File: 1486569354795.jpg (87.67 KB, 600x593, CMxgUSKUwAAnI5A.jpg)

No. 180901
Previous thread:
>>102776Post art you find bad or hideous
No. 180926
File: 1486609925542.jpg (125.65 KB, 600x826, 093218399.jpg)

No. 180927
File: 1486613480961.png (943.26 KB, 1024x876, my_bride_came_from_the_dirt_by…)

It's a sad day when not even sparkledogs are safe from tumblr art
No. 180947
File: 1486651410987.jpeg (225.17 KB, 750x1334, image.jpeg)

From the fire emblem mobile game
>what is anatomy?
No. 180950
File: 1486654861698.jpg (331.22 KB, 960x540, erw4445444.jpg)

Has anyone seen this on Steam? I love otome games but…the fucking art style is so hideous. Why???
No. 180984
File: 1486674597216.png (618.41 KB, 575x804, tumblr_okp0mcIC891r6a1vco2_540…)

this artist was talked about last thread but jesus christ how can someone be so stupid? how the fuck can you 'headcanon' a character as fat when you can see they are skinny in 'canon' why is tumblr so desperate for diversity that they have to fatwash blackwash and uglywash every character
>>180950i remember seeing that being promoted by the undertale guy on twitter and being repulsed by the ugly characters lol, i cant believe this thing costs $12, at least the seduce me otome (which has some of the most hideous artwork ive ever seen) was free. (seriously those cgs looked like wikihow art, i mean it got double its amount on kickstarter and had better artwork wtf happened)
No. 181007
File: 1486692565080.jpg (9.49 KB, 227x218, WnteMeZ.jpg)

>>180927honest question, what are those rainbow explosions supposed to be
No. 181027
>>181001tbh, it's always the females and the ones who show stereotypically "feminine traits"
It's literally just self insert shipping with another character.
No. 181052
File: 1486753141857.jpg (124.58 KB, 1080x1080, 16111049_1728245370837260_3624…)

I don't even watch Sailor Moon but this still offends me
No. 181058
File: 1486760824729.jpg (64.13 KB, 448x700, 8bWlP5n.jpg)

>>181052I hope this is satire. The face looks like one of those "what anime would look like in real life" parodies
No. 181061
File: 1486767818655.png (320.59 KB, 640x930, IMG_3204.PNG)

That hand…
No. 181067
>>181052This makes me legitimately uncomfortable.
>>181061Eh, hands are one of the most difficult things to render, I think this is otherwise pretty good fanart.
No. 181108
File: 1486860889773.png (633.62 KB, 1280x1363, wow.png)

>>181077She had such good style back then, it was cute and anime inspired but now its trendy tumblrina bullshit.
this makes me really sad, her artstyle was actually cute as fuck
No. 181111
File: 1486863620369.png (950.49 KB, 1280x1818, 53563c67-ee14-43dc-91a1-d906d5…)

steven universe really attracts shitty art styles
No. 181117
File: 1486868848479.jpg (193.76 KB, 678x700, simpsons10.jpg)

>>181111Wow this really reminds of Rebecca Sugar's old comic
No. 181120
File: 1486876460725.png (1.43 MB, 1280x1428, dictator-kun.png)

It's only been a month
No. 181137
File: 1486919897377.jpg (63.48 KB, 640x640, 15802916_207547189715336_77789…)

>>181110 of her art is okay, but these faces and bodies are just too much
No. 181142
>>181117I looked Rebecca sugar up on a whim. Don't know why I expected her to look like anything but tumblr personified
Sage for OT
No. 181162
>>181142btw Rebecca Sugar is the creator of Steven Universe
Everything comes full circle
No. 181167
>>181117i know how much people love to shit on her old ugly art but tbh i liked its ugliness, i find it kind of appealing
>>181159this kind of reminds me of this other video ive seen, it was some girl artist in her last year of high school talking how she started to fake being the well-behaved kid and would use her image as the 'just shy and innocent' kid against people, one of the cringiest things i had seen, reminded me of when i was 14 and was all edgy, anyone know the video im talking about? i cant remember its title
No. 181182
File: 1487011228403.png (696.36 KB, 1047x700, tumblr_nj26sjefLu1qij4gjo1_128…)

Cannot STAND mookie000's art. Every time I see it on my dash I feel like my eyes are going to explode out of my fucking head from how much she saturates, contrasts & uses neon colors and patterns to cover up her shitty anatomy & lopsided faces. It's only natural she and Emily Hu were butt buddies & copied/mashed up each other's styles for a little bit until they got tired of using each other like they do with all their tumblr famous "friends".
No. 181192
>>181182same tbh
She's an annoying fujo just like Emily
No. 181201
File: 1487028620814.png (687.83 KB, 2000x1000, 2922358_CuVl1bJONSnfqYt.png)

This sold for 120 fucking USD.
No. 181205
>>181167Rebecca's ugly art looks appealing because she knows her foundations and can stylize based off of that without it looking off
Tumblr artists who copy her are copying how she stylizes without studying the foundations that inform that style
No. 181259
File: 1487135994955.jpg (463.22 KB, 804x851, fLwTPIn.jpg)

>>180947>>180982Feel sort of bad for the waifus/husbando-friends that got shit art in Heroes. On the plus side, most of the bad art seems to be relegated to popular units, who are most likely to receive new forms.
No. 181264
>>181182I don't think the anatomy's that bad.
At the very least, they're good at drawing hands.
Though I agree about over saturation on colours. It's eye rape.
No. 181273
File: 1487160129377.png (941.64 KB, 1024x759, THOSE FUCKING LIPS.png)

I used to like this artist a few years ago, their art was neat, but their style has just gone off. Those freaking lips and eyes just bother me to no end.
No. 181285
File: 1487174098102.png (893.9 KB, 1280x1620, OTqoVCT.png)

Found a few gems in my dashboard…
No. 181286
File: 1487174123941.png (267.09 KB, 511x654, OgFbLek.png)

>>181285Don't mind me, just my computer fucking up screenshots
No. 181362
File: 1487233384119.png (191.59 KB, 899x497, 3E15aklAXMsUywd2YhcXnAJRGBAfrB…)

No. 181483
File: 1487353012761.png (87.27 KB, 300x400, no.png)

Supposed to be Nozomi from Love Live.
No. 181492
File: 1487366866047.jpg (70.34 KB, 500x612, IMG_5889.JPG)

>>181142Rebecca Sugar just looks incredibly average, honestly. She seems nice and nothing about her particularly screams tumblr unless you really reached for it.
It seems like a lot of people here just get rustled whenever anything is associated with tumblr like it's a spooky boogeyman.
No. 181493
File: 1487367397298.png (949.92 KB, 1280x1821, tumblr_o1bibc110w1sp3q41o1_128…)

No. 181504
File: 1487385093007.png (227.09 KB, 1231x649, untitled_drawing_by_wrinklosit…)

Aside from the tumblr-art hate train going on, I present to you this. Idk if it's a troll or nah, but this guy's gallery is full of this shit
No. 181513
File: 1487390903916.png (171.36 KB, 959x832, WRANKLAY_SNAKE_by_wrinklosity-…)

>>181507>>181509I don't know, I have mixed feelings. On one hand, they do provide some chuckles. On the other hand, /why/?
I just had to take a break from the tumblr art hate. Don't get me wrong, it's annoying and dumb what they do to characters in the name of being all-inclusive to a fault, but the art isn't (generally) HORRIBLE. There have been exceptions though, as seen in previous threads.
No. 181539
File: 1487445261437.jpg (Spoiler Image,49.89 KB, 640x409, moldy vagina.jpg)

No. 181656
File: 1487618492301.jpg (74.35 KB, 540x635, save me millennium crystal sav…)

No. 181670
>>181656Ah, the horrible tumblr proportions, yet another talented artist wasted to this wortless trend. Is it a fetish thing? Is it a reflection of how they wish people looked? Regardless it irritates the shit out of me. Color, shading and lineart is A+ and then… this thing. Fuck you tumblr. I'm
No. 181689
File: 1487649535828.png (327.91 KB, 1280x1137, 6ae27320-8657-4e31-893e-6c8847…)

Just had this atrocity come across my tumblr dash. I think it's supposed to be Bilbo Baggins and Thorin Oakenshield
No. 181747
>>181746One race was described as black, the swertings who became part of saurons army. The elves are pale, the hobbits are a little tanned but still white, the dunedain are white and dark haired, the rohirrim white and blonde. The dwarves have redheads for gods sake!
Tolkiens world was heavily influenced by the languages and mythology he studied and taught, which was Middle English and things like Beowulf. His inspirations were from white European culture, his heritage was white European, and the culture he lived in was white and largely European.
Only tumblr could reach so far as to find black characters in middle earth.
No. 181780
File: 1487765325957.png (405.52 KB, 858x642, penishand.png)

>>119599I wanted to reply because I read the comic and haven't found this to be true. The comic (AOH) is fine, just a bit cringey and trying too hard to be manga. The MC hasn't pressured the asexual kid into anything yet, idk why you said that.
pic not related (HC Brown's "comic") just to contribute something
No. 181786
>>181780Those glasses on the main character and the hair on the other look so fucking bad to me that it makes me angry.
Why did she ever think that shit looks good
No. 181789
File: 1487788276881.png (8.56 KB, 277x73, crawlinginmyskin.PNG)

>>181780>HC BrownGod her art is awful and tumblr looking as fuck
I'm amazed how she became so popular overnight
No. 181798
File: 1487798982716.png (222.62 KB, 540x746, ohno.png)

This just crossed my dash. 2k notes.
No. 181885
>>181273Those lips are awful - at least on the guy, on the girl I don't mind it so much, maybe because she's smiling but it looks alright. But I like the eyes, there's an old shoujo feel to them.
Too much shine and blush though.
No. 182059
File: 1487978484911.png (175.87 KB, 540x427, tumblr_olw9naent01qgfed6o1_r1_…)

"it’s rly not hard to make a more visually interesting character design if ur not racist"
No. 182063
>>182059Why did they make her fat with obnoxious orange hair?
These Tumblr artists are a trip…
No. 182096
File: 1488015747285.png (98.64 KB, 500x341, IMG_1320.PNG)

You know the art is bad when you can't recognize the character. Kinda like when you have to explain the joke.
I don't know what it is called, but a lot of artists in Tumblr change the appearance of character A so much you can't tell what it is until they tag is character A. And even then you can't make the connection of the character being the one they tagged it as because they don't look like themselves.
For example
>>182059 the one on the right doesn't look like Star at all.
>>181689I could never tell these where supposed to be Bilbo and Thorin.
>>181483Doesn't resemble Nozomi at all.
Apparently Asians aren't poc enough when they need to be drawn in 50 shades of dark colors and obscure unfitting quirky traits like red nose, buck teeth, multicolored eyes or just different eye color in general. One could say that their origin is being erased in favor of "brownie points".
And so on.
No. 182166
File: 1488062438477.png (555.31 KB, 538x676, if im smug the haters wont kno…)

Why is the Love Live fandom filled with some of the worst people?
No. 182189
File: 1488071910733.jpg (79.04 KB, 600x800, flat,800x800,075,f.u2.jpg)

Have some cringe
>>182166Dear god
No. 182190
>>182189is that space hair?
I want space hair
No. 182192
File: 1488073934684.png (383.89 KB, 500x712, tumblr_o81tkwipgb1qe0fm3o1_500…)

>>182166looks like a tokimekiwaku rip off
No. 182197
File: 1488076781388.jpg (362.41 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_nzonqxEjG11upme0zo7_128…)

i never got why uglys attach themselves to the mogeko games, all of there games have some rape scene in one way or another
No. 182209
File: 1488081972062.png (361.53 KB, 640x429, IMG_4328.PNG)

Let's play a round of: Guess That Character
No. 182218
File: 1488085432836.png (482.95 KB, 800x711, tumblr_ogw6ufQoJu1usfgydo1_128…)

Their entire gallery is nothing but overlay abuse and cauliflower ears and I have to suffer seeing it on my dash. P.S. Try to guess who this is.
No. 182287
>>182218Then just unfollow them?
>>182209I think I know what this is, but I forgot the name.
No. 182323
File: 1488123907517.jpg (506.36 KB, 883x918, tumblr edit.jpg)

I was looking at some jojo fanart and I saw this picture in an " about" person ( the pic on the left ). This person is a basic sjw with basic tumblr style, but they where so lazy that they don't even redraw the dude black, they edit the original drawing .
No. 182518
File: 1488177327494.png (778.01 KB, 1280x939, tumblrincanate.png)

>>182218Ugh that artist. I know her stuff cause it floods the tags I frequent alot.
Like this pic for example is terrible. Are they suppose to all have mis proportioned limbs on purpose?
No. 182535
File: 1488192177658.png (51.86 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n6xjpiOQqr1qh8aedo1_500…)

>>182209>>182287FUCK lol, I was close (internet) friends with this person for 3 years, her art deteriorated along with her mental healty sadly. Is she still called bikenesmith/piney?
Haha, turns out she is, I went on her blog to get pic related because this was when I thought she showed promise
No. 182558
File: 1488213280686.png (879.89 KB, 1193x1920, hgJkvg7.png)

The upper part of the drawing is pretty good, then you look at the legs…
No. 182613
File: 1488277637176.jpg (52.37 KB, 400x300, laughing berlusconi.jpg)

>>182525oh no, I did not even think about that
>>182572kind of ironic that the italian mafia is racist and you can't be a member of it if your gay ( but head canon are more powerful than this ! )
No. 182646
File: 1488320790188.jpg (161.92 KB, 540x675, feudal japan y'all.jpg)

No. 182715
File: 1488374058144.png (223.12 KB, 598x451, bitch4.png)

So here's a artist who seem to not know how to use color contrast. Cause everyone looks like they have the consestincy of mud or look like hot stick garbage of I touched them. Plus The thing in her hands is suppose to be a peach even though it looks like a sea sponge or some weird looking apple.
No. 182746
>>182715I've see this a lot in this thread: people who don't know colors and are shit at contrast. As a result their work is literally hard to look at.
This worked in their favor because it hides how bad it is lol. That child's eyes are terrifying.
No. 182854
File: 1488469931147.png (271.02 KB, 500x548, tumblr_obvrabSFq21qij4gjo2_500…)

i cannot stand mookie000's art. i hate how she makes kenma look super-feminine. it feels creepy as fuck.
No. 182860
File: 1488475617135.png (119 KB, 540x405, tumblr_om6ly9ozUk1tpp05mo1_540…)

