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No. 1806861
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>>1806853I wanna start by saying i miss practical effects so fucking much. I think the reason why people enjoy bad 80s movies to this day but stuff like Megan become irrelevant in a year it's because of the use of practical effects over CGI. It doesnt matter how good the CGI is in a movie, it will always feel cheaper and less creative than some good ol 80s effects made with love.
No. 1806885
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No. 1806888
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And Hollywood videos.
No. 1806892
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the weekend farmer meetup
No. 1806901
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Novelty shaped snacks like PB Crisps and Doritos 3Ds, it feels like junk food used to be so much more creative. Trix isn't even shaped like fruits anymore.
No. 1806916
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>>1806901i miss when trash food tried to lure in children with goofy mascots. They made a law in my country that forbids cereal boxes to have mascots, so now they all look really boring.
No. 1806922
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I miss e3 during it's prime before every publisher and company started doing their own showcases/directs. I remember looking up the schedules so I could make sure I was able to watch either at home or follow live updates on my phone/computer at work. Used to be one of my summer highlights, the anticipation and hype was something it'll probably never have again
No. 1807029
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4:3 aspect ratio anime.
I didn't get to watch them on their proper display but the frames always look more full and interesting.
Usually the artstyle of the show isn't cluttered with gradients and other boring details, the colors are more flat but also vivid and give more attention and life to the characters, i think this is also why the animation looks more expressive and smooth than the average 1.78:1 shows, wish it could come back even if we all mostly watch stuff on our computer screens or phones now.
No. 1807038
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flip phones. the designs are beautiful and so compact. they fit right into your pocket and look adorable with charms. using my iphone makes me feel like an ipad baby because of how big it is. it’s so heavy too and hard to bring around. i wish phone companies especially apple would try and design something more compact and cute
No. 1807040
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>>1807038>i wish phone companies especially apple would try and design something more compact and cuteSamsung has a phone that folds, there's a version that folds horizontally as well like a book. I've been wanting to get one as my next phone. I do here that after a long time it does develop a streak across the part where it folds.
No. 1807108
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Can you miss something you've never experienced? I would like the vintage perfumes with the little squeeze balls to come back. It just always looks so beautiful and elegant and glamorous to see a woman using one. No idea how well they actually worked as an atomizer though.
No. 1807137
>>1807108Wouldn't it give more control than modern spray bottles? You can puff out as little as you want, depending on how far you squeeze
>>1807040This is one of the coolest devices I've held but I've chatted with electronic engineers who warn that they are best for people who do not open their phone an excessive amount per day. They said the screen basically has a statistical upper limit of opens and closes before the screen will malfunction due to the hinge. There is a lot of mechanical movement added compared to a regular smartphone which reduced device longevity. So it's great for those who replace their phone every year anyway or don't open it hundreds of times a day.
No. 1807484
>>1807474We lost the internet space we used to have. I was a huge part of the livejournal communities for Code Geass, Gundam 00 and many other fandoms and it never ever got political. It's super strange that know all people talk about is politicals and trannys when we used to have genuine cringe conversations about the shit we love. I feel like the actual space for being who you are is gone, and now everyone is putting on an act online and irl, so they won't get cancelled. It's too exhausting.
We used to be able to separate the internet and ourselves in person, but thanks to social media addicted zoomers, they cannot live without Social media for a single day leaking into real life or having to photograph/videotape everything to post to their followers.
No. 1807485
>>1807474I know what you mean
nonnie, a teenage shitpost forum I used to go basically turned into /pol/ a few years back.
No. 1807671
File: 1702315666301.png (981.19 KB, 1183x812, dg8ljao-b37a8ce9-e339-42a7-a53…)

i miss these old psa commercials. i just found out that the group that made them (concerned childrens advertisers) doesn't exist anymore. rip
No. 1807698
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No. 1807773
File: 1702320620242.png (8.92 KB, 178x283, AIM.png)

I made so many life long friends through AIM. AIM and Yahoo were my first instant messengers and I truly miss them. Those days of the internet without social media was such a blessing.
No. 1807859
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>>1807131I think a huge reason is normies with Netflix can just put any anime on and half pay attention to while they scroll tiktok whereas back then you actually had to go out of your way to watch anime(Even with stuff like toonami, you had to actually catch it while it was on) so everyone who liked it was actually passionate about it.
