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No. 181299
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Yes! I'm not very proficient but I love TTRPG's, though I never seem to find any groups to play with. I was using Roll20 to play with my nephew and his group but they don't seem to run games anymore. I like playing D&D 3.5e and 5e and have also done some VtM. Hell, years ago I even did a VtM LARP. I've looked locally but the shops that run games all seem to be on the other side of town from me and I don't really want to make that drive. But other than that I'm a functioning alcoholic so I'm a little wary about driving so far when I know I'll be drinking. I wish I could get involved with a group again though, I had so much fun.
No. 181327
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>>181296I actually know a girl in her 20's who still RP's on horse forums, as well as some weird cat forum. From what I gathered about both forums, they're really strict with ridiculous rules and shit. Yeah, she's that weird "horse girl" everyone had in their school or knew as a kid.
>>181295I RP when I play Skyrim. I downloaded a journal mod to keep track of my characters thoughts and the story line, as well as adding a bunch of mods to make gameplay more realistic and immersive.
I always wanted to try out a tabletop RPG but don't have any friends so that's a no-go. LARPing gets a bad rep sometimes but I think it could be fun too, assuming you find a good group of people who aren't too autistic about it.
Pic related is impressive LARPers
No. 181333
>>181327I would -love- to LARP. Incidentally, watching the LARPing kid in Role Models made me want to try it. Yeah it looks kind of faggy but damn if the nerdy autist in me doesn't want to give it a go. I'd have to buy costumes, though. No sewing or artistic talent.
Also, I think you can find D&D groups online that use Roll20 like
>>181299 said.
No. 181358
>>181352That sounds awesome, you should go for it! Maybe the people running the group can give you some advice?
I used to RP a lot in ESO for a couple years until the drama got too insane. Now I RP in GW2 but there is tons of drama there too so I don't know how long I will last. I would really like to get into D&D. Some of my ESO friends put together a group but we only played 1 game before the DM was too busy to keep going.
If any of you guys want to start a lolcow group I'd totally be down.
No. 181366
>>181327Can you expand on the Skyrim RP ? I got tired of the game after completing all the guild's quests and tried to make it more fun on my own.
Always end up with an archer and the same choices so I wanted to try building a unique character with its own personality.
No. 181378
>>181296Shiiit anon. I started on a horse forum. And then a Harry Potter one after that. You just saying that jogged my memory of it, holy shit.
>>181377How did he fuck up?
And I am currently GMing a 7th Sea campaign irl that I'm kinda running by the skin of my teeth since planning too far ahead is too time consuming. I'm very much a loose plan GM that kinda gets inspired mostly by what the characters do and kinda shape it around that.
And apologies for venting but I am kinda annoyed though. One of the players is an utter stick in the mud when it comes to any genre he doesn't like and we tried to find a bunch of settings and games he might like, but he has a terrible attitude about them all and won't try anything. It's kinda obnoxious now. I'm towards the point where I say 'fuck it we're gonna do what everyone else wants'.
No. 181382
>>181358Yeah, Ive reached out a little bit to the few people I sort of know who play, but I dont want to come off as inexperienced or incapable of doing it for myself.
Id totally be down to join a lolcow game though.
No. 181387
>>181378Just say it's like a "majority rules" type deal. If he doesn't like it he can leave.
I'm down for a lolcow dnd group. I haven't played much and I definitely couldn't DM but we could do it on roll20 n shit. It's got built in cs, voice chat, etc
No. 181392
>>181387 and EST. for the rest of the month I'm available pretty much anytime, starting in March evenings only and needing to end before midnight EST due to early morning classes. Totally open on weekends. Maybe a weekend group would be best? What do you guys think?
No. 181394
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Anyone played Shadowrun?
No. 181395
>>181392>>181393I'm in MST, yeah this will be interesting to see when we can play. Weekends are certainly more open for me but I can usually do Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings. Sometimes during the day on Sundays. I've played 3.5e and 5e so either edition is fine for me, but I'm willing to try out any TTRPG.
>>181391Awesome, finding a DM is usually the hardest part.