Description: "get the stick looking natsuiro egao de 1 2 jump nozomi out of my house"
No. 182871
File: 1488484573545.jpg (1.33 MB, 4000x2006, legobatman.jpg)

Saw these today.
No. 182873
File: 1488487510296.jpg (67.92 KB, 570x428, elozoboth.jpg)

saw this browsing etsy today. it's supposed to be elizabeth from bioshock infinite, and it costs 15 USD without shipping.
No. 182878
File: 1488490400116.jpeg (41.39 KB, 400x400, 02dc3da25bb28989c4801984a6d444…)

>>182873looks more like graveyardgirl
No. 182886
File: 1488497784200.jpg (26.33 KB, 512x384, The Simpsons _19x08_ Funeral f…)

>>182860I'm not gonna lie this looks cute. But the fact that she's promoteing it as if it's cannon is cringe worthy.
No. 182907
File: 1488516643862.jpg (232.19 KB, 496x702, IMG_4407.JPG)

I could barely tell this was a person until I saw the caption
Camilla from FE
No. 182909
>>182907I have no fucking clue where the body is
I see tits and an arm but then there's more tits on the left and so much other shit wtf
No. 183026
File: 1488695094666.jpg (548.05 KB, 496x702, maybe.jpg)

>>183024>>182907this is how i see it. i have no idea about anything outside of some of her hair and the vague parts of her body. i think theres a horn and a tail, but god knows.
No. 183057
File: 1488740222137.png (100.23 KB, 839x952, the_alternative_by_ashe_the_he…)

No. 183064
File: 1488753189622.png (290.67 KB, 598x631, tumblr_o22a6xoxjj1s9fn3ko1_128…)

>>183057yu-gi-oh always had ugly fanart
it's because when it was popular back in the day, all its fans were kids learning to draw
nowadays, the only people drawing fanart for yu-gi-oh are deranged, speaking as someone who still loves ygo lol
No. 183075
File: 1488768100325.png (166.06 KB, 750x926, IMG_1839.PNG)

Anything by that /snow/ flake Luna
She's got a depop now and she lists her shit upwards of $100
She's spends maybe 45 minutes on a piece and they're all the same, this one isn't as gross
No. 183084
File: 1488775211459.png (1.37 MB, 1161x1920, tumblr_og2gmbJk9G1vozsfvo1_128…)

No. 183104
File: 1488798001242.png (81.19 KB, 540x373, 21314241452.png)

No. 183129
File: 1488823755951.png (392.09 KB, 600x800, bort___ts_by_techh-da8n7rd.png)

This personas entire blog gives me so much cancer.
No. 183143
No. 183162
File: 1488854061621.png (499.9 KB, 1248x782, tumblr_ombge8ETym1w5noczo1_128…)

No. 183166
File: 1488855913350.png (151.73 KB, 540x472, cring.png)

of course it's hamilton fanart…what else would it be
No. 183170
File: 1488858220218.jpg (342.63 KB, 730x1190, 8c335669-329f-48ff-9b07-407e13…)

What the everloving fuck is going on in this picture
No. 183231
File: 1488912851326.png (899.29 KB, 1280x1354, 723c8b72-6a0f-4431-b92a-4e7d2e…)

Why just why
No. 183282
>>183262Yes, that is exactly what I meant; the artist was legit about intent.
Speaking about them, their friend noticed and got salty over it.
No. 183302
File: 1488984907019.png (151.87 KB, 883x745, IMG_5382.PNG)

No. 183338
File: 1489008761945.jpg (146.07 KB, 500x414, IMG_5389.JPG)

>>183317Yes. Hideous level is off the charts. Why does tumblr want to make attractive or already unattractive characters uglier? Is this some kind of fetish obsession for them or what?
No. 183349
>>182209I feel bad replying to something so far upthread but. Is that. Meant to be magneto x xavier with magneto's 3 kids?????
Isn't magneto a polish jew??? Isn't it very important to his character/identity?? Isn't he ALREADY A MINORITY WHY DID YOU NEED TO MAKE HIM BLACK?? And his kids are half romani but even full roma aren't that fucking dark so that's no excuse. The characters they ~diversified~ are ALREADY MINORITIES WHAT IS EVEN THE POINT UUUGH
No. 183361
File: 1489026063937.png (122.32 KB, 540x675, tumblr_olci4tBbyi1w3zmd1o1_540…)

Hamilton x Heathers crossover ft The Eyes Are Too Goddamn Far Up On His Face
No. 183373
File: 1489037803269.jpg (41.79 KB, 620x387, serveimage.jpg)

>you'll never sell your dirty bed as "art" and get 3.8 million for it
No. 183375
File: 1489037892072.jpg (414.22 KB, 2000x1000, tfH21tZ.jpg)

No. 183393
>>183373I actually thought that piece was really cool. It represented her struggle with depression and is very relatable.
Yeah, it wasn't worth that much money but if someone out there is stupid enough to buy it, why not sell it?
No. 183532
File: 1489264165536.jpg (60.08 KB, 640x640, IMG_0307.JPG)

this was a reward on patreon apparently, why
No. 183677
File: 1489439896096.png (186.49 KB, 775x462, IMG_0322.PNG)

I just hate when artists only imitate other people instead of trying to be original.
I found this person's DA account while using google and all of their old art is completely copied off of Kaneoya Sachiko (including her deformed doodles and her illustrations), and then as their gallery goes on it turns into Sui Ishida and pixivartists that do detailed digital paintings. Their most recent stuff is on tumblr and it's all creepy Shadman-y art of girls from Nickelodeon cartoons.
No. 183687
>>183677i think imitation can be a good tool for self-exploration. especially in art.
finding out what you like and know and can end up doing, then slowly finding yourself in it all.
it only becomes trouble when they refuse to grow into themselves and continue to be other people.
No. 183840
File: 1489539977409.jpeg (184.1 KB, 1242x1228, image.jpeg)

Terrible tumblr art now as a permant mark on your body.
No. 184181
File: 1489960289813.jpg (50.15 KB, 640x640, 17393025_10212766835064474_162…)

No. 184242
>>183532The only thing that ruins this is probably just the fact that there isn't any creativity.
The anatomy actually looks great considering most artists from tumblr over-do drawings of fat people with odd body shapes and excessive lumps.
No. 184393
File: 1490153448483.png (503.15 KB, 1280x830, tumblr_on6uetui4z1w6skzno1_128…)

No. 184409
File: 1490161737448.jpg (25.12 KB, 274x266, image.jpg)

>>184393Hasn't osomatsusan suffered enough
This is almost offensive
No. 184450
File: 1490218654548.png (135.04 KB, 288x415, 1469132854194.png)

>>184393I'm hispanic and boy oh boy am I fucking
triggered by this ugly nonsense
No. 184461
File: 1490229308002.jpg (20.78 KB, 300x300, vete satanás.jpg)

>>184393ah yeah, look at those completely identical japanese sextuplets hmmmmm
Six same faces on my ass.
No. 184755
File: 1490513573911.png (1.68 MB, 2061x1311, thatguysfacetho.png)

hard to believe this cunt has >10k followers
No. 185408
File: 1491002858393.jpg (25.65 KB, 402x220, Y61Ldjs.jpg)

when google goes with tumblr art
No. 185418
>>185411Judaism came significantly before the other two, and Christianity came before Islam. You seem to have this entirely backwards.
see also:
- said, there's a lot of crossover (from the single deity worshiped to the respective religious texts and figures within them) and I'm sort of surprised there's as much conflict among them as there is.
Saged because this has nothing to do with bad art.
No. 185419
>>185411Isalm is 300 years /after/ Christianity,
but some people says if you're Christian you have some "islamophobic", and sometimes extends to the Jews depending on the situation.
No. 185442
>>185408i don't think this constitutes as tumblr/bad art when the kids don't look horribly disfigured or anything for the sake of diversity. It's just asking everyone to get along which is a message that almost contradicts some misguided SJWs views.
It's somewhere along the lines of those coexist stickers people have on their cars. It looks completely harmless, unlike race/genderbending characters and exaggerating those stereotypical features in their design
I mean, don't let extreme tumblrinas ruin completely harmless things because you're afraid of being/liking something associated with it
>inb4 butthurt because you actually like the stickeri am and was pleasantly surprised when I saw it but just throwing my opinion in here anyway
No. 185448
File: 1491064743784.png (700.41 KB, 1280x1536, shit.png)

Squizzy. I cannot fucking stand her art. The style inconsistencies make me want to vomit. This piece specifically. Where is her vagina? What the fuck is going on with the lighting and shading? why is your lineart on the hair so stiff? She's only gotten as popular as she is now because of Pyro. I'm actually over the praise she gets for her shitty art.
No. 185705
File: 1491326541383.png (123.89 KB, 934x856, scary moon.png)

Fighting evil by moonlight
Devouring souls by daylight
No use running, she's a real fright
She is the one named Scary Moon!
No. 185865
File: 1491450672026.jpg (90.08 KB, 576x736, 3295 - McDonald's Ronald_McDon…)

Great art, still haunts me.
No. 185887
>>185865OMFG look at those nasty saggy tits. And eww to the grandma hair and double chin. Lipo that shit and while you are at it fix that fucking potato nose and fill those nasolabial folds you damn whore.
I am beyond
triggered someone needs to make a thread about this damn cow.
No. 185952
File: 1491515606405.jpg (56.57 KB, 540x586, IMG_20170406_175214.JPG) how this guy has over 5000 followers
No. 185995
>>185952His art looks like it could be cute.
Though going through that insta something bothered me right away, all his drawings the girl is looking to the side. It rubs me the wrong way because it's like 99% of them.
No. 186126
File: 1491699149054.png (227.24 KB, 1200x1920, get the fuck off my dash.png)

this keeps showing up in one of the tags i follow. the op says it's a drawing of them. if this is their idealised self id hate to see what they look like irl
No. 186138
File: 1491702724391.png (617.48 KB, 1280x844, tumblr_oo47y3VcJP1t7zcdwo1_128…)

Like an idiot I decided to get involved in the It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia fandom on tumblr because it's my favorite show and it's FULL of genderbends because everyone has to be lesbians uwu but don't CALL it a genderbend or else you're transphobic.
No. 186142
File: 1491705571479.jpg (126.04 KB, 1280x720, C7eyh2wVAAEs1mk.jpg)

>>186138The fact that IASIP even has a tumblr fandom is the bizarrest thing ever to me. I'm all for shipping, but seeing people going into hysterics over how beautiful Mac/Dennis would be is so fucking funny.
No. 186143
File: 1491710185460.jpg (94.06 KB, 824x871, avignon.jpg)

>>182189It kills me when people do the lelquirkyxD Picasso-esque slanted eyeball/facial features thing, because they way they do it proves that they have no grasp of what Picasso was actually trying to accomplish.
and what he was trying to do was show figures from different angles in one 2-dimensional painting, as if you were looking at several dimensions all at once. He wasn't trying to make figures look weird&random. And the heavily oval shapes of the eyes were because he adored African tribal masks and tried to emulate them with ALL features of some of his faces, not just in the eye shape.
I think I just popped a vein
No. 186145
>>186139Charlie is genderbent lmao. That's supposed to be Girl Charlie.
>>186142Mac/Dennis is easily the most popular ship lol. The amount of mental gymnastics people do trying to justify liking a ~
problematic~ show just because it has a canonically gay character is hilarious honestly. Also a lot of people are convinced Dee is canonically a lesbian.
No. 186152
>>186138I literally want to cry. What the fuck?
Racebends and genderbends are retarded and uncreative art exercises anyway. What's next, an ablebend where characters are in wheelchairs?
No. 186178
File: 1491775271284.jpg (Spoiler Image,69.28 KB, 540x610, tumblr_ol4ubcWPDh1vuxc0yo1_540…)

Cute Harvest Moon nostalgia FUCKING RUINED
No. 186370
File: 1491940639114.png (102.38 KB, 500x326, apollo reacting to tumblr art.…)

No. 186533
File: 1492053059092.png (513.25 KB, 1280x967, kill me pls.png)

Found on some disgusting "trans JoJo" tumblr
No. 186632
File: 1492114890261.jpg (113.83 KB, 600x600, 66c26bc460ce3f43a34110a79e3158…)

>>186603They're just following the canon, anon.
No. 186637
>>186603Because he has massive bara tiddies.
>>186632I need this.
No. 186928
File: 1492224710834.png (206.08 KB, 540x629, tumblr_oocbe3r0Df1vxqfoio1_540…)

steven universe has its fair share of ugly fanart but this is a new level jfc
No. 186937
>>183677Yeah I know that artist. Found them through another DA artist who exclusively draws sad sack 'omg im so depressed' anime-style black and white stuff.
They've favorited toddler/lolicon on their pixiv, but it seems they're going full Bleedman now.
No. 186948
File: 1492271356815.png (170.58 KB, 406x448, ew.png)

The Danganronpa tag on tumblr is a fucking goldmine
No. 187024
File: 1492323688481.jpg (98.23 KB, 1024x705, 89acaca26ab86357abed27139cba18…)

>>186950>>186987You guys can't tell me that you never noticed some cartoons/characters have 4-fingered characters? That drawing isn't appealing at all but you're nitpicking at this point
No. 187031
>>187024learn how to sage, newfag. And yes, there is a difference between a simplistic cartoon style and that artist's detailed style (?), also the original character has 5 fingers. It's not nitpicking, it's me being confused why the artist gave the dude 4 fingers, you could probably say this whole thread is about nitpicking.
sage for bs.
No. 187067
File: 1492368135393.png (724.39 KB, 720x1112, 90611C70-1732-4D81-BD73-829F9B…)

No. 187115
>>187067>I draw one of these a dayI'm
Also, has /ic/ gone to shit the last few months? It's always had an unbearable side, but I feel like I've seen more vendetta-posting than actual art threads lately.
No. 187180
File: 1492453323278.png (208.88 KB, 640x825, IMG_7417.PNG)