No. 1807873
>>1807859That pic gave me pain but after reading that i realized that you're right, i wonder how it all felt for people around the 90's when anime was even less spread out in the west.
I remembered hearing that most of today's younger generation doesn't even know about torrents kek.
No. 1807879
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It's not that it doesn't exist, but I'm too old for it now. I miss the spinning seat, and other spinning playground equipment. It was so fun to play in.
No. 1807890
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>>1807879Do you remember these? You would sit on the round plate and hold onto the pole. When I was young, my dad spun me so fast on one of these that I threw up in the middle of the park
No. 1809808
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>>1806922and naturally this happens two days after making this post
No. 1809906
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No. 1809955
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>>1809906I remember begging my mom to have a laser tag birthday party there. I also miss owning this laser tag bazooka. My mom gave them away without asking me.
No. 1810014
>>1807733brave + ublock
I haven't seen a youtube advert in years.
No. 1810650
I honestly miss watching stuff on Comcast On Demand. I binged so much anime on there. I also miss MTV/MTV2 being mainly music videos and animated shows. Oh, and Cita's World on BET, there was something really cool about it having a virtual host.
>>1810299Honestly, I'm happy Sega is releasing new games from that time.
No. 1810689
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>>1810299I'll never forgot I skipped school that day to see what the dreamcast was about. My friend and I played hooky and went to a local, family owned video game store. They were showing ads for Sonic Adventure 1 and Resident Evil: Code veronica. I begged my mom and saved up all my allowance to get a Dreamcast maybe a year and a half after it was released. It was definitely an underrated console that just came out at the worst time with PS2 around the corner.
I don't have my original Sega Dreamcast, but I managed to get one years ago from a goodwill and I will never forget that feeling of insane joy to have it again. I still have my Shenmue and Sonic adventures for it. Space Channel 5 got me heavily into rhythm games, along with Parappa. I wish they would make rhythm games like that again for PS5. At least I still have my Re: Code veronica X on PS2, which is he best way to play it imo.
No. 1810691
>>1810678also, i am late 2010s. We got the short end of the stick compared to other generations
>have to live through everything becoming political>shitty reboots and marvel shit everywhere>people wanting to play nothing but lol/dota/minecraft>had to see two of my 3 friends from hs turn into trannies>the other one turned into a kpoopie>everyone was watching lets players and fast food youtube content>conversations are beyond irony poisoned>discord replacing messenger liveit was horrendous, i dont miss my teen years at all I do miss my childhood though it was really fun and i am glad i am the last generation of children phone-free.
No. 1810944
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I miss Newtype USA. I miss looking at the amateur fanart sent in by fans. I miss the articles about food and games and cosplay and all the new series hyped up for the coming season. I miss the behind the scenes looks they'd give us with several pages worth of concept art and backgrounds and set pieces. I miss the shitty lil DVDs that came with every issue that had a handful of episodes of whatever was big or new at the time. I miss the postcards and the centerfolds. I miss having a new issue to look forward to every month.
No. 1810983
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>>1810944I used to be super into these magazines. They would sell them at my local comic book store and I would save up to get every time it was released. It makes me sad when we used to get a lot of our info on new anime from magazines. Now that's useless thanks to the internet and social media. The DMC anime had so much potential. I wish it wasn't shit. I still love Dante. I miss the fan parts of the magazine, and even the cosplay photos from way back. People used to be passionate about making their own stuff then
No. 1810998
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I miss the "Good Heavens!" flavor of Bluebell ice cream. It was chocolate with sugar cookie dough and vanilla with chocolate chocolate chip cookie dough. Ben n Jerry's Half-Baked flavor is an adequate substitute (which uses chocolate chip cookie dough and brownie batter chunks instead), but I remember the Bluebell sugar cookie dough having a strange, smooth, and almost marshmallowy texture and flavor that I really liked.
Pic is the only image I can find of it.
No. 1811107
I miss the times before everyone was an out and proud weaboo (or other type of otaku/fandomfag). I hate seeing merch everywhere especially men's clothing stores, I hate the social pressure to watch everything. I can't keep up with all the latest hype, so whenever a random person brings up anime to me I just churn out some bullshit I saw about it on the internet to pretend I know - I started using this technique at 15 with my local weeb group, and 10 years later as a grown adult who talks to other grown adults, that is still something that works and now it works with everyone. I was socialized by weebs due to my appearance and liking some Japanese things, now I'm tired of them and I don't want to interact with them outside of here, but even the normiest normie won't stfu about shonen shit. Watching anime with a scrote isn't a romantic date to me. Overall I miss the going outside age… Now everyone is like a mixture of a teenage autist and an old guy with TV brain rot. It all feels so empty.
