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No. 1807122
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>>1807118You're right. You know how cartoons have those stupid, multicolored cap hats with the spinning wheel on the top? How you never see them in person, and would make you kek if you did because it's meant to stay in a cartoon? Well lolita fashion is like the anime version of that. It's mesmerizing in anime, but only
in anime. In real life, it's like the uncanny valley of clothing; it just never looks quite right.
No. 1807126
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>>1807118I like Lolita with natural hair colors and light makeup. When westerners over do it with the wigs and bold makeup it looks ugly.
No. 1807129
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>>1807123>clown in a tutuActually, that's a good descriptor for how I feel about lolita. A lot of it looks very overdone and clownish, like a cotton candy monster threw up and diarrhea'd all over a fashion design sheet.
No. 1807130
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>>1807126Samefag a more toned down lolita is more cute like how Japanese girls do it
No. 1807134
>>1807126I agree with you, i used to be obsessed over lolita when i was younger and i still don't like it when people think all of it is childish kek, i've always seen it as a modern version of victorian clothes i would admire in paintings, but then again i wouldn't really think that those clothes look good if there was a person in front of me wearing them casually.
I've never given in because i had no money to spend for it and no courage after all, but now i like to see lolita only in certain photoshoots or maybe music videos that fit the looks (i'm of course referring to Kanon Wakeshima who i idolized)
No. 1807139
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>>1807126But most westerners do natural hair colours and light makeup. Nonetheless, i like lolita because it's the only way i can wear gothic style clothing without having to do the makeup that western goth requires for the look to work. I really don't look good in the western goth aesthetic.
>>1807135That's exactly the point. Lolita is not supposed to be tame. Even the example of "good" lolita still stands out in a sea of fast fashion normies. Nobody who likes plain boring shit will ever touch the fashion with a 10 ft pole. I can also tell they are not that informed about the fashion in general aside from looking at taobao product pics.
No. 1807143
>>1806874Thank you,
nonnie. I want to send a blessing to all the amazing anons here and wish them a very happy holidays.
No. 1807148
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>>1807132I think Lolita gets a bad rep because westerners only see trannies and fat gender queers in it
No. 1807151
>>1807118I've been around since /cgl/ pixyteri threads and I've always hated Lolita and got accused of being a newfag for it.
The materials look so cheap and the patterns are tacky, as is the typical twin tail wig. It's like the feeling of looking at a cheap ass Bratz doll or one of those newer CVS beanie babies with the glitter eyeballs, technically it's "cute" but also ugly. The only good looking Lolita outfit I've ever seen was years ago: very deep toned (not gothic), lower hemline no petticoat visible, with opaque black tights and Victorian booties, no wig.
Overall the silhouette is fine, and then they turn the sliders to maximum ugliness for all other aspects of the outfit. The arbitraty rules for Lolita hyperfocus on stupid shit too so no one progresses the style either.
No. 1807163
>>1807141>the two examples don't count as lolita anywayBad lolita doesn't mean it isn't lolita. Bad lolita can exist, and because the execution is often terrible; it makes sense that most people don't like it. Doesn't mean anyone is stupid or misinformed for not liking it. It's like calling someone dumb for not liking burnt food.
>>1807148One of the rare exceptions I'll make to lolita fashion. It's not overdone, it's actually cute, and it's worn by cute women.
No. 1807192
>>1807153Tbh me but with ""insta baddie"" fashion by non African women. A woman with enough taste can look nice but otherwise it Just looks weird. I think certain fashion trends seem to be made with certain features in mind be it in body or race and without it, it can look ""weird""
( none the less it shouldn't deter people because Yolo and fuck being ur own Voyeur)
No. 1807208
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fuckboys can be cute
fuckmen should grow up
No. 1807217
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>>1807189>Do you have eyes? The first one, the girl is wearing some t-shirt, a tutu off Amazon, and a plastic corset. No one would call that lolita. Google, what's the definition of lolita? "Lolita refers to the practice of adult women dressing in excessively frilly, doll/ princess/maiden-inspired clothing." Ask yourself your own question on whether or not you have eyes. You can see that the woman in the photo is wearing a frilly, ruffled blouse, which DOES count as an article in lolita fashion. And correction, she is NOT wearing a tutu. It is a frilly, heavily skirt, which is also an article of lolita fashion. The woman combined both of those clothings, and the tacky corset to give off this dolled up, "tempting", and girlish look. That is basically lolita fashion. It's terrible and was done terribly, but that image DOES fit the definition of lolita fashion. That image and many other examples is precisely what people mean when they say they don't like lolita.
>I didn’t say the second one wasn’t lolita; I said it was from a OTT (that’s over the top) photoshoot, that no one would typically wear outside of special circumstances like convention.And it's still lolita, which is still very tacky in this case. It still proves my point that lolita is far from being a perfect genre of fashion, and the fact that you know it's lolita and you know it's still tacky means that we agree. So I really don't know what's up with the
>"they are not that informed about the fashion in general aside from looking at taobao product pics"comment if we all agree that it's lolita and still tacky. It doesn't take rocket science and being some Einstein of fashion to know that lolita can and does easily look clownish.
>If you want to whine about bad lolita, then post photos of any American lolita commI'll whine about bad lolita whenever I want and however I want because it's usually just very overdone, childish and tacky genre to me, even when it's done "well". Plus, it's the opinions thread so heads up, buttercup kek.
No. 1807281
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>>1807217>"they are not that informed about the fashion in general aside from looking at taobao product pics"The anon that said that
>>1807139 isn't even me kek. Completely different. Did mana piss in your cereal?
>>1807249Definitely more leaning towards fairy kei.
No. 1807430
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Forrest Gump is boring boomer fanfiction and Redditors licking Tom Hanks' taint are annoying.
No. 1807457
>>1807444Dunno, I think if I was a sperm donor kid, I think I would want to know my origins.
Actually I think creating a kid using a sperm donor leans unethical. Not definitely unethical like surrogacy but I find it iffy at best. It both stems from a sense of entitlement to reproducing at the cost of the child that's being created.
No. 1807543
>>1807444>A sperm donor should always remain unknownYou're Wrong.Children have a right to know who their father is.
>they arent important.If you really think so then why use sperm donors?
No. 1807558
>>1807548Oh, definitely agree. I think that genetic factor is very important for a child's health and safety, but that's it. There is no reason to have them involved otherwise. This isnt a kid being adopted and wanting to find their birth parents.
People put way too much emphasis on sperm. Sadly, women cannot conceive a child without male sperm, but they have no reason to get involved with a man who donated his specimen willingly. They probably have many children out there. So? What matters if the mother and people in general who helped birth and raise the child, not the donor. You are giving the donor way too much power to be involved.
No. 1807744
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The bottomless pit greentext is not funny
No. 1808405
>>1808296Men only have 4 moods
Cheating and beating
Being a pedophile
No. 1808610
>>1807539I agree for 99% of families it seems it's just awkward and harmful. "Step-parents" shouldn't really be a thing, they're just the parent's partner. If you're an adult and your parent/grandparent dates someone new that person isn't suddenly seen as your step-dad, or step-grandma - they're just the partner and it should be seen the same for kids.
If they were just dating outside of the home until the kids are adults, then sure. It also makes things a lot less messy if there's a breakup so it's really optimal for all parts.
No. 1808621
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>>1807153>lolita only looks good on asians and never looks good on westerners.I don't agree, lolita is based on european fashion made for white people to begin with, lolitas are just westaboos at heart and is kinda the equivalent of westerners wearing a kimono kek
but I do see what you're trying to say and I agree with
>>1807148>I think Lolita gets a bad rep because westerners only see trannies and fat gender queers in itHonestly I think it's both that, and the fact that the only images you see from japanese(/asian) lolitas are the best and most popular cute girls, and more often than not it's literally edited photos from magazines and brands that want to sell you stuff. You don't see the majority of average japanese lolitas as much becuase they don't get popular enough online for them to ever reach us. I think lolitas in general can look both cute and cringe, it's just that no one looks like an edited picture.
No. 1808648
>>1808647NTAYRT, but if humans are that tribal, it makes it even more retarded for picky people do have kids with different races.
>make child with black man>baby has a different skin color and other features>"err my gurrd I'm so mad!"It's braindead behavior.
No. 1808653
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>>1808357It’s just sad. Imagine being one of most beautiful and worshipped women in the USA and on top of that you’re a billionaire but you’re still about to become a single baby momma to a criminal….
No. 1808655
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>>1808652I’m ugly too but I would never wear lolita because I’d look like a big retarded troon and not cute and I’m not comfortable with that no matter how much people say “just be yoself”. You have to know your limits in life.