No. 181407
>>181395>>181393>>181392>>181391Would you guys like me to set up a discord for the group? That way we can organize this and get an idea of who is on board.
>>181405That's pretty cool. I used to RP on messengers when I was younger, but anyone I've done that with I've long since drifted away from. It'd be cool to RP outside of already established universes.
No. 181408
>>181407Roleplaying anon here.
Its really fun developing a world and our own characters, we know so much about them all and stupid things like how each person takes their coffee or what ice cream flavour they like.
I've always really enjoyed writing, I think its why roleplay always appealed to me.
No. 181426
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>>181366There are a bunch of mods to make RPing in Skyrim easier and more fun. If you don't want to start off in the default way, try the mod, "Alternate Start". You still create your character in the same way but they have a variety of beginning storyline choices. I basically just thought up a complete backstory for my character and developed her over time as I played the game. When I play, I take my time and don't just rush from quest to quest. I play how you would actually live - stopping for food and water, camping at night, etc.
I really recommend the journal mod, "Take Notes". I write in this before I stop playing for the day and basically use it to sum up whatever happened in-game and write out my character's thoughts. The more in depth your characters background story, the more you'll get out of the journal mod. It can really help you develop your character by giving you a chance to think like them and put yourself in their shoes. Where did they come from? What were they like as a child? How do current events affect your character? What are their likes and dislikes?
There are plenty of immersion mods out there. I only picked the ones that I thought you were fun without making things too difficult. Ones like "Realistic Skinning", "Campfire", "iNeed Food/Water/Sleep", etc. There are a few popular weather ones out there like "Frostfall", but having to worry about frostbite and all that is a little too immersive. Just having the weather be a bit more realistic is good enough for me. If your computer can handle, improving the overall quality of the games looks can help with immersion too. For me, it's the little things that make it immersive instead of using a bunch of overhaul mods. Browse NexusMods and see what looks good to you.
No. 181700
>>181650You know. I've been hearing horror stories about this for years and I want to play it.
As for me and TTG, I love it but had a rocky start. I always made characters and had no one to play with but then I got a bf who was into it and his best friend wanted to play. Fucking awesome.
But I had to be DM.
I never actually played before and only knew the rules through reading and not action. But I went all out and made up a somewhat simple storyline about these witch sisters that were plaguing several towns. I drew all the NPCs, cut them out and put then on popsicle sticks like puppets and had different voice for them. Drew the maps, wrote out the lore, and picked out the music to play for each dungeon. I was excited but nervous. But then we played.
Speghetti spilled everywhere.
>stuttered on my voices for the NPCs.>Dungeon puzzle was too hard for me to keep track of even thought I came up wit it. It was filled with mirrors that transported you to different rooms, some of which had riddles that if you failed, you had to fight a kobold. >Kept getting the rolls all wrong>The boys said I was terrible at this and should never GM againSo I didn't. BUT that didn't stop me for wanting to play. BF decided to GM this time and we had more people.
>He gets mad when newbie players don't understand the rolls or what to do>Had stupid hard fights for newbie players>We had multiple games but they only lasted 1-2 sessions because we would all die from fights or not keeping track of time, food, and resources >"It's my job as a DM to make your lives hell."We all lost interest for a while. He was used to rulenazis and hardass GMs he would watch in prison. (He was a correctional officer, not actual prisoner. You wouldn't know it by looking at him though, underweight nerd looking guy)
But then I discovered online RP through IRC and Roll20. Playing with several GMs, homebrew games, and such helped me get a good grasp of how to play.
Now my bf, his friend, and I are players in a 5e campaign and I'm enjoying it.
>mob of kobolds up ahead. The guys want to rush in and and start fighting. Our practice run showed our characters can die pretty easily.>I cast sleep on them before they get there so we tie em up and interrogate them instead.>one player drunk off his ass and going on a tanget irl>Both he and I are at 2 and 3HP from a previous fight. I keep asking him for the potions he has but he's not listening>sleight of hand>use potion on self then bash another over his dragonborn head to heal him.>he didn't even notice I did this until we told him the next day when he's sober.>find the farmer's daughter who's frightened >calm her down with my princely smooth talking and give her candy>actually give candy to the DM I retrieve from my pocket>gain inspiration from thisFuck yea, this shit is fun. It helps we all love in the same apartment complex too. I really want to play an evil campaign someday.