No. 187205
>>187115I feel like its that and more shitposting but eh
it's becoming more and more of a cesspool which is sad because there
are some decent artists that post
No. 187546
>>187401Wait… Is this a MtF tranny who goes FtM for her crush?
Or a fat girl who wants to be a man?
Neither look particularly feminine but the art style is too tumblr and not furry enough so I'm leaning towards the latter.
No. 187656
File: 1492769563438.png (951.86 KB, 1280x796, tumblr_oojfm4RMZc1r4eucko5_128…)

>hijab muslim witch uwu
tumblr is obsesse with adding muslims into everything, nevermind they don't actually understand it, but hijabs are so kawaii right? being forced to wear a headscarf is so kawaii!
No. 187657
File: 1492769830395.png (1.33 MB, 1280x1067, tumblr_onrl7eHqX91r4eucko1_128…)

>>187656Also just noticed that it's clearly a man, too. Trans hijab muslim witch. Kay.
More from this artist. Fatass Utena and Anthy. Nevermind that Utena runs and works out like every day, nooo gotta be a fatty. Like she could lift Anthy's fatass either.
No. 187659
>>187656whahaha, this is too much.
Don't Muslim woman wear hijabs to not 'tempt' men into unclear thought? Why the fuck does a witch need one? A witch, usually a single woman who does not care for simple men.
No. 187722
>>187659the muslims I know wear hijabs because of religion, which Mohammad stated they should be modest and only show their faces, how they speak and act. more like a focus on your actions and not your looks etc. a lot of the muslim girls I know as well are actually encouraged by their parents not to wear hijab because they think its dangerous in america. when I was in pakistan a lot of girls wore it because it was easier than worrying about what to wear each day- sorta similar to the mindset japan has regarding uniforms. kids there prefer school uniforms because it creates a sense of 'unity' and is easier than worrying about what to wear each day. its interesting actually.
source: have lived in both pakistan and japan
No. 187765
>>187751yeah that's essentially what it was about. I mean it was def a religious aspect but honestly I met a LOT of lesbians (which was great for me) plus they tended to dress amazingly. it was actually a really nice fashion piece I appreciated. they were all very religious though and it just happened that the religious headpiece made a great statement fashion wise.
thats the biggest thing I miss in japan- I really loved the uniforms because they were cute (I hate my US uniform, fucking polo and khakis.) and people kinda modded them slightly (with different hem lengths, shirt colors, style of ribbon etc.)
the only trend regarding the japanese thing that disturbed me was a lot of couples and best friends dress EXACTLY ALIKE. im not fucking around, it was horrifying. I was kinda seeing this girl and she showed up in a matching outfit from when we went shopping together (she bought it after we parted ways.) I almost had a heart attack and was scared she was going to kill me but a friend explained its the norm. that, I was not into.
No. 187768
File: 1492837378312.gif (1.55 MB, 320x218, IMG_5380.GIF)

>>186138literally dee and charlie are the only recognizable ones. frank looks like tina belcher and dennis looks like anita sarkeesian
No. 187775
File: 1492866067309.png (364.85 KB, 594x839, 17634878_1830528627209645_1962…)

That you all would like to hear, I went to a con today. I have heard artists complain about how hard it is for them to get into artists alley, well not at the one I went to. The art was absolutely terrible, save for a few artists I know. I wish i could have taken some pictures. This is some work from one of the artists.
No. 187782
File: 1492875600556.jpg (161.07 KB, 540x692, tumblr_ooseiyb4Vx1uv1ejyo1_540…)

Just… why???
No. 187858
File: 1492944643914.png (689.19 KB, 1280x853, south park.png)

No. 187916
>>187809That's literally her skintone in the anime lmao
>>187657Why must the always attack utena? This is why I avoid that tag on Tumblr
No. 187920
File: 1492992897632.png (106.62 KB, 500x625, eddsworldmatt.png)

The Eddsworld tag on tumblr is the epitome of cancer.
No. 187927
File: 1492998568476.png (972.74 KB, 1024x1278, squash.png)

Saw this while lookin' at Osomatsu-San fanart.
No. 187998
File: 1493059154315.jpg (33.16 KB, 800x450, 18mnjusjnqylejpg.jpg)

>>187962Not defending that art, but I lived in one of the Gulf states and hijabis were one of the most opulently dressed women. I'm sure modesty (the general term, not just covering up) is the intention of the hijab, but a lot of people don't wear it for that purpose.
I'm pretty tired of seeing hijabs put into a design with forethought or intention, though. You can do a lot with hijabs (pic related) design-wise but the random shawl wrap just seem like a lazy way out of drawing the cranium and hair.
No. 187999
>>187962I don't know, it's kind of a cool concept to have a witch who is a strict muslim and discovers magic and witchcraft and tries to deal with being a muslim and a witch. A catholic nun would be kind of cool too, to see how they make it work with their faith.
That picture is just for licking some SJW anus, tho
No. 188021
>>187998>There is more than one way to wear a hijabAnyone ever seen Iranian women and how they wear their hijab? Of course, it's mandatory there so a few people might be wearing it because of the law, not religion, but a LOT of the women there just loosely toss a thin shawl over their head and loosely toss one end over their shoulder like you would with a scarf, leaving a lot of the hair and neck exposed. It's not always a tightly wrapped fabric around your hair/neck.
…And there are also another 1000 different ways to wear a hijab. I feel like none of these people ever do their research when it comes to things like this and it really irks me.
(Not that there's anything wrong with wearing it like in
>>187950 at ALL, I'm just a bit peeved over how they just seem to jump onto one bandwagon and copy each other without doing their homework)
>Sage for autistic sperg and blog posty post No. 188214
File: 1493176543252.png (140.65 KB, 540x605, welcome to hell.png)

I want to literally fucking kill myself I hate tumblr so goddamn much
No. 188219
>>188214Ok these people are crazy but I mean… they're still better than those who think all black people should be slaves or deported or killed or something.
Those people actually exist too you know.
Why would you be more upset with sjws than literal nazis? Both are shit.
No. 188252
File: 1493208583053.png (1019.65 KB, 746x868, Perfect roll _2aa56cdd835da77a…)

>>188248Dunno about but there is nazi Mercy art.
Also pic related there is Nazi Frozen art with Anna and Elsa featuring terrible anatomy and cheap implants
No. 188397
File: 1493323778045.png (842.2 KB, 1000x600, t4et6jn.png)

>>188252that is ugly af
this one would have been fine if she hadn't given everyone red noses and made the main character so fat. It sucks because she makes some cute stuff but this is almost like a self insert considering the artist is fat and body positive
No. 188398
>>188397To be completely fair, this manga involves a girl losing a lot of weight and becoming attractive, but then has plot points later on where she gains the weight back and her reverse-harem ends up learning to also appreciate her inner beauty.
She could be drawing the MC based on one of those plot points but besides that I agree with your points entirely.
No. 188399
File: 1493325378512.jpg (302.36 KB, 1024x1021, cute_by_mayakern-d8g8gn1.jpg)

>>188398ah I see, I had no idea! I've only seen clips from it. Oh well
No. 188474
File: 1493382372117.jpg (90.31 KB, 492x472, wow.jpg)

I'm so fucking tired of that whole tumblr washing bullshit. Stop projecting by making cute girls look fat with big nose,stretch marks,darker skin for no reason,…
>b-but muh representation don't you dare tell ùe i can't do that you privileged whitey
fuck off already.
I'm lesbian and even though I really do wish we were more represented in medias I'm not going to try and self insert myself. Deal with it you crybabies.
No. 188517
File: 1493405895518.jpg (112.13 KB, 1024x842, 20170428-001.jpg)

This is supposed to be morty from rick and morty….
No. 188564
>>188517they made him fat with girly clothes
its just shitty fetish or self-insert art
No. 188710
File: 1493497735427.png (193.76 KB, 540x499, tumblr_op54p0oMJ61r2dmizo1_540…)

I've never really understood why people give random characters that weird sunburn blush thing
No. 188792
File: 1493553623259.jpg (204.97 KB, 2048x1575, 54574.jpg)

The nipples ffs… just why?
No. 188795
File: 1493555294480.png (186.72 KB, 830x679, tumblr_oh3450C9qg1umzmsso1_128…)

>>188792More proof that these stupid white children know nothing about the dark skin people they claim to love so much
I'm so sick of seeing pictures of "cute" black characters but they have pink nipples or super light blush it looks ridiculous immediately if you have been around black people for more than five minutes
No. 188813
File: 1493569242834.jpeg (81.5 KB, 900x704, thoughts_about_dark_skin_tones…)

To be fair, darker skinned people can blush, but it's more subtle and in different hues.
Tumblr can't tell, though
No. 188950
File: 1493635477954.jpg (426.31 KB, 1280x1085, JoJo Part 9:Black Star.jpg)

Has this been posted in the previous two threads? God, I really hope not.
Tumblr is so cancer that I'm actually afraid to find anything JoJo related there by accident. It's so fucking repulsive. There's neat stuff here and there, sure, but it doesn't make up for all the seriously cringeworthy shit there is.
>>110236What other horrible things they've done to mai husbando, I don't want to know.
>>188792>father is a white Englishman>mother is a pale Japanese womanAlso I'm noticing Tumblr seems to have kind of an obsession with pierced nipples on men.
No. 189020
File: 1493667503068.png (1.32 MB, 1280x1512, tumblr_nu5xf0o5xh1tpelqio1_128…)

>>188996Okuyasu is canonically ugly and dumb, plus it's easy for tumblrinas to pair him with Josuke, since they're definitely gay in their twisted fujo minds.
Polnareff has suffered a lot, probably has actual PTSD, and is disabled already, but for some reason tumblr loves to keep his whiteness, at the expense of making him flamboyantly gay.
Emporio also suffered too much and he's a kid. However, the artist gave him and the previous two characters a shitton of freckles for no apparent reason (probably to make them somewhat ugly).
Avdol is the only canon black character in that picture but the artist felt the need to make him even blacker, so he looks like a fucking animal. So progressive.
And finally FF has to look like a butch lesbian because she hangs out with two other tough girls. She's the least changed along with Emporio, imo.
It particularly pisses me off how JoJo SJW artists tend to make Ermes black as shit, just because she's Mexican, even though Pucci is drawn by Araki (in BW) with visibly tanner skin than other characters and Ermes isn't drawn that way. God this bitch's "art" is especially awful.
No. 189034
File: 1493671012322.jpg (34.99 KB, 480x599, 646465.jpg)

>>188950>>189020Ugh, this offends me on such a personal level. I hope to god this artist has never drawn the Pillar Men, because if they look this bad, I'm going to have a stroke.
No. 189050
File: 1493684074119.jpg (147.02 KB, 1024x768, evil_flippy_and_fluttershed_by…)

Found a couple gems
No. 189053
File: 1493684296366.gif (237.01 KB, 720x960, smooking_by_joanathewolf-d91vg…)

>>189051For this one I appreciate the effort, to be honest
No. 189317
File: 1493930239384.png (1.1 MB, 1280x1096, tumblr_ope3ffQSyM1t0v6tmo2_128…)

No. 189500
File: 1494039758142.png (535.02 KB, 730x970, IMG_0517.PNG)

No. 189509
File: 1494049663110.png (439.67 KB, 1280x1025, ihate.png)

They have suffered enough, the fact that there's going to be a second season
makes me worried that the butchering will not stop
Also what the fuck is it with this fandom and making ichi fat as fuck,
they're all the same fucking size for christ's sake
No. 189518
>>189500I find the haircut in her avatar way more annoying than the fatification.
>>189515>Futaba's body isn't even "childish", she has defined thighs, hips and tits. She's just thin.For some reason SJWs tend to assume that a slim body and cute face automatically mean "underage" or "pedo bait". They don't even know what true lolis look like.
No. 189525
>>189500who could have possibly guessed that in japan, a country filled with short, skinny, flat women, most of the women who aren't overly sexual would be short, skinny and flat?
also i love how japan always automatically is catering to weebs here instead.
No. 189537
File: 1494092138584.png (287.6 KB, 540x451, tumblr_opi8kqAPmk1vbsvjoo1_540…)

Lightbulbs are black?
No. 189543
>>189500firstly, obligatory DONT DO THIS TO BEST GIRL
secondly, she's somewhere in the range of 13-15 years old. she has the most realistically early-teenage body out of anyone in the whole damn game. if they wanna be mad about something, why not point out ~15-16 year old ann's D cups ffs?
No. 189614
>>189509>Totty>Associated color is pink>"Let's give him tits and wide hips and make him feminine!"Do they not realize they're enforcing the same gender standards they're always bitching about?
And Ichi is a depressed masochist, he doesn't eat enough to get fat. The only one I kind of like is 14.
No. 190434
>>189619Shipping can be fun but fuck I can never get into the incest shit or understand people who're into it. Just enjoy the show for what it is: a cute and funny comedy. Cripes.
No. 190498
>>190434>a cute and funny comedydid we watch the same series?
It is funny as all hell but fuck it can get fucked up sometimes, taking in count the sextuplets can't stand each other and wish death upon themselves at least once per episode
No. 190503
File: 1494801219018.jpg (540.39 KB, 1151x1151, tumblr_opiag9vLeo1se16d6o1_128…)

The artist seems like cunt too
No. 190554
File: 1494855042772.png (408.36 KB, 587x611, m.png)

>>190553Reminds me of an another artist who does this shit, tall blonde ripped scandinavian man dating obese amputee midget
No. 190680
File: 1494944215487.png (250.93 KB, 320x810, tumblr_opk4vjROFe1u6rct0o1_540…)

Is she hotter because she ballooned, or?
No. 190685
File: 1494951497306.png (954.01 KB, 869x1288, e93008a1-a34a-4f37-a03e-2bcf6e…)

His face is the worst
No. 190730
triggered by a black light bulb? Lmao, idiot
No. 190756
>>190732>is nice since we aren't represented anywhere :pdude, fucking tumblr is currently either black fat trannies or hijab empowered wymin uvu, I don't see any country
actually not allowing your kin to wear your magical head rags
sage for replying to bait
No. 190893
>>190861Lmaooo, not really I just don't mind the drawing. Am I suppose to be upset? I honestly don't really care, at least they include us instead in their absurd fan art shit instead of targeting us for simply wearing a cloth on our head like some people do :)
>>190756Also it's not that, I know most western countries haven't banned hijabs, I just hate the stigma around it. Also what's wrong with tumblr drawing such outlandish black/trans/whatever renditions of characters? Maybe black or trans people want to see how their favourite character would look if they resembled them. Don't know why it
triggers y'all some much…
No. 190894
>fetish-yWhatever, you guys are so bothered by hijabs and black people in fan art it's actually sad, also we do get representation outside of fan art obviously but I was just highlighting how I didn't take offense to it.
No. 190919
File: 1495091503522.png (7.59 MB, 950x10000, tmm_dump_6_by_ai_bee-d9wz0yi.p…)