No. 1808699
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>>1808698i know right? i cant believe our moms got to see men dress like this… meanwhile we get prude men who dress like nuns
No. 1808717
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>>1808709Pathetic but true. Thinking back to when I was in high school and girls would say I like diseased or like a crackhead I’d wish I could turn into a baddie type and start messaging all of their bfs to hit them where it hurts. Even if I wasn’t attracted to their bfs I’d dm them to piss them off.
>inb4 you’re a scroteEat my ass
No. 1808742
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>>1808699>>1808702It makes me want to click the exposed stomach holy moly
No. 1808768
>>1808742I have a hard time finding 3d moids attractive, revealing clothes are even worse but sometimes if they are a bit muscular and wear sporty clothes they can be ok i guess, but it's not really something i would confirm, there's just a layer of that to me.
I don't even know if i just obsess to much on looks or not enough.
No. 1808775
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>>1808742>>1808768>>1808699Plenty of douchebags running shirtless around in gym.
No. 1808779
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>>1808777>>1808778We got crop top at home
Crop top at home:
No. 1808783
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>>1808779Give me that belly button exposed crop christ on a bike
No. 1808785
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>>1808777>>1808778Is this any better nonas?
No. 1808798
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I find bimbos sexually attractive. I’m a woman and I’m not a lesbian, bisexual or straight. No matter how hot a guy looks I don’t feel turned on by him. I never look at other humans and think they’re a turn on but something about bimbos does it for me. Probably because they don’t really look human and something about a person fucking their body up and health just to be a sexual object is kind of hot.
No. 1808813
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>>1808800I think the fact that they look kind of monster look but pretty is what does it for me. It’s so extreme looking it does something to my peabrain.
No. 1808818
>>1808813They don't look pretty tho
I think you opinion might be the only true unpopular opinion in this thread lmao
No. 1808833
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>>1808826This is before all their surgeries
No. 1808841
>>1808833As always, what a loss, they looked pretty and cool
>>1808838He looks still human tho and he probably doesn't have dick surgery
>>1808839True, i think that even if it's just a stereotype and not a specific person it could have gone there
No. 1808848
>>1808833I already predict anons are going to respond to this lamenting that "nooooo! But they were so gorgeous before!!!1!!1" so I'm gonna use this to post my unpopular opinion.
I hate when someone gets plastic surgery and people lie and say that they think their before was super attractive. If they had never got any surgery, you wouldn't have looked twice at them. You maybe would've even thought they were ugly. But when someone gets work done, for some reason people feel a need to exaggerate how they feel about their original face and it just comes off as incredibly fake and insincere.
The Clermont twins now doesn't look good though, obviously.
No. 1808855
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>>1808848Samefag, but it's even more grating when people do it with features that are considered especially unattractive. No one is convinced you actually think the left is better than the right here.
No. 1808877
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>>1808868Asians know how to do plastic surgery right
No. 1808879
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>>1808869this is more of a feature thing but i still find picrel funny
spoilered because the moid still looks gross to me No. 1808887
>>1808848idk nonna, it's all subjective. people put too much weight on their insecurities. if it's a genuine deformity like
>>1808855 then yeah it looks like ass in the before pic, but then there's the turkish and middle eastern women who bawl their eyes out on tiktok defending rhinoplasty when it lowkey feels like a racist cop out in their case. personally, i find big noses completely normal and charming and don't think it's a feature that badly affects the face most of the time. i also genuinely find pre surgery celebrities like the kardashians more attractive. to each their own i guess, but to say that people are lying when they say what they say is kinda dumb
No. 1808896
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>>1808894No she looked ugly sorry
No. 1808903
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>>1808898You’re kidding yourself if you’re saying that a lot of people don’t like better after surgery. I like East Asian surgeons because they can take someone who looks inbred to just girl next door.
No. 1808905
>>1808903normal people>botched plastic people
simple as
No. 1808913
>>1808887To be clear, I don't think it's NECESSARILY insincere to say that you think someone was attractive before surgery. But there are instances where you can tell people are not being genuine, a lot of the time I think people actually think it's encouraging to say they find someone's before more attractive.
>>1808889>>1808897I've been on this site for years, nimrod. I'm not interested in plastic surgery at all, and anon's response didn't even seem like they were fighting to me. I also have not been fighting about cosmetic surgery with anyone. Some of you genuinely cannot just have a discussion or accept opinions you disagree with, so you just throw random terms at people to discredit them like this is twitter.
No. 1808950
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>>1808933I would pick being a empty brained idiot with no personality if I looked cute. But I’m happy for you that you can be hideous and it doesn’t bother you much. I feel like being ugly just makes the bad things in life worse, like oh great I got a flat tire and then you look up and see a ugly with adult acne and it makes the situation worse.
No. 1808981
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>>1808960I’m getting 100k from my grandfathers will and I’m going to Korea and Japan next year to transform myself. Im not going to listen to crabs in the barrel telling me to “work on my personality”. Yeah you’re working on your personality because it’s free.
No. 1808989
>>1808981good for you kek you are still unlikeable and will look ugly and botched like 99% of cosmetic surgery
victims. Sorry to break it to you but not women is going to envy you, women only envy natural pretty women not plastic sexdolls. Good luck on getting picked tho
No. 1808991
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>>1808833>>1808848They did look better before. I'd agree if you used an actual good example of surgery improving looks, but anyone who'd say those twins were less attractive before is probably actually racist or just retarded. Their old appearances remind me of picrel, or Disney's Pocahontas. I get that they make money off this look because pornsick moids enjoy it, but that doesn't mean I have to pretend it looks better. This
>>1808798>>1808813looks horrible. Going on reality TV seems to have ruined their minds.
No. 1809001
>>1808999you will feel like a pig anyways because you have body dysmorphia and will always feel ugly in your body no matter the amount of surgery. If pretty women like
>>1808833 get cosmetic surgery despite being beautiful what makes you think you wont continue spending money until you look like
>>1808798 No. 1809005
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After seeing thousands of hateful comments about these two actresses, it has become apparent to me that there are only a few anons hating on them and it’s nothing more than jealousy. Anya Taylor Joy and Florence Pugh are two of the most attractive women I’ve ever seen in my life, every time I see them I’m struck by their beauty. Anons are jealous because Anya and Florence are both blonde, thin, rich, famous, and hot. I just know the angry hater anons are fat brunettes. They also kept seething about the affair rumors that Anya and Florence have both had with older married men, and it’s obvious that the anons either wish that they were hot blonde girls who could attract older men, or that they’re scared their boyfriends will be stolen by them. Any man would leave their wife for a young actress, it isn’t even Anya or Florence’s fault for being a better catch than the wife of their boyfriend. And neither of them “stole” a married man since they didn’t leave their wives, so even if those rumors are true, it was clearly just a fling because they’re young, pretty, and having fun. I don’t see why these anons don’t simply lose weight and dye their ugly brown hair blonde, they would probably like themselves more. Oh wait they still wouldn’t be rich or hot so they would still be jealous cows.
No. 1809017
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>>1809012Florence does not look like a toddler and she’s a top a-list actress. She actually looks like Marilyn Monroe from some angles, except with beautiful hazel eyes
No. 1809019
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This site became less fun after anons starting trying to turn it into a feminist site rather than accepting it as an imageboard about cows. Now it just feels like every discussion is about men whether it's negative or positive to the point where it's starting to become unbearable, especially cause I'm in a phase where I just don't care about men and you have to walk on eggshells lest you be called a pickme or a moid, and it feels like anons are constantly picking apart every post. I've been guilty of that behavior as well, so maybe I am a hypocrite but I do try to discourage it now. I don't think I've been here long enough to be considered an oldfag (although if I said how long I've been here, anons would probably argue that I am) but this site definitely feels far different from when I first came here. Maybe I'm misremembering the past and looking at lolcow with nostalgia glasses, but it feels so sad to think of how much this site has changed.
This is the old admin's fault, if she hadn't killed off /2x/ maybe current lolcow would been different.
No. 1809040
>>1809025Imagine being a lolcow history revisionist
>>1809019Sorry but just ignore the posts you hate
No. 1809054
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>>1808742Can't believe what he looks like now. The wall hits men with the force of a hydraulic press once more
No. 1809079
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>>1809042She does look like marilyn to me, but it’s partly her styling. You’re probably one of the jealous anons who hatepost about her. Blonde women always get antagonized the most, sexualized and demonized by everyone.