>>1810689I was too young for the Dreamcast, but I bought a japanese one a few years ago (with Space Channel 5 and Jet Set Radio ofc). I'm not sure if it's the right term but it strongly radiates that sort of new millenium technopositivism, opening that box and starting that console for the first time impacted me almost the same as when I got my actual first console. It made me feel like I was entering a bright new era, even though I live in the actual future and it's bleak af. I smile at it like a retard sometimes
No. 1811307
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>>1810944Kek I still have my 2007 issue of shojo beat that I bought at fucking hot topic. Everyday I’m glad I got to experience it before the pandemic weeb take over.
No. 1811332
>>1806879Same, you just branch out less and everything feels less special on demand. I used to watch Chiller and Syfy whenever there was nothing on my usual channels and would discover the most unhinged, entertaining things that way.
I would sometimes even discover new music from TV which is unthinkable now.
>>1806885I literally dream about KB now and then. In my dreams they always gave cool shit I never saw anywhere else, which was true IRL too.
>>1806901They’re shaped again; Trix, that is. I really miss 2000s snacks too; Hershey’s Kissables, Bagelfuls, old Sobes and the random soda flavors like Pepsi Lemon or Sprite Remix. Glad Vanilla Coke stuck around. I loved those BB versions of Butterfingers and more too!
>>1807038I miss my Samsung Juke so bad.
>>1807394I hate the state of malls. Even the stores that have always been around sell shit tier quality stuff now. Used to be so cool finding random local stores, mall ninja shit and imported anime merch. Hell I even miss the stands and stores selling counterfeit pokemon cards.
>>1811107God yes the 100s of isekai fantasy harem shit with the same rounded art style and the notification of porn addicts in weeb spaces. Back when I was a kid all our dumb Geocities fansites had ANTI HENTAI banners on them lmao; cringe but far more wholesome than this bullshit.
Normies are the other half ruining it with their basic MHA/shonen sperging.
No. 1811670
>>1810177>I will make it my life's mission to bring back flip phonesplease do, i fucking hate modern phones so much! first of all i hate touchscreens and prefer tactile buttons because that means I can use them without even looking at the screen. and i agree about
>the only phones that exist are "smartphones" that are too wide for your hands and you always feel cramps just holding it.I can NOT comfortably use my phone with just one hand because my average woman hands are too small for the big screen. It's too heavy and doesn't fit comfortably in any kind of pockets. Even in a big jacket it's still a big heavy lump you have to carry around. I would seriously love a phone that's half the size but they don't make them and instead just keep making phones even larger. The only way for me to get a smaller phone is to get one that's more shit that doesn't work as well. And now they take away earphone jacks too, dear god can they stop making these things more shit for once?!
And all phones look the exact same now, I miss when they were all different and had personalities.
No. 1815577
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I miss Nicki Minaj’s harajuku-inspired eccentric fashion. It was so refreshing and unique
No. 1816320
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>>1816233>Gwen Stefani or whatever>or whateverDoes Avril Lavigne count as half-assing jap culture? I heard she got backlash for the music video, but I never looked into it. Just realized the song came out ten years ago.
No. 1816334
>>1807029I agree. 4:3 aspect ratio should come back even for tv shows and displays too. I honestly want to get a small 4:3 crt tv but retrotech scrotes ruined prices so fucking hard. I prefer it on computer too, on par with 5:4 aspect ratio.
>>1807038Same, I also miss candybar nokias… Planning to get myself one after decoupling from mobile internet use, but too bad, retarded le y2k zoomers and scrote hoarders made prices worse than they were few years ago.
>>1807131old cosplays were more charming, even if they were homemade on a goofy dorky weeb. it's more soulful than bought cosplays nowadays
>>1807137flip smartphones feel like peak consoom shit and trying to reinvent the wheel.
>>1807394I miss times when there were independent stores carrying various brands at once, I miss old clothing stores like this. Fast fashion dominated everything and only stores that aren't fast fashion are carrying clothes for 35+ women only
>>1807453Same, zoomers try to revive it but they fail miserably with it. They still have social media brainrot and only thing they can make is halfassed blog with shitty weeb layout with lolis or forums that die after a week.