No. 190921
File: 1495092818497.png (551.09 KB, 1280x1536, rcdart_1.png)

>>190894Love yourself anon, they draw brown/black/hijabi characters because they want the inclusive points & for the validation /likes, notes, retweets/ , NOT because they care about your representation. Here's a very blatant example of what I am talking about drawn by a typical tumblr white artist. I'm sure Mexican women are happy with rcdarts interpretation of them, but ofc it's n-not offensive cos it's representation! Also lmao everything rcdart does is shit tier.
No. 191185
File: 1495221388184.jpg (40.9 KB, 578x267, Deviantart-tumblr.JPG)

>>190919The evolution tho
Rcdart art is ugly as fuck, also do all the ladies(?) have facial hair?? Yeah, I'm hispanic and we can be pretty hairy but those are straight up mustaches, it's ridiculous
Same with this ugly shit
>>184393 No. 191222
>>191185I hate that they draw black women as fat asses with these broad flat noses and tacky hair colours.
All the minorities they draw are caricatures that are half a step away from looking like things a /pol/lack would draw for keks.
No. 191274
>>189614I love Oso, but stay the fuck out of the fandom, but I've seen that Todomatsu is often made to be trans because he's the girly one.
Totty is frequently compared to a woman and made to seem very gay/effeminate in the series, but it's always shown that he's straight and has no problem with being a guy. But that doesn't fly in tumblr land
No. 191373
File: 1495305988438.png (293.13 KB, 900x558, 1467082837718.png)

These are supposed to be fanmade Pokémon protagonists. I honestly can't tell whether the artist is a trap fetishist or a SJW who is also a fetishist.
>>190921I'm Mexican, and, believe it or not, I find these designs kind of appealing. I don't care if her art has downgraded over time, the ones at the bottom are interesting to look at. In fact, I think those look more feminine than the older designs. It's her porn and pairing shit that I find hideous and unbearable. Even the men she draws are horrible.
And I met a girl with the tickest moustache in secondary school, she wouldn't shave it and she looked cute. I might be able to grow a noticeable moustache too if I didn't shave in two or three months.
Maybe most Mexican women would feel offended at this stereotypical representation, but personally I don't because I know those are just supposed to be women from the Mexican Revolution drawn like men from that era, and thus they're supposed to look manly (although there wasn't much of a difference honestly. Basically the only difference between male and female revolutionaries was that women wore traditional blouses and skirts, some of them even wore men's clothes, and they probably didn't give a shit about shaving in the middle of a war). However, I believe that even back then women didn't have such prominent facial hair. What rcdart wanted to do here was to portray empowered women that were already empowered and to be honest I think the way she tried to do it is pretty cool, although admittedly it was unnecesary.
If she drew modern-day mexican women with moustaches as if we all looked like that, though, I'd be fucking pissed.
Sorry for the long reply.
No. 191375
>>190919>she still mad about her culturally appropriated outfit tbhOh for FUCK's sake
Also, somehow her chibi art became boring to look at.
>>191222>I hate that they draw black women as fat asses with these broad flat nosesThe noses are the worst for me. A tumblr nose doesn't have to be just an impossibly red nose, it can also be a terribly shaped one, which is the case in most art from Tumblr. They don't even look realistic, tumblrinas just draw an oversimplified wide shape on a character's face regardless of their weight and call it a day. Unfortunately that disgusting way of drawing noses influences many young beginner artists and it spreads like wildfire.
Listen, Tumblr, you can actually draw attractive or realistic-looking noses for black people!
No. 191515
File: 1495390429408.jpg (70.36 KB, 360x289, helpthem.jpg)

>>189050>>189051>>189053Does anyone have anymore of that classic bad Deviantart-tier art?
After seeing all this tumblr shit, it's refreshing to see stuff from Deviantart
No. 191551
File: 1495414599896.png (108.9 KB, 540x440, tumblr_oqajb8yNtA1w6skzno1_540…)

No. 191585
File: 1495435071892.jpg (45.31 KB, 640x480, Tetsuro.jpg)

>>191551the one on the right kind of reminds me of tetsuro lol
No. 191590
File: 1495436333481.jpg (28.35 KB, 300x360, Pokemon_Brendan__May_ash_by_Wh…)

>>191515I hope this is deviantART enough.
>>191463I think her "trans" porn is so fucking cringeworthy to me because it's so overstylized that it's unbelievable someone would get off to that cartoony shit.
No. 192012
File: 1495658475420.png (698.6 KB, 1280x1110, tumblr_oqh1axNxNK1w6skzno1_128…)

This is supposed to be Ichi
No. 192059
>>185408The girl who drew this was like 14. Chill.
>>185865I want this hung on my wall, though.
No. 192065
File: 1495674984454.jpg (116.84 KB, 543x628, why.jpg)

No. 192068
File: 1495675207540.png (1002.14 KB, 1259x1920, tumblr_olqunv9TM51r6a1vco2_128…)

No. 192072
File: 1495675610131.jpg (44.84 KB, 450x470, 137241881.jpg)

>>192068Why did it have to be Nozomi?
No. 192075
>>192068>>192065the last two or three threads have had a high concentration of tomatomagica's art, why not just give her her own thread? if she doesn't belong on /snow/ then maybe /sty/.
i'm honestly sick of seeing her shit every thread.
No. 192123
>>192068At first I was shocked they purposefully gave her unflattering/ill-fitting clothes
But then I was a bit impressed that they actually drew some realistic body fat instead of the stylized, unrealistic fat body shapes a lot of body-posi artwork ironically relies on
But still that skirt is too small wth
No. 192140
>>192135please, don't be dense. i understand that she fits the requirements of the thread, but having her brought up multiple times the past few threads is getting redundant. the moment she draws something it's thrown up here. so i suggested her having her own thread somewhere else.
the internet is full of bad art, hers doesn't need so much attention.
just a thought.
No. 192202
File: 1495739253949.jpg (1.07 MB, 2896x2896, what even.jpg)

i really can't stand this artist with their really awful style. i would've thought she improved but i scrolled all the way down on her instagram and it still looked the same since 2014 :/
No. 192205
File: 1495740218918.png (371.93 KB, 512x510, image2.png)

>>192204yeah. she was kinda known in their fanbase a lot with her horrid drawings. she even made James (uberhaxornova) a shirt with her drawing on it. he ended up getting rid of it after he moved apparently.
No. 192209
File: 1495740847088.png (522.05 KB, 429x537, srsly.png)

>>192202i can't believe that she's really charging so much for her work as well. her instagram is: k.chouko if anyone is curious.
No. 192227
File: 1495752429251.jpg (68.1 KB, 1024x768, vLUYo4H.jpg)

>>191515white-tanuki-fox on Deviantart is a gold mine of laughs
No. 192535
File: 1495982826618.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.13 MB, 1280x1756, 26f5625a-6c17-4448-8bbf-310f2d…)

Can we please talk about the Rick & Morty fandom
No. 192550
File: 1495997818701.png (Spoiler Image,242.92 KB, 600x625, c95d6fb9-3f7a-4550-bb23-0a495e…)

>>192535They're on the same level of creepy as the Osomatsu fandom
No. 192572
File: 1496009905047.png (Spoiler Image,92.69 KB, 855x853, 2177365_SWPQ9loDSkdY9cC.png)

i hate myself for this but fuck it
No. 192573
File: 1496010076513.jpg (Spoiler Image,99.51 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_oqb6esf0tb1v9xakco1_128…)

splatoon fandom, nuff said
No. 192618
File: 1496035370035.png (857.84 KB, 799x515, femalespacemarines3.png)

No. 192762
File: 1496103715120.jpg (290.85 KB, 960x1280, 748fcd8f-bf29-48e2-9fcd-261411…)

I follow some rick and morty blogs on tumblr.
Most posts are just gifs but sometime they reblog bullshit like this and I'm just uggg
No. 192779
File: 1496109140114.jpg (Spoiler Image,46.1 KB, 540x455, 646456.jpg)

I'm so insulted. Why would someone do this to my waifu?
No. 192838
File: 1496159658184.jpg (93.34 KB, 841x900, fat tharja.jpg)

>tharja is canonically a good-looking short and skinny woman with big breasts and large hips
>fanart makes her an ugly fatass
This pisses me off so much. I don't mind it that much the artist made her dark-skinned even though Tharja is is pale because she's from Plegia, which is basically not!Egypt in FE:Awakening. Why are artists doing this so much these days? Because they want to be represented despite being ugly fatties or because they're not aware that thin women can have curves or what?
No. 192848
>>191222I agree but at the same time I'm a black woman with a large wide nose and I don't often see black characters on tv or in movies that have stereotypically black features like me unless they're like a villain or the butt of a joke or really ghetto or something. It's usually either mixed or black people with 'tamer' features
it's conflicting because i don't see black girls with stereotypically black features portrayed positively outside of tumblr but tumblr really only does it to get their likes/reblogs and the representation feels just as disingenuous as it does with those token black characters in movies and tv shows
It's also little annoying to see people complain about characters that look too ethnic for being drawn with a wide nose and nappy hair and other stereotypical features (not sure if anyone would feel the same about a character with stereotypical features of their ethnicity so just talking about african americans here) even though there are probably people who look like that and I partially blame tumblr for making those characters a collection of those stereotypes instead of an actual character who happens to be of x ethnicity, but I also think that underrepresentation of minorities make it so that when you do see a character who isn't white or racially ambiguous, it feels like diversity is being shoved down your throats despite the real world (well, as far as america goes) not actually looking as homogounous as our tv shows and movies make it out to be
it's like there's really no winning here because tumblr isn't really being sincere in its depiction of minorities. they're getting so wrapped up in shoving as many caricatures as they can in their characters that it ironically just looks like racist garbage
No. 193217
File: 1496372209024.png (339.92 KB, 540x756, lmao.png)

oh god
No. 193228
>>193217isn't Korean? Why would she wear a shirt with japanese (nit saying that she can't but the other guy has a shirt with Rio on it to show that he is from there no? Idk that much about this game so sorry if I'm wrong)
Anyways who has leg hair being THAT visible to high up ? Especially a lady from Korea?
No. 193234
>>192838>dark-skinned woman is fatYikes, that implication. Not that either is inherently un-attractive, but it's fucking weird how often I see dark skinned characters being paired with less socially acceptable traits like fatness or masculinity. I remember when all those female knight saving a princess ideas were floating around everywhere and 90% of the time the darker skinned character would be the knight.
Also yeah, Plegians were largely pale. Hell, Henry (especially) and Tharja were some of the palest characters but no, being vaguely Arab means they have to have dark skin, duuuuh.
>>192848I totally get you. I like seeing characters that I can see my 'unfavorable' traits in, but being reduced to solely those features or them drawn in a way that's intentionally ugly makes me feel worse. If I want to show someone I appreciate their non-standard nose, I don't draw this tumor-like lump on their face in ultra detail. It's especially laughable when they draw a typically attractive character and they lack all of the weird details and uncanniness.
No. 193242
>>193224tumblr pls go
>>193228>Anyways who has leg hair being THAT visible to high up ? Especially a lady from Korea?exactly! also, where is his leg hair?
No. 193377
File: 1496508786455.png (197.46 KB, 540x311, tumblr_oqzb6lKNBD1uwgne7o1_540…)

Racebent characters: Check
Red nose: Check
Heart mouth: Check
Fat: Check
No. 193544
File: 1496584163355.jpg (151.21 KB, 2048x1152, 16836467_1326881277358413_9151…)

it's supposed to be jacksepticeye (or however the fuck it goes)
No. 193738
File: 1496659950437.png (Spoiler Image,961.65 KB, 1280x997, e2291830-1cbd-4ccf-a740-682cba…)

ARMS looks promising!
No. 193774
File: 1496684587197.png (1.8 MB, 995x1180, tumblr_opiepynM8E1r387t8o1_128…)

jesus christ
No. 193806
File: 1496698115032.png (573.79 KB, 1218x1541, killme.png)

will tumblr ever stop drawing fat Nozomi?
No. 193807
File: 1496698300531.jpg (178.61 KB, 1215x717, zg6i8TS.jpg)

>>193774their 'revision' looks like a rejected pentakill poppy skin
No. 194108
File: 1496778052667.jpg (141.88 KB, 1080x1349, 17125748_259986191122117_86733…)

Art. This is art.
No. 194135
File: 1496797982864.jpg (134.62 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_o22tk2EQ621rwqfv9o1_128…)

>>194108Reminds me of brad neely and that chris the simpsons artist dude.
No. 195101
File: 1497430724131.png (120.27 KB, 532x512, sorry.png)

>>188214I know its an old post but a million years in sai
No. 195117
>>195101Bit better, but still ugly af: weird posture, naruto cheeks, wtf is proportions.
You tried anon, but it's beyond saving.
No. 195715
File: 1497965580160.png (506.26 KB, 570x602, h.png)

That nose
No. 195717
File: 1497968964678.jpg (375.57 KB, 750x2876, IMG_6906.JPG)

Why would you ruin sailor moon like this?
No. 195815
>>195717SHE IS 13
No. 195828
File: 1498026910432.jpg (85.97 KB, 790x1011, lelouch_code_geass_by_damarsan…)

The autistic level of polishing this uncanny turd is too high
I appreciate someone actually posting content but this is nitpicking really when you compare it to
>>184393>>183302 No. 195829
File: 1498026978205.png (278.1 KB, 1329x600, dorito chin and a broken wrist…)

>>195828Another dorito chinned deviant art creation, he looks like a grey alien
No. 195948
>>195717Okay but Queen Beryl looks actually decent in this
>>195815Anon, with the way that the internet especially tumblr has influenced this generation, I wouldn't be surprised to see 13 year olds like this
No. 195949
File: 1498119936382.jpg (31.29 KB, 299x300, robert-crumb-hypnotize.jpg)

No. 195984
File: 1498161592374.jpg (857.4 KB, 2304x3072, IMG_2324.JPG)

>>195717how about an actual redraw that does sailor moon dirty
No. 196177
File: 1498196121193.jpg (13.23 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