No. 1809081
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>>1808981you’re obviously trolling but the thought of someone’s granddaughter spending their grandpas will on cosmetic surgery is just depressing and hilarious
>>1809049>>1809076 No. 1809094
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>>1809079>>1809042Doublepost to show how they have similar features and coloring, and the same vibe: sensual, glamorous, bombshell, sexy
>>1809037I sincerely hope you’re joking. Everything I’ve said is the opposite of what she has said
No. 1809101
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>>1809079They have similar teeth and blonde short hair but that’s about it. Marilyn’s features are much smaller and more delicate, Florence is very bulky and hulky
No. 1809130
>>1809073That's not really the point.
>>1809049Look at pretty much every infight and you can see what I mean, even the cosmetic surgery infight from this thread. Anons may not explicitly be like "you're not feminist enough!" but you can tell that a lot of infights stem from anons not holding certain beliefs or opinions. I hope that makes more sense, I suck at words so it's just a little difficult for me to properly explain.
I just saw this post, and I think the anon from this entire post worded a lot of the concerns I have about this site much better than I could've
>>1808550 No. 1809152
File: 1702405285835.jpeg (100.88 KB, 735x752, IMG_2971.jpeg)

>>1808879The ethnic nose surgeries are always so ugly and unnecessary, the roman nose usually fits Middle Easterns and their features, especially women. Rhinoplasty is only worth it if you’re a butterface with big nose and the other elements of your face don’t balance it out.
t. a Slavic butterface with big nose No. 1809170
>>1808405I need this on a shirt.
>>1808652Lolita fashion isnt for everyone. Especially uggos.
No. 1809176
>>1809152>fits middle eastern womenNo it doesn't lmao.
t. an arabian woman.
Plus the middle east has tons of different countries, cultures, ethnicities, tribes, hell even different villages and regions of the same tribe look different from each other and have nothing in common looks wise. Ironically your post is racist for thinking all middle easterns look the same. Egyptians for examples aren't true arabs, but saudis and gulf countries people are and they look similar to an extent, but non-saudis and non-gulf countries look different from them. Even in saudi arabia itself, different tribes look different from each other, with bedouin being lighter skin with colored eyes, naturally chubbier, and non-bedouin tribes look different depending on each tribe, with one specific tribe having some turkish blood mixed with theirs so they're on the lighter side with colored eyes sometimes, and some tribes have darker skin, nose sizes and shapes differ from one tribe to another as well since each tribe historically lived in different regions with different climates and ended up developing the features necessary for survival there. Do you genuinely think every single middle eastern woman has a gigantic hooked nose? It's literally called a Roman nose for a reason, why would it be common in the middle east?
No. 1809213
>>1809146the key is having a shade that matches your skin, if you have a cold skin tone then you need a cold hair color or it will look mismatched no matter what color it is.
i'm from a scandinavian country so blondes are naturally common, but all of the influencers always have blonde hair and fake tans (or sometimes real tans from burning their skin to a crisp lol) which i frankly find ugly and don't know why they have to go against their natural pale skin, especially when they end up looking fucking orange, so if i only went by them i'd find it ugly too lol
No. 1809215
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Mostly ott sweet being represented in the west/media gives lolita a bad name (and makes you look fat). Darker and older styles look completely different. I also imagine that european ladies back then also didn't run around in bright pastels but stuck to more muted colors.
No. 1809219
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>>1809176Sorry, I didn’t mean for it to come off this way, I was being ignorant. I guess I meant the shape sometimes referred to as the 'Arab nose', picrel.
No. 1809230
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I can’t be the only one who sees the similarities
No. 1809244
>>1809227NTA but that's not true. He did
popularize it and coin the title "Elegant Gothic Lolita", though.
No. 1809248
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>>1809230I don’t get why anons keep nitpicking Florence’s “toddler body” and saying she looks like “a barrel or a small crate” she looks just like Marilyn, same body type, same blonde hair, same delicate doll-like facial features
(bait) No. 1809288
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>>1809230>>1809248Lily Rose Depp looks more like Marilyn Monroe
No. 1809308
>>1809288She doesn’t have a hourglass body like florence and Marilyn
>>1809285I forgot. It was directed at the florencechans
No. 1809312
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Ariana Grande has always naturally resembled Marilyn Monroe in personality and body (she's just very skinny), but people always get mad whenever it's said.
No. 1809336
>>1809274You're such a thin skinned brain dead retard
Anyone is allowed to hate Florence without idiots like you calling it misogynistic or whatever,grow a spine.
No. 1809344
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>>1809312Arianna looks nothing like Marilyn
No. 1809347
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>>1809321Completely different eyes, face shapes, essences, basically everything. The only similarity I see is maybe nose, and that’s just standard Hollywood small nose.
No. 1809348
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No. 1809351
>>1809336Read my first post on the subject
>>1809005Floremcechsns are all just jealous of thin blonde rich women
No. 1809369
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>My oldie coomerbait can beat your modern coomerbait!
>Nuh uh!
No. 1809377
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>>1809335I’ve been told I look like her irl and got her on this website
No. 1809415
>>1809248I don't think they have the same body type, but I approve of anything that
triggers the florence spergs
No. 1809467
>>1808699we have lost our way as a country
>>1808703the association with gay men is unfortunately probably why crop tops aren't more common
No. 1809528
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>>1809512I thought she tried to make her features look more Northern European? This is her before surgery
No. 1809530
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>>1809528Here’s an older picture actually
No. 1809538
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>>1809530>>1809528The results post surgery do not look like a typical Anglo
No. 1809543
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Sophia Loren was considered "the Italian Marilyn Monroe". These are her natural features
No. 1809591
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>>1809538I think she looked more Northern European than Mediterranean, but there aren’t necessarily huge differences in how they look anyway tbh
No. 1809714
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>>1809215>I also imagine that european ladies back then also didn't run around in bright pastels but stuck to more muted colorslate to the party sorry, they totally did bright pastels tho! not like the prints you find in ott sweet lolita, but west euro fashion is pretty colorful until late victorian and edwardian eras. picrel is an illustration from 1867. sorry for historical fashion sperg
No. 1809745
>there aren’t necessarily huge differences in how they look anyway tbhThat's probably exactly why Ariana looks so similar to Marilyn.
No. 1809750
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>>1808933Toucan noses are not ugly btw. I have a native nose and I look like a stoic angry chief from the side, so I kind of envy that rounded look, it’s soft imo. I have like a super rugged nose. I know a girl with a big toucan nose and she was popular in high school, she does weight training, she’s so hot.
>>1809169An unpopular opinion of mine is that big noses on women look feminine, they often make your chin look dainty in comparison, I don’t wanna sound like I’m bragging but I have a super pretty face from the front it’s just the side view I’m insecure about, my nose is long and idk it kind of makes my face look a bit shorter in compariso, I have a heart shaped face. I just naturally sort of look like a cat, in a cool way. But even if I had a long face I feel like it would still look nice.
No. 1809767
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>>1809750Big noses are only cute if they’re the the fat round kind(pic related).The boney ones like the one you posted are not cute.
No. 1809789
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>>1809215That's a common misconception because of how photographs worked. A lot of dyes were being invented in the 1800s, and they got used extensively. Some dyes cannot be reproduced today, because the chemicals used were so poisonous. You'll mostly see that in the greens though.
No. 1809791
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>>1809767I too love big round flat noses. Like the kind African Americans and Asians have. It’s ok if you think it’s ugly, we are just animals who come in different shapes in colors. Not to get all weird but I did trip on acid last night so I feel like gifrel
No. 1809877
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i don't care what danofags believe, i don't find him attractive and i ignore the ones that fawn over him, i think it's funny that a lot of times women have to get criticized by other women for liking anything when then you have moids act like picrel
i never feel like criticizing something another woman finds attractive unless it's just straight up illegal or borderline illegal, that's just me though
No. 1809881
>>1809877I'll criticize it when they shove their ugly ass dudes into my face. Besides, I don't base my treatment of women on how men operate in society, that'd be fucking retarded now wouldn't it?