>>1807484>ljI wish it wasn't so dead
Anyway, I miss print media like magazines being actually good. Now they get filled with same bullshit that is published in digital versions, issues are cut to 1-4 times a year in many cases and print is only revived once in a while for zoomerbux. I also hate zoomer made magazines that are just le y2k larp combined with fruits magazine fetishism. Established titles go to shit, like Vogue fallen so hard and both Anna and Edward (soon out though) literally consolidated most of content, pushed translations of same articles and reprints of editorials into more and more editions that make no sense.
No. 1818143
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Whoever took this screenie was balling
No. 1818189
>>1818183Oh yeah, my wedding dress came from aliexpress and I saw it drop shipped for 4x the price on etsy.
It was a backyard tiny wedding so didnt want to spend much $$ and it wasnt white, but wearing it I could tell its aliexpress made. I couldnt imagine spending $500 on the same quality of dress I got, from etsy. Id be seething.
>>1818184Yeah, as someone who loves to window shop cheapy websites I could pick out so much shit thats marked up at the market lol
No. 1818683
>>1818664That's really nice!
>>1818666DMC was like a wild ride to play! Especially with the music. And I agree games are less strategic? And more cinematic these days? I really miss the puzzle games or the cinamatic RPGs.
No. 1818684
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I used to post my pocket bishonen on my geocities page back in the day. I miss how stupid and innocent everything was back in the early 2000s.
No. 1818701
I miss myblog, rapidforum, all those "small" websites with individual styles, individual topics, not those big social media sites where everything looks the same and everyone acts the same. You could meet people with the same interests without having to go through thousands of people that are just completely shit and dead zombies.
I also miss regular TV, the times you would have to record stuff because it was the first and only time it would air and there was no other chance to see it for maybe a year or more. And I miss the anime nights one of the TV stations in my country had. Sure, there was some stupid shit, but they showed the good stuff, not anime with characters being adults looking like 10 year old girls. And not everyone was talking about anime and hentai was a thing maybe 1% of the population would know about.
And mostly, I miss the time when people would only share little information about themselves online, no one would tell you to which school they went or their full name and sometimes they wouldn't even tell you their hometown, today you just need one second and you know mostly every basic information about most people. The internet became too big and too loud and it's hard to find the quiet, interesting people today.
No. 1834778
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I miss the 1800s when men looked interesting. Interesting looking men don't exist anymore.
No. 1834781
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>>1834778All moids look like this. I don't give a fuck, I want Abraham Lincoln.
No. 1834785
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>>1834778>interesting Kek he looks like he reeks
No. 1834842
>>1834785if i lived in an era where i could treasure the beautiful photograph of a well dressed and groomed handsome young man instead of whatever ugly moids are trashing around today i would not be a virgin i swear
need a mix of past beauty and morality i hope moids will unlock in the future
No. 1834844
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>>1834778Nah too far back, their beards were probably dirtier than even today's scrote beards. Gimmie something like this.
No. 1834853
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>>1834844need them back
i once had a flight attendant that looked almost close to this (the uniform helped too) and i blame how common ugly moids are if i freaked out when i accidentally touched his bare fingers as we exchanged money, he was so polite and well-spoken too No. 1834858
File: 1703988969804.jpeg (87.87 KB, 417x734, IMG_8004.jpeg)

All of you are too modern. No clean shaven or big mustache, This man had the perfect amount of facial hair and also impeccable drip. I could've fixed him and become queen.
No. 1834872
>>1834858he was inbred, fat, retarded and spoiled
a prototype of a modern man
No. 1834906
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Man these were satisfying. Not like I can eat them nowadays even if they existed anyway kek
No. 1834933
All of mine are Internet related. I miss fan sites. Maybe a few still exist, but not many, it seems. I loved how they'd have all the spergy info and photos the official sites wouldn't. The best were the ones with big communities, and where the actual creators would post there and answer questions. Anything even remotely similar now is just relegated to Facebook.
I miss a time before everything became consumed in politics and culture wars and Gamergate and post-Gamergate shit. Don't get me wrong, forums and all have always been political you'd always have sperging about the Iraq War or whatever, and of course they'd be misogynistic. But it feels even worse now.