>>188475That's Maya Kern, pic related.
She looks like an average fatty, but i follow her because personally i think her art is awesome.
No. 196320
File: 1498293819161.png (584.03 KB, 798x671, tumblr_nomgc8w54P1rsafgjo1_128…)

No. 196322
File: 1498298011864.png (156.02 KB, 506x512, 301293_12.png)

why are Kuroshitsuji fans always the worst
No. 196350
>>196256I had a good laugh
>>196322The real question is… Are there still Kuroshitsuji fans around in 2017?
No. 196359
File: 1498339815748.png (325.42 KB, 1024x778, this_is_fucking_sad.png)

A whole fucking year and no improvement at all?!
No. 196378
>>196359Hate to defend that Person but who knows hoe young he or she is.
Idk when I was like 12 I didn't really improve until I was like 14 or 15
Maybe that person doesn't care about improving
No. 196379
>>196330Yeah, I try not to make fun of shitty art that's clearly bad because the artist is probably just a kid learning how to draw. Everyone has to start somewhere.
I save making fun of art for people who have some talent but waste it on 'inclusive' tumblr garbage either for brownie points or because they're using the style to mask their shortcomings as an artist.
No. 196437
File: 1498423845945.png (Spoiler Image,1.41 MB, 1280x1006, tumblr_os441nSYFA1vouwfro1_128…)

No. 196464
>>196437Is that Killing Stalking fan art? Well, at least anatomy is not too shabby.
The thought of this being reproduced on a large canvas and submitted to a serious art gallery is hilarious.
No. 196541
File: 1498529479946.png (1.71 MB, 850x1500, ad8e6c52-3420-49a0-b147-a3330d…)

My eyes were assaulted by this garbage today. There is nothing in this image that looks good.
No. 196581
>>196541Noses bigger than their artistic future with this kind of artwork…
Wtf is that on John's crotch, at first I thought it was boner, but it looks like badly done wrinkle, in the end wrinkles are over the top…
And don't even get me started on those flowers and that hideous purple shadow…
No. 196643
File: 1498616273825.jpg (9.91 KB, 227x218, disapprovalcat.jpg)

>>196541It's not the message, it's the…
No. 196941
File: 1498899324396.jpg (161.33 KB, 1280x875, IMG_20170701_185351.jpg)

No. 196951
File: 1498918593190.jpg (32.48 KB, 400x400, 1498832854394.jpg)

No. 196954
File: 1498920899827.jpg (59.35 KB, 500x281, tumblr_oqh176sTXF1rqtpl3o7_500…)

Found this while searching for otome games, apparently you can change hamplanet's mc skin color.
Btw do you notice how none of romantic interests are fat…
No. 197274
File: 1499180378057.jpg (75.01 KB, 650x950, 19849094_452878228403087_26226…)

No. 197338
File: 1499234804465.png (Spoiler Image,214.96 KB, 750x843, IMG_8470.PNG)

what the actual fuck is wrong with howl's mouth?
No. 197341
>>197339Jfc I'm actually glad that you did
That howl is terrifying
No. 197508
File: 1499379431450.png (614.47 KB, 606x834, Screenshot_2.png)

I usually enjoy this artist's works, but this piece makes it look like Mercy and Pharah don't have any organs.
Sage for nitpicking.
No. 197544
File: 1499407412581.jpg (Spoiler Image,254.34 KB, 2048x1990, IMG_20170707_160118.jpg)

furries are wild
No. 197563
>>197544My eyes…
I have nothing but bad wishes for people that have the ability to draw and decide to do this kind of shitty weird shit. I have no tolerance, I wish they lost their goddamn hands kek, also for people who draw naked anime characters and that kind of crap. Ugh
No. 197584
File: 1499456398987.jpg (45.39 KB, 340x270, il_340x270.692983957_q4g8.jpg)

who tf whould actually buy these ??? ?
No. 197586
File: 1499457233204.jpg (294.52 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_oolv4zAEWJ1wnk34oo1_128…)

>>197566That's the bisexual flag you fucking blind dyke.
>>197584I would, if I knew what characters they were.
Pic related, I can't stand this person's shitty sketches.
No. 197627
File: 1499482225839.png (2.42 MB, 1280x1447, 587a240e-b6e5-4a40-b70f-5db39d…)

I'm beginning to dislike my tumblr dash because of all this shitty art.
No. 197742
File: 1499581211695.png (887.83 KB, 1280x1707, 1492847460195.png)

They're supposed to be Victor and Yuuri.
No. 197760
>>197742 >>197743
Are they supposed to be men? Why is Yuuri a fat mexican lesbian? What are those hair near their crotches? I'm so confused.
No. 197779
>>197743Man is the artist snapping their fucking arm reaching this much?
Not like Yuri is supposed to be an athletic, in shape figure skater or anything…
(i don't even watch the show and i know this).
No. 197809
>>197797Google rcdart, it's not that hard.
That's not the artist of
>>197742 though, I don't know who it is
No. 197812
File: 1499634955669.png (1.28 MB, 1280x1280, tumblr_oskd86PyQq1vouwfro1_128…)

>>197786>I fucking hate this tumblr "every male character I like is misgendered so I will drawn them as a fat hairy legged trans-person" art "style"Ugh, so true, anon. It's like they're projecting on the characters… except because the characters they're projecting on are male and they just /can't/ stand identifying (sorry, kin) with males, they decide to change their gender. And then if you say their work is genderbent they get
Also, if a character's gender isn't mentioned in the work and the author says the gender is up to the reader (for example Hanji from snk), they all start saying how that character is totally canonically trans.
sage for blog
in pic related the lineart was done by one artist who encouraged others to color it. the artist from
>>196437 did the coloring. how hard can it be to use layer modes???
No. 197818
File: 1499636317887.png (729.79 KB, 827x1168, 1494280424418_2.png)

>>197784It's also canon that his weight gain represents his worst mental state, yet tumblr celebrates it like he wasn't depressed and unable to properly do the sport his life revolves around because of it. They are so self obsessed and egotistical that they can't look beyond ~fat acceptance~ and understand that being fat will really hurt an elite skater. He probably only gained a few kilos in the first place, exaggerated for comedy purposes.
Admittedly I like seeing him a tiny bit chubby (in the off season) but it's hard to find art that gets the right balance of soft but not fat. Pretty much only Japanese artists get it right.
No. 197843
File: 1499654274197.jpg (31.49 KB, 252x270, Untitled.jpg)

>>197812for some (many) reasons, Levi's legs are completely disturbing
No. 197853
>>197784As I said before, I don't watch the fucking show. What I'm saying is that naturally, it'd be Yuri in the Hockey Rink with that build, not Yuri on Ice.
(you literally greentexted where I said I didn't watch the show, dude. sage for ot.)
No. 197854
>>197742My babies, nooooooooooo!
Goddammit. I was looking for YOI monstrosities to submit, though. I don't think any other fan art pisses me off more, making Victor into a homely goblin with a huge red nose and poor Yuuri into a disgusting, diseased slob.
>>197784Yeah, he was drawn chibi style then exaggerated fat for just a few minutes. When he skates to Stammi Vicino, you can clearly see his body is a bit chubby or stocky but nowhere near obese.
I hate just about any sports anime/manga characters that get the haes treatment. I don't think these "artists" have ever experienced 20 minutes of physical activity in their lives.
No. 197985
File: 1499760767896.jpg (191.11 KB, 1024x1024, yuri_on_ice_viktor_wip_by_fujo…)

This. Her name is "Fujoshi.Aria.Art" on instagram oh god her art is hideous. She owns fookin billions of copic markers, has cintiq, takes animation classes and she draws shit like this. Then when someone judge it she be like "oh im sorry my art is not good enough" But in a sarcastic way.She even has a patreon oml. Then she complains her losing followers, her instagram boring af. She posts art and thats it, cant even take a quality picture. Sorry im just annoyed at her lol shes delusional.
No. 197990
File: 1499772238009.jpeg (156.42 KB, 750x926, image.jpeg)

When will people learn that having good supplies does not make your art good? I get that copics can make your art look better, but ugh. Same with people who draw digitally, they think being able to color good can cover up their shit show of artwork.
No. 198006
File: 1499784828289.jpg (110.42 KB, 640x768, tr.jpg)

Lol ikr. I saw her instagram today. And just…holy shit. That Bulge jesus christ
No. 198118
File: 1499889007992.jpg (105.51 KB, 848x1199, DEQ5c1lWAAADZ1T.jpg)

I knew my Hero Academia would be affected eventually
No. 198725
File: 1500297454146.jpeg (17.4 KB, 599x295, received_1537251623007993.jpeg)

No. 198801
File: 1500360741279.jpg (338.42 KB, 1486x1469, IMG_7882.JPG)

No. 198807
File: 1500368265799.png (760.23 KB, 1280x1868, tumblr_ot9ksiAiTP1v1q078o1_128…)

This is supposed to be Craig from South Park. Somehow
No. 198896
>>197742Omg what. So it's racism to draw white anime characters but making them fat mexicans when it's literally stated multiple times in the anime that he's a slim, pale japanese dude is somehow okay. FUck im
triggered. Ruining my boy yuri like that.
No. 198924
File: 1500449128562.png (274.47 KB, 528x876, drwohasextrachromosomes.png)

So the thirteenth Doctor is a woman.She's going to be played by Jodie Whittaker.
Tumblr is already exploding with "OMG! This is SOOO important!"
When I saw this I immediately thought "Hey she looks like the missing third Hartley Hooligan."
Eyes too far apart, mouth too wide, hood sitting oddly on the head, giraffe neck… And it's like she tried to shade the face then gave up on everything else. It makes it look very uneven. Either you choose to shade or you just leave it alone. You don't mix it up in one pic because then it just looks like an unfinished piece of crap. Which this would have been regardless because she looks like an anecephalic that somehow made it to adulthood.
No. 198927
>>195717I'm okay with this considering it looks like it was inspired by Adora Bat Brat (I hate her but if that was the inspiration I get it).
It's overall not the worst thing to come out of the fandom or tumblr, I like it. So what if she's 14? She's also the reincarnation of a fucking moon princess, the series isn't exactly based in reality.
No. 198979
File: 1500495098796.jpg (114.85 KB, 1200x1176, DFH3MKhXsAAGgBg.jpg)

pretty bad for the stuff she usually draws - what's wrong w/ her feet, they're kinda swollen ?
No. 199128
File: 1500586515618.jpg (971.92 KB, 1448x1969, 17-07-20-17-20-50-465_deco.jpg)

The more I keep seeing it pop up in game the more it starts to look awful like he has some potato chin
No. 199227
File: 1500633771691.png (139.43 KB, 500x646, absolutely disgusting.png)

No. 199308
File: 1500675810458.jpg (416.13 KB, 1280x1807, a01d755a-adf4-4dc2-b61d-94348d…)

I have no words.
No. 199311
>>199308Even better someone paid this person to make that
Sage for samefag
No. 199312
File: 1500676453792.jpg (1.76 MB, 1988x3056, camix.jpg)

No. 199368
File: 1500704555770.jpg (71.71 KB, 522x1008, IMG_3298.jpg)

>>198807Don't forget this one. Apparently a 10 year old white boy from some rural colorado town grows up to be a peruvian transwoman.
The fact that it's a South Park character is the thing that confuses me the most. Have these tumblrinas even watched South Park? It's one of the most fucked up shows that doesn't hold back when it comes to making fun of everyone and everything. You'd think they'd be too
triggered by every second episode to even bother with it.
No. 199378
>>199227all I could think of when I saw this was "Cankles-chan! I haven't seen you since we graduated from junior high!"
>>199368That's Craig? The fandom became obsessed with him being Peruvian because of that episode where he goes to Peru to stop the giant guinea pig invasion. He is not Peruvian. Just because he's the chosen one in that episode and he wears a Peruvian hat doesn't mean a thing. If anything they should be complaining that Craig is a great white savior.
I don't think there is any evidence at all that he even has Peruvian relatives. The fandom makes me hate that show sometimes. I've been with it since the beginning and seeing them gush over pairings of 8 year olds and drawing this awful art makes me want to puke. You'd think that South Park would be too
problematic to them.
No. 199430
>>199308I mean for an amateur this isn't too bad, the foreshortening on the arm is pretty-
>>199311>Even better someone paid this person to make thatOh
No. 199502
File: 1500780595978.png (1.37 MB, 1014x1400, racist shit.png)

I hate their racebend fetish. Apparently being Japanese is not POC enough.
No. 199503
File: 1500780829364.png (641.92 KB, 659x845, more racist shit.png)

No. 199514
>>199503That could have been super cute hell they even could have given them slight tans (with it looking like its summer and all).
Also is that from seven deadly sins or whatever its called?
No. 199516
File: 1500790973127.png (430.33 KB, 1062x866, Eyesore.png)

>>199514It's from My Hero Academia. Love the show but it attracts a lot of tumblrinas because of the hot boy characters and easy OC potentials.
No. 199539
>>199503All Might's proportions are all sorts of wrong. Why does he look like a yoga teacher? He is supposed to be anorexic due to his injuries. Don't tell me the artist was too
triggered to draw an anorexic person.
His face needs some work too. It's too flat from that angle.
Other than that, it's a cute idea for a drawing.
No. 199833
File: 1501035181004.jpeg (178.48 KB, 750x837, image.jpeg)

ah, my favorite. Shittily drawn hands with no effort put into them. In all seriousness, has Moga even improved? I swear her art looks almost exactly the same as it did a year ago.
No. 199869
File: 1501095451018.jpg (379.29 KB, 2048x1638, IMG_20170726_145615.jpg)

Everytime I see this person's horrid art I feel sick. Keep in mind they don't like drawing Umi/Dia cause they can't self insert it uglywash them for whatever reason.
No. 199943
File: 1501172516311.jpg (30.55 KB, 680x229, df2.jpg)

>>199901Some of the drama is being discussed in the Game Grumps general thread over on /snow/, not sure if this has been mentioned though. I just think it's pure hypocrisy for people to be sperging about the genderbent drawings of gay dads. You know if the game was Dream Mommy and there was a genderbend of that people wouldn't react that way.
Sage since I don't think the art looks bad really.
No. 200004
File: 1501185106490.jpg (193.64 KB, 600x811, MISS-KIM-LOGO-KK.jpg)