>>1809879Idk I was just translating. I could see it but only because I don't hang out with guys online so idfk what they get up to
No. 1809937
>>1809925lol idk that's just what i feel, i'm barely even attracted to men at this point so it's not like i've ever felt targeted by anything
>>1809927I've gone a bit off-topic with asking stuff about being judgemental in general between women
>>1809931I was but as i said i just ignored them and i didn't care, maybe i care less because i didn't interact with them but i would see them a lot even outside of here, don't care about how annoying and cringy they can be since it doesn't affect my life
No. 1810313
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My unpopular opinion today is that you can't be groomed by media and if you didn't have a personal one-on-one interaction with someone then you weren't groomed. Yes groomers can use media, like porn, to groom their victims but you can't be groomed by media alone. I didn't watch this video though so maybe it's just clickbait, I've been seeing more and more people saying they were "groomed" just from being part of a fanbase. It's getting ridiculous. Like someone in the Emilie Autumn thread saying they were "groomed by the culture" to look a certain way. Peer pressure =/= grooming
No. 1810340
>>1810335I'm sorry but that's a bit of a stretch for me. there's a difference between being in a cult where every aspect of your life is controlled versus being in a fanbase that you could leave at any time you felt like it. I guess ultimately it comes down to how you want to define "grooming". the basic dictionary definition will say it's interchangeable with being "prepped" for something. in that case yeah I guess you could sort of be groomed by media. I'm using the definition that comes with sexual grooming of a child (which is what most people mean when they say they were groomed) which involves stuff like isolating the
victim, trying to establish a relationship with them by keeping secrets etc. I honestly get the feeling that people who act like they were indirectly "groomed" by music or TV just don't want to own up to their own cringey behavior
No. 1810787
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>>1810769>>1810765>>1810763It isn’t bait, it’s my personal opinion. They have the same “star essence” on top of resembling each other.
No. 1810910
>>1810498Why is it that hard to believe? I see this shit all the time. I mean even if you don't believe me, there's aaron taylor johnson
>>1810501I would doxx myself if I showed you this couple since they're acquintances of my friend…. he looks like a model and she's super average, not even cute in a cute-girl-next door type.
No. 1810992
>>1810674 Yet all of the ones I know online and irl have sexual histories with men or eventually end up with one. Kek they like men but hate themselves for it. None of the long term ssa partnered women I know have this huge chip on their shoulder and need to make everything about their identity. Sure a small handful of these women might be genuinely homosexual, but at this point so many of them actually just like men I assume anyone doing so isn’t actually a lesbian. Kek
>>1810758100% that’s what some of them are I’m sure.
No. 1811003
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>>1810912Marilyn wasn’t chubby or petite, she was 5’6 and curvy. Just like Florence.
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>>1811219People love to fixate on negativity and death, that’s something men and women have in common. But a key point is that a lot of these “female rage” characters are written by fucking men.
No. 1811280
>>1811219i hate the term feminine rage. The implication that women can't experience "normal" rage or emotions is sexist. If we want to discuss the rage women feel when they get fed up with misogyny then we should just call it "justified rage" or something. women who say feminine rage aren't even interested in discussing misogyny they just want to coquette-ify emotions.
Anger has always been taboo amongst women but the feminine rage trend is not breaking that taboo since it only glorifies angry women when they are "aesthetic". They only care about pretty actors raging while following a script. When a women in their lives starts expressing anger the feminine rage~~ crowd immediately labels her as
It's similar to women who thinks crying is "zomg aesthetic" and starts taking selfies after they have been crying. Women are only allowed to show emotions if we look pretty while doing it.
>>1811227> a lot of these “female rage” characters are written by fucking menexactly
No. 1811438
>>1811280I just watched the movie Pearl, and it felt like the director banked on the term 'feminine rage.' I know people liked it, but I couldnt get past the justification of Pearl's motives. She didnt come from a severely
abusive family and it bothered me how she acted insane.
No. 1811692
>>1810992this reminds me of what someone said on another thread, how if you’re lesbian you have to “prove” it and even if you say you just aren’t attracted to men, the littlest things will cause people to consider you bi. straight men can jerk off to femboys, straight women to lesbian porn and call themselves straight etc, but a lesbian who hates bisexuals isn’t actually a lesbian? why is it always the first thing to assume that these women are “actually bisexual”. it’s like people can’t comprehend that women can’t like men and anything that sets them apart from the norm immediately discredits them as exclusively homosexual women.
i think that having prior experience with men before realising you were a lesbian literally just makes it more likely for you to find ways to resent bisexual women. i’m bi myself, but if i was lesbian i’d definitely be considered “biphobic”.
No. 1811749
>>1811193I never understood the obsession with big lips, it looks bloated and offputting to me. Sometimes really flat and thin lips are unattractive but I'd take that over balloon lips any day.
Imo the best is a smaller mouth with round but small lips, if that makes sense
No. 1811765
>>1811758Nah it’s just funny how humans can be meme’d into feeling insecure about anything and men can get meme’d into jerking off to anything. Beauty standards don’t mean shit because only 17 years ago having any kind of ass or lips was considered ghetto and obese(hmmm I wonder why
rolls eyes).I’m glad I got to experience both generations because I get to see how retarded humans really are. I don’t feel bad for no lipped flat assed women because they had their era and who knows they might have it again in 20 years. They need to just get over it for now.
No. 1811783
>>1810842Idk about oral because I'm a virgin and even a tissue touching my labia is enough to make me horny, I believe I'd probably enjoy any minimal touch kek, sorry for tmi. But dick size wise, I assume it has something to do with vagina size? So bigger vaginas can take bigger dicks? Idk. But if that's the case then that can explain why some people claim bigger better. But imo there's no one size fits all.
>>1811773I'm not into that kind of men but honestly based. I'm tired of the 'twinkpilled' anons on here thinking that's the only attractive type of men ever just because they like them. And by twinks they mean ugly anorexic awkwardly long guy on his way to troon out. Or any healthy male witha fit body who is well-groomed even if he's ugly in the face, as if that's need a term when it's called being normal.
No. 1811788
>>1811752I'm not mad I just feel very sad that women feel so insecure they feel the need to alter their body. Just makes me sad and think theyre mentally ill, especially doing risky surgeries like bbl.
I like my little lips and bum but my body image isnt ruined by social media and the next big fad.
>learn to accept yourself like we had toMy concern for lip fillers and bbls is the fact those women arent accepting themselves since theyre doing that to themselves. Just makes me sad.
No. 1811803
>>1811776>>1811802I get some women are size queens but lmao at thinking women should want the biggest cocks.
Maybe in theory evolution wise, but have you ever had a cock hit your cervix? That shit sucks the soul out your cooter.
No. 1811809
>>1811776Also high T correlates with smaller cocks.
Low T men have smaller balls with bigger cocks.
No. 1811842
>>1811095I just got this tiktok and thought of this post, in this case I think this woman is justified specifically because her past bully messaged her first and then proceeded to not even apologize. Plus generally I think that kids bullying each other over their social status is one of the most disgusting things.
No. 1811846
>>1811844> Someone with a big dick wouldn't want to date a woman he was incapable of having sex with, not to mention men can literally get pain from fucking a vagina that's too tight/dryNta but my nigel is 7inches and only gets half in because I have a short vagina.
He only gets pain if he were to really slam into it.
Sometimes if he hits cervix it feels good, I assume that has something to do with ovulation etc.
I assume by tighter that nona means just how some women have different sized pelvis's which can affect how "tight" their vagina is, like how you have shorter/longer vagina canals (yes I know they get longer when aroused but not all are the same length).
No. 1811857
>>1811844That post was a bit moid-y. It also has the same tone whenever one of the popular us vs them topics with women comes up. Pads vs tampons, big boobs vs small boobs, innies vs outies, etc. During those types of arguments, there’s always some snide bitch trying to rile the other side up “subtly” like this.
Like “oh haha it hurts whenever my boyfriend fucks me because my vagina is like…medically too tiny uwu! Some girls just naturally have that, others have big, loose old gaping cunts…not that there’s anything with that!” Or “oh don’t worry anon! Plenty of men love small boobs. At least they won’t look like gross, saggy, stretchmark addled udders! All boobs are beautiful”
It’s annoying as hell, and when it inevitably
triggers the other side (as it was meant to) they’ll lash out with their own nastiness and it never stops.
Bottom line - some women like big dicks, some don’t, for various reasons. Regardless, the blame should always be on men as nature intended.
No. 1811860
>>1811855>Why would a man want a vagina he wouldn't be able to stick his dick in fully?Not all men fuck before getting into a relationship lol. So they are already committed and like the person theyre seeing so they wont cut it off just because they have a shallow pussy. They dont care if they can go balls deep or not. I wouldnt ditch a dude if he had a little dick.
That or it strokes their ego not being able to fit it all in.
Then they can go "ha ha cant even fit it in all in what a burden boohoo woe is me".
>Also how would the length affect the "tightness"? I didnt say length did, I was using it as an example about big dicks fitting or not fitting, some womens vaginas are just not as tight naturally, you can get different sized tampons for this reason.
