhard. I don't blame Kim Jong Un for gatekeeping his country. At least North Koreans will preserve their own culture instead of cheaply ripping off from everyone else like South Koreans do.

No. 2123128

Holy shit she looks like a cyborg.

No. 2123743

She's beautiful, but he looks like a mess. What makes this even worse to me is that he has the gall to wear sneakers instead of formal shoes.

No. 2123748

If he wore formal shoes his feet would be covered in pressure sores from the weight.

No. 2123755

Beauty is pain. Let the moid suffer.

No. 2123757

Oh God I didn't mean for that to come across as I was defending him, I meant more like "ew he's so gross he can't even wear proper shoes without suffering health consequences." Sorry if it came off wrong.

No. 2123774

kek no worries

No. 2126780

File: 1723112256677.jpg (107.81 KB, 980x796, 1000044795.jpg)

Blake Lively has to be one of the tackiest women in Hollywood and I don't understand how she's always pushed as a fashion icon just for being blonde and conventionally attractive.

No. 2158938

File: 1724945023998.jpg (48.24 KB, 564x752, 1000047162.jpg)

Tattoos are always more or less trashy no matter what, but neck tattoos are always trashy. Bonus if the tattoo is in a language that the person who's wearing it doesn't even know.

No. 2158941

I actually like this one kek. Face tattoos never look good though.

No. 2158961

File: 1724945906941.jpg (96.21 KB, 636x382, 88341317-0-image-a-344_1723184…)

She's not even conventionally attractive, even after plastic surgery. She was only pushed as a fashion icon because she coasted on her husband's fame and PR people for over a decade.

No. 2159324

All sports are trashy.

No. 2187567

File: 1727696799386.png (762.86 KB, 1248x683, OXPWj8S.png)

that poor cat

No. 2187568

Poor kitty. I hope it's organs are fine

No. 2187574

This actually gets me so angry with how she's pandering to males. And of course the stupid obviously ai generated spooky anime girl icon she has on… the fucking trashy rap too. So fucking disgusting. Such an awful ass pickme I hope she got the male attention she deserves Jesus fuck

No. 2187626

I refuse to believe someone did this to an animal who literally can not consent or tell anyone it’s in pain

No. 2187786

i can’t find this page. can someone help me track down who are the owners and the tattoo artist? cos they’re losing this cat and they are losing their license. this needs to be reported and someone needs to keep following through until they are punished. that cat was in agony and i am going to make them pay for this.

No. 2187877

this is fucking animal abuse. that poor cat..

No. 2187887

How is she not in prison?

No. 2187921

thats how cats look without fur? horrifying. Poor kitty too.

No. 2187931

File: 1727716607564.jpg (132.21 KB, 640x1353, 640px-Sphynx_-_cat._img_031.jp…)

There's a few hairless breeds of cats, like Sphinxs.

No. 2187962

i feel bad for laughing they look like balls

No. 2187966

have some respect these are ancient gods.

No. 2187969

my bad i hope they dont smite me

No. 2188933

The owner is Elena Iwanickaya, this happened back in 2017 though and Ukrainian police were alerted of the situation and didn't care, so unfortunately nothing can really be done.

No. 2188973

File: 1727758040735.jpg (113.27 KB, 720x900, 448870727_18446847784016159_56…)

The owner looks absolutely botched.

No. 2188987

lmfao she looks like a character from as told by ginger

No. 2189105

Wtf I thought that was a ragebait and the tattoo was just drawn. Shouldnt underestimate how shitty humans can be.

No. 2190616

Same. Why am I always surprised at just how cruel and stupid people can be?

No. 2191708

No. 2191712

What is trashy and tacky about a bunch of baddies having a dance party are you a stiff bitch nonnie?

No. 2234403

No. 2234453

Those new ugly ass baby names with a bunch of 'y's and 'j's and 'ee' or 'ae' everywhere where they aren't supposed to be are super tacky. Those "unique" spellings and new names are just ugly af and should be forbidden. Examples: Promyse, Brystyl, Brixxon, Riley/Rileigh, Hartlin, Avarae, Wylder, Bobyn, Lylyt, Ay'denn, Ella'noä, Lilly'maë, Log'hann

No. 2234454

millennial/gen z parents have the worst naming trends. i have met two Hensleys. you're naming a kid, not your own liquor brand.

No. 2234529

A tragedeigh

No. 2234653

I agree that those names are terrible, but I thought Riley was the normal spelling? I saw that name all the time growing up on boys & girls. The trashy spelling of it was Ryleigh.

