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No. 181432
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Hey, it's Ok anon. We'll always have Harvest Moon.
No. 181435
File: 1487298979505.jpg (15.59 KB, 300x225, 29D.jpg)

OP, is this your dream guy?
No. 181446
>>181441lmao shut up. I grew up on a farm and it was work like any other, yeah it's hard but so are other jobs. There's this thing called technology so you can sit on a machine while it ploughs your field for you or ring a vet to shove their own hand into a cow's arse for you. In fact you're legally obligated to do so. And any farmer worth their salt is also a capable entrepreneur with employees and suppliers.
What's actually difficult is finding farming supplies that aren't laden with all kinds of weird chemicals that make you sprout tits at age 6 and sustaining the crops without them, especially if you live in a harsh climate with poor soil and nothing but rock.
Nobody serious churns their own butter or milks their own cows anymore.
No. 181448
>>181446lmao look at this anti gmo nonsense; it makes you look like a nutter
>>181423if you like this lifestyle you can try it for yourself. try wwofing or something lmao
No. 181461
>>181423My childhood! ;_;
Except we raised horses and a few chickens instead of sheep. My dad did a lot of engine repair too.
You can have this life op, it's in appalachia It exists there now, if you want it. Best not to romanticize it too much tho; My mom is one of those irrepressibly cheery people that sings while shovelling shit. She has a small garden but we never subsisted solely on our own produce. Most of my protein came from fish & venison. Hope you won't miss trader joe's.
Me on the other hand– I HATE chopping wood. My dad got a hydraulic log splitter when I was 11 and I could've kissed the old bastard.
You will never have money.
The local schools will be shit.
Your kids will either leave when they grow, or become unemployed pillheads. I left.
It leaves a dude in a weird spot. I hate cities and throngs of people, but there's no money or work at home. Choose wisely. And make sure your kids have access to shittons of books and the inclination to read them all.