I always hated how Feggy Min "arts" her illustrations looks really bad and I truyly don't understand how in the hell she manage to have all the followers she have I feel like I'm taking crazy pills
No. 200079
File: 1501242351106.jpg (368.63 KB, 1000x833, tumblr_oserj755P81s815lbo1_128…)

I saw this on Tumblr, of course.
No. 200535
File: 1501413960392.jpg (60.24 KB, 388x600, tumblr_or44jtJAVz1rbdpb2o1_r2_…)

Not the ugliest thing in the world, but I rolled my eyes when I saw it on my feed.
No. 200546
>>200535rip gender but also gender is the most important and inate thing about an identity because everyone has a brain sex here are all my labels and TERFS can pee your pants lol.
god tumblr kids have no clue what they are trying to say about anything. if they say they hate gender and want to get rid of it, thats literally what terfs have been saying this whole time. congrats to the artist. they are now on a terf list. block and stay safe uwu.
also its ugly art with token minorities, even though the only people who do this dumb bs are white teen girls.
No. 200562
File: 1501440802998.png (91.67 KB, 400x500, IMG_5329.PNG)

Why. Why. Why. Why. Why. WHY.
No. 200564
>>199943>>200539ddadds genderbend drama was mostly centered around the artist drawing Damien (who is canonically a trans man in the game) as a woman. the artist had no idea Damien was trans, and apparently even admitted to having no idea, but of course her apology wasn't good enough. it never is for them, i guess.
but this also begs the question, wouldn't the tumblr transtrenders have been equally as upset if the artist had intentionally left Damien out of the picture? or left him as is, as a trans man, thusly implying that he's not really a "man"? idk. it just boggles the mind.
sage for extraneous info
No. 200579
File: 1501473688321.png (1.21 MB, 1024x1350, put_the_dad_down_by_hoshinodes…)

No. 200585
File: 1501502807904.png (160.95 KB, 900x1107, 1501162729466.png)

No. 200613
File: 1501549110166.jpg (410.85 KB, 1080x1398, 1501536868792.jpg)

>>200604Poor All Might never seem to have a nice fanart. I know he's originally not supposed to be attractive but come on.
No. 200619
>>200613This is still fucking funny though haha
But yeah I get where you're coming from apparently even the mangaka editior was like 'he doesn't look cool at all' (in his muscle form) but he still thought he looked cool lol
No. 200620
File: 1501556131288.jpg (203.33 KB, 800x1063, 1499541935245.jpg)

>>200613>>200619i seriously love all might though :( he is perfect husbando material, in all of his forms
No. 200628
>>200619Omg sorry meant that Mangaka's editor thought he looked uncool but the Mangaka himself (forgot his name sorry) didn't give a shit because he thought that he looked cool
Sorry the sentence was all over the place I didn't want to leave it like that.
No. 200643
>>200539Tumblr only likes lesbians if they suck dick, too.
Aka they don't really have a lesbian fetish.
No. 200656
File: 1501624286797.png (83.32 KB, 670x1193, oegerg.png)

camp camp isn't safe
No. 200658
File: 1501630859426.png (80.27 KB, 503x295, dontdo.png)

>>200079>>200082>>200085This is actually a reference to this IG account
No. 200663
File: 1501637952438.png (250.54 KB, 540x651, tumblr_ou0pwbu5cx1v1q078o1_540…)

>>199368From the same person- I think?
I want the racebending to stop
No. 200672
File: 1501654805278.jpg (232.73 KB, 1024x722, miku_sound_by_tony200397-db5fi…)

No. 200860
File: 1501858110360.jpeg (482.1 KB, 960x1440, image.jpeg)

So, since this show is new, I wanna hear all of your opinions on it. What you think of the style, the characters, the usual.
No. 200880
>>195717That's one of those "art memes" where you draw your characters as certain things, she wasn't trying to pass this as actual Sailor Moon fanart.
I must say at the very beginning I was a bit repulsed by UrsulaDecay's art because I thought it was tumblr as fuck due to the microbangs and colorful hair, but after looking into her a bit more I saw she differs from your usual tard tumblr artist (doesn't shove unexplained diversity or fat shit everywhere) and her characters are quite appealing, she works well on their backstories. I recommend checking her out more in dept, there's a bunch of fun content.
No. 200981
File: 1501977047787.jpg (109.97 KB, 759x479, tumblr_o5l6l23MOA1rmhvd9o1_128…)

Imfamous Bawble
This person's tumblr is a treasure trove of cringey ass artwork.
No. 200997
File: 1501995254891.png (618.41 KB, 900x1467, spooky_love_by_hoshinodestiny-…)

No. 201020
File: 1502039171792.png (177.78 KB, 540x741, transleon.png)

Trans Leon Kennedy complete with binder. The RPD is so progressive.
The face gets me. The rest is standard sketchy poorly colored stuff. But that sour face and crooked stroke victim mouth. It just looks terrible.
No. 201266
File: 1502241063399.png (234.66 KB, 457x879, hink.PNG)

Bad redraws always get me.
No. 201302
File: 1502258192344.png (735.85 KB, 861x596, Capture.PNG) really like her portrait art but it bothers me that a lot of artists who can do realism can't make decent stylized art.
No. 201314
File: 1502269692203.png (453.78 KB, 604x446, dreamdaddy.PNG)

This person invests a lot on expensive art materials and some equipment for her youtube channel. I wish she'd invest more on her skills. She really needs to improve on them.
No. 201734
File: 1502560641840.png (315.96 KB, 1024x384, the_squip_squad_by_m18garnek-d…)

i just… i hate this so much?
>exact same face for every person
>ears drooping off completely round skull
>muzzle? on each character
>sausage hands
>rash-blush for everyone
like i'm all for developing a personal style, but this is literally copy-and-pasted on different, ~diverse! bodytypes.
No. 201762
>>201310Seconded. Linking the instagram account too…
The art isn't good but not horrendous either.
No. 201800
File: 1502609857188.png (348.03 KB, 980x958, tumblr_nthz8isuEo1sk5znwo1_128…)

what is their obsession with making characters black
all it does is make the character harder to identify and considering the shade of brown they usually use, much uglier
No. 201802
>>201800They're unoriginal and talentless so they have to come up with something to stand out from the rest. An easy way is to just start blackwashing every fucking character ever. It's not as much annoying for the raceswapping itself but the fact that you're practically taking someone else's intellectual property and slapping on the most simplified political agenda just for your own benefit while claiming it's just for ~diversity and representation~. Girl that's just you fishing for notes and likes so shut the fuck up and create some original characters you lazy piece of shit.
Also it's really annoying how basically only 2 skintones exist for them, either completely caucasian pale white or central African pitch black. If a character is so much as tanned, they color the skin as black. It just showcases how (quite literally) black and white their thought process is.
No. 201862
>>201800>turning miles edgeworth blackwhat
can i have links to this
No. 202417, this fucking fag.
Draws all his women like ugly ass men.
As a DA member I've also seen him spam other users with sjw bullshit.
No. 202432
>>202417>And being upset that a character whose sexuality isn't explicit being headcanoned as something other than straight is really fucking homophobic Christ almighty
That's what happens when you spend too much time on the internet though, you start thinking homosexuality is actually a common thing.
No. 202452
File: 1503156501607.png (477.47 KB, 540x518, tumblr_o4zxsx4Tj61tfwqjko1_540…)

No. 202466
>>202449I don't get artis–I mean tumblrinas who try to make the character chubbier/fatter/give a different skin color compared to official art like??? Why???
It's weird that I rarely see these kinds of things on tumblr though.
No. 202496
File: 1503180493401.png (307.46 KB, 605x1034, Aa4_trucy.png)

>>202449apparently that's supposed to be Trucy?? what are these people's thought processes when they come up with this shit?
No. 202503
>>202449Do not fucking tell me the fat black girl is supposed to be Trucy
What the fuck is wrong with these people
No. 202604
File: 1503258624831.png (1.75 MB, 1280x978, tumblr_ooj3e6t8k21up3f9uo1_128…)

>>196541>>197566this artist's blog is just such a fucking goldmine. I sometimes wonder if these people can see how jacked up their art is or they just think it's great despite the chars looking like they got facial reconstruction surgery after getting their face bit off.
How on earth do you get
>>202449 from
jfc these tumblrinas make my blood pressure shoot through the roof they make me so mad.
No. 202661
>>202417hahaha holy shit I used to be in the same social group as this person
spoilers, it's a girl
No. 202848
File: 1503371828769.jpg (143.73 KB, 375x450, 9c47941d39632c48965206a624eeee…)

No. 202864
File: 1503393598221.png (429.97 KB, 596x505, isawthephotobutmadeastudybased…)

>>201314srsly how can one artist improve if you only saw the reference once and bothered drawing it anyway when you can look and save another photo reference? it reeks of laziness imo
No. 202867
File: 1503394756207.jpg (90.31 KB, 476x640, Liefeldcaptainamerica.jpg)

Tbh I wanna talk about Rob Liefeld and his shit too
Sage if too ot
No. 202876
File: 1503408630771.jpg (147.92 KB, 356x700, rob-liefeld13.jpg)

>>202867I just love the little tootsies he gives everyone. You don't always get to see them but they're a real treat. So dainty!
No. 202877
File: 1503408835147.jpg (97.05 KB, 1100x735, rob-liefeld-1991_jp00wq.jpg)

The Chad Liefeld
>Terrible at drawing, none of his higher ups have the courage to say anything
>Has never seen an anatomy book in his life
>Got his job on charisma alone, no resume
>Has never colored a drawing, has team of adoring betas do it every time
>Anatomy is actually correct based on his and Stacy's proportions
>Will be remembered forever
>Household name
lol idk enough about comic artist lore to pick the best virgin
No. 202885
File: 1503409553790.jpg (275.64 KB, 1024x684, 537743779.jpg)

>>202877Now that I think about it the virgin could be anybody
The Virgin Draftsman
>Highly skilled, still gets nitpicked for minor mistakes regularly >Knows every muscle and bone in the body and where they connect>Got turned down the first few times he applied despite decades of training and degrees in both art and computer science>Colors every panel and adds full shading all night off the clock because of his ocd>Painstakingly replicates poses by real life bodybuilders and acrobats, still gets roasted by buzzfeed for "bad anatomy">Will be forgotten as soon as the project he's working on goes to print>Nobody knows his name, was accidentally omitted from the book credits No. 202909
File: 1503427508381.jpg (76.96 KB, 425x572, P_Craig_Russell_Portrait.jpg)

>>202887omg good one. might need to do a little research on him if i get around to making the meme. i've read a lot of sandman but i didn't remember his name or anything about him which…is perfect
No. 202911
File: 1503430793886.jpg (406.19 KB, 2518x1024, chadliefeld.jpg)

I felt compelled
No. 202974
>>202911>>202911im sure this will
trigger some huge comicfags
No. 203089
File: 1503585075452.jpg (34.63 KB, 564x348, wtf.jpg)

No. 203145
File: 1503618715125.jpg (28.74 KB, 450x450, 1500518903074.jpg)

>>203089omg anon thank you, these creepy hilarious faces gave me a good leg-slapping laugh
No. 203163
File: 1503625765530.jpg (59.05 KB, 540x762, um.jpg)

No. 203173
File: 1503636043053.jpg (102.45 KB, 479x638, Ariel,_seriously-.jpg)

Never forget Christopher Hart.
No. 203234
File: 1503679727772.png (125.15 KB, 500x500, a-meowth.png)

>>202865Funnily enough, the Alolan Meowth is the most accurate thing in that picture.
No. 203284
File: 1503693816951.jpg (41.44 KB, 495x494, q3wr3q.JPG)

Oh my god, this. Prepare for dump.
No. 203286
File: 1503693879244.jpg (39.72 KB, 492x495, eqwe.JPG)

No. 203288
File: 1503694006623.jpg (40.32 KB, 499x707, 23q4.JPG)

No. 203289
File: 1503694093773.jpg (63.73 KB, 712x799, w35.JPG)

I'm speechless. This artist is also an asshole…
No. 203291
File: 1503694589068.jpg (23.7 KB, 472x418, were.JPG)

No. 203292
File: 1503694722932.jpg (38.24 KB, 500x364, tumblr_ol1buvIRmo1qg3m8xo1_500…)

This artist's work pisses me off, 1 because she gets a ton of recognition and followers. 2, she uses the lowest opacity possible on her brushes and it looks like shit. 3, wtf is her kink artwork.
No. 203293
File: 1503694829243.jpg (113.79 KB, 1210x841, wetwe.JPG)

This is the last thing I'm posting (atleast today.)
No. 203312
File: 1503704332984.png (171.75 KB, 1063x628, IMG_1510.PNG)

Just found this shit danganronpa art on twitter. Poor naegi
No. 203386
>>203338yes all of these
>>203284 >>203286
>>203288>>203289 and I think these too
>>203291 >>203292
are of Dan and Phil. They truly have the craziest fans
No. 203414
File: 1503777398336.png (649.3 KB, 1069x1120, tumblr_ou7495RjLD1uscwkso1_128…)

No. 203447
File: 1503801200979.png (93.65 KB, 540x540, tumblr_inline_otrlouHUIg1t6xyw…)

this supposed to be lady Midnight n Miss Jokes from BNHA anime
No. 203448
File: 1503801274461.png (152.11 KB, 311x572, tumblr_inline_orxikjTEZe1u8lmz…)

>>203447the curly haired one is supposed to look like this in the manga
No. 203449
File: 1503801317249.png (72.32 KB, 400x400, tumblr_otqgkoZoYu1uujh4ro4_400…)

No. 203452
File: 1503803287452.png (653.93 KB, 842x1185, FJMhd6F.png)

even the Love Live normal girls get destroyed.
The first girl on the left is supposed to be the girl from the card at the bottom.
No. 203469
File: 1503824504619.png (45.76 KB, 166x175, 2759052534.PNG)

>>190919>This is what Tumblr does to your brain It only took 2 years…
No. 203471
File: 1503825621544.png (181.62 KB, 540x415, tumblr_ooy1lpPYGx1ubiyrfo3_540…)

supposed to be durarara fanart
No. 203488
File: 1503842107293.png (162.53 KB, 292x294, MYEYES.PNG)

This is painful to my eyes.
No. 203496
File: 1503849643139.jpg (843.44 KB, 1431x1261, Screenshot_20170827-175734.jpg)