No. 2234657

Those names are already tacky and horrible enough when Americans do it, but it's an extra layer of cringe when Europeans use them. You have culture, why are you trying to larp being from Utah…

No. 2234857

I can't believe anything in this video is human

No. 2235032

Wow this is absolutely rage inducing

No. 2235068

This is vile, and I'm not surprised the sack of shit who did it looks like a demon. Hope the cat is okay, and that she gets what she deserves.

No. 2235070

Brixxon looks like some name you'd give to medications with severe side effects.

No. 2235077

Everyone in this video should be sterilized

No. 2235079

20 v 1s are the trashiest thing out there

No. 2235109

File: 1730495901644.jpg (107.13 KB, 574x768, pilk.jpg)

>random canvas that says GOOD GIRL
If I saw this in someone's home I'd assume it was a porn thing or their dog helped them paint it

No. 2235149

Ew the fuck is this, how is this allowed on youtube?

No. 2235227

I'm not watching the entire thing because I don't want to lower my IQ but where are this boy's parents? I want to fly to the US so I can drag this shitty brat back to school myself.

No. 2235446

I feel like I already know what they look like on this image alone

No. 2235455

Ive seen a kid watching these vids on a tablet while playing roblox on his phone. Gen Alpha is mentally gone already.

No. 2235474

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This might seem weird but XXL size food items. I don't understand why anyone would need 2 kilos of ketchup or 5 litres of milk. How is the food not going bad, it either has a million additives or the people buying it need to feed a family of 6. It just screams gluttony, especially because most of those extra extra large fooditems are low quality.

No. 2235484

Nonna I don’t know who needs to tell you this but most things refrigerated lasts for months if not a year. Some people simply just stock up.

No. 2235485

So do you expect us to make our own ketchup and soy sauce from scratch by hand

No. 2235487

You are incredibly retarded lmao.

No. 2235573

I forget that people can be this passively ignorant sometimes

No. 2235590

you are gonna be in shock when you find out large families of 5+ exist and food goes by fast when you have growing kids.

No. 2235702

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I don’t see anything particularly concerning in the ingredients, nona, what am I missing?

No. 2235718

are you by any chance european? cause as a non-american, this comes off as trashy to me too, but then i also remember in some rural areas in the us people just have to stock up on groceries a lot

No. 2235720

adding to this that anyone buying shit like this in idk, berlin or hamburg over here, would def. be sus but… context

No. 2235767

I hate those weird ass new age hippie people that live in a van and are obsessed with cramping as many kids into a tiny space as possible.

No. 2235959

Agreed. Everyone I know has lash extensions too. I have really long eyelashes naturally and is often get, "are your eyelashes natural" and now I never get that question kek. I think it's funny too, because I had a 17yo coworker who bragged about never wearing makeup, but had this type of eyelash extension, laminated eyebrows, and had lip fillers as if that's not the same fucking thing. She was sweet though and I hope she outgrows retarded zoomer beauty trends.

No. 2236448

>soybean oil
Suspected obesogen and diabetogen
An unnatural resin made from fatty acids or petrochemicals
>calcium disodium EDTA
Chelating agent used to treat lead poisoning

No. 2236469

i am a burger and i agree but i also don't have kids and don't really use condiments so maybe i just dont get it

No. 2291273

Septum piercings, ugliest trashiest shit ever. Cybersigilism tattoos. Thigh tattoos, I just find them really cringe. In fact like 70% of tattoos are trashy as fuck, but some can look beautiful with the right placement and artist.

No. 2291345

File: 1733425751456.png (540.91 KB, 1490x802, rhdj.png)

i hate these tacky huge plastic anime pins (left) literally every weeb in my city wears. i can even tell they buy them from the same overpriced anime shop because everyone has the same designs.
i think small pins with a metal base and a thick glass layer on top of the design (right) look much better. enamel pins too

No. 2291353

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monster can collections. or any similar packaging collections really but monster ones are especially tacky to me

No. 2291355

oh brother. i love monster, they dont even have cool cans

No. 2291358

It's more than tacky it's straight up hoarding trash. Not only that but it's not like a stanley cup that are released with different designs and shit, it's the same design on the can until they come out with another dogshit flavor. If I saw that shit in someone's house it would make me feel queasy.

No. 2292963

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No. 2292979

It's sad that ageing mothers have to continue to care for their middle-aged sons if they have profound mental disabilities. I wish that there were more options for housing people with severe disabilities. Good on her for bringing him with her when she's at events, I'm happy that she's not ashamed of him but at the same time I'm sad she has to go through that.