Or just aging or childbirth etc. Not all vaginas are the same tightness or length, although I dont think it would make that much of a difference tight wise compared to length.
> It just sounds like a revenge fantasy against women for liking big dicks when in reality "accommodating" women and big dicked men would be more ideal togetherWhat do you mean? My reply? Idc if women like big dicks honestly more power to them
No. 1811867
>>1811861You can get different sized tampons though?
Like I said I dont think it would make that much of a difference when it comes to dicks, the whole "wideset vagina" meme.
Doing kegels to work the muscles more even if you havent given birth.
What I've said might not even be what that nona meant anyway, thats just how I interpreted it.
>>1811863No see above
No. 1811870
>>1811860This is why anatomy is important kids
also, tightness is determined by pelvic floor, even if you're "big" or given birth multiple times you can have a tight vagina if you work your kegals
the funny part is that considering everything you said, you're probably the one with the loose pelvic muscles sex/hitting the cervix during sex is a sign of a weak pelvic floor and also a sign you arent aroused
No. 1811895
>>1811815I see you and I raise you with: people who need to drink to feel themselves open up or "socialize" with others are pathetic.
I live in Currywurstland, I have the feeling most of the stuck up people here (which is 70% of the population, don't come at me) need to drink four or five beers, or Glühwein now with the winter, to finally be friendly with anyone.
Not even mentionning the fact that I find it hard to acquire taste for wine, beer, Sekt, champagne etc. (the only drinks I like are cider and mead), I don't fecking get the need to hammer yourself to finally open up and I don find that cute nor relatable.
No. 1811903
>>1811844>What does "tighter" even mean to you?People come in different sizes, a petite 4'9 woman and a tall 6'2 woman are going to have proportionate vaginas, that's not rocket science. So a 4'9 man who matches the petite woman in dick size is not physically going to match the 6'2 woman. Vagina sizes vary just as much as dick sizes because the 2 sexes are made to match by nature (otherwise we literally wouldn't be able to reproduce).
Moids keep talking about tightness as a good thing they want, so they in their moidness would seek out smaller women. There are gross memes all over the internet about it but I'm not gonna search them up because they're fucking gross.
>not to mention men can literally get pain from fucking a vagina that's too tight/dryimma be honest that's news to me, i feel like if that's true and men actually hurt their dicks from rape they wouldn't do it as much… yet they do
No. 1811915
>>1811903Moids being shit at anatomy? Who would've thought
As for rape goes - moids literally do injure their dicks raping women huh
No. 1811921
>>1811903correct me if I'm wrong but I was under the impression that vaginal depth is its own variable, so you could be short but deep or tall but shallow, just like how something like breast size isn't related to height?
then again my bf and I have a 14 inch height difference and it's so painful and just feels ill-matched in shape (like putting the wrong puzzle pieces together) that we just don't have sex since it still fails with tons of lube.
it's not actually a big deal though and we're both happy with other forms of intimacy No. 1811989
>>1811903>a petite 4'9 woman and a tall 6'2 woman are going to have proportionate vaginas, that's not rocket science. So a 4'9 man who matches the petite woman in dick size is not physically going to match the 6'2 woman. This isn’t true, vagina size has nothing to do with height or frame size
>Vagina sizes vary just as much as dick sizes This is partially true, vaginas come in different sizes but the variation is nowhere near as different as dick size
No. 1812028
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>>1811989>This isn’t true, vagina size has nothing to do with height or frame size so you're saying tiny petite girls are equally likely to have a 13cm vaginas, as opposed to the lower end 5cm vagina? Wild if that's true
No. 1812046
my vagina is like a football stadium
No. 1812081
>>1812070And men want small women to feel like the big strong man in question. I'll never understand how pornsick anons relate everything to dick size or pussy looseness - which again isn't even a thing lmao as vagina depth changes based on arousal.
No. 1812365
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Sanrio becoming popular among normies was the best hing to happen to them businesses wise. I still hate sanrio normies though.Literally the most insufferable group I've come across with all their unnecessary consooming.
No. 1812377
>>1812365Sanrio is like Bluey and MLP to me.
It's designed for kids, so adults being way into it will always be cringe kek
No. 1812380
>>1812373Women defending gay males is hilarious to me. They're
gay males, whatever mean things homophobes say about them, gay males have said 100x worse things about women kek
No. 1812419
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>>1812415Well they seem to attract the same weirdos. Bet some adult zoomer Bluey fans are making traumacore memes with the characters now kek
No. 1812457
>>1812449Same, I don't wish harm on anyone and I'll always treat individuals as I find them, but there are just certain groups and cultures I think we'd be better off without.
>>1812448No you're one of the good ones.
No. 1812459
>>1812436>mlahh that’s just all jobs When has anyone on lolcow ever said that, nobody here thinks normal jobs are like selling your body
Surrogacy infuriates me so much, these days I think it bothers me more than prostitution. I can't handle the thought of some smug entitled rich couple paying a poor woman to endure months of discomfort and hours of pain, risking her life and chronic health issues for their benefit, because they think the universe owes them a biological child or because the woman doesn't want to put up with the risks to her body that she's perfectly happy to outsource to others. It's so privileged and selfish it's mind boggling.
No. 1812469
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>>1812377Japan's kawaii culture doesn't have an age limit. Not Sanrio but pic related.
No. 1812481
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>>1812479Just saying, you wouldn't use a spongebob dildo.
No. 1812485
>>1812367The way you talk reminds me of those people online that equate being a
terf to being a right wing fascist kek
No. 1812494
you wouldn’t use a SpongeBob dildo, me I’m built different
No. 1812495
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>>1812481I wouldn't but I know who would
No. 1812503
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>>1812495Holyshit, this is amazing.
No. 1812585
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John Mearsheimer is the most correct man in all of politics and the (((neocon))) seethe about that fact is hilarious
No. 1812612
A lot of cyclists have no right to complain about drivers, so many of them try to run over other cyclists too.
>>1812419I had no idea the dog cartoon attracted this kind of adult fans, I thought they were all just furries.
No. 1812656
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>>>/ot/1812645Is it a popular or an unpopular opinion to disagree with tipping culture?
No. 1812716
>>1812656I think everyone agrees it's a garbage way to pay staff (except the people who get extravagant tips, and the bosses who can underpay them), but americans don't think that's an excuse for not tipping well and get vicious if you're a bad tipper.
I feel bad for Americans, it's an absurd unfair system but you're damned if you do damned if you don't.
No. 1812734
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>>1812656I don't mind tipping for table service at a resturant or if I get a drink or two at a bar (realistically it's an extra 1.50/2.00 for because I don't drink a lot out in public) but I will not tip at any counter service type place. They can look me dead in the eye as they swivel that ipad around and I will look right back at them while I hit no tip. get the fuck out of here with that
No. 1812778
>>1812716pretty much this, few people actually like the system and most would want it to be replaced by normal wages. But because it exists as it is, it's frowned upon to not tip because it isn't a helpful "rebellion" that improves things on a societal level, and just snubs your server.
But I have noticed that some restaurants who try to move away from tipping get pushback because their prices are higher by default. One restaurant near me explains that the total for dining in (as opposed to take-out) gets automatically inflated by 15%, so they don't expect a tip because the extra service is built in, but I saw a lot of reviews whining about it because they felt like they were "forced" or "tricked" into paying extra even though they were likely already planning on paying the same amount or more
No. 1812788
>>1812446I love when people say “no one is born racist.”
It’s true. People are born in a nice safe small town raised on accepting everyone for who they are and never to judge people by their skintone.
And then they move to the city and find out real quick
No. 1812811
>>1812446definitely gotten worse
since 2019. kek.
No. 1812813
>>1812404Same anon as
>>1812806 but I've also said that fags are pedos before but it's because I believe almost all men are pedos. I got called homophobic on here a while ago for saying how two men adopting a young boy is extremely suspicious but I would say the same thing for 2 straight men adopting a young girl, pretty much all men are pedos regardless of orientation.
No. 1812817
>>1812813Anyone who would argue with you is definitely a hand maiden/pick me. There's no way any logical
nonnie here would believe two fags adopted a kid is okay. Just look at the Shane situation. it's disgusting
No. 1812878
>>1812855Anon: fags are pedophiles because all men are pedophiles, straight ones too I hate all men so fags do not get a pass
You: You're a man because you think fags specifically are pedophiles, also I can't read
>>1812867Nta but that anon clearly wasn't seething kek, you are because we insulted you're precious gay men
No. 1812919
>>1812910Hear hear!