I don't understand why she would change her art so drastic and then into something so ugly. I really liked her old stuff but right now I just want to unfollow her.
I hope it's just a phase.
(Left picture is an older one the right one is the way she draws right now)
No. 203499
>>203496I can notice that the lines aren't polished and more straight??
Like you, I prefer the older works though because they seemed more elegant? I feel like the style change has something to do with the fandom she's currently in but idk
No. 203512
File: 1503859068925.jpg (68.94 KB, 1280x720, 1462180930898.jpg)

>>203496i think it's because the character she's drawing (bakugou) would look strange with smooth, elegant, feminine lines
No. 203592
File: 1503925133861.jpg (841.1 KB, 1304x1304, Screenshot_20170828-145741.jpg)

>>203499>>203512It's more the mouth and hands that really bothers me.
I understand that feminine lines wouldn't really look good so yeah she did a good job there. It's still kinda too bulky weird for me.
I can see people liking her new style and I get it, that changing it up once in a while is something everyone does.
I still like the way she draws clothes (especially shoes).
The faces just put me off because they don't really fit.
No. 203695
File: 1503980150113.png (104.51 KB, 509x501, tumblr_ovffamcpvQ1t4hxufo1_540…)

i honestly thought this was a parody of common tumblr artstyles but going through the artists blog, its not
No. 203718
File: 1504006747408.png (61.35 KB, 184x316, ew.PNG)

l i p s
No. 203744
File: 1504024212195.jpg (99.26 KB, 500x631, tumblr_nnxfiqk4Xw1r0hfe8o1_500…)

>>203718It looks like a kpop boy. like jimin from bts or something. a lot of artists draw him with fish lips.
have some more jimin fanart.
No. 203800
File: 1504054095848.jpg (203.34 KB, 1633x2048, DIarEYKVwAIMyjl.jpg)

The artist has skill but these designs are fucking disgusting.
No. 203802
File: 1504055414938.jpg (177.47 KB, 1513x2048, DIaEGBnVoAQCcqq.jpg)

>>203801Here is your leg day, anon.
No. 203849
File: 1504091389230.jpg (96.87 KB, 1177x1256, rtExrxh.jpg)

Tumblr is convinced that YOI's Yuuri is canonically MORBIDLY OBESE and they envison him as big as a sumo when he becomes old.
No. 203862
File: 1504100596884.png (264.84 KB, 502x493, tumblr_ogo0uhAgyC1sgnp8fo1_540…)

>>203849Is this really not a joke though?
Anyway Victor would love Yuuri no matter how fat he becomes!
Have some tumblr art.
Though skillfully drawn, artist decided to make everyone ugly for no reason.
No. 203866
File: 1504102429785.png (80.59 KB, 540x432, tumblr_ojhancA1ho1tirn93o1_540…)

No. 203882
File: 1504112097115.jpg (246.78 KB, 1242x1252, GGDVclK.jpg)

This artist seems popular right now. More Fatass lesbian/trans Yuuri and Baboon faced Victor.
>>203862I don't think it is that much of a joke since I-give-up-on-life-Yuuri has a regular following. Lots of "Aww, chubby Yuuri!" in that circle, no matter how massive and diseased he is drawn.
Yuuri was cute pocchari, without atrophied muscle and not eating himself into the grave. American standard of "chubby" is insane.
Anyone find a vitiligo YOI character yet? Lol
No. 203909
>>203849There's nothing wrong with that. They're depicted as elderly, the artist isn't trying to convince people obesity is sexy or that Yuuri is obsese at any period during the series. It's just exaggerating character traits to make a silly comic about what they might be like when they're older.
When people make current Yuuri obese, it's infuriating and insulting considering how much of his life is dedicated to and revolves around his body being in peak condition. I love him slightly chubby but very few artists get it right, and they're usually Japanese.
No. 203936
File: 1504152113266.png (1.67 MB, 1280x1771, smbadart.png)

what is tumblrs obsession with making everyone a racially ambiguous brown shade or making them 50 pounds heavier
No. 203981
File: 1504994226004.jpg (309.11 KB, 1280x945, dbc0e7d9da30020375c1d2e9b24832…)

what's the artist of these monstrosities?
No. 203983
File: 1504994771967.jpg (306.14 KB, 1280x1733, tumblr_ovgdtlIFNQ1sqh0kno1_128…)

>>203981alexandre diboine, or zedig
i looked through his tumblr blog and his stuff is actually good…aside from his muscle girl fetish art.
No. 203990
File: 1504995318461.jpg (60.23 KB, 500x723, tumblr_ovx0l5SAoI1sqh0kno1_500…)

>>203989i kind of like the design for carol but the spider monkey arms ruin everything for me lol.
>>203988no problem, anon!
No. 204043
>>203981do all of his artworks contain only muscular women?
looks like same-body syndrome to me
No. 204057
File: 1505058416978.png (921.39 KB, 909x1138, tumblr_ouk2i9FGm01qfetc8o1_128…)

Everything this person does looks like vomit
No. 204064
File: 1505071643405.png (404.13 KB, 640x852, tumblr_ovqvpiY8ka1wnn743o1_128…)

i couldnt believe that this wasn't a joke
not just bad art but also very "graphic design is my passion"
No. 204149
File: 1505140174378.png (932.08 KB, 1072x1341, tumblr_oui0u0yKTm1qfetc8o1_128…)

>>204069>>204074>>204113They're probably trying to be body positive but it just ends up looking gross and fetishy lol
No. 204170
File: 1505168931428.jpg (90.63 KB, 640x414, splatooncallieandmarie.jpg)

Got a chuckle out of this while looking for callie and marie merch on tictail. I can't pin point what is wrong with it exactly since I'm not really an artist myself but something just seems off enough that I couldn't help but laugh a smidge.
No. 204333
File: 1505312833702.png (1.35 MB, 1280x1536, tumblr_ovwz6n9Kdb1vc6d03o1_128…)

>$988 per month on patreon
No. 204362
File: 1505328433881.png (97.36 KB, 750x921, IMG_5609.PNG)

I had to do a double take on this, could hardly tell what had going on.
No. 204364
File: 1505329385174.png (1.48 MB, 2048x1707, DJTToNcV4AAkLjl.png)

>>204351HyoJin Choi, and i'm wondering myself.
No. 204378
File: 1505339288785.png (94.89 KB, 500x600, 1505312833702.png)

>>204333Anyone else get the screwdriver impression?
No. 204486
File: 1505426815346.jpg (1.9 MB, 827x1131, Fat black disabled muslim inte…)

>>204434Does the grinch have implied abs in that pic
No. 204589
>>204057no fucking way
is that koichi and rohan?? for what porpoise?
No. 204594
File: 1505520674983.jpg (55.59 KB, 720x720, o.jpg)

>>204486The one at the bottom is Leigh Walsh right???
No. 204611
File: 1505528038027.png (228.73 KB, 1280x640, tumblr_ot9wo2duc91qlxpopo2_r3_…)

No. 204697
File: 1505620223749.jpeg (81.96 KB, 640x854, image.jpeg)

>>204333….what… What the fuck
No. 204801
File: 1505711880509.jpg (131.09 KB, 1064x1194, Screenshot_20170903-212449_1.j…)

The way this artist draws head shapes (the character with the huge head) really bothers me. I always see her art on my feed.
No. 204819
File: 1505741590502.jpg (76.54 KB, 1080x1080, 21294338_345745472530239_33202…)

>>204801>61.4k followersI guess it's all about the pandering.
No. 205094
File: 1505940688929.jpg (190.63 KB, 1192x978, ugh.jpg)

No. 205095
File: 1505940775954.jpg (176.85 KB, 1026x1004, ugh2.jpg)

>>205094i just hate those big hammy hands, not to mention the disgusting use of a mono(?) colour palette
No. 205296
File: 1506115002211.jpg (289.87 KB, 810x1214, wolfwood.jpg)

>>205257at first i thought it was spike spiegel but on closer inspection and a quick google image search its wolfwood from trigun… the real character… yeah…
No. 205298
File: 1506118921389.png (565.56 KB, 603x599, ww.png)

Speaking of Instagram artists, there's also this one who has 71.1k followers and I really don't understand why
No. 205339
File: 1506146135997.jpg (6.47 KB, 133x200, food_porn_by_julianne_leigh-d2…)

No. 205343
File: 1506153256655.png (369.99 KB, 644x784, 1480679329525.png)

Super old post, but the shitty yaoi comic in this picture that was suspected of copying Always Raining Here has a page titled "Always Cloudy Here," which I thought was hilarious. I doubt it was intended as a tribute.
No. 205390
File: 1506205207822.jpg (104.15 KB, 599x492, what.jpg)

MUH DIVERSITY people generate an off the charts amount of very shitty art. And what's worst is that a lot of those artists are not necessarily bad skill wise, it's just terrible decision making.
No. 205394
File: 1506205727329.jpg (56.63 KB, 1280x720, rebeccasugar.jpg)

>>181492>>nothing about her particularly screams tumblrShort haired female who looks like a boy wearing thick rimmed glasses who plays the ukelele and created cartoon about diverse emotional lesbians, are you sure about that?
No. 205409
File: 1506209294347.jpg (139.32 KB, 1080x758, uwu.jpg)

Yes, THE Thomas Jefferson, as in one of the founding fathers of America. The third president of the United States. Who owned slaves.
No. 205416
File: 1506210250510.png (21.55 KB, 500x115, tumblr_inline_owckjfVj6S1u5kzq…)

>>205409I don't get the Hamilton fandom. They're basically Hetalia 2.0.
No. 205418
File: 1506210531273.png (535.09 KB, 633x595, tumblr_owpau737E81rkmme8o1_128…)

>>205416Also I'm stupid and realized you already commented on his slave-owning. More weird Hamilton shit. I guess I'm glad kids are having fun and drawing, but this is still odd.
No. 205419
File: 1506212172956.jpg (310.04 KB, 650x500, Girls_to_adventure_time_by_xme…)

>>205404>>205390Sage for no contribution but they're supposed to be Adventure Time characters;
No. 205423
>>205409When making your characters demisexual pancakes ze/zem pronoums furry trans amputees is more important than
ya know
No. 205504
>>205422i know that, and i never said that the picture didnt belong here, just said that the art itself was technically good even if the aesthetic isnt for everyone and it's a far cry from the source material. it belongs here because the ridiculous reinterpretation of the characters ruins what could be actually a good piece.
at least sage if you're going to incorrectly thread police, smh
No. 205548
>>205395there could be an entire thread about how cancerous the Adventure Zone fandom is in general. it's such a shame because it's such a good podcast and the McElroys are so lovely.
sage for OT
No. 205553
File: 1506309282846.png (1.15 MB, 640x716, IMG_7699.PNG)

If anyone knows this artists
No. 205583
File: 1506336325221.png (869.74 KB, 1280x923, tumblr_owtdn23zV21wz4ni9o1_128…)

found this in the Endeavor tag on tumblr, people have a real hate boner for him so naturally like any average tumblr artist they make shitty salty art while turning Shouto into a racist caricature
No. 205585
File: 1506336373468.png (451.93 KB, 1280x1683, tumblr_owfzriHjEa1wz4ni9o1_128…)

here some more
No. 205586
File: 1506336396354.jpg (259.46 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_owk5lcpdFr1wz4ni9o1_128…)

No. 205587
File: 1506336417494.png (543.91 KB, 1280x1173, tumblr_owg2ytDd2R1wz4ni9o1_128…)

No. 205588
File: 1506336434581.png (282.46 KB, 1348x491, badgross_tumblr.png)

No. 205590
File: 1506336646870.jpg (92.93 KB, 736x945, c3e62bc71eae71633748304ec5cff4…)

>>205585>>205587this is what they're supposed to look like
No. 205592
>>205587>>205590i fucking HATE when people do this to blatant white/asian characters.
Not because they're making them black but for the fact when someone does the exact same to an already black character and interprets them white its fucking hell on earth.
No. 205624
>>205592but anon, everyone who isn't white is dark and ugly looking, and everyone with pale skin is obviously white and nothing else.
seriously tho it ticks me off too. people who do fan stuff in general are usually extremely needy for attention and creatively bankrupt, which is why they have to use someone else's already popular characters to get noticed. the people who have the gall to make them their own are even worse because they're just pushing what could be OC onto someone else's design for attention. it just so lame.
No. 205626
>>205592>>205624What about when they aren't satisfied with making them black, they gotta make them black with vitiligo
I have no idea where this obsession come from but I saw so many things like this
No. 205635
>>205626obviously plain race-swaps are too mainstream for them, they have to give them kawaii uwu black quirky features too.
tbh i almost want to re-draw all these redraws as 'albino' blacks and see what happens.
No. 205644
>>205635That actually used to be a thing, I remember a homestuck fanfic where everyone was gay (bi rather because all the "gay" characters were or were dating trannies), trans, black, and/or mexican and the two main characters were albino.
It was super popular and hilariously bad. There was a shit load of other fics and art involving albino blacks too in, like, 2015 or so.
No. 205826
File: 1506440865315.png (87.44 KB, 228x275, 1506285073396.png)

>>203414That fucking anatomy
No. 206015
File: 1506483401595.png (1.53 MB, 1280x1508, dcc37f7d-2642-4490-81a4-79211a…)

Yes, because this is exactly what Solid Snake looked like in MGS 2. Ffs Tumblr
No. 206078
File: 1506513757011.jpg (83.36 KB, 427x750, tumblr_owxt9khBHO1v05jsfo1_500…)

Apparently, this is supposed to be a Vocaloid of some kind…
No. 206079
File: 1506513856450.png (165.09 KB, 500x709, tumblr_owxsmuxCOr1wbmw7no1_500…)

Those Hands.
No. 206080
File: 1506514002571.png (109.32 KB, 500x643, tumblr_ow8t79Rfaq1ukeoajo1_500…)

Hands? Nah, let's just give her stumps.
No. 206081
File: 1506514485833.png (137.63 KB, 500x566, tumblr_ov5wja8wsi1txnp95o1_500…)

Sakura? Is that you?
No. 206082
File: 1506514749805.jpg (38.76 KB, 500x372, tumblr_ov5dlys28b1wogcazo1_500…)

Hermione sure looks different these days…
No. 206083
File: 1506514878888.png (55.78 KB, 500x666, tumblr_ov5uy7a94d1wya6guo1_500…)