No. 2293063

File: 1733516382828.jpg (1.46 MB, 1800x1113, 1090044-miniso-champs-elysees-…)

I hate the MINISO store. It's all overpriced shitty design kawaiicore western shit. Anyone who buys shit from here should be stigmatised rightfully as the toxic hello kitty girl stereotype kek

No. 2293074

yeah and a lot of the products are poor quality, for example I've heard the computer mice from there stop working after a few months

No. 2293088

What if I actually want people to know that I'm toxic as fuck?

No. 2293090

Yeah it just gives me Temu child labor vibes.
Then you're not toxic, you're just defending yourself from the evils of the world, and that is good, and you must be loved.

No. 2293103

It has a few decent things but most of it sucks ass kek. My 14 year old self would had gone crazy in there though so I kind of get it.

No. 2293165

They sell a few okay (but not great) products but it's literally TikTok-brain Consoom: The Store. It feels so contrived and zoomer-y I can't stand it. (speaking as one myself)

No. 2293251

Every time I walked into one they asked me to leave my bag outside the store. Like, what? In public? So someone can steal it? I get they're afraid of people stealing but just let me bring it in and check it. Also, why would I steal any of this tacky looking garbage.

No. 2293356

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I must agree with >>2293090 - we don't have a MINISO where I live (Bumblefuck, epicenter of Nowhere) but we do got a Five Below. when I heard "Hello Kitty girls" were a red flag to guys my age and younger, I bought a couple Sanrio shirts and a Hello Kitty sticker pack. That backfired. I decorated my Walmart Badge with the stickers. I wore my surprisingly cute and comfy Sanrio shirt to work. new guy I'm accidentally training was like "nice shirt!!" and other male coworkers were like "oooh!! a red flag!!"

No. 2306466

Kek nonnies gave you shit for this but you're so right. Who the FUCK is wearing leggings as pants in the 2020s? This shit is 15 years old and rancid behavior. I honestly haven't even seen anyone rocking this lately and I live in the bumfuck midwest. Everyone woke up collectively in 2020 and realized that nobody wants to see your ass and coochie details.

No. 2306612

>Everyone woke up collectively in 2020 and realized that nobody wants to see your ass and coochie details.
oh i wish this was true. i live in the midwest too and i'm still subjected to so many crevices daily.

No. 2358889

No. 2358895

One time I was at a local ice cream place and I saw a very obese lady standing in line and wearing leggings as pants. They were stretched so thin you could see that she was wearing Spongebob print boxers. The place is tiny so I almost left but I really wanted to order a sundae so I stayed and just tried not to laugh.

No. 2358925

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No. 2358932

File: 1737508540119.jpg (97.36 KB, 1000x1000, 1000000409.jpg)

Why do morbidly obese women love skintight leggings? There was a morb in front of me at the store this summer and she stood her ass directly in front of one these so everyone in front of her was subjecting with her nasty pussy scent and she kept making snapchat videos of everyone around her? Like how did you drive here of your own accord. She looked like she could barely hold herself up and was leaning heavily against a self checkout lane. I will never forget it because of how bizarre she was. Bifch had her stank ass fat pasty cooter literally like three inches away from the fan blowing up her buttcheeks it was repulsive and the line took forever too. I was in Samsara for 15 whole minutes

No. 2359080

Chipped painted nails especially toenails ew.

No. 2359097

Leggings are stretchy and likely more affordable and accomodating than trying to source proper pants or jeans that fit them. Kinda obvious.

No. 2359508

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Kinda well know yt shorts lady bought this recently lmao

No. 2359515

The heart light display looks cool, especially if it moves, but the wire being visible is tacky as all hell

No. 2359551

She looks like how they would style the actors in disney shows in the 2000s

To be fair, the fashion back then for the average person was just kinda frumpy, so it's not like this couldn't also be seen as larping. Freddies outfit looks like any random college aged guys outfit haha

Kneehighs are better. But as a teen, nothing feels cooler than thighhighs and short shorts! Hope more teens get a moral kick out of the combo for years to come

I don't mind them, but the issue to me is that they're not as extreme as gyaru used to be. Big hair, bright coolers, effortful hair styling, even if most people find it tasteless. It felt like they were actually aiming to be bombastic rather than just bog standard bad

No. 2361574

I thought people only bought those because they want to prepare lots of hotdogs for a hotdog party or something (I'm not a mayo enthusiast)

No. 2361581

nonnie it’s late and i read that as you’re a mayo enthusiast and as a mayo enthusiast you thought those were for the hot dog parties you regularly attend and i had to live in that fucking reality and started typing out a response until i scrolled down and reread it to check something. unbelievable the mental image of a GROUP of MAYO ENTHUSIASTS sipping HOT DOGS large amounts of HOT DOGS exclusively HOT DOGS into the mayo.