No. 188010
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>tfw when too chicken to join an rp group because of poor social skill
No. 188092
>>187908This is an all too familiar scenario. RP is getting stupid social justice shit all the fucking time. It's infested my fave system WoD and it sucks. I'm glad my group is just my friends who are chill.
And that's absolute bollocks they wouldn't let you play the character you wanted. Like, wtf kinda authority are they on race anyway? Fuck them. And isn't it hypocritical to say that you can only RP the race you physically are? And make most adventures then 98 percent WHITE characters? So stupid.
No. 275473
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Started to RP on Neopets, improved HEAVILY on Gaia/RP Forums, hit a stride on Tumblr until, you know, that went straight to hell with the whole clique-y popular kid clubs and everyone took themselves too seriously/got catty so I ducked out and haven't been back in 3 years
kind of scared to peek and see what kind of shambles it's in nowadays.
Don't get me wrong, being in the cool kid's club of favorism was neat for a while but it gets… Boring.
I really miss playing for the fun of it and using our OC's to have fun that turn into legit plot bunnies.
I still remember my fondest partners and miss them terribly and check in on them from a distance now and then.
Really wish I could find a new community to play with and get back into writing.
No. 275562
>>275473Anon, are you me?
Same story except I moved to avidgamers from Neopets until AG got shut down.
I'm honestly burnt out though. I wanna get back into forum rp so badly but everyone just flakes these days. I miss the old days of MSN because I feel that really helped solidify rp partnerships so that partners were more likely to keep up with plots long-term.
I'm so tired of developing stories with someone and having them up and leave forever with no warning.
No. 275753
>>181378holy shit I didn't even notice this reply for a year
He fucked it up by having an entire group of humans in WoD get their first taste of the supernatural by facing fucking werewolves. And winning.
By the end we did stupid shit like launch an assault on Arcadia in fucking power armour. He just didn't grasp horror at all.
>>188092>It's infested my fave system WoD and it sucks.That's why I stick to nWoD 1e
No. 275848
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I've been roleplaying in the same rpg by forum for three years now. It's really good, the DM knows his shit, and since there aren't too many players it's pretty cozy and we're all friends. We also have a group chat where we're either memeing about our characters or giving each other advice for strategies, or just talking about our life. Ideal rpg by forum situation. There are both guys and girls, no one acts like a creep, no incels, no I'm-not-like-other-girls snowflakes. I will never leave that place
No. 429931
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I hate to necro but It's so goddamn hard finding other women to tabletop/rp with that aren't some twisted brand of SJ-tainted. Like, it's genuinely exhausting to deal with being black and having white girls you play with freak as soon as a little discrimination against FICTIONAL races that aren't even paralleling real ethnicities crops up, or as soon as a bigoted character shows up. I get it- it's fantasy, so fuck it, fuck canon, fuck everything! But jesus christ I just want a game/rp where shit can get dark and nobody will start talking about things being problematic mid-game when it was advertised as dark.Jesus fucking christ.
I'm actually so desperate that I'm on the brink of making an ad on the /g/ friend finder to pick up some women with more imageboard-innoculated attitudes, but it's kind of high pressure. I'm not particularly averse to the males I rp with, because they're actually capable of socializing with females, but they feel like gems in a sea of misogynistic /tg/ retards and it feels like I need fresh blood after hanging with them for years… but I have no idea whether anyone would actually want to form a group for the purpose I'm hoping for. It's rough. Especially since I don't really have a particular rp or tabletop idea in mind to GM/set up… I kind of just want some other women to sperg out about OCs with, nostalgically.
I really feel like the death of general open chatrooms on niche sites- or, like, deviantart- made this a lot more difficult, but god damn. I just want some autistic-ass OC buddies to make our OCs interact goofily with without scrote incelisms infecting it. Christ.