>>1812913>I've never met a biological woman who would careHello hi, there's heaps of us. Maybe irl women don't want to rock the boat because it's not socially acceptable to criticise gay men
No. 1812923
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Wait, anons are still arguing about if it's "fair" to hate gay moids? Uhhhh, anons on lolcow hated males in general for years. Users have been using the word "faggot" to describe stupid things for years. Of course anons shit on gay males, why would they not? It's lolcow, we'll shit anyone. We're "transphobes" too, but we don't give a fuck if we're "transphobic" because already know that hating tranny logic is common sense.
No. 1812942
>>1812913>I've never met a biological woman who would care that much and it's suspicious given it's something men are obsessed with.No one is obsessed, and no one said anything about the actual homosexual aspect just that they hate men so fags are included in that.
>>1812915Because most people irl don't say slurs, but on here we're free so it's nice to say faggot, same with words like moid and scrote, they're not slurs but most people wouldn't say them irl so it's cathartic to say on here
No. 1812951
>>1812929Many faggots are equal if not more misogynistic than straight men.
Alot take women as competition.
They literally take PrEP (tablet to prevent getting aids) and there's an option on grindr to say you're on it, that's how degenerate they are.
You have closeted faggots marrying women and passing on awful stds by cheating on them with other faggots because they can't be bothered wearing a condom.
Back when the gay rights march were just men, there was a subsection within that movement marching along side regular faggots called The North America Man/Boy love movement.
Literally pedofiles proudly marching along side regular faggots and the other faggots just allowed it. Putrid.
It wasn't until lesbians joined and went "uhh wtf??" And kicked the pedos out.
Degeneracy helps societies fall.
No. 1812953
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>>1812923Wearing my tinfoil hat right now but at this point i'm convinced the anons siding with fags are gay scrotes themselves that came from twitter to get their celebrity "tea" here, they need to go back.
No. 1812955
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>>1812950>respecting straight moidsAre you new?
No. 1812958
Also the NA Man/Boy love association had a document leaked from a meeting where they mused over how to get regular society on board with their degeneracy.
Story time read by drag queens was on that list. Just thought that was quite interesting.
No. 1812975
>>1812951>Many faggots are equal if not more misogynistic than straight men. I'm sure, most cases of women being raped, sexually assaulted, and murdered by their male partner were done by fags?
This is why I think these posts come from men. A woman would hardly forget what misogyny actually is like to experience. And oh no, a man gets fucked in the ass and takes a tablet for it! I don't care, since I'm not a man and therefore I'm not scared of being tempted into fucking some guy who may have AIDS, like all men.
No. 1812991
>>1812975That's because faggots don't rape women, you're putting words in my mouth.
Not all misogynistic men rape, but all rapists are misogynistic.
Boy child rape is done mainly by men too.
This circles back around to fuck all men lol.
This is my last reply because I think you're a gay scrote seething. Go back to your reddit safe space.
No. 1812997
>>1812994I agree, I only said that in my reply because that anon used it as an example that fags aren't as bad because they aren't raping women.
Using women as incubators or beards is abhorrent and should automatically be forced to give the ex wife 90% of his earnings and property by law in the divorce.
No. 1813000
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>>1812975A scrote is a scrote. Faggots don't rape women but they do turn womanhood into minstrel shows, use women as broodmares via surrogates or deceptive marriages where they conviently come out as gay when the kids are grown and the woman is forced to support the betrayal (pic related did both).
They are statistically more likely to touch kids by an order of magnitude (the ratio of sex offenders against female children vs. offenders against male children is approximately 2:1, while the ratio of gynephiles to androphiles among the general population is approximately 20:1).
They were the propagators of monkeypox and aids and couldn't be asked to stop having hundreds of serial partners per year even if it literally killed them (you have to have a ton of anal sex to transmit aids that way even with a positive partner).
They are scrotes no matter how much they hide behind women, literally, putting L first for a reason.
No. 1813018
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>>1812446My hatred of racists has turned me reactively racist, in the same way moid's misogyny turned me misandrist and FtMs trying to larp as edgy men to "pwn" women has annoyed me enough to know how to out-edge them. I'm glad that in learning the language of hate, I've never been fully retarded enough to truly believe in it
(except the misandry) No. 1813022
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>>1813018You deleted your post before, but I'll reply again. You still remind me of that anon in the confessions thread who admitted to getting super edgy and traumatizing random moids when she catches them being degenerates. It's messy, chronically-online, and would definitely be embarrassing to admit to a therapist, but it's pretty based and you should be happy that you traumatized moids.
No. 1813045
>>1812413Kek projecting again
nonny. What in my original post indicated such thing. Why do y'all always assume that because someone talks about non-NEET life shit that they are a socializing bee? We all gotta fecking pay bills on this planet and turns out when you do, you're forced to interact with the outside world.
Fucking shocking, I don't like it anymore than any other nonnas do.
And then, you realize that the outside world does stupid fucking shit and here is great to complain about it.
No. 1813048
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Unpopular opinion, Mavis' bangs look stupid and the design team should have just given her a widow's peak like her dad kek
No. 1813067
>>1813000I had a gay moid "friend" in highschool who would always find ways to grope me, and I was supposed to just not care because he was gay so obviously it was just a joke and not actual sexual assault. He was a lot bigger than me and would pull me into his lap and hold me there, or come up from behind me and grab my boobs all the time. Once he even pulled down the front of my shirt and "motorboated" me in class and all of our other friends laughed because it obviously wasn't sexual. He's gay, he can't be sexually inappropriate with women, duh.
Like you said, gay men are still men. Some of them just love to play caricatures of women, and it doesn't make them any less male. They're all perfectly fine taking away opportunities for women in the name of representation too.
No. 1813082
>>1813045Because you said:
>people who need to drink to feel themselves open up or "socialize" with others are pathetic.And I wasn't projecting "again" or at all, that was my first reply to you.
No. 1813084
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>>1812419Being into sanrio is like the more weeb acceptable version of being a disney adult. Never seen a sanrio girlie that wasn't insufferable, even on lc. Especially if it's kuromi, cinnamoroll and my melody. The holy trinity of bpd.
No. 1813101
>>1813000There’s a breed of faggot out there who is an extreme bitter misogynist the same as a heterosexual man, with the only difference being he doesn’t want to fuck women.
I’ve seen so many homosexual moids shit on women and demand they give away their rights and become subservient and irrelevant. They’re insanely jealous and bitter. They desperately want a world where women are all forced into the home and out of sight, being a man’s support base so he can go out in public and have homoerotic Roman bathhouse parties with each other.
These fags just hate us so much. Even though they’re gay they still have Y chromosome deficiency and need to keep women around as a utility. They just want us to have the worst, most shameful, pathetic existence possible while serving them.
No. 1813106
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>>1813084I still like sanrio out of nostalgia but you're right. girls who are way too into my melody especially are always the most insufferable people you will ever come across, "i'm baby" retarded ass
No. 1813129
>>1813082That was a general "you", nonna… again, reading comprehension and projection. Also like I said, when you're paying bills, you gotta interact with the outside world. According to the Merriem Webster socialize - verb 1. : to make social, especially : to fit or train for a social environment. 2a: to constitute on a socialistic basis socialize industry, b: to adapt to social needs or uses. 3
: to organize group participation in.
My original opinion
>>1811895 used the word "socialize" in the 2b sense of the definition. Was I precise enough for your autistic needs?
No. 1813171
>>1811280>i hate the term feminine rage. The implication that women can't experience "normal" rage or emotions is sexist.late reply but same, it's just another term for female hysteria. and if anything,
male rage is a phenomenon that should be dissected and dealt with since it's a huge societal problem and always goes way beyond what would be proportional reactions to their experiences. meanwhile women aren't doing shit, in fact they're so repressed that people make a huge deal out of them even raising their voices in movies kek.
>women who say feminine rage aren't even interested in discussing misogyny they just want to coquette-ify emotions.>They only care about pretty actors raging while following a script. When a women in their lives starts expressing anger the feminine rage~~ crowd immediately labels her as true. when people see women experiencing rage or even mild anger irl they film it and put it in a karen freakout compilation or call her an abyoosive bpd bitch. but when men are constantly flipping their shit, raping people, beating them, killing them etc, that's just tuesday. just look at the reactions to amber heard vs johnny depp.
No. 1813557
>>1813554I’m 34 years old. My stance comes from a lifetime of dealing with men and knowing that they will take anything they can get kek. I have explained my argument to you multiple times, however you’re continually comparing men to women, which just isn’t
No. 1813564
>>1813557If you think something isn't rape based on how much the rape
victim enjoys having sex or can potentially enjoy being penetrated, that's your own thing. That's not how a mentally normal person has developed and you are spreading the same ideas that men use to actually rape women IRL.