No. 2361613

No. 2361725

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I know that many of these Mexican women have more money than I will ever have, but God, there’s something about their style, makeup, and lifestyle that feels so cheap and tacky to me. Even though many of them have access to luxury brands, for some reason, it looks like they shop at Fashion Nova kek.

No. 2361727

File: 1737638183156.jpg (92.71 KB, 736x981, b3ea9b33f40c70f7934023a639e756…)

People who pose with money, luxury bags, or anything else that signals wealth: we get it, it’s the first time you’ve had access to those things.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you have the financial means to buy whatever you want, but showing it off so blatantly looks ridiculous to me.

No. 2361739

She's fanning out like 20 dollars in all ones

No. 2361742

I was about to say lmfao. It's all ones so it isn't even that much. Wouldn't even be enough for a dinner at any restaurant fancier than Taco Bell.

No. 2361751

I didn't even bothered to check that kek but you get what I mean

No. 2361775

>doin time
Lana Del Rey is trashy

No. 2361957

I know there's this whole tumblr "old money" aesthetic, but that view of them is mostly true from my experience, both sides of my family are pretty wealthy. my mom's side only gained wealth recently because of my granddad's business, and now there are some competant people in her family. A lot of them are spoiled and buy flashy and expensive things and constantly post about it on social media, three of my cousins ended up in debt and had to go to rehab. my dad's side of the family is less wealthy, but I can't think of a single one of them who doesn't live modestly, they don't feel the need to prove their wealth or status. my uncle is probably the richest person I know personally, yet he still wears the same black shoes he's had for 40 years and gets his suits from a family tailor.

No. 2361992

My nan used to say "money talks and wealth whispers" and it's been pretty true in my experience.

No. 2378469

that's what people miss about the whole quiet luxury thing. the truth is these people don't really care about fashion, they just don't want to stand out too much and don't want to look stupid, So they basically wear exactly the same kind fairly dull, safe, normal, mainstream, clothes that 'normal' people who shop at stores such as Marks & Spencers wear. Except they buy more expensive versions because A) they are used to buying expensive stuff and B) They believe that what they are getting will be of higher quality, and to a certain extent they are correct: A 300 dollar plain navy jumper will almost certainly be better made than a 30 dollar plain navy jumper, but it isn't a signal to other wealthy people that they are part of some secret 1%

No. 2379767

File: 1738601705877.jpg (49.64 KB, 736x920, 1000026700.jpg)

Instagram selfies with whole tits out/the tits take up 99% of the screen.
Puffing up lips/sticking your tongue out/doing ahegao.
Those tube dresses with no sleeves and there's a visible bra out. The bra is usually mismatched to the tube dress
Ashy lipstick/lip liner, or just a dark ass lip combo on someone who's not POC
Asianfishing, picrel (wearing gigantic black scleras, black hair with bangs combo, plus the long super extended eyeliner, and "uguu im so kawaii mimics/poses", dont forget wearing fetish gear, sailor skirt and top)
Long, coffin shaped nails, (especially with rhinestones), with french nails being over-extended because of the gigantic length of the nails. Screams cheap and tacky.

No. 2380658

Your picrel is an abomination kek. The filters, heavy makeup and tits out…

No. 2380662

This woman must feel some crazy emotions when she sees her unedited face in the mirror.

No. 2380781

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These caterpillar lashes

No. 2380782

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This is another girl, yet they shoop themselves exactly like this

No. 2380785

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Looking like goomba

No. 2380793

A lot of people don't seem to understand how to apply lipliner correctly

No. 2380806

kekk is this rubi rose? she’s pretty but that liner is atrocious

No. 2380814

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No. 2381095

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I absolutely despise chunky sneakers. So tacky, ugly, and impractical.

No. 2381152

File: 1738652549200.jpg (71.75 KB, 736x1261, 1000026734.jpg)

Middle finger selfies. Another Le edgy quirk chungus fat lady obsessed with hello kitty and that horrific contouring, geez

No. 2381157

kek at the editing making her look like a downie. men are apparently attracted to downies in 2025, take notes nonnas!

No. 2381232

The only retards who should middle finger selfies are wannabe teenage thugs

No. 2381276

Any place that sells this sort of shit in mass you just know they rely on cheap child labor and the products tear/break in a day. It's just whispering into your ear "CONSOOM"

No. 2391105

Buying from SheIn and Temu period. Or Aliexpress in general. I don't care you're fat or low income it's cheap,trashy,and you look like shit it's never ever cute.