No. 429954
>>429948I remember being pretty diverse back in the day- I'd just whip up a character and hop into an ongoing forum rp for the joy of writing and characterization and whatnot. Anything with a nice focus on characterization is great, really- I could do fantasy, modern, sci-fi, even elaborate homemade settings with lots of worldbuilding as long as it gave me something to sink my teeth into.
I just love talking about what my OCs would do and think in a situation, especially since I spent a lot of my life basically maladaptively daydreaming and making fantasies up… It's a much less lonely pursuit than writing a book or some shit when you can do it with friends, get all immersed in a setting, and share cool topical things like period fashion or NPC art.
No. 429959
>>429954>>429948i've always thought that maybe roleplay would be a good outlet for wanting to write things…I haven't the drive to write a book but I've always had a story and characters for a few.
it could be nice to try, but i also understand your stance on making an ad being nervewracking, screening for freaks would be odd
even though you'd probably just have to impress some weeaboo neet girls at worst
No. 430000
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>>429960A little lolcow oc talk/rp group could be nice… It could even function as a game finder for tabletop anons, like that one lolcow dnd game above?
No. 430017
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>>429931Same anon. I had the luck of finding one other girl to RP with in 2011 and we've remained friends ever since, but even then i hunger for more people to autistically sperg with. Like REALLY sperg out over ocs in a constant basis like i used to do back in the day. That shit was fun. Nowadays there's very few people who i can delve in with deeper topics, most of the time i'm forced to remain superficial mentioning simple things about a character. I'm too scared to make a mistake and find out the person i'm talking to is super SJ and will chimp out at me.
Maybe I'm retarded but I've only lucked out once or twice in finding another woman that has an imageboard… attitude? I don't know what to call it. Maybe it's a case of "I'm not like the other girls!" but i would really love to connect with other women with similar interests and aren't scared of RP with depth.
>>429954>>429960Seriously? I thought i was the only one who did this. I have daydreamed all my life slowly forming this worldbuilding web of ideas but i've never actually written anything down. I kind of just Know what goes where. I don't even know what the fuck i'm going to do with my characters and my world, part of me wants to get seriously into a series/comic since i can draw but i'm not autistic or talented enough to do so. I think I'm just sticking to daydreaming for now, it's more fun.
No. 430030
>>430000Sure, what platform would be the best to use?
>>430017You're definitely not alone. I'm sure a lot more people have really detailed world building going on in their heads than one might think, it's just not something people advertise usually. It's funny because it's such a huge part of my psyche, but I can't just casually drop "Oh, yeah, I have this autistically epic fantasy plot that's been playing out in my head for hours every day for, like, five years" into a conversation. My desire to make it into a comic one day is sort of how I justify it to myself. Telling people I have creative ambitions lets them in on that aspect of my life without tipping them off to the full scale of the sperging in play.
>Maybe it's a case of "I'm not like the other girls!"Not necessarily, anon. I love LC because it's really comforting to see women say exactly what they mean without holding back, and it's the only place I can do the same. Once you get used to the hilariously unfiltered culture here, it's hard to go back, lol.
No. 430070
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>>430013I think a bunch of creative anons is a great way of learning!
>>430030I'm glad I'm not alone. I want to make a comic with my creative worldbuilding stuff too!
Discord could be good with its channels and whatnot… It could be really nice and even good for mentoring newbies like the above? We don't even have to dive straight into rp, we can just worldbuild and talk shop about our stuff prior! And then everything else can come second. It'll be nice to have a place to vent our creative ideas for once…
No. 430080
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now that this thread is alive again please can someone teach me dnd and play with me… i have always wanted to get more into RPing but i've parted ways with every friend who used do play. i really need some female friends who are into fantasy and want to do nerd stuff with like mtg and tapletop stuff.
>mfw this get no replies
No. 430207
>>430070I've never used Discord before, is it just like a chatroom of old? It'd be fun to have a general character-sperging and creative idea discussion space. I'm really curious about other farmers' ideas.
I don't know if any of you have visited the world-building subreddit before but it's abysmal. It's got very little interesting discussion but lots of dudes sharing their fetish-based fantasy worlds.
No. 430209
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>>430080I actually just started getting into MtG again! We can all try and learn together without dealing with bullshit meta decks, that could be great!