I miss when no one talked about troons, and if they did, it was to laugh. Now troons infiltrate even the smaller forums that sometimes still exist, with their tranny shit, talking about gender shit in music, etc.
I even miss when places were moderated by people who used the sites, not corporate overlords. Old school mods could often be fags too, but at least you could halfway shit on them. Unless they were so bad they actively destroyed the forum (I've seen it happen). Nowadays you can't even push back, and branching off to your own place is often futile because everything is shoved onto social media, which falls under the same corporate rules.
No. 1838172
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you say you miss me and i wanna say i miss you so much
No. 1838309
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>>1834778Nah bring back the 1980s-1990s instead
No. 1838556
>>1838487It’s bad but
i feel like like used and abused anal incest teen gangbang that 8 year olds can easily watch is way worse
No. 1838790
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Bring em back
No. 1838802
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I miss these, it makes me think of whenever my family an I would travel to our beach house, before everything went wrong.
No. 1838811
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>>1807038I keep finding them in antique stores and I don't like it. I miss when antique stores weren't selling trash like cookie tins from Costco and Crown Royale bags for $8 each.
No. 1838821
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I miss these blocky bastards.
No. 1857298
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>>1834778Ok I know that this was likely a shitpost, but I kinda agree, men were more interesting back in the day. For example, today you can find many dentists, and many gamblers, and maybe a guy who's both a dentist and a gambler, but to have someone nowadays who's both a dentist AND a gambler AND a GUNFIGHTER and famous for all three?? Impossible!
Today's careers and ""celebrities"" are so boring, I bet the people back then had more fun.
No. 1857314
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this specific flavour is not longer available in my country and it was sooooooo good orz
No. 1857502
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>>1838478>tfw men actually groomed themselvesMatt Dillon aged pretty well all things considered (strangely had the hots for him in the house that jack built), too bad he's taken
No. 1857704
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>>1857522Not that my daddy issued ass is usually attracted to men my own age anyway (my fatal flaw) but I feel like no actors born after the mid 90s are attractive. I've liked some weird looking men, or what could be considered basic men, it's not like I have high standards.
a few moids closer to my age like Devon Bostick or Dylan O'Brien are my "type". they're hardly in movies (latter had an accident that made him step back from films, the former just doesn't act a lot).
it is always the ones I find boring or ug shoved in my face like some kind of psyop to indoctrinate me that piss me off. Saltburn dudes or that Mescal guy, Timmy Chalalalamydia, some boring blonde or blonde adjacent man like Taylor Swifts ex. Kpop idols are also fucking bogged and gross looking to me. Ehhhh on all of them. There's no current looks match for a young Keanu or Matt Dillion any man I found hot from the 80s-00s, I wasn't even attracted to young Leo but he bests all modern "heartthrobs" in the looks department.
This generation deserves better. I was born in the wrong decade.
No. 1859906
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I would give my left arm right now for monster assault to come back and to be made available where I am
No. 2007601
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I wish this cream white tone was still popular in technology related stuff. Computers, space travel, hospitals, i like how comfy and calm it looks instead of the cold pure white we see everywhere now.
No. 2008651
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>>2007601I agree, same with greys and browns. I even like the thought of my tech darkening with age and exposure. Wish retro futurism was bigger, but I'm glad it's popular enough to allow me to buy functional things like this.
No. 2037204
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Demo discs. Hell, CD-ROMS, in general.
No. 2037212
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>>1857298You'd probably like this book.
At one point he worked in Papua New Guinea, buying slaves from tribes to be used for indentured servitude. He also later wrote that, in Hollywood, during a film shoot, Bette Davis once slapped across the face so hard that he nearly passed out, KEK No. 2038167
File: 1717676995950.jpg (65.71 KB, 350x467, issue14.jpg)

i miss dark realms magazine. it used to be sold in hot topic back in the 2000s and was centered around goth fashion and dark subjects like horror films and morbid history. i was obsessed with it and one day my mother found an issue in my room and flipped her shit kek
No. 2038179
File: 1717678219871.jpeg (194.04 KB, 735x558, IMG_1139.jpeg)

bring back W.I.T.C.H. it’s probably one of the few things that deserve a reboot with good writing and animation
No. 2038208
>>2038180>>2038184Yeah I’m ignoring that kek. What is with these people fucking up these things so bad? It shows how much corporatism is full of incompetent retards making the wrong calls, nobody wanted that shit. I’m convinced after 2020 we decided to travel to another timeline stg
>>2038185Hell yeah
>>2038202Fuck yeah but take your time nonna
No. 2038220
File: 1717681410980.webm (531.23 KB, 640x360, his real name.webm)

>>2037212>Bette Davis once slapped across the face so hard that he nearly passed outBased Bette.