"Modern Lafayette" Oh boy…
No. 206121
>>206016mine has shown up here which prompted me to clean up my old da and purge all cringy content haha
but i dont check this thread for that reason, i just like seeing all the hilarious/bad art
No. 206134
File: 1506539863597.png (104.11 KB, 345x321, Xbj8J.png)

>>206082The stupidest part about black Hermione is JK Rowling pretending like black Hermione is totally valid.
We all know you didn't intend her to be black, Joanne, hop off that SJW train.
No. 206201
I don't do any of this cringe tumblr shit though, no race swapping, so I guess I'm not on the radar lol
No. 206231
>>206134Every Time people bring up the whole "JK never explains the characters races in the books so we have the freedom to imagine what we want!!!111!!1" It always brings me back to the fact JK herself had a HUGE part in casting for the HP movies and most if not all main characters she had a big part in choosing.
funny how they're all white huh.
The only thing about Hermione is that JK didn't want her didnt be as beautiful as Emma Watson bc she's not supposed to be a pretty character until Goblet of Fire when she attends the ball, thats hermione's "blossoming" moment. She said that if she didn't have a Phone call with Emma Before she saw her irl she wouldn't have cast her because she was so pretty but her personality was a match to hermione so she stuck with it.
I'm not even a die hard fan of HP and i know this, i legit watched 1 interview from her and got all this info.
No. 206246
>>206239Makes me think that the ~legendary~ Jk should be a cow.
It makes me want to hate HP but i just can't bring myself too, it is an amazing series nonetheless
No. 206268
File: 1506621847056.png (155.08 KB, 500x707, tumblr_ox04qgh1Zx1r3eaino1_500…)

Jesus Christ in the flesh.
No. 206285
>>206246Her bullshit actually managed to leave a bitter taste about Harry Potter in my mouth, and I was pretty into it, read some of the books about 10 times since I was a kid.
I'll just stick to LOTR, where people can be white and the author is dead so he can't pretend he intended differently.
No. 206287
File: 1506627918512.jpg (212.77 KB, 1280x914, 3e4ed428c53405b24a14e4de140479…)

>>206082>>206134I think what manages to piss me the utmost is actually Indian Harry rather than Black Hermione.
For fuck's sake people, both these characters are IN THE FUCKING COVERS OF THE BOOKS!!!!!
No. 206302
>>206236>>206231>>206239Worst part is that I'd have a lot more respect for her if she just said "Although Hermione was white, given her messy curly hair and her drive to fight for race equality, I'm happy black girls can identify with her! I happily agree that she could be black, or any given race because that doesn't change who she is."
I'm not even mad they chose a black actress to portray her in the play.
Anyway if you want to keep loving the books, just consider anything on her twitter non-canon.
No. 206309
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No. 206457
File: 1506719774774.png (230.52 KB, 688x941, tumblr_owyqhwHqK31vja9jpo1_128…)

No. 206458
File: 1506719923392.png (485.27 KB, 1280x1032, tumblr_ow8t2sl4pv1w414r4o1_128…)

No. 206459
File: 1506720136869.png (1.06 MB, 1280x1763, tumblr_ox28lfTOla1wo671qo1_128…)

No. 206460
File: 1506720251084.png (68.79 KB, 428x382, tumblr_owyqdxc4hC1wvvmtjo1_500…)

Ok, so this doesn't look too bad right? … and then, the nose.
No. 206461
File: 1506720413745.jpg (109.57 KB, 1016x1016, tumblr_ow8t7xezs91uhn9jeo1_128…)

Ah yes, only the best here, tumblr art style meets the tcc
No. 206522
File: 1506784108287.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.41 MB, 744x4649, 2017_waifus_all_patreon_by_cus…)

>>205553This is Customwaifus / Ayka
No. 206526
File: 1506790073848.jpg (102.1 KB, 500x668, wh.jpg)

No. 206542
Fuck this meme mock anime in the ass.
And its unfunny washed out tumblr jokes.
No. 206577
File: 1506827544377.png (201.62 KB, 746x1072, IMG_2744.PNG)

How does she not get tired of drawin the same thing over and over..
No. 206598
File: 1506862250694.png (155.21 KB, 750x713, IMG_2745.PNG)

>>206578I guess. But this is just the same Down syndrome face drawn again and again. She even drew sailor moon with this face.
No. 206601
File: 1506865641809.png (68 KB, 750x910, IMG_5711.PNG)

This artist has 3,000 followers. There's no attempt at anatomy in any of their pieces and they pretty much got big over skinny, out of proportion, dogs.
No. 206624
>>206603when i said technical, i was talking about rendering. some just like the act of drawing rather than creating a drawing.This girl seemed more interested in soft shading, creating planes on the face (like that nose), and drawing clean lines rather than making something unique. thought it might be the reason why she draws the same face over and over again and not get tired, since that was
>>206577 main complaint
No. 206722
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No. 206728
File: 1506920972873.jpg (Spoiler Image,51.9 KB, 447x600,…)

Anyone remember Snapesnogger?
No. 206747
File: 1506934541790.jpeg (137.19 KB, 719x1280, shitty tumblr dr art.jpeg)

Why do these people love to ruin Danganronpa so much?
No. 206752
>>206728>>206729besides the fetish stuff looks like typical 2000s animeish deviantart art to me
strange how the internet picks its victims
No. 206811
File: 1506966552892.jpg (73.43 KB, 858x1199, DLGUcKJWkAAIAZK.jpg)

this was drawn in 2017
No. 206822
File: 1506971770706.jpg (Spoiler Image,54.66 KB, 500x429, tumblr_inline_ox21hxpDXV1rlzcf…)

>>180901Well it's not bad but I'm getting real tired of tumblr doing this for the sake of joking about it
No. 206826
>>206822I thought the pairing was new Pennywise and the Babadook?
Either way it's weird af.
No. 207026
File: 1507038060739.gif (1.29 MB, 500x276, tamra-judge-vicki-gunvalson-ap…)

>>206900anatomy, really. see
>>203165Sure it's stylized but not in a way that looks intentional and in control. just looks like they didn't know any better
No. 207234
>>207119Yeah, I think so. I have no idea why the artist did that other than "muh diversity!!111"
>>207095I agree.
No. 207272
>>207258the threads called bad/hideous art
sure some of it might be 'stylized but not bad' but it sure as hell dont look good
No. 207274
>>182871Damn Joker is one thicc bih, lemme get that clussy.
But it looks like they are wearing those Mexican boots with the really long toes
No. 207279
File: 1507144389577.jpg (109.03 KB, 1189x1069, 13603516_10154995084557366_603…)

No. 207280
File: 1507144491985.jpg (18.04 KB, 512x512, 527230_10152194193412366_17837…)

>>207279Their free hand art
No. 207366
File: 1507160253982.png (191.23 KB, 500x522, 1507153260553.png)

Have some more Yuri on Ice cringe.
No. 207416
>>207366>>207367Jesus fucking christ, I heard the YOI crowd on tumblr was cringy (unsurprisingly) but this is worse than I could ever imagine.
Also yes I'm assuming this is from tumblr, even if it isn't, I'm blaming it on them.
No. 207443
>>207366>>207367Ughhhhhh! He looks like a trans garbage bag of shit.
Yuuri's weight fluctuations were inspired by Honda Takeshi, who thicker, but still athletic and clearly not a massive beast. It pisses me of that "fans" don't care about this at all.
No. 207484
File: 1507236377862.jpg (406.72 KB, 1319x937, artshit.jpg)

>>207292>>207466i'm not talking about some fan art because tbh i'm not involved in fandoms and don't watch much anime, so i don't even know what all these characters are or about some fatty pictures of minorities but more about like this shitty paint pic related
do these pieces have flaws? sure! like it's obvious how for example in the bottom image the characters having the same exact damn face is jarring, but the style otherwise looks funky and fun, little tweaking with some anatomy stuff and maybe not giving all characters shovel hands either would help too.
or the pencil neck guy, once again little tweaks in anatomy, making his arms longer and better shoulders and this could look some vaguely old gorillaz type of stuff, the colors are nicely ugly though.
the other have weird faces and look kinda ugly but otherwise the art looks decent enough, kinda medicore but not horrible. sure that picture with the couple, the artist could probably use more attention to other parts of the characters than just faces the dude's arm looks lumpy but i haven't seen more art from her. maybe it's because i grew with euro comics i really do not understand why people are getting their panties twisted over weird noses, nose is a basic feature to exaggerate though yes it is annoying that everyone is basically copying steven universe noses and not coming up with stuff of their own.
sure over stylizing might not work for the artists point like if they're going for more commercial comic stuff and story telling having some super ugly stylized stuff might just putt people off their work, but in some context the ugliness works for them.
No. 207526
>>207525i have studied art for 20 years and have taught art. i think i have rather better based opinion on this stuff compared to people who just want to see shit from their already biased lense.
i mean sure i have my own biases but that's more about being fine arts hipster than some cartoon stuff.
(no one cares) No. 207528
File: 1507255740590.jpg (102.93 KB, 500x440, Reaction-pictures-laughing.jpg)

>>207526>>muh qualifications make muh opinion more validIt's an anonymous online forum pal, your qualifications mean nothing. I'm an astronaut and have 3 PhDs, don't discuss with me.
No. 207567
>>207526I bet this is the same person who mentioned what "they teach in art school" twice in the annoying artist thread.
It's like one of those jumped up traditionalists from ic that think they have TEH SPARK but never post their work
No. 207793
File: 1507449615265.jpg (1000.02 KB, 1050x1134, 1506772438469.jpg)

>No other life forms know they are alive, and neither do they know they will die. This is our curse alone. Without this hex upon our heads, we would never have withdrawn as far as we have from the natural—so far and for such a time that it is a relief to say what we have been trying with our all not to say: We have long since been denizens of the natural world. Everywhere around us are natural habitats, but within us is the shiver of startling and dreadful things. Simply put: We are not from here. If we vanished tomorrow, no organism on this planet would miss us. Nothing in nature needs us.
No. 207794
File: 1507449874184.png (614.78 KB, 1023x719, 1505190883478.png)

>For optimists, human life never needs justification, no matter how much hurt piles up, because they can always tell themselves that things will get better. For pessimists, there is no amount of happiness—should such a thing as happiness even obtain for human beings except as a misconception—that can compensate us for life’s hurt. As a worst-case example, a pessimist might refer to the hurt caused by some natural or human-made cataclysm. To adduce a hedonic counterpart to the horrors that attach to such cataclysms would require a degree of ingenuity from an optimist, but it could be done. And the reason it could be done, the reason for the eternal stalemate between optimists and pessimists, is that no possible formula can be established to measure proportions and types of hurt and happiness in the world. If such a formula could be established, then either pessimists or optimists would have to give in to their adversaries
No. 207795
File: 1507450143590.png (344.45 KB, 461x610, 1505808359520.png)

No. 207801
File: 1507451657486.png (642.66 KB, 1025x780, beastly_she_hulk_by_dim357-dau…)

This guy is really out there
No. 208280
File: 1507743765322.png (340.9 KB, 1280x552, tumblr_oxo6gdYbe31ufd55go1_128…)

No. 208283
File: 1507744183090.png (Spoiler Image,1.63 MB, 1280x1707, tumblr_oxo56jwl1E1vb1ouno1_128…)

Not only bad art, but horrendous concept.
No. 208284
File: 1507744327151.png (54.85 KB, 500x500, tumblr_oxmt60oprR1vy3etyo1_500…)

I see someone's cosplaying as dumbo this year.
No. 208285
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No. 208286
File: 1507744715897.png (Spoiler Image,245.5 KB, 1280x1912, tumblr_oxmyq2NfEG1tryiqlo1_128…)

Button nips anyone?
No. 208288
File: 1507744859807.jpg (460.98 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_oxmc9hVUdj1we392po1_128…)

Who needs to learn human anatomy when there's SHAPES?
No. 208290
File: 1507744951368.jpg (209.09 KB, 1280x886, tumblr_oxmjnaGNlJ1w1zv2bo1_128…)

More Yuri for your dying eyes.
No. 208292
File: 1507744992429.jpg (138.45 KB, 1280x886, tumblr_oxmjnaGNlJ1w1zv2bo2_128…)

Yuri pt.2
No. 208323
>>208317Yes. It was a mixture of them and popular TV series, such as Steven Universe (of which, if I remember correctly, some of the animators of said show went to CalArts themselves, which made shit artistic stylization choices like giant, triangle red noses and bean mouths, not to mention sausage fingers and sight-destroying bright colours that often don't match wit h each other. Of course, children see these popular shows, see how "popular" they are, wish to gain that same attention, so they imitate. Unfortunately, it is a big mistake, just like the terrible "how-to-draw" anime books of the early 00's, many artists down the line will look back at this disaster of a "style" and live to regret it.
No. 208362
File: 1507780894150.jpg (47.57 KB, 258x304, wtf.jpg)

>>208283someone please explain to me, anatomy-wise, wtf is going on here
I get that they're skeletons, but I can't even tell what species they're skeletons of, or how penetration is even occurring
No. 208410
File: 1507807068056.png (923.01 KB, 1280x1549, tumblr_oxojedrHmu1r0uck5o1_128…)

No. 208771
>>208362>I can't even tell what species they're skeletons ofSkeleton centaur, I guess? Does the game even contain any? Never picked it up.
>or how penetration is even occurringMagic
No. 209375
>>200860I love it. It’s a great super hero type show that I would have adored if I was a kid. The over the top animation is pretty neat and fits pretty well, though.
Like a really light hearted, childish version of my hero academia
No. 210242
File: 1509326177307.jpg (480.72 KB, 1208x795, lelcringe.jpg)

This artist is popular for their Edgy mother 3/earthbound ask blogs on tumblr but honestly their whole style is just so…bad… esp when it comes to their ocs.
This is a "redesign" of the same oc. the right is the newer one. Their weird gore/vore fetish shows up a lot its goldmine tbh.
No. 210311
this is their oc blog specifically, they have links to their like 500 other art blogs through it also
No. 224485
File: 1516150847617.jpeg (169.55 KB, 700x1000, BC7475A2-9B42-4162-A055-DF8662…)

Marina redesign
No. 224487
File: 1516151794161.jpg (86.13 KB, 750x1000, CHOuQkB.jpg)

>>224485I don't know what's atrocious about this, unless you hate those round Hikimayu-like brows.