No. 2391120

People at a concert trying to get the artist's attention by screaming something when they are in the middle of speaking. It's so trashy and attention whore behaviour.

No. 2391204

Which is the least worst out of them, just curious since I've never bought clothes from any of the three

No. 2391446

Aliexpress because some independent brands and legit products sell on there, but for the most part it just has the same shit as the other two.

No. 2391577

Miniso always gave me bad vibes, it's a Chinese brand trying to appear as a Japanese company

No. 2391619

I never went to a miniso but you're telling me it's not some sort of daiso spinoff?

No. 2392030

Nope, it's a Chinese company that somehow manages to be a ripoff of both Daiso and Uniqlo. Fucking gross…

…But the Chiikawa and Mofusando merch is pretty cute… too bad I haven't seen those collabs in Europe yet.

No. 2392040

I'm mainly there for the snacks.
I will never understand buying clothes from those sites. I did it once when i was young and dumb and didn't know that most of the clothes on those sites are made from a very specific swimsuit like material. However, it's very tempting to buy homegoods from those sites, i try my hardest not to.

No. 2392045

Literally everything sold there says "made in China", you're retarded if you thought it wasn't Chinese. They have some of the best china tea cup designs, I love buying that and lunchboxes from there.

No. 2392054

Aliexpress is the least bad. Temu has a ton of spyware built into the app, there's a lawsuit against them for it. Shein is notorious for the shit quality of everything it produces.
Everything in Miniso looks like it's going to break if you breath on it too hard and it's tacky as fuck. The customers are either confused parents, screeching kids, or retarded looking sanriocore hambeasts with smudged makeup and pronoun pins. Everything is massively overpriced. I used to walk past one on my way to work and there was always some atrocious creature making sped faces at her phone and flailing around. Walking into one feels like going into a tacky kawaii version of Silent Hill that spawns ethots making Belle Delphine faces by the kid's cutlery sets.

No. 2392057

The next installment in the silent hill series we didn't know we needed. Catering specifically to farmers.

No. 2392625

I love going into Miniso to laugh at all the ugly, cheap slop in there and judge the retards shopping there too.

No. 2392656

I want to do that but they literally ask you to leave your bag/purse outside the store where I'm from. Like, what the fuck? Just leave it sitting outside so some rando can steal it?

No. 2392676

Holy shit, that's ridiculously retarded of them. Who wants to steal any of that tacky crap? I wouldn't even take it for free. I never carry bags around, I just wear a big coat/jacket with lots of pockets and inner pockets, so try that nona.

No. 2392703

i wouldn’t assume it’s them, it sounds like the store is in a bad area

No. 2392714

I really hate e-girl makeup and tiktok fast fashion that's made of polyester. It just makes you look like a 60 IQ trashbag.

No. 2401308

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No. 2401655

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No. 2419974

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Women were I live have gotten obsessed with these and I just don't get it. They are tacky as hell.

No. 2420799

Off topic but I genuinely wonder when gen alpha will be ones getting constant hate instead of zoomers.

No. 2420808

No. 2420817

They are, just not by people here. Hell, even the younger zalphas hate them too.

No. 2420838

Gen alpha aren't disproportionately troons or addicted to xanax/opiates like zoomers so it doesn't really matter what they think or say and millennials are their parents

No. 2420847

No but they're all fed pedo/neo-nazi/religionfag content in the form of 5-second tiktoks and youtube shorts, just another flavour of evil

No. 2420859

A lot of them are already terminally online teenagers, it's too late.

No. 2420917

A lot of them aren't allowed to have tiktok. Tiktok was meant to/succeeded in mentally destroying the zoomers

No. 2420918

This anon loved the internet as a teenager and went on to do many interesting things

No. 2420934

Idk where you're from but the alphas around here are sitting in their prams at restaurants doomscrolling on tiktok kek

No. 2421905

>addicted to xanax/opiates
This is such a millenial thing, it's unreal. These really were all the rage in the 2010s more so than now. Where have you been?

No. 2421907

This is some poor people shit. I also hate smartwatches in general they make me laugh because they look so fuckin goofy

No. 2428375

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Maybe a little specific but I keep seeing people both IRL and online have these ugly camera protectors. I've heard they can ruin the camera quality too

No. 2428381

So then what are zoomers addicted to

No. 2428615

No. 2429453

A wider variety of shit.

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