>>430207It's got a chatroom style format, for sure- it has the little banners and everything.
Maybe I'll set one up tonight? A farmer space would be really great for this kind of thing since I feel like dudes tend to get into the crunchiest, number heaviest, "gotta win" styles of play in games from what I've read on /tg/ and that sounds… Annoying. Actual creativity group sounds like a refreshing break, especially since it can kind of offset the more annoying parts of male media.
I'll set up a discord server tonight, I think! I've got a lot of free time.
No. 430253
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>>430222Doing it now! I'm just really struggling with mobile discord because I'm in a waiting room rn lmao, I'll probably be able to fix it up a lot more effectively when I'm home
I think that in the spirit of this thread, I'll not define any roles or the name too distinctly- so we can all chip into choosing a good name. Probably not going to break up discussion channels too much unless it seems necessary, too, since I kind of liked that in old chatrooms the discussion would just flow from OCs to video games, film or anime discussion, personal life stuff, then more plot ideas again… It kind of fosters discussion nicely! Once the join's up later, we can all pitch in our server management ideas and polish it to a nice shine.
It'd be super fun to get a nice mix of veterans and newbies in here- whether it's aspiring writers, dollmaker girls, weebs or fantasy/sci fi novel buffs as the newcomers and like, 40k fanatics or DnD DMs or actual active forum posters as the old guard… ironically, the subject really does get you daydreaming already! so comfy sounding…
No. 430355
>>430253sent before post was ready, sorry
can we have a channel for posting related music lol? it's pretty autistic but i definitely have oc themes i've been hanging onto for a long time
it's also nice to collect tunes for rps and tabletop games, those resources are hard to find when you're not digging for VGMs
No. 431771
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I'm currently running a Pathfinder module that's a hell of a lot of fun. Really excited to try out the Witcher tabletop RPG soon too that I received at Free RPG Day, as well as Pathfinder 2,
My fav is Delta Green by far though, I just love psychological horror/exploration based games.
Anyone give Starfinder a go since since it's now on Roll20? What did you think? My players don't like the setting as much as Pathfinder.
No. 431844
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>>431456I'm sorry, nobody gave input on the music thing so I thought they weren't interested! Hahah.. Sorry about the wait! I gotta be less nervous…
I'm glad you guys actually do want in though… I added the music thing anyway because I'm weak djfjdj Here we go! I cordially invite any inexperienced lady oc makers, dollmaker addicts, writers, and worldbuilders side by side with old guard rpers and tabletoppers to hang~
No. 434642
I live pretty close to the biggest LARPing village in North America anons want to go with me?
No. 463976
>>463967what's wrong with a bit of self insertion? also, if you've never written a female character before, chances are your first one will be a bit Mary sue ish because that's the easiest place to start.
it's inevitable that a piece of you will enter your character, all characters have pieces of their authors mixed in. male characters written by men are low-key Gary stus/self inserts anyway.
No. 464085
>>463967I'm the opposite. I can't really write male characters. Luckily I don't have an interest in that anyway, since so much of the media I like is about men already.
Don't worry about your character being a Mary Sue, because it's better than her being totally boring. Besides, if you're roleplaying, other people won't indulge a Mary Sue character which should help you reign her OP-ness in.
No. 464220
i very rarely play female characters, they have to be a specific type. for whatever reason i too feel more comfortable and less self-inserty. also as far as sex goes, i like to write the one with the dick. ig because i don't find it all that interesting to write on the receiving end regardless of if my girl is topping or not.
No. 471575
>>188010Come on Anon, thats like being afraid to listen to K-pop because of your bmi.
>>429931I get what you mean, I wish whites would find a happy medium between asking permission to have an opinion and da joos. Dark stuff is fine as long as its not edge for the sake of edge. It allows for more character growth too. Especially for characters with black and white morality.
No. 475495
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I'm retarded and I got emotionally invested in this roleplay I was doing and the universe and all the characters we were writing and then my roleplay partner just ditched me. I've been emo for the past week. I feel like I have RP trust issues now, how do you know they won't just abandon you.