No. 2038296
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Video rental stores. My mom would always take me to one on the weekends and it was SOO exciting. I loved browsing the covers and imagining what the plots would be like
No. 2038410
>>1818683games are easier today because they're targeted towards normies…look at how whitewashed ffxvi is compared to ffx or the og ffvii. it's a beautiful game but it's very much normie friendly. then the devs complain and wonder why no one is buying the games yet refuse to listen to all the fans who beg them to do something more vibrant like ffx again.
>>1810983i miss this anime art style. i hate hate hate the new chibi loli style - i want the soft feminine aesthetics back. there was a lot of cringy and perverted shit in the 90's and early 2000's but then there was also the sophisticated side of weeb culture like vampire hunter d or collecting posters of yoshitaka amano's artwork. i grew up reading sailor moon and one of my fondest memories is of my grandmother taking me to borders after school to get the latest tokyo pop edition of the manga as she had learned the release cycle (i think it was like every wednesday or thursday).
>>1811107i miss y2k era weeb culture a lot. it was a lot more fun back then and as cringy as people could be, i have so many good memories of all the cute little things i collected from the local weeb store in my mall like pens, pencil cases, journals, backpacks. i miss the smell of kinokuniya, buying some insanely overpriced japanese fashion magazine, going home to savor it for hours with my family. looking up all the visual kei blogs online when i was bored, collaging different pics of all the pretty fashion ads from japan that were so different to what we were wearing in the 2000's in north america. i miss when people would talk about obscure anime and manga that wasn't just another gore porn fest or more screeching little girls. i miss lurking on livejournal or tumblr or early twitter to read con gossip, talking to my online friends about stuff like sailor moon or dragon ball z or even bleach. i just miss when people could be different and weird and we didn't have to worry about normies bothering us.
No. 2038851
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Youtube channel layouts. I remember putting so much effort into mine.
No. 2038881
>>2038851IIRC the really old youtube layouts used to have a bulletin board too. In general back then so many websites would have account layouts copying the myspace format even if it didn't really make sense
I miss how social youtube used to be, everyone was just shitposting and vibing before it got really corporate
No. 2038937
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This. We would buy them in the summer for family birthday parties because of how cheap they were and do water balloon fights in the grass backyard
No. 2038953
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Well, I have two things if that's okay. First, these yogurt covered fruit snacks. I think they're still around if you buy online but you never see them in the stores anymore which is sad because I used to eat them as a kid and they were great. Second, I miss early 2010-s Tumblr. Yes, I know it could be a shithole sometimes, but I had a lot of friends on Tumblr that eventually just logged out/deleted by 2018. It was so fucking hard watching TikTok become the new app everyone was using and now Tumblr feels like a ghost town with nothing left but hikikomoris talking about Star Trek and those weird girlbloggers and the occasional troon rights advocate talking shit about slug/slugs pronouns.
No. 2045115
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I miss landline phones. I don't like how it's just expected that you'll answer somebody's call immediately now, it feels so intrusive.
No. 2045220
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I miss when cute wiggers would show you their undies(autism)
No. 2123900
>>2123898It's so bad that
online has effectively become boring for me as well. I realized how full the internet is of bots and pointless circlejerk activity and I've just not been able to enjoy it either. Maybe I should try reading books again.
No. 2123906
>>2123891If I wasn't a part of 3 clubs/activities that were held in different places I think I'd kill myself from lack of variety. I don't even live in a small town or anything, my city is like 200k people but there is nothing for me to do besides go to overpriced restaurants, clubs, cafés, and they all play shit music way too loud.
>>2123900>It's so bad that online has effectively become boring for me as well.It's because Web 2.0 is in it's death throes right now and Web 3.0 struggles to be born. 80% of websites are dedicated to either ragebait or coom. Nowhere to have fun.