No. 1813567
>>1813564You really must be a sped. I’m saying men aren’t capable of being raped because they don’t get raped. These fags have sex with someone else and if they don’t like it or feel an ounce of shame; they probably pull the “mlehhhh I’m a
victim feel bad for me” card.
No. 1813573
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All men get the sausage cutter
No. 1813589
>>1813587if you wanna think that i’m a male that’s completely fine but it doesn’t change reality kek, men can’t be raped. Men don’t get raped. If you think men get raped so much go start a male rape
victims foundation kek.
No. 1813597
>>1813589Nta but are you meaning men can't be raped in the literal sense?
Or are you meaning it as in its sodomy not rape?
Or are you meaning men aren't able to be raped because they lack the trauma response because they're degenerate and therefore not rape?
Or are you meaning men can't be raped by women because women don't have cocks to rape with?
No. 1813599
>>1813596You forgot to add that vaginas are different sizes
>>1813594I'm meaning it in the literal sense
No. 1813610
>>1813603>>1813601>women simply do not commit rapeWhat do you call a woman forcing a dildo inside another woman against her well? Sexual assault?
>>1813602Ctrl F and search it to read more
No. 1813615
>>1813604I agree, I like cherries more
>>1813608What makes apples more complex compared to cherries?
No. 1813632
>>1813614Ok say it has never happened then, if it were to happen what would you call it?
>>1813620You could have meant complex flavour, which I think cherries would win over apples.
You seem a bit upset about our cherry apple conversion.
No. 1813647
>>1813644So you love men more than women, you’re a meninist twitterfag and that’s why you’re so hellbent on men being rape
victims. Glad you feel so comfortable screaming it from the rooftops
No. 1813655
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>>1813645Cherries aren’t “enjoyed” nearly as much statistically, though. Apples rank second on the list of the top 20 most purchased foods in the U.S., where cherries rank as the thirteenth most popular
No. 1813656
>>1813647No nona I'm meaning what I'm saying: I would like one cherry over a whole apple
>>1813648What's your opinion on banana?
No. 1813663
>>1813655Banana always wins, what a good crop.
It's a shame they're all from the same mutation and all it takes is one virus to wipe the whole lot out and they can never grow on that land again.
No. 1813675
>>1813669Ah I can see that being the issue.
I love a crisp grape
No. 1813682
>>1813674Australian detected, I only see cherries around Christmas time
>>1813678Men are rockmelon. Disappointing texture and taste.
No. 1813686
>>1813681The small percentage of jeffrey epstein little boy
victims and altar boys don’t compare to the amount of little girls though, also we’re not talking about boys or children we’re talking about grown men.
No. 1813703
>>1813691Ooo nectarine, I love those too.
My favourite fruit is mulberries, but our tree died years ago and I've never had a good bought one, on the rare occasions I've found one for sale at markets.
Love you fellow ausnona
No. 1813710
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>little boys never get raped
No. 1813714
>>1813710Uh nobody ever said little boys never get raped. The whole time the rhetoric has continually been that
grown men do not get raped. You’re trying to derail the conversation to make it include a completely different demographic.
No. 1813722
>>1813703Oh fuck, mulberries. My grandparents had a tree and made everyone preserves and pies out of them. I miss them so much.
hope you have a good day and it's not too hot/humid out wherever you are!
No. 1813724
>>1813718This conversation isn’t about little boys though. From the very beginning, the first post said “men can’t be raped”. MEN.
Nonnie did not say boys.
No. 1813726
nonnieIn the orchard's embrace
Cherries and apples
A sweet dreamy place
When the wind blows
and the stars gently gleam
nonnieIn the orchard's dream
No. 1813746
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>>1813731You don’t need to get hard to be sodomized. I’m sure this 20 something year old guy loved being raped by some strangers and murdered in front of his gf.
No. 1813795
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>>1813789Zoomers really need to expand their horizons.
No. 1813822
>>1813810You're being
abusive and
problematic toward people who have Literal autism
No. 1813827
>>1813753I always thought it was meh.
>>1813770It's harsh, but I agree. I hate it even more when said women roam radfem spaces, i don't want to fucking hear it. Especially when they pop off on women who are celibate because they decided they hate moids too much. We are really not allowed to say all men but your life experiences are saying otherwise?? I cannot understand why some women just want to be abused so fucking bad all for the sake of finding a nigel, as if they are owed one. I hate how telling women to have some common sense is considered "
victim blaming", i am tired of pretending i feel sorry for them especially when nothing is stopping them from leaving and all they are doing is burdening others with their stupidity.
No. 1813829
>>1813822TERFs and
femcels being
problematic &
abusive towards
victims of mental illness? On my lolcor?
Nonny hold me
No. 1813832
>>1813830I thought
terf would red-text I messed up I’m ashamed
No. 1813833
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I hate stuff like this because it sounds like a giant cope
No. 1813845
>>1813789Nah me too
>>1813795Them also
No. 1813848
>>1813837I think it’s a cope but not in a bad way. They just need to work on their self esteem. A normal person would be able to say they did nothing for one day as a factual statement but if your self esteem is in the gutter “doing nothing” (arguable the most harmless thing you could possibly do lol) is just another reason you’re a bad person or something.
Definitely could become a bad cope too though.
No. 1813865
>>1813833It is. Just admit you were lazy and go. You don't have to go through all these hoops or "justify" anything. It's so disingenuous
>>1813862lol were you waiting for her reply? jeez
No. 1813879
>>1813873Rape accusations aren’t fun, they take away from actual
victims and hurt innocent people.
No. 1813882
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>>1813868Then we get into matching birthday suits and throw a giant slumber party in the same psych ward padded cell room. We trade dessert items from our dinner trays, and sharpen our toothbrushes so we can stab the janitors later. Then we break out and move to Argentina where nobody can find us in our new identities.
No. 1813884
>>1813879i was just taking the piss but honestly going to side with the previous blackpillers here but it's really one of the rare times i just don't give a fuck about the "innocent people" if they're moids. they probably would have or already did anyway. but you're right that it does take away from real
victims. i just can't really care about males with the way they are socialized, not like they'll actually suffer much because they will always be defended meanwhile actual
victims no one actually takes seriously. rape isn't as bad as lying it's just not equivalent at all
No. 1814054
>>1814030Everybody who claims to have it is mentally ill but in a different way, like in an
I need attention so bad I’ll do anything for it way. I also think tourette’s is fake
No. 1814057
>>1814054>I also think tourette's is fakewhy do you think this? "because a small subset of tiktok zoomers fake it for attention" is not a
valid answer
No. 1814268
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>>1812481you make me sick
No. 1814280
>>1813143pizza > curry > burger
in that order, for whatever is easier to reheat for tomorrow
No. 1814287
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>>1813596>age gap relationshipsfucking disgusting and should be banned forever
>circumcisionOnly if it's done on him as an adult and he made the choice for that. Aesthetically preferable though
>if males can be raped or notYes, but it's mostly done by other violent males
>Cillian MurphyWasted his twink years
>stretch marksWhatever, it comes with puberty
Also hot chocolate made with water isn't all that bad
No. 1814289
The Canadian government should stop birth tourism.
We have a housing crisis, and all systems (health care, federal, infrastructure, educational) are under strain due to high population. Some people are engaging in birth tourism - come in, give birth, child is now citizen (and might sponsor parents later to come into the country), leave the country and may or may not end up paying hospital bill.
And guess what, there are videos on youtube of "immigration consultants" giving advice on how to go about doing this. Just like the youtubers advising international students on how best to take advantage of food banks.
For example;'s the problem; this is legal.
Doctors are overwhelmed and then they are forced to cater to someone who has flown in to game the system… and might not even end up paying the bill in full.
Simple solution; Pass a bill that says
- a child born in Canada is only a citizen if one or both parents have a
valid PR, are citizens, or if BOTH parents have had a
VALID visa (for a year) AND have been in the country for at least a year.
This sleazy way of obtaining citizenship devalues the citizenship process and what it means to Canadian and ultimately the country as a whole.
Is that child even going to have any fealty to the country or are they only Canadians of convenience?
They will grow up outside the country and do nothing to contribute to the systems in Canada and only hope to take advantage of said systems when they choose to pursue higher education, get healthcare etc.
Given the record levels of immigration, as is, does Canada really need this loop hole?
Many of the people participating in birth tourism are coming from countries that do NOT give citizenship based on location of birth.