We put so much effort and time into world-building with them. I feel like I've lost a friend…
No. 475515
>>475511I think fandoms were even more male dominated on early internet days, it was a total sausage fest, but the niches that women participated in were untouched , boys thought it would give them cooties, unlike now when geeks play up how into they are Sailor Moon and girly hobbies.
Also, the bar of entry, as with anything else back then was still higher than the lowest common denominator culture of today. People still acted very formally when adressing others within a community, forums were very closely knit and cozy sometimes and most normies and dickheads were afraid of PCs and didn´t understood the internet, now every pleb with broadband is acting like only b/tards used to behave back then.
No. 485948
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Anyone else too embarrassed to mention RPing as a hobby? Since I rp through Tumblr I just say it's writing when asked, but I never show either.
Also, I have really bad anxiety and can only RP with like, two friends who are both busy with school. And since it's on Tumblr it's hard to find non specialgender people who also like to obliterate images or characters in filters for icons/graphics, see image.
No. 486945
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It's hard to describe, but I'm really frustrated about how much I miss forum roleplay yet also bitter because communities seem so shit nowadays. I attempted to get back into it a few years ago and I hated what the general culture had become. People fretted over stupid, frivolous bullshit like graphics, faceclaims, and plotting more than the actual fucking writing. The last one I attempted to be part of had so much regulation you couldn't do anything significant without explicit admin permission and everyone was super autistic about their shitty OCs. I get it, everyone self-inserts a little bit, but you could just sense the deeply seated insecurity on so many of these players. I couldn't stomach it.
I'm probably too old for this shit anyway, but damn I miss just writing with a handful of other dorks and just seeing where shit takes us.
No. 752044
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I actually have a question, I’ve been roleplaying with my BFF for almost 3 years with the same characters, they’ve grown but I don’t know what to do anymore, she’s fixated with these characters and I have to constantly make scenarios, yet I feel like I’ve lost what made my characters themselves and I don’t know how to go back, because she will also end the roleplay after a while because she got bored and such.
No. 752066
>>752047Yeah, I’ve made a bunch of AUs with her, we actually changed the original setting and kept an AU as the main Universe because it seemed more interesting.
I wish she could let it end already, a few months ago we got to roleplay about a cute pairing we got into and I wish we could move on to that, it’s nice to have a change of pace after mulling over plot heavy stuff for so long.
No. 752085
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since this thread is alive again, how do i get into roll20? i haven't played ttrpgs since i was a teen and never online (except forum roleplay on kid sites way back in the day). i want to get into it either by myself or with my bf. do i just join anything? almost every group says "welcome to new players" but does that actually mean they are? anything i should know/avoid?
No. 752186
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did anybody use to roleplay on tumblr back in the day? i miss it so much. i used to be active in several rp communities on there and made many friends through it. it was so sad to see it die slowly. does anybody know if any alternative sites exist for roleplay like that? i don't really want to create my own characters to roleplay with, but i love taking underdeveloped characters from anime or video games and giving them more detailed personalities and backstories!
No. 752413
>>752400>Everywhere is filled with minors and weirdosFucking amen. I want to rp SO bad but I just can't because of the fujo 14 year olds
(nothing wrong with bl but still) or weird, weird stuff.
No. 752420
>>752413I made a server for us to rp:[Redacted]
I didn't even know what to put as a group photo, but hey this could be fun
(do not advertise) No. 754071
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Does anyone have experience with the RP community on FFXIV or suggestions to find other RPers? I would love to RP again, but I've only ever been to "club" venues where it's really a mixed bag for the quality of RP you get (very casual, no quotations marks vs descriptions and dialogue).
Many of the RP blogs and event listings I've found are inactive, and all the RP resources I've found on twitter are all from ERPers who also make a ton of SFM porn, which is a community I'm not really interested in associating myself with.
No. 754359
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For all you nostalgic bitches wanting to do text RP again like it's 2005, is a place that exists for that purpose. I've never gotten into it because I gots the 80HD real bad, but it seems pretty promising if you're motivated. God I miss being 12 when I had a limitless attention span for roleplaying pirates on neopets and furcadia. Fuck.