No. 2123908
>>2123877>Cafes - overpriced and staff look at you dirty if you stay longer than 15 minutesI felt this so bad kek, I'd love to sit at a cafe just enjoying myself with cake and coffee but I always get guilty for not immediately getting up and leaving the moment I finish my food, and even when eating I feel like I need to be fast or I'll be side eyed. And all the interesting cafes are so small that you can't fit a group of people there anyway since rent prices are so high a small cafe can't afford anything bigger than three tables at best.
So I just end up meeting my friends at their places which is annoying because most of them have their partners present and I'd just like it to be between our group without a Nigel hovering over our conversations. The disappearance of the 3rd place is honestly so real, everything is so expensive, dangerous or hard to access. Just enjoying a day at the park has become impossible because as a woman you'll get preyed on by some slimy moid immediately (who's probably strung out and unpredictable). It's no wonder people are just stuck inside binging netflix shows and never meeting people.
No. 2123940
>>2123906>if I weren't part of 3 clubs / activitiesI haven't even been able to find anything that interests me. I barely see anyone anymore. It's gotten me so despondent for some reason.
I don't even think I have proper hobbies or interests anymore. I'm struggling to find new ones. Everything feels so empty.
>It's because Web 2.0 is in its death throes right now and Web 3.0 struggles to be born. 80% of websites are dedicated to either ragebait or coom. Nowhere to have fun.Web 3.0 the way things are headed will probably be a bots paradise. The most engagement I get these days is off old discord chats I joined ages ago, and it's nowhere near active.
No. 2123951
>>2123877>filled with homeless addicts and dirty needlesJesus, where do you live… The only thing stopping me from going to especially parks is that they're full of lovey dovey couples and annoying families with young kids.
As long as I remember you had to leave fairly quickly after you finish your food unless you order another beverage, it's only recently that you see people buying one coffee and then sitting there working on their macbook for hours. At least online people seem to do that (especially in asian countries), I would never dare to.
Thinking back as a kid we didn't really have places to hang out either, we just were in or sat in front of stores until we were more or less kicked out, searched for some empty bench, played in a nearby small forrest or we paid to get to the public swimming pool. Or of course simply in each others rooms. All those things still exist nowadays too.
No. 2123974
>>2123877>Libraries - filled with homeless addicts and smelly peopleHow is this allowed?
>>2123908>when eating I feel like I need to be fast or I'll be side eyed.So what? Double down on hogging the place and they'll fuck off.
>>2123927Review-bomb them on Google. And never be back. Tell everybody you know how shit that cafe is.
>>2123932'CAN'T YOU SEE I'M STILL EATING?!' in a booming voice should do the trick. Be the asshole. Don't allow others to bully you. Why are you going to a cafe if you can just buy a coffee from a vending machine or a supermarket? It's because you want the cafe experience - NOT being treated like a destitute beggar at a soup kitchen. Have some self-respect.
No. 2123990
>>2123974Nta but the library here in the city I live in is the same. It's not "allowed", but if you report them to the police they just dump them at the hospital for mental health checkup, aka free food and bed, and then it becomes the hospitals problem. When the hospital finally kicks them out, they just go back to the library. There's been
multiple times where the druggies have killed themselves in the library, either OD but recently couple of suicide by hangings have happened. Feel sad for the people having to see that.
No. 2124109
>>2123951>Jesus, where do you live… In a city that was hit very hard by the opiate crisis.
>>2123974>How is this allowed? I ask myself that same question everyday.
>>2123979Sometimes this is true, sometimes it isn't. In the last city I lived in, there was a lot more to "do" compared to the city I live in now. Every city has it's own unique atmosphere and offerings, some are a lot more interesting than others.
No. 2124156
>>2123877i miss going to the library. i used to go all the time growing up but the last time i went homeless men were using it as sleeping quarters and i never went back.
>>2123951many burger cities are rife with mentally ill drug addicts. where i live they'll sit in front of businesses or hassle you in parking lots asking for rides or money. once when i was a teenager i made the mistake of giving a woman some money and she immediately started crying and begging for more. the other day i was feeling sick and as i was walking to my car trying not to puke a woman with extremely slurred speech holding a big gulp cup kept pestering me for a ride and got mad when i said no.
No. 2131262
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Telephone cards. The worst thing about being a late zoomer is slowly seeing art fade away. I know that most telephone cards were generic but i liked the ones that had pretty designs in them, they were like mini postcards. We see art so rarely nowadays.
No. 2131728
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a good old fashioned phone booth