No. 1814290
>>181387999% of rapists don't even step into a court, let alone a jail cell
Mind you trump and kavanugh are doing just fine
No. 1814294
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>>18142892 million people have come (mostly from India) in the past two years alone. Fucking hate Trudeau
No. 1814297
>>1813596>Age gapsAny notable gap in a relationship is doomed to fail at best, and predatory at worst. I don't think all age gaps are flat out predatory, sometimes a mentally stunted individual ends up with someone a lot younger without a specific preference. But that just means that relationship will fall into the former category of doomed to fail. Old moids who prey on young girls just because it's legal should be publicly hung
>Circumcision Barbaric, I'd never let it be done to my child. Fucking hate when moids compare it to FGM though.
>Male rapeOf course men can be raped.
>Cillian MurphyHis skin fits his face like it doesn't actually belong to him. Unsettling.
>Stretch marks In general they should be viewed neutrally. I personally happen to like the look of them.
No. 1814301
>>1813596>age gapgross if the moid is older
>circumcisionwho gives a shit, lop the whole thing off
>if males can be rapedyeah but lbr it's p much only by other men
>cilian murphyugly melted plastic doll ass mf
>stretch marksentirely natural and should not be stigmatized
No. 1814321
>>1814312Yeah OK anon if that's how you react anytime a joke flies over your head then good luck making any friends IRL
As in some of the entire group
Not trying to be snarky but I think that answers it
No. 1814627
>>1814602supplement maxxing,
No. 1814875
>>1813596>age gap relationshipsRepulsive if the older person is male, there’s always something very wrong with both people in age gap relationships。It’s not as bad when the older person is female imo
>circumcisionShouldn’t be allowed unless the person is an adult, and even then it’s gross and weird
>if males can be raped or notThey can, but it’s always by other males. I’m sorry but it’s hard for me to feel sympathy for them because they’re all evil pieces of trash
>Cillian MurphyExtremely hot when he was young but the wall decimated him in recent years
>stretch marksNormal and natural so who cares
No. 1814883
>>1813596>age gap relationships honestly I don’t care, it’s their business
>circumcision based
>if males can be raped or not only by other men
>cilia murphy Don’t care
>stretch marks I find them unsightly
No. 1814895
>>1813596>age gap relationshipsusually as long as it's legal it doesn't bother me but moids preying on young girls and any pedoshit should be jailed. i believe some older women can also be predatory and weird, but they can't inflict the same amount of damage
>circumcisiongross, i don't want any children to be mutilated
>if males can be raped or notyes they can be, but context matters cause it's usually done by other men or they're
victims of pedos. realistically it's hard to believe a grown up man would get raped by a woman, unless he's disabled
>Cillian Murphystriking face, i think he looked good in peaky blinders but he's not the kind of man i would fall in love with. his eyes are both cool and scary at the same time
>stretch marksi would lie if i said i'm happy with mine lol i'd prefer not to have them but they're natural and normal and everyone has them, including men
No. 1814898
>>1814629I love cum
>>1814637Like other nonnas said, it's warm and just feels correct.
I like feeling the cock flex when he cuts and then the warmth afterwards.
>>1814886You're welcome
>>1814661This is the only part I don't like, it really does smell like bleach
No. 1814899
>>1813596Where's weight gain/fatness? Stretch marks can be caused by other bodily changes, so I wouldn't count that to be the same.
Also anything about the choice to have kids, since it makes three parties angry: environmentalists/antinatalists, those who hate kids and how they tie women to men in general and also mothers
No. 1814938
in a utopia we would turn off the lights at night but in real life there are a lot of practical safety reasons it would be terrible, yeah.
No. 1815024
>>1806878>>1807012This is the very sad truth. Literally all decent men I know, regardless of their age, are already taken (by women of the same age, not younger than them). And they settled down in their mid-late 20s with those women. I don't believe any decent man stays free until his 30s, especially late 30s
>>1807030If he's so great how is he single at 40 kek. It just doesn't add up. Haven't met a single man at that age who wasn't fucked up in one way or another, although they might be good at hiding it at first.
I'm late 20s and at this point I'm just hoping to find some cute widower when I'm a little older
No. 1815025
>>1814030i've been saying this for years. the case that popularized it (sybil) was literally all fake and made up, it's been bullshit since the beginning. and anyone with a solid grasp on psychology knows it's impossible to have more than one personality. ofc dissociation is real and personality disorders are real, but any form of diagnosis that claims multiple personalities, "alters" or anything similar, are taking place in a person's brain is plain bs.
>>1814220same. it's just like believing someone can be born in the wrong body or be a male with a female brain or whatever kek
No. 1815188
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>>1815120Cut moids have a trauma that numbs them emotionally and mimics pychopathy, no joke. They also have to jackahnmer to get off, and bc of that trauma they dgaf if it hurts you. I'd steer clear of cut moids.
No. 1815191
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The entire "girlies' girl" movement specifically the TikTok version is so jarring to me.
And I don't mean it in a pickme uwu way, I feel like the entire thing just turned into something that encourages shit behavior from other women and girls and it turned into something like "if you have boy-ish interests and call out pickmes for well, pickme behavior you're a not a girl's girl".
Let's be real, there are a handful of pickmes who will put your life in danger for some moid, be nasty to other women, generally being venomous and apparently you're not allowed to call them out or drift apart from them anymore. And so, the entire movement lost its original and good meaning. This kinda goes hand in hand with the "bimbo feminism" meme imo.
No. 1815206
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>>1815189Men being genetically predisposed to psychopathy and circumcision causing psychopathy do not conflict. A male that would grow up to be a psychopath gets his dick snipped and becomes even more of an unhinged violent ape. It would explain a lot.
No. 1815233
>>1815188Genetics and the environment a child grows up in are much more important. A child with a father who beats his mother probably is genetically mroe likely to be an abuser and the abuse he sees while growing up further normalizes it. He wasn't abused and he was never a
victim but he does become an abuser in the end. Getting abused usually doesn't lead to someone becoming an abuser
No. 1815272
>>1815264The buildup of smegma is a disgusting wet breeding ground for infections, so if they don't wash it increases the chances of tranferring HPV and other nasty stuff to women.
>>1815266Smegma. It's basically just dead skin and oils that gets trapped in foreskin. The reason people of old started circumsizing and it lowering fatal rates is because men did not clean themselves and died of dick cancer and such
No. 1815321
>>1815272>if they don't wash it>ifI hate retards like you acting like this is an inevitability and then suddenly you admit that men can take showers and wash their dicks which would make them way less harmful. No wonder men think taking showers is gay when they get surgery as babies to make it slightly less of a necessity. If parents would raise their sons properly this wouldn't be an issue.
>>1815300>not for the purpose of cleanliness the way circumcision isDepends on where you live and if boys get circumcised for religious purposes or not, I remember ready an autobiography by a former politician in my country who's muslim and who got circumcised when he was in primary school at home by female neighbors and his mom with rusty blades and no anesthesia and I found this baffling. It still seemed way less dangerous than FGM and I don't think that's the norm anymore, the guy was a boomer. The women were showing off his freshly cut off foreskin in front of him too the description was disturbing. I'm not American and in my country getting circumcised isn't the norm at all, but from what I read about the US the guy who came up with this shit wanted to inflict pain on both baby boys and girls to prevent them from feeling pleasure and explicitly to traumatize them because of his own Christian beliefs, but the practice stopped long ago for girls.
No. 1815325
>>1815311This. It's also super pedo when you look at the old practice of a
jewish rabbi sucking the tip of a baby's dick?! like wtf. they're all sick in the head
No. 1815334
>>1815311Even bacteria are a modern "discovery" in human history, it's more that people accidentally happened to do something that seemed to lower mortality. Ignaz Semmelweis was deemed "the saviour of mothers" because he told his fellow physicians to wash their between an autopsy and a baby delivery. And they actually laughed at him at first.
>>1815321Sorry for jumping into a discussion to explain something, retard.
No. 1815407
>>1815391so you think only moids can be autistic or do you just think mental illness don't exist?
>>1815400she's too new to even know that joke. swear this site is infested with tradthot zoomers and twitterfags.
No. 1815426
>>1815412tbh i haven't met older-than-toddler kids who
want to humiliate themselves outside of getting a laugh from their friends. your average autist meltdown would be too much for most of them to do intentionally
>>1815419you reek of in-denial autist nonacita sorry
No. 1815436
>>1815428This is why you don’t slap your kid down in front of a television set and you force them to go touch grass and have interaction with other children
>>1815427You can have both at the same time, also you can have autism from substance abuse during gestation and also not have noticeable FAS